Invest In Bilbao

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Ready for Business


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Mid-sized European City in the overall category of the FDi European Cities and Regions of the Future Ranking (2014)

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Southern European City in the overall and FDI strategy categories in the FDi European Cities and Regions of the Future Ranking (2014) 2

BILBAO Fact sheet



Metropolitan Bilbao: 1.000.000 2013

Municipality of Bilbao: 350.000

Foreign population



GDP per capita



Employment generated by the city


January 2014

Business licenses for economic activities


IV Cuarter 2013

Creative companies


III Quarter 2013




Cultural events supported by the city



Conventions, congresses and meetings




WHY Invest in Bilbao


10 reasons to invest in Bilbao Strategic location in the “Atlantic axis� Excellent internal and external connectivity Center of the economic activity of one of the most competitive European regions: Basque Country Attractive business environment High quality of life Legal safety, own tax system and good public governance Talent Specialized in innovative and high-added value sectors of activity City-brand that gives value A city that looks to the future 6


Strategic location in the “Atlantic axis” Bilbao´s centrality in the so called “Atlantic axis” of the European Union and its European orientation make of Bilbao a reference focus for the establishment of solid relations with Europe.


Bilbao stands on the crossroads of the main north-south European transport route and the emergent east-west route. The city is gearing up to take advantage of this excellent location to become a true “hinge point� in Europe.



Excellent internal and external connectivity Bilbao is a global and interconnected city that grants excellent external accessibility grace to one of the most important airports from the north of Spain and a modern Port. The diverse public transport means have been perfectly structured in order that they can complement each other, offering an efficient alternative to the individual use of cars.


Bilbao Airport Direct flight connections to the main European destinations: Bilbao International Airport has become the main airport in the north of Spain, with growing international expansion and increasing range of destinations. It is the main node of external connectivity in the Basque Country. With more than 4 million passengers per year, its users include tourists, businessmen, travelers, conference delegates and urban planners, amongst others. It is located only 10 minutes distance by car from the city center (12 Km).

A CoruĂąa Alicante Amsterdam Barcelona Bologna Brusels Dusseldorf Istambul Frankfurt Grand Canary Lanzarote Lisbon

London Heathrow Tenerife Noth London Stansted Valencia Madrid Vigo MĂĄlaga Manchester Munich Palma de Mallorca Paris Charles de Gaulle Paris Orly Rome Fiumicino Santiago de Compostela Seville


Ample distribution radius

Bilbao Port The Port of Bilbao is one of the most important logistics centres on the Atlantic route for European market access. In addition to its privileged geographical location, it offers a series- of unquestionable advantages: • • • • • • • • •

A great tradition and quality services: a port with more than 700 years of history. Modern and functional installations for all types of goods. Docks with draughts of up to 32 metres. Magnificent land connections. Railway connections to its dry dock network: Azuqueca (Guadalajara), Coslada (Madrid) and Villafría (Burgos). A huge offer of maritime Commercial services for all markets. An agile port also in document processing:'epuertobilbao'electronic commerce platform. A future full of possibilities thanks to the enlargement the works carried out and ongoing. Great investment capacity.

An offer of regular services connects it with 800 ports worldwide. Works with all classes of goods and vessels. It is open and operative 24 hours a day, every day of the year. It has no problems of drafts or tides.


Road connections France: Bilbao is 8 hours from Paris by car, with connections to other important cities along the route: the nearby Donostia-San SebastiĂĄn (100 km.), Bayonne (150 km.), Biarritz (150 km.), Pau, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Limoges, Tours... Madrid and central Spain: Madrid is a 4 hour drive away, passing by the nearby Vitoria-Gasteiz (60 km.) and Burgos (150 km.). The capital of Spain connects Bilbao with the Castilian Plateau, a region where the cities of Valladolid, Segovia, Salamanca and Toledo are located.

A7 and A8 highways connect Bilbao with the French road network and with the center of Europe.

Barcelona and the Mediterranean: It takes a 6-hour journey to travel to Barcelona, along a route that passes by LogroĂąo (130 km.) and Zaragoza or alternatively Pamplona (150 km.). The capital of Catalonia opens up Bilbao to the Mediterranean axis, both in Spain (Valencia, Mallorca and Ibiza, Costa Brava, Costa del Sol...) and in France (Montpellier, French Riviera...) 12

Train A network of railway lines converges in Bilbao.


