Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies Skillfully Told by a Brain-Damaged Troll
by Bill Schmalfeldt
Skillfully Told by a Brain Damaged Troll
Copyright Š 2011 by Bill Schmalfeldt All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. Visit my websites at http://worldnutzdaily.com http://parkypundit.com Printed in the United States of America First Printing: February 2011 ISBN-13: 978-1460902790 ISBN-10: 1460902793
(Essays in this book were originally published on either http://technorati.com, http://parkypundit.com, http://worldnutzdaily.com or all three. Essays with a Technorati web link were originally published on that website.)
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
PREFACE One of the lesser-discussed symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is irritability. I was diagnosed with this degenerative neurological disorder three weeks after my 45th birthday in 2000. I have 11 years of irritability built up inside me. That’s why I enjoy writing. After 11 years of this crap, my walking is affected. I lose my balance and fall easily. My ability to speak is hampered. Most folks with Parkinson’s tend to develop a quiet, whispery, reedy voice. Not me! A loudmouth I was born and a loudmouth I shall die. No, my affliction is in the area of clarity. When I speak, all the words try to rush out in an unintelligible jumble. If I slow down and think of each word as I say it, things go a little easier. But as someone with 30+ years of radio broadcasting experience in my pocket, someone who has spent the last six years as a podcaster for the Federal Government, this loss of the ability to clearly express myself verbally without sounding like Porky Pig is frustrating to say the least. 3
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That is why I enjoy writing. At this point in my progressive decline, it’s still something I can do fairly well. And I particularly enjoy writing satire. Particularly political satire. Particularly satire that perforates the smug attitude of the American Conservative mindset. I find fault with almost everyone! (Makes me a fun guy to hang out with!) The religiofascist and the assured atheist are just as likely to suffer under my keyboard. Anyone who thinks he or she knows ANYTHING for an absolute certainty and beyond questioning is a target. If you read an essay here that annoys or inflames you… good. Read the next essay. You might like that one. Or, at any rate, you’ll have something to think about. If you’re the kind of person who has absolute certainty in your religion, your patriotism, American Exceptionalism, tread lightly between these book covers. Take a deep breath. They’re just words. And aren’t words MAGICAL things? The offerings herein are divided into four broad categories… 4
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
Dumbasses Knuckleheads Media Odds and Ends. A full listing of essays can be found in the Table of Contents. Thanks to the editors at Technorati.com for providing first publication for the vast majority of these works. I take full responsibility for my own words, whether I meant them sincerely or not. And that’s part of the fun about reading satire… how much of what you’re reading is based on YOUR preconceived notions, and how much is based on the writer’s? Let’s see, shall we?
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DEDICATIONS First, to my mother who, as I write this, is fighting the battle of her life at a hospital in Milwaukee. My sense of humor, my will to fight my condition, these are gifts from her. GO PACKERS! Then to my younger sister, Becki, who took such great care of Muz over the past several years. We owe you a debt beyond payment. To my younger brother, Joe, all my kids, nieces, nephews, cousins and in-laws – former and current. Live Long and Prosper. Finally, to the woman who has given me 23 years of her life and love. My best friend, my partner, my helper, my soulmate – the love of my life. Ultimately, every good thing in my life has come to me through you, Gail. I love you with all my heart. 6
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
Table of Contents DUMBASSERY ........................................................... 10 The Insane Person's Guide to the Unrest in Egypt .......... 10 Right Wing Scrambles to Reassign Blame for Tucson Tragedy ........................................................................ 18 It's Not the Crosshairs, it's the Constant Calls for Violence .................................................................................... 22 But We Don't WANNA Stop Hatemongering .................. 26 Sarah Palin Does NOT Use the Blood of Children to Bake her Matzohs for Passover .............................................. 32 Honoring the President's Request for Civility ................. 36 "Blood Libel" Graduates to "Pogrom" Status Against Palin, Conservatives ............................................................... 43 The Fate of the Republic Dangles by a Single Silken Thread .................................................................................... 48 The Right Wing Celebration of 'Dumbassery' and the Danger it Presents to America ....................................... 55 More Conservative Reaction to the Tucson Massacre .... 68 Why Does Michelle Obama Want to Kill Our Children? .. 82 Lolllipops and Unicorns Fill the Air as Republicans Sit with Democrats at SOTU ....................................................... 87 Bachmann Plan Would Gut VA Budget -- So What? ........ 91 Rush Limbaugh Dittoheads Get It Wrong — Again! ........ 94 How Nice it Must Be… ................................................ 103 7
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Stupid is the New Smart… .......................................... 107
KNUCKLEHEADS ....................................................... 113 Sarah Palin® Seeks to Trademark® Her Name® ............. 113 Steele Knows Just How Caesar Felt – Except for the Stabbing ..................................................................... 116 Repeal and Replace Obamacare With... Uh... Something. ................................................................................... 121 Are Tea Partiers Content to Ride in the Short Bus with Michelle Bachmann? ................................................... 129 Sarah Palin Wins the "Space (Between the Ears) Race" 135 Boehner Tells Obama, "Stop Badmouthing America!" .. 139 Georgia Congressman Did NOT Evolve from Monkeys! . 144 Neocon Reax to Egypt Unrest: "Can't We Just Bomb Iran NOW?" ....................................................................... 146
MEDIA ..................................................................... 150 The Revolution Will NOT Be Tweeted! ......................... 150 Telling the Good Islamic Protesters from the Bad Islamic Protesters ................................................................... 154 Listen to the Piggy SQUEAL! ........................................ 160 There's a Filthy Clog in the Drain Pipe of Discourse ...... 165 Limbaugh Says America Doesn't NEED to Live Up to the Ideals of a 9-year Old Girl ............................................ 168
ODDS AND ENDS...................................................... 177 Clinton, Iowa… a Town With Flava!.............................. 177 No Farting, Please. We're Malawian. ........................... 184 8
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Fecal Transplants Might Cure PD? No Sh*t! (And I MEAN That!) ......................................................................... 186 An E-Mail? From Santa? ............................................. 191 Funny, Funny, Funny Racism!!! .................................... 196 Smug Atheism Bugs Me............................................... 201 "You're Welcome. Feel Better Now?............................ 202 Some Thoughts on Group Blame ................................. 206 Explaining It To The Kids ............................................. 210 The Deep Brain Manifesto ........................................... 217
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DUMBASSERY The Insane Person's Guide to the Unrest in Egypt1
See, you're sitting there this morning watching CNN or MSNBC and getting the idea that this whole kerfuffle in Egypt is between people who want President Hosni Mubarak to LEAVE and people who want Mubarak to STAY. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! 1
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
That's what "they" WANT you to think. And by "they", I mean the nefarious force that is known as Barack Obama Thank GOD that the Internet resource, Gawker.com2 has gone through all the evidence (and, probably, gallons of cough syrup) and coalesced all the Wingnut Madness in their quest to provide you with the REAL story. The POOP, as it were. Let's break it down. Glenn Beck compares conditions in Egypt to those in 1914 when Archduke Ferdinand was shot, leading to the beginning of WWI, combined with conditions in Berlin that caused WWII and 1979 when the Shah fled Iran with suitcases fulla money. "The entire Mediterranean is on fire. More than that, it's not just the surrounding countries of the Mediterranean; it also spreads up here — you have the U.K. and Ireland already with riots in the street… I think there is a chance that Tunisia is our Archduke Ferdinand moment… He was the guy assassinated in Sarajevo, June 1914. A month later, Austria and Hungary declared war against Serbia and the rest is called World War I. I believe a snowball is being formed, and it is starting to roll… You can at least prepare to not get caught in the snowball. I'm going to show you in a minute how this isn't Berlin. This is Iran, 1979."
http://gawker.com/5749601/the-right+wing-nuts-guide-to-egypt 11
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Conor Friedersdorf of "The Atlantic" offers his analysis here3. You can see Beck's video here4. I love how he's able to get his eyes spinning in opposite directions when he talks. But he misses the obvious point that the Egyptians are protesting because BILL AYRES and CODE PINK taught them how to protest! At least, that's what the mental giants at Big Government.com5 think. President Barack Obama funder and Code Pink cofounder Jodie Evans, accompanied by Obama‘s Hyde Park friends and neighbors – the former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn – organized an inside-outside game of political theater to bring pressure on the Mubarak regime to allow the aid for Hamas to be delivered though Egyptian checkpoints. On one hand, Evans and Code Pink lobbied Mubarak‘s wife for assistance, as well as the U.S. embassy in Cairo. On the other hand, the group led hundreds of Western leftists in challenging the Egyptian government with boisterous street protests.
http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2011/01/this-isimportant-stuff.html 4
http://biggovernment.com/taylorking/2011/01/29/did-muslimbrotherhood-learn-day-of-rage-egypt-protest-tactics-from-obamaallies-bill-ayers-and-code-pink/ 12
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Code Pink was not shy about its support for Hamas. The group bragged that Hamas terrorists guaranteed their safety in Gaza. At the same time, Code Pink had also allied itself with the Muslim Brotherhood. Code Pink took out banner ads on the Muslim Brotherhood‘s official English language Web site asking jihadis to ―join us in cleansing our country‖ of so-called war criminals which included former President George W. Bush and wife Laura. The Muslim Brotherhood is banned in Egypt and is widely considered to be the father of the modern Islamic terrorist movement. Scared yet? Yes? Well, you aren't scared ENOUGH!!! Right Wing Radio Fruitbat Tammy Bruce says The Evil One (Obama) probably FACILITATED this unrest, and -- if so -- should be IMPEACHED!!!
Ain't Twitter GRAND??? But hold on to your absorbent adult undergarments, America! It gets SCARIER! Noted Intellectual Rush Limbaugh says Obama thinks he's a PHARAOH!!! 13
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"Well, the same question needs to be asked about Pharaoh Obama. Why didn't the Pharaoh see this coming, particularly given his wonderful relationship with this regimes and their people? Obama went over there, made a speech...even grew a quasi-mustache there for the appropriate facial hair." Hear the audio here6. (Take a couple Dramamine first. You'll be fine.) Now I don't know which is scarier -- the fact that I have no idea who this next mook is, or the scary stuff he's saying! But Gawker reports that Wayne Allyn Root7 believes the whole brouhaha in Egypt is just PRACTICE for the UPCOMING POPULAR REVOLT ON THE STREETS OF AMERICA! So how will President Obama react to massive protests, riots, and revolt in the USA? Will he choose to shut down the Internet? He criticizes Mubarak, yet Obama is already asking Congress for the authority to do just that (without judicial review). Will Obama cut off access to Facebook and Twitter? Will he try to shut down talk radio and FOX News? Obama and his Democratic allies have already suggested doing that (before a true crisis) with ―The Fairness Act.‖ Will Obama attempt to ban guns?
http://biggovernment.com/waroot/2011/01/31/what-will-obama-do-ifegyptian-style-crisis-unrest-and-revolt-hits-america/ 14
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He has already come out strongly in support of gun control or bans on numerous occasions before he was even elected President. Will Obama call in the military to contain the riots of unemployed, hungry, angry youth here in America‘s biggest cities? Will he allow free speech — even if massive protests call for Obama to step down? Is Obama taking notes in Egypt? He had better. Because Egypt‘s crisis could eventually be coming to a city near you. Oh. He writes for "Breitbart.com" -- the incompetent serial liar who got caught several times altering videos8 to make progressives look evil. Maybe we should just set that one aside... if we dare. Dare we? Can we play it TOO safe? I dunno, man. I dunno. Michael Walsh9, writing for the National Review Online (the online version of the magazine founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., who expressed his embarrassment at the modern conservative movement before he died10... coincidence?) says the Egyptian revolution will result in DICTATORSHIP because ALL revolutions end in DICTATORSHIP. * Czar Nicky — Kerensky — Lenin 8
http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/258622/along-nile-its-d-j-vuall-over-again-michael-walsh 10
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_F._Buckley,_Jr. 15
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* Kaiser Willie — Weimar Republic — Hitler * Shah Pahlavi — Mr. Bani Sadr — Khomeini See? See? See? Of course he forgot a couple examples. * King George III — George Washington — OBAMA * King Louis XVI — Maximilien Robespierre -Nicolas Sarkozy And then there's the sheer TERROR you MUST feel in your gut when you read on World Net Daily11 (never heard of 'em) when they suggest that LEFTISTS and ISLAMOFASCISTS have JOINED FORCES to USHER IN THE ERA of the ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST!!! "First, both leftist and Islamist ideologies share a populist, collectivist, and even utopian political vision. While the American ideal seeks 'economic freedom,' leftist and Islamists both seek 'economic justice' or radical wealth redistribution as a definitive goal. Second, both the Leftists and Islamists are now using the vehicle of riots, violent protests and revolution to achieve their goals. A significant part of the apocalyptic dimension is that whether atheistic Marxism or religious Islamism, both ideologies also share a mutual hatred of you and me. Whether this is Israel, (the little Satan), or the United States, (the Great Satan), Leftists and Islamists long to see the demise of both." Yeah, but, isnt' the Antichrist supposed to arise from the European Union? 11
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Most expect him to come from a revived Roman Empire, which many have assumed is associated with the Roman Catholic Church and the European Union. Not so, argues "The Islamic Antichrist," a book that makes the case that the biblical Antichrist is one and the same as the Quran's Muslim Mahdi. So controversial is the title, the author has written under a pseudonym. ("Pussy" -- editor's note.) "The Bible abounds with proofs that the Antichrist's empire will consist only of nations that are, today, Islamic," says Richardson. "Despite the numerous prevailing arguments for the emergence of a revived European Roman empire as the Antichrist's power base, the specific nations the Bible identifies as comprising his empire are today all Muslim." SCREAM! SCREAM! SCREAM! Well, THANK YOU, Gawker.com, for giving us all something ELSE to be terrified by. I'll be heading to my fortified underground Terror Bunker to wait this thing out. As soon as I'm done with my coffee.
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Right Wing Scrambles to Reassign Blame for Tucson Tragedy
http://technorati.com/politics/article/right-wing-scrambles-toreassign-blame/ 12
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
My, my, MY! There's one thing a hate speaker hates more than anything else and that's to be identified as a hate speaker! Just like racists get ALL KINDS of sore when you call them racists, when you call a hate speaker on his or her hate speech, it gets them riled up like a nest of hornets gettin' hit with a stick. Look at the way the Right Wing Webbies like Red State and Free Republic and even the honestly racist white supremacist Stormfront.org have been scurrying and worrying about what the media is gonna SAY about their hate speech. "Oh noes! They gots TAPE recorders and they recordeded what I said at that town hall meeting about how we should all hop into the back of Cooter's pick-em-up truck with our Glocks and Uzis and Winchesters and barrel-loading muskets to apply some-a them "Second Amendment Solutions" what the Tea Party said we should use when we kill the ni..., well, you know who and what I'm talkin' about." Oh, it gets them all MAD when you remember... especially when you can find TAPES and QUOTES of them sayin' what they said! It gets them scrambling, looking under tables and couches, trying to find someone… anyone… other than THEMSELVES… where the blame for this kind of nuttiness can be laid. SUCCESS!
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According to a posting on The Atlantic13, one of the many and various self-appointed Tea Party Founders (I think this one founded a group called "Tea Party Nation") is currently circulating an email ordering his followers (all 21 of them) to "(urge) tea party supporters to blame liberals for the attack on centrist Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, who was shot through the head and is now fighting for her life, as a means of defending the tea party movement's recent electoral gains." He insists that when people refer to the shooter, they refer to him as a lunatic liberal with emphasis on BOTH words. Yeah. That'll work. If you're a Tea Partier who believes what you're told to believe by your local national Tea Party founder. As I write this, it's Sunday afternoon and I am paying a great personal sacrifice by missing the kickoff of the Packers/Eagles game. But that pales in the face of the sacrifice Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly are gonna be faced with when the vast middle-of-theroad crowd casts a jaundiced eye in their direction. I mean, GOD! Now even FOX NEWS is pointing to the rising vitriol on the right! And they're PART of it!
http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/01/tea-party-groupblames-leftist-for-giffords-shooting/69153/ 20
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And speaking of sacrifice, let's just go ahead and give blogger Andrea J. Rouda and her blog, ROTOROUDA, the award for "Bloodiest Self-Inflicted Wound of 2011." (Yeah, I know it's early, but this is gonna be hard to top.) On January 8, same day as the Tucson shooting, she wondered in print why nobody had taken a shot at former speaker Pelosi yet. Apparently that post didn't get enough hits, so the next day, in a post called "Speaking of Target Practice," she openly calls on folks to "stop" (right wing dog whistle for "blow a hole through") Keith Olbermann. After listing a group of people whose lives were ended early by assassins' bullets, she writes, "What a waste, especially when there are so many good targets out there. Take Keith Olbermann." Now true, many of the comments following this post are as vile as the death threat she makes against Olbermann. But for his sake, let's hope Keith wears a bullet-proof vest for awhile until this thing blows over (if ever). (UPDATE: The two offending posts are gone. Apparently Keith found out, had a lawyer contact the young "lady," and she folded faster than Superman on laundry day. She says in her tag line, "I used to do this for money. Now I just do it." I used to hear that from used up women at truck stops ALL the time.)
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In the meantime, starting Monday, the right wing hate screamers will scream and the right wing intolerance hooters will hoot and the right wing bigotry bellowers will bellow about how it's not THEIR fault if someone took their words seriously. After all, it's free speech. And words don't kill people. Right wing hate-fueled morons with extendedclip Glocks do.
It's Not the Crosshairs, it's the Constant Calls for Violence
In his first post15 of the day, Red State's Erick Erickson makes the following alleged "point." For those still attacking Sarah Palin for daring to use the word ―targets‖ and maps against Democrats, including Gabrielle Giffords, please note that the DLC and DCCC, the D is for ―Democratic‖, also had maps with targets in earlier years. Likewise Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos targetted Gabrielle Giffords himself. The self-serving attack over the use of maps and the word ―target‖ is both dumb and hypocritical. http://technorati.com/politics/article/its-not-the-crosshairs-itsthe/ 15 http://www.redstate.com/erick/2011/01/10/im-going-to-make-apolitical-point-now/ 14
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Oh, Erick. Nobody thinks that Jared Lee Loughner saw a single graphic on Caribou Barbie's website and decided to go shoot him a congresswoman! (And besides, Erick, when you make charges like that against Kos, it's best to include a link or else one might be forced to conclude that — like most of what you write — this information was plucked directly from you descending colon.) No, Erick, no! Here's the point you're so sluggishly and stupidly trying to comprehend. It's the DAILY, SUSTAINED, MULTIFACETED, MULTIMEDIA, NONSTOP, NEVER-ENDING, ONGOING CALLS FOR VIOLENCE AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT that the Right Wing has to answer for. Frankly, I could care less if this kid Loughner got his marching orders while watching "Plan Nine from Outer Space" smoking weed in a bong filled with Strawberry Hill wine! This sudden, vicious, deadly attack in Tucson — whether or NOT it was inspired by the right's constant drone of paranoid fantasies about "taking back America" — it shines a light on the filthy kitchen floor that is the current state of right wing politics in America. And my, how the cockroaches SCATTER when the light comes on. (Hey, when I was younger I could only afford the rent for some really cheap apartments.)
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Do you think Caribou Barbie would have been so quick to scrub her webby of the gun sight graphic if she didn't feel that it would draw some negative attention her way should one of the 20 people she "targeted" actually got SHOT? Do you think she would be out there with a spokesidiot claiming that these were not even gun sights in the first place, but surveyor marks? A quick glance at all the right wing webbies shows a common theme this morning. "Don't hold US responsible for the fact that we called for exactly this kind of political violence against liberals! We didn't think anyone would DO it. And LIHBRULS do it, TOO!" Yeah. But liberals tend to protest with signs, tshirts and bumper stickers. Not bullets. Back in the 60s, early 70s? Yeah. Most of the violence was left wing. But back in the 1860s, Republicans were liberals who freed the slaves. Times change.
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
Deflect, project, obfuscate, misdirect, give 'em the old "song and dance" and BAMBOOZLE 'em! It's the standard GOP playbook. And now, a 2004 GOP candidate for the Senate is saying KEITH OLBERMANN16 should be investigated for the shooting! Come on, Right Wingers! Let's get real for a minute. Nobody cares what Sarah Palin says, what she does, what she eats, what she uses to stay fresh and feminine "down there", or what kind of graphic she uses on her webby. One man's gunsight is a delusional liar's surveyor mark. Whatever. But, by and large, we Americans are NOT STUPID! We KNOW who said what, when they said it, who they were talking to and what they meant. We have QUOTES! We have TAPES! And we KNOW it was NOT Keith Olbermann telling crowds of foaming tea partiers that "if ballots won't work, bullets will." But you cats on the right need to tamp down the "GENTLEMEN, GATHER YOUR ARMIES" baloney every time someone passes a piece of legislation you don't like. You need to stop with the "second amendment solutions" nonsense, because it isn't the responsible, sane person who hears these words and
http://www.standardnewswire.com/news/236695878.html 25
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recognizes them as "rhetoric" that we have to worry about. It's the lunatic in a dark bedroom in his mom and dad's house with a Glock and an extended clip who takes your crap SERIOUSLY and decides to ACT on it that is going to lead this country into the Civil War you seem to so desperately desire!
But We Don't WANNA Stop Hatemongering
Monday's right wing media reaction to the Giffords shooting in Tucson was — predictable. Let me sum it up for you. "We expect to continue to use the airwaves to stoke up the embers of anti-government resentment, anger and paranoia because it is our right to do so. And we shall continue to refuse to acknowledge our responsibility for any violent act perpetrated by an unhinged individual who may or may not have heard our calls to armed violence."
17 http://technorati.com/politics/article/but-we-dont-wanna-stop-
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
Because, you see, there is no evidence as of yet that Jared Lee Loughner was LISTENING18 to Rush Limbaugh when he said... "I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus--living fossils--so we we'll never forget what these people stood for." There's no evidence that Loughner even had the radio turned ON19 when Glenn Beck said... ―I‘m thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I‘m wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out — is this wrong? I stopped wearing my What Would Jesus — band — Do, and I‘ve lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, ―Yeah, I‘d kill Michael Moore,‖ and then I‘d see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I‘d realize, ―Oh, you wouldn‘t kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn‘t choke him to death.‖ And you know, well, I‘m not sure.‖ There's not a single scintilla of proof that Loughner was even in the same ROOM with a TV set when Bill O'Reilly said 20about abortion provider Dr. George Tiller, who was later murdered during church services... 18
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RuffnRowdy/rush-bails-waterarizona_n_806912_73490564.html 19
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/01/bill-oreilly-crusadedaga_n_209665.html 27
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* He "destroys fetuses for just about any reason right up until the birth date for $5,000." * He's guilty of "Nazi stuff," * a moral equivalent to NAMBLA and al-Qaida * "This is the kind of stuff that happened in Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union" * "operating a death mill" * "has blood on his hands" * "executing babies about to be born" We have no way of KNOWING whether or not he even HEARD Tea Party Senatorial Candidate Sharon Angle's21 cry for revolution... I hope that's not where we're going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out. There's no way to tell if he ever saw that Alabama congressional candidate's ad22 in which he tells a group of stock actors dressed in 1775 garb that if he were elected (he wasn't), he would impeach Obama, "and if that's not enough, some of you gentlemen own taverns," and the actor playing George Washington pounds his fist on the table and says, "Gentlemen, gather your armies!" 21
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/plumline/2010/06/sharron_angle_floated_possibil.html 22
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20007579503544.html?tag=contentMain;contentBody 28
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And we don't know if he was watching when a woman who was tabbed to be newly-elected Florida congressman Allen West's chief of staff was caught on tape saying this23... Crowley Political Report found a video from this past July where a little more than six minutes in, Kaufman says - "If ballots don't work bullets will." Later in the video Kaufman says that if her side loses the election she would quit her radio job and: "I'm going to go up into the hills of Kentucky, I'm going to go out to the Midwest, I'm going to go up into the Vermont and New Hampshire outreaches and I'm
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=vie w_all&address=439x145390 29
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going to gather men and women who understand that some things are worth fighting for and some things are worth dying for." Nope! All we know for sure is that Jared Lee Loughner had some sort of long-standing beef with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, that he waited until AFTER she was re-elected to go to a local gun shop to buy the weapon he used to shoot her, killing six and wounding more than a dozen others in the process. Does it sound familiar, though? Does it SEEM like Loughner hoped Giffords would lose the election, and when the ballots didn't do the trick, the bullets sure as hell did? Still, the right wing refuses to acknowledge any connection — even though Caribou Barbie scrubbed the graphic with the gunsights on Giffords' congressional district from her webbie before the blood was dry on the pavement and later sent out one of her spokesmorons to claim that them wasn't gunsights after all, them was surveyor marks! (Yeah. That's the ticket!) President Obama is going to Tucscon on Wednesday. Is the head of the local Republican party asking the president to unify a divided people? Not so much24.
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/pima-county-gopchair-calls-on-obama-to-stop-the-blame.php?ref=fpblg 30
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With President Obama reportedly set to visit this divided and mourning Arizona city Wednesday, the chair of the county Republican Party is calling on the president to help put an end to what he calls "assigning blame" in the wake of Saturday's shooting at a constituent event for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) that left six dead and the congresswoman gravely wounded. Brian Miller called on Obama to "lead the effort to stop the blame" after the shooting, responsibility for which he says has been unfairly placed on the shoulders of Republicans and the right. But one good things SEEMS to have come from this so far. Roger Ailes, chief news oinker at Fox News has told his crew to "tone it down."25 Ailes also said he gave instructions to Fox employees to dial back their rhetoric: "I told all of our guys, shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually. You don't have to do it with bombast. I hope the other side does that." Well, that's good... a little less bombastic rhetoric will... Wait a minute. What did he say? He hopes "the other side" does that as well? Other side? WHAT other side? Isn't Fox News a NEWS organization? A "fair and balanced" NEWS organization? How can a news organization have an "other side"? Competitors, sure! Other news organizations, you betcha! But "the other side?" 25
http://tpmlivewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/fox-news-prezroger-ailes-i-told-our-guys-to-tone-it-down.php?ref=fpb 31
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Something kinda telling about THAT right THERE, don'cha think?
Sarah Palin Does NOT Use the Blood of Children to Bake her Matzohs for Passover
Caribou Barbie crawled out of her bunker this morning with an 8-minute Facebook video27. Here's part of what she said. Vigorous and spirited public debates during elections are among our most cherished traditions. And after the election, we shake hands and get back to work, and often both sides find common ground back in D.C. and elsewhere. If you don‘t like a person‘s vision for the country, you‘re free to debate that vision. If you don‘t like their ideas, you‘re free to propose better ideas. But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.
http://technorati.com/politics/article/sarah-palin-does-not-use-the/ http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sarah-palin-gabrielle-giffords-tucsonshooting-admonishes-journalists-pundits-bloodlibel/story?id=12582457 27
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Now, all I got from this video is "what happened in Tucson is everyone's fault but mine." It's like I've been saying all along, no apology for using the graphic on her webby that included crosshairs on Gabrielle Giffords' district — even though she scrubbed her site of that graphic before the blood could dry on the pavement outside the Safeway store and she sent out one of her spokesidiots to claim that those weren't crosshairs anyway, but were surveyor symbols. Signs of a guilty conscience? That would assume Palin HAS a conscience. Do I hold Caribou Barbie personally responsible for Jared Lee Loughner shooting up that Tucson parking lot. Nah. Do I think Caribou Barbie has contributed to a political climate that makes this kind of massacre not only possible but likely? Oh, yeah! She's right up there with Limbaugh and Beck and Hannity and O'Reilly and the Blond Robots on Fox News in carrying the blame for THAT. For THAT aspect of this tragedy, her hands are DRIPPING with the blood of innocents. And, since the Huffington Post reports that the sales of Glocks have gone through the roof, I fear there will be MORE blood spattered on Caribou Barbie's pretty little flag lapel. However, I would just like to go on record to say that if there is one thing that I don't think Sarah Palin is guilty of, it's "Blood Libel." 33
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What, exactly, IS "blood libel"28?
