2008.02.24 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the prodigal son

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The Word of God on the Sunday of the prodigal son

The Spirit of God hovers above the little garden of His word into the midst of the Romanian nation, strengthens His watch over this nation and exhorts it to watching, for the country with a holy living in it has got God as Teacher upon it. Amen. I leave My peace over the little garden of My word and I come as Word into My book to set My people at the table of teaching, at the table for the soul and to exhort it to instruction and to a living with longing between Me and it, for My kingdom in man is seen and heard from near and from far, it is heard and shared, and this is what it makes its sons known, which it nourishes them with all those that belong to it and for them. Amen. Oh, the mystery of God’s longing for man is great! There where it is, there My kingdom is also, there My rest is also, and it cannot be otherwise in man. However, My longing after man is no longer a mystery, and it is much word instead, and My word becomes a river over the earth (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life1”, r.n.) to teach the man the mystery of the longing and its great work in man before Me, the work which sets the kingdom of the heavens on the earth, that is Christ’s church, working by its members in all the beauty of the Holy Spirit, which rises from it to its Lord and God and which makes sons for it, and in this way it takes on its crown, for Christ’s bride has a crown of glory, and it shows its face under it. Amen. From the midst of My people I come down as word of glory over the Romanian people, to exhort it to holiness and to a holy watch and to love with longing of God in it, for woe to the city that has not God over it! Oh, but how can you keep Me near you, Romanian people? Oh, get up from your blood and learn the work of watchfulness, for in order to have God as watchman over your destiny from Him, ready to comprise you within it, this means for you to have love for God, to have God’s mystery working with all its things upon your being, for after I had built My people on earth through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I gave him the commandment of life and I told him to work it before Me as God’s son, and I told him: «Israel, Israel, I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before Me and you shall not bow yourself down to them, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the third and on the fourth generation of those who hate Me and showing loving kindness to thousands of those who love Me and keep My commandments». (Ex. 20:3-6) 1

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Oh, Romanian nations, I am sitting on the clouds of glory and speaking above you, and My word is coming down in its book, which is open into your midst and receives Me so that I may be able to be your Teacher, now in the end of the time, when I come again from the Father as word to make the man. Oh, Romanian people, the Lord is the word of eternal life on your hearth. Take My word and give it life in you, for the city that works its love of God, that one has got the mystery of love and its work and the heavenly powers watching upon it, and the angelic armies, ministering for it, and the hosts of saints, overcoming for its life. Oh, son, I exhort you to the love for God, but you should be wise, Romanian son, for you cannot love God anyhow, but you can keep God as your God only with your holy life, for the love for God means faithfulness, and this works holiness before the loved One. Oh, do no longer waste your treasure, for soon, soon, I, the Lord, will call you to account for your life, for the treasure God has put in each man, and which the man has to present it before the Lord, adorned like a bride for her bridegroom. I have put a great sign on your head, a great mystery, the mystery of Christ’s bride, and I am coming to you to teach you how to wait for Me to come and to glorify Myself into your midst, My country. My wedding with My bride taken from you, the Bridegroom and the bride’s mystery is into our midst (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb2”, r.n.) and watches for your life, but come to the table, come and take from My table the most valued pearl, the mystery of My kingdom in man! Take Me in your living, My country, and let My face shine on your face, after My will. Amen. Oh, this is not hard for those who love God. Oh, My country at the end of the time, by your love for Me, I want to protect you from the evil coming out of your midst and that which is around you, but give Me your heart to make My dwelling place in it and to protect you by your faith in My word, which comes to appoint you as Mine, and then to adorn you with the robe of holiness. Oh, you should not find it difficult to be Mine, but rather let it be difficult for you to belong to the spirit of the world, the losing spirit of this age, for the spirit of the world opposes God and with all its faces it struggles to wipe out the Lord from the earth and from the heaven and to rule everywhere over the man’s being, but I give you great blessing for the victory over the spirit of the world, and you should take from Me what I give you, for I come to give you life, protection and glory over your head. Oh, come near Me so that you many not go hungry! Come home, come to God and come in God, for there is hunger of life on earth! I, the Lord, wait for you to embrace you, to protect you and to increase the spirit of the holy faith, by which you may be able to work with Me. Oh, My country from the end of the time, you are the mystery of the heavenly homeland because I have into your midst the spring of the river of life, My word, which flows from you over the earth, My chosen New Jerusalem, My citadel, from which the law of holiness 2

