Billings Parks and Recreation 2017 Winter/Spring Brochure

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Parks Recreation

December - April 2017 Activities Guide

Directory Billings Parks and Recreation Department 390 North 23rd Street Billings, MT 59101 (406) 657-8371 Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm P






2 3

Boys & Girls Basketball, Girls Volleyball 10U Tennis, Tiny Tigers Tumble & Play


4 5 6 7

City League Basketball, Adult Soccer Adult Volleyball Short Court Volleyball, Broomball Tournament Spikeball , Pickleball


8 9

Learn to Fly Fish, Back Packing 101 Cross County Ski Trips


10 11 12 13

Nia , Zumba Strong & Gentle Yoga, Yoga Kids, Slow & Gentle Yoga Fitness by Design, Pilates for Everyone Strong & Fit 55+, Balance Training


14 15 16 17 18

Powerful Tools-Care givers, American Red Cross CPR/First Aid Class Computer Fundamentals, Exploring Facebook, Downloading Digital Photos Kids in the Kitchen, Cooking for 1 Community Playgroup , Babysitters Training Lifeguard Cert., Water Safety Instructor, Aquatics Facility Operator Course


19 20

Community Garden, Volunteer Park Ranger/ Bike Patrol, Other Volunteer Opportunities Multi-purpose Facility Rentals , Parks Shelter Rental Information







Indicates Activity has Spring Sessions Available Classes with this icon are open to anyone within the age limit, but are specially designed to provide accommodations for aging adults.





HOW TO REGISTER Register Online @ -orStop by the Parks and Recreations main office at: Billings Parks and Recreation Department 390 North 23rd Street Billings, MT 59101 For more information call the Parks and Recreation Office 657-8371 Open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm


Highlights Billings Parks and Recreation is excited about all of our Winter & Spring offerings! There are plenty of new programs, along with some old favorites. Be sure to check out a few of the programs and activities we have highlighted below: 

Boys and Girls Winter Instructional Basketball- Page 2

Adult Volleyball Weekday League - Page 5

Spikeball League - Page 7

Red Lodge Cross Country Ski Trips - Page 9

Strong & Gentle Yoga & Kids Yoga Classes - Page 11

Cooking for 1 - Page 16




Stay up to date on the latest Parks and Rec news, events, and pictures by following us on Social Media!

Follow us on Instagram @BillingsParkRec

Follow us on twitter @BillingsParkRec

YOUTH SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship Applications may be picked up in person and are available at the Parks and Recreation office. The Billings Parks, Recreation and Preservation Foundation has provided scholarships for children to enroll in activities. Scholarships are limited and will be made available on a first come, first served basis to qualifying applicants. The purpose of the program is to assist families that cannot normally afford sporting, cultural, or enrichment type activities for their children due to economic hardships. This fund is made possible through the generous support of the Parks, Recreation and Preservation Foundation. Our THANKS to the Foundation for supporting Parks & Recreation and our city’s youth! If you would like to donate to the foundation, please contact the Parks and Recreation offices at 657-8371.



Youth Sports Youth Sports Boys & Girls 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Basketball The Winter season of Basketball will feature a Boys and Girls Instructional League to provide a home for players who are not able or do not want to play on a travel team. This is a great league for those newer to the game of basketball and would like to learn fundamental skills. Participants can choose between Arrowhead, Eagle Cliffs, Highland, or Newman schools as their practice location. The Girls division will practice from 5:45pm – 7:00pm. The Boys division will practice evenings from 7:00pm - 8:15pm. Teams will play 5 games starting February 4th with the final game played on March 11th. Games will be played on Saturday mornings at area schools.

Dates: January 11 - March 11 Days: Mondays /Wednesdays or Tuesdays/ Thursdays* (All games on Saturdays 2/4, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11) Cost: $65/resident, $75/non-resident Times: Girls Practice: 5:45-7:00pm Boys Practice: 7:00-8:15pm Arrowhead (M/W) Activity # 7100-A Activity # 7100-B Eagle Cliffs (M/W) Activity # 7101-A Activity # 7101-B Highland (M/W) Activity # 7102-A Activity # 7102-B Newman (T/TH)* Activity # 7103-A Activity # 7103-B

Girls 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Volleyball Girls 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Volleyball will start on March 22nd at Poly Drive and March 23rd at Big Sky and Sandstone. This program is designed to develop skills, build self-confidence, emphasize teamwork, and minimize anxiety of competition. Practices at *Poly Drive Elementary School are on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm for 4th grade and 7:00pm-8:00pm for 6th grade. Big Sky and Sandstone Elem. Schools will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the same times. Games will be played on Saturdays for 5 weeks starting on April 22nd at area middle school. Games played on (4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20). *5 graders can select th

which group to practice in

Dates: March 22 - May 14 Days: *Mondays /Wednesdays or Tuesdays/ Thursdays (all games on Saturdays) Cost: $65/resident, $75/non-resident Times: Practice: 6:00pm-7:00pm Practice: 7:00pm-8:00pm Big Sky (T/TH) (4th & 5th) Activity # 8000-A (5th & 6th) Activity # 8000-B Sandstone (T/Th) (4th & 5th) Activity # 8001-A (5th & 6th) Activity # 8001-B *Poly Drive (M/W) (4th & 5th) Activity # 8002-A (5th & 6th) Activity # 8002-B



Youth Sports Tiny Tigers Tumble & Play This active class provides instruction in basic tumbling and gymnastic skills. Participants will utilize activities such as circuit style warmups, play parachute, Hula Hoop skills, and other fun games. These class activities are geared to improve strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and spatial awareness in children and young adolescents. Ages: Days: Times Session 1 Session 2: Cost: Location: Enrollment:

3-4 years old & 5-6 years old Thursdays 11:00am - 11:45am (3-4 years) 11:45am -12:30pm (5-6 years) January 9 - February 23 Activity #: 8530-A (3-4 years) / 8530-B (5-6 years) March 3 - April 6 Activity #: 8531-A (3-4 years) / 8531-B (5-6 years ) $45/resident, $55/non-resident North Park Center Min. 6 / Max. 15

10 & Under Indoor Tennis Lessons


Tennis isn’t just a summer sport, so this year we’ve brought our Tennis lessons indoors! Saturday lessons are conducted over a 4 week session at the North Park Center. All lessons follow the United States Tennis Association (USTA) guidelines for 10 & Under Tennis. 10 & Under tennis utilizes shorter nets, smaller court dimensions, a modified scoring system and modified balls that are better suited for younger player’s skill levels. Lessons are coordinated by Brad Knutson (USPTA Instructor).

Ages: Days: Times Session 1 Session 2: Cost: Location: Enrollment:

10 years and under Saturdays 9:00am - 10:15am (7 & under) 10:15am - 11:30am (7 & up) January 28 - February 18 Activity #: 7025-A (7& under) / 7025-B (7 & up) March 4 - March 25 Activity #: 8025-A (7& under) / 8025-B (7 & up) $45/resident, $55/non-resident North Park Center Min. 6 / Max. 15



Adult Sports City League Basketball Don't miss your chance to sign up your Men's and Women's Competitive, Semi-Competitive, or Recreational Basketball team in the Billings Parks and Recreation’s famous City League. The deadline to register your team is December 14th. A $350 Team fee is due upon registration plus a player fee of $45 per player due January 6th. Games will begin January 11th at Castle Rock, Riverside, Lewis & Clark, Medicine Crow, and Will James. Teams can register online or at the Billings Parks, Recreation and Public Lands offices (390 N. 23rd St) Ages: Days: Dates: Times: Cost:

18+ Monday - Thursday and Sundays January 11 - April 17 7:00pm - 10:00pm Sundays - 4:00pm - 9:00pm $350/team Activity#: 7000-A $45 player fee per player

Adult Soccer Come enjoy the Spring weather by playing in our Adult Soccer League. Men's, Women's, and Coed Leagues will start April 2nd. Deadline to register your team is Friday, March 24th. The team fee includes 7 regular season games.

Ages: 18+ Dates: April 2 - May 28 Days: Sundays Cost: $275/team Times: 12:00pm - 6:00pm Location: Amend Park

Activity #: 8200-A (Women's) Activity #: 8200-B (Men’s) Activity #: 8200-C (CoEd)



Adult Sports Adult Coed Volleyball

Sunday Volleyball League Billings Parks and Recreation CoEd Volleyball is back and ready to help you bump, set, and spike your way into Spring! Sign your team up now for some friendly team competition on the hardwood. Team fee includes 9 regular season games and a double-elimination post season tournament. Team registration must be submitted by Friday, January 6th. Please indicate either a recreation or competitive division preference upon registration. Ages: 18+ Dates: January 15 - April 9 Days: Sundays Cost: $250/Team Times: 1:30pm - 7:00pm Location: Castle Rock Middle School

Activity #: 7200-A

We e k Day Volleyball League Can't make it on Sundays? We have expanded our volleyball league and now will be offering a weekday league on Tuesday/Thursday evenings. Dates: January 17 - April 11 Days: Tuesdays / Thursdays Cost: $250/Team Times: 6:00pm - 10:00pm Location: Castle Rock Middle School

Activity #: 7200-B

Remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and announcements!



Adult Sports Short Court Volleyball Tournament Billings Parks & Recreation will be hosting two, 2v2 short-court volleyball tournaments. Games will be played on a smaller court with similar rules to beach volleyball. Find your partner and don't miss out on some high speed volleyball action. Spiking, diving, and high-fiving are encouraged!

Dates: Days: Cost: Times: Location: Enrollment:

February 25 Activity #: 8555-A April 22 Activity #: 8555-B Saturday $30/team 9:00am - 4:00pm North Park Center Min. 6 / Max. 10

Oh No! Some excellent programs get cancelled when too many people wait until the last minute to register. Don’t Wait to Sign Up!

Broomball Tournament Come join us at Veteran’s Park for a day on the ice and an old-fashioned tournament of Broomball! Billings Parks and Recreation will be hosting a one-day Broomball tournament consisting of games played 5 versus 5. We will supply the equipment, but feel free to make and bring your own broomball sticks. The Veteran’s Park Craft house will be open as a warming house. Helmets are encouraged. Register your team by January 13th. Ages: Date: Cost: Times: Location: Enrollment:

*Tournament is weather-permitting* 18+ January 21 $50/team Activity #: 7567-A 9:00am - 4:00pm Veterans Park(13th St. West and Poly Drive) Min. 4 teams / Max 8 teams



Adult Sports Spikeball Spikeball mixes together components of volleyball and four-squared played in a exciting 2v2 fashion. The trampoline acts the same as the net would in volleyball. After the serve, players can run 360° around the net as there are no boundaries. Hard hits and drop shots are encouraged! League play is 7 weeks with a postseason tournament. Come play the game that everyone is talking about! Ages: Days: Dates: Times: Cost: Location: Enrollment:


18+ Sundays March 5 - May 7 1:00pm - 5:00pm $60/team North Park Center Min. 6 / Max. 12

Activity #: 7450-A

Pickleball Tournament NEW PROGRAM!

Billings Parks & Recreation will be hosting a 2v2 Indoor Adult Pickleball tournament on January 28th! This one day, all-out double elimination tournament will be held at the North Park Center. Doubles can be any gender. For more information, contact the Billings Parks and Recreation office.

Ages: Dates: Days: Times: Location: Cost:

18+ January 28 Activity #: 7457-A Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm North Park Center $25/resident team, $35/non-resident team



Outdoor Recreation Learn to Fly Fish A d u l t c l a s s i n st r u c t i o n i n c l u d e s everything you need to know about fly fishing! Learn how to set up and fish streamers, nymph’s and dry flies, tie knots, etc. Learn what fish feed on, keys to successful fly fishing, and “hands-on” casting practice. Plan to bring your fly rod for the Saturday casting practice. The one Saturday casting practice will be at the Wild Bill Lake in Red Lodge from 9:00am - 11:00am. Ages: Days: Times Dates Cost: Location: Enrollment:

16 years or older Mondays & Thursdays, with one Saturday casting practice 6:00pm - 8:00pm April 17th, 20th, 24th, 27th, and Saturday, April 29th $45/resident, $55/non-resident Activity #: 8560-A Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 6 / Max. 15

Backpacking 101 This class will teach participants how to plan, pack, and successfully complete short day or long overnight backpacking adventures. Discover what gear is necessary, which clothing is recommended, how to pack your supplies, and select your ideal trail. Please feel free to bring any backpacking supplies, textbooks, or resources you currently have.

Ages: Days: Times Dates Cost: Location: Enrollment:

12 years or older Wednesday 6:00pm - 8:30pm April 19 Activity #: 8125-A $15/resident, $25/non-resident Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 4 / Max. 15



Outdoor Recreation Red Lodge Cross Country Ski Trips Back again this winter is our Red Lodge Cross Country Ski Trips! Come enjoy a day of Cross Country Skiing at the Red Lodge Nordic Ski Center! Our all inclusive trip includes transportation to the Nordic Center, Cross Country Ski equipment, and instruction. After signing up, participants should go to the Basecamp (1730 Grand Ave.)to be fitted for equipment by the Wednesday prior to the trip they are attending. Participants will meet at the Parks and Recreation Offices (390 N. 23rd St.) and will be transported to the Ski Center. Bring your own water, lunch, snacks, and plenty of warm clothing. Participants should arrive by 8:45am as the bus will leave promptly at 9:00am. Be sure to check out our Week Day trips on January 17th & February 16th. Ages: Days: Times Dates

Cost: Location: Enrollment:

Ages 8 years and older (children 8-15years old must have an adult present) Saturdays 9:00am - 4:00pm Session 1: January 14 Activity #: 7565-A Session 2: January 17(Tue) Activity #: 7565-B Session 3: January 28 Activity #: 7565-C Session 4: February 11 Activity #: 7565-D Session 5: February 16(Thur.) Activity #: 7565-E $45/resident, $55/non-resident Parks, Recreation and Public Lands Offices (390 N. 23rd St.) Min. 8 / Max. 20



Fitness Nia Nia is a cardio-dance workout, a movement practice, and a lifestyle based on the intelligent design of the body. Nia tones your mind and tunes your body. Each workout brings mindfulness to your dance movement experience leaving you energized, mentally clear, and emotionally balanced. These cardio-dance workouts combine 52 simple moves with dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts to get you fit in 60 minutes Nia is practiced barefoot, non-impact, and adaptable to individual needs and abilities. Ages: Days: Times Dates Cost: Location: Enrollment:

16+ Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm Session 1: Jan 11-March 1 Activity #: 7507-A Session 2: March 8-April 26 Activity #: 8507-A $45/resident, $55/non-resident Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 6 / Max. 20

Zumba Zumba combines high energy and motivating Latin and International music with unique moves and combinations that allow you to dance away your worries and calories! It is based on the principle that a workout should be “fun and easy to do�. The routines feature aerobic/fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. It is so much fun - you'll love it. Ages: Days: Times Dates

Cost: Location: Enrollment:

18+ Thursdays 5:30pm - 6:30pm Session 1: January 12- February 16 Session 2: February 23 - March 30 Session 3: April 6 - May 11 $25/resident, $35/non-resident Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 6 / Max. 25


Activity#: 7526-A Activity#: 8526-A Activity#: 8526-B


Fitness Strong and Gentle Yoga This is an all levels class focusing on lengthening and strengthening the body through gentle, mindful movement. Conscious movement allows our bodies to sink into poses longer which allows for deeper connections with our breath, energy, and release of our physical and mental tensions. Ages: 16+ Days: Wednesdays Times: 5:45pm - 6:45pm Session 1: January 11 - February 15 Activity #: 7505-A Session 2 February 22 - March 29 Activity #: 7505-B Session 3 April 5 - May 11 Activity #: 8505-A Cost: $30/resident, $40/non-resident Location: Zimmerman Center at Pioneer Park Enrollment: Min. 6/Max. 20


Yoga Kids Yoga at an early age encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that’s noncompetitive. Sign your child up to take a break from their busy lives and experience the fun flow of Yoga! Ages: 9-13 years old Days: Wednesdays Times: 4:00pm - 4:45pm Session 1: January 11 - February 15 Activity #: 7425- A Session 2 February 22 - March 29 Activity #: 7425- B Session 3 April 5 - May 11 Activity #: 8425- A Cost: $30/resident, $40/non-resident Location: Zimmerman Center at Pioneer Park Enrollment: Min. 6/Max. 20


Slow & Gentle Yoga Experience the benefits of gentle yoga. This class is designed to provide increase flexibility & balance while improving strength for aging adults. Many of these classes are done from the comfort of your chair. If you have always wanted to try yoga but weren't sure if your body could handle it, this is the series for you. Ages: Days: Times: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Cost: Location: Enrollment:

55+ Mondays 10:30am – 11:30am January 9th – February 27th Activity #: 7522 - A March 6th – April 10th Activity #: 8522 - A April 17th – May 22nd Activity #: 8522 - B $30/resident, $40/non-resident Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 6 / Max. 25



Fitness Fitness by Design Are you new to fitness, or get tired of the same old work out routine? Fitness by Design consists of a wide variety of different workouts and instructors that has been compiled into one 10-week series! The series will provide strength training, Zumba, and much more! All of the classes are tailored to fit the needs of aging adults to provide a social environment, improve strength, and increase flexibility. Ages: Days: Times: Dates: Cost: Location: Enrollment:

55+ Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30am – 10:30am February 23rd – May 4th Activity #: 7599 - A $35/resident, $45/non-resident Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 10 / Max. 25

Pilates for Everyone Whether you're young or aging, pilates is a perfect way to improve balance, mobility and strengthen the core. With the variety of classes out there, it can be difficult to decide which are best fit for older adults. This class will provide workouts that are tailored to each age group and fitness level. Ages: Days: Times: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Cost: Location: Enrollment:

16+ Tuesdays 5:30pm - 6:30pm January 10 - February 14 Activity #: 7510-A February 21 - March 28 Activity #: 7510-B April 4 - May 9 Activity #: 8510-A $35/resident, $45/non-resident Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 6 / Max. 25

Oh No! Some excellent programs get cancelled when too many people wait until the last minute to register. Don’t Wait to Sign Up!



Fitness Strong & Fit 55+ The perfect strength training program for 55+ women! These workouts promise to improve strength, build lean muscle mass, and help combat a loss of bone density as you age. Come workout in a safe and supportive environment and build relationships with your classmates along the way!

Ages: Days: Times Session1: Session 2: Cost: Location: Enrollment:

55+ Mondays & Wednesdays 9:15am - 10:15am January 9 - March 8 Activity #: 7550-A March 13 - May 3 Activity #: 8550-A $35/resident, $45/non-resident Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 10 / Max. 25

Boosting your Balance As we get older, it can be frightening to think about losing our balance, but it's doesn't have to be! Learn tips and tricks to improve or maintain your balance as you age. Preparing your body and mind to keep your head and your heels connected.

Ages: Days: Times Session1: Cost: Location: Enrollment: Instructor:

55+ Fridays 9:30am - 10:30am March 10 - April 14 Activity #: 7557-A $30/resident, $40/non-resident Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 6 / Max. 25 Ruth Omland

Remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and announcements!



Special Interest Powerful Tools for Caregivers This educational series is designed for family and friends that are caring for a loved one. This care can look different for everyone, whether the loved one is living independently, in your home, or in a nursing home. Through this series participants will be provided with resources in the community specific to the needs of your situation, gain tools to assist in making tough decisions and having difficult conversations with your loved one, and learn ways to care for yourself amidst the caregiving process. This series is made possible through a partnership with the MSU Extension – Yellowstone County. Register through Parks & Recreation. For questions about the class, contact Jackie Rumph at 406-256-2828. Ages: 18+ Days: Tuesdays Times 5:30pm - 7:00pm Dates February 7 - March 28 Activity #: 7515-A Cost: $45/resident, $55/non-resident Location: Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.)

American Red Cross First Aid CPR / AED Training E x p e r t t ra i n i n g . O S H A c o m p l i a n t . Affordable. If you need training in CPR for an OSHA-mandated job requirement or you just want to know how to keep your loved ones safe, the American Red Cross has world-class instructors and award-winning online courses to ensure you get training that sticks. Red Cross CPR Certification classes include a free digital certificate, valid for 2 years, plus free access to digital learning materials and online refresher courses. Ages: Session 1: Session 2: Times: Cost: Location: Class Size:

16+ January 12 Activity #: 7405-A March 16 Activity #: 7405-B 6:00pm - 10:00pm $65/residents, $75/non-residents Zimmerman Center (1801 Virginia Ln) Min. 4 / Max. 20



Special Interest Exploring Facebook Are you wondering what all the hype is about? Do your friends or family keep hassling you to create an account? Want to connect with old friends or see pictures of your family members? Join us in exploring Facebook. By the end of the class, you will: have your own Facebook account; know how to accept, send, and deny friends requests, upload photos, and send messages. Protecting your personal information and privacy settings are an important part of this series. Ages: 45+ Days: Tuesdays Times: 1:30pm – 2:30pm Dates: February 28th – March 28th Activity #: 7635 - A Cost: $45/resident, $55/non-resident Location: Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Enrollment: Min. 5 / Max. 8

Computer Fundamentals


Whether you need a refresher or are just beginning, this computer class is designed to provided you with the tools you need to get started and protect your personal information when using a computer! Each week, our instructor will build on the information learned the week before. The class will cover: computer basics, mouse exercises, how to use the internet, creating and using an email account, protecting your computer from viruses, and protecting your personal information and identity. *Classes will be held in our computer lab. No personal computer is required. Ages: Days: Times: Dates: Cost: Location: Enrollment:

45+ Tuesdays 1:30pm – 2:30pm January 17th – February 21st Activity #: 7630 - A $55/resident, $65/non-resident Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 5 / Max. 8

Downloading Digital Photos Learn to transfer photos from your camera to you computer. You photos will be ready to prints, email, or upload to Facebook! Bring your camera and spend two days exploring with us! Ages: 45+ Days: Wednesdays & Thursdays Times: 1:00pm – 4:00pm Session 1: January 25th & 26th Activity #: 7634-A Session 3: March 29th & 30th Activity #: 7634-B Cost: $35/resident, $45/non-resident Location: Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Enrollment: Min. 5 / Max. 8



Special Interest Kids in the Kitchen A creative class that encourages participants to learn about the food they eat, as well as the importance of safety in the kitchen. This fun, interactive class will teach the proper skills needed to prepare kids favorite dishes. Each week is themed and will cover a fun variety of dishes. Participants will be exposed to a wide variety of cooking utensils including knives, griddles, mixers. Participants are required to wear proper kitchen attire including closed toed shoes to each session. Ages: Days: Times: Dates: Cost: Location: Enrollment:

8-13 Saturdays 9:30am – 12:00pm March 25 – April 15 Activity #: 8412-A $55/resident, $65/non-resident North Park Center Min. 6 / Max. 16

Cooking for 1


Cooking for one and tired of finding recipes that feeds six? Come try this interactive cooking class! Cook and try new recipes! This class is made possible through a partnership with the MSU Extension – Yellowstone County. Register through Parks & Recreation. For questions about the class, contact Jackie Rumph at 406-256-2828. Ages: Days: Times: Dates: Cost: Location: Enrollment: Instructor:

