2001.01.01 - The Word of God upon the synod from the manger of the word

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The Word of God1 upon the synod from the manger of the word2 I come closer to the manger and I become word of building and word of comfort and then I give Myself to you and to those who gather together near you to become a feast for Me. You have made Me into a day of celebration, sons from the manger, for the good and little children like you have come together near you, to spend a good time into My name with you, and for Me to feed them from heaven. When the world on the earth have come together to spend its days, behold, you too have found an opportunity and made Me come down to feed those who come to grow near the spring, which washes the man and then it makes him grow so that he may be. Here I am to give you grace and comfort; to you and to those who have come to the spring. I, Myself, am. My body is covered from your eyes, but My word flows from it and it is heard and I feed with it and make it into My coming, for this time has come and every man will be taken by surprise, for the man on earth does not want to stop from his walking and listen to the whisper of My coming, My word that becomes a way for My coming. If My Scriptures from two thousand years ago are false, I will not come. But they are true and that is why I come and I come to fulfill them. Amen. I told My disciples to understand the sign of My coming from the fig tree. And behold, it has shoot forth buds for the time of My coming has come near. I am the fig tree, for the fig tree on the earth has grown dry and I can no longer eat of its fruit. I Myself, have come and gave forth fruit and new sprouts, for My coming is near. The dry fig tree thinks that it is green and does not understand the signs of My coming, the signs of My coming. You, however, children from the manger, are the signs of My coming. I am the fig tree and you are the sprouts and My coming is with you. Amen, amen, amen. I have worked again mysteriously as two thousand years. And as that time, the people nowadays do not want to perceive of the signs of the time of My coming from the Father. The Spirit, opposing to Me, is king over the man and it whispers him in his ear not to set to watching for My coming, but to spend the things of the night instead. And behold, My coming takes the man by surprise and the man does not see it, for it is written: «They have eyes and do not see; they have years and do not hear; and he that does not believe does not come to see». However, I come to the manger with food from heaven and I give Myself for a holy building to the one who wants to be with Me, waiting for Me to come. I give Myself to you and you should also give Me further, sons, so that I may be found with you by those who have learned the way to the spring of My coming. The one who comes for growth I teach him to always look at himself to see if he is growing on My word. And how comes that? Let him look into My word and measure himself within it, for this is how I teach the one who is growing from Me and this is what I tell him: child, look to see what it is between you and God, between you and your neighbor. Look to see yourself from God, when you look, and do not seek to see yourself from you. Look to see yourself from your brother, when you want to see yourself, and not to look at yourself from within you, for your eyes cannot tell about you. Seek to look at you from God and from your neighbor, to be pleased to God and to your neighbor, not to yourself, for this is how those that watch for My coming are. And as for the work of watching, let there any spirit of master not be mixed with the spirit of servant, for this spirit spoils the watching of those who watch, but let there be a spirit of love which gives power for watching, which gives taste to the holy watching among the brothers, for it is written: «The 1 2

God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A., r.n.



greater one shall be the servant to the smaller one, and not master», for this is how My teaching is. The greater one shall watch best, so that he may be seen from the smaller one. And who is the smaller one? The smaller one is the one who looks at himself from God and from his neighbor. Amen, amen, amen. The man does not know what his happiness is. Only the one, who reaches to be pleased to his neighbor at what it is good for building, only that one makes of his soul into eyes for happiness, for then he finds the perfect peace and does no longer get out of it, for it is sweet and it makes the man wiser; it builds the man day by day until the day of the day; it comforts him and keeps him in it and the man finds his rest. Oh, it is no other kind of rest for the man; it is not. Oh, the man does not come to take from Me and to find his rest. Oh, there are no longer true people, sons; there is really no one. Oh, there are no longer true Christian, well children; there are no more, sons. Those who seek miracles to become Christians, those undergo like the stiff-necked man in whom the seed of life does not sprout, for the miracles have had no power to kill the death in the man. When I, the Lord, send miracles in the way of the man to strengthen him for Me, is one thing, but when the man looks himself for miracles is something else. And behold, for some, miracles have been a way to Me, and again, for many other, they have been a way for themselves, for they have boasted falling down by themselves. Oh, it is bad of the man who has no teacher from above, from heaven, for that one gets used to the earth, to those on the earth and to those from the man. Child, who receives My teaching, seek, seek to learn to be pleased by Me. It is not good to take care of yourself before Me, but rather it is better to receive things from Me that they may be of good use to you, those that I have given you, for this is why I have given them to you. I have given them so that you may receive and not to ask for them anymore. I give so that it may be given and the man that takes to have and no longer tempt Me for himself. I have always given what I see that you need, to help you to have and to make use of My coming to you. The one, who has, does no longer complain that he is poor. The one, who receives, has, but the one, who does not know how to receive, that one does not have, and he asks so that he may have. And I, as a good Teacher, say this: blessed is he who allows himself to be found by God, for that one knows how to find the Lord. He, who looks for the Lord, does no longer find Him, but the one who allows oneself to be found, has found God. Amen. Behold, I have come as a Teacher to give Myself over, for I see how you, and those who come, have been waiting to receive Me. I want to be born completely in the one who wants Me within him; for the man is born of the man and I have to teach him his birth of My birth in him. Amen. There is still a little while and I will celebrate with you the feast of My birth two thousand years ago and I will renew Myself with it in every man who wants My birth in him, My Spirit, Who is from heaven and My heavenly body. Amen. I have given you warm food, sons. Put it on the table and teach those who take it to also chew it, for I want to teach My birth in the one who comes to Me. The new age brings My birth in the man’s heart, only for the man to receive, only for the man to hear the mystery of the new age. I pass with it by the man’s age and I come to settle down on earth, for I have you as the beginning of new age, kneaded by Me and by you between earth and heaven. Soon, soon, and there will no longer be the things of the man’s age and the man will see more and more the



