2009.11.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel

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The Word of God1 at the feast of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel2

My heavenly glory is filling now the room where I, the Lord, meet the people who is coming to My spring of word on feasts, and outside the room as well as inside of it, the angelic armies have made up the day of their feast in heaven and on earth. Amen. I am your Lord and Teacher, My people from the spring, with which, during these days, I am fulfilling My works on earth and My word upon you, and with which I am giving Myself where it sends. I have set you, son, to prepare beautifully the feast of the angels, and you have done this, My angels have prepared it from above, and the angelic hosts are staying with great glory inside and outside of the house of My meeting with the people coming to the spring. You have labored without rest to fulfill My word, and I thank you as God and I am embracing you within My love and I am strengthening you further for My days with glory, for the coming of My word in the clouds is the glory with which I come, and I am embracing and protecting you as My today’s treasure on earth. To you, watchmen from the gates, I give you renewed power to stand before My word and you are to put it into the book and then before My people gathered at the spring and then before the Romanian nation. Oh, watch before Me with commitment and mercy on My hard way from the Father to man, for man’s watching for God has gone out, and God is the One Who gives life to everything in order that they may be and serve the people in heaven and on earth. Oh, if I were not the giver to the man, and as he does not know how I am and how great I am, the man would not be on earth. I would stop the man from the way of his walking and I would show him how he has life in him and for him, but his unbelief is without interruption, and even if he staggers for a little or more time, when I come near to him to open wide his eyes and the thrill in him to understand that he is weak and that he is not if he stays without the things from Me upon him, the man would turn back each time to his weakness of not loving and following God on earth, and behold, among those with a living soul between earth and heaven, the man is the most haughty, the most deprived of the love of God, the Giver of life, the Spirit Who brings the man to My kingdom. Oh, rejoice angelic armies and you too, their chiefs! Give glory and worship to the Lord and rouse the sons of the heaven for My glory! It is shown in the Scriptures as it is, and the faithful and true man, as I am, sees by his faith and sees My glory written in the Scriptures as it is. We are sitting now at the table of word with the people gathered from everywhere to the spring. We are bowing and embracing him with glory, and at the same time, we are mourning over the unfaithful man, who lives without My glory upon him. My fulfillment in man is My glory in man and his glory in Me, for the heaven and the earth make My work in man when he remains in the spirit of the faith and of the faithfulness before Me on earth. I am embracing and kissing you with My word of life giving, people gathered at My table of word for the feast of the angels! I am looking at you with the spirit of the merciful Father and of the comforting Shepherd. I have accompanied your steps and your way to My spring of Holy Spirit. Now sit down, for the celebration of the angels is being made today, in a 1 2

God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A.



day of feast and prayer for the Romanian people in heaven and on earth. Oh, sit down before Me, for behold how I am sitting down before you with the ornament of the heaven, with the glory of the angels that carry Me in a chariot of glory as their Lord, as One God over all those that are seen and over those that are not seen by the man’s fleshly eye. I am bowing and sitting with you within the work of the word. I am asking you to be and to remain within Me with your life and with its light from Me, for I am the Light and I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, but if it remains only for the man to hear who I am and what I am for his life and for his steps on earth, then he will no longer sit to fulfill Me in him in this way, because if I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, he who believes that I am all these, then he becomes like Me, the way, the truth and the life, as it is for the life in man and for his steps on earth that I, the Lord, have spoken what I am, and for the man to be fulfilled in this word of Mine over him, word as old as two thousand years but which is always today like God. The true man has to live for God on earth. It is not impossible for man to live like that. He has power in him to live for God or for himself on earth, but happy is that one who knows fully that his life is from God and that he has to give to Him His things from His things, and he needs to have everything from God and only in this way he is supposed to share to the sides for My light among people, which is to plough through the darkness of men so that they may see the ray of light with which I dwell in him, in the one who has in him from Me and only from Me, the way, the truth and the life for his life, life in its detail in man and not only with speaking. Behold, you find here, at My spring between earth and heaven all the good things of life, for I love so much the man even to the point of becoming new word between earth and heaven, and I make My coming to him to prepare him fatherly and to make him used to becoming a baby for obedience and also to give him My kingdom, to build Myself in him and to make My heaven in Man, to make My throne in him, to be the king of man’s life by his living life, the life of My kingdom in him. Oh, take care so that I may be King in you, and you to be My kingdom, and do not forget that you cannot serve two masters and still have a clean heart. Oh, it is not possible that way. The taste of the body, the taste of the world whispers to you that it is possible like that too. Oh, no! What kind of the cleanness of the heart the one who serves two masters can prove anymore? (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God3”, r.n.) Oh, people gathered at My school of instruction, I am putting My word before you by which I said: «Blessed are those pure in heart, for they will see God», and now, after two thousand years, I am telling you that God is seen in those who are pure in heart, and they are those who are pure in heart. Amen. You will know them after their fruit, not after their words, and you will know their faith by their works, for the true faith and its work is its action, which makes it perfect in its sight.


