The Word of God1 at the Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration2 Wake up and hear from Me, watchman children at My manger of word. It is a holy feast for heaven and I lay My table with you, for the saints and for you, so that it may be food in the day of My feast. Take and eat from My mouth and give yourself to one another and take liking and rejoice for it is a feast. Amen, amen, amen. Oh, how good it is in heaven and on earth when the man hears from Me! If the man hears from himself and only from himself, where is he supposed to know from the mystery of My feast with the man? Come together at the table and listen! Oh, My people, listen to My voice, son of today, for the one, who hears the word from My mouth, is the one who obeys it in order to fulfill it. Amen. Oh, My people, take and receive, little child. Eat everything I give you and let nothing be cast away from My table with you. The one who eats is the one who listens to the word coming out of My mouth. Oh, My people, every man on the earth hears from himself and from the man and he does accordingly; he does as he hears. However, you should hear from Me, so that the man may hear of My feast with you, of My table with you and of the food on it. I want to give food to the man from My table with you. I want to give to the man food of resurrection, for I open his ears to hear from Me and then to know that it is in this way too, not only in the way he has been taught on the earth. It should not be only like the man, but it should also be like God on the earth. Amen. My work with you is kept within a mystery from your eyes, My people. This is how I worked with My disciples two thousand years. I became like them during My stay on the earth with them. Otherwise, they could not bear My being with them. I covered My glory in the midst of Israel within a great mystery. I was covered within a great mystery in My time with My disciples of that time for the man is small and cannot bear. However, sons of today, you should know from Me that the man cannot bear to see My glory. This is how I made the man then when I made him, for if I had not made him this way, he would have melted at the sight of My glory. But I wanted the man to be. However, I have got My enemy, the devil. He hates the man because of Me and he exalts himself with a false honor in the man’s eyes and he makes the man call him god in My place. Behold, the man can bear the false honor of the devil and more than this, he preaches it to one another until the news spreads all over, until the man becomes confused and receives from the devil with pleasure and passion, but this is not going to last long and it dissipates like the clouds without water and finally it goes where it came from, for this is the work of the devil. Behold, the man does not melt off because the false glory from the devil. But I cannot share My glory with the man for the man is small and cannot bear it. Oh, My work with you is a mystery hidden from your eyes, My people. However, I wanted to be with you on the earth so that you may wear Me. That is why I became word above you. It was My glory by which the man measured himself so that the man may wear My glory and 1 2
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A., r.n.
not be melted at the fire of My glory. It is written: «God is a consuming fire», but My heart is for the man and I dwell with the man as much as he can bear it. When I was with My disciples, I was worrying in every respect about them to leave the truth about Me so that they may preach it on the earth, but I could not reveal Myself with the glory from the Father, for they were small, as small as you are, for this is the way the man is made by God. Not even the man made by My hand was able to bear My glory from the Father, let alone the man that came out from the man! My glory from the Father is a great glory, and the man would melt by it. However, because of My love for the man I put on the man’s image who was made by My hand, so that the man might be able to bear Me, but I was from the Father and My glory was hidden. When I want to give faith to the man for many, not only for himself, then I work with a great godly work over the man and I put him before Me making him according to My pleasure, and then I give him to know and to give further, or I give him to see and to speak so that I may strengthen the meek from the earth by those in whom I work from My things. This is what I did with My disciples. I prepared them Myself, as I did with Abraham, with Moses and with the prophets. This is how I prepared them and I opened their eyes to see for a little while a fragment of the glory of My body from the Father among the people, for then I was the Son of the Father, Who came through the virgin on the earth. I opened their inner eyes and they saw My glory, the glory of My body, which shined for a little while with its brightness, and they believed and testified that I came from the Father on the earth. Oh, My people, My work with you is a mystery kept hidden from your eyes. However, I wanted to be with you on the earth and to glorify Myself above you with My word for you and for the man who wants to hear from Me. This is My glory, which is shared with you and which carries you in it so that you may wear it and to give it. And here is what I teach you: I teach you as I teach the small one, to be great in wisdom and to receive as much as I give you, for if you want to take more you cannot bear, for you are small and you are afraid if you take more. Be wise, so that you may receive only how I give you and to be comforted with what I give you, for you need comforting, son of today. I make you hear and listen to My word and to rejoice over it, and I do nothing else over you, for I am God and you are small and cannot bear more than this. However, if you believe everything I do with you, I make you as big as the heaven, and I let Myself be worn by you, for I am as big as the heaven, son carried by My glory hidden from your eyes. Oh, I do not give to make you tired. I do not want you become tired. I just want to comfort you and with My comfort to be able to manage, for the man cannot do it otherwise with Me, for My glory is far too great for the man. Oh, I cannot teach the man, who receives from the glory of My enemy, the devil, as I teach you. The man who receives from the devil is not made by Me and that is why he receives, and My teaching has no room in that one, for that one hears from himself, not from Me, and that one is thirsty for glory and that is why he looks for glory. But the man who is prepared by Me, does not look for glory, but rather he seeks the sweet humility and seeks to be small under My hand and he stays under the gift of the holy faith, which makes the man God by grace, and this is how I dwell with My glory in man and near the man until My coming in glory. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.) Oh, the people will not be able to bear with My coming, for it will be with a great glory, and the man is not prepared by Me for it. Behold, the man does not let himself be prepared for My coming, and it will be in glory and it will burn like a furnace, for it is written: «Behold, the day, which will burn like a furnace, is coming». Then I will change My face, for the man will see Me in glory and he will be terrified, for it is written: «The nations of the earth will 2
