8th International Colloids Conference
10th Jun 2018 to 13th Jun 2018 Shanghai, , Netherlands
ďƒź Colloid and Interface Science is a central science, spanning many disciplines. ďƒź As such, Colloid and Interface Sciences are key to a wide range of new technologies and new challenges; ďƒź For example, energy generation and storage, nanomedicine and drug delivery, sensing and diagnostics, advanced materials, climate change and resource efficiency.
ďƒź This meeting aims to attract international researchers to communicate and share the latest developments in these fastmoving and continually expanding fields. ďƒź The conference is being held in Shanghai in recognition of the signicant and impressive contributions made by China to Colloid and Interface Sciences.
ďƒźThis conference venue will provide Attendees with unique opportunities to meet and learn from each other, to forge new scientic relationships and international collaborations.
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