You can also see on: http://en.calameo.com/books/00107546845cbd56835ff https://my.edocr.com/v/5oypvq7j/the-word-of-god-about-the-wedding-of-the-lamb http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/the_word_of_god_about_the_wedding_o https://app.box.com/s/2x0niuixe4waui8tajpqafm4hpstwi9i https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsMmxJVFl5Um1SUUE http://www.mediafire.com/view/fuj2wfrbr75mwey/The_Word_of_God_about_the_wedding_of_the_Lamb.pdf



flows over the earth, as it is written, only the people to take from it and to be their path to God and their life before Me then. I leave upon you the exhortation of holiness, My country, for it is written: «He who keeps My commandments knows that this word of longing means God, Who comes towards man to call him from death to life». Amen. I give you power for your resurrection, My country. Get up to do My will and to sanctify My name on earth, for the people on earth want to put out My name and My life over man. I come soon to appear as true God and to put to shame the man’s unbelief and his haughtiness, by which he has ascended above Me. However, I come soon with great glory, with a great sound of trumpet (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets3”, r.n.) and I will appear from your midst that I am He Who is and He Who comes, for I have had on your hearth the table of My coming in great mystery, the table from which I take and give to those who want like God, and behold, I tell the nations of the earth: Come towards My table, come towards My mountain to teach you the way of the life and you to walk on it! Turn to Me, for the spirit of the world is a spirit losing of people, and only I rule over the wisdom and the life for the man! Come back to God and I will give you rest and I will give you power to become God’s sons! Turn back and I will give you power to believe in My coming, that which is written into the Scriptures to be fulfilled and with which I stay as word over the nations of the earth! Amen, amen, I say to you, Romanian people. Strengthen yourself in your faith and then in its works, for the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens has been working from your midst by the work of My word, which flows from you over the earth, and I, the Lord, wait on your hearth and I wait for your love, because you need working love for faith, and for love you need holy life, life which perceives in man like God, oh, My Romanian people, blessed with a great name, now in the end of the time. Amen. And as for you, little and tiny people, chosen by Me from the Romanian people to be the house of the coming of God’s Son as word on the earth now, come with every passing day more and more to greater love, to greater work of faith and perseverance for the protection of this nation, My Romanian nations, My nation from the end of the time, for I do no longer have watchmen with mercy for its life from Me and for My life in it. However, I teach it from your midst, and you come to stand before Me on your knees for this nation and ask from Me, son, for its protection and resurrection, ask from Me its making in My image and after My likeness. Oh, ask from Me for the resurrection of this nation, for I am He Who can work, as I can work for you too, you who love Me keeping yourself for Me in this dark time upon man. Then I call back to Me and to you those 3

You can also see on: http://en.calameo.com/books/0010754680bf93fa25bfe http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/the_apocalyptic_trumpets https://my.edocr.com/v/55a75cdb/the-word-of-god-about-the-apocalyptic-trumpets https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsVEhmdFF5R1V3Uk0/edit http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-the-apocalyptic-trumpets/ https://app.box.com/s/wvhn0c1min89fmlnp7ui https://docs.zoho.com/file/uboup203196152a6e4297a3360da915a23d4b https://mega.nz/#!wJkWDKaB!WDh3HPbi0TbWQBaudyme40T23PLy4yxzjIETNAynUG8 http://www.mediafire.com/view/8td592wlh27peoo/The_second_coming_of_Jesus_Christ_-_The_Apocalyptic_Trumpets.pdf



who pulled themselves out of My arm and went to taste of the spirit of the world, of God’s hunger from the world. I call back to Me those who were part of My people’s body and then slid down to the earth: Come, you, children fallen from the faith and I will heal you, but come back to Me, for I come with pains on the earth, and I want to embrace those who love Me and want Me to protect them. Come back and come so that I may teach you how to come back! Come to Me to heal you! I stay at the spring and wait for you to wash you and to refresh you within a clean little shirt and then to embrace you within the mystery of the longing. I stay at the spring and I call you. I am the good Shepherd, Who calls His sheep and into the fold, Who calls His flock near Him. I am Who I am and He Who comes. Amen. Peace to you, people of My word! The Spirit who walks over the surface of the earth to bring the souls into bondage, this spirit foreign to God will be caught in its own snare and will no longer be, and the Lord and His teaching Spirit will remain over those who will remain with Him and who will confess Me then. Amen. Peace to you, faithful sons of My people! Make the Lord from dawn to evening and from evening to dawn, sons! Become rest for My Spirit Who comes and dwells among you. Amen, amen, amen. 24-02-2008 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: https://www.scribd.com/user/117965222/billydean-en


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