This, together with its excellent motorways and dual carriageways, makes land transport a good option.

Train brings close to the city more than 30,6 million travellers per year

The High Speed Train, which is expected to arrive to Bilbao in 2018, will connect the city to Madrid in 2 hours and to Paris in less than 6, will help to improve connectivity in the future. 13

Metro Bilbao The great bid to improve metropolitan connectivity. The linear configuration of metropolitan Bilbao allows the underground train to be a very efficient infrastructure, which has already revolutionized Bilbao's transport system. Since its inauguration in November 1995, Metro Bilbao, designed by Norman Foster, has been used by almost 1.000 million people. It has, in fact, become the most important means of transport in the metropolitan area of Bilbao, the focal point around which all other forms of transport are being organized to offer an intermodal, coordinated and complementary service.

It has 2 operative lines and 3 new lines currently under construction. One of them will connect the city with the Airport. Meets all the accessibility requirements. Services with frequencies of less than six minutes at peak times.


Bilbao Tram Since it first became operational in 2002, the tram has become a key player in the functional integration of new projects - being developed on and around the riverfront. Bilbao's tramway is a new surface transportation system which connects Old Bilbao and the historical centre with the whole of the Ensanche. It also connects the Abando train station with the bus station, and offers interesting options for tourist visits.

Goes over the City center. More than 3 million users per year.

It provides transport to a variety of urban facilities, shopping areas, Arts Centers and sports facilities, higher education centers and Basurto Hospital.


Urban bus Bilbobus, the urban bus network in the city, passes through all neighborhoods and most of the units are adapted for people with reduced- mobility. It consists of 35 lines that cover the whole city. Bizkaibus services connect virtually all the municipalities in the province of Bizkaia.

Bicycle Bilbao has a network of cycling routes than facilitate to move around in the city. It also has an automatic loan service of bicycles with the- main objective of developing sustainable, practical, and rapid transport system for the daily use.


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Center of the economic activity of one of the most competitive European regions: Basque Country Bilbao is home to around half the population and economic activity of the Basque Country. The Basque economy, grace to its industrial and business tissue, has been able to position itself as one of the most competitive, innovative and productive regions of Europe. The Basque GDP per capita is 30% higher than the European Union average.

Ranked country in the EU for productivity per Employee

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Ranked country in the EU in per capita income (GDP) behind Luxembourg and Holland


UN Human Economic Index (0,981 out of 1) 17

Basque Country: One of the most competitive European regions The Basque economy, grace to its business -and industrial fabric, has been able to position itself as one of the most competitive, innovative and productive regions from Spain and Europe. The Basque Country belongs to the European regions with highest wellness per inhabitant. It has the highest GDP per capita in Spain (30.252â‚Ź), with a difference of 25,5% over the Spanish average and also exceeding the European average of GDP per capita. The Basque GDP has been growing since 1980 and reaches around the 130% of the European average and its regional level of human development is comparable to the most advanced countries such as Finland or Austria.

The Basque Country grace to its economic structure based on industry and highadded value services is the autonomous region that has better faced the crisis in Spain


High productivity The high productivity rate per employee of the Basque Country, place it as - the EU average. the second ranked country in the EU and, 25% above The successful industrial policy carried out has been based in the creation of development instruments such as support financial programs to the investment, innovation and internationalization; the development of plans for the promotion of science and technology, the creation of spaces for innovation such as technology and science parks and the bet to create industrial clusters as instruments for the development of the strategic economic sectors of the country.

Investment in R&D above the EU average With only 4,6% of Spain´s population its exports represent more than 9% of the country´s total, most of them to Germany and France


FDI in the Basque Country • More than 700 international companies.


• More than 9% of the GDP and 11% of the turnover

Million €

FDI weight on GDP* in the Basque Country

• Employ more than 61.000 people (11% of working population in 2012). • 432 million € FDI in 2012. • Spain´s third strongest region for foreign direct investment, behind Madrid and Catalonia.



