The Word of God1 at the Synod of the holy twelve apostles2 I together with My disciples sit down at the table of the word full of eternal life and we share life from it. I am the Lord of life, and that is why I could destroy death for each man and bring resurrection for each man, and these great mysteries have remained over My disciples, and the man has to receive from them, because they are My messengers, and I told them: «He who receives you receives Me, and likewise, he who does not receive you does not receive Me». (Matt. 10:40) Now, My people, receive them! Amen. – You, the One Who made us Your messengers to Israel and to nations, glorify Yourself in us with the glory of Your word, which makes the world again. The one who lives in You has eternal life and You have revealed to us the depths of God by the Holy Spirit, Lord, for those who sanctify themselves before You, because the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, who judges spiritually by those who are spiritual and boast in the Lord, not in the human wisdom by which the man stay blind for God on the earth. We are the stewards of Your mysteries and we come with You on the earth as word and we tell everybody that we were faithful to You and that is why You made us messengers to the people so that You may give them the mysterious wisdom, and the reward of their faith is the salvation of their soul. Oh, how mysteriously You work with those whom You choose to be Your vessels, Lamb of the Father! The mysterious wisdom is Your work over those who make disciples of the kingdom of Your mysteries of life making in man. We, Your first apostles over the faithful ones and over those that are not faithful, over those who are circumcised and not circumcised in the flesh and in their hearts, we let ourselves be worked by everything You gave us to work and we did not work otherwise, as You also did not work otherwise. We speak to everybody who make use of Your great and wonderful name in order to make flocks for themselves into Your name, we tell them to let themselves worked out by Your mysterious wisdom, if they want to stay over the people under You name, under the name of the apostles of the preaching of the Gospel of Your kingdom. If they do not give Your kingdom on the earth to the people, how comes that they make themselves Christ’s apostles over the people? Oh, if those who stay under them do not have Your kingdom upon them, what kind of work have they got, those who pretend to be the apostles of Your kingdom over the people? Behold, the time has come for You to shepherd, because all the teachers who stand in the name of justice over the crowds have destroyed Your law and set about to do You injustice and then they may live by an unfair gain, because those do not have You in such a way they may give You further to those who do not have the mysterious wisdom, which has as its reward the salvation of their soul. Behold, the work of each one will be brought into view, and the day of the Lord will bring it into the light, and the fire itself will make clear the work of everyone, and then the wisdom of this world will be seen as foolish and it will be heard that Scripture, which says: «Where is the researcher of this age?»
1 2
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A.
Oh, sons of men, wake up, because those who stand over you in the name of Christ’s wisdom do not have wisdom from heaven. Let your faith may not be the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. This is how we teach you, the chiefs of those who are taught by God. The mysterious wisdom has to be shared with those who are perfect in love and in holiness. We let ourselves be worked by everything the Lord gave us to work and we did not force the crowds to shepherd them to their salvation. The Lord was revealing to us by His Spirit from Whom no one of the rulers of this age could receive, because if they knew God’s mysterious wisdom, they would have not crucified the Lord of glory, the Lamb of God. Behold, the wise of this age does not have anything else but the wisdom to lose the Lord, so that they may have dominion over the people. Oh, sons of the people, receive the Lord’s disciples so that they may save you from the wrath that is to come over the world and to stand holy before the Lord, because He said: «Be holy, as I am also holy». Let yourselves be redeemed from your empty life, which was given to you by your parents, because Christ’s blood, as the blood of an innocent and righteous Lamb Who was known before the foundation of the world, was shed to redeem the world from sin and death. Cleanse your souls by listening to the truth. Let yourselves be born again, not by a corruptible seed, but by an incorruptible one, by the word of the living God, which remains forever and which is well preached to you now. Oh, sons of men, give away the fleshly lusts from you, which wage war in you against your soul, and live like free men but not for evil things, but rather like slaves of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. You are like some wandering sheep. Turn now to the Shepherd and the Keeper of your souls, because the eyes of the Lord are upon those who are righteous, His ears are inclined towards their prayers, and His face is against those who love the evil and this corrupt age. And you, those who have established yourselves and each other as shepherds of Christ over the wandering crowds from the Spirit of Truth, we speak, the chiefs of the apostles sent by Christ to those who are saints and to those who are sinful to work with Him and from Him over these, we tell you that the mysterious wisdom of God does not consist in the wisdom of this perishable and corrupt age. If you cannot sanctify yourselves within your life, justice and wisdom, then go back to your places and work whatever you want, but do no longer stand over the people in the name of God without getting out of the world and out of its works. If you cannot bow and be born again by the word of God and to be as holy as He is, if you do not suffer anything from the sinful man who perishes in his sin, if you do not like the way of the light to walk within light, then do no longer stand under the name and under the work of the apostles of the Lamb. If you cannot become the first fruits of God and of the Lamb, do not touch His mysteries to betray them not knowing their power. It will come out soon the Book of the Word of God, (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life3”, r.n.) Who has spoken in this time from heaven on the earth 3
