2008.08.09 - The word of God at the feast of the saint martyr and healer, Panteleimon

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The word of God1 at the feast of the saint martyr and healer, Panteleimon2 My spirit is gentle after you, My today’s people, people taken out of the Romanians to be the people of God’s word. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, am the Lord your God and I have spoken over the Romanian land over fifty years to make it My people out of the Romanian people and to glorify Myself from its midst with the mystery of My coming back again from the Father to man and to announce Myself with the country of brightness, which it is written into the Scriptures about. Its mystery was and is the land of the Romanian people, and now I have revealed it to those who are faithful to My word in this time, and into whose midst I have been revealing Myself with My new name, which is called the Word of God. (Apoc. 19:13) Amen. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan3”, r.n.) Armies of saints accompany Me when I come and become the word of My coming on the earth and great is the reward of those who are faithful, who make and know My coming and who give Me to the people for their healing. In the scroll of the Scripture is written about Me to fulfill in this way and I fulfill nothing but only those that are written about Me in the law of Moses, in the prophets and in the Psalms. Oh, My today’s country, oh, My today’s nation, Romanian people! You have Me in you as the healer coming from the Father for your resurrection, for he who does not follow Me with his cross, that one is dead and is not alive. Oh, blessed is the man who fears the Lord, and who longs after His commandments, as it is written; however, you do no longer fear God, Romanian people. There is no wisdom on the earth but only with God, for that which comes from man makes the man haughty and haughtiness is the sin by which the man, build by My hand from dust and spirit of life, lost the paradise and fell on the earth. My wisdom starts with man once with his fear of God, which keeps and gives light to the man’s way so that he may not fall into darkness without God in his way. I want again and again to make your awakening, My today’s country, for you, by your departure from the way of righteousness, cause only and only pain. God speaks with you and calls you under the light of His word of life giving, for you stagger from one leg to the other and have no longer stood on your feet before Me. Oh, I have mercy on you, if you are Mine. I have told you that My Father has given you to Me as the country of My coming back on the earth now, in the end of the time and that you bear this mystery on your hearth from the first beginning. I have told you that I am coming with armies of saints and with a table of word to you and I have called you to My table opening Myself with it into your midst and putting My word before you, the word of the new birth of God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 3 You can also see on: http://en.calameo.com/books/00107546871bb255a5bf3 https://my.edocr.com/v/ndmze8kz/the-word-of-god-about-romania-the-new-jerusalem-the-new-canaan https://app.box.com/s/dh220ol8y5b8y8i9qsu0fe3cqj5dv7cx https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsb3RKZngyVVlJSWs&authuser=0 https://docs.zoho.com/file/zjjav8e6a0a51a12449e49a03afe2628aa55e https://mega.nz/#!8AcnVSYA!FanFO3k1dUA8k24WYeK0n-x_ruiUTroTGOA6I8cRqLQ http://www.mediafire.com/view/ea7ve523mo1didb/The_Word_of_God_about_Romania_-_The_New_Jerusalem_-_The_New_Canaan.pdf http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/romania_-_the_new_jerusalem_-_the_n http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-romania-the-new-jerusalem-the-new-canaan/ 1 2



the world, My today’s country. My rebuke upon you is love, is revival, for you alone incur upon yourself that which strikes you to become wise. You are that which draws the ghosts to beat you for instruction and correction on your way with God. My voice into your midst, which calls you to the Father, is the gift given to you for your resurrection and then for your glory over the earth; it is the Son of God, Who speaks with you, for you are meant by the Father to be the glory of the peoples and the pride of the ages now, in the end of the time, as you were in the beginning when the Father took you to be the first one taken out of the water at the creation of the earth and heaven. Oh, the dawn of My day comes and draw near, for I glorify Myself and I will glorify Myself greatly from your land, which is My holy mountain for the time of My coming in the end of the time. Get up early in the morning and show your face and then wash into this river to be able to see, for if you do not know God and His voice in you, then you are blind, My country, and you need to be healed. Oh, come to My whisper, which sighs after you on your hearth, for I have set a crown of glory on your head and it is written on it the word of God for your healing, so that the eyes of your spirit may see and to be able to walk in the light, for I am the light of the world into your midst. It is written into the Scriptures to make you the pride of the ages, but be wise, for My kingdom with you is not of this world, it is not of the earth but it is that which is driven away from the people, for I told My disciples, to whom I gave My kingdom, that they will be driven away from the people and would be hated by all for the sake of My name and he who would endure to the end that one would be the one who would receive the crown of My kingdom. I was on the earth around the time of My passion, and the people of Israel were talking about the Messiah’s time, Who was supposed to come as King to save them from under the Roman’s rule and not from sin, as it was written for God to work, and when I revealed Myself so greatly glorified into the midst of My people of that time, My extermination was also done, for it was written that God’s kingdom was not of this world. And behold, the work of My word, which brings the man to the life of the age that is to be, this work is saving and is among people and is from heaven, not of this world, and the people wait for God to free them from their shortcomings and trouble, not from sins, and behold, it is again what was before, and the man does not perceive the mystery of the open door to open himself to Me when I knock to make him into My kingdom on the earth among people. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God4”, r.n.) Two thousand years ago I was on the earth and I was living among the poor and sinners, among the sick and demonized and I was healing them all with mercy and glory, while Israel was waiting for Me to come and free it from Romans and then for it to conquer the world afterwards, because it did not understand that Messiah’s kingdom had nothing in this world and was not of it, and when Israel’s rulers saw My humility and My power in it upon all those that were week, both in spirit and body, were trying to catch Me by the word, because they hated Me and did not believe in Me and wanted to lose Me instead, but they could not do what 4