Attractive business environment Bilbao has a wide range of infrastructures which are able to offer to companies an environment that facilitates the generation of business. The conjunction in its territorial environment close to high-tech companies and the high-qualified labor force allow the development of advanced services and knowledge economy.

9t h

Mid-sized European City in the overall category of the FDi European Cities and Regions of the Future Ranking (2014)


Southern European City in the overall and FDI strategy categories in the FDi European Cities and Regions of the Future Ranking (2014) 21

Commitment with economic promotion in the territory by all institutional levels -

Regional level: Basque Government

Basque Business Development Agency (SPRI)

Provincial level: Provincial Council of Biscay

Economic and Employment Promotion Agency

Local level: City Council of Bilbao

Local Development Agency 22

Competitive business clusters oriented to the global market Cluster

Companies (number)

Employment (number)

Turnover (millon â‚Ź)

Exports (% of sales)













IT and electronics













13.70 0





















Port of Bilbao










Electrical appliances Machine Tool

Maritime industry


The main Basque industrial sectors are organized and cooperate in priority sector clusters, developing collaborative innovation, commercial and technical initiatives. Clusters are also setup in other sectors such as Casting, Stamp Forging, Graphic Arts, Furniture, Food, Hand Tools, Construction and Steel which bring together 390 companies, 43.100 employees and 12.390 million euros turnover.


Advanced science, technology and innovation network 4 Technology Parks 3 Universities 6 BERCs (Basic and Excellence Research Centres) 3 Public Investigation Bodies 2 Technology Platforms 4 Sectorial Centres 3 Public venture Capital Companies

The Basque Country counts on with an advanced science, technology and innovation network, which is able to provide a technological, holistic, sophisticated and specialized offer to the business fabric.


Bizkaia Science and Technology Park The Bizkaia Science and Technology Park is a benchmark in Basque Country Research, Development and Innovation, with a big- concentration of innovating businesses that devote more than 10% of their investments to R&D&i. It also has a considerable scientific-technological community made up of more than 2.000 researchers in the Technology Centres, University Departments, R&D Business Units and R&D&i coordination Agents. In the Bizkaia Science and Technology Park are located more that 220 companies from various sectors: Aerospace, Automotive, Electronics, Energy and Environment, Research and Development, Engineering, Medicine and Biosciences, Advanced Services, General Services, Information Technology.

10 minutes distance from Bilbao City Centre 223 Companies installed 7.700 Total staff 26% R&D personnel 2.550 million euros whole turnover


Bilbao Bizkaia Design and Creativity Council - BIDC Bilbao Bizkaia Design and Creativity Council, an initiative linked to industrial and graphic design, fashion, furniture, videogames and audiovisual and digital economy, is key for the promotion, internationalization and competitiveness of these sectors.


Bilbao Auzo Factory Existing Auzo Factories:


Creativity factory linked to advanced business services and R&D social, cultural and economic laboratory

Specialized in digital economy and contents.

Bilbao Auzo Factory (BAF) is a project that aims to create innovative enviroments that can act as innovation nodes, creating small urban spaces for creativity and entrepreneurship in the neighbourhoods. These ÂŤFactoriesÂť, through the mixure of diverse uses such as incubators, acellertators, training and networking among other activities, generate an attractive environment for innovation and economic development in the city.

Three new Bilbao Auzo Factories will be opened in 2014 and 2015 27

Basque world leading companies Metropolitan Bilbao is home of Basque world leading companies such as:


BBVA: global group that offers individual and corporate customers the most complete range of financial and non-financial products and services. IBERDROLA: Spain’s leading energy group, one of the top five electricity companies worldwide, and global leader in wind energy. GAMESA: world leader in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of wind turbines. SENER: Engineering, Construction and Systems Integration company. IDOM: one of the leading companies in the Spanish market for professional services in Engineering, Architecture and Consulting. ITP: leading global company delivering high-technology products and services in the aeronautical and industrial engine market. CIE AUTOMOTIVE: supplier of components and subassemblies to the global automotive industry. VELATIA: international industrial and technological group which operates in the areas of electrical networks, electronics and communication networks as well as in the consulting, security and aviation sectors. ARTECHE GROUP: world leader in the electricity sector. INGETEAM: market leader specialising in electrical engineering and the development of electrical equipment, motors, generators and frequency converters. MONDRAGON CORPORATION: Sales and production presence around the world in the industrial, financial, retail and knowledge sectors.