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for fifty years, and here it is how the Lamb finds you, the One Who opened the seals of the book (See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God (1955-2005)4 , r.n.) to choose His bride of wedding and then to appear with His glory! (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb5”, r.n.) The resurrection of the dead comes and you do not know the mysteries of the Scriptures, because you read the books of the people, and the people are sinners. The resurrection of the dead comes and the antichrist will appear, (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast6”, r.n.) because all his work, opposing to God, will be revealed, in such a way that each one will be judged according to his works. The light of the Lord comes, and it will reveal all those things that have been done in the darkness. We, the chiefs of the apostles, sent by the Lord, tell everyone that no one can be an apostle of the Lamb but only those that the Lamb sends, and behold, we speak from heaven from near Him by sending and we say: all those who do not serve the Lamb and the kingdom of the heavens over the people on the earth, let them stay and let them not take the work of the Lamb’s apostles, for faith does not consists in the men’s wisdom, but in the power of God, Who is coming now on the earth and is appearing with power by the Holy Spirit to those who are perfect in love. The Lord is coming to look for fruit in the vineyard, and every shepherd, who has became shepherd by its own will over the sheep, will not escape without being called into account for every fruit he has produced or for the lack of his fruit. Amen. And as for you, sons of the new people of the Lamb, you, children of the Lord’s coming, become examples of the Lord’s love in you, and raise your heads to the Lamb of God and ask Him 4
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for His kingdom on the earth with you, so that the Lord and all those who walk within His will to be seen at His coming, for behold, there is no longer faith on the earth. However, you should remain strong in your faith, for the reward of the faith is the salvation of your soul. Blessed are those on the earth who do not see the Lord and still love Him and believe in Him and great is their reward, and that will be shown before all the nations of the earth, which do not get up to repentance and to the preaching of the word of life. We, little Lamb, Lord, we have been longing with zeal to separate the light from the darkness and the truth from lie, because if the man does not know, he does not have sin. However, You have always come, and we told everybody that the mysterious wisdom of God is given to those who are spiritual, to those who are perfect in love. We are Your messengers and we preached to the people that You were the Lord of the kingdom of the heavens, which no one of the rulers of this age has been able to know it. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God7”, r.n.) – Oh, disciples that are sent, oh, apostles of the preaching of My kingdom with the man! Those who have this world as their life and kingdom cannot be My apostles, because I am the gentle and good Shepherd, Who lied down His life for His sheep. Woe to those who make a profit for themselves on the earth on the account of My name among people! Behold, I come with the reward, and each one will receive according to what he has worked and given. The kingdom of the heaven is not that which is lived by those who pretend to be the apostles of the Lamb. The day comes when those things that are humanly on the earth will be shaken and the people who are strong and masters in this age will remain empty, poor and hungry, and their glory will be melted off them as the wax melts in the heat of the fire, and it will be fulfilled the Scriptures that says: «Where is the wise and the lawyer of this age?» (See 1 Cor. 1:20) This day of apostolic feast has been carrying within it gentleness, love, justice and truth, and the darkness of the people cannot comprise these. Oh, My people, who stay under the word of life making within the man, remain in My love! Strengthen your faith in Me and its work full of grace, because soon those who are righteous and holy with their love and life will be lifted up and will work out My justice and My salvation over many, and many of the dead, small and great, will receive life and will confess Me and you and the table of My kingdom with you on the Romanian land, (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead8”, r.n.) and the multitudes, thirsty of life and love, will go towards it 7
You can also see on: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-the-kingdom-of-god http://www.calameo.com/read/001075468f1421a4601dd https://my.edocr.com/v/qnqdlqlx/the-word-of-god-about-the-kingdom-of-god http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/the_word_of_god_about_the_kingdom_o https://app.box.com/s/elqgjjdp9027ndk3vcoi https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsaU9keElpdVVHSzg/view?usp=sharing http://www.mediafire.com/view/d21516cfnt3sxt8/The_Word_of_God_about_the_Kingdom_of_God_.pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/8m92ccmherrqq6s/The%20Word%20of%20God%20about%20the%20Kingdom%20of%20God%20.pdf?dl=0 http://bit.ly/1nKidk1 https://docs.zoho.com/file/otj665ed88f14dcfa4082955e8dd5c2ce78c0 https://mega.co.nz/#!wBtFgQiD!YOEHQwNmcLAE5GEZYH2AKsnOkq2BZI39f6RnRTRcN5s 8 You can also see on: http://en.calameo.com/books/001075468d275cda08d88 http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/resurrection_of_the_dead
and will find the spring of life and will love it with power and they will give each other out of this love and will find the mysterious wisdom of God, which no one of the rulers of this age will be able to know it. However, you are the people hold into My hand, and all those that are Mine are yours, because You love Me, because I knock and you open to Me; I give to you and you share it forward, for those who are Mine work what I give them. I always give you the word of My kingdom. Work it out, My people, so that My kingdom may become a spring, and all those who love in Me and not in this world to be able to come to it, My people. Amen, amen, amen. 13-07-2005 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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