new age which is settling down on earth, and the man who has nothing to build in the new age, will cry. And as for you and for those who are with Me through you, build yourselves sons, in the mystery of the new age and by its building for it will be forever. I have taught you the work of the building and I have been building you for such a long time. Build yourselves in the new age and be builders of the age to come, for everything will be swallowed up by the victory of My coming and I will remain with the new age and with its heirs. Amen. I give the man eyes to see; I give him ears to hear; I give him wisdom to understand; I give him love to have, only for the man to receive from the peace of My coming. I come with heavenly peace and grace for those who hear Me, and for those who do not hear Me, I come with a tomorrow day, I come with the reward for those that had been worked by every man who has hidden from Me loving his own self. This is what I said: «Let the man deny himself and come and follow Me». However, the man has hidden and had not received My calling to come. And now I come, and when I come I do no longer call him, and rather I tell him to go, not to come, for when I said to him “Come!” he did not come; he stopped for his own self and did not come. And behold, the age of the man will pass away and I come with My age, and I surely come. I come, for it is written to come after two thousand years from My ascension to My Father, for I ascended to come. And if I come, I tell again to everybody that I come and I say: Sons of the people open the Scriptures and read them about My coming. And if you read them, do not tempt them, do not misinterpret them, but understand them instead. And if you do not understand them, call the Holy Spirit, with tears and lament, to teach you the unsealing of the mystery of the Scriptures of My coming. Open the Scriptures and do not close or hide them, for My coming, which has to be fulfilled, is written in them. And if you know how to read them, you will find in it a new country, a New Jerusalem, for the old Jerusalem cut Me and gave Me to perishing, but I stood up as a God that came from the Father and I was again, and I chose Jerusalem again, for the Father had it put aside for My coming after two thousand years. Behold the country of brightness, which Daniel, the prophet, saw it from far away, the land from the beginning, the Romanian land, of which I took the clay into My hand and I made the man. Here is My new country, My new field in which I have sown the seed of the new age, a heavenly age on the earth, the New Jerusalem. This is how the new age is called: New Jerusalem. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan3”, r.n.) 3

You can also see on: http://en.calameo.com/books/00107546871bb255a5bf3 http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-romania-the-new-jerusalem-the-new-canaan https://app.box.com/s/dh220ol8y5b8y8i9qsu0fe3cqj5dv7cx http://bit.ly/1npq4Un https://docs.zoho.com/file/zjjav8e6a0a51a12449e49a03afe2628aa55e http://pdfsr.com/pdf/romania-the-new-jerusalem-the-new-canaan https://mega.co.nz/#!UM12EQ6J!GiNWdxjMBSc9o2UdekofzGP6Gsz8lOHoZjIlDTcXm2E http://www.flipsnack.com/TheWordofGodinRomania/the-word-of-god-about-romania-the-new-jerusalemthe-new-cana.html https://www.scribd.com/doc/121019618/The-Word-of-God-about-Romania-The-New-Jerusalem-The-NewCanaan http://www.mediafire.com/view/ea7ve523mo1didb/The_Word_of_God_about_Romania_-_The_New_Jerusalem_-_The_New_Canaan.pdf