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I am advising you, those who have recently come to My spring of word, I am advising you not to be ashamed of Me and of the works of My life in you and of My saints in you, for he who is ashamed of Me in him before the sons of man, that one has got two gods in him, and neither of them he serves with faithfulness. Oh, you cannot have greater honor among the sons of men, or a greater stature than that which takes after God in you. People need God and cannot find Me, poor of them. Make with great love My image and the image of My saints on earth among people. If now you are given from Me the gift of holy faith as a result of My preaching to you from the mouth of the My spring into the midst of the Romanian people, then give yourselves thoroughly to it and to its pleasure in you, for this is how your holy faith is put in My word of that time and now. Soon, soon, there will be everywhere on earth corpses of those who have been unfaithful and who have put their trust in themselves. I clothe you in the power to be, for I am Who I am. The love in you is carrying you now more and more often to My spring of word, and through you, I am blessing the city from which you are coming to Me to take from Me for you and for it, as the Samaritan woman took seed of Holy Spirit in her and went into her city and sown it, and the seed brought forth hundredfold fruit in her for My way with them on earth, and the Samaritans believed then more than the people of Israel in the Son of the Father Who came then on earth. Go with faith and with the spirit of the prayer and sow My seed into your city, and those, who will believe and will be saved from themselves, will clothe themselves within Me as you do. Do not forget that the spirit of faithfulness has to accompany the gift of the holy faith. Oh, do not forget that those, who do not stumble against Me, are happy, because those who stumble fall away from My happiness. In the city from where you have come to Me with your heart and step, I have My anointed one by the work of My word of today. (The bishop Irineu-Bistriţeanu, from Cluj, r.n.). I have written My new name through him on earth, My work of new Jerusalem, for with him as My witness, I have brought My church on its first track again, a blessed people by My fulfilling within it. (See the selection topic: „The true church4”, r.n.) Oh, bring prayer to Me in order that the chains of the hatred of those who hate him because of My name may be broken out! Be the word and the deed of the messengers of My work of fifty years into the midst of the Romanian people, the work with history on this shore to which I, the Lord, have come now in the end of the time, and I am speaking to the people as I did two thousand years ago in My language of Teacher with power of word. All My angels are telling you on their day of celebration, they are telling to the whole people gathered at the spring, and My angels are speaking like that: – Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward those who are faithful! Praise the Lord like the angels and the saints! Be the givers of the Holy Spirit and of the powers from above over the Romanian people and of the spirit of prayer on this day for its destiny of tomorrow! The Holy Spirit is carrying you on His wings as the eagle carries his chicks to teach them to fly, and the Holy Spirit is hovering above you and wants to come down in you to be your life. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, God Sabaoth, and the heaven and the earth is full of His glory and full of the glory of His Son, Jesus Christ, the Word of God! At His command all those that are in heaven serve Him for His faithful ones who become His servants, for the true man 4

