The Word of God1 at the Synod of the Lord’s Mother2
I am setting the word of the birth from above into the book on this day too for those who are seeking Me at this spring to be able to take, as I, the Lord, want much to shepherd the man. My birth from the virgin brought Me to the people on earth, and I grew within the sweet spirit of obedience, as My Father has made Me a sweet shepherd of souls and I have loved this, since I was born on the earth among people to be their Shepherd and to be their sweet Shepherd. I started on earth with My birth and this mystery is great for those who love God and give themselves to Him, and then I went on with the growth and with the sweet obedience for the growth, and this second mystery and its work are also great, and then I shepherded going from place to place, after the Father first revealed it to Me to choose the twelve disciples to go with them, and then to choose other seventy disciples to go before Us and proclaim among the people the news of the kingdom of the heavens, My coming with it, and I perfected it on earth, because I was coming into the people with it, into the hearts of those who heard My word full of the Holy Spirit, and I was teaching the people to be baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. At that time, by My shepherding, it was proclaimed God’s name: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and I was the Word and I got together the beginning with the end, for at first, I was the Word, and God was the Word as it is written. Oh, and I am also working likewise, now, in the end of the time, and the mystery of God’s work is not hard to be understood with all its thread, but two powers met together on earth after My birth: God’s power and satan’s power, the first among the angelic armies, and who became My adversary, while the man, whom I built with My hand and I brought in paradise, stood against obedience to his Creator, God, and thus he drew to his disobedience the ministry of the first group of God’s angels, and the disobedience and the disorder, shaken from their place, caused the first angel among the angelic armies, this chief, to oppose Me, and by his disobedience, this one became a satan, he turned into an adversary and then he took revenge and became the power opposing to God, and man has remained with this sin done against God’s angels, because of his disobedience in paradise. Then the heavenly powers saw and were afraid, and I, the Lord, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, saw satan having falling down from heaven like lightning, and I spoke over the angelic armies by the voice of My angel Michael and I said: «Let us stand well, with reverence and awe!» (See Hebrews: 12/28) And then, the heavenly powers stood still and they set in peace their further work for serving God and for the creation of everything, such a great ministry as it does not come to the man’s mind, for if the heavenly powers and their work were not, there would be nothing at its place meant by God by the creation of the heaven and of the earth, which the Lord set to be; He established everything by the word and they are. Oh, My people, I spend with you the word of birth from above for the man’s mind and I tell him that if the heavenly powers were not, then their work from God, set for the whole creation, would not be anything, and it would only be darkness again, the deep and the waters, as it was before the creation, which is now. Oh, My people, the man should stay likewise, well son, the man who the Lord is speaking with today on earth! Man should stay well, in reverence and awe and not as he lives on earth, being served and protected by the heavenly powers, which he knows very little about, which he calls very little, and very little does he know about them and about their work, for the food of the man’s mind is haughtiness. Man forgets that God is 1 2
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A.
He Who is over everything when he becomes proud before God, and man forgets about Me, just as Adam forgot about Me in paradise, and he did as he wanted and no longer did as God said. Man does not stay under God’s helm; he has no longer stayed even from his beginning in paradise and he has no longer wanted to stay under the watch of the Creator of the heaven and the earth, as all stay by their creation. However, I stayed and stay under the watch of the Father for I am born; I am not made and I am of the same Being with the Father, of Whom I was born before all ages and by Whom everything has been made. I come on earth to teach the man the mystery of the birth, for man is the fruit of the sin working in him and that is why his work is haughtiness, and this work has got as its intercessor the angels fallen from heaven and who have been fighting in man since then and up to this day against him and against God, and man cannot give Me a kingdom in him but only by a great war against Lucifer, who set his dominion in man; and he is not very easy to be overcome, because this power fallen from heaven is at war against God. Oh, My people, I set a table of word and I put on it teaching for the fear of God in man. If man does not stay seized within God’s fear, if he does not listen to watch in fear over his days and not carelessly or after his mind, then I, the Lord, cannot be his Shepherd from heaven, for man is not able to know Me if he does not set a limit and fear of God in his heart to stay well after that. Oh, how hard I am accomplishing over man the work of My coming from the Father