Open the Scriptures, you sons of the people, and you will find in it My coming with the new age, coming down from heaven. And here is My coming, for I am speaking from the midst of the Romanian land over the earth, and My word crosses like lightning from east to west, for this is how My coming is, like lighting, as it is written into the Scriptures. (See the selection topic: „As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord”, r.n.) Let the thirsty come and drink of My water and to be alive afterwards, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) and let him no more go thirsty, for behold, the man is always thirsty. He drinks and goes thirsty again, for I have the water, not him. Let the man come to Me and drink. And if he does not want to come, let him not come, for it is written: «Let him who is holy be holy still, and let him who is filthy be filthy still», for My coming is like a thief and the one, who has not come to it, does no longer have time to come. Oh, sons of the people, redeem the time for the days are hard. This is how the Scripture teaches you. Open the Scriptures, you, sons of the people, and you will find in them that I come and you will understand why I come. I come for it is written in them that I come after those two thousand years from My ascension to My Father. I ascended to My Father so that I could come again to prepare the place of My coming from near My Father. And I have come and prepared it for Me and I still prepare it and glorify it, so that all the kings may see the land of the dwelling of My coming: the Romanian land. This land soon, soon, will be entirely Mine, and those, who will be on it, will become My saints, a holy and royal nation and a people after My image and into My likeness, for this how it is in the house of My Father. Amen. Oh, children from the manger, I have given you grace and comfort and to those, who have come together to the spring, to drink and to grow. I have also given to the sons of the people to drink, only if they want to drink. Oh, if the Scriptures of the coming of the Son of Man are false, then He will not come. But if they are true, the Son of Man will come, and «every nations of the earth will lament seeing Him with power and much glory», as it is written into the Scriptures. Amen. I have called every man to come towards My coming. I have been calling him for two thousand years. I have been calling the man for seven thousand years. However, I have never called him as I have called him today. I have been calling the one who does not want to come. I have been calling the one who does not hear the whisper of My coming. And when I come, I will no longer call him, and I will tell him to go away instead, as it is written into the Scriptures. Oh, children of My coming, My coming is coming. Build yourselves in the mystery of the new age and be builders and tell everybody who live on the earth that My coming is approaching. One hour and I come and the new age, which is coming with Me, is called the New Jerusalem. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way4”, r.n.) http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/romania_-_the_new_jerusalem_-_the_n http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-romania-the-new-jerusalemthe-new-canaan/ 4 You can also see on: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-the-coming-in-a-visibleway http://en.calameo.com/books/001075468383bd4abe8c1 http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/the_word_of_god_about_the_coming_in http://bit.ly/1HqYTwA http://fb.docs.com/1OF2R



01-01-2001 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: The second coming of Jesus Christ: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/documents https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsWGtlQmpLYjlhaUE&usp=sharing#list http://docs.com/@billy.dean.372 http://bit.ly/1BjwlEv http://en.calameo.com/publish/books/?sbid=3788320 https://docs.zoho.com/folder/1d772a510906d76ad4c7bad56df74eb7b3ca4 https://app.box.com/s/p299ufueemmq3weq9hw7 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/z2nuhu1eblyzo/The_second_coming_of_Jesus_Christ https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j08esaqchf2ox6u/AAAo6y5n3rJJYi1wjy6ZirE9a http://pdfcast.org/profile/billydean.en http://1driveapp.thinkfree.com/os/qshare/d/7f753ea0e37045999c69778957364858/9912af81 http://issuu.com/billydean.en/stacks/f7d5cd1d068a400197558d5f28eb743b http://www.scribd.com/collections/4089711/The-second-coming-of-Jesus-Christ https://mega.co.nz/#F!0I9BmR4Q!LuvjAa2tlXZXTW54hq0nOA The word of God in Romania: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/documents https://docs.com/dean-billy/2550/the-word-of-god-in-romania https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsNklEUnJSek8xdFk&usp=sharing#list https://jumpshare.com/b/dfnMGSxF0LN5V8T0zBmv http://www.flipsnack.com/TheWordofGodinRomania/ http://en.calameo.com/publish/books/?sbid=3414271 http://issuu.com/billydean.en/stacks/b5fedcecd0d146e799aa79ad26a5d82c http://www.edocr.com/user/193767/docs?sort=desc&order=Title http://docs.com/@billy.dean.372 http://bit.ly/VpRZpL https://docs.zoho.com/folder/1d772812c67a3ea944bc780c65aedba992a97 https://app.box.com/s/aaxs5e9s61shgth5dspd http://www.bookrix.com/-billydean.en/books.html# https://www.mediafire.com/folder/wq5dg275g722d/The_word_of_God_in_Romania https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b2bg7zj8j04hjip/AACl78_l81aQQbv5u9x-TCcja http://pdfcast.org/profile/billydean.en http://1driveapp.thinkfree.com/os/qshare/d/f3d2a4bbf4044c889506782b91c151e7/7c322466 http://www.scribd.com/collections/4492290/The-word-of-God-in-Romania https://mega.co.nz/#F!0N8RlJrB!yTwbJPdKo1mIC4Ob1L-edg Prophecies about New Jerusalem: https://mega.nz/#!IINnwQaa!vwmhpxLtU-XyDsihEu12o1MBgrhWf_POOIYYDuFu3kc http://www.mediafire.com/view/64jxm0it2i1r3a4/The_Word_of_God_about_the_coming_in_a_visible_way.pdf https://app.box.com/s/qm5z26fjf3hmun91v2h746yedt3d6hg1



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