The blood libel is a false accusation that Jews sacrifice Christian children either to use the blood for various "medicinal" purposes or to prepare PassoverAntiSemitism of the older (middle ages) type. The blood libel is a phenomenon of medieval and modern Christian antiSemitism. Matzoth (unleavened bread) or for vengeance and mock crucifixions. I don't think Caribou Barbie has a SINGLE critic who has accused her of draining the blood of Christian babies for her Passover Matzohs. She's been accused of being a dimwit. I mean, what kind of "smart" person comes out with a non sequitur of an Anti-Semitic statement like "blood 28
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libel" to describe a media that is merely holding her accountable for things she said and did? She's been accused of being a functionally illiterate dumbass. She's been accused of using her website in a way that an unhinged person could see her imagery and think Sarah wants them to kill somebody. She's been accused of using words like "Don't Retreat, Reload..." which an unhinged person could misunderstand as saying that he or she should kill his or her political enemies. She's been accused — rightfully so — of being a quitter, a moron, someone who wants us to take her seriously as a presidential candidate when she couldn't even finish a full term as Alaska's governor. She's been accused of being someone with only a nodding acquaintance with the English language. And she's dumber than a mud fence. Instead of using this opportunity to establish herself as a leader with a heart, with a conscience, who would apologize for ANY — however tangential influence her website or rhetoric had on this tragedy, she used her little 8-minute Facebook video to dig herself even deeper into the hole she already dwells within. The woman is a tragically comic cautionary tale of "what could have been" if McCain had been elected, and he should bear all the responsibility for introducing her to the national scene. 35
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But do I think she's used the blood of children to make matzohs or borscht? No. I don't think she's done that. Yet. I don't even know if she LIKES matzohs or borscht. That LIPSTICK is awfully red, however... Has anyone seen Trig lately?
Honoring the President's Request for Civility
My wife and I watched President Obama's speech to the assembly at the University of Arizona in Tucson yesterday. We were moved. Very much so. In fact, I will honor the President's request for more civility in the political discourse and refrain from continuing to blame the extreme right wing for creating the political climate we're in. Instead, I shall deal with them in the spirit of love and kindness. There are things to be ADMIRED about our far right wing brothers and sisters. Their CONSISTENCY, for instance! Even AFTER the President's heartbreaking and uplifting speech http://technorati.com/politics/article/honoring-the-presidentsrequest-for-civility/ 29
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last night, those on the extreme fringe STILL hate his guts!The lovely Janet Daley in this morning's column online at the UK Telegraph30. (The knowing sneer in the author's photo lets you know that this is not a columnist who suffers fools gladly!) Her column this morning is titled, "Barack Obama Has it Both Ways." The highlight for me is when she wrote... I could have done without the Messiah moment in which he pointed out that Gabrielle Giffords had opened her eyes for the first time just after his visit to her in hospital. Odd, that she should be offended by what may have been the most uplifting moment of the speech. Is she inferring that somehow the president is taking CREDIT for Gabby opening her eyes? That would be just a CRAZY thing to say, wouldn't it? So, in this spirit of love and understanding, let's just assume that she's being paid to write negative things about Obama, and this was the only thing she could come up with. Those who commented on the column, however, were not BOUND by such journalistic restraint. 30
http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/janetdaley/100071757/barackobama-has-it-both-ways/ 37
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God love the haters and their consistency! (And you can see the comments for yourself at the below-referenced footnote.) One writer, "james01", thought Obama was using the tragedy to aggrandize himself. This was nothing but a cheap publicity stunt to raise his waning popularity. What's he going to do when the next starring event pops up? Instead of parading in front of cameras why doesn't just he get on with the job of turning the US of A around? Because he knows he is not the man who can do it, that's why. "enasharples" writes... I'll wait to listen to Limbaugh this morning...can't wait to hear his take on the faith healing episode. Good, ena! Good! Rush will tell you what to do! Keep listening to Rush. Marching orders to follow. She ALSO writes... Hannan, the man is POTUS, it's his job to be able to speak to the country as a unifier. Did you happen to notice that after he left the stage he ran to momma FLOTUS? WTF! He was obliged firstly to console the families of the affected, who he in effect snubbed. No class whatsoever. Well, he DID spend a good chunk of the day earlier with the families, but I guess he COULD have jumped over the barriers that were set up between the official dignitaries and the separate section for the families and done a little more hugging — but then, wouldn't you be complaining about "Grandstanding for the Cameras"? 38
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ena also had a problem with Michelle Obama not getting her hand over her heart FAST enough when they started singing the national anthem. Though the camera moved quickly away...I was sure as hell that someone smacked her on the ass and told her the national anthem was already starting and her hand was not on her heart. Stay consistent, ena! That's what we love about you guys! Find fault in even the SMALLEST, IMAGINED slight! "Sheumais" added... As has been pointed out elsewhere on these pages, there is no justification for one side or the other to accuse their opponents of having the monopoly on inflammatory speech and I repeat my accusation that it is the standard of media reporting that inflames so many issues. Sensationalist reporting, using quotes out of context and simply ignoring facts to create a headline is grossly irresponsible. When you read or hear some desperate journalist offer an interpretation of what someone is supposed to have said, you know not to trust that report and to seek what was actually said. CONSISTENCY! GOOD! Liberals do it TOO (although there are woefully few instances where liberals have taken rhetoric and turned it into violent action and the list of conservatives walking into museums with guns, flying airplanes into IRS buildings, killing cops, PLANNING to kill cops, etc., is long and frightening.) 39
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President Obama said "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun." But I'm not seeing the liberals reacting by strapping on pieces and threatening members of congress. For sheer multitasking ability, you can't beat "auntycensorship" for mixture of birtherism and homophobia in this comment. Looking at the various biographies of this Manchurian the title to this piece probably should have read "Obama takes it both ways". "jondenver" doesn't think Ms. Daly sneered at Obama enough to suit him. Astonishingly, though, even Janet Daley appears to have been taken in by the self-serving, sanctimonious Obama/left coward's rhetoric. The inexplicable DT Obama love-in trundles on... While blaming liberals for blaming conservatives for the violence, "Hostile Logic" infers Obama CREATED the crisis and perhaps, even, loaded the kid's extended Glock clip. At this point, as "ParkyPundit", I entered the conversation. The petty, small people who have listed their comments about last night's masterful speech by the President of the United States are typical of the REASON the President had to deliver such a speech. You are responsible for the hatred in your own hearts. It is a darkness that YOU have to deal with. I hope you are able to. But somehow, I doubt you will. After living with hatred for so long, I imagine you find some comfort in it. 40
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That was wrong of me. I should LOVE the conservative hate-mongers. And I do! I hope they find COMFORT and some MEANING in their lives in their blind, pointless, misguided, misbegotten hatred. But man, did THAT set off the hate comments!!! "jondenver" let me HAVE it! Take a look in the mirror, ParkyPundit. Right there you will find a real 'hater' staring back at you. And the worst kind: someone so totally intolerant of other's beliefs and so completely certain of his own self-righteousness that they cannot even bring themselves to contemplate the possibility that they might be mistaken and that they are in the wrong. Given the smug self-satisfaction oozing from this effort from you, and worse, the utterly disingenuous, passive-aggressive "pity" for those with "darkness" in their "hearts" (what does that even mean?!), it seems that you are a totally lost cause. I would go further, I would say your sort are extremely unpleasant, extremely naive, extremely dishonest, extremely insincere and extremely irritating. It's that last one that appears to be causing all the problems Stateside, which, of course, has nothing whatsoever to do with psychotic killers, much as you and your type (including Obama) would love it to. Your vile propaganda has failed, and no amount of sneering from the sidelines will alter that fact. "sheumais" was slightly kinder.
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Well thank you for sharing this. It appears you believe you represent a higher standard from which you may sneer at those less fortunate. You should pause to consider such posturing worsens the situation rather than improves it. I responded... If by "higher standard" you mean someone who feels love is more powerful than hatred, then I plead guilty. I don't see any "sneering" in my brief comment, but then I'm not you... am I. Please, don't take anything I say to mean you should stop your mindless hatred. It's your hatred. Own it. Your chickens are coming home to roost. You should be happy. "Hostile Logic" writes... The reason you can't really debate progressives, and Michael Savage said it best, is because liberalism (progressivism) is a mental disorder. Now, just imagine that you are trying to have a sane conversation with a mentally ill person... Remember, Michael Savage is the same guy who got fired from MSNBC for telling a caller to "get AIDS and die!"31 This would all be very dispiriting except for the few words of support I've received. "theinfidel" wrote to me privately. Parky, you'll find most of these lunatic rabid righties on here are yankeedoodles of very limited intelligence, with red necks, from the swamps, who spend their time 31
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trolling and calling people names. They are thoroughly puerile.....just ignore them and perhaps they'll blow their own brains out with their freely-available guns. Well, I appreciate the sentiment, infy, but let's hope that doesn't happen. Some poor, minimumwage employee would be tasked with the duty of having to clean up the mess all those "blown out brains" would cause... of course, it wouldn't be a BIG mess, I guess... But it confirms a hypothesis I've been making since Saturday. Racists HATE it when you call them "racists." Haters HATE it when you call them "haters." And people who call for armed insurrection against the government HATE it when you refer to them as the traitors they are. But, God love 'em, they're consistent!
"Blood Libel" Graduates to "Pogrom" Status Against Palin, Conservatives
Conservatives don't think you really appreciate the extent to which they were critically wounded by the shooting last Saturday in Tucson.
32 http://technorati.com/politics/article/blood-libel-graduates-to-
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Never mind the congresswoman lying in the hospital with a hole going from the front to the back of her head, struggling to understand what happened to her. Never mind the six who were killed, including a federal judge and a nine-year old girl. Never mind the wounded who will live with their scars forever. Dammit! The REAL victims here are Sarah Palin and the conservative hate machine. Caribou Barbie accused the media of manufacturing a "blood libel" against her. Now, whether or not she was aware of the actual meaning of that term... this exclusively Jewish bit of history used to describe a commonly held belief by Gentiles that Jews used the blood of children for ceremonial purposes and as an ingredient in their Passover matzohs... that's not the point. 44
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Methinks Sarah heard someone use the term and said to herself, "That sounds like what they're doing to MEEEEEEEE!" But misusing that term wasn't enough for Caribou Barbie and her defenders in the right wing media. On January 12, an editorial in the Washington Times33 doubled-downed on the "blood libel" slur and upped the ante by calling what is happening to Palin and the echo chamber of hate voices... a "pogrom." This is simply the latest round of an ongoing pogrom against conservative thinkers. Pogrom. Calling out Caribou Barbie for her crosshair map. Calling out Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and other hate screechers for screeching hate... that's a pogrom. Let's see if that matches up to an ACTUAL description of an ACTUAL pogrom. From Wikipedia...34 A pogrom (Russian: погром) is a form of violent riot, a mob attack, either approved or condoned by government or military authorities, directed against a particular group, whether ethnic, religious, or other, and characterized by killings and destruction of their homes and properties, businesses, and religious centres. 33
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/jan/12/blood-libelagainst-palin-limbaugh/ 34
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pogrom 45
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The term usually carries connotation of spontaneous hatred within the majority population against certain (usually ethnic) minorities, which they see as dangerous and harming the interests of majority. The term was originally used to denote extensive violence against Jews in the Russian Empire and a series of anti-German pogroms in Russia in 1915. Pogroms often affect members of middlemen minorities. This can, in extreme cases, result in genocide, such as that of Armenians or Jews. Let's see if we can find a historical description of an actual pogrom — for the purposes of education. Well, let's discuss the Kishinev pogrom35, an anti-Jewish riot that took place in Chişinău, then the capital of the Bessarabia province of the Russian Empire (now the capital of Moldova) on April 6-7, 1903. The New York Times described it quite graphically. The anti-Jewish riots in Kishinev, Bessarabia, are worse than the censor will permit to publish. There was a well laid-out plan for the general massacre of Jews on the day following the Russian Easter. The mob was led by priests, and the general cry, "Kill the Jews," was taken- up all over the city. The Jews were taken wholly unaware and were slaughtered like sheep. The dead number 120 and the injured about 500. The scenes of horror attending this massacre are beyond description. Babes were literally torn to pieces by the frenzied and bloodthirsty mob. 35
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The local police made no attempt to check the reign of terror. At sunset the streets were piled with corpses and wounded. Those who could make their escape fled in terror, and the city is now practically deserted of Jews. Yeah. That sounds EXACTLY like what liberals are doing to Caribou Barbie and the radio hate speakers. Then there's this description of a 1918 pogrom in the Polish city of Lvov36. ―The Jewish city is in flames and living people, or burnt bodies, are buried under the demolished houses.… More than a thousand victims were murdered brutally, women raped, men—bayonet wounds and bullet holes on their bodies, piles of burnt bodies, people were trapped in blazing houses and doomed to die in the flames.‖ That was in 1918, twenty years before the gas chamber was invented. I mean — WOW! Doesn't THAT sound EXACTLY like what's happening to Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly and the others who created the current atmosphere of hatred and uncivil discourse? If the editors of the Washington Times were capable of shame, they should be ashamed of themselves.
http://southjerusalem.com/2008/11/jews-despite-the-holocaustnecessary-stories-column-from-the-jerusalem-report/ 47
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Sarah Palin will obviously find comfort in the Times' words as she dabs her heavily mascaraed eyes as she addresses37 the Safari International Club (SCI)38 in Reno, Nev. on January 29. Also on the speaker's and performer's list? The Marshall Tucker Band, an Elvis impersonator, NASCAR team owner Richard Childress, talk radio host Michael Reagan, and, of course, Larry the Cable Guy. Nice to get together with your intellectual equals now and then, eh, Sarah?
The Fate of the Republic Dangles by a Single Silken Thread
Sunday night, former Alaska half-governor Sarah Palin took the political gamble of her career. She appeared on the hostile turf of the Hannity show on Fox News and declared, for the world to hear (at least, the world that watches Fox)...
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If she is ever forced to shut her gobbling word hole, then this republic we have loved and defended and maintained and nurtured for nearly 235 years...
Will Be Destroyed! Sean Hannity, you can be sure, asked probing questions like, "What makes you so great, Sarah?" and "Why do the idiot liberals hate you, Sarah?" But Sarah brushed those high and inside fastballs aside with her usual aplomb and skill. She put it on the line for all of America (especially those who watch the morning news shows where they are showing the clips non-stop). She was Palin the Educator! "Those people" who KNOW the meanings, origin and intent of the words "blood libel" — the JEWS -- don't really understand what the phrase means.
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Asked to respond to critics who questioned if Palin really knew what she was saying, the former governor responded:40 ―I don‘t know how the heck they would or wouldn‘t know‖ if she understood the definition. ―It goes back to the Jewish people being falsely accused,‖ she said. ―A group of people being falsely accused of having blood on their hands.‖ She was Palin the Honest! That spokesmoron who came out on a talk show and said the symbols were not crosshairs, but were actually surveyor symbols? That was just a lighthearted moment among staff members (that was repeated by the spokeschimp in a morbidly serious tone on a right wing radio show). They really WERE crosshairs. And what of it, ya bunch of sissies? Palin acknowledged that the map41 — which showed a target on the district represented by Giffords, who remains hospitalized — was taken down following the shooting. She did however defend the use of the crosshairs icons, pointing to other examples from across the political spectrum. ―It‘s not an original use of an icon or website,‖ she said.
http://southcapitolstreet.com/2011/01/18/sarah-palin-responds-tothe-response-over-her-response-to-the-arizona-shootings/ 41
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Right again! I did a search on the Google thing and found TWO (count 'em... TWO!) instances of Democrats doing the EXACT SAME THING! Kinda. Well, not really. But sorta. I mean, if you WANTED to twist and distort and lie you COULD make the argument that these are the same thing and who knows? There are dumbasses out there that might believe you. You have to at least come up with a story after all. There's this one from the DNC...
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This one is from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Now the REASONABLE among you will notice that there's a bit of a difference. The Democrats use the image of "targets." Like you would see in a bar for darts or at a carnival for water balloons. Sarah used crosshairs! There is only one image that comes to mind when using crosshairs to "target" a district. And that image is spelled "KER-BLAMMO!" But dammit, Sarah Palin isn't TALKING to reasonable people! She's talking to the "FEELERS", not the "THINKERS!" (And there's no truth to the rumor that corporate America is coming to Caribou Barbie's aid by changing some of our more beloved corporate symbols and logos to ease the criticism being focused on America's favorite mooseshootin' housewife.) It WOULD be a cool logo, though... 52
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She was also Palin, Queen of Mourning Etiquette! And she didn't care for the memorial service held in Tucson! Not one little BIT! In addition to defending her actions and those of her political committee, Palin also went on offense for part of the interview — accusing her liberal critics of trying to silence her, and echoing conservative criticisms that the atmosphere during President Barack Obama‘s speech at the University of Arizona last week was too much like a ―pep rally.‖ Caribou Barbie has never been to a funeral or memorial service in MY family. When I gave the eulogy at my older brother's service in early 2008, I asked for — and got — a huge round of applause in memory of my big brother and the music and joy he brought to the world. But she was also Palin the STORMCROW! She brought the most dire, most fear-laced warnings I've heard in all my years. ―Certainly I agree with the idea of being civil… but we should not use an event like that in Arizona to stifle debate,‖ Palin said. ―They can‘t make us sit down and shut up. And if they succeeded in doing that our Republic would be destroyed.‖ You see, she won't shut up. She can't shut up! You can't MAKE her shut up! Because if somehow you DO get her and Rush and Beck and Hannity and O'Reilly to cool down their murderous rhetoric... 53
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If you replace images like THIS... With images like THIS42...
(image courtesy of www.lumaxart.com)
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Then it means the END of our REPUBLIC!!! ―They can‘t make us sit down and shut up. And if they succeeded in doing that our Republic would be destroyed." The future of America (at least of the concept of American Exceptionalism) is hanging from a very slender thread, my friends! That thread would be one of Caribou Barbie's lovely auburn locks! Is it WORTH having peaceful discussion of important issues if it means THE END OF AMERICA??? Think about it. At least a little more than Palin and Hannity did. Please?
The Right Wing Celebration of 'Dumbassery' and the Danger it Presents to America
I was doing my usual Sunday morning browsing yesterday and I saw something that got my attention... but I guess I just sort of glossed over it.
http://technorati.com/politics/article/the-right-wing-celebration-ofdumbassery/ 55
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From a Jan. 13 post by Matt Schneider on Mediaite.com44... Limbaugh surprisingly turned his attention to the Fox News all-star panel, and claimed that in their review of the President‘s speech, they were ―slobbering‖ all over him with praise: ―They were slobbering over it for the predictable reasons. It was smart, it was articulate, it was oratorical. It was, it was all the things the educated, ruling class wants their members to be and sound like.‖
My first thought? "Meh. Conservative on conservative rhetorical violence. Nothing to see here. Move on."
http://www.mediaite.com/online/limbaugh-slams-arizona-pep-rallyand-slobbering-fox-news-all-stars/ 56
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But then, last night as I was drifting off to sleep, part of what Limbaugh said popped into my consciousness. ...it was all the things the educated, ruling class wants their members to be and sound like... Wait a minute, I thought... Did Crush Bimbo just slam the concept of "education"? Did he just put the hammer down on "educated people?" So, this morning, I thought I'd do a little research. (For purposes of full disclosure... I am not a traditionally-educated person. I hold no degree. I got my learnin' on the run after years in the military and broadcast and print journalism, and was able to absorb enough knowledge to land the GS-13 position [military equivalent = Major or Lt. Commander] in the Federal Government from which my Parkinson's disease progression is compelling me to retire. I consider myself smart — and educated although I have no degree to show for it... just a wall full of awards. So, as far as I'm concerned, it ain't the degree that makes you educated... it's the knowledge you acquire.) Turns out that Rush and his ilk have a wellestablished and documented DISDAIN for education! For one thing, Rush attended college but dropped out because he kept flunking courses and he didn't see it as helping him towards his goal of "being on the radio."
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And "Be On The Radio" he was! After getting a deferral from the draft because of a pilonidal cyst in his butt crack (can't fight your nation's enemies when you have a cyst in your butt crack, you know), he found his way onto his current media platform. Who knows what his original political beliefs were back then. But he worked his bombastic buffoon act all the way to the big time by lambasting and lampooning liberals — the "educated elitists who want us to do things THEIR way." Those people who believe in Climate Change who are nothing more than "arrogant, elitist little egghead snots." Those folks who believe in marriage equality? And after four marriages and three divorces, Rush KNOWS a thing or two about the sanctity of marriage!45 "They seek to impose their perverted views, their depraved views on family and marriage," he thundered. "Nobody's denying anybody the right to get married. Marriage? There's a definition of it, for it. It means something. Marriage is a union of a man and a woman. And, he concluded, "This is about destroying an institution." I wonder which of Rush's four marriages he considers the MOST sacred and the MOST sanctified. 45
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Rush thrives off the perpetual imaginary victimhood of conservatives who see enemies around every corner, under every bed and in every closet. Blacks! Gays! Obama! Gays! Immigrants! Muslims! Blacks! Mexicans! Muslims! OBAMA! BLACKS! GAYS!!! MEXICANS!!! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! And they want YOUR job, YOUR house, YOUR son, YOUR pretty white daughter, and they REALLY want to KILL you! Kill You ALL!!! Oh... I see. You think I'm given to hyperbole here. No way Limbaugh believes THOSE things, right?46 Hey, got an idea, folks. Let's go to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and let's build giant monuments in the shape of nuclear bombs and call it the Manhattan Project. I mean you'd have Americans objecting to that, wouldn't you? Robert Gibbs today at the White House press briefing was asked the White House position on the mosque at Ground Zero. You know what he said? He basically said it's in the hands of the local authorities. The local authorities. Which reminds me, have not we been told for years by the Democrats and the rest of the left that international terrorism's a local police issue and that we don't really need to deal with it like the Bush administration. 46
http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_080310/content/01125 107.guest.html 59
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And now we're told that illegal immigration is not a local issue, illegal immigration in Arizona's not a state issue, it's a federal issue? Only the federal government can handle it? But a mosque at Ground Zero, that's something for the local authorities to worry about, Gibbs said. Don't bother me here at the White House. We have more important things to do than worry about that, like coordinating the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial near the mosque when it's built. ―By the way47, isn‘t it revealing my friends, the same people who have only shown hatred and contempt for the US military are the ones celebrating Don‘t Ask, Don‘t Tell as a great historic accomplishment? So much irony in all of this, if we‘re not going to call it the Pfc. Bradley Manning Act, the repeal of Don‘t Ask, Don‘t Tell. What are we going to call it, gays in the military, show and tell?‖ In 2007, Limbaugh made GLAAD‘s annual list of the worst anti-LGBT voices of the year48, by referring to sex reassignment surgery procedures as the ―add-a-dick-to-me‖ and ―chop-a-dick-off-a-me‖ in a dehumanizing on-air rant against transgender people. GLAAD has also condemned Limbaugh for his crude comments about gay and African American voters last June. 47
http://thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/homophobia-rush-limbaughstop-anti-gay-quotes/discrimination/2009/03/05/517 60
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And in August 2008, Limbaugh made a similar joke about the popular, openly lesbian political commentator Rachel Maddow, suggesting that Dan Abrams was ―losing his show to somebody with more testosterone than he has.‖ The reason the left hates America?49 As I say, we could spend here all day talking about it. The reasons don't really matter, except if you want to prevent it from happening again. We could all come up with reasons why. My point was if we could get rid of this hate, we could solve the vast majority of the problems that we have because all the problems that we have with the left are rooted in their hate, hatred for and of this country in various ways. I think if you want to start talking about reasons (which is not what I was looking for here, but if you want to start talking about reasons) it's the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence. These people don't like God. They don't like the fact this is a nation blessed by God, founded with recognition that "All men are created..." That's God. That doesn't fly with these people. But the fact is they do. Nobody's arguing with me the fact they hate the country. This is what I find interesting. Not one person has called and said, "Oh, we don't hate America," not one leftist. None of you have called and said, "Rush, you're a little wrong. They love the country." 49
http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_072710/content/01125 106.guest.html 61
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No, they don't. They don't. It's one of the fundamental problems that we got." ―You know why there's a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one."50 Here‘s what Limbaugh said:51 ―I think the guy‘s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justfiable racism. I mean, that‘s the lesson we‘re being taught here today. Kid shouldn‘t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama‘s America.‖ You put your kids on a school bus you expect safety but in Obama‘s America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering ‗yeah, right on, right on, right on.‘ Of course everybody said the white kid deserved it he was born a racist, he‘s white. He also admitted to his own racism and justified it. ―If homosexuality being inborn is what makes it acceptable, why does racism being inborn not make racism acceptable?‖ the talk show host asked. ―I‘m sorry — I mean, this is the way my mind works. But apparently now we don‘t choose racism, we just are racists. We are born that way. We don‘t choose it. So shouldn‘t it be acceptable, excuse — this is according to the way the left thinks about things.‖ So, the fact that Limbaugh made himself rich from exploiting the tendency of conservatives to see 50
http://newsone.com/nation/cganemccalla/limbaugh-blames-beatingof-white-student-on-obamas-america/ 62
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themselves as victims of social change cannot be disputed. His disdain for intelligence also stands on its own legs and can not be challenged. His defense of Sarah Palin, while it may seem chivalrous at first blush, comes across as a defense of willful ignorance. Look at El Rushbo's reaction to Palin's being confronted with her crosshair graphic, targeting Gabrielle Giffords' district and 19 others. After the accused shooter's mug shot was made public52... "What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country. He's sitting there in jail. He knows what's going on, he knows that...the Democrat party is attempting to find anybody but him to blame. He knows if he plays his cards right, he's just a victim. He's the latest in a never-ending parade of victims brought about by the unfairness of America...this guy clearly understands he's getting all the attention and he understands he's got a political party doing everything it can, plus a local sheriff doing everything that they can to make sure he's not convicted of murder - but something lesser." See? It's not SARAH or RUSH who whipped up the climate of violence! It's the DEMOCRATS! And they will work NIGHT and DAY to ensure that Loughner gets less than what he deserves because that's what liberals 52
http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_011111/content/01125 106.guest.html 63
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DO! Don't you just want to KILL them? Shoot them ALL? Or would that be uncivil? Much of the punditry, both sides, has been focusing on the topic of civility. Maybe we should also focus on the topic of electing leaders who are more intelligent than a sweet potato. In the August 31, 2010 blog in the American Prospect, Paul Waldman wrote53... Last month, Sarah Palin added to her growing body of fascinating public utterances by pleading with Muslims to "refudiate" the Islamic center planned for near Ground Zero in New York (it turned out it wasn't the first time she had used the word). Eventually, the Weekly Standard, one of the chief organs of the intellectual right, began selling T-shirts and bumper stickers saying "Refudiate Obama" and "Refudiate socialism." We probably shouldn't make too much of this — they're just having a bit of fun, after all. But embracing Palin in all her nincompoopery must, in the words of the former Alaska governor herself, "stab hearts" — at least some of them — at a magazine that is supposed to have some sort of commitment to ideas. When you make a slip of the tongue (or the brain), you can say "oops," or you can celebrate your own ignorance. Because after all, wouldn't the later irritate people who value things like education and clear thinking? You know, liberals? 53
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Maybe some of our conversation should be focused on WHY the Tea Party Movement is so damn ANGRY and therefore WHIPS UP the hate rhetoric that opportunists like Rush Limbaugh glom on to. A March 23, 2010 posting by John Moravec in the blog "Education Futures"54 speculates... Mostly white, undereducated, and underemployed, the Tea Party movement has become the poster child for American anti-intellectualism. Whereas the group‘s members fared well in the industrial era, they find themselves unable to compete in a global economy powered by ideas. Simply put, they have few new skills to offer, and nobody wants to hire them. The world is changing around them, and they are frightened. They do not understand the changes, and they do not want to change themselves. Worse yet, they do not want to understand what is going on. We see this in the surge in popularity of radical commentators (i.e., Glenn Beck) who provide simplistic narratives of the world that often have little or no connection to reality. They redirect their fear of what they do not know or understand and transform it into anger. These people listen to Beck and Hannity and Limbaugh, who tell them that it's the EDUCATED ELITE that wants to tell them what to do! So NATURALLY they turn to dimwits like Caribou
http://www.educationfutures.com/2010/03/23/the-politics-ofamerican-anti-intellectualism/ 65
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Barbie, the half-governor of Alaska, who baldly TRUMPETS55 her lack of knowledge or curiosity. PALIN: I do want to be a voice for some commonsense solutions. I‘m never going to pretend like I know more than the next person. I‘m not going to pretend to be an elitist. In fact, I‘m going to fight the elitist because for too often and for too long now, I think the elitists have tried to make people like me and people in the heartland of America, feel like we just don‘t get it and big government is just going to have to take care of us. I want to speak up for the American people and say, no, we really do have some good common-sense solutions. I can be a messenger for that. A messenger for the virtues of dumbassery. Just what we need. Just what Rush needs to ensure a steady supply of mindless sheep for the shearing, to buy the products his show advertises, to keep the greedy bastards who pay him satisfied enough to pay him his $28 million annual salary. That's $116,666.66 per day to stoke up your deepest held bigotries and darkest fears. That's $14,583.33 per hour to gin up lies and divide the nation even further. That's $243.05 cents per minute to make sure the stupid stay stupid and that the smart are ostracized and blamed for our nation's problems.