on earth now! I find that man is great in him, and My advice, with which I come into his way, makes him restless from his way of living as he has got used to wasting his life. Woe to the man, who does not know what life is, who does not know where this knowledge comes from, who does not know what the sweetness of obedience is, who does not know why and whom he has to listen to, woe to such a man! Well, if man does not learn, where is he supposed to know? By his own mind man makes a science about God and then he starts to believe that the Lord is the servant of the heavens and the servant of his desires and spirit and that is all, and he cannot have anything else in him about God’s greatness, for the Lord is an awesome God, and man does not want to know this. The intelligent people are not intelligent, but they are completely troubled in everything and they cannot perceive God with their mind. I taught My disciples in detail what they had to know about God, and only after that they knew, and only after I proved them My perfection of true God, coming from heaven on earth by the birth of My mother Virgin, did they leave their faith and wrote it and made it word by word, from the beginning of the making of the heaven and of the earth and until the life of the age that is to be, in such a way that the people may know what God is and what He does; furthermore, I ask you, loved people and much exhorted from heaven, I ask you son to stop at this book of faith, to open it well and to deepen your being into it to be able to see God and to be able to tell the people about Him, as He taught His disciples about Him, as His kingdom is without end. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit glorifies Himself over you more than the prophets in all the times, oh, people nourished from heaven, and you go deep into the book of the faith and teach those who come to the spring; teach them the fear of God and teach them to start with it every day of work with their spirit, with their body and with their faith, for I keep on putting on My table with you light from light to be light on earth, and you are to give it further to be, for soon, soon, this light will be used everywhere, as this kind of lights will no longer be anywhere. All the lights go out, the sciences go out, the ambitions go out, the man’s plans go out and
people go out too, those who step over God with their steps, and the darkness will be greater and greater, so thick that man will not be able to see his hand, and the light will get through the darkness up to My brightness into your midst and man will take from it and see God in this light, in this word; moreover, it will make signs and wonders on earth, for I, the Lord, have taken care to prepare this place and to work from its top as it is written that it will be worked in the end of the time, for the two powers work against each other and this fight is very well seen. However, I, the Maker of the heaven and of the earth, the Maker of those that are seen and unseen, will be forever, and I am the One Who overcomes together with those who overcome with Me. Amen. Oh, mother Virgin, My mother, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; I am, mother, but you also are My way from heaven on earth to be able to come and to become man’s way so that man may come back to the Father on it, oh, mother, and this was accomplished two thousand years ago. I have set the word of birth on My table of feast. It is Our day of feast, mother, and We are glorifying Ourselves into the midst of the people of My coming now on earth as word, for you have to prepare My coming back as I ascended into heaven after I accomplished My work for which the Father had sent Me, for you were then My way and birth, mother. May your entrance to My people be blessed now; the book of My word is Our way to come in, mother. Amen. — Oh, You are the Way, You are the door, Emmanuel Son, my child Who came in Bethlehem from the Father and was born by my virgin body. You are the door and You came into my body without the need of entrance, but You asked only for my will to enter and to grow as a Child to be born and then to come out, and this was called Your birth, for You stayed into my womb which had so much place for Your birth, little Child, little Lamb, for You were born to be a little Lamb. You are the door; You came into my womb by my little heart, full of faith, and You came out likewise and appeared, and then You became fully God. You used my flesh and blood only to show the man that You made him in Your image and after Your likeness, for You grew up after You were born, and then You appeared before the people, according to the measure You built Adam at the beginning. You used my flesh and blood to be born of a human body and to be able to come on this way, which man chose, but it was not I that gave You birth, rather You were born of my body when You took being of my being. I did not give birth as the woman normally gives birth on earth, but I only housed You into my womb with Your work of birth, and You were the Only One born of the Father and then of my body, for only You were born in this way, and You did not spoil anything in my body, and I remained so, as I was before You to dwell in me for Your birth. One cannot speak about the mystery of Your birth among people and among sons, Son Lord, for You were true God even before appearing as a born Child, and You are without beginning and without end, and there is no one on earth with whom We, those in heaven, are able to speak about this mystery, and that is why there is no holy wisdom in man for this mystery, and Your disciples spoke about that and testified about You and that You had come down from heaven for the people and became flesh of the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, and You became a Man. Oh, it would be such a blessing on Us that it could be spoken between earth and heaven about the whole profoundness from God of the mystery of Your birth. You, Yourself, became a Man, You, the One born of the Father before eternity, born and not made, of one Being with the Father, and by Whom all things have been made of everything that has been
