Ready for Business 1
9t h
Mid-sized European City in the overall category of the FDi European Cities and Regions of the Future Ranking (2014)
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Southern European City in the overall and FDI strategy categories in the FDi European Cities and Regions of the Future Ranking (2014) 2
Bilbao in a nutshell Metropolitan Bilbao: 1.000.000 Population
Municipality of Bilbao: 350.000
Foreign population
GDP per capita
Employment generated by the city
January 2014
Business licenses for economic activities
IV Cuarter 2013
Creative companies
III Quarter 2013
Cultural events supported by the city
Conventions, congresses and meetings
10 Reasons to invest in Bilbao
Strategic location in the “Atlantic axis” Bilbao´s centrality in the so called “Atlantic axis” of the European Union and its European orientation make of Bilbao a reference focus for the establishment of solid relations with Europe.
Excellent internal and external connectivity Bilbao is a global and interconnected city that grants excellent external accessibility grace to one of the most important airports from the north of Spain and a modern Port. The diverse public transport means have been perfectly structured in order that they can complement each other, offering an efficient alternative to the individual use of cars.
Center of the economic activity of one of the most competitive European regions: Basque Country Bilbao is home to around half the population and economic activity of the Basque Country. The Basque economy, grace to its industrial and business tissue, has been able to position itself as one of the most competitive, innovative and productive regions of Europe. The Basque GDP per capita is 30% higher than the European Union average.
Attractive business environment Bilbao has a wide range of infrastructures which are able to offer to companies an environment that facilitates the generation of business. The conjunction in its territorial environment close to high-tech companies and the high-qualified labor force allow the development of advanced services and knowledge economy.
High quality of life Bilbao is a modern and balanced city, efficient, welcoming and attractive to live, to work and to visit. In it, people can reconcile their professional and private life, thanks to its attractive cultural and leisure offer.
Legal safety, own tax system and good public governance Bilbao´s entrepreneurial tradition and its experience along to its willingness to innovate and improve constantly, make of Bilbao a reliable city, in which the efficiency and legal safety of its institutions are an identity mark. The provincial Government of Biscay has an own tax system with regulatory capacity for taxes as well as autonomy for its exaction and collection. Besides, the good governance carried out by the city obtains a high valuation, both from the citizens and for international organizations.
Talent Bilbao is a city with a high-skilled population, in which more than 24% of the population has a university degree. Besides, it has established collaboration agreements with universities with the aim of facilitating the development of new education infrastructures, which allow creating innovation and knowledge poles especially in the fields of: engineering, telecommunications, and health.
Specialized in innovative and high-added value sectors of activity Bilbao has created the necessary conditions to favor knowledge, innovation and creativity. Therefore, besides strengthening the existing companies, it also attract new ones, especially those related to the emerging and dynamic sectors such as: Advance Business services; Eco-technology and Urban Solutions; Art, Technology & Design; and Tourism, Health & Quality of life.
City-brand that gives value Bilbao is a city open to the world. Its unique and differentiated city-brand, reinforced by the international impact of Guggenheim Museum, is well positioned internationally and ensures a great reputation for international companies.
A city that looks to the future Bilbao is a city that along its history has been able to turn problems into opportunities. Over the last 30 years Bilbao has been able to reinvent itself, becoming a reference model for cities all around the world. But the city does not remains still. It continues developing projects to remain competitive in the global scene.
Invest in Bilbao Bilbao Foreign Investment Support Office. Single point of contact to support foreign investors that are exploring opportunities in Bilbao.
Support to foreign investors EXPLORATORY PHASE
• General, sector and company specific information.
• Advice and support during the start-up process.
• Coordination of fact-finding visits to Bilbao.
• Assessment on potential needs.
• Coordination of meetings with government and regulatory authorities.
• Support in the identification of the location for the establishment.
• Coordination of visits to existing investors and companies already established in the city.
• Support with the necessary procedures to obtain permits and regulations.
• Coordination of meetings with professional service firms.
OPERATIONAL PHASE • Support in reinvestment-related activities. • Networking with other companies.
• Contacts with potential suppliers, clients and partners.
• Coordination of meetings with educational and training institutions. 11
Incentive policies There are a wide range of incentives offered by the local and regional institutions to invest in Bilbao.
Ground / Location The City Government facilitates companies the identification of possible spaces for the implementation of their activities according to their needs and help them to during the negotiation process. There is also a Map of available spaces and infrastructures in the city that facilitate companies the identification of possible spaces for activity. Bilbao Metropolitan Area also offers a wide range of spaces both for industrial and technological use: Industrial: Industrial parks Technological: Technology and Science Parks and Incubators
Business creation Aids Incentives for the creation of innovative businesses offered by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia which include: • Constitution of the new company. • Marketing Plan. • Establishment expenses. Specific aids for job creation. 13
Talent. Human Resources • Biscay Talent and Ikerbasque: incentives for hiring and training for companies and universities located in Biscay. • Financing of training according to the specific needs of the companies (up to 100%) • Bilbao BBK Talent : residential complex addressed to high qualified researchers coming to Bilbao and Bizkaia as non-permanent researchers.
Tax Benefits Tax deductions: • • • • • • • •
Investment in fixed assets: 10% of investment. Fostering use of IT: 10% of investment. Reserve for investments: 10% % facilities. R&D activities: 30% – 50% of R&D expenditure. Industrial design: 10% - 15% of investment Cultural heritage: 15% - 20% of investment Investment in clean technologies: 30% of investment Job creation: 3.000€ per person / year 14
Financing Financial access to the necessary capital for the creation and growth of innovative companies. There are two kinds of funds: • “Seed fund” for the participation in the Capital of new companies. • “Development fund” to support the growth of the existing companies with attractive financial conditions.
R&D&i incentives Financial incentives for companies (non-refundable grants) • GAITEK: R&D projects that improve entrepreneurial competitiveness. The amount covers between a 40% and a 50% of the cost. • ETORGAI: R&D projects of company partnerships that have a positive effect on the Basque economy. The amount covers between a 30% and a 45% of the cost. • NETs: R&D projects of New Technology Based Companies (NTBC) that develop new products or services. The amount covers between 40% and 50% of the cost for company partnerships and between 25% and 40% of the cost for single companies. .
Para más información contactar con: INVEST IN BILBAO Navarra 5, 1ª planta 48001, Bilbao, España Tel.: (+34) 94 420 53 19 / 94 420 53 90 E-mail: Website: