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President’s Message
The President’s Message
Give Back! It Will Help You Live a Longer and Happier Life
In 1938, as the world began to see glimpses of hope that would signal the end of the Great Depression, Harvard scientists began tracking the health of 268 sophomores (all males as the college was not yet co-ed), in the hopes of revealing clues that would lead to healthy and happy lives. The study is ongoing today and has expanded beyond the original 268 participants (a few are still alive today) to include their spouses and offspring. Along with the above, 456 Boston inner city residents were added to the group in the 1970s, and their spouses were added more than a decade ago*.
Over the last 80+ years of research, the most surprising finding has been this: “how happy we are in our relationships has a powerful influence on our health…Taking care of your body is important but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care too.” Now, no one is saying to stop enjoying your Green Goddess smoothies, and you should still aim to “eat the rainbow”. But embracing your community is part of the not-so-secret secret of living a longer, happier, and likely more fulfilling life.
Constantly remaining upbeat in a time of staffing shortages, stagnant third-party reimbursement rates, increasing regulations, and rising inflation can feel downright impossible. We don’t have to look terribly hard to find the negatives in our news cycle, but it’s the positives we seek out that matter. The research mentioned above has offered up the following strategies to finding that positivity:
1) Stay connected - Personal connections create emotional stimulation, which is an automatic mood booster.
2) Volunteer - Volunteering provides a sense of purpose and has been scientifically proven to improve your mood.
3) Perform acts of kindness towards others - SKCDS has a host of volunteer opportunities (MTI Clinics, the Sealant Program, GKAS in February at KidsQuest) and within the Society itself on Committees and helping to connect the Foundation with community partners!
4) Find your inner child and see more green - If you have read any of my previous messages, I encouraged you to get out and try something that has brought you joy…one of the best ways to do this is by exploring the natural beauty around us.
I understand that giving back can come with some major hurdles: you’re tired from the full week of working, shuffling kids around to various activities, and being a dentist. However, remember that by giving back you’re contributing to your own long-term health and happiness! My wish for all of you that are reading this is that we all live long, healthy and happy lives. Not sure where to start? Like point #3 says, SKCDS has a plethora of volunteer opportunities available, both through our partnership organizations and by joining the leadership of the Society and the Foundation. Click around on the website to learn more or reach out directly to your Society team!
*For more information on the study mentioned, Google “Harvard Long Term Happiness Study”.
Sincerely, Dr. Christine Kirchner
Dr. Christine Kirchner