http://thepoliticalcarnival.net/2010/02/22/palin-im-never-going-topretend-like-i/ 66
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The federally mandated minimum wage, which Limbaugh opposes, is $7.25 per hour. Assuming a 40-hour week, that's $290 for the whole week. Rush has to work just a bit more than a minute to earn that. In an excellent article, published in the Washington Post Online on Feb. 17, 200856, Susan Jacoby wrote... "The mind of this country, taught to aim at low objects, eats upon itself." Ralph Waldo Emerson offered that observation in 1837, but his words echo with painful prescience in today's very different United States. Americans are in serious intellectual trouble — in danger of losing our hard-won cultural capital to a virulent mixture of anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and low expectations. She continues... The problem is not just the things we do not know (consider the one in five American adults who, according to the National Science Foundation, thinks the sun revolves around the Earth); it's the alarming number of Americans who have smugly concluded that they do not need to know such things in the first place. Call this anti-rationalism — a syndrome that is particularly dangerous to our public institutions and discourse. Not knowing a foreign language or the location of an important country is a manifestation of 56
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2008/02/15/AR2008021502901.html?sid=ST20080 21801642 67
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ignorance; denying that such knowledge matters is pure anti-rationalism. The toxic brew of anti-rationalism and ignorance hurts discussions of U.S. public policy on topics from health care to taxation. I despair for the nation. A nation where "Stupid is the New Smart." A nation where the loudest voices, the ones getting all the attention, come from the devil on our right shoulders while the angel on our left shoulders can barely be heard over the din. Given how the extreme right is howling at the very SUGGESTION that the rhetoric be toned down, I fear the tragedy in Tucson will be yet another teaching moment we missed on a day we skipped school to hang out at the mall with our buddies.
More Conservative Reaction to the Tucson Massacre It seems the prevalent attitude among our right wing brothers and sisters today is, ―Hey, don‘t blame us! It was some nut with a gun, not our hate speech that caused this terrible event.‖ But let‘s lift up the right wing rock for a moment and see what they‘re saying in the darkness, where they think no one but their fellow right wing creepy crawlies will SEE what they REALLY think.
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Selected Comments from ―Stormfront.org‖ — the White Separatist Forum57 Now I am waiting for info on the killer… imagine what the reaction will be if he is an illegal beaner. Things seem to be really blowing up recently with the politicians. They are getting shot, explosives are being sent to them. Seems like the stuff is hitting the fan. And yeah, I quickly found out that she is jewish. People get shot every day. Congresswomen don‘t get shot every day. If it were six children and no government officials involved, you would be hard pressed to hear about this tomorrow. It‘s a ―man bites dog‖ kind of story. This imagined link between Palin’s crosshairs map and this shooting is funny stuff. I suppose the media had to pin this on someone on the right somehow. Nevertheless, it’s a pretty poor effort. It shows why journalists are in the profession they’re in: they lack the brains to become proper authors. By the way, be prepared for the SPLC to use this in an attempt to shake a few more pennies out of those checking under their beds for Klansmen every night. After researching this woman‘s ratings I can see she has done much to cheat and defraud Americans of their Second Amendment Rights. But she deserved a fair and impartial criminal trial before a jury of her peers and it‘s possible she could have atoned for her crimes against American citizens made to 57
http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t770718-51/#post8851946 69
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suffer because of her votes on gun rights simply by serving her time (or lifetime) in prison. The gunman had no justification for what he did. I take heart from the recent conviction of that South American dictator from the seventies. Even the wealthiest and most powerful can be forced to account for all the suffering they inflicted. QUOTE Originally Posted by Lautoka The only good which can ever come out of violence is if you have a chance of winning, and at this point in history we do not have a chance of winning through violent means. Every single violent act by White Nationalists in the last 40 years has only served to damage us. RESPONSE: This is because we have not morally defended them, but have abandoned our people, instead. This makes us look like we have no moral arguments, when in fact, nationalism has a valid moral base. Thus, its persecution is antidemocratic. Take note of the last sentence of a screen shot from one of his videos:
He feels he has no Civil Rights. He is correct, and that is because of the Federal Government. Without an action, there is no reaction. 70
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Originally Posted by 14words_of_truth Through their Anti-White Agenda, the Washington Government, with forced integration and other Leftist Policies has caused the murders, rapes, and attacks, on a multitude of our innocent White Children. This little girl today is just one more tragic victim from the fall out of the Federal Government‘s Treason against American Citizens. RESPONSE: I agree. And if they didnt cause it directly, (which they did) they allowed it to happen with full knowledge. These marxists are aware of the damage they are causing. Its a tragedy of the highest order. These people need to be stopped. So…….who‘s next Who, indeed? From the slightly-less-blatant-about-open-hatred website ―Hot Air,‖ these choice comments. May those who rushed to blame this horrible act of violence on right wingers, Sarah Palin, and or Tea Party members rot in hell. Every one of those b*stards should be banned from every working in the media again; at any level… Good lord,are the accusations flying fast and furious, again, Palin gets crucified in the same manner as Rush Limbaugh and the Oklahoma City Bombing, if, everyone remembers that Leftys Demonization Operation!! Remember this from less than two years ago,Nancy Pelosi and her fear of Violent Rhetoric !! Keith Olbermann and Matt Yglesias caused this. Believe it! 71
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For one to apologize, one must be capable of things like remorse and introspection. Olbersnot lacks any such capacity. The political left is so saturated with the hysterical, the bipolar, the amoral, and/or the sociopathic that it would defy belief if they weren‘t nightly before us. And from the ever-crowded lunatic asylum known as ―Free Republic‖… Leftist media doesn‘t realize this puts the Palin family in greater danger. Either that or they know very well it puts the Palin family in danger. We are dealing with liberal fascists, as predicted by Jonah Goldberg in his book‖ Liberal Fascism. Sarah Palin would never stoop to advancing violence or even a hint of it. But try it on her and they will be wearing some Alaskan lead, IMHO. ―This video says it all.‖ Damn right. It is just the absolute distortion of the truth by the mainstream media that is making me mad as hell. How long is this blatant arrogant deceit going to go on..??? Something has to change. The left doesn‘t care about the victims only how many political points they can win from their tragedy. They have to hide the fact he is one of theirs and would have shot palin if he had the chance. Surveyor marks not cross-hairs… surveyor marks… mark points on a map. Sarah Palin’s site has pictures to prove the difference. Uneducated and dumb… that is what the left is. The dumbest of the dumbest have ivy league degrees. See? It‘s NOT the fault of the hate speakers! It‘s everyone ELSE‘S fault! 72
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It‘s certainly NOT the fault of the right wing hate speakers on radio and television who said shit like this… ―I tell people don’t kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus — living fossils — so we will never forget what these people stood for.‖ — Rush Limbaugh ―I would have no problem with [New York Times editor Bill Keller] being sent to the gas chamber.‖ — Melanie Morgan ‖[T]he day will come when unpleasant things are going to happen to a bunch of stupid liberals and it’s going to be very amusing to watch.‖ — Lee Rogers ―And if Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we‘re not going to do anything about it. We‘re going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead.‖ — Bill O‘Reilly ―Howard Dean should be arrested and hung for treason or put in a hole until the end of the Iraq war!‖– Michael Reagan ―Some liberals have become even too crazy for Texas to execute, which is a damn shame. They‘re always saying — we‘re oppressed, we‘re oppressed so let‘s do it. Let‘s oppress them.‖ — Ann Coulter ―We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens’ creme brulee. … That’s just a joke, for you in the media.‖ – Ann Coulter My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.‖ — Ann Coulter 73
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―We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too.‖ — Ann Coulter And Joe Wilson has no right to complain. And I think people like Tim Russert and the others, who gave this guy such a free ride and all the media, they‘re the ones to be shot, not Karl Rove. – Rep. Peter King (R) Where does George Soros have all his money? Do you know? Do you know where George Soros, the big left-wing loon who’s financing all these smear [web]sites, do you know where his money is? They ought to hang this Soros guy. — Bill O’Reilly ―Has there ever been a more revealing moment this year?‖ Mr. Rove asked. ―Let me just put this in fairly simple terms: Al Jazeera now broadcasts the words of Senator Durbin to the Mideast, certainly putting our troops in greater danger. No more needs to be said about the motives of liberals.‖ — Karl Rove Miller is not alone, though some are more sanguine when it comes to evaluating the roster of contenders. Here’s a note I got recently from a friend and former Delta Force member, who has been observing American politics from the trenches: ―These bastards like Clark and Kerry and that incipient ass, Dean, and Gephardt and Kucinich and that absolute mental midget Sharpton, race baiter, should all be lined up and shot.‖ – Kathleeen Parker Right now, even people sitting on the fence would like George Bush to drop a nuclear weapon on an Arab country. They don’t even care which one it would be. I can guarantee you — I don’t need to 74
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to Mr. Schmuck [pollster John] Zogby and ask him his opinion. I don’t need anyone’s opinion. I’ll give you my opinion, because I got a better stethoscope than those fools. It’s one man’s opinion based upon my own analysis. The most — I tell you right now — the largest percentage of Americans would like to see a nuclear weapon dropped on a major Arab capital. They don’t even care which one. They’d like an indiscriminate use of a nuclear weapon. In fact, Christianity has been one of the great salvations on planet Earth. It’s what’s necessary in the Middle East. Others have written about it, I think these people need to be forcibly converted to Christianity but I’ll get here a little later, I’ll move up to that. It’s the only thing that can probably turn them into human beings. … Because these primitives can only be treated in one way, and I don’t think smallpox and a blanket is good enough incidentally. Just before — I’m going to give you a little precursor to where I’m going. Smallpox in a blanket, which the U.S. Army gave to the Cherokee Indians on their long march to the West, was nothing compared to what I’d like to see done to these people, just so you understand that I’m not going to be too intellectual about my analysis here in terms of what I would recommend, what Doc Savage recommends as an antidote to this kind of poison coming out of the Middle East from these non-humans. — Michael Savage 75
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Nope! No hate there. Nothing that would cause a lunatic to take action. MoveOn worker attacked at Rand Paul rally MoveOn.org worker reportedly received concussion from attack at event for Rand Paul. As media outlets have reported, a MoveOn.org worker who attempted to approach Paul at an October 26 rally in Lexington, Kentucky was attacked, apparently by Paul supporters. The woman was thrown to the ground and then stepped on, causing her head to be smashed into the pavement. According to MoveOn.org, the victim was diagnosed with a concussion at a local hospital. Attack on MoveOn worker was the latest in string of violence and threats against progressives White powder and swastikas mailed to Rep. Grijalva. On October 21, an envelope containing ―a plastic bag of white powder and two pieces of paper with swastikas written on them‖ was reportedly mailed to Rep. Raul Grijalva‘s (D-AZ) campaign office. The powder was determined to be non-toxic. Byron Williams set out to kill people at Tides Foundation and ACLU. On July 18, Byron Williams was stopped by California Highway Patrol and engaged in a shootout with law enforcement. He later said he planned to murder individuals at the Tides Foundation and ACLU and his mother said he was angry about ―Congress railroading through all these left-wing agenda items.‖ As reporter John Hamilton documented, Williams said he saw Fox News‘ Glenn Beck as ―a schoolteacher‖ and 76
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that ―it was the things [Beck] exposed that blew my mind.‖ Indeed, the gunman, Byron Williams, was driven by belief in conspiracy theories that have been pushed by Beck and other members of the right-wing media. AZ federal judge threatened, Grijalva office fired on after ruling on AZ immigration law. Politico reported in July: Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said in a statement he shut down his Yuma district office after staff members discovered a bullet had shattered a window there Thursday. And authorities said U.S. Judge Susan Bolton received hundreds of threats at her downtown Phoenix court offices after issuing the injunction, according to news reports. Phoenix man indicted for alleged murder threats against Grijalva and his aides. The Yuma Sun reported on June 14 that a Phoenix man was indicted on federal charges for ―allegedly threatening to kill U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva in late April, over Grijalva‘s opposition to the state‘s new immigration law.‖ The article added: ―Prosecutors say Haynes is accused of calling Grijalva‘s office in Tucson twice on April 23 and threatening to ‗come down there and blow the brains out‘ of Grijalva and his employees.‖ Man arrested for allegedly threatening to kill Sen. Patty Murray. Politico reported on April 6: Charles Alan Wilson, 64, was arrested at his home in central Washington after he allegedly called Murray‘s office on numerous occasions over the last few weeks 77
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saying that she ―had a target on her back, ‖ and ―I want to [expletive] kill you,‖ according to court documents. The alleged phone calls stretched over almost two weeks and were said to be in relation to Murray‘s vote to pass health care overhaul legislation. Wilson, who was arrested in Selah, Wash., also allegedly told undercover FBI agents that he carries a concealed firearm with a permit, and said he was ―extremely angry‖ with the passage of health care legislation, according to the news release. If convicted, Wilson could face up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Members of right-wing militia group arrested for allegedly plotting overthrow of the U.S. government. Nine members of the ―Hutaree militia‖ were arrested in March and charged with plotting a violent uprising against the U.S. government, a plot that was to begin with an attack on law enforcement personnel. The Southern Poverty Law Center has called the Hutaree militia as a member of the radical right-wing patriot movement. AP: Man arrested for allegedly making threatening phone calls to Pelosi. The AP reported that in the days after the vote on the health care reform bill, ―The FBI arrested a California man Wednesday for allegedly making threatening phone calls to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.‖ Threats made against Rep. Betsy Markey. A Denver television station reported that Rep. Betsy Markey‘s (D-CO) chief of staff ―said the calls came on Saturday before the House cast its final vote on health 78
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care reform. She said in the first, the caller said to one of Markey‘s staff members, ‗better hope I don‘t run into you in a dark alley with a knife, a club or a gun.‘ In another instance, a caller said something like ‗better tell your boss that she better be careful when she comes back here to Colorado.‘‖ Gas line outside the house of the brother of Rep. Tom Perriello was cut. Rep. Tom Perriello‘s (D-VA) brother‘s address was erroneously posted online by a Tea Party blogger who invited activists to descend on the house. In March, a gas line outside the brother‘s house was cut. Threats made against Rep. Stupak after he voted for final version of health care bill. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) was the target of threatening faxes and phone calls, including death threats. Some of the faxes included ―racial epithets used in reference to President Obama,‖ according to CBS News. Picture of a noose faxed to Rep. Clyburn. Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), the Majority Whip, said in a March interview on CNN that his office had received a fax of a noose after he voted in favor of the health care reform bill. Brick thrown at Democratic county headquarters in Rochester, NY. New York Daily News reported on March 22 that, after the House health care vote, a ―brick, to which a piece of paper bearing the message ―Extremism is defense of liberty is no vice‖ was attached with a rubber band‖ was
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thrown through the headquarters of the Democratic county headquarters in Rochester, New York. Rep. Slaughter threatened with brick and “snipers.” CNN reported on March 24: ―Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-New York, said her Niagara Falls district office had a brick thrown through one of its windows and a message that referred to ‗snipers‘ was left on one of her campaign offices.‖ Rep. Giffords’ office window shattered. CNN reported that in March, ―a glass panel at the Tucson office of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona, was shattered, spokesman C.J. Karamargin said. It wasn‘t clear how the window was shattered, but visitors have to go through a gated courtyard to enter the office, and staffers suspect someone may have shot a pellet gun at the glass, he said.‖ White powder mailed to Rep. Weiner with “drop dead” message. NBC News reported on March 26: Authorities are investigating a package with white powder and an angry letter that referenced the health care legislation that was sent to Congressman Weiner‘s Kew Gardens office today. The letter said the Congressman should ―drop dead‖ and complained about the historic health care legislation passed by Congress this week. Preliminary field tests showed the white powder was harmless.
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Rep. Driehaus threatened and right-wing blogger publishes his home address. Politico reported on March 24 that a right-wing blogger had published the home address of Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH) and asked protestors to show up at his house. In addition, Driehaus reportedly received death threats. Brick thrown through window of Witchita County Democrats’ offices. The Kansas City Star reported in March: Mike Vanderboegh of Pinson, Ala., former leader of the Alabama Constitutional Militia, put out a call on Friday for modern ―Sons of Liberty‖ to break the windows of Democratic Party offices nationwide in opposition to health care reform. Since then, vandals have struck several offices, including the Sedgwick County Democratic Party headquarters in Wichita. ―There‘s glass everywhere,‖ said Lyndsay Stauble, executive director of the Sedgwick County Democratic Party. ―A brick took out the whole floor-to-ceiling window and put a gouge in my desk.‖ Stauble said the brick, hurled through the window between Friday night and Saturday morning, had ―some anti-Obama rhetoric‖ written on it.
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Shame on us all for allowing things to get to this stage. Hug your children, call your parents, cling to love, and pray that this isn‘t the tip of an iceberg because you know come Monday the right wing hate machine — Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O‘Reilly, and the Fox News Robots will HOWL in outraged anger at having their words thrown back at them as a possible cause for this tragedy in Tucson — and who KNOWS how some OTHER unhinged nutjob with a Glock will react. It‘s like the Stormfront commentor said… So…….who‘s next?
Why Does Michelle Obama Want to Kill Our Children?
First Lady Michelle Obama won't be happy until your children are healthy... or dead! That's the message being conveyed by two of Washington, D.C.'s free conservative online "newspapers" today. According to "The Daily Caller" and "The Washington Examiner," the Governors Highway Safety Association blames Mrs. Obama's child 58
http://technorati.com/politics/article/tell-michelle-obama-stop-killingour/ 82
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exercise initiative for the rise in pedestrian traffic fatalities.
In the Daily Caller59, writer Amanda Carry (and doesn't that sound like the kind of gag name Bart Simpson would call, asking bartender Moe to page? "Amanda Carry? Hey, I'm looking for Amanda Carry. Alla youse shut up until I find Amanda Carry!") makes this amazing leap.
http://dailycaller.com/2011/01/20/first-ladys-anti-obesity-campaigncould-be-causing-more-pedestrian-deaths/ 83
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(They've since updated their version of the story, but good old Talking Points Memo60 has the original version.) Pedestrian deaths increased sharply during the first half of 2010, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). On Wednesday, the Executive Director of the GHSA accused the first lady's obesity program of causing the deaths by encouraging people to exercise. THAT MONSTER!!! (Or would the correct term be monstress?) First, Sarah Palin rightfully points out61 that "the first lady cannot trust parents to make decisions for their own children, for their own families in what we should eat." Now this! Why can't government go back to worrying about what we're doing in our bedrooms and leave our kid's lunch bags ALONE??? But, as I said, the Daily Caller has updated their story. The original headline read "Highway safety spokesperson blames pedestrian deaths on first lady's obesity campaign." Now there's a question mark at the end of the headline instead of the period.
http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/safety_group_a ccidentally_touches_off_accusations.php 61
http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/12/20/palin-disses-michelleobama/ 84
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And it includes this quote from Governors Highway Safety Association Director Barbara Harsha. ―I was misquoted, said Harsha. ―We in no way oppose Ms. Obama‘s program.‖ She said she was trying to make a broader point about pedestrian awareness and safety. If Obama‘s program is getting more people to walk, ―they need to be aware of their surroundings and do so in a safe manner.‖ (Well, that explains the question mark at the end of the headline. Harsha says, "I never said that!" and the headline says she did...maybe? And the question mark at the end of the headline is noticeably missing from the Caller's front page, where Mrs. Obama's murder of our children remains a declaration, not a interrogative.) Moving on to the Washington Examiner62, which is handed out for free to Metro riders in DC to give them something to read when the subway cars break down. The Examiner's headline is a bit less inflammatory, and suggests that maybe it's Steve Jobs who is killing our kids. Exercise, iPods could be causing pedestrian death. But then, when you dig way, way down... into the first sentence of the first paragraph, you read... 62
http://washingtonexaminer.com/local/2011/01/exercise-ipods-couldbe-causing-pedestrian-deaths 85
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First lady Michelle Obama‘s campaign to get people to exercise outdoors might be a factor in an increase in the number of pedestrian deaths during the first half of last year, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. The Examiner story clearly suggests the First Lady's ―Let‘s Move‖ campaign to eliminate childhood obesity, could be eliminating CHILDREN! Now, join me in amazement at this bit of conservative journalism that takes a position, indicates that their position is supported by a spokesperson when, in fact, the spokesperson says nothing of the sort. First, the Examiner makes the claim, "the 'get moving' movement, led by Obama‘s 'Let‘s Move' campaign to eliminate childhood obesity, could be to blame, Harsha told The Washington Examiner." Don't bother searching for a direct quote of Ms. Harsha actually SAYING that. You won't find it. A bit deeper into the story, however... ―There‘s an emphasis these days to getting fit, and I think people doing that are more exposed to risk [of getting hit by a vehicle],‖ said Harsha, who conceded to having no scientific evidence that the Let‘s Move campaign has led to an increase in walkers and runners, or deaths. "This is all speculative," Harsha said. "Obviously, further study is needed." For some reason, Mrs. Obama's office has refused to comment on this story. 86
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Maybe she's too busy concocting her next nefarious scheme — causing the premature death of elderly folks with Parkinson's disease by encouraging them to take daily strolls where they could be struck by buses, flying manhole covers, torn to pieces by pit bulls or abducted by aliens — space or otherwise. DAMN THOSE OBAMAS! Why DO they hate America so!
Lolllipops and Unicorns Fill the Air as Republicans Sit with Democrats at SOTU63 All day long. All... Freakin'... Day... Long!All they've been talking about on the two actual cable news networks is the fact that Republicans and Democrats are going to SIT TOGETHER at tonight's State of the Union Address. Well, Lah Dee Freakin' Dah!!!
air/ 87
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"Look, Abner! All our problems is over and done! Them Republykins and Demmycrats is a-sittin' together and holdin' each other's hands and they ain't smackin' or slappin' each other or nuthin'!" Why, I even hear that if a Republican wants to call the President a liar this year, he will have to send a handwritten note to the podium on a pink, lace-fringed piece of stationery with a ribbon and a wax seal on it! Everything is just so, well... nice! Republicans sitting next to Democrats. And the Lion Shall Lie Down with the Lamb (but, as Woody Allen once wrote, the Lamb won't be getting much rest.) And this... Means... WHAT??? Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was quoted on Talking Points Memo64 this afternoon saying that by "bipartisan," he means that if the 64
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/mcconnell-if-obamacan-be-a-republican-we-can-negotiate-with-him.php?ref=fpi 88
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President wants to do something that McConnell and the Republicans would want to do anyway, he should feel free to go ahead and do so! Isn't that SWEET! And Republicans and Democrats are gonna sit SIDE by SIDE and sing Kum-By-FREAKIN'-Yah as if their pitiful display of "Let's Pretend" actually MEANT anything... which you would think it DID if you watched CNN or MSNBC at any point during the day. And then, once this big hand-holdin' party is over, the GOP is gonna have their OWN State of the Union where Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Ill.) is gonna say nice things about President Obama and how much the GOP looks forward to working with him as long as he does things THEIR way. And, as an added EXTRA bit of goodness and fun, Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Mars) is going to hold her OWN State of the Union! Really. What better way to highlight the differences between Republicans from the Planet Earth and those from Outer Space! I guess she will can talk about the things people REALLY care about, like the creeping evil of socialism and how President Obama is a fascist Nazi usurper from Kenya and how we gotta cut spending on everything except for the stuff people WANT which is EVERYTHING and KEEP your GOVERNMENT HANDS offa our HEALTH CARE and don't cut my MEDICARE and SOCIAL SECURITY. 89
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Aand let's not forget our brave FIGHTING SOLDIERS and the need to NOT cut defense spending and we gotta cut and cut and cut and cut entitlements that "Those People" who don't want to work for their money have been leeching off of for all these years and her eyes will spin around and around and around in her pretty head as she talks about these things and all that OTHER stuff the Tea Party-supported candidates suddenly FORGOT about when they got elected and then Sarah Palin wearing a red, white and blue spangled cheerleader outfit will tap dance and twirl batons with sparklers on the ends of them as she and Michelle march off to Iowa to fight Newt Gingrich to see which brand of craziness sells best in the Hawkeye state. And CNN is gonna put her on the TEE-VEE where people can SEE her and HEAR her... AT THE SAME TIME! Remember when Bush was president and CNN would air a rebuttal State of the Union from the far LEFT wing of the Democratic party as well as the ACTUAL rebuttal from the Democratic party and... oh, yeah... they didn't do that. I forgot. That's how excited I am about this dog and pony show Congress is putting on to bamboozle the stupid. Oh, Glorioski, Cousin Mavis! Everything's gonna be OK in Washington after all! Isn't this just the most BIPARTISANSHIPPY day we're ever HAD???