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has to live for God on earth. Come to the spring of the Lord’s glory, always come, come and drink! We, all the angelic hosts make wings to your spirits to come and drink of the cup of Jesus Christ’s love, for you, those who believe in Him and in His coming again from the Father to man. We watch for the destiny of the Romanian people together with all the saints all over the Romanian land, now, when the lots fight for the one who is supposed to continue to be the helmsman of the Lord’s ship, for the Romanian country has written on its mast the country of the New Jerusalem, the living prophesied in the Scriptures to be on the earth with the people and to wipe out the tears on their cheeks for their faith in the Lord’s promises. Believe in the Only One God and in His one pure spring of today on the hearth of the Romanian people! Oh, all the springs have mingled, all the rivers which give to water the people thirsty of life, for the spirit of man wants to be a god upon people, but the Lord speaks over those who work like that upon people: “My face and My work is known as clean where it is, only for the man to come and to give himself to Me with a clean heart, not mingled and not divided, for the gift of the prophecy is written in the Scriptures how to be and how to work there where it is and where it works.” Oh, the nature of the angels sees well what the Lord says, and woe to the man who does not see because of the limit of his sight, and he cannot keep away from what is not God or God’s face by the people’s works. Behold the Lord Word how is telling us, how is telling the angels, to bring at His table of word those who wait in the graves for the Lord. We fulfill, and the Lord then bows as a God as a sign of gratitude, and behold, I have brought those who are asleep at the table. Their remembrance is being done here on the day of the angelic powers and of the angelic nature and we have an angelic work on this day of feast. Oh, praise the Lord like His angels! Praise Him in the Psaltery and by the lute in a loud voice, and praise Him on the string instruments, for all the glory belongs to Him; it belongs to the One Who is worthy of it! Amen. The voice of angels has spoken to you on a day of angelic feast. Amen, amen, amen. – And now, I, the Lord, am sealing the angels’ speaking for My book of today and it is My testimony and the testimony of My coming with the saints and with all the angels. Amen. I put to rest those who are asleep. I give them the joy of their meeting with My people of today by which I am with My coming, I give them the comfort from My word spoken on the day of celebration of the angels and by My table of today, I am preparing for them again and again the moment of their full resurrection, the redemption of their bodies. Amen. Oh, those, who stay in the gates for Me to come as word into the book, are exhausted, and My word is much. I have Verginica with Me now, My trumpet by which I sounded My coming of today and I prepared and keep on preparing a people until I may remain with something very dear in My hand, for My people has to be dear and to become dearer and dearer, and happy are those who listen to Me for My great work with them! I have My trumpet with Me on the feast of the angels. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets5”, r.n.) 5

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Oh, My trumpet, oh, I am speaking with you in heaven, for the day of the celebration of the angels have met the spirit and the little soul of the shepherd Daniel, the shepherd of Our people today. You are among those in heaven with him. Very much aggrieved as he was on earth, he worked tirelessly at the spirit, at the mind and at the heart of people who was coming to be My people. I have released him from bonds and pains, from his many pains and Mine through him, and on the day of tomorrow we will put his body to rest. We are going with those very weary, with those who have labored much and prepared for Me the day of the angels and whom We doubly put to work, to prepare and to set to rest of the body of the shepherd Daniel. Oh, he worked much and he overcome many devils in his way with Me by his steadfast faith and by his perseverance to the end! Oh, he was so faithful! There has not been another one in My people of today like him up to the sons of today on whom we are relying now for My coming further as word. The children left him as they left Me, but behold, he has got sons, and he has got disciples who carry him further, both Me and him. Now We are embracing each other, We are comforting each other in pains, We are strengthening each other closely for the watching and for the holy walking of the sanctified people with which I, the Lord, am doing today My works further on earth, those in these days, oh, My trumpet! This day is with much celebration, and tomorrow We will celebrate again the feast of the shepherd Daniel’s ascension into heaven. I showed to someone of his fold, many years ago, in a night vision, what big, what resounding and how much borne was his name among those in heaven in the time of his work with Me and with you on earth, My Verginica. (Verginica - the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, r.n.) Oh, how dear is for Me the passing away of those who are faithful to Me and it is a great feast for My saints as well! I have given you great comfort. You see now in heaven what the comfort and the longing for her are like, because We have people on earth, We have them in Our longing and We seek after the comfort from them more and more, oh, much more than they seek from Us, for everything is seen in heaven and everything is awake and holy and everything is very well seen. Oh, the heaven is full of longing from the things that the people have got on earth as their share, for on earth everything is under man’s dominion and We do no longer have oases of rest on earth, We, those from heaven, but the reward of Our inheritance is the people of My word, and My angels belong to them too. Amen. I carry you within the glory of angels on the day of the celebration of the angels, My people from the spring, and tomorrow We are going on the wings of their glory dedicated to Me and We are going to put down to rest and comfort the body of the shepherd Daniel. The angelic hosts have become his straight way to the glory from above. I give you tenfold power for you are very much tired. Do you really know what your help in your toilsome sacrifice is? Oh, your obedience is your relief while you work hard, for My burden is hard to carry, I carry it with you, and I also carry both the one in heaven and that on earth. My people, as little as it is, it is much and hard for your little shoulders. However, I stay with you under the cross and leap with it, not as two thousand years ago, but with all the heavenly and angelic power, and I help you for My work with you, for there is no one to help Me on earth. I rely on you and you on Me and on My care for you. We take care of each other, and behold, We walk and walk again. We go My people, and by faith We will bring to safety the ship by which We go over the rottenness on earth. There is no clean place and there is no clean way any longer, and We do no longer find any little clean corner on the earth either. Oh, My people, stay within Me, be