18+ Mondays 3:30pm – 4:30pm February 27 – March 13th Activity #:7415-A $45/resident, $55/non-resident Billings Community Center (360 N. 23rd St.) Min. 6 / Max. 16 Jackie Rumph



Special Interest American Red Cross Babysitters Training A Fun, fast paced course with hands-on activities, exciting videos, role-plays, and lively discussions. Learn to be the best babysitter, while gaining the confidence to make smart decisions and stay safe in any babysitting situation. This course includes American Red Cross Babysitters Handbooks, reference guides, and CD-ROM to provide participants with the tools they will need to run their own babysitting business. Lunch will NOT be provided, please bring your own lunch and water. Ages: 11-15 Times: 8:00am - 5:00pm Dates: April 3 Activity #: 8400 - A Cost: $65/resident, $75/non-resident Location: Zimmerman Center (1801 Virginia Lane) Enrollment: Min. 6 / Max. 15

Community Playgroup In this barrier removed environment, parents, as well as children learn and grow together! Playgroup strives to create a non-threatening environment where modeling and guided development are encouraged to occur. Please bring a light snack and drink for regular play dates. For more information, please contact our Billings Community Playgroup Facilitator at . Ages: Day: Session 1: Times: Cost: Location: Class Size:

Birth - 5 years old Tuesdays & Thursdays January 3 - May 18 9:30am - 11:00am 10 Punch Pass Card $30 Activity #: 6179-A 25 Punch Pass Card $60 Activity #: 6179-B Zimmerman Center (1801 Virginia Ln) Min. 3 / Max. 10



Aquatics Lifeguard Certification Class Interested in becoming a Lifeguard? The Lifeguard certification course provides participants with the knowledge and life-saving skills to be a successful Lifeguard. This certification includes Professional Rescuer First Aid/CPR. Prerequisites include ability to swim 300 yards, dive 10 feet to retrieve a 10 lb object, and tread water for 2 minutes. Check our website at for possible May classes. Ages: Dates:

Cost: Location: Enrollment:

16 years and older June 2 (6:00pm - 10:00pm) Rose Park Pool Activity #: 1014-A June 3 (8:00pm - 5:00pm) Rose Park Pool June 4 (8:00pm - 5:00pm) Rose Park Pool $175.00 (if received before 5/26, $25.00 late fee after 5/26) Zimmerman Center (1801 Virginia Lane), Rose Park Pool (21st St. W. & Ave C) Min. 10 / Max. 20

Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Class This certified swimming lesson instructor course requires 30 hours of in-the-water training focusing on life saving swimming techniques. Participants will focus on increasing presentations skills, refining swimming strokes, and leadership abilities. Upon completion, participants will be eligible to teach swim lessons for Billings Parks & Recreation. Ages: 16 years and older Date: Monday - Friday Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Dates : June 12- June 16 Activity #: 1114-A Location: Rose Park Pool (21st St. West & Ave C) Cost: $150.00 (if received before 5/26, $25.00 late fee after 5/29) Enrollment: Min. 10 / Max. 20

Aquatics Facility Operator (AFO) Class This is an advanced, educational training program designed to meet the needs of those managing and operating aquatic facilities. This two day course includes the NRPA’s AFO manual. Expect an in-depth instruction in all facets of aquatic facility operation and management including: filtration, disinfection, water testing/treatment, design considerations, facility management, risk management, facility troubleshooting, hot tub/spa operations and much more! Lunch for both days is NOT provided. Ages: 18 years and older Dates: February 9 - February 10 Days: Thursday - Friday Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm Location: Billings Parks and Recreation Office (390 N. 23rd Street.) Cost: $275 Full Course & Exam Activity #: 8150-A $110 Re-Certification Exam Activity #: 8150-B Enrollment: Min. 6 / Max. 12



