William Hoey Architecture Portfolio - Undergraduate

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PORTFOLIO Architecture + Design



(203)-909-5919 hoeyw1@gmail.com @HoeyArch coroflot.com/hoeyw

Partial Resume: EDUCATION -Wenworth Institute of Technology (Boston, MA)

Sept 2008 - Aug 2012

- Bachelor of Science in Architecture

-North Branford High School (North Branford, CT) -High School Diploma

Sept 2004 - Jun 2008

-Intro to Tech Ed (Levels II, III)- Drafting/AutoCAD

SKILLS -Autodesk’s AutoCAD 2012/2013 (or earlier) -Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) -Microsoft Office -Traditional Drafting -Scaled Model Building

-Autodesk’s Revit Architecture 2012/2013 -Google Sketchup/Sketchup Pro 8 (or earlier) -Rendering Software (Artlantis, IDX Renditioner, Keyshot) -Rhinoceros 4 + 5 (Beta) -Hand Drawing/Sketching

The Mission Hill community is full of life and culture; bringing housing, education, recreation, and religion together. The “Hill� has gone through some dramatic changes throughout the years, eventually being segregated into three major areas: The Arts and Education community, The Mission Main community, and The Mission Hill Community. As part of a bigger concept of connecting the nature of Mission Hill to the nature of the major Fenway area, the Master Plan looks to reconnect the three separated Mission communities. Using the monolithic Cathedral and the twenty-two story MassArt Tower, the divided communities are reconnected through a series of green and urban spaces. A main axis provides a framework for these spaces to connect to one another with its core being a centralized park in the Mission Main community.


Prof. Weldon Pries Summer 2012 Community Design

* The Site Analysis portion was conducted by a group of 6 students. All plans created by Bill Hoey. Elevations created by Corey Roberts


urban design: Located between the major civic space incorporating the cathedral, and the element of nature that is provided by the park, the building’s elegant form and it’s functions encompass attributes from the arts, nature, and the community. The ground floor consists of public functions such as shops, a café, and a daycare that continues up to the second floor. Also at ground level is a vegetated space that begins to pull the nature of the park into the site. Above the public functions of the first two floors is housing that provides a permanent residence for instructors of the performing arts, who contribute to the world of: art, music, education and living. The housing consists mainly of two-story units; each having terraces that look out towards the main axis of the Master Plan. The first story of the housing unit supplies its residents with a studio space to work while the second story is focused more towards the living qualities. Occupying the top floor is a restaurant, enclosed in glass, which allows its guests to have a visual connection to both bookends of the Master Plan.


Prof. Weldon Pries Summer 2012 Community Design

Attached to the main building through a glass atrium is a performance hall that is surrounded in a glass façade. Performances offer the opportunity for the communities to come together as well as bring culture to the hill. The hall’s form conflicts with that of the main building to reflect the relationship of the hill to it’s built enviornment , Together the relationships of the forms and their functions play a vital role in the bigger picture of unifying the communities through: Life, Nature, and Art.

Rectilinear form that frames boundaries of the Master Plan

The form gets sculpted down gradually, to reflect the slope of Mission Hill

Housing and Public terraces pull out and bring life towards the main axis of the Master Plan. While more private functions become pushed in.

Atrium obstructs direct passage, forcing pedestrians onto main axis of Master Plan.

Images created in this project by: Revit Architecture 2013, AutoCAD, Hand Sketching and Photoshop




Outdoor Terrace

Outdoor Terrace

Typical Two Bedroom Single Story Unit

Typical Two Bedroom Two Story Unit

Typical One Bedroom Two Story Unit

units 09


SOUTH END Interesting moments are captured from the interaction between the site and the playground’s different levels . The act of advancement through these levels can be translated into stages in a students academic career or into the process of cooking. Both translations are comprised of three major categories: Preparation, Implementation, and Completion. These categories are represented as solid masses at certain points on the buildings facade. Extruding in two directions, the masses begin to play with a push/pull motion. The ground floor is comprised mainly of glass, giving the effect that the masses are floating.

Prof. Charles Cimino Spring 2012 Comprehensive Design


Once one enters the building, they are met by an atrium consisting of varying angels of egress; emphasizing the act of progressing from one level to the next. Different size openings in the atrium create the ability to see multiple levels from any floor. Looking down the atrium from the top floor, gives one the ability to reflect their journey through the building

Preparation Implementation Completion

I m a g e s c r e a t e d i n t h i s p r o j e c t b y : R e v i t A r c h i t e c t u r e 2 0 1 2 , Ha n d S k e t c h i n g a n d P h o t o s h o p






During mulitple internships at Patriquin Architects the opportunity was given to work on the Friends Children’s Learning Center. While although the bulk of the design work was complete, necessary drawings and graphics needed to be created to help the client visualize certain aspects of the project and collectively furthers it’s progress towards construction. The proposed Learning Center, based in New Haven Connecticut, is comprised of 7,500 s.f. on two floors. The first floor accommodates infant, toddler and pre-school classrooms as well as offices, reception and a motion studio. The second story which covers only a portion of the building footprint accommodates a kindergarten classroom, a staff kitchen, a lounge and a roof garden. The building is planned using LEED criteria with the goal of Gold LEED Certification and incorporates sustainable systems and materials including an active roof garden, geothermal heat pumps for heating and cooling and locally manufactured and/or harvested materials. The learning center will contribute an innovate design into the New Haven Area


Under Supervision of Christopher Widmer Fall 2011 - CO-OP Semester





Roxbury crossing terminal


Charette was collaborated on in a group of 4: Ethan Scott, Gabriel La’O, Derek Mueller. Graphics shown created by Bill Hoey


ideo The design of the new IDEO workplace reflects the creative culture of the industrial design company. The form was driven by the concept of twisting. This becomes evident in the floor plates as one advances through the five floors of the building. Alternating angles of egress, located at the front of the building, unify all of the floors as well as IDEO’s employees. Finally, (excluding the first floor) the facade’s glazing system is comprised of 5’x 5’ individual panels. On 2/3 of the facade, these panels begin to get gradually recessed back into the building from the top right corner down to the center. In turn, giving a twisting effect to the public passing by.


Prof. Justin Humphreys Fall 2010


The proposed Bike Shop for the bicycle manufacturer Geek House, provides them with more than adequate space to build and design. The hierarchy of the building highlights manufacturing by placing all of the surrounding program around the assembly hall. This plays well into the concept of a focal point. As you pass through the retail and along the atrium, you approach a courtyard which can also be accessed from the main street. The wooden panels on the buildings facade match the size of the individual glazing units. The facade transfers from structured to chaotic feel as you walk along the building. However, the manufacturing portion is surrounded only by glass, leaving the process to be viewed from all directions.


Prof. Michael Macphail Fall 2010 Tectonics Studio

26 Images in this project created by: Sketchup/Artlantis, Hand Drafting, Photoshop, Model

The concept for this chair was to articulate small pieces and their relationship to a curve. The two main profile lines of the chair express a simplicity which highlight the gradual movement of a curve. At the base, the end of each profile line acts as a leg supporting the chair and allowing it to stand. The curved profile line is comprised of 4� and 5� rectilinear pieces of wood. The sizes alternate in rows allowing for an overlap where joinery is placed. The second profile line is made out of two long pieces of aluminum. These pieces attach to each other and give the chair stablity. Once attached they are screwed into the wood similar to the alternating pieces.


Prof. Daniel Gelormini Spring 2012 Digital Fabrication

“An undulating form structured by smaller components, can express the elegance of a curve while acknowledging the units that create it. � -William Hoey



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