International companies in Bilbao Almost 700 foreign companies settled in the Basque Country and many of them are located in the Metropolitan Area of Bilbao.


These companies come from different countries, among which Germany, France, USA and Japan stand out. These companies have been installed here for decades, confirming that the Basque Country and Bilbao are good places to invest.


Spaces for conferences and meetings Bilbao offers companies a wide range of diverse and unique spaces to host conventions, congresses or corporate meetings, such as: • • • •

The Euskalduna Conference Centre and Concert Hall Bilbao Exhibition Centre (BEC) The Alhóndiga Culture & Leisure Centre Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

Bilbao is not only one of Europe´s most attractive cities for hosting congresses, exhibitions, fun trips, corporate meeting, training… but we also help companies to manage their events, through the Bilbao Convention Bureau. 30

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High quality of life Bilbao is a modern and balanced city, efficient, welcoming and attractive to live, to work and to visit. In it, people can reconcile their professional and private life, thanks to its attractive cultural and leisure offer.

LivCom Award in the category of Enhancement of the Natural and Built Landscapes (2011)

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Most sustainable City in Spain (2012)


City with best reputation in Spain according to Merco Ciudad (2010)


Green spaces and attractive surroundings Bilbao offers a wide range of green spaces for leisure, 1.340.000 square - areas, children’s play areas, drinking metres of open spaces equipped with picnic fountains, tables, barbecues and other amenities. Along with the 21 city parks, these areas make up Bilbao’s green belt. Also, some of the most beautiful beaches along the northern coast are within a stone's throw of Bilbao many of them are accessible by metro.

1.340.000 square meters of open spaces and 21 city parks. Metropolitan Bilbao has many beaches and a spectacular coast just a few minutes away from the city center. 32

Cultural and leisure offer Culture is the fuse that lights Bilbao’s transformation, and currently it is still a pillar of the strategy to keep on boosting innovation. Art and culture in Bilbao are not just seen as objects to admire but as a way of life. That is why the city hosts a wide range of cultural and entertainment events, with a calendar featuring film festivals, music, theatre and dance which draw large, enthusiastic audiences. Also, Bilbao Art District is the area in the city where the most important art galleries in the city are located; the Guggenheim Museum, the Fine Arts Museum, and the Rekalde Gallery as well as restoration and framing workshops, and antique bookshops.

Venue of the preliminary Round of the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2014 where the USA team will play. BBK Live is one of the most important European music festivals.


Gastronomy The Basque cuisine internationally recognized for being one of the best cuisines from all over the world. New Basque cuisine takes its basis from traditional Basque cuisine, although enriched with touches (subtle or emphatic) of creativity and sophistication.

Also, in Bilbao there is a wide range of CafĂŠs, gastronomic stores, pintxo bars and restaurants.

Basque Country accounts 28 Michelin Stars in 19 restaurants Four of them have 3 Michelin Stars, being the maximum recognition

Bilbao also have an attractive night live.


Safe city Bilbao is a safe city. Proof of this is the low rates of crime and violence in the city. We - down and reduce them still further. work hard to keep crime and violence rates

Bilbao has one of the lowest crime rates in Spain.

The ETA ceasefire, announced in 2011, was the best thing that could happen to the Basque society. There is peace in Bilbao and Basque Country at last. People can come, visit and invest in the city in peace because we, at last, live in peace.

ETA announced its ceasefire in 2011.


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Legal safety, own tax system and good public governance Bilbao´s entrepreneurial tradition and its experience along to its willingness to innovate and improve constantly, make of Bilbao a reliable city, in which the efficiency and legal safety of its institutions are an identity mark. The provincial Government of Biscay has an own tax system with regulatory capacity for taxes as well as autonomy for its exaction and collection. Besides, the good governance carried out by the city obtains a high valuation, both from the citizens and for international organizations.

