TEENAGERS english guide project

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Editor W illiam Pineda Ilustración Beto Torres Vivianda Avellana Corrector de estilo Diego Santa Fotografía Sindy Niño Diagramación Gustavo Andres Sierra Sindy Aldana Arismendi Impresion Printer Colombia S.A Bogotá, Colombia 2013


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INTRODUCTION Teenagers Student Book is a guide for the development of the English language, directed to young people following the development by unit and level. Grammars and vocabularies are exposed to supporting communication and student expression, establishing dialogues and readings in the young, is a guide that is complemented by visual compositions for clearer understanding and dynamic. The purpose of this guide is to develop the understanding and expression in American and English language based on the concept of learning and application through audiovisual applications.

CONTENIDO 10 My face Activities 1 - 8

16 Possessive adjectives Activities 11

14 Five senses Activities 9 - 10

18 I like to express my feelings and emotions Activities 12 - 13 - 14


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20 Show your true colors Activities

The kids go to the cinema Activities


16 - 17 18 - 19

24 My English Words

MY FACE Activity 1:

Listen and repeat the following words. As you listen and repeat touch the correct part .Look at the teacher.

Activity 2: Without listening to track 1, say the parts of

your face.

Track 1









Unidad 1 Activity 3:

Listen to this facial description. As you listen to your teacher, look around in your classroom to see if any of your classmates match that description.

What do they look like?

Track 2

My hair is long. I have a thin face. Your eyes are brown. You have white teeth. His nose is fat. He has black hair. Her ears are small. She has blue eyes. Our cheeks are chubby. We are tall. Their eyes are big. They have small.

Activity 4: Describe yourself using adjectives. Remember: Adjectives are used to describe people and things. Here are some

adjectives that can be used to describe the facial features of a person.

Descri ptive adjectives: My hair is long. I have a thin face. Your eyes are brown. You have white teeth. His nose is fat. He has black hair. Her ears are small. She has blue eyes. Our cheeks are chubby. We are tall. Their eyes are big. They have small.


MY FACE Activity 5: Listen and repeat Track 3. Descriptive adjectives.

Different People

Track 3

Every person in the world is different. There are no two people the same, only except if they are twins, and yet those are different in many ways. A person can be tall, short, big, or small. We are all different.

Activity 6: Listen to Track 4. Activity 7: Describe someone you know.

Track 4 Your eyes are brown. Her eyes are small Our face is round. Their faces are long. His mouth is thick. Their mouths are thin. My hair is long. Your hair is curly. His hair is straight. Their noses are narrow. Our noses are wide. My eyes are blue.

Activity 8: GAME TIME. Who is he? Think of famous person, your classmates must ask you questions using adjectives.

Example: Is he tall? You can only answer YES or NO. After answering 10 questions, your classmate must guess who you were thinking of. Take turns so everyone can play.


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Read the following sentences

You can see many beautiful things; the sky, the grass, the stars and many colors. You can smell fantastic scents like the flowers, perfumes and the yummy smell of baked cookies. You can hear the sound of music and the pretty birds singing in the morning. You can taste the sweet cup cakes, the salty chips and the sour lemons. You can touch and feel the cold snow, the wet rain and the soft skin.

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4 5

FIVE SENSES Activity 9: Listen and read Track 5.

Track 5


I can see with my eyes I can smell with my nose I can hear with my ears I can taste with my tongue I can touch with my hands

Unidad 1 Practice reading these questions What does it look like?

How does it look?

What does it smell like?

How does it smell?

What does it sound like?

How does it sound?

What does it taste like?

How does it taste?

What does it feel like?

How does it feel?

Activity 10: Read the following riddles and guess.

Riddle 1

Riddle 2

It looks like the sun. It smells like breakfast. It sounds crack! It tastes salty. It feels icky. What is it?

It looks round. It smells delicious. It sounds crunchy! It tastes sweet. It feels rough. What is it?

Possessive Adjectives are words that describe possession. Let’s go over them one more time MY father is a doctor. YOUR mother is a teacher. HIS brother goes to the university. HER dog is big. ITS his bowl. OUR house is very big. YOUR car is very nice.


Read Our Movements What activities can you do with your body? Did you know that every bone, tissue, muscle and joint that your body is made up of allows you to carry out many fun and important activities. Here are some‌

Actions Jump Swim Play soccer Dance Pedal


Unidad 1 Activity 11: Look at these sentences. Can you think of more sentences similar to these, share them with your class.

1 2 3 4 5

I love to jump up and down.

We play soccer in the field. I bathe every night. I exercise every day. I dance at parties.

Reflexive pronouns When you use reflexive pronouns you normally refer to the subject of the sentence, by + reflexive pronoun. You express that you are alone.