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content and be good, My people! I am the One Who can do for Me and for you, and you are the one that can work for Me, son. Amen. And if I will strengthen a little bit those in the gates, then I, the Lord, will see to bring more word near the one now, for I want to bring to completion the whole river of My word (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life6”, r.n.) as many times as it comes to overflow into its book of today, My book with you, My people. Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to you! Amen. Peace to you, those who have come and comforted My Spirit and sight by My looking at you and seeing you coming and spending heavenly and feeling the thrill of your meeting with Me! Oh, peace to you, those freshly born of My word during these days in such a way that I may make through it a holy people for My glory in the end of the time! My Spirit loves you as you also love Me. My Spirit teaches you in the way I want to have you. My Spirit waits for you to be completely transplanted into My work, by which to make Me a field to sow My new seed, My Spirit of life giving for the man’s redemption. I am taking you into My spirit. If you remain in Him, you remain in My love either! I am sealing you by the word of your inner voice and by which you speak in the Spirit: “We want, Lord! Help our will!” Amen. The angelic hosts are staying now with you and will accompany you tomorrow for the holy duty for the day of the feast of the shepherd Daniel, sons of My people. I, the Lord, will strengthen you too, those who have prepared everything for the feast, and I will also strengthen those who will go to the feast, and I will strengthen you with the heavenly hosts. Amen. Peace to you, ministering angelic hosts of My glory, for I have created you for My glory! Amen, amen, amen. – Glory and worship to the Lamb of God, the Lord Word, to You, Jesus Christ, the King of the angels and of the faithful people among the sons of men! Glory to Your great name and to Your kingdom in heaven and on earth! The heaven is Your throne and it is wide, and the earth is Your footstool, and it is narrow for You on earth because of the men’s unbelief who have taken the earth to have dominion upon it. Glory to You, the One Who, soon, soon will overcome over all and everything, and Who will dedicate them all to the Father as an obedient and great Son in Your submission, all the angelic hosts are telling You now on their day of feast in heaven and on earth. Amen, amen, amen. *


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I spent on the day that passed with an angelic feast, and the glory of the feast of the whole heaven of saints and angels was great, and it is a great wonder that the heaven has a footstool on earth for Me to become word of coming, now, in the end of the time, and for those in heaven to hear My great word and to take from it the joy, for which they have waited so much, because the perfect joy, the whole joy, waits in the end of the time, as those who hope in it with faith may wait as well; those in heaven and those on earth, joy that passed through many pains, through great sufferance and trials, through all kinds of temptations, and then to its whole reward. Amen. I, the Lord, wait with those in heaven for the day when everything will be submitted to Me to be able to bring them all before the Father Sabaoth, like a little victorious Lamb, for I am the little Lamb of the Father and I listen to Him. I listened to Him when He sent Me from heaven on earth to become flesh and to grow as a Son of man and then to let Myself be sacrificed by the people through which My Father made Me known on earth, the people of My mother Virgin. Oh, I did not stand against those who denigrated Me to the death on the cross, mocking Me as the greatest evil doer, as the greatest sinner, for My denigrated and crucified body was put between two thieves who were punished by the law for their robbery deeds. And I stayed like that in submission to the Father for the work He had sent Me to do. That is why He had sent Me, and He had sent Me to be denigrated by all those who believed that I came to take away their kingdom, their freedom and their will. Oh, the Father had sent Me to be punished for the sin of all the sinners, who had ever been, who were and who would go on sinning after that on earth, who would write by their own hand the punishment of their works worthy of death, for they violated the commandments given by God as life in man and each man keeps on doing that, standing against the One Who has given them as the men’s life, and the Father had sent Me to make atonement for man. Oh, the feast of the angels near you has been great, My people from the spring! My coming guests have been full of longing and holy thrill before My word and before My angels. The hosts of angels have been many and without number. You are still small, and the same is your sight, but the glory of the feast has been great for those in heaven as well, for those asleep have come to the memorial in great number, many, from the beginning of the world and up to this day. The heaven has come and the Lord’s chambers, with everything in them, souls, spirits and ghosts, and angels in thousands of thousands in hosts by hosts have glorified My glory with you, My word that calls to life on earth the heaven and the earth and everything in them. Many, many saints have seen in times, they saw ahead of time those that I, the Lord, brought and would bring mysteriously on earth by the faith of a people with a humble spirit before Me, for I find pleasure within those who let themselves seized with My word, in those who tremble before Me so that they may do My will by their faith, by their small power, but by their love from heaven. Oh, I am strengthening you in the gift of the holy faith to be the footstool of My mysterious works, My people of today, for as little as you are, you are, and you are by My grace, for I am word on earth through you, and what should I have done if I had not found faith on earth for My coming of this time with so much river of word for the washing of the earth with it and for the calling the man out of sin to holiness, from carelessness to watchfulness, from death to life? At least to wash My hands, at least to shake My legs, as having been sent by the Father to man, the man does not receive Me with his salvation from Me. However, My today’s testimony is being written and is becoming a book between earth and heaven, and it is becoming seat a of judgment for every man who hears and does not do the works of