City with the best eAdministration in Spain according to the Internet Users Association (2010)

Winner of the EPSA – European Public Service Award (2011)

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Most transparent city in Spain in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012 according to Transparency International


Basque Country: Own treasury The Basque Country, although it is part of Spain it has its own treasury.

- Territories of Ă lava, Bizkaia and The three governing bodies of the Historic Gipuzkoa are in charge of collecting the main taxes, and the high level of autonomy allows the direct government and administration regarding matters such as: Treasury and Tax Collection, Industry and Economic Promotion, Research and Innovation, Transports, Housing, Environment, Education, Public Health, Law and Order, etc. A multi-annual economic agreement regulates the financial relations with the Spanish State. In addition to fiscal powers, the Basque Country has its own powers with respect to health, education and culture, industry and commerce, transport and public development work, the police, the environment, the agriculture, tourism, work, social protection and water resources. The Spanish State regulates the labor legal framework.

This fiscal autonomy is one of the factors that led Standard & Poor´s to recently confirm the Basque Country's BBB+ rating two notches above that of Spain. Basque Country has 28% rate of corporate tax (24% for SMEs), compared with 30% of the rest of Spain. With its own fiscal regime it can also offer companies diverse deductions that make the effective corporate tax even lower.


Good public governance In the current climate of economic crisis, the City of Bilbao has designed a strategy based on economic austerity and stringency for its political management, enabling it to respond to the commitments acquired to citizens, through on-going monitoring of the actions developed with as much transparency as possible, fostering citizen participation and seeking “zero” public borrowing. The Municipal website serve as multi-channel system for citizen's an companies´ requests: • E-Administration gateway • Citizen and Companies folders • Electronic invoicing

Only large municipality that is DEBT FREE in Spain. On-line processing portal, which incorporates 60 on-line processes for citizens and companies.

• On-line payments • News and on-demand information • “Your city council listens”

• On-demand payments



Talent Bilbao is a city with a high-skilled population, in which more than 24% of the population has a university degree. Besides, it has established collaboration agreements with universities with the aim of facilitating the development of new education infrastructures, which allow creating innovation and knowledge poles especially in the fields of: engineering, telecommunications, and health.


People working in 2012 in R&D in the city

24 %

of the population has a university degree

Basque Public University: Greater number of doctorate programs with “excellence� distinction in Spain


University City • Bilbao is home of 4 Universities: Basque Public University (UPV/EHU), Deusto University, Mondragon University and Tecnun University of Navarra. • Attractive and diverse high education offer:- 73 higher degrees and more than 100 postgraduate masters and doctorates. • More than 36.000 students. • 3.400 professors and/or researchers reaching 5.000 employments • Represent the 21% of the expenses on R&D activities in Bizkaia. • 20,6% of researchers work with companies: researchers working with companies have increased a 41% in the past two years. • 5 of the 6 Basque BERCs (Basic and Excellence Research Centers) are located in Bilbao Metropolitan Area: Neuroscience, BC3 Climate Change (Bilbao), BCAM Applied Mathematics, BCMaterials, Applications and Nanostructures and the UB Biophysics Unit UPV/EHU–CSIC. • Spaces for busses incubators and the creation of university spin-offs: ZITEK (UPV/EHU), DeustoKabi (Deusto University) and Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (Mondragon University).


More than 3.000 doctors, 288 reaserch groups, 4.305 R&D&i activities (46,6 million €) and 90 registred patents.

Greater number of doctorate programs with “excellence” distinction in Spain

ZITEK Program: creation of a business tissue from the entrepreneurial ideas that are the result not only of the R&D&i research groups, but from any entrepreneur with a previous or present link with the University. Incubator spaces in Leioa, Portugalete (Faculty of Nautical and Naval Machines) and Bilbao (Faculty of Engineering).


887 researchers (389 doctorates), 12 research centers, 39 research groups and 301 research projects.

Deusto Entrepreneurship Centre encourages the entrepreneurial spirit and knowledge transfer generated or learned in the Deusto University to the society and market. In Bilbao it also has DeustoKabi, to support entrepreneurs and the business projects that emerge in the university environment, encouraging transfer and application of the technology, knowledge and advanced services generated at the University of Deusto to the world of business.


