1988.01.04 - The Word of God

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The Word of God1 (Translated by I.A.) … If you have no pity of a mite how could I have pity of you? If it is a poisonous mite which destroys your work, that one you may kill. You shall kill the spider wherever you find it, as it stood up against My Mother saying that its web is better than My Mother’s. You have a great reward if you kill it. Its web is good for nothing. All labor of those far away from God is like a spider web. As you destroy the spider web the same way God will destroy the labor of those without God. … Oh, oh, note that the obedience of each one softens God up when the election comes. You who have brothers, sisters and parents, if you listen now to God and then you cry to Me for their salvation, I will also have compassion at your crying. If you have compassion now at My crying and fulfill it and have taken God’s crying into your heart, I will also take your crying into My heart and save your dear ones. They will not be together with you but they will not be into the hands of Satan. … When each young man, each old man, each child, departs from the world and embraces God, the God of heaven takes the nails out of his hands, from the cross, and embraces him. Such a love and joy has God! Sons, it is no time to live carelessly for your soul. It is no time to run after the future. It is the time to run after the light. It is the time to run after your salvation, after happiness, the same way as God is running from place to place and from little house to little house after each one of you. Do not run away from God! Get into God’s arm to be happy and safe from what is coming. 04-01-1988 … If you are lovers of God, you are like brothers of the same mother. How many in the world have the same mother and judge themselves worse than enemies! They judge, beat and kill each other; the courthouses are full of trials and of people on trial; the asylums are full of children and old people. To be a parent, to grow up a drove of children and to be taken to the asylum by your own children so that village may keep you; how can God stand such a thing? And how many, many other things? How many malformed children get out of their mothers and mothers do not like them and take them there? Woe to them! Why? Because nobody observes any feast. It is the great debauchery. One no longer observes a fasting; one no longer observes a holy day; one no longer observes anything. The heavy sin brings all kinds of children malformed in their faces. Who shall stop the heavy sin? The world? Satan, who is leading the world? 09-01-1988 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the word of God here:


God’s Word in Romania



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