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The Bijou Blog is f or those interested in provocative thoughts, gay history, sex, porn and popular culture As a gay porn company we have taken an interest through out the years in all aspects of gay lif e, gay society and gay sexuality. When we
f irst started writing our thoughts and opinions in the 1980's in the old Bijou Video Catalog and mail-order f liers, we got f ueled on the responses f rom our customers . Well as you can imagine that led us to some very interesting discoveries about ourselves, we realized that we enjoyed writing interesting and provocative thoughts on gay history, gay sexual history, gay porn and gay popular culture; and that being involved in Gay Porn was f or us a learning experience in every f acet of gay lif e. Over the last 30 years we have written on Ronald Reagan, T he Meese Commission, the Porn Industry, Hollywood, the college experience, popular T.V shows etc. We have tried to bring to lif e the men who made the porn Industry, those gay porn stars of the 1970s and 1980s, the directors and Studios. We also know that we live in the real world where pop culture and politics as well as the men, women and events in gay history around the world has shaped our world of today. So please take the time to browse through our writings and enjoy.
Featured Blogs
How Many Ways Can I Love I Say Hairy Masturbate: Chests on Guys: Do You? Let Me Count the Ways Part of the joy of Everyone's talking about f avorite sex is Jewish grandmother, how we use euphemisms the late,and great idioms Ann Landers, and addressed other creative ways practically to communicate every type one of sexuality and of those “not in f ront gender of issue the children� in her column ranging f rom actions. Looking masturbation at T he Big Book to makeup of f or the older Talking Dirty, I waswoman. amazedYes, and she even discussed hairy chests
T he Notorious Bijou Voicemail & Bitter Rivalry of Howard Stern and Steve Dahl From its inception in 1970 all the way to the present, one way to f ind out inf ormation about T he Bijou T heater, including the movie schedule and showtimes has been to call and listen to a pre-recorded voicemail message.
Archive List My Strange Addiction and the Dynamics of PowerGay Marriage in 1972!What's really a sexual taboo these days?Cruising (and Living) Sans Cellphone
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12 AUG
Retrostuds of the Past: Focus on Chad Douglas Posted by Madam bubby on Monday, 12 August 2013 in Gay Porn
Recently, o ne o f o ur Facebo o k page fans asked abo ut Chad Do uglas, o ne o f the true mystery men o f po rn, who came to pro minence in the 19 8 0 s.
He lo o ked no thing like the o ther stars o f the day: he was o lder, hairier, and he spo rted a big, thick mo ustache. Men who lo o ked like Do uglas were co nsidered a relic by the time ho me video became the prime so urce o f the industry's inco me; the men o f the eighties tended to be yo ung, clean-cut, lo o king like they stepped o ut o f either a yacht o r a bo ard ro o m—so typical o f the “yuppie Wall Street” decade.
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09 AUG
Look, but don't touch! Posted by Madam bubby on Friday, 09 August 2013 in Politics
LOOK, BUT DON'T TOUCH! Lo o k, but do n't to uch! Kind o f an o dd directive co ming fro m a po rn business, where we enco urage lo o king that enco urages to uching (either o neself o r if yo u are lucky, so meo ne else). No , I'm thinking instead o f the recent incident that o ccurred in a museum in Flo rence. Yes, Flo rence, the place where the ico nic (and gay ico nic) statue o f David is o n display.
The Daily Mail repo rted that Patrick Bro derick, a 55-year-o ld emergency ro o m do cto r fro m New Fairfield, Co nn., was attempting to co mpare his finger with the o ne o n a marble sculpture o f the Virgin Mary at the Museo dell'Opera del Duo mo in Flo rence when the statue's finger bro ke o ff.
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10 JUL
The Good Guys Don't Always Win: Reflections on the Seventies Disaster Movie, The Towering Inferno Posted by Madam bubby on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 in Gay Popular Culture
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