==== ==== Have you got acne and would like some help with it? http://www.acnemarkscure.com ==== ====
There are different kinds of acne. Knowing what kind of acne you are having would help you know the right medication you should undergo. 1. Whitehead. This kind of acne is mild where the completely blockage of the sebum together with the bacteria by the dead skin is manifested. 2. Blackhead. This is a form of acne where oxidation happened which caused its black color. The pores having blackheads are partially blocked. 3. Papule. This is red acne yet has no head. 4. Pustule. This is an inflamed, red acne with a white or yellowish center. 5. Nodule. It is a severe form of acne which is formed beneath your skin. It is commonly painful and hard which can lead to deep scarring. If not given the right care, nodules could get back to skin and would stay longer than usual. 6. Cystic. Just like nodule, cystic is very visible and is big as much as 5mm plus. It is also painful and might give you a deep scar. 7. Acne Rosacea. A condition like this exists if a part of your skin is very red where there are a lot of acne and rush. This might swell because of the production of unnecessary tissue. You need to meet a dermatologist if you suspect yourself of having it. 8. Acne Conglobata. One of the most severe acne is this one. It is like a solid lesions and abrasions which are connected with each other commonly experienced by men. This condition is often hard to cure that it needs a consistent treatment from experts. 9. Pyoderma Faciale (Rosacea Fulminans). A form of acne which only females experience. This is like a combination of pustules, nodules and other forms of acne. Most probably, women who never had acne in the past can experience this when they reach their 20's to 40's Some acne can be treated at home by natural Acne Remedy or some chemicals available. However, there are really some forms of acne, especially those which are severe should be treated by the dermatologists or they might leave marks forever.
If you want to get more Acne Removal [http://www.strategiesagainstacne.com/acneremoval] Tips
and and Acne Remedies Click Here [http://www.strategiesagainstacne.com/acneremoval]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sheila_Rex_Walker
==== ==== Have you got acne and would like some help with it? http://www.acnemarkscure.com ==== ====