Collaborative research through 5 R&D management units. It has 95 doctorates and research activity linked to the business sector (kerlan, Ideko and Garaia Innovation Pole).

MU-BBF (Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria): Innovation and Entrepreneurial Centre. Fist stage and consolidation of innovative Business projects.



Specialized in innovative and high-added value sectors of activity Bilbao has created the necessary conditions to favor knowledge, innovation and creativity. Therefore, besides strengthening the existing companies, it also attract new ones, especially those related to the emerging and dynamic sectors such as: Advance Business services; Eco-technology and Urban Solutions; Art, Technology & Design; and Tourism, Health & Quality of life.

Cities of Science and Innovation Distinction by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (2011)

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Most innovative City in Spain, 46th in Europe and 82nd in the World according to the Study Top 100 Innovative cities (2011 )



Most Smart Cities in Spain according to IDC ´s Information Society Index (2011 and 2012) 44

Bilbao improves the competitiveness of its economy, through the development of an innovative and open economy. 45

We do this through the development of 4 strategic economic sectors in the city.


Advance business services • Bilbao concentrates the service offer of the Basque companies, and its area of influence extends to other close regions.


• The advanced business services sector is the one that produces higher added value in Bilbao. • There are more than 2.300 companies that represent the 11% of the business fabric of the city, and they employ almost 28.000 people, this means 1 of each 6 employments generated in Bilbao, however they generate 27% of Bilbao´s GDP.

Bilbao is positioning itself as an European Pole of Advance business services.


Eco-technology and urban solutions • Bilbao has a wide range of companies that have taken part in the urban transformation of the city with their experience, technology and excellence.


• The international recognition of Bilbao´s urban transformation has now an economic dimension, offering companies new business opportunities in new markets. • Bilbao´s companies are well positioned to give response to the increasing demand of services and infrastructures linked to sustainability, mobility and recovering of urban spaces criteria. • Bilbao´s business tissue is strong in fields such as clean energies, water and waste management and public transport.



Art, Technology & Design • Creativity, culture, technology and design are assets that Bilbao has incorporated to its economic tissue. • Bilbao also offers in this field a number of renown creators and a clear orientation towards creating and consolidating creativity poles in the City. • The incorporation of technology, digital culture and design to all the economic and urban processes, is in fact one of the symbols of identity of the city.


Tourism, Health & Quality of life • Tourism represents a sector of activity with high growth potential. Its evolution and expansion generates new opportunities - for the development of urban and regional destinations, which are gaining presence as preferential destinations due to their singularity and differentiation. • Bilbao connects with the new tendencies that give priority to special and experienceoriented trips. • Tourism represents more than the 5,6% of the GDP of the City and will have a higher impact on Bilbao´s economy, that will be related to the creation of a more competitive industry, the rise of Business trips and the strengthening of new fields such as health and quality of life, arts, culture and knowledge.



City-brand that gives value Bilbao is a city open to the world. Its unique and differentiated city-brand, reinforced by the international impact of Guggenheim Museum, is well positioned internationally and ensures a great reputation for international companies.

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao has been selected as the most important building in the past 30 years according to a survey made to 52 renown representatives from the architecture field (including 11 Pritzker award winners) by Vanity Fair (2010) 51

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao It has placed Bilbao in the world map, ensuring an international image.

Since its inauguration in 1997 Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Gehry, has placed Bilbao in the world map, ensuring - an international image. We can say that the Guggenheim Museum has been the Bilbao bet in the globalization era.

More than 1.000.000 visitors in 2012.

Furthermore, it has also achieved to bring high quality tourism to the city, that together with the traditional business tourism, have a big impact in the economy of the city.

Its contribution to Bilbao´s GDP was 296,7 million euros in 2012.


New Bilbao-Bizkaia Brand The City of Bilbao and -the Bizkaia province have joined forces to create a new brand that will represent the city internationally. The new Brand, inspired in the Guggenheim Museum, was selected in an open contest, among 84 proposals from all over the world. “Bilbao Bizkaia, Be Basque� has as main objective to strengthen the positive, coherent and stable image of the Province of Bizkaia and Bilbao in the framework of an holistic strategy that is key for the attraction of visitors, investments, events and talent to the city.