You can also see on: http://www.calameo.com/read/001075468f1421a4601dd https://my.edocr.com/v/qnqdlqlx/the-word-of-god-about-the-kingdom-of-god http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/the_word_of_god_about_the_kingdom_o https://app.box.com/s/elqgjjdp9027ndk3vcoi https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsaU9keElpdVVHSzg/view?usp=sharing http://www.mediafire.com/view/d21516cfnt3sxt8/The_Word_of_God_about_the_Kingdom_of_God_.pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/8m92ccmherrqq6s/The%20Word%20of%20God%20about%20the%20Kingdom%20of%20God%20.pdf?dl=0 https://docs.zoho.com/file/otj665ed88f14dcfa4082955e8dd5c2ce78c0 https://mega.nz/#!gdERDQqY!YOEHQwNmcLAE5GEZYH2AKsnOkq2BZI39f6RnRTRcN5s



they wanted, because I was resurrected through the cross and I became a great King with a kingdom that does not fall, for it is alive just as I am alive. Amen. Oh, come to be My kingdom, My today’s country! I have said by this word of ending and new beginning, I have said that peoples will come towards you because of My word set into your midst for your life and for My glory and for the spirit of My teaching over the nations so that they may learn from Me the law of life, after the death will no longer be, (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead5”, r.n.) for all the old things will pass away with a great noise and the new ones take their place, as it is written into the Scriptures, and My work over the earth works from your midst, Romanian nation, and your name will be worn by all the nations that will come to be baptized into My word into your midst and that they may call with My name and with your name, because you are Mine from the Father. Oh, be afraid of God, My today’s country, and see what you do to get up to meet Me, for God’s kingdom has come to you and it is into your midst and it waits for you to be, for I am He Who is, and I am into your midst as the word of the new birth of the world, and those who believe this will be like the stars forever and ever, as it is written into the Scriptures to be. Amen, amen, amen. Oh, My people taken by Me from the Romanians for My glory upon you! You shall not stop from getting wisdom, because I am God’s wisdom into your midst, son. Take care of your healing, for the saints come to you. The saints come with Me to you to give you the wisdom of their gifts and for you to work with the graces of the saints. The mystery of the open door, the mystery of the open heart, take this mystery from the book and learn from it and for it from your midst, for great is My coming with the saints to you, and great is their love for My power in you so that you may be able to feed on it and that it may overcome then over the earth, for the saints will judge the world, as it is written into the Scriptures, My people. Amen. – Oh Lord, listen to the prayer of Your saints who pray for Your people, for Your house, for Your today’s church! In my day of celebration among the saints, I, Your martyr, Panteleimon, pray to You to give Your people from the Romanians, give it the wisdom of thinking, then that of speaking and then their fruit before You. Amen. Oh, people nourished with such a great wealth of word! Look at the human wisdom and learn, son. From place to place there are pillars with light on their top in order to give light in the man’s way in the time of darkness, and from pillar to pillar there are wires stretched out in the way, and it is above the earth the way of the wires which carry power in them to give light from above in the man’s way who goes through the night on his way, and the man who knows this mystery wrote on the pillar to the sight of the passer-by on the way and he wrote this: “Do not touch the pillars or the wires even if they are fallen down on the earth, for there is danger of death.” Oh, people nourished with the spirit of the wisdom from above, rejoice because you receive light from above in your way, but by no means should you break down the lamp, which 5

