2003.02.23 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of the Prodigal son's parable

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The Word of God1 on the Sunday of the memorial of the Prodigal son’s parable2. The feast of the Saint martyr Charalambos I gather you together at the mouth of My word, My people, Jerusalem. No one should wonder on the earth that I, the Lord, Almighty, call you Jerusalem. This is how I call My people wherever it might have been on the earth. But the mindless man, the one without a head, the one without any guidance, does not know My heavenly speaking and he has sat down to judge My word and his heavenly speaking on the earth. I speak as in the Scriptures and the Scriptures of My coming are written with a feather by the man’s hand, but their word is My word, and they were written on the earth before My coming of that time and the time now, only that the man without any guidance cannot make clear the mysteries of My word, because I spoke and I speak only spiritually for those who are spiritual, and I pass under the eyes of the man and fulfill, and the man, without the Lord in his life day by day, does not understand My work over the earth. I gather you near the word of My mouth, My people, chosen out of the Romanians, and I write Myself with your hand on the earth with My coming, with My word, which prepares you for the day when I will show you in the glory of My coming to you, and I will perfect Myself completely visible, when everyone’s eyes will be opened by My power itself, according to My word, which says that «All the nations of the earth will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the heaven with power and much glory, when He will gather through the angels all those that are His chosen ones from the four winds in order to give them His kingdom». All, all are written in the beginning of My coming and in the end of the glory of My word, and I will fulfill everything by My word, as I spoke about them. Amen. I write upon you your whole name, My people, for you are My citadel, My New Jerusalem of today. I grow you up and I water you from heaven not from earth. I give you birth from heaven and I give you from heaven to eat much word and I call you people from heaven, and not a people from the earth, and let your humility shine greatly day and night before Me, for I have given you a new name, loved citadel, for this is what the Scriptures says: «I saw the Holy Citadel, the New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven, from God, that is made ready like a bride, adorned for her Bridegroom». Amen, amen, amen. I write you down on earth by your whole name: the Holy Citadel New Jerusalem. By now I have kept you under the veil and I have called you: the New Jerusalem Citadel. But now, the holy time is coming closer and closer; it is coming with the saints in heaven as on earth and there it comes My power, which fulfills the Scriptures under the eyes of those who are stiff-necked and stand against the Holy Spirit. However, I powerfully breathe the Holy Spirit as word and I bring together by the breath of My mouth all those that are holy and all those that are sanctified on the hearing of My coming, which will bring all those who will walk on the paths of the life and who will learn from Me, because the disciples are not born if there is no teacher. Here I am, a mysterious Teacher that came from the Father on earth, to bring under My mantle all those that are scattered from Israel and all the nations of the earth who will see the glory of My word coming down on earth over My people of the Romanians, the people of the New Jerusalem, the holy citadel, made ready like a bride for her Bridegroom. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan3”, r.n.) 1

God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A., r.n. 3 You can also see on: http://en.calameo.com/books/00107546871bb255a5bf3 http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-romania-the-new-jerusalem-the-new-canaan https://my.edocr.com/v/ndmze8kz/the-word-of-god-about-romania-the-new-jerusalem-the-new-canaan 2



May your new name be blessed, loved citadel, and soon, soon, I will teach you to celebrate with the saints on the earth into the midst of the nations and you will obey as I teach you, for I want to bring under the love of My word all those that are scattered from Israel and to make them walk in My holy ways and to listen to God, after that for such a long time, they have stayed far away from My will due to their stubbornness, wasting away their wealth in pleasures and revelries among the nations, as a young man who lusts for pleasures. However, I will bring great pain on earth, famine of peace and pleasures, so that nothing and nothing else may make the man glad, and then I will fulfill the parable of the prodigal sons’ coming back, who spent all his life and its wealth in pleasures. Amen. Oh, My people, I have got such a great work to accomplish on earth, and you are small and feeble and have nothing else but My word as your master. But he is delivered and fulfilled only to have you as a sign of My coming, for I have wanted very much to have a man and a people to whom I may give My word of today, and with whom to prepare the glory of My coming. Set yourself to work with Me and preach Me as an obedient son and spread the news of My coming to you, so that I may be fulfilled with it over the earth, for it is written about Me: «Out of His mouth proceeds a sharp, double-edged sword, that with it He should strike the nations. He will rule them with a rod of iron. He threads the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God, the Almighty. He has on His garment and on His thigh a name written: “King of kings, and Lord of Lords». (Rev. 19/15, 16.) Amen, amen, amen. You should wake up to My glory with you, My people, and you should become a feast of My coming in all the time and you should be beautiful with My beauty to inherit it forever and to give to eat of My mouth to everyone who will come back from their evil ways, and it will be for Me to say to them: «These were dead and are resurrected, they were lost and they are found». You should arise with My power to give Me to the man as mercy, (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving4”, r.n.) for My word is your wealth, the manna which I feed you https://app.box.com/s/dh220ol8y5b8y8i9qsu0fe3cqj5dv7cx http://bit.ly/1npq4Un https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsb3RKZngyVVlJSWs&authuser=0 https://docs.zoho.com/file/zjjav8e6a0a51a12449e49a03afe2628aa55e http://pdfsr.com/pdf/romania-the-new-jerusalem-the-new-canaan https://mega.co.nz/#!UM12EQ6J!GiNWdxjMBSc9o2UdekofzGP6Gsz8lOHoZjIlDTcXm2E http://www.flipsnack.com/TheWordofGodinRomania/the-word-of-god-about-romania-the-new-jerusalemthe-new-cana.html https://www.scribd.com/doc/121019618/The-Word-of-God-about-Romania-The-New-Jerusalem-The-NewCanaan http://www.mediafire.com/view/ea7ve523mo1didb/The_Word_of_God_about_Romania_-_The_New_Jerusalem_-_The_New_Canaan.pdf http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/romania_-_the_new_jerusalem_-_the_n http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-romania-the-new-jerusalemthe-new-canaan/ 4 You can also see on: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-fasting-and-almsgiving https://my.edocr.com/v/warylb4x/the-word-of-god-about-fasting-and-almsgiving http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-word-of-god-about-fasting-and-almsgiving http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/the_word_of_god_about_fasting_and_a https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsMEl0SVJaMllFNGs&authuser=0 https://www.scribd.com/doc/253909306/The-Word-of-God-about-fasting-and-almsgiving http://en.calameo.com/books/001075468ec461b75b5e5 http://www.mediafire.com/view/190ov76wty3pxt2/The_Word_of_God_about_fasting_and_almsgiving.pdf



