Myth of Replacement Windows

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==== ==== Do you need to replace your windows in your home? ==== ==== Myths of Replacement Windows Often so many disappointed people learn too late that the savings they were told they would enjoy with replacement windows only lasted until the weather turned cold. The very reason people replace their windows, the drafts and cold, remains after the new units are installed. Poor quality installation doesn't account for all the reasons the replacement windows fail. Let us start at the beginning. Most people consider replacing old windows for many reasons; worn, doesn't close/open well, drafty, broken, rotted, etc. Step 1: Call someone. Funny how we look for someone who may have had work similar to what we want done. Other than if they liked the person do they really have the knowledge to evaluate the services or products they contracted for? Do you even trust their opinion on anything? Unfortunately, I have had to deal with families who were taken advantage of by the really nice guys, who were the typical smooth talkers. So what now? Instead of calling, visit the person. Look at the windows themselves. How tight do they fit, are all exterior seams caulked, is the unit drafty, can you see any area which may allow air to seep through ? Ask the trusted person you are interviewing if they actually got the savings they were sold on. Step 2: Research! I know, HOW BORING, but no one cares about your finances as much as you. Over whelming reports, each containing information giving the pros and cons of each type of window material available allows you an opportunity to start making a decision on the benefits and pitfalls of each. Now before you start wondering why you even started thinking of replacing your windows, allow me to share a little of what I have learned over the last 30 years of working in the construction industry. To begin, let us start with the terms replacing windows and replacement windows. Replacing a window entails the removal of the entire unit, interior and exterior trim, the window frame and sashes ( the frame that holds the glass ) and if present any weights and/or counter balances found with older windows. These dead air spaces for the counter weights in many case are one of the leading causes of cold and drafts. Only by fully removing the old window and replacing it with a high quality window, properly insulating and caulking the new trim to avoid air seepage, will you ever get close to efficiently stopping heat loss. Replacement windows are actually replacement sashes in a frame. to install a replacement window, all that needs to be done is to remove the existing sashes (the frame that holds the glass)

and install the replacement window. Even when replacement windows are installed correctly, this procedure should save time and money initially by not having to insulate the dead air spaces and replace the trim. A couple of words of caution here, first some of what I believe are used car salesmen turned window replacement experts, when confronted with these points, will suggest insulating the dead air spaces, which will of course cost more and most likely lead to new trim anyway, again costing more. Next to address the issue of the old exterior trim they will offer solutions from simply applying new paint, cover the trim with aluminum, or even replace the old trim, again at extra cost. None of the usual options with replacement window will take care of rotting frames and sills and when covered will usually accelerate the rotting, eventually affecting the operation of the window. If by some magical way there is still some savings, the fact that replacement windows have less light and venting than the old window still remains. Remember, nothing any one can say will change the fact that you are replacing sashes with a complete window frame with sashes in that existing frame. After choosing either to replace your windows or use replacement windows, all choices no matter the material must fit tightly together. The window sashes must fit snuggly to stop cold /hot air from leaking in. Some manufacturers products may feel as if there is no window at all in the opening." Personally experienced these types of windows as the home owners were forced to wear coats in their own living room" It makes no sense to spend any amount of money to end off worse than you started.

The final choices are yours and yours alone. I believe that the more informed a person is, the better the choices they can make and the better choices they make, the better clients they become and sharing your reviews or sending me your questions will help me help others. You may contact me at or post at )

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==== ==== Do you need to replace your windows in your home? ==== ====

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