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You have already taken the first step in becoming a successful real estate broker by being willing to change and learn about real estate broker training. One thing we need to understand is that the real estate market changes, people change, strategies change, and you must change too. Always remember this critical message: Who cares that the cheese moved-Just keep looking, keep striving, keep learning and improving and you will find even more cheese somewhere else. If you are making good money in real estate, it's easy to keep doing the same things to make the same money. But things will change, and if your mindset does not change, if you are not always looking ahead and keeping your finger on the pulse of change, the successful methods you use today will fail you tomorrow. Next, I'll need you to always keep a positive attitude-no stinkin' thinkin' is a theme in my offices. Keep this famous quote in your mind from Henry Ford: "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." Years ago, I thought I could become a successful real estate agent and then a successful broker and I was going to own that building and many more and I did just that. Of course there were roadblocks. Problems arose; things got tough. The cheese moved. But by sticking to the concepts I'm about to teach you-and having faith in our own talents and abilitieswe were able to succeed despite no less than three recessions, the last one being an economic Armageddon of global proportions that was actually driven by real estate itself. Negative thinking spreads like wildfire though real estate offices. Agents are constantly bombarded by doomsday stories in the media and tales of deals gone bad from other agents. Don't let this take your office down. Enthusiasm and your positive attitude is a powerful force for success. It will mean the difference between making just one more call to get a listing or pursue just one more contact to make a sale and giving up and going home. So with a positive attitude now part of your permanent character, let's get right to the key techniques for successful real estate broker training: Celebrate the Success of Others--That's right, the more successful the people around you are, the more successful you will be. This is especially true of real estate brokers who depend on agents as their sales force. When opening a real estate office, you must check your ego at the door. A successful office is not about the broker (even though his or her name is on the sign). It's about the agents and the broker's ability to make sure they are successful. You must take every opportunity to celebrate the success of others. This is done as an ego boost to keep the agents motivated, but also to show the rest of the world how good your agents are doing. In our area, because we promoted the success of our associates, other agents wanted to come work for us and, better yet, people wanted to do business with us. To celebrate the success of our associates, we named agents of the month and agents of the
year; we had award nights and gave out trophies and certificates, not to mention monetary rewards such as cash incentives and higher commission splits when agents hit certain levels of production. We put Agent of the Month names on our corporate signs and we featured them in our advertising. Our websites highlighted the agents and we even had a crown for agent of the month you could keep at your desk until you were "dethroned." The recognition, incentives, and competition keep our agents motivated.
For more information, go to [http://www.real-estate-broker-training.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_Czertok
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