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
Bachmann Plan Would Gut VA Budget -- So What?
Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Uranus) has a plan66 that would save the budget just about a bajillion dollars! It involves cutting $4.5 billion from the VA, including reducing disability compensation for 150,000 veterans and the amount they receive in Social Security Disability Income.
http://technorati.com/politics/article/bachmann-plan-would-gutspending-on/ 66
http://thinkprogress.org/2011/01/28/bachmann-veterans/ 91
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Veterans groups are ALREADY calling such a plan "heartless." Veterans of Foreign War national commander Richard L. Eubank said, ―The only discussion the VFW wants is to tell the congresswoman that her plan is totally out of step with America‘s commitment to our veterans.‖ ―No way, no how, will we let this proposal get any traction in Congress,‖ said Eubank. ―There are certain things you do not do when our nation is at war, and at the top of that list is not caring for our wounded and disabled servicemen and women when they return home,‖ he said. ―I want her to look those disabled veterans in the eye and tell them their service and sacrifice is too expensive for the nation to bear.‖ To Commander Eubank, we say — "Quit being such a baby!" First of all, sir, the TOP of that "list of things you don't do in a war" that you so weepingly cling to is "cut taxes during a time of war." And if we had the courage to do THAT, we have the courage to do THIS. Besides, Ms. Bachmann's recent performance in the rebuttal to the rebuttal of the State of the Union Address showed that she is incapable of looking ANYONE in the eye. Sure, we all must be prepared to make sacrifices. Sure, these brave men and women already sacrificed their arms, their legs, some of them had
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various parts of their heads removed at high rates of speed by flying, hot metal. But what have they sacrificed LATELY? When you pay your taxes, do you only pay them ONCE? Or do you pay them every year? (Six times a year, if a top-secret Obama plan I've heard gossip about in the dark places of the Internet ever gets approved.) What makes these brave, brave people think THEIR sacrifice stops with the loss of an arm, a foot, a leg, one or both eyes, or even a forehead? And besides, what are they gonna do about it? Go to Minnesota and shake their canes, artificial legs and hook hands at Ms. Bachmann? They're CRIPPLES, for God's sake! We certainly can, and will, ask other groups to sacrifice. Those who rely on welfare to feed their children, for instance. If they couldn't afford kids, they shouldn't have had them. If they had their kids BEFORE encountering their current economic difficulties, there are foreign markets eagerly seeking youngsters for the slave trade or for their fresh, young, vital kidneys and other organs. See? Even in hard times, America REMAINS a land of opportunity. We must cut the budget, and we must do so without causing the slightest bit of discomfort to the fat cats on Wall Street and the domestic and foreign corporations which own this nation. 93
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We need to maintain the finest military in the world so we can keep fighting war after war until everyone in the world sees things OUR way! We need newer, bigger, SHINIER guns. Planes that can go faster than ever, dropping bombs with UNHEARD of power on the brown people to send them to whatever hell their false gods tell them to fear. New, unmanned weapons mean we can AFFORD to cut back on pay and benefits for the uneducated masses who couldn't find REAL jobs in the PRIVATE sector. This will free us to pony up less and less in pay and benefits when those fewer, not-quite-as-proud Marines, Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen come home to whine about their war owies. Michelle Bachmann's idea should get every bit of the consideration it deserves.
Dittoheads Get it Wrong – Again! I love it when people who have no idea what they're talking about act like experts on a subject. I saw a link67 today raising the question, "Did Rush Limbaugh ever apologize to Michael J. Fox for accusing him of faking his Parkinson's symptoms?"
http://parkinsonssymptoms.org/parkinsons/did-rush-limbaugh-everapologize-to-michael-j-fox-for-accusing-him-of-faking-parkinsonssymptoms 94
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Short answer? Yes. I believe he did. Kinda68. Later Monday, still on the air, Limbaugh would apologize, but reaction to his statements from Parkinson's experts and Fox's supporters was swift and angry. ―It's a shameless statement," John Rogers said yesterday. Rogers, Fox's political adviser, who also serves on the board of the Parkinson's Action Network, added: "It's insulting. It's appallingly sad, at best." "Anyone who knows the disease well would regard his movement as classic severe Parkinson's disease," said Elaine Richman, a neuroscientist in Baltimore who cowrote "Parkinson's Disease and the Family." "Any other interpretation is misinformed." Fox was campaigning yesterday for Tammy Duckworth, a congressional candidate, outside Chicago, when he alluded to Limbaugh's remarks. "It's ironic, given some of the things that have been said in the last couple of days, that my pills are working really well right now," he said, according to a report on the CBS2 Web site. After his apology, Limbaugh shifted his ground and renewed his attack on Fox. "Now people are telling me they have seen Michael J. Fox in interviews and he does appear the same way in the interviews as he does in this commercial," Limbaugh said, according to a transcript on his Web site. 68
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2006/10/24/AR2006102400691.html?nav=hcmodu le 95
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"All right then, I stand corrected. . . . So I will bigly, hugely admit that I was wrong, and I will apologize to Michael J. Fox, if I am wrong in characterizing his behavior on this commercial as an act." Then Limbaugh pivoted to a different critique: "Michael J. Fox is allowing his illness to be exploited and in the process is shilling for a Democratic politician." Limbaugh's shock at Fox's appearance is a measure of the disease's devastation, advocates say. Contrary to the charge that Fox might not take his medicine to enhance his symptoms, the medicine produces some of the uncontrolled body movements. (Emphasis added.) But look at some of the comments on this link. These are presented as printed. I don‘t have the time or inkling to correct the spelling and/or punctuation of morons. Dallas D says: December 19, 2010 at 1:43 pm Fox admitted to not taking his meds so the video would show more effects,,, chek it out for yourself Dallas? First, the word is spelled "check." And second, you're talking about two different events. Rush was talking about Fox's obvious dyskinesia during a campaign ad he taped. What Fox ADMITTED to was not taking meds before a CONGRESSIONAL appearance so the committee members could see what he looks like without his meds. 96
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koalatcomics says: December 19, 2010 at 3:05 pm …once again a libeal who took thiings out of context. LISTEN TO THE COMMENT FROM RUSH than issue your own apology. there is no need to use the Harry Reid model for the limbaugh smear here. your above that. the answer to your question is no as there was no need to. Koala? Learn proper punctuation. And the word you mean to use as a contraction for "you are" is "you're." Not "your." And yes, there was a need for Limbaugh to apologize. He accused Fox of faking the "flopping around" during the campaign ad, not the congressional hearing. Political Junkie & a proud Repub says: December 19, 2010 at 4:13 pm This is a video69 (that is making fun of Rush through pictures) but listen to what he is saying. When you see MJF on television, he obviously has his Parkinson’s under control. HOWEVER, and I can verify this since the ads Rush is talking about ran in my city during the campaign between Claire McCaskill and Jim Talent in 2004. MJF WAS, in fact, shaking all over the place in this ad. He was given a script to lie about Talent’s stand on stem cell research.
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Jim Talent is opposed to GOVERNMENT FUNDING of embryonic stem cell research. And Jim Talent is a good man who did a lot for the state of Missouri. Stupid cow McCaskill has done NOTHING except stump for Obama and get fatter. She doesn’t care about people who are sick and in need. She allowed people to rot and be abused in the nursing homes she and her husband controlled. As a person who suffers from a similar disease (MS) I know that my symptoms are controlled by medication. I have trouble walking at times, and it is very hard for me to get out of the bed in the morning. I feel like I am paralyzed. But once I take my shots, I am at least able to control myself a little better. He shouldn’t have to apologize for someone who was obviously putting on, or not taking his medication properly (conveniently) before that spot was put on here in St. Louis. Drixnot, in re: To the person below … how long will it be before your shots stop working? DO YOU have Multiple Sclerosis? Do you have Parkinson’s? Are you a freeking authority for EITHER disease? Don’t piss me off now because I am normally a good natured person. The injections I take CONTROL my symptoms. They don’t completely remove them.
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I’ve had the disease since I was 26 years old when they found FORTY FIVE lesions on my brain. The injections of Kopexil help me WALK. And it doesn’t prevent ALL the symptoms. I still have headaches, I still have numbness in my lower limbs. I still get dizzy from time to time. I walk with a damn cane at 31 years old. THIRTY ONE. If I DIDN’T TAKE my shots, I’d be flippin’ out like Michael J. Fox was in that campaign ad. I know for a fact he couldn’t have properly medicated himself before recording that spot. You have anything else to say? And embryonic stem cells have not proven to help these diseases, let alone cure them. The government shouldn’t fund ANYTHING that has not been proven. Junkie? Sorry about your MS. Comparing MS to Parkinson's disease is like comparing horses to Valencia oranges. You know for a FACT that MJF couldn't have properly medicated himself before recording that spot? And where did you get your neurology degree, Junkie? Medication CAUSES the dyskinesia MJF showed during the campaign ad. And the word is spelled "freaking." You may be an expert on MS, but you don't the slightest idea what you're talking about with Parkinson's disease.
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Oh, on the subject of embryonic stem cells and the government not funding anything that hasn't been proven? On the second part of that lunacy, say goodbye to most of the advances made in treating MS. They came from government funding of Clinical Trials -- which, by their nature, are INTENDED to test theories "that have not been proven." And the reason embryonic stem cells haven't been shown to help these diseases is BECAUSE RELIGIOFASCISTS have chosen SUPERSTITION over SCIENCE!!! If Bush had been president when the car was invented, he would have denied funding for safer vehicles because the horse and buggy works JUST fine. mykol13 says: December 19, 2010 at 4:23 pm RUSH SAID HE -THOUGHT- MJF DIDN’T TAKE HIS MEDICATIONS at that time SO THAT HIS SYMPTOMS WOULD SHOW UP MORE FOR THE CAMERAS. HE BASED THAT ON PREVIOUS APPEARANCES BY MJF WHICH HE NOTED DIDN’T SHOW MUCH OF ANY SYMPTOMS INCLUDING THE WALK ON THE CARPET TO THE MOVIE AWARDS JUST MONTHS BEFORE. You actually took the Washington Post as a source for what Limbaugh said? The Washington Post seems to be taken out of context and still got THE CONCEPTION OF THE ISSUE wrong. I 100
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heard the actual quote and he said a lot about it in a lot of ways. MJF DID CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY IN 2004 AND WASN’T INDEPENDENT AT THE TIME MAKING POLITICAL COMMENTS ABOUT A POLITICAL ISSUE. YOU CAN SEARCH FEC RECORDS AND PUBLIC RECORDS TO SEE. No, Mykoli. YOU are wrong. You are confusing the campaign ad (in which he was medicated and for which Limbaugh mocked him) with the congressional appearance (before which he clearly stated he was off his meds so the congressmen could see what it was like.) Again, I know for the right wing, "knowing what you're talking about" is not a prerequisite for pretending to be an expert, but DO, please, TRY to learn something about something before you make yourself look foolish, like you just did. bmovies60 says: December 19, 2010 at 4:26 pm “”He is exaggerating the effects of the disease,” Limbaugh told listeners. “He’s moving all around and shaking and it’s purely an act. . . . This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn’t take his medication or he’s acting.” – The Washington Post” Rush turned out to be right. As it turned out, MJF purposely didnt take his medication before his appearance to the congressional committee in order that his tremors were visible.. 101
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Another one confusing the two issues. Limbaugh was mocking Fox for the campaign ad, not for the congressional appearance. Is being ill-informed a prerequisite for being a "ditto" head? But this next comment REALLY sums up the attitude of the typical Limbaugh defender. frank m says: December 19, 2010 at 5:14 pm I don’t think Rush or anyone owes that little dweeb squat. M.J.Fox is not an American and as far as I’m concerned he should go back to Canada where he came from and let his great countries health care system take care of him instead is complaining to our Congress and bad mouthing America. Frank? I hope you don't ever get Parkinson's. I would wish something far worse for you, but your punishment is waking up every morning and still being... you. You want the facts about Parkinson's, people? They're widely available. I know it's not in the mindset of the Limbaugh Listener to READ or LEARN anything that Limbaugh doesn't order them to read or learn, but try these sites for starters. http://parkinson.org http://adpaparkinson.org http://viartis.net http://www.pdf.org Or dwell in your stupidity. Your choice.
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
How Nice it Must Be70‌ I was just considering how nice it must be to live in a pleasant little world of unreality. You know – a world where you can go happily on your way believing whatever you're told by Fox News and it's yapping cadre of blond robots, tuning in Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck and O'Reilly to get your prejudices reinforced and amplified, to know WHO your enemies are NOT because you're actually THREATENED by them, but because the VOICES ON THE TEE VEE and RADIO TELL YOU they're you're enemies. Just read a Tweet from one such sleepy little sheepy who posits that it would be far cheaper to just round up all the Mex'skins and deport them than to educate them and take care of their health.
http://www.parkypundit.com/2010/12/03/how-nice-it-must-be/ 103
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Let's see if we can crawl into the skull of one of these sleepy sheepies and take a look at the simple solutions they offer to complicated problems. 1. Deport the illegals. (Yeah, but who would pick the 'maters fer my ketchup?) SOMEBODY would. 2. Answer to question posed above. Take all them people on welfare and make THEM pick yer 'maters and taters and grapes and all those other jobs that the Mex'skins are stealing from us. 3. Get rid of the income tax. (Yeah, but how will you pay for defense, medicare, social security and all that other stuff?) Start taxing poor people. You know that most poor people pay NO taxes whatsoever? Make THEM pay their fair share! 4. Quit pickin' on the rich people. They're the ones who create jobs, so leave 'em alone. (But the Bush Tax Cuts created NO jobs. They COST jobs. People LOST WORK because of the Bush Tax Cuts! Wall Street almost crashed because of the runaway greed!) That's Obama's fault because he's a Marxist and a Fascist and a Socialist. 5. Unemployment benefits encourage laziness. (Have you ever been unemployed for an extended period?) Yeah, but that was different. I had kids to feed and a mortgage to pay and most of these people on unemployment -- well, you know who THEY are, don'cha? The people that ACORN gave all that MONEY to so's they could STEAL the ELECTION from McCain. Most of the 104
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time, you give 'em loose shoes and a warm place to poop and they're satisfied with whatever they can steal. 6. Bomb Iran. And if France don't like it, bomb THEM, too! And RUSSIA while we're at it. (Good lord!) Indeed! God says in the BIBLE that America is the greatest country on Earth and it has His blessings as long as we stop letting homos and queers off the hook without just punishment and allowing abortion up to the moment the baby's welfare momma goes into labor. And you want homos and queers in the ARMY? I served for 18 months before my general discharge (I swear, I thought the blond wig meant he was a girl), and I never met no homos NOR queers! Not once! And don't tell me you can't tell who they are, with their flitting about like fancy little princesses. I can spot me a homo or a queer a mile away. And I wouldn't want one chasin' me around a foxhole tryin' to penetrate my defenses during a firefight. No sir. Everyone knows that you let a homo or a queer anywhere near other men, all they can think about is -- well, it makes me sick to think about it -- it's bad enough that we had to serve with minorities and women. 7. Elect Sarah Palin! (Are you kidding? She couldn't even finish a full term as governor of Alaska!) 105
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That's cuz she had more important things to do, like write books, do TV shows, go on Fox News and get a reality TV show to make the money she'll need to send that ni---, I mean, that NEEgro Obama and his National Geographic Cover Family back to Kenya. (The woman is a certified dumbass! She couldn't tell Katie Couric a single magazine or newspaper she reads!) AND THAT WAS A TRICK QUESTION! She was there to talk about important national issues, like Drill Baby Drill and Joe the Plumber, not to discuss her library habits! You libruhls just don't get it. We don't WANT eggheads to be our leaders -- these Harvard and Ivy League educated sissies who think they're better than you because they're smarter than you. We did JUST FINE with a dumbass like Bush for president, until he forgot where he came from and who elected him and became the onliest republican we can badmouth because he saved the economy. Urrrrrrrrgh..... Sorry. I had to climb out of there. I was getting really nauseous. Suffice it to say, "Stupid is the New Smart" in America today. It's easier. It's more comfortable. The answers are simple. And it's not YOU getting HURT by your ignorance. Yet.
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
Stupid is the New Smart… Being the keen observer of the human condition that I am, I have come up with a truth that applies to our times. Never in my life have I ever seen such a premium placed on the virtues of stupidity. It‘s almost as if stupidity were a goal to which one SHOULD aspire, lest one be called an ―egghead college boy!‖ Examples? Let‘s start with some of the easy ones. A commercial for Audible.com. The man says, ―I just don‘t have TIME to read a book!‖ So, they‘ll sell you audio books that you can listen to while driving, and while you‘re concentrating on the words you won‘t be concentrating on the road and you‘ll hit a school bus and EVERYONE dies. But on the up side, maybe you‘ll just wind up crippled, and THEN look at all the time you‘ll have for reading! Then there‘s the ads for the ―gold clad Indian head buffalo nickel‖71 you see over and over again. They don‘t break any laws because they don‘t exactly cross the line into saying that these are the ACTUAL $50, .999 percent pure gold coins. But they do kinda INFER that these coins are worth something more than they are.
http://www.asseenontvpromo.com/collectibles/50-gold-buffalo-coin/ 107
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The coin was wildly popular with investors and collectors, but the U.S. government had to stop production because of a shortage of specially made gold blanks. It‘s no wonder the price of the last edition is going through the roof. Now, you can get your very own copy of the 2010 $50 Buffalo Gold Clad Tribute Proof in 31 mg of pure gold. Well, HELL yeah, with the price of gold being what it is. And how much is that 31 mg of gold that thinly covers each coin actually worth at today‘s price of $1,368.54 per ounce? A buck-fifty! The final issue price was to be set at $50 per proof. However during this special release period, this 24 kt pure gold clad masterpiece can be yours for only $9.95 plus the cost of shipping and handling. For a coin with $1.50 worth of gold on it. On the TV commercial, they tell you to avoid the disappointment and future regret of missing out on this offer. Then there are the political pundits who, to promote their conservative agendas, say things like Bill O‘Reilly did to prove the existence of God.72 O'REILLY: I'll tell you why [religion's] not a scam, in my opinion: tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that. SILVERMAN: Tide goes in, tide goes out? 72
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/06/oreilly-god-causestides_n_805262.html 108
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O'REILLY: See, the water, the tide comes in and it goes out, Mr. Silverman. It always comes in, and always goes out. You can't explain that. Bill? It‘s the MOON! Twice a day as the moon orbits the earth, the gravitational forces of the moon affect the tides. The MOON, Bill. The sun comes up and goes down because the EARTH REVOLVES ON AN AXIS, Bill. (Here‘s the video.73) Then there are the politicians who demonstrate their stupidity every day. They GLORIFY in it. In their campaign ads, they BRAG about being ―just a regular guy‖ code words for ―dumbass.‖ Do you really WANT ―just a regular guy‖ running things, or would you rather have someone who KNOWS something about the world in charge? Yesterday on the House floor, Iowa congressman Steve King, while defending his Republican colleagues, actually spoke – ―declaring that Speaker and Majority Leader had ‗established their integrity and their mendacity for years in this Congress.‘‖74 Well, I suppose you CAN have integrity and mendacity at the same time, if you can be relied upon for your tendency to lie…
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/rep-steve-kingaccuses-gop-leaders-of-mendacity.php 109
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If I were Congressman King, I‘d watch what I say around Speaker Boehner. I mean, have you SEEN the SIZE of that GAVEL?? And look at the two congressmen who thought that watching the swearing in ceremony on TV, raising their hands and saying the oath to a TV screen was just as good as ACTUALLY swearing in, rendering their two first votes unconstitutional. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, who has said things like…75 "Iran is the troublemaker trying to tip over apple carts all over Baghdad right now because they want America to pull out. And you know why? It‘s because they‘ve already decided, that they‘re going to territory, they‘rethey‘re going to partition Iraq and half of Iraq, the western northern portion of Iraq is going to be called, the United, uh, uh, the, the uh, -oh, I‘m sorry, I can‘t remember the actual name of it now, but it‘s going to be called, um, uh, the, the, uh, uh the Iraq State of Islam, something like that. And I-I‘m sorry, I-I don‘t have the official name, but it is meant to be the training ground for the terrorists. There‘s already an agreement made; they‘re going to get half of Iraq and that is going to be a – a terrorist free,-a terrorist safe haven zone." She‘s been appointed to the INTELLIGENCE Committee in the new Congress.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=vie w_all&address=389x5809759 110
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And look at us. I mean the American public. The drove the economy into the ditch over the six years they held both houses in the Bush administration. Bush vetoed everything the Democratic congress tried to do in his last two years. The GOP minority in the Senate filibustered everything tried to get done in HIS first two years, and what do WE do in the 2010 elections? We give the keys back to the drunk driver who put the car into the ditch. The Tea Party is already beginning to regret their choices, as the new GOP House Leadership goes back on promise after promise they made to these ultra right wing numbskulls. (But hey, they DID read the Constitution on the first day of the new session… not the ORIGINAL constitution, mind you, but the AMENDED one…) The Tea Party will either dissolve into the ether during the next two years, or they will form a third party that dooms the traditional GOP. Right now, Congress is trying to repeal the health care bill, uh, excuse me… the ―Jobs Killing Health Care Bill‖ that the CBO says will put an additional $230 billion into the deficit and cost thousands of jobs if it‘s repealed. It‘s a waste of time, of course, as the Senate will never even bring it to the floor and President Obama would certainly veto it if it passed.
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But over the next two years, we can watch as the GOP acts as the bag men they are, delivering big sacks of money with ―$‖ printed on them to their corporate overlords, taking advantage of the fact that they, through their mouthpieces like Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck and O‘Reilly, were able to FOOL the unsophisticated American who doesn‘t have two of those fake gold buffalo nickels to rub together in his pocket that they CARE about him. (On a side note, don‘t rub those nickels TOO much takes the gold covering right off.) But unless the unsophisticated American who thinks that wearing a flag lapel pin denotes ―patriotism‖ while the pin-wearer is shipping his jobs overseas WAKES UP, we can look forward to a spirited GOP primary in 2012 where Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann and and jostle and push in their efforts to out-stupid each other while VIABLE GOP candidates who might stand a chance of being elected like , who might actually turn out to be a DECENT presiden,t won‘t stand a chance in the primaries unless they tack hard to the right and go all PRETEND stupid on us which is probably his best bet to get the nomination. After all… Stupid IS the ―new Smart‖.
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
KNUCKLEHEADS Sarah Palin® Seeks to Trademark® Her Name®76
Gosh, if I‘m gonna keep writing satirical essays about idiots, dumbasses, knuclkeheads and morons, I‘d better find out where the ® key is on this thing. 76
http://technorati.com/politics/article/sarah-palin-seeks-to-trademarkher/ 113
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Sarah Palin wants to trademark her name!77 Not just hers, either. Bristol‘s, too! Palin is more than just a former mayor, governor, vice presidential candidate and political force. She has catapulted over most politicians to a status of entertainment icon. She has become a brand — and she‘s trying to protect it by trademarking her name. … According to patent office application (serial # 85170226), Van Flein registered for a trademark of ―Sarah Palin‖ on Nov. 5, 2010 — three days after the midterm elections. The government trademark examining attorney has ―found no conflicting marks that would bar registration.‖ In other words, nobody else had already taken the proposed trademark. A ―Bristol Palin‖ application (serial #85130638) was filed on Sept. 15, 2010. Bristol Palin‘s stint with ―Dancing With the Stars‖ premiered on Sept. 20. According to Karen Bush, examining attorney at the U.S. Trademark Office, the application is not without problems. For one thing, it seems Caribou Barbie® forgot to sign her name® to the application. And that‘s not all. When someone applies for a trademark, the patent office wants an example of how his or her name has been used for a commercial purpose. Examples include ―signs, photographs, brochures, website printouts or
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advertisements‖ that show the proposed trademark ―used in the actual sale or advertising of the services.‖ The samples submitted with Sarah‘s form were a copy of a Fox News Channel webpage dated Jan. 11, 2010 featuring a story with the headline ―Palin to Join Fox News as Contributor,‖ and a PDF file of a screen shot from the Washington Speakers Bureau website containing the former Alaska governor‘s biography plus another screen shot of her Facebook profile. Bush, the examining attorney, wrote that the examples were insufficient and did not show any commercial use connected to political elections. Palin was asked to send another example. And she‘s not alone in her difficulties. Bristol Palin‘s application has similar problems as her mother‘s. It wasn‘t signed and didn‘t show her proposed trademark used in a commercial context. She must file examples that demonstrate how ―Bristol Palin‖ is used in the actual sale or advertising of her ―motivational speaking services in the field of life choices,‖ according to Bush‘s letter to Van Flein. Politicians seldom trademark their name but they might do so to prevent others from using it, for example, to sell shoddy, unapproved merchandise or ―official‖ candidate memorabilia. A search for other political figures such as President Barack Obama and potential 2012 GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee, Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney do not show any pending trademark applications. It is a rarity, say trademark attorneys, for political figures to file such forms. 115
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We wish her well. And we look forward to see her name on the ballot as ―Sarah Palin®‖. The dumbasses who vote for her will probably think the ® stands for ―Republican.‖
Steele Knows Just How Caesar Felt – Except for the Stabbing78 Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele knows JUST how Julius Caesar felt. Except for the part about getting shanked by his friends and colleagues. I don't think Steele has ever actually been stabbed. Anyhoo... Who among us hasn't felt the betrayal of being laid low by the metaphorical blades of those we thought of as colleagues, falling to the metaphorical marble floor 78
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of the metaphorical forum as our metaphorical blood spurts from the dozens of metaphorical wounds. Metaphorically, that is. Steele took his grievances to the conservative website, "The Frum Forum79" to state his case and salve his many, many grievous wounds. ―I know exactly how Caesar felt,‖ Steele says, without a hint of irony. ―It is what it is.‖ He claims that Priebus had been planning to defect for six, seven, eight months before announcing a bid for the chairmanship. Steele was blindsided. ―I trust my friends. Well, I guess the adage is right. In Washington, you should get a dog… We put a lot of resources in Wisconsin over the last two years… that‘s what you do for [the] team.‖ He doesn‘t regret much, he claims. ―Just gives you headaches.‖ But he does wish he had thrown a few more punches when he had the chance. ―I fight. I‘m a fighter. The only thing I wish is that I could have slapped some folks upside the head more when I had the title and the job,‖ says Steele, smiling. ―[But] now maybe I get to do that a little bit more.‖ How? Shrugging, Steele laughs again. ―In my own way… All I know is that what goes around does come around. That‘s the nature of politics.‖ Yes, one can almost imagine what it must have been like in the RNC committee room that fateful day before the Ides of January... 79
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(And here, you need to imagine your computer screen going all wavy as we meld into a flashback scene...) STEELE Are we all ready? What is now amiss That the Chairman of the Republican National Committee must redress? CINO Most high, most mighty, and most puissant Chairman! Maria Cino throws before thy seat An humble heart,-STEELE I must prevent thee, Cino. These couchings and these lowly courtesies Might fire the blood of less extraordinary chumps, And turn pre-ordinance and first decree Into the law of Cheese Nugs. Be not fond, To think that Steele bears such rebel blood That will be thaw'd from the true mission To separate riches held by bammas; I mean, sweet words, Low-crooked court'sies and base spaniel-fawning. And what the hell does "pussiant" mean? If thou dost seek mine badinkydink to kiss I spurn thee like a cur out of my way. Know, Steele doth not wrong, nor without cause Will he be satisfied. Just sayin' CINO Is there no voice more worthy than my own To sound more sweetly in great Michael Steele's ear For the refilling of our dwindled coffers? 118
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PRIEBUS I kiss thy hand, but not in flattery, Steele Desiring thee that the RNC coffers may Have immediate replenishment from your squandering ways. STEELE What, Priebus? WAGNER Pardon, Steele, Steele, pardon: As low as to thy foot doth Ann Wagner fall, To beg replenishment of the RNC treasury. STEELE I could be well moved, if I were as you: If I could pray to move, prayers would move me: But I am large and in charge, foshizzle, Of whose true-fix'd and resting quality There is no fellow in the firmament. The skies are painted with unnumber'd sparks, They are all fire and every one doth shine, But there's but one in all doth hold his place: So in the world; 'tis furnish'd well with men, And men are flesh and blood, and apprehensive; Enjoyeth they a night on the town With lesbian bondage shows and lap dances, If such must be paid for, let it be, So you been told, ya heard? That I was constant the stripper bar tab should be paid, And constant do remain to keep it so.
