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air serVice

Billings is proud of the top-notch air service it provides. Billings logan international airport serves a large demographic region including most of eastern Montana and northern Wyoming. this area represents a population base of more than 337,000 that utilize the airport. Find out more at FlyBillings.com. aside from the scheduled major air carriers that offer fl ights daily connecting Billings with all points of the world, there is one fi xed base operator, edwards Jet center, located at the airport. For more information call (406) 252-0508. also, corporate air specializes in air services offering feeder airline cargo service and is a certifi ed commercial operator and air carrier. For more information call (406) 247-3131. approximately 12 cargo and mail carriers including uPs, airborne and Fedex service Billings.


PuBlic transPortation

Met transit is the city’s public transportation system. it provides fi xedroute and paratransit bus service and is the primary mode of transportation for many residents of Billings. use of Met transit promotes cleaner air, helps to mitigate traffi c congestion problems, and provides a safe and reliable transportation alternative for all. Billings also offers bus connections through greyhound and Jefferson lines with numerous daily arrivals and departures, to every state in the continental united states as well as canada and Mexico. Karst stage offers seasonal bussing to Yellowstone national Park.

airlines serVing Billings logan international airPort

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