on to be like Me among the nations on the earth, and for Me to give you My name as your inheritance, because for so many ages I have not got any other people to speak with the same as My work is, and as the nature between Me and the man is. But behold, I have come as word on the earth to fulfill the Scriptures of My second coming from near the Father and also to tell this to the Israel after the flesh that he has become conceited over the nations with his wealth from Me and with his name near My name. However, two thousand years ago, I hardened his heart because of the sin of his callousness and I stood against him coming from the Father in a mysterious way, born of a Virgin, to prove him out of God’s love, and then I judged him as it was written in the prophets about his callousness and about his denial of God. But now, after two thousand years of his wandering away, I, the Lord, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, call him to come after Me so that he may not be punished. Let him come to give him food from heaven and that he may no longer enchant himself with bitter food, with his glory due to his haughtiness, for soon, soon, there will no longer be any haughty man on the earth, but rather there will remain only a gentle and a humble people on earth, which follows the righteousness and peace, as it is written into the prophets. Amen. I want to hear Israel after the flesh praying to My Father and his Father, saying: “I went wrong, Father, against heaven and against You, and I am no longer worthy to be Your son, but make me like one of Your servants.” (Luke 15/21) And the Father, seeing him while he was still far off and thinking of his coming back to his Father, was moved with compassion for him, came to meet him with a gentle voice and gave him the best robe and shoes on his feet and put him at his table as the one who was dead and was alive again, who was lost and then was found. Oh, My people Jerusalem of the Romanians, you should take a good look into My word upon you and this is how you are to grow with every word, and this is how you are to believe, for I have such a great work to do through you and even the saints and the angels marvel at you. And let My gates into your midst be open, day and night, for My entrance as word to you, for I will feed many nations, because I will sent a great famine on the earth in such a way that I may be able to turn those who are My elected to Me, to see My spring and then to water them with it. You should kneel down and pray to Your Father and to Me for all accomplishments spoken by Me and this should be your work, and your church will be the first, it will be My bride, after My will, (See the selection topic: „The true church5”, r.n.) and its light will give light to the nations, and then «no nation will draw forth its sword against another nation», as it is written. Amen. Now, the sin of the man’s haughtiness still stands against me, but My angel will tear this beast down and all its false prophets together with the antichrist with his number, with all his chickens, with all his dark plan, which I, the Lord, will bring it into the light and I will destroy it with the breath of My mouth, with My word, which breathes upon you, Jerusalem 5

You can also see on: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-the-true-church http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/the_word_of_god_about_the_true_chur https://my.edocr.com/v/rq2jmvpy/the-word-of-god-about-the-true-church https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsUUNaeHVjdkE4SVE/view?usp=sharing http://bit.ly/1t7VW1q http://en.calameo.com/books/0010754686f3b6048411a http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-word-of-god-about-the-true-church/ https://app.box.com/s/3095ejhegchplidfae4y https://mega.co.nz/#!4EF1US4R!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A https://billydean-en.bitrix24.com/docs/pub/067c2c71eb78ba19a78186c19bee8f80 https://docs.zoho.com/file/otj66e1273141698b4b688b1111d7b424e2c5