You can also see on: http://en.calameo.com/books/001075468d275cda08d88 http://issuu.com/billydean.en/docs/resurrection_of_the_dead http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-resurrection-of-the-dead/ https://app.box.com/s/twymh2aaiku7cb96z0pd http://www.mediafire.com/view/ltg7lr3u562y2g1/The_second_coming_of_Jesus_Christ_-_Resurrection_of_the_dead.pdf



gives you light from above, to see and to walk without stumbling! Oh, do not touch the pillars, do not strike the pillars, and do not strike the wires that bind the heaven with you on the earth, for there is danger of death for you if you do so. Even if some hard trial or storm beat against these wires to break them down from above and to come down to the earth, do not stumble against them, son, but let the angels come and bind them back together on the top, the wires pulled down by the storm, so that you may walk in the light again, for the darkness takes your wisdom away and then makes you to ignore the light. Oh, do not treat the light as you do with the darkness then when you have it serving you from above your head, but rather enjoy the light, because the light is from God, son. He who puts away this work of word from him and those who carry to the man this work of the Lord over all the people who seek within the light, that one will walk in the darkness and his end will be the mourning. Oh, sons of God’s word in this time when He has been calling out after man! Become wise! Become wise! Become wise! It is the Lord’s voice upon you. The heaven is bound to the earth here with you. The Lord is coming with His saints, the Lord is coming on the wire of His word, and you should be only eyes and ears and be the work of God’s wisdom! Remove from you all your weaknesses, for I am a healer from the Lord for you, and I work with you the mystery of healing, not alone, and you should work with God for the healing of the nations on the earth, for God’s work is that which heals and bears forth healings. Amen. Open the Scriptures and see in them the root of God’s word, Who grows you all today for His kingdom on the earth. Be the fruit of this word, be great in wisdom, for all the enemies of this word will stand on the sand soon, soon, and they will be taken away by the wave. Get healed by faith, as the saints worked on the earth, and as they work by their homeland from above and share with the faithful ones. Peace to you! Get together within the wisdom and sit in counsel with it and get out of all the pains that come upon you, for God’s wisdom sits in council with you and you should receive it, sons, get used to the work from God and work in the light, sons. Amen. And now, Lord, put Your word upon mine and give fruit to it over Your people and over the people who see and believe this light so that they may walk then towards it to their life. Amen, amen, amen. – Oh, My people, the Lord speaks with you and with His saints, and this means the Scriptures of the Lord’s coming with the saints, son. The old serpent stays with its mouth open against Me and you to take My word in its mouth, when is born into the book and with the spirit of its blasphemy to draw the stars of the sky and throw them down on the earth, but I, the Lord, shepherd all the nations with an iron rod, and My angel wages war against the old serpent and its angels and there is no place in heaven for them, and they will be thrown down on the earth, and God’s kingdom will rule against these and it will be with its sons, who have overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, as it is written into the Scriptures. Amen. Oh, My people, stay with the light and walk in the light, for there will no longer be night and you will be the sons of the day, sons, if now you learn to walk in the light. Amen. The martyr Panteleimon wants to speak to you a word of teaching, sons, for always, always you need to learn; always, always. Be the sons of instruction from above, appreciate the bond of the heaven with you and keep it from beatings. My angels always give you strength in hard times and you should be the sons of the day and you will go, sons, and you will go because My light protects your way and protects you on it, and it also keeps Me near you so that you



may have a father and not to be orphans but rather sons of God on the earth, as My will asks you to be. Amen. Peace to you! Amen. Peace to the Romanian people with which I have spoken today to its healing from darkness and unbelief, because there is a time of unbelief, as it is written the Scripture of faith denial before My coming, which catches under it those that are unfaithful. Peace to you, Romanian nation! Do not yoke together with unbelievers; unbelievers are all those who do not seek after My face in order to do My will. Take My yoke upon your shoulders, oh My today’s country, for My yoke is easy, because I am without sin, and My burden is good, because I carry the Father in Me, and I want to make you the bearer of God, oh, My today’s people, Romanian nation, My people now, when I am coming on the earth as word for the healing of the nations. Amen, amen, amen. 09-08-2008 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: https://www.screencast.com/users/billydean.en/


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