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Cryptic crossword
To enter:
The first correct entry pulled from a hat wins a £20 voucher for the CAT EcoStore – store.cat.org.uk. Please send your completed crossword entry by 30 April 2021 to Clean Slate Crossword, Centre for Alternative Technology, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9AZ. Solution will be published in the next issue of Clean Slate. 118 winner: Annie Dal’Santo, Glasgow. Ten clues lead to solutions that include a theme word, which is ignored in their wordplay.
Across 7 Cheap board – a great deal! (3,4) 8 Run after dog, one with a black face? (7) 10 City midway between
Lagos and London? (4) 11 Frenchman breaks up earth around single shrub (10) 12 Lippy character? (4-2) 14 They require helmets to go up against Surrey's foremost fast bowlers (8) 15 Renowned death sentence, subsequently proved to be wrong? (6,4,5) 18 Close leading hospital department with 1-2000 in (8) 20 Be in control of non-stop train (6) 22 Mushroom advocate, surfaces green-gilled (10) 24 Bird in flight, not weightless (4) 25 One keen on getting rid of rubbish footballer (7) 26 Bound to elect democratic leaders (7)
Down 1 Returning from one place to another African country (8) 2 Wartime poet born to
England (6) 3 Tight fitting batteries put in the wrong way round (4) 4 Criminal located outside supermarket, finally caught (10) 5 One's other half's a singer that covers Queen, for example (5,3) 6 Wee wee (6) 9 Getting the better of gout's complicated (11) 13 Mushy peas (small) included in bird order (10) 16 Impound ecstasy after ransacking this place (5,3) 17 Small diameter fronds on this plant (8) 19 Flash haircut (6) 21 Overthrow and waste time for a second (6) 23 News article about
American relative (4)
Clean Slate 118 Solution
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