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WAGNER O Steele -STEELE Yo! wilt thou throw down with the CMFWIC from PGC? PRIEBUS Great Steele -STEELE Doth not Priebus get on the bomb? CINO Vote, hands for me! CINO first, then the other Conspirators and PRIEBUS vote Chairman STEELE out of his position as head of the RNC. STEELE Et tu, Bee-Yotch? Then beat cheeks, Steele! (Withdraws) (Your screen gets all wavy again as we return to the present.) It was a brutal scene, but (mixing Shakespearean metaphors), the Big Dawg hasn't exactly shuffled off this mortal coil just yet. He‘s hopes to keep moving, and to continue playing a role in Republican politics. ―Doin‘ some TV here and there… [as well] there‘s a presidential cycle coming up. I plan to play in that a little bit. Maybe a lot.‖ Ya heard?
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Repeal and Replace Obamacare With... Uh... Something.80 The Republican Controlled House of Representatives struck a blow for Truth, Justice, Freedom, and the American Way yesterday when they voted to REPEAL and REPLACE that most dastardly threat to our freedoms and liberties and stuff... OBAMACARE! Democrats in Congress just kinda kept their hands over their faces to stifle the chuckling as the Republicans foamed and bubbled and boiled in a frenzy of Americanism while keeping their promise to the pinheads who voted for them that they'd do something... SOMETHING, dammit... even if it had no effect on ANYTHING. Just look at all this evil, evil socialism and fascism the Congress impotently voted to kill!81 1. When the bill was signed into law, the FDA was authorized to approve generic versions of biologic drugs. HORROR! 80
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2. The Medicaid drug rebate for brand name drugs was increased to 23.1%. DREADFUL! 3. A non-profit Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute was established, independent from government, to undertake comparative effectiveness research. SHUDDER! 4. Creation of task forces on Preventive Services and Community Preventive Services to develop, update, and disseminate evidenced-based recommendations on the use of clinical and community prevention services. OMG!!! Then, in June 2010,
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5. Adults with pre-existing conditions were eligible to join a temporary high-risk pool, which will be superseded by the health care exchange in 2014. OH NOES! Then, in July 2010, 6. The President established, within the Department of Health and Human Services, a council to be known as the National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council to help begin to develop a National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy. A COUNCIL? Is that like a PANEL? A... DEATH PANEL??? By September, the new law ensured... * Insurance companies will be prohibited from imposing lifetime dollar limits on essential benefits, like hospital stays in new policies issued. * Dependents (children) will be permitted to remain on their parents' insurance plan until their 26th birthday, and regulations implemented under the Act include dependents that no longer live with their parents, are not a dependent on a parent‘s tax return, are no longer a student, or are married. * Insurers are prohibited from excluding preexisting medical conditions (except in grandfathered individual health insurance plans) for children under the age of 19. * Insurers are prohibited from charging copayments or deductibles for Level A or Level B
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preventive care and medical screenings on all new insurance plans. * Individuals affected by the Medicare Part D coverage gap will receive a $250 rebate, and 50% of the gap will be eliminated in 2011. The gap will be eliminated by 2020. * Insurers' abilities to enforce annual spending caps will be restricted, and completely prohibited by 2014. * Insurers are prohibited from dropping policyholders when they get sick. * Insurers are required to reveal details about administrative and executive expenditures. * Insurers are required to implement an appeals process for coverage determination and claims on all new plans. * Indoor tanning services are subjected to a 10% service tax. (This is referred to by some wags as the "Up Yours, Boehner" provision.) * Enhanced methods of fraud detection are implemented. * Medicare is expanded to small, rural hospitals and facilities. * Medicare patients with chronic illnesses must be monitored/evaluated on a 3 month basis for coverage of the medications for treatment of such illnesses. * Non-profit Blue Cross insurers are required to maintain a loss ratio (money spent on procedures over money incoming) of 85% or higher to take advantage of IRS tax benefits. 124
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* Companies which provide early retiree benefits for individuals aged 55–64 are eligible to participate in a temporary program which reduces premium costs. * A new website installed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services will provide consumer insurance information for individuals and small businesses in all states. * A temporary credit program is established to encourage private investment in new therapies for disease treatment and prevention. SOCIALISM! PURE AND SIMPLE! And evil MARXISM, too! And can we call it NAZI-like? It might be. And here's what went into effect January 1st! * Insurers will be required to spend 85% of largegroup and 80% of small-group and individual plan premiums (with certain adjustments) on health care or to improve health-care quality, or return the difference to the customer as a rebate. * The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is responsible for developing the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation and overseeing the testing of innovative payment and delivery models. * Flexible spending accounts, healthcare reimbursement arrangements and health savings accounts cannot be used to pay for over the counter drugs, purchased without a prescription, except for insulin. 125
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Who is OBAMA to say that I can't use my FSA to buy Rolaids??? Thank GOD for a Republican Congress that would make sure Insurance companies aren't required to spend money on health care, that there will be no temporary credit program to encourage private investment in new therapies, that Medicare is not extended to small, rural hospitals, and that the Medicare Part D "Donut Hole" will not be eliminated by 2020! It's just UNAMERICAN to require insurance companies to keep insuring people when they're sick and to allow people with pre-existing conditions to get coverage. NO WONDER the latest polling shows that a FULL 18%82 of Americans want a full repeal of Obamacare! How can a responsible majority in Congress ignore a mandate like THAT? But the work isn't done. Speaker Boehner turned the issue over to the various House committees to come up with 82
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2011/01/18/2011-0118_americans_are_still_split_on_health_care_reform_but_only_18_fa vor_a_total_repeal.html 126
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proposals to replace the things they pretended to eliminate in their vote yesterday. And they should take their time, the Speaker said. There's no deadline. There's no hurry. Come up with some GOOD ideas that will BENEFIT insurance companies... I mean.... the American people. Think on it awhile. Don't rush to any conclusions. In the meantime, the bill goes on to the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (who, for some reason, is a Democrat since the Democrats did NOT lose the majority in the Senate) would gouge out his own eardrums with chopsticks before bringing this bill to the floor. And even if he did, and even if the Senate DID pass the House version of the repeal, President Obama would veto it. But never fear. The truly BRAINY people in the GOP have a plan for that! REPEAL THE SENATE! REPEAL THE PRESIDENT! You think I'm kidding? One of the House intellectuals, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., said this yesterday... "This is not symbolic, this is why we were sent here and we will not stop until we repeal a president and put a president in the position of the White House who will repeal this bill, until we repeal the current Senate, put in a Senate that will listen to the American people and repeal this bill," Bachmann said on the House floor Wednesday afternoon. 127
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Don't you just LOVE it when she speaks? "Obamacare as we know is the crown jewel of socialism. It is socialized medicine," Bachmann said. "The American people spoke soundly and clearly at the ballot box in November and they said to us, Mr. Speaker, in no uncertain terms, repeal this bill. So today, this body will cast a vote to repeal Obamacare and to those across the United States who think this may be a symbolic act, we have a message for them." Yes. That 18 percent of Americans who want total repeal of the Affordable Health Care Act MUST be obeyed! Because you see, when you, the average American, get decent and fair health care, it's "the crown jewel of socialism. It is socialized medicine." When CONGRESSMEN and SENATORS get the SAME health care YOU have been promised by the full implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act? Ummmm....... Before the vote yesterday, House Republicans were given the opportunity to repeal their OWN "socialist" health care. Using a procedural tool called the motion to recommit, Democrats forced Republicans to take a stand on whether or not members of Congress should receive federal health care benefits. The measure would have made repeal of the health care law contingent on more than half of all members of Congress opting out of the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program. 128
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Republicans voted it down. Dropped it like it's hot. It's the new state of affairs, gentle reader. What's socialism for the goose is gravy for the gander. And what's the fun of being a gander if you can't have a little gravy that the geese aren't privvy to?
Are Tea Partiers Content to Ride in the Short Bus with Michelle Bachmann?
Oh, Minnesota. Funny, funny Minnesota. Not only do you entertain us with your hapless, 83
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hopeless professional football team, you keep giving us these funny, funny politicians for us to laugh at. You are a never-ending source of amusement to us, Minnesota. We can talk about Tim Pawlenty some other time. But today all eyes are focused on the official congressional circus clown, Michelle Bachmann. Oh, Michelle. Michelle, Michelle, Michelle... Honey, just because YOU are stupid doesn't mean EVERYONE is!!! This statement you made the other day when you spoke to an Iowans for Tax Relief event84, (just don't touch our Medicare, our Social Security, our other entitlements — just stop Welfare for "Those People" 84
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who won't get offa their butts to look for a job — YOU know who we're talking about). You began waxing nostalgic about the early days of our union and the founding fathers... "It didn't matter the color of their skin; it didn't matter their language; it didn't matter their economic status; it didn't matter whether they descended from nobility or were of a higher class or a lower class. It made made no difference; once you got here we were all the same." It didn't matter one bit, Michelle! Even though the lighter skinned arrivals came over in relative luxury and of their own free will, whereas their darker brothers and sisters were captured in nets like animals, chained together below decks, laying in their own filth, to be sold at marketplaces on their arrival — like cattle. But still... we were all the same! Those who went on to purchase the plantations and those who were whipped and beaten into picking their cotton were all the same in the eyes of God, if not the law. Then you said this... "We know there was slavery that was still tolerated when the nation began. We know that was an evil. And it was a scourge and a blot and a stain on our history. But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. And I think it is high time that we recognized the contribution of our forebears who worked tirelessly; men like John Quincy Adams who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country." 131
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Yes. The people who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights, even the ones who OWNED slaves, worked day and night, even decades past their own deaths, to eradicate the evil scourgey blot stain on our history. James Madison, the last original "Founding Father" died in 1836 and the Emancipation Proclamation wasn't written until 1863, but Madison — never being one to let death stop him when he really wanted something — worked TIRELESSLY to get Lincoln to write that document. Madison was too busy getting Lincoln to free ALL the slaves nearly 30 years after his death that he didn't even have time to free HIS OWN slaves... as Madison was one of the eight US Presidents who owned slaves WHILE serving as president. Such was the "Founding Fathers' devotion to ending slavery that the foundingest Founding Father of them ALL — GEORGE WASHINGTON — wrote in 178685... 1786: ‖I can only say that no man living wishes more sincerely than I do to see the abolition of (slavery)… But when slaves who are happy & content to remain with their present masters, are tampered with & seduced to leave them… it introduces more evils than it can cure."(Hirschfield,p187) The Second President, John Adams, wrote in 1820... 85
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1820: ―I shudder when I think of the calamities which slavery is likely to produce in this country. You would think me mad if I were to describe my anticipations. If the gangrene is not stopped I can see nothing but insurrection of the blacks against the whites.‖ (Smith,p 138) Of course we know how much Thomas Jefferson loved HIS slaves... he really, REALLY loved his slaves... really REALLY! And James Monroe so hated the thought of slavery, he didn't even want to SEE them when they were eventually freed! He wrote in 1819... 1819: "A general emancipation of slaves ought to be 1. gradual. 2. equitable & satisfactory to the individuals immediately concerned. 3. consistent with the existing & durable prejudices of the nation... To be consistent with existing and probably unalterable prejudices in the U.S. freed blacks ought to be permanently removed beyond the region occupied by or alloted to a White population." (Madison.Writings.p729) And yes, Michelle... John Quincy Adams had a soft spot in his heart for the black man and his bitter, bitter bondage. He didn't own slaves, he defended slaves who commandeered the slave ship "Amistad," but when asked decades after leaving the White House why he didn't speak up to Congress about recognizing the black government of Haiti, he said86... 86
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―A bare hint to Congress of the possibility… would have suggested that negroes and mulattoes were not only human beings but capable of constituting a sovereign state and if I had escaped impeachment there would have been a Resolution carried…that featherless bipeds with wool for hair and their descendants till bleached into Anglo Saxons are not entitled to the rights of man.‖ (Hecht p548) See, young Mr. Adams knew his politics and his era. So, Michelle. Michelle...Michelle...Michelle. We understand that the Tea Party people who you purport to represent are not the brightest pennies in the change jar. Nor are they the sharpest knives in the drawer. If you told most of them that the Founding Fathers could actually FLY like SUPERMAN -- they'd believe you! Without question. Because they are dullards. But when you talk, in public, on television, to real people, people who can see and hear — and FACT CHECK you... might you not be well served to make sure you're not gushing nonsense and lies out of every pore and orifice while doing so? Just a thought.
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Sarah Palin Wins the "Space (Between the Ears) Race"
I can only come to one conclusion... Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin are trying to "out-idiot" each other! Recently, I wrote about "Wild Eyes" Bachmann claiming that our founding fathers strove to their last breaths to eliminate the scourge of slavery from our land... even though the last of the actual 87
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"founding fathers" died some three decades before Lincoln freed the slaves. Today, Caribou Barbie is claiming that the Soviet Union won the "Space Race" and it was that very race that lead to the ultimate collapse of the USSR. You think I'm kidding, right?88 Sarah Palin thinks President Barack Obama needs a history lesson on the space race between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union. "He needs to remember that, uh, what happened back then with the communist U.S.S.R. and their victory in that race to space," the Fox News contributor said Wednesday night, reacting to Obama's reference to Sputnik in his State of the Union speech. Palin called the Sputnik name drop one of the "W.T.F." moments in the speech, a play of the President's call for "winning the future." ―Yeah, they won but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union," Palin said. Ay, yi, yi! Sure, the USSR won some of the earlier races, getting the first satellite up there, getting the first man into space, but the FINISH LINE in this race is GENERALLY considered to be LANDING A MAN on the MOON and BRINGING HIM HOME AGAIN!!!!
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And the Soviet Union didn't collapse until 22 years after the moon landing, and that collapse was brought about by unsustainable defense spending of which space spending played a tiny part. Is she really that dense? Or is she pretending? And why would she want to turn a perfectly serviceable political phrase like "Winning the Future" (Hey, it worked as a title for one of Newt Gingrich's books...) into an obscene text slang abbreviation? What will she tell her younger children, Trip and Trix and Tralaalaa, if they ask her, "Governor Mommy? What does WTF mean?" Will she LIE? Of course she will. It's what she does. "That was a tough speech to have to sit through and kind of try to stomach because the president is so off-base in his ideas," said Palin. "And his theme last night in the State of the Union was the 'WTF,' you know, 'Winning the Future.' And I thought, 'OK, that acronym, spot on.' There were a lot of 'WTF' moments throughout that speech." Asked what she would do differently to lower the unemployment level, Palin did not offer any specific proposals, but insisted that the president's plan was wrong and said Obama had failed to realize the country was already buried under crippling debt. Palin also called for the elimination of National Public Radio and the National Endowment for the Arts, calling them "fluffery." 137
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I mean, God, it's almost like she's the mean dumb chick in high school who everyone laughs at behind her back but nobody says anything to her face because she's the head of the "mean popular girls" clique. Hmmm... apt analogy? "I've been accused of dividing within that establishment of the Republican Party too for some years now," she continued, "and I don't see it as division. This is one thing that I love about the Republican Party — we believe in competition even within our own party, you know, and we don't have the fighting instincts of a bunch of sheep like I think a lot of Democrats do." Tell ya what, Barbie... come out of your little home studio, go on a real news network (are there any of those left?) get away from Fox for a minute. I know it means getting away from your comfort zone because they'll let you and Michelle Bachmann and Sharon Angle and whoever else is the Tea Party Darling of the Moment say WHATEVER wacky, provably untrue and malicious thing you want to say without challenging you. But you wanna REALLY go "rogue," Sarah? Sit down with Katie Couric again. Or David Gregory. Or Christiane Armanpour. Or Lawrence O'Donnell. Or Wolf Freakin' Blitzer! Show us some of those "fighting instincts," you pale gray and increasingly insignificant coward.
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Boehner Tells Obama, "Stop Badmouthing America!"
If there's one thing Speaker of the House John Boehner is NOT gonna have, that's an uppity "you know what" standing there at the podium in front of a Joint Session of Congress during the State of the Union address running down the United States of America. Not while HE's holding that impossibly large, Sigmund-Freud-Would-Have-Something-ToSay-About-It "gavel."
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Did the President call America "a festering dung heap"? No. Did he say that we are a nation that cares more about its big, shiny, well-oiled guns than we do about starving children or crumbling infrastructure? No. Did he say that Americans "smell funny"? No, but it was pretty CLOSE to that. President Obama simply REFUSED90 to say that Americans are BETTER than everyone else. At everything. In every area. Well, they — they‘ve refused to talk about American exceptionalism. We are different than the rest of the world. Why? Because Americans have — the country was built on an idea that ordinary people could decide what their government looked like and ordinary people could elect their own leaders. And 235 years ago that was a pretty novel idea. And so we are different. Why is our economy still 20 times the size of China‘s? Because Americans have had their freedom to succeed, the freedom to fail. We‘ve got more innovators, more entrepreneurs, and that is exceptional but you can‘t get the left to talk about it. They don‘t — they reject that notion. Oh, sure. Obama might LOVE America. But does he love it ENOUGH? Why WON'T he tell all the other countries in the world to "suck it" — that
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America is BETTER than they are, just by the very fact that we're AMERICANS? This is clearly the greatest land Jesus every put on the face of His Earth. Want some PROOF do ya? What, the Bible not GOOD enough for you? Fine. You're one of those EGGHEAD, SCIENCE worshipers. Well, according to this Oct. 26, 2010 column in the New York Times91... In 2005 our National Academies responded to a call from a bipartisan group of senators to recommend 10 actions the federal government could take to enhance science and technology so America could successfully compete in the 21st century. Their response was published in a study, spearheaded by the industrialist Norman Augustine, titled ―Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future.‖ Charles M. Vest, the former M.I.T. president, worked on the study and noted in a speech recently that ―Gathering Storm,‖ together with work by the Council on Competitiveness, led to the America Competes Act of 2007, which increased funding for the basic science research that underlies our industrial economy. Other recommendations, like improving K-12 science education, were not substantively addressed. So, on Sept. 23, the same group released a followup report: ―Rising Above the Gathering Storm 91
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Revisited: Rapidly Approaching Category 5.‖ ―The subtitle, ‗Rapidly Approaching Category 5,‘ says it all,‖ noted Vest. See? Category 5! Not too SHABBY. Take THAT, Mr. I Hate America Obama! So, what does that all that sciency gobbledegook mean. Let's parse the numbers. ―The committee‘s conclusion is that ‗in spite of the efforts of both those in government and the private sector, the outlook for America to compete for quality jobs has further deteriorated over the past five years.‘ ‖ Whuuuuuuuuuuuuut? DETERIORATED??? Is that a scientific term for "bestest ever"? ―Here is a little dose of reality about where we actually rank today,‖ says Vest: sixth in global innovation-based competitiveness, but 40th in rate of change over the last decade; 11th among industrialized nations in the fraction of 25- to 34year-olds who have graduated from high school; 16th in college completion rate; 22nd in broadband Internet access; 24th in life expectancy at birth; 27th among developed nations in the proportion of college students receiving degrees in science or engineering; 48th in quality of K-12 math and science education; and 29th in the number of mobile phones per 100 people.
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―This is not a pretty picture, and it cannot be wished away,‖ said Vest. The study recommended a series of steps — some that President Obama has already initiated, some that still need Congress‘s support — designed to increase America‘s talent pool by vastly improving K-12 science and mathematics education, to reinforce long-term basic research, and to create the right tax and policy incentives so we can develop, recruit and retain the best and brightest students, scientists and engineers in the world. Obviously, this egghead intellectual hasn't talked to Speaker Boehner! America is EXCEPTIONAL! Did you HEAR ME! EXCEPTIONAL! We're the BEST, damn you! The BEST! The BESTEST there EVER WAS! And if some college boy President from KENYA thinks he has ideas that can make us BETTER, which is something you can never DO because BEST means BEST, then we're gonna shout him down at every turn and put our fingers in our ears and stonewall and sandbag and filibuster and I can't hear you I can't hear you American Execptionalism American Exceptionalism American Exceptionalism, American Exceptionalism la la la la la la la laaaaa......
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Georgia Congressman Did NOT Evolve from Monkeys!92 Speaking on the Bill Maher show Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) stated that he does not believe in evolution93, because... ...he doesn't believe that he came from a monkey or that a "creature crawled out of the sea and became a human being one day."
http://technorati.com/politics/article/congressman-kingston-did-notevolve-from/ 93
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/republican-jackkingston-on-evolution-im-not-from-a-monkey-video.php 144
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"I believe I came from God not from a monkey so the answer is no," Kingston said when Maher asked him whether he believed in evolution. First of all, we would like to congratulate the people of Georgia's first district (that includes Savannah, Baxley and Valdosta) for sending a representative to Congress with the guts to stand up in the face of scientific evidence in favor of an unproven religious dogma that crumbles under the light of reason. Now, the Congressman may have misstated a fact or two... nowhere in Darwin's theory does it state that a creature crawled out of the sea and became a human being one day. That's ridiculous! It's much easier to believe that God grabbed up a handful of dust and formed a human being, blew into its nostrils and brought it to life, and then carved a rib out of the man's side and made a woman out of it (must have not been enough dust laying around after making the man)... all in one day. But on the larger issue‌ he's right. Georgia Congressman Jack Kingston did NOT evolve from monkeys! We were able to obtain a sample of the congressman's DNA. (Don't ask us how... it involved a mens' washroom at a Savannah airport and some actions we're not entirely proud of.)
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Intensive DNA analysis done at taxpayers' expense has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Kingston evolved from a different prehistoric creature entirely! Yes. Congressman Jack Kingston's DNA conclusively links him with the prehistoric trilobite — in this case, the Walliserops trifurcatus, a spiky, crawly thing that lived in the Middle Devonian period, about 390 million years ago. This, of course, has sparked the interest of our science team, and we are wondering how many OTHER Southern Bible Thumper Lawmakers who deny evolution are ALSO descended directly from this horrid creature. We'll present our results at some future time. We have a lot of airport bathrooms to visit in our data collection efforts.
Neocon Reax to Egypt Unrest: "Can't We Just Bomb Iran NOW?"94 Don't let his dour facade fool you. Deep down inside, somewhere under his hilarious walrus 94
cant/ 146
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mustache, former UN representative John Bolton is giggling like a school girl. He sees what's going on in Egypt and he can barely restrain his glee!!! Is it glee over the masses of people finally expressing their desire for democracy? No. Is it glee over what may likely be the overthrow of an oppressive tyrant? No.
It's the glee that the impending overthrow of the Mubarak government means we might get to BOMB someone! Sooner rather than later. THAT'S what has his nipples all tingly and his comedy joke shop mustache flapping up and down. Monday, as a guest on fellow rabid brownpeople hater Sean Hannity's radio show, Bolton was spewing thick, creamy delight all over the 147
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microphone as he talked about how a Mubarak overthrow will mean we — Israel — SOMEBODY — is gonna HAVE to bomb Iran. HANNITY: Do you think that the Israelis are going to have to strike — they are going to have to take action. … As you pointed out, El Baradei, you know, ran cover for the Iranians for all those years that he was with the IAEA. And, I just don‘t think the Israelis have much longer to wait…they‘re going to have to act in fairly short order. BOLTON: I think that‘s right. I don‘t think there‘s much time to act. And I think the fall of a Egyptian government committed to the peace agreement will almost certainly speed that timetable up. YAAAAY! Bombs, and lot's of 'em! And we better make sure we kill ALL of 'em so there's not a single one of those Muslim bastiches left to push the button to launch the nuclear weapons they most CERTAINLY have since Saddam Hussein hid them there before the Iraq war. And even if they DON'T overthrow Mubarak, these demonstrations prove that SOMEBODY might SOMEDAY so you better just go ahead and nuke Tehran NOW before someone ELSE does it and WE should be the ones to do it because of American Exceptionalism and we'd do it RIGHT and yibble bibble bibble bibble!!! Yew BETCHA! Nothin' gets these neocons roused up faster than an opportunity to bomb them some Muslims! Gets Bolton's mustache spinning like one of those clown bow ties! 148
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See, this is why Bolton is considering a run for the presidency. When you're PRESIDENT, you can bomb ANYBODY at ANYTIME you freakin' FEEL like it! Cuz who's gonna tell you NOT to? Nobody. That's who!
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MEDIA The Revolution Will NOT Be Tweeted!