International benchmark The delegations visiting Bilbao are formed by all levels of administration, companies and also from the academic world. 2013 2012 2011 48 visits

61 visits

79 visits

The City of Bilbao receives the visit of a high number of delegations from all around the world wanting to learn about the successful urban transformation and renovation process that the city has experienced and also the financial and management model that has made it possible. More than 15 years after of the opening of the Guggenheim Museum, what is known as the “Bilbao effect�, the city still attracts a high number of International delegations. Actually, it is increasing constantly.


Positive opinions made by city leaders during the World Cities Summit Mayor´s Forum held in 2013 in Bilbao


10. World Mayor Award (2012)

A city that looks to the future Bilbao is a city that along its history has been able to turn problems into opportunities. Over the last 30 years Bilbao has been able to reinvent itself, becoming a reference model for cities all around the world. But the city does not remains still. It continues developing projects to remain competitive in the global scene.

Winner of the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize considered as the Nobel Prize for cities (2010)


1880 Industrial Stage



Urban Transformation

Knowledge Economy

The three transformations of Bilbao Over the last 30 years Bilbao has evolved to a modern, efficient, friendly and attractive place to live, work and visit.

Bilbao has become a city open to the world.

The economic and social environment and climate of the city stimulates the development of new technologies, promotes innovative industry, with high added value, and boosts the tourism, culture, leisure and services of an advanced society.

Over 1.000 million euro of municipal funding for investments over the last 8 years




The city does not remains still. It continues developing projects to remain competitive in the global scene.


High-speed train It is expected that the Highs-speed train arrives to Bilbao in 2018, with the known as Basque «Y».

- will be connected with the The new passenger and freight system different Spanish and European high-speed and goods transport railway network, reducing the journeys´ length considerably. It will connect the Port of Bilbao with Europe´s major railway.

It will make easer the access to the Spanish and European High-speed Rail network. The new Railway Network will transport both people and goods and will connect also the Basque capital cities and France.

It will also reduce the travel time between the three Basque capitals (Bilbao, San Sebastian and Vitoria).


Zorrotzaurre Island project The Zorrotzaurre Island project, reconverted into a Knowledge District, is the spearhead for defining the immediate future of the new Bilbao.


It will be a modern area, bringing together residential and new business premises in a spacious urban technology park. The Master Plan for the project was designed by the prestigious angloiraqui Zaha Hadid.

Zorrotzaurre: an island for living, working and pleasure The area 838.781m2



Sarriko University (economic & legal studies)

Deusto Business School

Faculty of Engineering & Medicine

University triangle The Garellano area is home to the new University Schools of Medicine and Engineering, whilst in Abandoibarra, very near the new modernistlooking library of the University of Deusto, stands the new auditorium of the University of the Basque Country.

The commitment to the Knowledge Revolution also embraces the new University Campus of Bilbao.

And let’s not forget the new university centre of legal and economic studies in the Sarriko Faculty.


WHAT Can Bilbao offer


Specific policies to attract foreign investments

INVEST IN BILBAO: Bilbao Foreign Investment Support Office

Incentive POLICIES


INVEST IN BILBAO Bilbao Foreign Investment Support Office. Single point of contact to support foreign investors that are exploring opportunities in Bilbao.  Exploratory phase  Start-up phase  Operational phase


Bilbao Ekintza: Local economic development agency -

Business promotion & Employment City activities and events

International Promotion Tourism

The City of Bilbao coordinates its economic promotion strategy through the Local Economic Development Agency "Bilbao Ekintza". Bilbao Ekintza, drives the generation of social and economic wealth for Bilbao, by positioning the city as an attractive destination for investment, setting up companies and business growth, along with enhancing job opportunities. It is also responsible for the international promotion of the city.

More than 146 professionals and a budget of 25,7 million â‚Ź for 2014.


INVEST IN BILBAO: Your gateway to Bilbao Invest in Bilbao acts as single point of- contact to support foreign investors that are exploring opportunities in Bilbao, by giving them full support all along the process. Making it easy and fast.