made then. And You are working likewise now; You are making them all again, not being separated from the Father in this creation that will remain; and who among men is able to make the creation, which will be and which will remain? Let all the people grow less before You, true God! Willing or not, they are so small before You, even if they do not want to see that they are so. I am a great witness for You, and my mystery comes from eternity, as You come. I teach the people to grow less, for God is coming to them and He has no room in them, because they feel that they are big. People are not big, and after that, they are no more, and how can one speak about the man’s greatness? I am a great witness for Your greatness, Lord. I am the way on which You walked, on which You came and appeared as God and Man on earth in order to become the man’s way and to walk before him so that the man may see the way. Man cannot put You out from this way. His mind of man thinks he can do it, but the fear of God is going to come on earth soon, soon, and every man will take it in him, for Your glory will cover the nations, as it is written that the Master will come, and of this mountain the river of life will come out, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life3”, r.n.) as much as You have been gathering in it to make it overflow on the earth, for You have spoken in this river of word with all people, and You wrote Yourself in its book with Your speaking, and this will testify about Your work, about how much You have been calling the man, but first the fear of God has to come over the people, and the angel will have to speak who will call far and wide, from heaven and down to earth: «Be afraid of God and worship the One Who made the heaven and the earth!» (Apoc: 14/7); after that You will appear in Your awesome glory for many, and for those who love You, listening to You, You will show Your holy face, sweet and holy, Lord, and You will be their God. Amen. I praise You with a feast of word of birth, oh, my Son and my God! I call the Romanian people to come under my protection of heavenly mother. I stand watch over the whole border all around over the country of Your coming now, in which You shine by the word. You, people on earth, who know and who do not know about the mystery of my Son, Jesus Christ, and about His country of coming again from the Father on earth among people as word! You should know and hear so that you may know that this hearth and its homeland is the land of the brightness of the Son of God for the end of the time, for His second coming from the Father to the people on earth. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan4”, r.n.) No one can crush this mystery and its whole work, at which the Lord 3
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is working now to its revelation, and at which the prophets of old have been looking longingly. I have been kissing this land all the time, everywhere I can still find a clean place to kiss, and I bless with the Lord its being and its heavenly height, which surpasses the heights, as it is written. Amen. And as for you, people testifying near the river of word of my Son, Jesus Christ, Who is coming to you as word in order to share Himself to the sides, you should always stand watch for His coming of today, for your service is from heaven, just as mine was for the Lord’s coming on earth then. You are disciples of disciple, for God’s trumpet, Verginica was the scion of which the Lord has grown now, (So they called Christians on the St. Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet, r.n.) (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets5”, r.n.) in the end of the time, a new vine, and disciples from disciples, as He also worked two thousand years ago, renewing all His things and making a new church for Him among people, and through it making paths and choosing disciples for Him, a people of confessing disciples for Him. May His voice upon you always protect you by the power of His word! And you should protect Him to have Him and to listen to Him. Protect your heart and your mind so that you may not be separated from God, sons, and keep away from evil and from much knowledge on earth lest God may separate Himself from you, oh, sons born of God by His word of today. Amen. Oh, I would speak much more, people of the Lord, and I would speak with you of all things, but the human measure is small, and We, those in heaven, know this and give mercy. Oh, people full of word from heaven on your table, hold the wisdom from the beginning into your little hand, son, for you do not have to be like the people on earth, for you are nourished from heaven. Your mind and heart are not yours, do not forget this! You should seek always, always, to take after those in heaven, for the heaven is serving you within great mystery now, so that the Lord may accomplish His work of today. You should be heavenly on earth! You should be the heaven of my Son, Jesus Christ, for the Lord is from heaven, not from the earth, and His kingdom likewise, and it is with you, and you are His kingdom into the midst of the people, and thus kept within great mystery from their eyes. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God6”, r.n.) http://www.mediafire.com/view/ea7ve523mo1didb/The_Word_of_God_about_Romania_-_The_New_Jerusalem_-_The_New_Canaan.pdf http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-romania-the-new-jerusalem-the-new-canaan/ 5 You can also see on: https://my.edocr.com/v/55a75cdb/the-word-of-god-about-the-apocalyptic-trumpets https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsVEhmdFF5R1V3Uk0/edit http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-the-apocalyptic-trumpets/ https://app.box.com/s/wvhn0c1min89fmlnp7ui http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-the-apocalyptic-trumpets https://docs.zoho.com/file/uboup203196152a6e4297a3360da915a23d4b https://mega.nz/#!wJkWDKaB!WDh3HPbi0TbWQBaudyme40T23PLy4yxzjIETNAynUG8 http://www.mediafire.com/view/8td592wlh27peoo/The_second_coming_of_Jesus_Christ_-_The_Apocalyptic_Trumpets.pdf 6 You can also see on: https://my.edocr.com/v/qnqdlqlx/the-word-of-god-about-the-kingdom-of-god https://app.box.com/s/elqgjjdp9027ndk3vcoi http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-the-kingdom-of-god https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsaU9keElpdVVHSzg/view?usp=sharing http://www.mediafire.com/view/d21516cfnt3sxt8/The_Word_of_God_about_the_Kingdom_of_God_.pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/8m92ccmherrqq6s
I am speaking a heavenly word now and I am telling this confessing: those who leave this work of word, they leave heaven and fall from heaven on earth like Adam, when he fell by his disobedience to God in paradise, and again, he who comes from the earth to stay with this work of word, comes in the mystery of heaven; he does not come anyhow, and the one who comes has to become God’s heaven and then a temple for God, a dwelling place of His kingdom with all its invisible face, like that of the angels who are invisible, but concerning as many of the heavens and countries are, the man’s mind cannot perceive this mystery, and I am a great witness for God’s mysterious things, as I am a great witness for the mystery of the Lord’s birth among the people on earth two thousand years ago. Amen. Sanctify more and more, people of my Son, and sanctify your mind and faith! Sanctify these always and sprinkle them with the grace coming down from heaven upon you through the word, and all your body will be holy and useful for the Lord, as I was to Him. Amen. Surround them, Lord, with Your holy angels, with heavens of angels! Assign the borders for the country of Your coming, strengthen the angels at the borders and take out from among these borders the evil power of the work of the antichrist, who is hidden under the name of God! (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast7”, r.n.) Keep the body and the spirit of the Romanian church, renew it by the word and baptize it in the river of Your word from above and make it a clean bride, Lord, for her spirit and her bride cries to You: Come, Lord! Oh, peace to You into the midst of Your people of the Romanian people, my Son, Emmanuel, born in the cave of Bethlehem two thousand years ago, true Lord, dwelt from the Father in my virginal womb, in which You were born as a Child on earth to be with the people and to be! Amen. — I am Who I am, My dear mother. For My coming, I passed through your virginal womb and I took the body of a child and I grew up as much as I am, and I am Who I am, true Man and true God. Your voice was sweet and you word for the man’s birth from above was great, mother. I have set all the heavenly powers for My entire work over the Romanian people, and every man that will bow to become a Christian for Jesus Christ according to the truth will be called Romanian. Amen. No one can make the man a Christian but Christ alone, and the one who opposes Christ will not be able to work this, for I, the Lord, have holy servants in heaven and on earth, with whom I work in a holy manner, for I am holy and I work and travel with the saints. Oh, how much word I have in My speaking, but I have God’s measure, and I also work according to the man’s measure, and now I am stopping from speaking and resting from My
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burden, for I am the One full of mercy and I am going to set another day of birth into the book, for a feast of three days is ordained to be through the church for My birth. Peace to you, people bearing of God and bearing of My burdens with you! Oh, get used to them with the whole sweetness of your heart and appreciate My labor, for I will love you much because of your discipleship with Me now, when I have to do much and mysterious preparation for My appearance to those who are faithful and also before those who are not faithful, for even those who pierced Me and who keep on piercing Me have to see Me, as it is written. I am glorifying Myself into your midst with a feast of birth, and you are My cave of coming; you are My mystery on earth and I keep you covered within mystery, for this is written, and tomorrow will be otherwise; it will be like God, oh, people loved by God and much working with Me for My today’s coming. Amen, amen, amen. 08-01-2012 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/documents