I You He She It We You They

myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves


Look at these sentences I can dress myself. I can bathe myself. I can prepare a sandwich for myself. I can exercise by myself.

I like to express my feelings and emotions Be yourself. A feeling or emotion arises from our memories and reactions to daily events. Our emotions are formed by how we think about our past and present experiences. We all try to explain our own behavior and that of others. Below you will get a chance to understand what vocabulary words are used to describe what you are doing, when you are “being yourself� or expressing your emotions.


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Activity 12: Write the feelings and emotions you have for one of your classmates

People and feelings Lynn:

Sometimes I don’t understand what people feel. I sometimes think they’re complicated, especially grownups.


I understand what you mean by complicated, but life is full of different events and sometimes those experiences are what makes us what we are today.


Yeah, being a kid is different for everyone. But we can all have good moments or bad moments. I for example can be very serious. Like when I have to study for an exam.


I think that we are all still growing and that we need to share some of our feelings with others. But we do not need to be shy when something is affecting us.


Yes, if we need a specific help in something, all we need to do is what we are doing now. Talking and Socializing. Maybe that way one of us can help contribute and find a good solution to a specific need or problem that is affecting another.

SHOW YOUR TRUE COLORS Activity 13: Listen, read and repeat Track 6.

Activity 14: Role Play. Take turns playing the characters.

Track 6 The ways we act and behave demonstrate what we are truly made of, and what we think about life. The following words express our “true colors”. This expression means your real personality.

Warmth Kindness Anger Love Care for Amaze Like Friendship Marvel Shock Disappoint Surprise Panic Chuckle Shyness Hate Giggle Cherish Respect 20

Unidad 1 Explain to your classmate what you understood from this short reading.

Our feelings and emotions are an important part of our personality; they develop during our childhood and, without intervention, are lifelong events. Check out these words as they relate to your feelings and emotions.



Hey guys let’s go the cinema together this afternoon; my mom can take us all in the family van. That sounds great! Hey Mike can you come along with us? Yeah I think that there will be no problem, I’ve already done all my homework that is due for tomorrow.


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Track 7

Descriptive adjectives Round = Redonda. Thin = Flaco. Long = Largo. Short = Corto. Curly = Crespo. Straight = Liso. Wavey = Ondulado. Blonde = Rubio. Small = Pequeño. Wide = Ancho. Narrow = Angosto. Thick = Grueso.

Reflexive pronouns Myself = Yo mismo. Yourself = Tu mismo. Himself = El mismo. Herself = Ella misma. Itself = Eso mismo. Ourselves=Nosotros mismos. Yourselves = Ustedes mismos. Themselves = Ellos mismos.


Abilities or actions Jump = Saltar. Swim = Nadar. Play soccer = Jugar fútbol. Dance = Bailar. Bathe = Bañarse.

Adjectives that relate to Negative Feelings Helpless = Desamparado. Worried = Preocupado. Hurt = Dolido. Jealous = Celoso. Jittery = Nervioso. Lazy = Perezoso. Lonely = Solitario. Mysterious = Misterioso. Naughty = Necio. Scary = Asustadizo. Selfish = Envidioso. Sore = Herido.

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Adjectives that relate to Positive Feelings Happy = Feliz. Silly = Gracioso. Helpful = Colaborador. Hilarious = Chistoso. Kind = Noble. Lively = Animado. Lovely = Querida. Lucky = Suertudo. Obedient = Obediente. Pleasant = Agradable. Proud = Orgulloso.

Successful = Exitoso. Thankful = Agradecido. Energetic = Enérgico. Enthusiastic = Entusiasta. Excited = Exitado,entusiasmado. Fair = Justo. Faithful = Fiel. Friendly = Amistoso.

General VocabularyFeelings Feelings Friends = Amigos. Help = Ayuda. Hug = Abrazar. Emotions = Emociones. Cry = Llorar. Feeling = Sentimientos. Laugh = Reír. Smile = Sonreir. Good = Bueno. Behavior = Comportamiento. Kiss = Besar. Forget = Olvidar. Reaction = Reacción. Positive = Positivo. Belong = Pertenecer. Negative = Negativo.

Yell = Gritar. Understand = Entender. Reality = Realidad. Love = Amar. Different = Diferente. Grownups = Personas adultas. Skills = Habilidades. Knowledge = Conocimiento. Civilization = Civilización Neighbor = Vecino. Parents = Padres de familia. Mood = Humor (de pensamiento). Communicate = Comunicar. Friendship = Amistad.

Useful Expressions Don’t be afraid of = No le tenga miedo. Whats wrong? = ¿Qué te pasa? I’m disappointed = Estoy desilusionado/da. What a wonderful surprise! = ¡Qué agradable sorpresa! Social contact = Contacto social. Bump into or run into = Encontrase con alguien.



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