Specific working-line with the aim of boosting and supporting foreign direct investment in the city. Coordination between all the areas for the economic and international promotion of the city of Bilbao.


Support offered to foreign investors EXPLORATORY PHASE


• General, sector and company specific information.

• Advice and support during the start-up process.

• Coordination of fact-finding visits to Bilbao.

• Assessment on potential needs.

• Coordination of meetings with government and regulatory authorities.

• Support in the identification of the location for the establishment.

• Coordination of visits to existing investors and companies already established in the city.

• Support with the necessary procedures to obtain permits and regulations.

• Coordination of meetings with professional service firms.

OPERATIONAL PHASE • Support in reinvestment-related activities. • Networking with other companies.

• Contacts with potential suppliers, clients and partners.

• Coordination of meetings with educational and training institutions. 68

Incentive policies There are a wide range of incentives offered by the local and regional institutions to invest in Bilbao  Ground / Location  Business creation Aids  Talent. Human Resources  Tax Benefits  Financing  R&D&i incentives


Ground / Location The City Government facilitates companies the identification of possible spaces for the implementation of their activities- according to their needs and help them to during the negotiation process. There is also a Map of available spaces and infrastructures in the city that facilitate companies the identification of possible spaces for activity. Bilbao Metropolitan Area also offers a wide range of spaces both for industrial and technological use:

The city still has ground available, both for residential and industrial use More than 100.000 meters free for commercial use in the city center

Industrial: Industrial parks Technological: Technology and Science Parks and Incubators


Business creation Aids Incentives for the creation of innovative businesses offered by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia which include:


• Constitution of the new company. • Marketing Plan. • Establishment expenses. Specific aids for job creation. 71

Talent. Human Resources • Biscay Talent and Ikerbasque: incentives for hiring and training for companies and universities located in Biscay. • Financing of training according to the specific needs of the companies (up to 100%) • Bilbao BBK Talent : residential complex addressed to high qualified researchers coming to Bilbao and Bizkaia as nonpermanent researchers. 72

Tax Benefits Tax deductions: • • • • • • • •


Investment in fixed assets: 10% of investment. Fostering use of IT: 10% of investment. Reserve for investments: 10% facilities. R&D activities: 30% – 50% of R&D expenditure. Industrial design: 10% - 15% of investment Cultural heritage: 15% - 20% of investment Investment in clean technologies: 30% of investment Job creation: 3.000€ per person / year

General corporate rate is 28% and 24% for SMEs. Since the Basque Country has its own fiscal regime it offers a wide range of tax deductions.


Financing -

Financial access to the necessary capital for the creation and growth of innovative companies. There are two kinds of funds: • “Seed fund” for the participation in the Capital of new companies. • “Development fund” to support the growth of the existing companies with attractive financial conditions.


R&D&i incentives Financial incentives for companies (non-refundable grants)

• GAITEK: R&D projects that improve entrepreneurial competitiveness. The amount covers between a 40% and a 50% of the cost. • ETORGAI: R&D projects of company partnerships that have a positive effect on the Basque economy. The amount covers between a 30% and a 45% of the cost. • NETs: R&D projects of New Technology Based Companies (NTBC) that develop new products or services. The amount covers between 40% and 50% of the cost for company partnerships and between 25% and 40% of the cost for single companies. . 75

ANNEX Some reference costs

Average annual office rent for a prime location/centre location:

150 €/año/m2 200 USD /year/m2

Average annual rent for a factory/industrial unit in a prime location:

48 €/m2/year 64 USD/year/m2

Electricity costs:

0,1224 €/Kw/h 0,1640 USD/Kw/h*

Average annual salary for an unskilled worker:

21.475 €/annual (2011) 28.694 USD/year (2011)

Average annual salary for a semi-skilled worker:

22.470 €/annual (2011) 30.025 USD/annual (2011)

Average annual salary for a skilled worker:

34.889 €/annual (2011) 46.617 USD/annual (2011)

* Note: the electricity cost can be negotiated depending on the amount of electricity to be consumed.


Para más información contactar con: INVEST IN BILBAO Navarra 5, 1ª planta 48001, Bilbao, España Tel.: (+34) 94 420 53 19 / 94 420 53 90 E-mail: Website:


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