cry and will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the heaven with great power and much glory, to get together His chosen ones from the four corners of the winds of the earth. Amen. Oh, how shall I do before My coming, which will burn like a furnace in heaven and on earth? What really shall I do to prepare the man for the glory of that day? It is coming soon, soon. How shall I make the man learn to hear from Me as you do, as you listen to those that you hear from Me? Shall I change the man in his face and heart before Me? How shall I do this? Shall I make the man no longer receive from himself or from the man and rather receive from Me? How shall I really do it? The man shall live from Me and from My word and from My work with the man; oh, how could I leave this change over the man so that I may look at his face and he at My face as I and My disciples looked at each other in the day when I revealed My glory in their eyes in the mountain and when they saw those in heaven at My right and left? Behold, that day, which will burn like a furnace and will consume everything, is coming, and the man does not want to hear from Me so that I may prepare him for that day. The man has to be like Me on that day, so that he may not be melted in it. It is at this work of the new man that I work with you, children of the Lord’s glory. I glorify with you over the earth with days of heavenly glory, sons, with heavenly and sweet feasts on the earth, to make the man used to My glory little by little, and then to ask him more, if he wants to be able to do manage, and little by little to prepare those that are My chosen from the four corners of the winds of the earth, for that day, which will burn like a furnace, is coming. I want to teach those of Mine to be able to bear it, for its glory is burning. I embrace you with words of comfort as in My arms, children of My today’s people. You, sons from My manger of word, give this comfort to My people that are gathered together for the preparation of the glory of My days with it among the sons of the people, and get used to it day by day too, for without this comfort, which flows from My mouth over this garden, the man, soon, soon, will no longer be able to do it in body either. Let My elected from the four corners of the winds of the earth come, and let the sons of the people come and take from this mountain of comfort to get used to My glory, for the day, which will burn like a furnace, is coming, and soon, soon, not a body will be able to bear in it. Only those who are comforted by Me will bear with it; only they, for once with that day, their salvation is also coming, as it is written. Amen. The sons of the people have their own glory, and they will be taken by surprise by the glory of My day and they will be burned by it. However, I still call them to make them used to My glory, which will not consume them. My glory comforts the man when it seeks with the man. The glory, which I want over the man, is My life in man. This is what I want to teach the man before the day of My glory, which soon, soon, will appear on the clouds of the sky. Then the man will be changed in his face and he will lose his glory, and he will get under My glory, either he may want it or not, and he will be melted under it, as it is written for those who did not receive the word of truth. However, I still call the man under My glory, which gives comfort, for I am the Lord of mercy and I call the man under My mantle, under My glory. Amen. Let us make My glory grown on you, sons! Come, My people, come! I want, son, to boast about you before the sons of the people and I want to show you as My labor, as My fruit from the end, the seed put in the barn, at My Father, and with which I want to sow a new age on the earth, so that I may come down with eternity, My people. Come, son, come! In seven days I will glorify 3
Myself with you, for you are My glory of today, and I want you to be the one of tomorrow as well, and I want to stay with you on the clouds and to glorify Myself over the earth at My coming. Get up at daybreak and learn about My glory with you and show yourself with it, My people. Leave the work of your hand now, for in seven days it will be the work of My glory with you. Come, prepare yourself! Be only ears and eyes for this preparation. You shall look at the sons of the people as they prepare for their days. And you should also prepare for My days with you, and you shall not be tired for this preparation, for it is for Me, My people, and I have no one besides you on the earth. Humble when I tell you this, for this is not from you, but it is from Me instead. Do everything you have to do, but more than everything, stick with all your power to the love between you and Me, My people. Multiply My supper over you, My union with you, My life that I gave for your life. I in you and you in Me, My people, for I am your power and your beauty. Amen. The one who works out My love on the earth, appeases the day of My wrath, for the people made Me a garment of wrath and dressed Me with it. However, you, sons of My love, put the garment of glory on Me so that all the emptiness from the earth may be melted down before it, and let the man get out from under it and let him come to My glory, to the garment of My glory. I made you into a garment for Me, My people. See that My garment may be beautiful. Let My garment of today be of pure gold. My love into your midst is My garment of today, oh, My people of today. Son, make Me a garment of pure gold and be My garment, so that the sons of the people may see who you are and what you are. Do not forget to stay humble under this word, so that the sons of the people may see what you are, My people. Amen, amen, amen. 19-08-2001 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: The second coming of Jesus Christ: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/documents https://doc.co/vHZWC7 https://my.edocr.com/user/billydean-en http://en.calameo.com/publish/books/?sbid=3788320 https://jumpshare.com/b/hHnCbzDDOBOOtiHYyby1 https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsWGtlQmpLYjlhaUE&usp=sharing#list http://bit.ly/1BjwlEv https://docs.zoho.com/folder/1d772a510906d76ad4c7bad56df74eb7b3ca4 https://app.box.com/s/p299ufueemmq3weq9hw7 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/z2nuhu1eblyzo/The_second_coming_of_Jesus_Christ https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j08esaqchf2ox6u/AAAo6y5n3rJJYi1wjy6ZirE9a http://pdfcast.org/profile/billydean.en http://1driveapp.thinkfree.com/os/qshare/d/7f753ea0e37045999c69778957364858/9912af81 http://issuu.com/billydean.en/stacks/f7d5cd1d068a400197558d5f28eb743b http://www.scribd.com/collections/4089711/The-second-coming-of-Jesus-Christ https://mega.co.nz/#F!0I9BmR4Q!LuvjAa2tlXZXTW54hq0nOA The word of God in Romania: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/documents https://doc.co/NsgEqL 4
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