life and who does not want to hear and believe in the One Who is coming from the Father again, as it is written to come. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment7”, r.n.) I come as word on earth because it is written to come in this way, and My coming is done mysteriously and it is at the middle of the night. Oh, there has not been a darker night than that of today's night. Those who are asleep sleep and do not get up at My voice. People sleep in their sins, for the sleep of sin is sweet to them. I have found a little seed of faith, now, in the time when I have to come and sound the trumpet for the man to get up and to come before the voice of My coming, and behold, I have built a dwelling place of coming of the sons, faithful to the mystery by which I come on earth. Oh, I have found faith on earth for the fulfillment of the Scriptures of My coming again from the Father to man as word full of power and full of spirit of resurrection, and with it, with the angel word, with this one I have woken up the angels to bring together with them at the table of My word those that will be, My elected ones, who separated and separate themselves for Me with their faith and love, and I preach Myself to them and then I give power to the pruning knife to go and do its work on earth, the work prophesied to be. Amen. Oh, you need great will, sons of the people of My word, and you, those who come to become God’s sons by the power that I give to the love in you, to the faith in you for My coming. Oh, I put much life of Holy Spirit in you, and you should gird on the belt of the holy faith and overcome the world and the flesh. Amen. I tell this to all the people on earth to overcome the world: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life, as these are the spirit of death, the spirit which has got power in the air by the man’s sick craftsmanship, for the man builds his death by everything he got used to do and by which he gets only remorse, later and later remorse. Holy fast, holy prayer and decent stature, leaving off pleasures, listening to the commandments of life and much, much love and faith, and much faithfulness near Me, this is what you are to fulfill, faithful people, and come near Me to rejoice and to rejoice Me as well, as there are no time periods and loftier places between heaven and earth than at that time and where I meet you and write ourselves on earth with the stopover of the haven, I with you in a heavenly meeting during these days. Two thousand years ago, the sick people followed Me in tens of thousands to take away from them the sadness of their heart and the lack of the health of their bodies, but in order that they might do My will after that, oh, there were very few of them within My great and working stewardship, and the man’s lack of sight, his hardness of heart and arrogance among the things that are seen by man’s eyes and which are made by God, were great and branded. The spirit of the body draws the spirit of the soul to make only flesh the man weak of God, and the flesh lusts against God in man, and poor of man cannot have control over himself. However, My word can give the man the power from above to have control over himself 7