Every morning, I wake up... try to remember who I am, where I am, what I do for a living, and as soon as it's all clear to me, I grab my bed's side-rail, pull myself into a sitting position, grab my cane, and hobble out to the living room.
tweeted/ 150
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After saying good morning to my bride and our fine herd of dogs (a German shepherd and a border collie), I trundle to the kitchen to check e-mails. On a typical morning, I'll see that one or two folks have decided to "follow" my Twitter account. "That's nice," I think, and I click on the link to find out who my new little tweetie pal is. Some mornings are scarier than others. Since I've started posting my political opinions here, I've noticed an increase of ultra right wing conservative Tweeters are now "following" me. I wonder, "Why in the world would they follow ME? Unless..." Unless... Unless they're looking for something to get pissed off about! Hmmm..... It makes me wonder. 1. What's with the "patriotic" Twitter handles? I call myself ParkyBill because I usually post on topics having to do with Parkinson's disease. My blog is called "Musings of a Parky Pundit" because I write about PD, politics, my family, my dogs, and all the other things that annoy me. Why do so many of these conservative, libertarian people name themselves like titles of 1950's pulp novels or comic book superheros created during the Red Scare? Liberty Patriot! Counter Force! Partriot Tweeters! 151
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America Calling! NC Hornet Patriot Action! Patriot Dissent! Liberty 1st Assassins Lobby (J. Q. Patriot) VT Patriot And that's just the bunch that have latched onto MY account. 2. Why are they all so ANGRY? Each of these folks (and there are more... lots more....) leads with the chin in their profile intro. "Fighting Back against Liberal Tyranny!" "Telling the Truth the Media Won't Tell You!" "Taking Back America from the Socialists" DUDES! The election is OVER! YOU WON!!! Time to start GOVERNING!!! 3. What's with the imagery? Eagles and flags and statues of liberty and pictures of armed minutemen and the Constitution and stuff? Do you think the flag was meant only for ultra conservatives to use as a rallying cry? Do eagles only soar over conservatives? Does not the Constitution apply to EVERYONE? Are you... compensating? And your fixation with guns. Dude. I mean... DUDE! Freud had a whole COMPLEX named for you guys who like to show off your shiny metal guns while driving your ultra-huge pickup trucks with the big, chrome stacks with the heavy metal hate music pumping from your huge speakers to 152
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where my dogs bark at you if you drive within two blocks of my house. 4. Do you have PLANS? And what are you cats gonna do with all your "Obama Countdown Clocks" when Sarah Palin DOESN'T beat President Obama and he's (gasp!) REELECTED??? (Or will you be too busy "gathering your armies" to worry about that?) Not that you guys really worry me all that much. I get the feeling that most of you are "pretend patriots" who have never served a day in the Armed Forces or, like your hero Rush Limbaugh, used a butt crack cyst to get 4-F status, and would moisten your cammy pants with fear if ever faced with REAL combat. But DARN, don't you feel strong and powerful down there in your Mom and Dad's basement with all the lights turned off, with that big stack of GUN periodicals to prop up your can of Red Bull as you tweet and tweet and tweet about how your freedoms are being infringed — at least until your dad yells at you from upstairs to turn of the computer and go to bed because it's a school night? (Damn liberal dad! Wait until the revolution!) Now if you dudes wanna follow me (to keep TRACK of me, or whatever), that's cool! Just don't be sad when I don't follow you back. I already have enough wackiness in my life without borrowing any of yours. So tweet on, my little brothers. Just don't hurt yourself. 153
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Or anyone else. Please.
Telling the Good Islamic Protesters from the Bad Islamic Protesters96 It's a confusing world. That's why I'm here. I'm here to help you make sense out of the confusion. So, you may be scratching your head until it's raw and bloody today trying to answer this question: "I‘ve been watching all this stuff going on way over there in Egypt and stuff and it‘s all kinda scary and junk. How can I tell the GOOD Islamic protesters from the BAD Islamic protesters." That‘s a fair question. Everyone‘s wearing the same kind of clothing, and no one is wearing colors like respectable American gangbangers. So, when you come right down to it, there‘s really only one way to tell the good from the bad when it comes to Islamic protesters.
http://technorati.com/politics/article/todays-lesson-islamicprotesters-telling-the/ 154
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These are the GOOD Islamic Protesters.
These are the BAD Islamic protesters. Can you see the differences?
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Look carefully. The GOOD Islamic protesters were protesting a repressive government. The BAD Islamic protesters are ALSO protesting a repressive government. So, what's the difference? Pay attention. The GOOD Islamic protesters were beaten down by authoritarian forces out to silence dissent. The BAD Islamic protesters are being beaten down by authoritarian forces out to silence dissent. You STILL don't see the difference? Do I have to draw a PICTURE for you? The GOOD Islamic protesters wanted to replace their repressive government with one more responsive to the needs of the people, something more democratic in nature. The BAD Islamic protesters want to replace THEIR repressive government with one more responsive to the needs of the people, something more democratic in nature. You're still not getting it. The GOOD Islamic protesters were being shot and killed by the police and military forces at the command of their dictator. The BAD Islamic protesters are being shot and killed by the police and military forces at the command of THEIR dictator. My, but you are the SLOW student, aren't you... OK... here's the difference. 156
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The GOOD Islamic protesters were out to overthrow the government of IRAN. We HATE Iran. The BAD Islamic protesters are out to overthrow the government of EGYPT! We LIKE Egypt. See, the whole problem here is "Democracy," which is GREAT as long as a nation's voters vote for leadership WE want them to vote for. Democracy was okee-dokey SWELL in Gaza... until they voted for Hamas instead of the more moderate Fatah movement. The people spoke, but they picked the wrong guys. So THAT was BAD! They have elections in Egypt. True, there is only one guy on the ballot! But you can still vote! And we all remember an election not that long ago where the masses were fooled by an upstart usurper who promised "hope" and "change" but delivered tyranny and Marxist Islamofascist terror in the form of universal health care. In Iran, we tell ourselves that the protesters who tried to overthrow the mullahs and President Ouchmyweeniedad would have replaced that government with a more "western-friendly" government and not with something even more radically Islamic. It's FUN to play pretend.
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But now, as Cairo erupts into violence, as people swarm into the streets to voice their opposition to a corrupt Mubarak administration, the conservative element in our nation quakes in fear that the protesters will WIN and install an Islamic extremist group like "The Muslim Brotherhood," or — even worse -- (gasp)... Mohamed ElBaradei! Former Chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The dude who said "there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq." The personal fly in President Bush‘s ointment when the way looked clear for a problem-free invasion of his hated enemy in Iraq that had nothing to do with anything. Yeah. THAT guy!
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Remember that evil face? Thank the good, Christian God that he is currently under house arrest and can't be out there throwing rocks and dodging bullets with the other protesters. The LAST thing we need over there is to have this guy leading Egypt when he double-crossed us by not finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and then denouncing our invasion of Iraq which was based on the stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction that ElBaradei said weren't there and we couldn't find them, but who the hell was HE to tell US what to do, right? We ALL recall Vice President Dick Cheney's dismissal of ElBaradei's findings97 after searching Iraq and finding nothing more dangerous than some spoiled couscous left on a shelf somewhere... ―I think Mr. ElBaradei, frankly, is wrong. And I think if you look at the track record of the International Atomic Energy Agency in this kind of issue, especially where Iraq's concerned, they have consistently underestimated or missed what Saddam Hussein was doing." Besides... this mook is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. You know who ELSE is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate?
http://content.usatoday.com/topics/quote/Places,+Geography/Countri es/Iraq/0aBUbmd9EE5pk/0fsn0LG8F006w/3 159
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Barack Hussein Obama! And you've SEEN the problems HE'S caused since HE violently overthrew the rightful government of the country HE leads. So let's all know the difference between GOOD and BAD. If it benefits corporate America's interests? GOOD! If it doesn't? BAD. End of lesson.
Listen to the Piggy SQUEAL!98 When you pull a piggy's curly little tail, it squeals in pain and outrage. So let's pretend we have two piggies. One of them is a conservative piggy. The other is a liberal piggy. When an Arizona sheriff blamed certain voices on the radio and television99 for creating the climate of vitriol, he didn't mention any political affiliations. Yet, he was clearly pulling the tail of ONE of the piggies. How will we EVER know which piggy's tail he was pulling. Keith Olbermann's reaction to the Sheriff's statement?
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/arizona-sheriff-blasts-rushlimbaugh-spewing-irresponsible-vitriol/story?id=12583285 160
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From his Special Comment on Saturday night's special edition of "Countdown." "Violence, or the threat of violence, has no place in our Democracy, and I apologize for and repudiate any act or any thing in my past that may have even inadvertently encouraged violence. Because for whatever else each of us may be, we all are Americans." The general conservative reaction? "SQUEE!!!!!! SQUEE!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Talking Points Memo reports:100 Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) said he didn't think the sheriff's words "had any part in a law enforcement briefing." Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) said he was "disappointed" in the sheriff. Conservative talk show host Neal Boortz said Dupnik was looking for political gain, and a Fox News anchor — in an interview with the sheriff — wondered aloud why he would "inject political speculation" into the story. Rush Limbaugh lifted his head from the slop trough and said this.101 The Democratic Party, he said during his nationally syndicated radio program, as aired on the Tucson, Ariz., station 790 KNST, is ―a party that seeks to profit out of
http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/political_spin_c onservatives_pile_on_pima_county_s.php 101
http://www.rollcall.com/news/-202289-1.html 161
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murder.‖ He added that the political left ―openly wishes for such disaster in order to profit from it.‖ Sarah Palin, who quickly scrubbed the crosshair graphics targeting 20 congressional districts from her webby (later, an aide said they weren't crosshairs, they were "surveyor symbols"), e-mailed Glenn Beck her "thoughts"102 on the subject. ―I hate violence,‖ Mr. Beck said, quoting from her email. ―I hate war. Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this to succeed in portraying anyone as inciting terror and violence. Thanks for all you do to send the message of truth and love and God as the answer.‖ I bet she hates caribou meat and salmon, too. 102
http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/10/with-e-mail-palinand-beck-discuss-the-arizona-shootings/ 162
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In his "Plum Line" blog103, Greg Sargent gave his view as to why it was only the conservative piggy who squealed when Sheriff Dubnik pulled a nonpartisan tail. The GOP isn't "responsible" for Loughner, but it's well aware that, for the past two years, the rhetoric some of its members employed in order to rile up their base crosses a line. That defensiveness shouldn't be mistaken for contrition. It's only now that they may pay a political price for it that the tone may change. It's not that this incident was caused by a "toxic political atmosphere," it's that it has reminded everyone that at some point, someone might actually take this stuff seriously. The quick attempts to assign political blame for the incident in the immediate aftermath are comforting in the sense that when it comes down to it, neither side really views violence as a legitimate political tool. I, of course, see it slightly differently. I see the Apocalyptic Chorus of Conservative Chatterboxes shaking in their cloven hooves. I see them in fear of either losing their platforms or — horror of horrors — a return to the "Fairness Doctrine" whereby ALL political viewpoints were once (and should be again) given equal time and equal access to the airwaves before greedy radio and TV station owners learned that conservative hate sells better than liberal logic. 103
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/plumline/2011/01/violent_imagery_in_politics_is.html 163
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I see the little piggies lined up at the slop trough, Porky Limbaugh, Bloaty Beck, Hampshire Hog Hannity, Pork Sausage O'Reilly. I see their fellow travelers — what's that fella's name, tall blond, prominent Adam's Apple? Ah, yes. Ann Coulter. I see Lumpy Laura Ingraham. And I see all the local radio Wimbaugh Wannabe's. All jostling for position, all hoping to be the first snout in the slop when the trough starts to fill. "But we WANT to be able to incite people into violent revolution against the legally elected government and we DON'T want to have to pay the consequences for the things we say when someone actually ACTS on our words!!!" They shouldn't worry too much. This will blow over. Heck, we already have reports of a guy getting arrested for threatening a Colorado Senator and someone has threatened the life of an Illinois congressman, and the comments sections on the Right Wing Webbies are every bit as FULL of hate as they were before all this happened on Saturday. The piggies can clamber and crawl over each other for the BEST slop and they can keep calling for "second amendment solutions" and saying things like "if the ballot doesn't work, the bullet will," and if any of the blood splashes onto them, it'll just mix into the slop. Give it a little special ZEST!
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There's a Filthy Clog in the Drain Pipe of Discourse104 Ever notice when you're cleaning your gutters that something is stopping up the drain pipe? You gotta either hope you can reach the clot from the bottom or the top, or else you have to either take apart the drain pipe or run a high-pressure hose through it until the clog comes out. We've all been there, right? And the clog is usually something truly nasty. A rotting corpse of a squirrel, a decomposing clot of dead leaves, something vile and smelly. But then, once the clog is cleared, water starts flowing through the pipe. The water looks dirty at first, but eventually it starts to run clear. Well, kids, there's a great, big, gelatinous, rotting lump of decomposing filth blocking the drain pipe of public discourse in this country. And I don't think running a high pressure hose through the pipe is gonna get the job done. I think we're gonna have to take this pipe apart, section by section. Towards the top of the pipe, we'll find the smelly, rotted lump of mud and sticks that used to be Sean Hannity's integrity.
http://technorati.com/politics/article/theres-a-filthy-clog-in-the/ 165
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At the section closest to the bottom, that clotted mass of leaves, dead worms and filth? That's Glenn Beck. You could probably poke that through the pipe with a good, strong stick. But you're not gonna get that pipe to flow clear and clean again until you get that bloated, jelly-like, pale, grey, decomposed corpse of the soul of Rush Limbaugh out of the center portion. As long as you have this clot of human filth blocking and befouling the flow of public discourse in this nation, the water will constantly back up into the gutters, causing damage to the foundation of your house... and the nation at large. It's easy to just sit there in your recliner and say, "Eh, if I just ignore it long enough a good hard rain storm will come and I'll just have a big lump of corrupted filth at the bottom of the pipe to throw into the compost pit." If only it were that easy. No, my friends. The way to make sure the drain pipe runs clear and clean is to put on your work gloves, remove that section of the pipe, and use a ramrod of some sort to push the clog through... clean it out like a dozen bran muffins would do to the most constipated colon. Once the rotten, quivering, rancid, reeking ball of scum that has been blocking the pipe is gone — removed from its position of obstructing the flow of clean water and clean conversation, then you just have to maintain the pipe. Make sure it keeps 166
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running clean and pure so you don't let things get this bad again.Do we have the stomach to do the dirty job? Does anyone want to actually REACH into the pipe and TOUCH the filthy clog? Do Limbaugh's corporate paymasters have the integrity to fire him before he takes another life, before another black guy gets dragged behind a pickup truck, before another gay kid gets tied to a fence and beaten to death, before yet another gay kid despairs at the Limbaugh-fueled taunts and takes his OWN life? Is there, anywhere, a radio station program director who will grow a spine and say, "we don't NEED the blood money we get from Limbaugh's show" and turn off his microphone so the only ones who will hear his hate screed are the people who will pay for the privilege on Satellite Radio or some other obscure outlet — like shortwave broadcasts? 167
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If you turned on your kitchen faucet expecting clean water and got, instead, liquid feces, would you call the water company and demand they DO something about it?Then why don't we, as a nation, demand of the Federal Communications Commission that they reinstate the Fairness Doctrine so that radio station owners and network executives are FORCED to air ALL sides of an issue, just like federal and state laws ensure we get clean water from the faucet? I doubt it. Limbaugh will continue to get high ratings. The people who pay him to spread lies, hatred and bigotry will rake in the money from the advertisers who prosper from having their messages aired on his program. Already, the people who sell handguns are doing GANGBUSTER business. A report in today's Huffington Post says Glock sales are through the ROOF! What a surprise.
Why Should We Live Up to the Ideals of a 9-year Old Girl105 Well thank God! After days of this useless 105
http://technorati.com/politics/article/tea-party-leader-says-giffordsshooting/ 168
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blamestorming, blaming everyone and everything from Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh and the fact that it's harder to get a dog license in Arizona than it is to get a gun with a 31-round clip, we finally know who to blame for the tragic shooting in Arizona last Saturday. It was GABRIELLE GIFFORDS' fault!106
Quit rubbing your eyes in disbelief! It's absolutely true, according to Tucson Tea Party cofounder Trent Humphries! "The real case is that she [Giffords] had no security whatsoever at this event. So if she lived under a constant fear of being targeted, if she lived under this constant fear of this rhetoric and hatred that was seething, why would she attend an event in full view of the public with no security whatsoever?"
http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/01/tucson-tea-party-foundergiffords-blame-shot/ 169
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"For all the stuff they accuse [Palin] of, that gun poster has not done a tenth of the damage to the political discourse as what we're hearing right now." He was, of course, commenting on the fact that Giffords spoke to MSNBC's Chuck Todd last year about how things like putting crosshairs on the map of a congressional district might wind up having deadly consequences. Humprhries is concerned that groups are using this tragedy to further their political agendas. And he's right, of course. According to the same article in "Raw Story"... In an e-mail to supporters this week, the Tea Party Express asked for donations. "Instead of prayers for the victims and their families, the Left was consumed with using this massacre to score political points by blaming the tea party movement, Gov. Sarah Palin and now Rush Limbaugh," the e-mail said. "That's why we've asked you for your support. Let's show the Left that instead of us being silenced, that there (I think they meant "their" — Ed.) awful attacks on us will only backfire and that the tea party movement will be stronger than ever!" "Please, make a contribution online right now to the Tea Party Express," the letter concluded. Yes! Sarah and Rush need SOAP! Lots and lots of good, STRONG soap to scrub that blood from their hands! And that soap costs MONEY! So GIVE! 170
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SOME ARE CAPABLE OF SHAME, OTHERS, NOT SO MUCH At least Caribou Barbie has shown a scintilla of shame over the map full of crosshairs — which her spokeschimp later defined as "surveyor marks." She had that map off her site before the first airlift helicopter landed on the Safeway parking lot on Saturday. Ah, but Rush. Rush, Rush, Rush... he wallows in the blood. Glorifies in it. Justifies it. Encourages more of it. More about that in a second. But first, thank you to the corporate pigs who PAY Rush to incite violence for realizing a billboard advertising his show — a billboard in TUCSON — might just... incite violence.
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According to Talking Points Memo107, the local Limbaugh filth spigot — KNST Radio — had paid for and posted a billboard saying "Rush Limbaugh, Straight Shooter" (pictured here from TPM's website). "Clear Channel Outdoor management in Tucson quickly elected to take down this ad - believing that discussion of its interpretation would not contribute to the desire for healing in the Tucson community," Clear Channel said. Clear Channel Outdoor is a subsidiary of Clear Channel which also owns the Premiere Radio Network, which pays Limbaugh to spew his sewage into your radio speakers. (A nice setup, really! One company owns the billboards, the radio stations, the distribution network for the shows they own, not to mention shopping malls... this from the Clear Channel website.) Market Facts * Reaches more than 154 million people, or 75% of the 18+ U.S. population. * Operates over 800 radio stations reaching more than 97 million listeners every week. * With international partners, owns and operates more than 140 radio stations in Australia and New Zealand.
http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/01/tucson-tea-party-foundergiffords-blame-shot/ 172
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* Premiere Radio Networks syndicates 90 radio programs and services to more than 5,000 radio stations, reaching over 190 million listeners a week. * The Katz Media Group is the largest media representation firm in the U.S. representing more than 2,600 radio stations and 400 television stations. * Clear Channel Outdoor operates close to one million displays in 45 countries across 5 continents. * In the United States, the company operates just under 200,000 advertising displays and has a presence in the top 50 Designated Market Areas. And where ELSE might you be exposed to Clear Channel's messaging? * Clear Channel Outdoor's global platform features close to one million displays in 45 countries across 5 continents. * In the United States, the company operates over 200,000 advertising displays and has a presence in 48 of the top 50 Designated Market Areas, with billboards, digital billboard networks, street furniture, and transit panels. * More than 121 million people have the opportunity to see our displays daily. * Clear Channel Outdoor operates over 400 digital displays in the U.S., in 35 U.S. markets. * Clear Channel Spectacolor manages more than 50% of the outdoor advertising displays in the Times Square area of New York City.
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* Clear Channel Airports provides advertising displays in 16 major U.S. airports, over 200 mid and small size U.S. Airports, 44 international airports and many private aircraft executive terminals. * Clear Channel Malls provides advertising opportunities in more than 240 U.S. shopping malls, as well as over 200 international retail centers. * Clear Channel Adshel is the company's International street furniture division that operates advertising franchises pursuant to over 3,500 municipal contracts worldwide. They used to own a bunch of TV stations, too, but they sold those in 2008. So, no matter where you look, actually, no matter where you tune your dial practically, you are seeing and hearing what Clear Channel WANTS you to see and hear. They apparently DON'T want you to see that "bullet riddled" billboard advertising Rush's show — at least, not in Tucson. But they DO want you to hear Rush continuing to spread hatred, including his attack on Obama yesterday for calling on Americans to "live up to the dreams of a nine-year-old girl" shooting victim. Clear Channel DOES want you to hear Rush continuing to question Obama's religious background as he did yesterday when he said "the Muslim brothers must be scratching their heads over that one" after the President's repeated use of biblical verses and imagery in his Tucson speech Wednesday. 174
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Clear Channel DOES want you to hear Limbaugh's criticism of Fox News for, at first, applauding Obama's speech. Clear Channel DOES want you to hear Limbaugh comparing "civility" to "the new censorship." Clear Channel would be THRILLED to know you heard Rush defend Caribou Barbie's use of the antisemitic term "Blood Libel" to define how SHE is the actual victim of the events in Tucson. Clear Channel would DANCE IN THE AISLES knowing that you heard Limbaugh demanding "combat pay" for listening to Obama's description of Gabby Giffords opening her eyes. And Clear Channel would befoul their pants in JOY knowing you heard Limbaugh say America does NOT need to heal or be more civil following the Tucson shooting. And THESE examples were ALL from YESTERDAY'S SHOW!!! Clear Channel certainly doesn't WANT to stop Limbaugh! Good God! People TUNE IN EVERY DAY for their MARCHING ORDERS! There are people who wouldn't know WHAT to think about political issues if Rush didn't tell them! These are people who think that Millionaire Rush actually CARES about them... people without two nickels to rub together in their pockets. They NEED Rush because SOMEONE has to tell them their darkest fears, prejudices and bigotries are not only valid, but PERFECTLY REASONABLE. 175
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And Clear Channel NEEDS the advertising revenue these "dittoheads" generate by shopping at the places Rush advertises and buying the products Rush shills for and if a few people get killed in the meantime, well, that's the price of free speech! No, Clear Channel has no interest whatsoever in shutting Rush's festering word hole. THEY just don't want you to see a bullet-riddled billboard advertising "Straight Shooter" Rush's show. In Tucson. It might give you the wrong idea.
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
ODDS AND ENDS Clinton, Iowa‌ a Town With Flava!108
Clinton, Iowa. My hometown. Birthplace of legends. Former gateway to the West. They still refer to themselves as "The Gateway City." The history is so thick, you can smell it. Literally. The Archer-Daniels-Midland plant, formerly known as Clinton Corn Processing, a place where even the dullest dullard could find good steady work... before NAFTA. 108
http://technorati.com/entertainment/celebrity/article/iowa-townbuilds-on-its-legend/ 177
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It's thick, white smoke plumes can been seen for miles as it fills the air with the smell of processed grain being turned into alcohol and other products. Right to the south, that other, less "friendly" smell? That's National By-Products where dead farm animals are taken to be skinned, scraped, boned and boiled. Keep heading south on US Highway 61. You'll smell something vaguely familiar. Dry dog food? Yes. Ralston-Purina, now known as Nestle Purina Pet Care, bakes up its dry dog food there in the Manufacturing Park. Known by local wags as "The City of Seven Smells," (the various chemical processing plants between Clinton and neighboring Camanche make up the other four odors that permeate the air) Clinton is adding a NEW smell to its olfactory opus. Once the home of millionaire lumber barons (the local Class A minor league baseball team is called "The LumberKings), once boasting more millionaires per capita than any other municipality in the nation, Clinton finds itself with NEW honors heaped upon it. Birthplace of 19th century actress Lillian Russell, Barnum & Bailey's most famous clown Felix Adler, Washington, DC radio legend Chris Core... and me — Clinton is now also the birthplace of a new FRIED CHICKEN DYNASTY!
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Chicken eaters of Clinton? Meet Flava Flav and FFC Chicken!109 Rap star Flava Flav is bringing New York-style fried chicken to little Clinton, Ia. The wacky reality TV star and Public Enemy rapper is opening Flav's Fried Chicken Monday in the Midwest town of 26,000 that's 200 miles west of Chicago. "I always said to myself, 'Col. Sanders, you better watch out," the rapper says in a YouTube video. "Your boy Flava Flav is coming and you better watch out." Flav, whose real name is William Drayton Jr., has been in Iowa preparing for the launch and told the Clinton Herald newspaper he's even ready to work the fryer. He admitted it was a bit off the beaten track for him and says hopes to expand quickly to "hundreds" of outlets. "I ain't gonna lie: This is way out there," Flav said. "Way out there," indeed. Clinton, Iowa110. Incorporated on January 26, 1857 (I was born there 22 days shy of 98 years later) was originally was platted as the town of New York in 1836. In March 1837 Noble and Sarah Gregory Perrin purchased 136 acres of land in what is now Clinton 109
http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2011/01/23/2011-0123_rapper_flava_flav_to_open_fried_chicken_restaurant_in_iowa_col _sanders_you_bette.html 110
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton,_Iowa 179
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and raised their family in a cabin located approximately at the foot of the railroad bridge. Their oldest daughter, Valeria, married Dr. Augustus Lafayette Ankeny, who participated in the Blackhawk war and came to Lyons in April 1850. Oh, yes. Lyons, Iowa. First settled in 1835 by pioneer Elijah Buell (who, according to family legend, built the small house along the Mississippi River that my grandfather purchased in the early 20th Century,) Lyons was SUPPOSED to be the main municipality and center of commerce between Dubuque to the north and Davenport to the south. See, Buell picked out the area because the river was at its narrowest point in that area. "The Narrows," they used to call it. Before the first railroad bridge was built, ferries were used to transport people and merchandise back and forth between Lyons and Fulton, Illinois. Clinton was considered a suburb to the more successful Lyons until the decision to put the Chicago and Northwestern railroad bridge SOUTH of Lyons. Lyons, where my ancestors settled on their arrival from Germany in 1880, was absorbed by its parasitic offspring in 1895.