Community Info Community Garden It’s never too late to start thinking about your garden. Come join us in the Amend Park Community Garden’s 4th year. Not an experienced Gardener? At the garden, we provide classes, workshops, and mentors to make sure all skill levels are successful. The garden is a great place to get involved in your community, spend time with family, and make new friends! The Amend Park Community Garden has 45 plots ranging from 3’x6’ Raised beds to 20ft x 20ft in size. We will begin accepting new applications for the 2017 growing season after March 1st. Please come by the Parks and Recreation Offices (390 N. 23rd St.) to fill out an application. Ages: Dates 3 x 6 plot: 10 x 10 plot: 10 x 20 plot: 20 x 20 plot: Location:

16 years or older *Applications for garden plots must March 1 – September 30 be filled out at the Parks & Recreation $15 + $15 deposit office. We are unable to take online registration at this time $20 + $15 deposit $30 + $15 deposit $40 + $15 deposit Amend Park Community Garden (685 S. Billings Blvd.)

Volunteer Park Ranger Bike Patrol Program Do you like to walk or ride the trails in Billings? The Volunteer Bike Patrol and Park Ranger Programs are looking for you to help patrol the trails and parks around the city. Come be a part of this team of committed volunteers that keep the public spaces safer and more enjoyable for the community. Patrols are scheduled at a time that is convenient for you. Volunteers commit to patrol their designated area once a week. Information about the program and applications can be found on our website under the outreach tab, or by contacting the Volunteer Coordinator; Chris Waite (contact info below) Applications are due by April 15.

Volunteer Opportunities If you are looking for a way to get involved in your community, the Parks and Recreation Department has a variety of service experiences to choose from. You can be matched with a project that fits your group or individual needs. Come have fun volunteering with the Parks and Recreation Department and make a difference in your Community! For more information contact Chris Waite 657-8308



Community Info Multi-Purpose Facilities The Zimmerman Center is located at 1801 Virginia Lane in Pioneer Park. The building includes a food prep area, restrooms, and a multi-purpose room. This building is idea for groups of 50 or less for meetings or social events. Available for rent to the public 8:00 am-10:00 pm. Rental Rates: Hourly: $30.00 1/2 Day: $100.00 (6 hours or less) Full Day: $200.00 Security Deposit: $100.00

Zimmerman Center

The North Park Center is located at 6th Ave. North and North 19th Street. The center has approximately 5,600 sq. ft. all on one level. This includes a small gym, kitchen area complete with stove, refrigerator, and sink. The center also features a multi-purpose room and restrooms. The building is ideal for meetings, social gatherings, receptions and more. Available for rent to the Rental Rates: public 8:00 am - 10:00 pm. Hourly: $35.00 1/2 Day: $100.00 (6 hours or less) Full Day: $200.00 Security Deposit: $100.00

North Park Center

Indoor / Multi-Purpose Buildings: Billings Parks & Recreation has five multi-purpose buildings that are available for rent. Multi-purpose buildings located in Gorham and Veteran’s Parks are newly renovated buildings and are a great place to hold your event. The multi-purpose buildings are adjacent to playgrounds and restrooms. Three indoor/outdoor shelters located at Central, Highland, and Optimist parks are also available for rental. The indoor portion of these shelters has a food prep area, serving counter space, electrical outlets, a small utility sink, and room for seating.

Park Shelters

Veteran’s Park Multi-Purpose Building Daily Rental: $100.00 (8:00 am - 10:00 pm) Security Deposit: $100

Billings Parks and Recreation has great shelters located throughout the city that are a perfect place to host a family reunion, company picnic, birthday party or get together! All picnic shelters are available on a first-come, first-serve basis unless they are reserved through a paid rental. Rental reservations for shelters must be paid for in advance at the Parks and Recreation Office or online. Some shelter rentals are available for a Full Day rental from 8:00am-10:00pm while other more popular shelters are available for a Half Day rental from 8:00am-2:00pm or 3:00pm-10:00pm. For a complete list of Park Shelters, please visit



Registration Form Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Lands 390 North 23rd St. Billings MT 59101 406 - 657 - 8371

Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Lands 390 North 23rd Street Billings, MT 59101 (406) 657-8371

We Build Community Through People, Parks, and Programs! Youth & Adult Activities


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