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and not over Me in him, and that is why I become word on earth, oh, sons of men wandering away from My Father! Oh, was it not God that made the heaven and the earth, the visible and invisible things, the man and then He made His Only born Son, to be the Son of man for your salvation and to save you from your ignorance of God? Oh, how and where do you keep on walking without a shepherd rod for your life without watching, not guided by a saving helmsman for you? I come with the angels and with the saints and step with them on earth at a heavenly pace for you, but your eyes do not see the heaven traveling with you to give you an occasion to make you see, to hear and then to believe that God is behind you and waits for you to love Him and to become His sons by the love bond between Him and you, between you and Him. Oh, learn, learn what love is! It is without sin and without body. It makes the man into a new creature, a creature of the Holy Spirit, a spiritual body submitted to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God. Oh, bring your body under control! Do not give it what it requires, for the flesh and blood stand devilishly against the kingdom of the heavens in man! The sting of death is sin and it stings the man in his flesh, and death is inside man and not outside him, and man dies by the sin in his body, unsleeping worm in man, the worm that wakes up the man from his sleep, from his bed, only to do the man’s enemy lust in his own body. Oh, with every passing day and more and more aggrieved, I keep on calling out to man to tell him that the sin in him is an unsleeping worm and it does not let him sleep but it gets him up only for sin. The day will come to overcome death, to overcome the sin in man and the man will see his sinfulness face to face, the death, which he has loved and always, always brought to life in him, and then I will be victorious over the sinful man, victorious over his death, for the death in man has made its bed and deformed man’s life and his life, that which I wanted to be for him through this creation in the beginning. Oh, man has to come to repentance and he needs to leave off the sin and all the trace of the sin in him. I can do this even if the man does not want to listen to My commandment for My kingdom in him. My kingdom in man has nothing, nothing to do with this world, and this is how I want to make the man, a new creature, in the image and after the likeness of God’s Son, Who became the Son of man and Who was counted among the sinners in order to draw all from earth to heaven, from the ruler of the darkness to the Father Sabaoth, My Father, the One without beginning and without end, like His Son. Amen. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, God the word, have spoken these in the days of angelic feast in heaven and on earth, to the joy and to the comfort of the angels and saints and then to the joy of those who are faithful on earth, faithful and true, as I am. Amen. Oh, Romanian people, oh, Romanian people, oh, Romanian people! I have been giving you advice for a long, long time, for you to take care of your destiny of tomorrow and you are caught in the chain of those who lie to you for your life. Oh, behold what war, what war of desires and seeking after human glory have been struggling in you on this day of lots for the one who is to stay at the helm for you! (The day of the presidential elections, r.n.). Oh, I, the Lord, have always taken you out of your pains and from under human controls in all the time of your stormy history, Romanian people, and behold, you do not watch well for your destiny as your ancestors did for his land. You have the pencil in your hand to write your destiny. (The vote, r.n). Oh, do not give yourself into the hand of the one who does not take care fatherly of you! Oh, what shall I do with you not to go wrong for your destiny? Open your mind and then your heart and seek to feel with your heart and not think with your mind,



for you are in the danger to fall again into your blood and to lie in ignorance and carelessness, for the man’s spirit wants to deceive your mind and write with your hand your turning back again to those from which, nonetheless, I have tried to get you out, and much blood was shed for the release of your bondage coming from Me to you. (At the anticommunist Revolution in 1989, when the communist dictatorship shot almost 1.500 revolutionaries, r.n.). Oh, do not seek after your well-being now, but rather set down and seek to destroy the spirit of lying first, every man that lies against your good from Me, for no good is built on the man’s lie who puts you off with fine promises so that you may set him as ruler upon you, as though he would give you what he does not have, what only you are able to give him. Oh, keep on going forward and do not turn back now. I look from those on heaven over all of your land and over all who are speaking now into your name using weak power and lie to enchant you to turn back. Oh, do not turn away! Do not turn back, Romanian people! The one who is the helmsman upon you now wants only what is good for you before the nations on the earth, (President Traian Băsescu, r.n.), and he is clean in his heart for you and is strong in his spirit, even if the rottenness on the earth keeps all the nations on it under the obstacle that the man might no longer work for God and be with Him upon his life. Oh, Romanian people, do not sell yourself again into the bondage of the red beast! (The communists and their successors, - see the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast8”, r.n.). Do not give yourself again over to fall into the trap of the man’s lying spirit who tells you the lie that he will be for you with those in him. Oh, there is only haughty spirit in those who are struggling now to make an open war at your gates to lay hold on the helm of the Romanian ship through the waves of this time. Behold, they have been confessing openly their burning desires for their glory, and in any case they do not care for your future but are rather set to make their play of success, not to take you out of your pressure, My country, Romanian people. Oh, your trial is great now, but I have advised you to stay awake in your spirit and to ask from Me to give you the spirit of precaution and not to choose what is evil for you when you have the pencil in your hand to make decisions, and not those who want to rule over you into your name and without mercy on you, My country. The one who is now helmsman upon you, that one is the one who loves you with a great heart, and with a brave spirit he wants to rule upon you before the great trial, which again wants to throw you down from the rock, Romanian people. Oh, he does not lie to you. He tries to help you from your midst and not to sell you without any price. Wake up, oh, wake up, and if you do not want, then I am not guilty for your life, because I have advised you, and I have given a spirit of good advice for you to the one who is ruling upon you now. The war made to overthrow him is great and it is coming from the darkness, and it is made in the light. However, I, the Lord, fight and I will fight for your good among all the evil things, which try to catch you again in bondage and I will watch with the angels and with the saints on your hearth and I will look at your work, at your heart, and I will inspire 8