of My coming. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast6”, r.n.) You are small, and that is why you should not be afraid, for the little one has a father, and it is the father who takes care of the child and the child is to take care of himself, only to be a child, to stay only in the kingdom of his father. Amen. I bless you with the spirit of the holiness and of the cleanness of the spirit, soul and body, and this should be your work, and those into your midst should be My guidance upon you, to work with Me upon you and to put you into this blessing. Amen. I am the Holy One and I give Myself to the saints in heaven and on earth and then I will come again as word upon you and I will speak to you about this mystery, the mystery of My saints. Amen. The spirit of holiness and of the cleanness of the spirit, soul and body, will be to teach all those who will love the eternal life as the saints with whom I come down to you today in the glory of My word upon you, Jerusalem. You should always have this spirit fresh before Me, not before you and not before the man, for neither you nor the man, but only I will be to glorify you with My glory, so that I may rejoice over your life. Get used to know well to stand before Me with your spirit, so that I may put and not you, to put a spirit of life giving into your spirit through My school over you, in which I want you not to be asleep but rather loving and diligent within school, so that I may prepare you for everything I may have to work through you, My people, for I want to increase the number of those who will learn to work like Me, being sent into My name, for behold, I look upon the earth and many try to speak over others in the name of this work. Only I, the Lord, have My gates through which Israel gets out and comes in to Me, by which My messenger goes and comes, and by which the man hears from Me to come or not to come, as I want, as I see the man. Amen. I have put into your midst a celebration of word, and with My coming with the saints, I make the great martyr Charalambos rejoice, the miracle performer, for the saints celebrate him today in their synod, as the church mentions him on the earth, praying to him to be the intercessor before Me for the man. And I tell him to rejoice with you protecting you with a strong hand and with miracles about which there has never been spoken on the earth and in heaven, for his grace from Me is great, given for those who pray through him before Me. Amen. ― And as for me, Lord, this is how I will work, as You speak now, making my spirit rejoice into Your work given to me through much protection over Your people, for the nations of the earth to see how much grace and how much love You have for those who gave You a house for Your coming now, after two thousand years from Your coming into the midst of Israel after the flesh. We, Your saints, will follow Your word of today and we will go to Israel, who denied You and we will give them of Your spirit, for we have power from You to do this, for You come with the saints, and You do not come otherwise, and this is written into the prophets, Lord, and many saints, who 6

You can also see on: http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/the_word_of_god_about_antichrist_an http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-antichrist-and-the-apocalyptic-beast http://en.calameo.com/books/00107546850112e746910 https://my.edocr.com/v/pbxn001y/the-word-of-god-about-antichrist-and-the-apocalyptic-beast https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsVUQzUS1tUHctZmM/edit https://docs.zoho.com/file/1d772b93b7b8892424396854c92571fc326af http://www.scribd.com/doc/238108863/The-Word-of-God-about-the-antichrist-and-the-apocalyptic-beast http://en.calameo.com/books/00107546850112e746910 http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-word-of-god-about-antichrist-and-the-apocalyptic-beast/ https://app.box.com/s/jaqpi2v4s5xxwf7kxh38 http://bit.ly/1qACDwy



were cut on the earth because of their testimony, went up in heaven for their testimony about Jesus Christ. Amen, amen, amen. ― I give you a great work, oh, saints who gave up your lives standing against the pagans for My testimony. Help and comfort My little people of today and open the eyes of those who do not want to see Me coming, for behold, I definitely come, because it is written into the Scriptures that I come. Amen. And as for you, children of My holy Jerusalem on earth, you should know that all the nations on the earth will see the country of brightness, soon, soon, when I will point to it by My finger, by My heavenly glory upon it. You should know, Romanian Jerusalem, that the glory of My coming back on to the land of your country, is coming soon, soon, and you will be the child carried in the arms when all will come and will take My comfort out of your hand, the spirit of My comfort for those who wait for My coming with a very long groaning, My glory by which I come and comfort those that wait for Me with it. Amen, amen, amen. 23-02-2003 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: The second coming of Jesus Christ: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/documents https://doc.co/vHZWC7 https://my.edocr.com/user/billydean-en http://en.calameo.com/publish/books/?sbid=3788320 https://jumpshare.com/b/hHnCbzDDOBOOtiHYyby1 https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsWGtlQmpLYjlhaUE&usp=sharing#list https://docs.zoho.com/folder/1d772a510906d76ad4c7bad56df74eb7b3ca4 https://app.box.com/s/p299ufueemmq3weq9hw7 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/z2nuhu1eblyzo/The_second_coming_of_Jesus_Christ https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j08esaqchf2ox6u/AAAo6y5n3rJJYi1wjy6ZirE9a http://pdfcast.org/profile/billydean.en http://1driveapp.thinkfree.com/os/qshare/d/7f753ea0e37045999c69778957364858/9912af81 http://issuu.com/billydean.en/stacks/f7d5cd1d068a400197558d5f28eb743b http://www.scribd.com/collections/4089711/The-second-coming-of-Jesus-Christ https://mega.co.nz/#F!0I9BmR4Q!LuvjAa2tlXZXTW54hq0nOA The word of God in Romania: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/documents https://doc.co/NsgEqL https://my.edocr.com/user/billydean-en/collection/thewordofgodinromania https://jumpshare.com/b/dfnMGSxF0LN5V8T0zBmv http://www.flipsnack.com/TheWordofGodinRomania/ http://en.calameo.com/publish/books/?sbid=3414271 http://issuu.com/billydean.en/stacks/b5fedcecd0d146e799aa79ad26a5d82c https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsNklEUnJSek8xdFk&usp=sharing#list



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