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The first public school in Clinton was conducted in a log house near the W.J. Young upper mill. It was erected in the winter of 1855-56 and Isaac Baldwin was its first teacher. St. Irenaeus School was opened in 1852. I went to Kindergarten through 5th grade at St. Irenaeus School. I went to Baldwin Elementary for sixth grade. Both buildings have since been torn down. Between the 1850s and 1900, the cities of Lyons and Clinton quickly became centers of the lumber industry and were regarded as the "Lumber Capital of the World." Huge log rafts were floated down the river from Wisconsin and Minnesota, cut into lumber at Clinton, then shipped to the growing communities via the river and the railroads. Companies owned by the W.J. Young, Chancy Lamb, George M. and Charles F. Curtis (Curtis Bros. & Co), David Joyce, Silas W. Gardiner and Friedrich Weyerh채user families soon became among the largest in the nation. In the 1880s and 1890s Clinton boasted 13 resident millionaires, more millionaires per capita than any other town or city in the nation. At its height, the 1970 census, Clinton was home to nearly 35,000 people. That was the year my father uprooted our family and we moved to a small town in North Dakota so my dad could get a better job as head mechanic at a new power plant there. I'm sure it's a coincidence that the population has dwindled ever since. 181
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Clinton, Iowa. Good old "Stinktown, USA." I have this "love/hate" thing for the place. I moved back there briefly after my first hitch in the Navy and worked at radio station KROS. Then in the early 90s, I was back — first as a reporter/columnist at the Clinton Herald, then as morning show host at KLNT, which used to be KCLN and became KCLN again when the FM station switched from KCLN to KZEG, and now it exists as a satellite, rebroadcasting automated music from a station in Muscatine. KROS remains, locally-operated as ever. Never have I seen a small city that at once vehemently rejected and warmly accepted social change. In the late 90s Clinton was the largest city in Iowa WITHOUT a basic building code. But we were the first city of any size in the state to have a black mayor without having a black majority. Clintonians are suspicious of government in general, but they constantly re-elect their councilpersons and tend to vote Democratic. And now, they are the home of FFC. Flav's Fried Chicken. Opening smack dab right next door to a Kentucky Fried Chicken joint. Flav says he doesn't sweat the Colonel.111 "I'm gonna have this place crowded like O'Hare airport," he bragged.
http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2011/01/23/2011-0123_rapper_flava_flav_to_open_fried_chicken_restaurant_in_iowa_col _sanders_you_bette.html 182
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And now, to throw a little love to my old hometown newspaper, my old workplace where I worked for nearly nine months for $6.75 an hour as city hall reporter and printed a weekly humor column, here's a link112 to their lavish, loving, floorstompingly optimistic coverage of this moment in Clintonian history. Clinton officially received a new flavor Monday. City leaders, various media outlets and Flavor Flav attended the opening ceremonies for Flav's Fried Chicken, a new restaurant owned by the Public Enemy and reality TV star and local business owner Nick Cimino. The business will feature fried chicken, ribs and assorted sides, including mashed potatoes and gravy and macaroni and cheese. Yeeeeeah, Boyyyyeeeeee! Somewhere in Lumber Baron heaven (or hell, wherever Lumber Barons go...) W.J. Young, Chancy Lamb, the Curtis Brothers and David Joyce are shaking their ghostly heads in wonder. Lillian Russell, no doubt, seeks a couch upon which to faint and Felix Adler chases his little painted pig around and around the celestial Big Top, oblivious to it all. 112
http://clintonherald.com/local/x530799996/Flavs-Fried-Chickenofficially-opens 183
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No Farting, Please. We're Malawian.113 You say you can't live without your daily triple cheese and bean beef burrito? Better steer clear of the African nation of Malawi, pilgrim. If the government gets its way (and it always does,) the odious outburst of offensive olfactory obnoxiousness that accompanies the ingestion of such spicy delights — will be ILLEGAL!114
http://technorati.com/politics/article/no-farting-please-weremalawian/ 114
http://www.examiner.com/strange-news-in-national/african-nationlooks-to-ban-flatulence 184
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The flatulence issue is most likely covered under the ―breach of peace‖ offence but it appears to have some concerned as to whether courts will have the power to stop people from passing gas. One critic told dailyexpress.co.uk, "What happens in a public place where a group is gathered. Do they lock up half a minibus?" A simple problem. You know those "sniffer devices" they have in subways that check for explosives? Place 'em in crowded areas. Then, when someone "beefs" a camera gets an instant shot of the covered area and they TRIANGULATE the sniffers. Chances are, they can narrow it down to three or four people. Then you quiz them as to what they've had to eat in the last 12-24 hours, wait around for them to... um... "download" the results, analyze it compared to the offensive omission... and LOCK 'EM UP! And if that doesn't work, you could always rely on the ancient law that goes back to the 18th Century B.C. "Code of Hammurabi"...
“He who smelt it, dealt it."
Now, I know we've all been guilty of "giving off airs" at inopportune times. Myself, I have been chased down a supermarket aisle by a wife, brandishing a can of air freshener. Another time, I "left one" in the middle of the cereal aisle and watched from a distance as a mother and her toddler approached. 185
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Once they reached my invisible act of vandalism, the mother stopped short, picked up her toddler and sniffed his hiney. I should have gone to JAIL for that! Now, believe it or not, some Malawi lawmakers — or would that be "windbreakers" — are AGAINST this law! One parliament leader, John Tembo, who opposes the bill told a Malawi radio station, ―We don‘t agree with it. The courts system as of now is doing its best. There is nothing wrong with the present court system. So why have some kangaroo type of court come in,‖ reports the Nyasa Times. That's all well and good. But you won't catch ME sitting on the bus seat behind Mr. Tembo. No sir! So, GOOD JOB, Malawi. Who COULDN'T benefit from a little fresher air these days.
Fecal Transplants Might Cure PD? No Sh*t! (And I MEAN That!)115 You're going to think I'm making this up. There's a doctor in Australia who has something of an interesting hypothesis. He feels he can treat 115
http://www.worldnutzdaily.com/2011/01/fecal-transplants-mightcure-pd-no-sht-and-i-mean-that/ 186
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Parkinson's disease symptoms -- perhaps even CURE the disease with... Wait for it... "Poop transplants."116 I'm not making this up. A few years ago, John Gillies had trouble picking up his grandchild. He would stand frozen, waiting for his Parkinson's disease to relinquish its hold and allow him to move. Then in May 2008, Gillies was given antibiotics to treat constipation, and astonishingly his Parkinson's symptoms abated. What on earth was going on? Thomas Borody, a gastroenterologist at the Centre for Digestive Diseases117 in New South Wales, Australia, put Gillies on antibiotics because he had found that constipation can be caused by an infection of the colon. "He has now been seen by two neurologists, who cannot detect classic Parkinson's disease symptoms any more," says Borody. Borody's observations, together with others, suggest that many conditions, from Parkinson's to metabolic disorders such as obesity,might be caused by undesirable changes in the microbes of the gut. If that is true, it might be possible to alleviate symptoms with antibiotics, or even faecal transplants118 116
http://natmednews.posterous.com/faecal-transplant-easessymptoms-of-parkinson 117
118 http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20827911.100-taboo-transplant-
how\-new-poo-defeats-superbugs.html 187
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using donor faeces to restore the bowel flora to a healthy state. Yes. Poop transplants. To test a possible link between the gut and Parkinson's disease, Borody and neurologist David Rosen of the Prince of Wales Private Hospital in Sydney are embarking on a pilot study, hoping to recruit people with both constipation and Parkinson's. The plan is first to treat them with antibiotics and eventually with faecal transplants. They hope both faecal transplants and antibiotics will treat gut infection and hence Parkinson's. Rosen is cautious: "I wouldn't for one minute be suggesting that this is the next cure," he says. But the idea that Parkinson's could be caused by bacteria dovetails with work by neuroanatomists Heiko Braak and Kelly Del Tredici at the University of Ulm in Germany. There is no one more devoted to finding a cure for Parkinson's that yours truly. I've undergone experimental brain surgery as part of a clinical trial looking for new and better ways to treat, reverse, and perhaps cure Parkinson's. But no. No. No. No poopyplants for Billy! Slate magazine119 takes a look at this phenomenon from a non-parky poop POV. The donor takes a stool softener the night before and then gives a full morning bowel movement to the recipient, who takes it to a doctor for screening. It's
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important to make sure that the sample doesn't contain any parasites or other pathogens, such as hepatitis, salmonella, or HIV. Once the transplant material has been cleared, the doctor mixes it with saline to make about a pint of liquid with the consistency of a milkshake. This is pumped into the patient's colon using a colonoscope or endoscope, or siphoned into the stomach via a nasogastric tube. (The latter method is considered more dangerous, since there's a chance feces will end up in the lungs. Colonoscopies carry their own risk of bowel perforation.) Eeew. I will never look at a chocolate malt the same way again! The Slate article continues... And then there's the do-it-yourself crowd. All you need is a bottle of saline, a 2-quart enema bag, and one standard kitchen blender. Mike Silverman, a University of Toronto physician who wrote up a guide to homespun fecal transplants for the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, says it's entirely safe to do the procedure this way, provided that a doctor gets involved at some point to screen the donor sample. He felt he needed to draw up the instructions because administrators at his hospital wouldn't allow their doctors to perform a procedure that hasn't been validated in a large, peer-reviewed study. My recommendation? Don't try this at home.
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Am I saying this won't work? Nope. Not saying that. Just saying that if you come after me with the idea of putting someone else's poop in my colon, you'd better bring some ropes, some sedatives, and a lot of strong friends to hold me down. See, fact of the matter is, I'm already irritable -even WITHOUT the Parkinson's disease. I take shit from NO ONE!
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
An E-Mail? From Santa?120 How odd! I just opened my e-mail and found this peculiar note from someone with the address "The_Kringleator@NorthPole.net" I ain't sayin' it's real. I ain't sayin' it's not. But I'm gonna share it with you nonetheless. Ho! Ho! Ho! It's Christmas week, so I thought I'd take a moment from my busy schedule to wish all your readers the Merriest of Christmases! To my friends of the Hebrew tradition, I hope you enjoyed your 8 Crazy Nights of Hanukah. For those of you who observe the traditions of Kwaanza, my wishes for a wonderful family and community gathering. For my Islamic friends, I salute your observation of Hijra! For those of the Shi'a tradition, I hope you enjoyed Ashura a few days ago. If I forgot to send you a Bodhi card on the 8th, it's not that I wasn't thinking of my Buddhist friends. And I will ask you to join me to consider our Zoroastrian friends as we commemorate the death of the Prophet Zarathushtra on the 26th. To all else, I wish an all-inclusive, all-encompassing holiday greeting and my failure to mention your specific winter holiday (I'm looking at YOU, Wiccans) is not meant to demean you or your traditions in any way whatsoever. I'd just like to take a moment of your time to ask you to do old Santa a favor, if you don't mind. 120
http://www.parkypundit.com/2010/12/22/an-e-mail-from-santa/ 191
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Lighten the fuck up. I mean, seriously. I saw a diary entry on Daily Kos about the wrong message some Santa impersonator was giving to the millions of children watching "Marketplace" early in the morning on MSNBC. She was upset that this pretender intimated that only good children get presents while only bad children are overlooked... or are given coal -- which given the lack of a REAL clean coal technology -- strikes me as HORRIBLY irresponsible.
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I would ask the diary writer to take a sip of egg nog, put in a tablespoon of brandy if you wish, and if it's legal where you live and you aren't bothered by the health concerns of inhaling smoke into your lungs, twist a doob or light up a Holiday Bong and give ol' Santa just a minute here. Everybody knows that good children get presents at Christmas time. So do bad children. Have you SEEN some of the squalling brats at the Wal-Mart, screaming at the top of their lungs, tugging at their Mommy or Daddy's coat, hollering about this toy or that toy and how they'll drop dead from apoplexy (that's an old fashioned word for "stroke," heh-heh... Santa sometimes lapses into antiquity in his letters)? Do you think that THESE spoiled rotten little miscreants will be ignored come Christmas morning? HEAVENS, no! In fact, they will probably get BETTER presents than YOUR kids do... and Santa knows YOUR kids have been good as gold all year... and Santa isn't talking about those ripoff coins Glenn Beck peddles on his stupid show. THEY will get the BETTER presents -- but they won't be from Santa! They'll be colorfully-wrapped bribes from Mommy and Daddy who want a modicum of peace in their lives and don't have the spine to tell their children the wonderful lesson taught by the Rolling Stones -- "You Can't Always Get What You Want." Now, Santa's heart is with the good children who will find slim pickings under the tree this year... if they even get a tree. But everyone knows... or SHOULD know... 193
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that Santa isn't responsible for what you do or do not find under the tree on Christmas morning. Santa's only job these days is to try to put a bit of joy into each heart. Every child from birth to the grave can feel the joy Santa brings at Christmas. (Sometimes Santa wonders why the Buddhists didn't grab onto the Santa concept, since my philosophy is, on the face of it, quite zen.) Santa's only purpose... the only thing Santa CAN do... is to help Mommies and Daddies, sometimes it's just Mommies, sometimes it's just Daddies, sometimes it's Gramma or Grandpa or some OTHER nice adult who is in charge of raising the kids... Santa's ONLY utility is to give each of you a special gift. That gift is the gift of love and togetherness. Whatever your religious tradition, Santa thinks it's possible for you to take a quiet moment with your children, turn down the lights, turn off the TV, light a candle and tell a story. You choose the story, whether it is about the birth of a baby on a wond'rous night thousands of years ago, or if it's the story of how the Grinch found his heart growing three sizes one day... it's your story. You tell it. The most wonderful thing about THIS gift is you can give give it to each other each and every day of the year. The gift of another day. The gift of being able to enjoy a beautiful sunrise. The ability to appreciate a cool breeze on your face on a hot day. The certain knowledge that there is no such thing as "certain knowledge." That no matter how smart you think you are, someone else is smarter. 194
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And nobody knows everything. Heck, not even ol' Santa can pick the right six numbers in the Power Ball! And I'm SANTA, for crying out loud! So, like I said at the outset. Lighten the fuck up. (I apologize for the language, but I'm old, I've been really busy, and I get a bit cranky from time to time.) If you're shopping, LET that other guy have the parking space. SO you have to walk a little further. It's good for your heart. DON'T push and shove in the store. If they run out of the thing you want, get something else! Two weeks after Christmas, you won't be able to swing a dead cat at the store without knocking over full displays of that thing you want. And it will be on sale. Get it then! TEACH your kids that there's more to Christmas (or any of the other holidays) than "What Did I Get?" It's actually more about "What Can I Do? What Can I Give? How Can I Help?" Now, Santa knows that no matter what he writes, there's gonna be a bunch of sour old Grinches who THINK they have the Christmas spirit as long as they have the shiniest lights on their house, the biggest tree in their living room, the largest pile of presents under the tree, and the most satisfied and spoiled children. But Santa ALSO knows that there are people who, when shopping, will drop a nice, new toy into the Toys for Tots box, or will give a nice coat or hat or nice shoes to a charity drive. Well, I guess I've rambled on long enough. Just remember. Santa's watching you. All the time! Every move you make. 195
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And if you're NOT a good little boy or girl... don't sweat it. Try harder tomorrow. But if you're a NAUGHTY, GREEDY grownup who doesn't CARE about people who have less than you do, don't worry about finding coal in your stocking. Karma is a bitch. Ho! Ho! Ho!
Funny, Funny, Funny Racism!!! There‘s a funny, funny racist t-shirt being sold on the online shop Zazzle (which would probably let you sell a t-shirt with a picture of the beheading of a child on it as long as they got a cut of the profits) that has a funny, funny, racist message on it.
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
Get it? Get it? Huh? See? Funny, funny racism. This t-shirt was designed by this funny, funny person called ―XUBERALLES‖ (I get the ―uber alles‖ part? It‘s part of the frequently quoted Nazi slogan Deutschland Uber Alles, or ―Germany Over Everyone.‖ I can only guess that the ―X‖ is the archaic reference for Jesus or the old time wrestler, Dr. X.) who sells ALL MANNER of funny, funny, right wing bullshit on his own little shop at Zazzle. Little wanted posters for Obama, wanted posters for Obama, Pelosi and Reid, little posters that say he will kill you if you try to take his guns… you know, the standard right wing paranoid crap. Now, in its proper context, ―don‘t renig‖ (actually, the word is ―renege‖) would be a call to vote FOR Obama in 2012, since ―renigging‖ (or ―reneging,‖ if these brutal idiots actually cared about proper spelling,) would require overturning the progress being made by this administration. But, see, the funny part here is that President Obama IS a nig… well, he‘s one of THEM! A dark-skinned man who probably isn‘t even an American and has no business whatsoever being elected by a large majority of free-voting Americans in one of things we do every four years, called freely electing a president of the United States of America. By wearing that t-shirt, you can say any racist thing you want to say, but it won‘t be racist because you say right there on the t-shirt that you‘re NOT a racist, therefore the racist thing you said cannot be considered racist. Get it? 197
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And he‘s not violent, although he sells t-shirts and posters that say you‘d better bring YOUR gun if you‘re gonna try to take HIS! And he sells ―Wanted Posters‖ for Obama, ―Wanted Posters‖ for Obama, Pelosi and Reid.‖ He sells baby clothes that say ―Liberals Hate Me.‖Isn‘t that just DARLING! See? We‘re LIBERALS, so every baby that is born and is not sacrificed to our sacrament of abortion is an AFFRONT to all liberals EVERYWHERE! Now, doesn‘t it all make sense?XUBERALLES sells this shit on his own Zazzle store website, called ―The Right Stuff,‖ which has images of brave troops at Iwo Jima, Ronald Reagan, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.And he gets stuff wrong. He attributes the statement, ―The government that governs best, governs least‖ to Jefferson, when it was actually from an essay by Henry David Thoreau paraphrasing the motto of a contemporary magazine. But XUBERALLES knows that the people who BUY his excrement aren‘t SMART enough to check the veracity of whatever bubbles and flows from his online anus. XUBERALLES calls Obama a ―lying socialist,‖ then he must be a lying socialist! He sells ANOTHER Jefferson quote, ―A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything you have…‖ that Jefferson
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NEVER SAID according to the official Jefferson website .121 The following statement, or variations thereof, is often attributed to Thomas Jefferson : ―A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have….‖ We have never found such a statement in Jefferson‘s writings. As far as we know, this statement actually originates with Gerald R. Ford, who said, ―A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have,‖ in an address to a joint session of Congress on August 12, 1974.122 This quotation is sometimes followed by, ―The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases,‖ which is most likely a misquotation of Jefferson‘s comment, ―The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground .‖ But a lie, when it‘s useful to FOOL STUPID PEOPLE, is a lie worth TELLING, is it not? There‘s another one on a t-shirt XUBERALLES sells.
http://wiki.monticello.org/mediawiki/index.php/Government_big_enou gh_to_supply_you...%28Quotation%29 122
http://wiki.monticello.org/mediawiki/index.php/Government_big_enou gh_to_supply_you...%28Quotation%29#_note-0 199
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Status: We have not found any evidence that Thomas Jefferson said or wrote, ―When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny,‖ or any of its listed variations. Comments: One source attributes this quotation to Thomas Jefferson in The Federalist. The Federalist, however, was the work of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison; it also does not contain the text of this quotation. This quotation is vaguely similar to Jefferson‘s comment in an 1825 letter to William Short: ―Some are whigs, liberals, democrats, call them what you please. Others are tories, serviles, aristocrats, &c. The latter fear the people, and wish to transfer all power to the higher classes of society; the former consider the people as the safest depository of power in the last resort; they cherish them therefore, and wish to leave in them all the powers to the exercise of which they are competent.‖ To date however, the most likely source of this quotation appears to be a series of debates on socialism published in 1914, in which John Basil Barnhill said, ―Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.‖ Bottom line, you could print out an archaic sounding quote, say it came from Thomas Jefferson, and these idiots will believe it. ―Those who would choose a repast of spaghetti with a thick sauce of tomato and meat over the simple baked potato (without sour cream or all the fixings) would water the tree of liberty with their own urine.‖ Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Virginia Legislature, 1778 200
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See how easy it is? Quite the little scam XUBERALLES has going on here. And shame on Zazzle for letting him profit on lies and fomenting violence and racism.
Smug Atheism Bugs Me123 You know me. I'm a live and let live kinda guy. If you wanna believe the world was created in seven 24-hour days and mankind was plunged into damnation and need for salvation because a woman ate a fruit she was told not to -- GROOVY! Your right to believe ends at the tip of my brain! That is to say, believe what you wanna believe. Just don't force it on me, my kids, or my laws. I got in a lot of trouble earlier this year with a former family member when I suggested, ever so gently, that "Those who insist with absolute certainty that there is no God are every bit as annoying and obnoxious as those who not only insist that there IS a God, but HERE is His Plan for YOU!" That's why stuff like this pisses me off. A. There is historical evidence of the birth of Jesus. 123
me/ 201
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B. If YOU don't believe, that's your business. But why try to ruin it for others? These people remind me of the smartass thirdgrader who has just realized that Santa might actually be Mom and Dad, and decides to smugly proclaim his superiority to his classmates, ruining their fun and making them cry. Nobody is going door to door with guns forcing people to believe in any particular religion or any particular version of a religion. (I can't see that happening until after 2012 when President Palin signs the 'Religious Unity and Jesusification of America" law.) Atheists are always saying, "Since we don't believe, we're not trying to convert." No. You're just obnoxious, annoying, and trying to ruin the fun of people who think you live pointless, joyless lives.
"You're Welcome. Feel Better Now?124 We do it every year. We fly the flag. We hear all the talking heads on TV say, "If you see a veteran today, make sure to thank him or her for their
http://www.parkypundit.com/2010/11/11/as-a-vet-let-me-say-thankyou-feel-better-now/ 202
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service." And if we know someone who's a vet, we say, "Thanks a lot, Jim! Thank you for your service." Then we go on our way feeling all patriotic and selfassured that we're good Americans. Well, I'm a veteran. I served in the Navy from 1973 to 1977, then again from 1981 until 1985. Wanna know how you can REALLY thank ME for MY service? Get my country out of the "World Police" business. We must really love veterans here in America because we sure do make a lot of them. If you're really lucky, you serve your time, you get to see some interesting parts of the world, and you come home without a permanent injury. If you're like me, you do all that, but suffer a nonwar (but service-related) injury and are only minimally damaged. Then, there are the unlucky ones being honored at national cemeteries and military hospitals around the nation and world today. And every year since 2003, I think -- what better way to thank the veterans of the Armed Forces than to make it unnecessary for them to put their lives on the line every day to make rich people richer? That's what the "war" in Iraq was all about. Cheney and his Halliburton buddies saw a chance to make a big stack of war bucks after 9/11. Sure,
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we attacked Afghanistan (where the real bad guys were), but we soon realized there wasn't as much money to be made by chasing after Osama bin Laden as there would be if we could bump off Saddam Hussein and get control of his oil revenue. So, Bush and Cheney sold us a war based on lies. We ate it up like it was mashed 'taters and gravy! SUPPORT OUR TROOPS was the mantra of the age as we sent thousands upon thousands to die or be permanently maimed in a war that had NOTHING to do with making American safer and more secure -- in fact, it had the OPPOSITE effect. And in doing so, we took our eye off the ball in Afghanistan. President Obama campaigned on Iraq being the WRONG war and Afghanistan being the RIGHT war, but things in Afghanistan are so FUBAR (my fellow vets will recognize that acronym) that further loss of life is a waste of blood, effort and treasure. The Taliban are in control of most of the country. The corrupt government in Kabul is talking out of both sides of its mouth. And the real enemy is hiding in Pakistan -- an alleged "ally" that we can't TOUCH because THEY have NUKES!!! So, may I propose an idea? You really want to thank a veteran for his or her service? Write your congressman. Write your Senator. Write to the President. Remind them that sacrificing MORE young people to justify the sacrifice of OTHER young people is illogical to the point of insanity. 204
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Ask them to remember that we CELEBRATE this day, November 11, because it is the anniversary of the end of World War I -- the War to End All Wars. Of course, we have to raise our defenses when a Hitler appears on the world scene. But where is our Hitler today? Where is the national enemy that we must throw human lives at and do so willingly, with a song in our hearts and a War Bond in our pockets? Osama bin Laden? Please. He can and will stir up trouble, but we lost our chance to get him when Bush decided bumping off Saddam was his priority. And if we DO bump of Osama, do we REALLY think Islamic Extremism will come to an end? Or are the young people most vulnerable to that sort of extremism still likely to volunteer to strap on suicide vests, with or without Osama, as long as they believe that America is dedicated to the eradication of their faith -- a concept we prove every time some idiotic bigot opens his or her mouth about the "evil Muslims" and how "this mosque is too close to Ground Zero" and "we don't WANT no mosque in Tennessee" and "Sharia law (a concept Oklahoma has had LOTS of problems with) is now OUTLAWED in the Sooner State"! And now, last night, I hear that the newly-elected Republican majority, the real war hawk out there (most of whom haven't served a day of military service) want our veterans to pay a co-pay for the 205
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treatment they get at VA hospitals. Thanks, guys and gals! Now, show us your ID and a major credit card, then we'll work on that busted hinge on your prosthetic leg. We need a change of attitude. We need a stop to fear-mongering for political gain. We need to stop fighting where we no longer have a chance of a military victory. We need to see things as they are, not as how we want them to be. So, you wanna thank me for my service? You're welcome. I don't regret a moment of it. (Well, the getting up at 3 am to run 5 miles part did kinda suck, but it went with the job.) But if you REALLY want to thank me in a meaningful way? Encourage our government to stop acting like Ancient Rome and start acting more like Modern Canada with a more judicious and selfdefense oriented use of our military. We can thank TODAY'S veterans by ensuring that there are FEWER of them 10 years from now.
Some Thoughts on Group Blame I‘ve been giving it a lot of thought on the folly of blaming ALL Muslims as a group for the actions of a few, which is what so many Americans are doing with their disapproval of a Community Center two blocks from the former WTC site. 206
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I agree, there are times when the actions of SOME in a group reflect badly on the group as a whole. And unless that group comes out and LOUDLY and REPEATEDLY rejects the actions of that few in the group, then perhaps we SHOULD hold the entire group responsible. Their act of omission in the condemnation of the terror, the violence, the caused by small numbers of their community can be construed, if one wishes to do so, as a silent endorsement of it. Think of how many innocent lives were snuffed out by members of the over the years. They‘ve blown up and set fire to churches! CHRISTIAN churches! They‘ve murdered children! They‘ve snatched men off the streets and hanged them from light poles. Since most of these so called ―Klansmen‖ declared themselves ―Southern‖ and ―Christian,‖ there were a number of them who were no doubt members of the Southern Baptist Church! And what has the leadership of the had to say about all this? Have they condemned the ritual murder and torture of all the Klan deems as ―inferior‖ and ―unAmerican‖? In other words, ―infidels?‖ What are the families of Freedom Riders, killed by Klan members on the road back to Selma, Ala., and Col. Lemuel Penn, killed by the Klan on the highway near Athens, Ga.. What are THEY supposed to think when THEY see a Southern 207
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Baptist Church being built near THEIR homes, near THEIR schools? What are the survivors of the Birmingham Church Bombings supposed to FEEL when Southern Baptists build their SCHOOLS and COMMUNITY CENTERS in the SAME TOWNS where their murderous Klan members KILLED so many innocents? And they MURDER in the name of JESUS! Part of their UNIFORM is a CROSS with a drop of blood in it. They BURN the cross thinking that the flaming light of JESUS shows them the way towards and torture and terrorizing of African Americans and Jews and Catholics and ANYONE who they deem impure. And it‘s not just morons in sheets any more. They wear cammies and gather in the southern woods to train in weaponry and murder. They wait for the day when they work up the courage to launch an overthrow of the lawfully elected government of the United States. The election of the first African American President has made them crazy with rage! And now they want to let HOMOS get MARRIED?? THIS WILL NOT STAND, the Klan says. An UNTOLD NUMBER of murders and beatings and burnings and hangings, all done in the name of their White Christian Lord and in the name of a White Christian Nation? And where is the head of the Southern Baptist Church? Why is he not on EVERY DAY to condemn this? 208
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So, I‘ve changed my mind. As long as otherwise reasonable Americans call for the banning of a Muslim community center because 19 alleged Muslims (who were roundly condemned by the American community, murdered around 3,000 people in one day) then I must stand firm in MY demand that there be NO MORE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCHES, since so many of Southern Baptist members of the KKK that have murdered so many people over so many years in the name of THEIR religion continue to rest in the accepting bosom of their community. And as long as we‘re doing the good AMERICAN thing by banning things that might OFFEND the VICTIMS of that thing: Do you realize how many people are killed by CARS every year? How are the families of car fatalities supposed to feel when a car dealership opens near their homes, or near the graveyard where their loved ones rest? And no more tobacco stores. Thousand upon thousands of people die each year because of tobacco consumption. SEVERAL times more than were killed by Islamic fanatics on 9/11. What is the family member of a cancer victim supposed to feel when they see a cigarette display in a convenience store?