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you mysteriously from Me, for the war against you is fierce and these are not waging war against the one at your helm, but rather they are waging war against your good, oh, My country of today. Oh, I am telling you now, to the one who sit as a helmsman for the Romanian people, for My ship, for the country of My coming now, in the end of the time, as word on earth and for the man’s salvation: leave to Me the fight and the care for the lot which follows to fight for you or against you, for the forces of the darkness have spread everywhere and blindly fought to draw under them My Romanian people. I, the Lord, am everywhere with the angels and with My saints into the midst of the Romanian people, and if the Romanian people chooses to wake up during these hard moments, then I will give him of My Spirit and I will work for him and for you at his governance, but if it chooses the lie, the strife and the pride, which from man stands against the unity and against the brotherhood of this nation, then I wash My hands from the lack of wisdom of the Romanian people for this crucial moment, and then it will suffer falling and humiliation under the man who wants to be for himself and not for this nation at its gates. However, you should put your hope and stay in the spirit of the love of the country and nation, and I will keep My people in the spirit of prayer and of the holy watch, and together with the heaven of saints and angels we will stand and fight against the great stubbornness of those who want to be for themselves and who do not want the justice, the peace and the truth on the table of the brotherhood of the Romanian people. Oh, not in this way, the brotherhood of the Romanian people was not like that in the old times, and those from this nation that are not just for it now, have forgotten their brave ancestors. However, you sit down now before Me with the courage of the hope and let Me be your support, for I, the Lord, want to go on with his victory from Me with this nation, only that it may not fall in the evil spirit of the wandering away from God more and more, of the revelry that is all over the earth and of the faith denial, the sign before My coming with the day of the glory of My returning in glory on the earth to man, and the faith denial is the sign that the antichrist struggles with fierce power to wipe out My trace and name from the earth in order that he may rule instead. However, He will reign up to his end, and then I will be, as I was and as I am, the King of the creature, and I will bring to perfection, from the midst of the Romanian people, the mystery of the new heaven and the new earth and of the new Jerusalem, as it is written to be on the earth in the end of the time, and the Romanian country is written with the name of the country of brightness, and from its midst, I, the Lord, am written in the Scriptures to come and to be victorious over death and over the resurrection of everything, the new birth of the world of My new word, the book of today of My word. Peace to you now! Let no one grumble because of My word by which I have spoken to you today and to the Romanian people, My nation of today, My new Israel, that from the end of the time. Amen. And you, people of My word into the midst of this nation, stay awake now, stay with your little hands stretched out to Me for the day of the lots, and on that day, when the Romanian nation will choose its way forward or backwards, according to how it wants to bow or not to bow to My mystery, by which I am now trying to support and help it for its destiny, for its future course, for the war into its midst is great now for its fate, and I, the Lord, have given to it now the word of its awakening. Amen, amen, amen. I have come to the end with the second day of feast now, My serving people. I have set you to put to rest and comfort the body of the shepherd Daniel, a great day of feast for those in heaven. The news of its passing away has gathered on this day the people that has been fed in