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And alcohol stores? BAN THEM OUTRIGHT! Thousands and Millions of Americans have died from the affects of alcohol, either directly or indirectly. Hold them ALL accountable. That‘ll show us!
Explaining It To The Kids (In the near future, when you’re sitting in your fallout-proof bunker, squeezing dew from your socks to moisten that dehydrated stroganoff Glenn Beck sold you, your grandkids might want to know how you allowed the end of civilization to come about. I propose the following allegory.) Once upon a time, there was a donkey named Barack. In 2004, this donkey gave a great speech to a national gathering of donkeys and the other donkeys thought he would make a good leader not just for the donkeys, but for all the animals. See, ever since 2001, the elephants were in charge of the jungle. And all the other animals, even the donkeys, were SCARED of the elephants. That‘s because the jungle was attacked by a pack of jackals and a lot of the animals were killed. The elephants promised to protect the jungle animals from the jackals, and made it very clear that anyone who didn‘t agree with them was supporting the jackals. 210
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In 2003, the biggest elephant of them all (his name was George) decided that it wasn‘t really the jackals that he wanted the jungle to be at war with, it was the baboons, even though the baboons hadn‘t done a thing to the jungle. So Elephant George and his pals came up with a story about how the baboons PAID the jackals to attack the jungle and they were putting together a big weapon made of mushrooms and other icky stuff to attack the jungle again and that if the other animals didn‘t support the war against the baboons then there was no telling the damage the baboons and their jackal allies could do to the jungle. Elephant George pulled all the animal soldiers away from the war with the jackals, letting the biggest, meanest jackal escape, so he could start a war with the baboons. While Elephant George fought with the baboons, the jackals hid, regrouped and got stronger. 211
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Well, the donkey Barack said that enough was enough with that kind of behavior. He said that the jungle was for ALL the animals, not just the elephants, and not just the donkeys. He said that by all animals working together, they could defeat the jackals that wanted to harm the other animals. But the elephants were still in charge. And since none of the other animals wanted to be called ―projackal‖, they let Elephant George do whatever he wanted to do. Elephant George let all the other elephants make the decisions in the Jungle Assembly. And the elephants, who had been getting food from a group of very fat jungle cats, decided to let those fat jungle cats have whatever they wanted as long as they kept giving food to the elephants. So, as the jungle cats raided the food supplies of all the other animals, the elephants did nothing, except eat the food the fat jungle cats brought them. And all that food made them poop. A lot. In fact, between 2001 and 2006, there was so much elephant poop all over the jungle that all the other animals, except the fat jungle cats (and the jackals, of course), were disgusted by the elephants. It wasn‘t time to get rid of Elephant George as the leader of the jungle, but the other animals decided the donkeys would be better at running things, cleaning up the elephant poop, and putting a leash on the fat cats to keep them from raiding the other animals‘ food pantries. 212
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But every time the donkeys in the Jungle Assembly voted to clean poop or leash the fat cats, Elephant George pointed to the paper that laid down the laws of the jungle and said, ―No! You can not clean the poop or leash the fat cats.‖ And although the law said the Assembly COULD overturn the lead Elephant, there weren‘t enough of them to do it. So, in 2008, the donkeys decided that they would make the donkey Barack their choice to run for leader. By this point, there was so much elephant poop everywhere, all over the jungle, and the fat cats were stealing everything that wasn‘t nailed down, that the other animals were so disgusted they ELECTED the donkey Barack as leader and sent Elephant George packing his trunk into retirement. But there was just so much poop all over everything, and the fat cats had stolen so much food, that the entire jungle economy began to collapse. Before he left, Elephant George encouraged the Jungle Assembly to pay for buckets to ―bail out‖ the poop from the jungle. And when Donkey Barack took over, he also encouraged the Jungle Assembly to pay for more buckets, because all the buckets being used weren‘t enough to clean out all the poop. And besides, the fat cats were still stealing everyone‘s food.
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Donkey Barack said ―enough is enough‖ in the war against the baboons that Elephant George had started, and he sent the animal soldiers to go back and fight the jackals, which had grown more numerous and stronger while Elephant George was in charge. Donkey Barack encouraged the Jungle Assembly to pass a law ensuring that all the animals in the jungle would have access to better health care. But even though there were more donkeys than elephants in the Jungle Assembly, there were still not quite enough donkeys, and a lot of them were still afraid of being called ―pro-jackal‖ by the elephants. The elephants in the assembly trumpeted and stomped around the jungle, pooping as they went, saying that Donkey Barack wasn‘t cleaning up their poop FAST enough. But every time Donkey Barack TRIED something to CLEAN the elephant poop, the elephants shouted NO! It would COST too much to clean up their poop, they said. They got the other elephants in charge of letting the animals in the jungle know what was going on to tell THEIR side of the story, and soon all the animals thought that Donkey Barack was a bad leader and the other donkeys in the Jungle Assembly were bad leaders because after almost two years, the eight years-worth of elephant poop was still fouling up the jungle, and the fat cats were still being allowed to steal food even though the donkeys held a vote to STOP the cats from stealing food from the other animals. 214
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But then, the elephants in the Assembly (who were still getting their food from the fat cats) talked the five elephants on the Supreme Jungle Court to decide that fat cats, not just from this jungle but all the jungles in the world, could give as much food as they wanted to the elephants and didn‘t have to reveal themselves like the earlier laws said they had to. So more and more food got funneled to the elephants, the fat cats stole more and more food (and made it easier for the cats in other jungles to steal food from THIS jungle) and the cats got fatter and the elephants had more to eat and they just pooped all over EVERYTHING, adding to the poop that had been piled up since 2001. Well, you can just IMAGINE how disgusted the jungle animals were. But not at the elephants. They were upset with Donkey Barack because of a variety of reasons. The more liberal animals in the jungle were upset with Donkey Barack for even TRYING to work with the elephants, the conservative animals didn‘t believe Donkey Barack was even BORN in the jungle, or that he was even a Donkey (they thought he was a mule, and everyone knows mules are lazy and want other animals to do all the work for them). The elephants stoked up this anger by suggesting that it was Donkey Barack who was somehow taking all their food, and that the poop all over the 215
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jungle would be CLEAN by now if it weren‘t for Donkey Barack and the other donkeys in the Jungle Assembly. So, in 2010, the jungle animals did the logical thing. They held an election and threw the donkeys out of the Jungle Assembly, giving the majority back to the elephants. It wasn‘t time yet to replace the HEAD donkey, but the elephants are pretty sure that if they keep pooping on everything and if the fat jungle cats can steal more and more of the other animals‘ food, THEY‘D know who to blame in 2012! And sure enough, when 2012 came about, the animals chose the prettiest elephant in the herd because she looked good in lipstick and she was a SIMPLE elephant, and they were simple ANIMALS and her solutions to all our problems were so simple. She was also as violent as she was simple, so she started wars with anyone who looked at her jungle the wrong way and before you know it, the United Nation of Jungles declared this jungle a menace and danger to the peace of the world, and the new Head Elephant said they could kiss her Mama Grizzly Elephant Ass and launched a nuclear attack on Switzerland and every other jungle in the world pointed their nuclear weapons at us, and that‘s why we all heat our food with candles and it won‘t be safe to go outside until 2096. The End.
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The Deep Brain Manifesto Recent events, as you might suppose, have me thinking about mortality, eternity, the reason for existence, the price of tea in China, and a variety of other things. I‘m not an atheist, nor am I a traditional religiofascist. I do believe there is a central force for good in the universe, but I don‘t think this force has (or NEEDS) a name other than what we choose to call it. As finite beings, our understanding is limited to the things we are capable of understanding. Many a marijuana-scented rambling discussion around a teenaged campfire discussing the concept of eternity has convinced me that we are incapable of grasping the meaning of the word ―eternal.‖ Our lives have beginnings and endings. Just like our days, our weekends, our favorite TV shows. We cannot wrap our heads around something that never began and never will end. And that includes ―God.‖ A human being can have no more conception of ―God‖ or ―God‘s will‖ than my dogs do about why I can‘t make it stop raining when they want to go outside. Our knowledge and ability to learn is only limited by our mortality. Saying that something is ―God‘s will‖ is intellectual laziness.
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It is not ―God‘s will‖ that three of my sibilings died in their 40s and 50s, as did my father. It was not ―God‘s will‖ that one of my grandfathers not a good man by any measure of the word lived into his mid 90s. It is not ―God‘s will‖ that I have Parkinson‘s disease. It is not ―God‘s will‖ that as I edit this manuscript, my mother is dying in an ICU in Milwaukee. These things happen because they happen. In some cases, they happen because we eat and drink and smoke things we shouldn‘t eat or drink or smoke. But sometimes, even with a perfect diet, a healthy liver and the pink and clean lungs of a 2year old, we get cancer. We blow a blood vessel. Something goes wrong in the dopamine producing portion of our brains, and we get Parkinson‘s. This is not the will of a God who watches over us all and determines our every move, who knows what we‘re gonna do before we do it thereby putting the lie to the whole concept of ―free will.‖ That ―God‖ cannot exist outside the doctrines of those who use this angry, omnipotent being as a ―Big Daddy Who Will Spank!‖ As I said, I believe there is a central force of good that holds things together. But that force does not get involved in our day to day activities. To quote a popular bumper sticker ―Shit Happens.‖
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I believe the popular Judeo-Christian and Islamic concept of ―God‖ has been adulterated to be used as a cudgel to punish ―bad‖ behavior and to scare folks into toeing the line. Consider the concept of ―Hell.‖ Then think about how much you love your children, your family, your mother and father, your siblings. Then compare that love you feel to the ―perfect love‖ we have been drilled into believing God has for each and every one of us. Could YOU condemn someone you love with your human, imperfect love to an eternity of torment? I am far from a perfect being, but I can‘t discipline my dogs for more than 5 minutes without feeling bad about it. I‘m not saying that this ―central force‖ I believe in doesn‘t love us. I‘m saying that it‘s far too busy to take all that much notice. I do pray. And when I pray, it‘s NOT to ask for a direct result or a ―thing‖ I want. I pray that I am able to tap into this ―goodness‖ in the universe for the strength to deal with the obstacles that are in my way. I put energy back into this ―goodness‖ by being thankful for the good things, for my blessings, for a beautiful sunset, a rainbow, for the safe conclusion of a trip. I believe there is a fundamental ―goodness‖ in the Universe and that we all have the potential to evolve to become a part of it. We have to want to
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evolve. We have to want to move past the anger and hatred and prejudice and fear we‘ve been indoctrinated into accepting as normal parts of our existence. We have to understand that bad things happen to good people, good things happen to , and that‘s just how it is. When ―prayed away‖ that hurricane that was heading toward his cable TV studio, did that mean the people who were killed further up the coast were less ―worthy‖ or ―righteous‖? When Robertson and Falwell said that 9/11 and Katrina happened because God was mad at all the gayness and abortion in , why did he ―take‖ so many heterosexuals, pregnant women and folks who would no sooner have an abortion than willingly have an eyeball removed? What kind of psychotic God is this they preach? That God is a creation of man. Therefore, it is an imperfect and flawed creation. Please understand, this is MY concept. It does not have to be yours! In fact, it SHOULDN‘T be yours. You are a free, sentient being, capable (if you choose) of coming up with your own answers and reasons for the things that are beyond our ken as mortal humans. I believe there have been enlightened teachers in our past, such as Buddha, , Confucious, Gandhi (Mahatma, not Indira) and others we don‘t know about and will never hear about because no one wrote about them.
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I believe there are more good people than bad, but I also believe there are more stupid people than smart. And I believe it is the stupid people who are keeping the rest of us down. And that stupidity is grounded in fear. There are people who fear homosexuality, therefore they ban gay marriage . There are people who fear that which is different from them, that which does not look like them or talk like them or observe the same holidays they do. That explains racism, cultural prejudice, and the majority of evil on the planet. That explains the conflict between Christian and Jew, between Christian and , between Muslim and Jew and the never-ending urge to kill each other because THEY don‘t have the same ―inside track‖ towards ―God‖ that we do. Stupid people wrap themselves in symbols, declare those symbols as ―good‖ and ―better than other symbols.‖ In our case, as Americans, it‘s the concept of ―American Exceptionalism‖ that just because we are Americans, we are ―Chosen of God‖ and therefore better than everyone else, and everyone had better get out of our way and do what we tell them or there‘s gonna be trouble. Evil people who wish to enrich themselves at the expense of the stupid do so by telling us how CORRECT our stupidity is! It‘s RIGHT that we fear, that we hate, that we are suspicious, because look
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what happens when you let BAD people into the country. 9/11 is their talisman. We are told it‘s RIGHT that we give up rights because those rights are KEEPING THEM from KEEPING US SAFE! Never mind that around 3,000 people died on 9/11, while over 4,000 have been killed in a war we were told was waged BECAUSE of 9/11 that had nothing to DO with 9/11 while the real perpetrators of the attack were allowed to escape into the mountains of our great ally, Pakistan. 3,000 were killed on 9/11 and the stupid people enabled the evil people who convinced us that our stupidity would keep us safe. Don‘t ask questions. Never mind that the American Cancer Society says 6 million will die in 2010 because of smoking. 3,000 were killed on 9/11. Never mind that there were 16,000 drunk driving deaths in 2006. 3,000 died on 9/11! It‘s ―God‘s Will.‖ Have you ever considered that the more educated a person is, the more books he or she reads, the more he or she has traveled in the world, the less likely that person is to be afraid? Of other people? Of other ideas? The more narrowly one confines oneself in the arena of culture and awareness, the more likely that person is to be afraid of ―enemies‖ that ―lurk‖ and are ―waiting to take advantage‖ of our ―weakness‖? An old, and now deceased, friend of mine said it best. ―What a better world this would be if stupid people realized it is better to be smart.‖ 222
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And if I may adapt a phrase to my own purposes, there is none more stupid than he or she who will not learn. Now, these same forces of stupidity are working overtime to ensure that health insurance companies continue to rake in windfall profits at the expense of stupid people who think that ―gubbermint health care‖ is ―socialist.‖ Millionaires like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck convince their viewers and listeners to embrace their fear, to hold onto it tight for it will keep them safe. (And poor, and sick, and uneducated and stupid, they neglect to add…) If we have a purpose in this life, it‘s to love and be loved. And who we love and how we love is nobody‘s business but our own. It is our mandate to learn as much as we can and to pass that knowledge on to the next generation so they may add to it and pass their combined knowledge on to another, hopefully more enlightened, generation. Our job is to get through this life in as happy a fashion as is possible, to help others achieve this happiness where possible, to smooth the way for our fellow travellers so that we may also enjoy as smooth a ride as possible. Life is too short to be angry, to be afraid, to hate. Life is FAR too short to embrace stupidity. And that, my gentle reader, is (in part) the Deep Brain Manifesto! Discuss? 223
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INDEX 2012, 112, 197, 202, 216 Ann Coulter, 73, 74, 164 9/11, 203, 220, 222 Abraham Lincoln, 132, 136
Anthony Weiner, 80
ACLU, 76
Arab, 74
Afghanistan, 204 Al Jazeera, 74
Arizona, 20, 31, 36, 53, 60, 160, 169
Al Qaeda, 73
Atheists, 202
Alabama Constitutional Militia, 81
Barack Obama, 11, 12, 28, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 53, 59, 62, 64, 82, 85, 86, 89, 93, 98, 104, 106, 127, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142, 143, 153, 160, 174, 175, 204
Alaska, 35, 48, 64, 66, 105 Allen West, 29 America, 2, 23, 49, 52, 55, 61, 62, 63, 66, 87, 92, 93, 102, 105, 106, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 152, 160, 175, 202, 203, 205 American exceptionalism, 140 American Exceptionalism, 4, 55, 143, 148 Andrew Breitbart, 15 224
Antichrist, 16, 17
Bart Stupak, 79 Bernardine Dohrn, 12 Betsy Markey, 78 Bible, 17, 141, 146 Bill Ayers, 12 BILL AYRES, 12 Bill Keller, 73 Bill Maher, 144 Bill of Rights, 132
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Bill O'Reilly, 20, 27, 33, 47, 53, 103, 164
Christmas, 191, 193, 194, 195
birtherism, 40
Civil Rights, 70
Blacks, 59
Clear Channel, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176
blame, 18, 19, 20, 30, 31, 33, 36, 63, 68, 71, 86, 163, 169, 172
Climate Change, 58
Blood Libel, 33, 43, 175
Clinton, Iowa, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183
Bomb, 105, 146
CNN, 89, 90
Bristol Palin, 114, 115
Code Pink, 12, 13
Byron Williams, 76
Cairo, 158
communist, 136
California Highway Patrol, 76
Congress, 28, 90, 92, 102, 121, 126, 128, 133, 134, 139, 143, 145
Canada, 102, 206 Caribou Barbie, 23, 24, 30, 32, 33, 34, 44, 45, 47, 52, 53, 55, 66, 136, 171, 175 Charles Alan Wilson,, 77 China, 28, 140 Christian, 34, 159 Christianity, 75
congressional, 28, 30, 95, 97, 101, 102, 130, 162, 170 conservative, 41, 44, 45, 53, 56, 82, 86, 117, 151, 158, 160, 161, 163 Conservative, 4, 56, 161, 163 Conservatives,
Constitution, 61, 132, 152 225
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crosshairs, 22, 33, 50, 52, 162, 170, 171
Federal Government, 3, 57, 70, 71, 234
Daily Kos, 22, 192
flatulence, 184, 185
democracy, 147
Flava Flav, 179
Democracy, 157, 161
Flavor Flav, 183
Democratic, 20, 22, 52, 90, 96, 161, 182
founding fathers, 131, 135
Democrats, 22, 51, 52, 59, 87, 88, 89, 121, 127, 128, 138
Fox News, 31, 33, 48, 56, 103, 106, 136, 161, 175
Dick Cheney, 159
FOX News, 14
DNA, 145, 146
Fox News Robots, 82
eggheads, 106
Free Republic, 19, 72
Egypt, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 146, 147, 157, 159
Gabrielle Giffords, 20, 22, 30, 31, 33, 37, 63
Emancipation Proclamation, 132
Gawker, 11, 14, 17
evolution, 144, 145, 146
Gentiles, 44
Facebook, 14, 32, 35 Fairness Doctrine, 163, 168 Fascist, 104 Federal Communications Commission, 168 226
Gays, 59 George Soros, 74 George W. Bush, 59, 90, 100, 104, 106, 204, 205 George Washington, 28 Georgia, 144, 145
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
homophobia, 40, 60
Glenn Beck, 11, 20, 27, 33, 45, 47, 53, 65, 103, 162, 164, 166, 193
Hosni Mubarak, 10, 147, 148, 158
Glock, 26, 40, 168
Hot Air, 71
God, 38, 43, 61, 93, 105, 131, 138, 145, 159, 162, 168, 175, 201
House of Representatives, 59, 60, 121, 126, 127, 128, 133, 139
Google, 51
Howard Dean, 73
GOP, 25, 89, 127, 163
Hutaree militia, 78
government, 26, 43, 45, 60, 62, 66, 84, 99, 100, 122, 133, 140, 141, 142, 147, 148, 156, 157, 160, 164, 182, 184, 204, 206
income tax, 104
Greg Sargent, 163 gun, 24, 30, 40, 48, 169, 170 Hamas, 12, 13, 157 Harry Reid, 28, 97, 127 Haters, 43 hatred, 32, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 60, 61, 168, 169, 174 health care., 128, 157
Iran, 11, 105, 146, 148, 157 Iraq, 148, 158, 159, 203, 204 IRS, 39, 124 Islamic, 64, 154, 156, 157, 158, 191, 205 Islamists, 16 Jack Kingston, 144, 145, 146 James Clyburn, 79 James Madison, 132 Jared Lee Loughner, 23, 27, 30, 33, 63, 163 227
Skillfully Told by a Brain Damaged Troll
Jesus, 27, 141, 201 Jewish, 44, 46, 47, 50
liberal, 20, 53, 153, 160, 163
Jews, 34, 44, 46
Liberal Fascism, 72
Joe Wilson, 74
liberals, 20, 24, 27, 39, 40, 47, 49, 58, 63, 64
John Adams, 132 John Boehner, 124, 126, 139, 143 John Bolton, 147
Louise Slaughter, 80 mainstream media, 72 Malawi, 184, 186
John McCain, 35, 104
marriage, 58
John Quincy Adams, 131, 133
Marxist, 104, 157 Matt Yglesias, 71
John Walker, 74
media, 19, 26, 35, 39, 44, 45, 58, 173, 183
Jon Kyl, 161 Jonah Goldberg, 72
Medicaid, 122, 125
journalism, 57, 86
Medicare, 124, 125, 126, 130
Julius Caesar, 116, 117 Kansas City Star, 81
Melanie Morgan, 73
Karl Rove, 74
Michael J. Fox, 94, 95, 96, 99, 101
Kathleeen Parker, 74
Michael Moore, 27
Keith Olbermann, 21, 25, 160
Michael Reagan, 48, 73
Kenya, 89, 106
Michael Savage, 42, 75
Klansmen, 69
Michael Steele, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120
Lee Rogers, 73 228
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
Michael Walsh, 15 Michelle Bachmann, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 127, 128, 129, 130, 135, 138 Middle East., 75 Mike Vanderboegh, 81 Minnesota, 93, 129, 181 Mitch McConnell, 88 MoveOn, 76
Obamacare, 121, 126, 128 OBAMACARE, 121 Oklahoma, 205 Osama bin Laden, 204, 205 Parkinson's disease, 3, 57, 87, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 102, 151, 187, 188, 190
MSNBC, 42, 89, 170, 192
patriots, 153
Muslim Brotherhood, 13, 158
Peter King, 74
Muslims, 59, 64, 148, 205 Nancy Pelosi, 71, 78 National Review Online, 15 nationalism, 70 NAZI, 125 NBC News, 80 Neal Boortz, 161 New York Times, 46, 141 Newt Gingrich's, 137
Patty Murray, 77 pogrom, 43, 45, 46, 47 Pogrom, 43, 45 prejudices, 103, 133, 175 President George W. Bush, 13 Rachel Maddow, 61 racism, 62 racists, 19, 43, 62 Rand Paul., 76 Raul Grijalva, 76, 77 Red State, 19 229
Skillfully Told by a Brain Damaged Troll
Red State's, 22 Republican, 30, 31, 88, 116, 118, 120, 121, 126, 138, 205 Republicans, 24, 31, 87, 88, 89, 121, 128, 129 Right Wing, 18, 19, 23, 55, 164 Right Wing Radio, 13 RNC, 117, 119, 120 Robert Gibbs, 59 Roger Ailes, 31 Ronald Reagan, 198 Rush Limbaugh, 13, 20, 27, 33, 38, 45, 47, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 94, 95, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 153, 161, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176 Saddam Hussein, 148, 159, 204 Santa, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 202 Sarah Palin, 7, 8, 22, 25, 32, 33, 35, 43, 44, 230
45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 63, 64, 71, 72, 84, 90, 105, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 135, 136, 137, 138, 153, 162, 169, 170, 179, 202 Sean Hannity, 20, 33, 47, 48, 49, 53, 55, 65, 103, 147, 164, 165 Second Amendment, 19, 28, 62, 69 second amendment solutions, 25, 164 Senate, 25, 88, 127 Sharia, 205 Slate, 188, 189 slavery, 131, 132, 133, 135 Smart, 68, 106 Social Security, 91, 130 socialism, 64, 89, 121, 128, 129 socialist, 128 Socialist, 104 socialized medicine, 128
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
Soviet Union, 28, 136, 137
The Fairness Act, 14
Speaker of the House, 126, 127, 128, 139, 143
Thomas Jefferson, 133
Sputnik, 136 State of the Union, 87, 89, 90, 92, 136, 137, 139
The Frum Forum, 117 Tides Foundation, 76 Tim Pawlenty, 130 Timothy McVeigh, 73
Steve Driehaus, 81
Tom Perriello, 79
Steve King, 109
Treason, 71
Stormfront, 19, 69, 82
Trent Humphries, 169
Stupid, 68, 98, 106
Tucson, 18, 21, 23, 26, 33, 36, 43, 53, 68, 161, 169, 172, 174, 175, 176
stupidity, 102 Surveyor marks, 72 talk radio, 14, 48 Talking Points Memo, 84, 88, 161, 172 Tammy Bruce, 13 Tax Cuts, 104 taxes, 92, 93, 104
Twitter, 13, 14, 151 U.S. Army, 75 Unemployment, 104 United States, 2, 40, 67, 128, 131, 139, 173 USSR, 136 VA, 91, 206
Tea Party, 19, 20, 28, 65, 90, 134, 138, 169, 170
veteran, 202, 203, 204
Texas, 73
violence, 24, 26, 32, 40, 46, 56, 63, 70, 71, 72,
The Atlantic, 12, 20
Veterans, 92
Skillfully Told by a Brain Damaged Troll
76, 158, 161, 162, 163, 171
White Nationalists, 70
Washington Post, 67, 100, 101
White Separatist, 69
Washington Times, 45, 47 Washington, D.C., 45, 47, 67, 82, 85, 86, 90, 100, 101, 117, 178 Wayne Allyn Root, 14
William F. Buckley, Jr, 15 Zazzle, 196, 197, 198, 201
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
Another Book By This Author
Skillfully Told by a Brain Damaged Troll
Diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2000 at age 45, for Bill Schmalfeldt PD was "just a concept" for the first several years. As his condition worsened and he went to work for the US Federal Government's premiere Medical Research Agency, Bill began to search for clinical research trials that might shed some light on his disease -- afflicting 1.5 million Americans with 50- to 60-thousand new diagnoses each year. He found that for most clinical trials, he either had "too much" Parkinson's disease or "not enough." At length, he found one that fit perfectly. It was a phase one trial of Deep Brain Stimulation in Early Parkinson's Disease at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. According to the inclusion/ exclusion requirements, he was a perfect candidate. One catch... if he were to be one of the 15 people randomized to the surgical group, he would have to undergo brain surgery for the implantation of the DBS devices. After discussing it with his neurologist and family, Bill decided to enroll in the trial in 2007. He was, in fact, randomized to the surgical group and had the surgery in June 2007. This book tells the story of Bill's journey, from blog and diary entries at the time. He takes you into the operating room with him as he remains awake for the seven-hour brain surgery. He writes about the highs, the lows, the good days and the bad ones. 234
Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies
He writes with a twinkle in his eye and with a sense of humor that makes one wonder how one can write such a funny book about such a serious subject. DBS is not a cure for PD and Bill's disease continues to progress. He is filing for early disability retirement from his government agency. In the meantime, he hopes to use this book and other means to raise awareness about Parkinson's disease. 100 percent of the author proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the National Parkinson Foundation and the Charles DBS Research Fund at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. AVAILABLE AT ALL ONLINE BOOKSELLERS IN HARDCOVER, PAPERBACK, KINDLE and PDF DOWNLOAD