time for more than fifty years on the river of My word during all this heavenly time on the earth. There has come a great number of My people, and many people from the Măneşti village, a village where My word has sounded its trumpet so much, so much, and it has confessed with so many testimonies, for it was from this village that I, the Lord, picked up the companion of My trumpet Verginica, a relative after the flesh to the shepherd Daniel, whom I took after that and ordained to be the shepherd in the service of the holy faith, in the service of My word and of the people that was born of My word for growth, for the faith with life, with deed in man. There has been a great day of feast on this day. I have gone to the manger of My word with the people from the spring and with the angelic hosts and the feast of taking to heaven of the shepherd Daniel has been made up in the village of Măneşti, My faithful witness, the one who had stayed and responded with power for My name before those who wickedly brought him to judgment for Me, for him and for My work of new Jerusalem on earth, work that I started with My trumpet Verginica in 1955 in the village of Maluri, at Pucioasa, (Which translated means brimstone, r.n.) a town with a name from heaven, by which I avenge the good believers by My word. My word has been fire and brimstone for the unbelievers of yesterday and today, and the name of this town is the fulfillment of My word, and for those who are faithful and holy, it is the root of My spring and it is a great name, the name of New Jerusalem, the holy citadel of New Jerusalem, because of My mound of today, on which I have established a serving people for Me during these days on earth, a good people, which I have chosen for My glory of today and which I will sanctify more and more with every passing day, and I will sanctify it for Me. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan9”, r.n.) Oh, I cannot, I cannot tell the people, which has drunk of My spring along this heavenly time, I cannot tell it about My mystery from the other end of My word, a savior word over a people. At My beginning of today with a people called and invited to My table, then to the midst of My work, and then nearer and nearer to its end of today, where I have come with My word into the midst of a people always in rebellion, always uncertain because of his discontentment, because those who have listened to My word have become proud to one another, oh, and I have not been able to get perfected, neither in the beginning, nor in the middle and neither in the end, as I have been able now to set My fulfillment so much wanted upon a faithful and holy people within its faith before Me. In order to have been victorious in the end with the work of My word, I need faithful disciples, firm in their self-denial, in sufferance, in hope and in love without equal, now, among the sons of My people in all the time of My trumpet sounding of today, despised as I was despised then, a beautiful and priceless gift given by Me to the people during all the time of My trumpet sounding of today, because those who are despised are like that in order to be useful for many because of the humility in them, by which I, the Lord, can


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work for many of those who cannot work with the gift of holy humility in them for their salvation, for their forgiveness from so many troubles and disobediences brought to Me in the course of this time for more than fifty years. However, I, the Lord, have overcome and came out with My victorious work and I started My victory and I am working in a great mystery, for the antichrist and the satan’s spirit, which prompts the man to do their will, these rebellious heads work on sight to overthrow My kingdom from the earth, but it is written in the Scripture that I will be victorious, I, the Lamb of God, and it will be so, as it is written. Amen. I am blessing with the angels and with the saints the entrance among those in heaven of the shepherd Daniel, who grazed My people with holy love and correction in the time of his work with Me by the power of his faith in the work of My word. As a result of his work with Me, I have as joy and fruit the today’s sons of My word, who stand before Me as further intercessors and confessors of My further coming as word into the midst of a people steadfast in his love, faith and faithfulness, disciples of disciples, and I am aggrieved and I have no fruit from those that for so many years have heard My word from My mouth and the watch and the exhortation from the shepherd’s mouth for My way with them and have not wanted to bring forth hundredfold fruit and not even tenfold, but rather they have brought Me the fruit of unbelief, the fruit of doubt, the fruit of their staggering and of others like them, for these have not loved God with self-denial, but rather they have rebelled like Israel against Moses and have been weak for Me and strong for the spirit of rebellion, a spirit that is born out of the discontentment of those who cannot work within the spirit of the humility of spirit and can work only like man and that is all. I will speak to My people on the day of forty-day memorial after this feast of the putting to rest of the shepherd Daniel, I will show My work with him on earth and in heaven and I will invite My people to the humility of spirit for the gift of the wisdom from above upon him, after that. Amen. Oh, peace to you with those in heaven from now on, shepherd Daniel! Near My trumpet Verginica and near the others, who are among the saints in heaven into the midst of My people, keep, keep on watching for My walking on earth now and for My good and faithful people in this time and for My victory from the midst of the Romanian people and for it before Me. Amen. Oh, peace to you, My people, and faith to you in your way with Me. Amen, amen, amen. 21-11-2009. Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: https://jumpshare.com/b/dfnMGSxF0LN5V8T0zBmv


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