2012.02.19 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful Judgment

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The Word of God1 on the Sunday of the Fearful Judgment2

The book of My word during these days is staying open, and I am coming as word into it with a day of memorial of My second coming to sit on the throne of glory and to separate all the nations to My right and to My left hand side, sheep and goats; and that all the sheep may come to the inheritance of their kingdom as the blessed of My Father, and the goats I will send away from Me to the place destined for them, and they will go for punishment and the righteous ones to eternal life, as it is written, and I, the Lord Jesus Christ, am sitting now as word within this day of churchly remembrance, according to the tradition revealed to the saints and to the fathers of My church, and who have prepared for My and their followers a forty-day fast until the feast of My Resurrection; the fathers ordained beautifully and significantly by turn the Sundays and the memorial of My works until the memorial of My Resurrection, for the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, has revealed to My saints how to leave My memorial to their followers and how they had to keep the Christian people in its course, protecting the one on My right hand as a blessed people, as the sheep of My Father, and I to be their Shepherd coming from the Father. It is written in the tradition that the Christian people should no longer eat meat until the feast of My Resurrection, and after one more week they should stop eating milk, cheese and eggs. The love of the holy fathers from Me was very great then and in all the times, when I have had saints in the church, and the love of the flock was little, both then and now, for those who are sitting now on the seat of shepherds do no longer love the ordinance left from the fathers, for love was and is only of the saints, only of those who sanctify themselves for Me within a highly moral life, always with fasting and praying, giving up eating and drinking and having their food as that in paradise, as God gave it to the man I made with My own hand out of clay in paradise, and to whom I gave breath of life out of My mouth. (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving3”, r.n.) I am writing Myself into the book with the power of word, for two thousand years ago, two days before I was caught to be taken from the garden of My last prayer, the Garden of Gethsemane, to be taken to Caiaphas, who gathered the whole Sanhedrin to find false witnesses to give over Me to death, I told My disciples that in two days the Passover would come and that I would be taken and given to be crucified; however, I had also told them before that that he Son of Man would come again in His glory and all the angels would be with Him and He would sit on the throne of His glory and the nations will be gathered before Him; He will separated them as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He would put the sheep on His right side and the goats on His left side, and He would take the sheep to eternal life and the goats will give to eternal punishment. Oh, what I told them at that time, teaching them everything, behold, it happens in this time as well, as this book, written on the earth with My God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 3 You can also see on: https://my.edocr.com/v/warylb4x/the-word-of-god-about-fasting-and-almsgiving http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-word-of-god-about-fasting-and-almsgiving https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsMEl0SVJaMllFNGs&authuser=0 http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-fasting-and-almsgiving http://www.mediafire.com/view/190ov76wty3pxt2/The_Word_of_God_about_fasting_and_almsgiving.pdf 1 2



today’s voice is staying as the seat of judgment and I have been writing Myself into it for more than fifty years with the nations of the earth, and I have been telling them of My coming and of My Gospel of that time, of My coming and My word of nowadays, the coming which I have been speaking to My disciples that it would be and that it would be fulfilled, as I spoke at that time. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment4”, r.n.) Oh, how hard I made a church for Me through My disciples at that time, and after them through their followers, to be and to stand before Me for My glory! The human kind loves meat as food, as feeling and as love, and it is hard for Me to raise a holy and numerous church before Me, selected for Me out of the sons of the world, and the holy fathers of the church had been seeking somehow to wean the faithful from eating meat and from those coming out of meat so that the man may feel the sweetness of God’s nearness, the holy One, as for a long time I have been waiting for man to be in My image and after My likeness, and during this time I have been raising the people of My word of nowadays and I have always been coming to it as word and I have always taught it holiness; I have asked it, and it has listened to Me to eat as I told the man in paradise5; and also I have told him no longer to eat meat, and no longer to take those coming out of meat as his food, because I was going to come with all the angels and with all the saints to it on earth and to speak with it and sit with at the table, and it knows that if it eats it has no benefit of it, and if it does not eat it, does not make any damage to it as well, and not all those who believe in Me from the people have this knowledge, and it is hard for Me to make the man love for him the day of My coming with the seat of judgment for each man, for if man received My coming or his coming to Me, he would no longer eat meat forever and he would no longer eat those coming out of meat either; instead, he would choose as his food those that I had told the man and I gave him in paradise to eat. Oh, no one knows why I want to find and love the monachal life at those who choose it as their life. This life, lived according to its truth, is a life without meat and without those that come out of meat as food for the one who has entered a monastery, for such a life turns the man into a monk, and not the service and the robe of monasticism, which then become severe judgment for the one who goes into monastery. Many saints have chosen to live their life in truth, to fast from food and to pray much for their heart and mind, and the gift of the Holy Spirit overshadowed them and the Lord gave them the spirit of revelation to the establishing of those He made come down on earth for those who love God. Oh, I have longed very much to have in this time a people abstaining from meat and from those coming out of meat, to be able to lift up together with it the burden of My coming and the Gospel of the fulfillment of the resurrection of the dead, who have heard during these days the voice of God’s sons, My word of today, springing of My mouth into the midst of My people, whom I


You can also see on: https://app.box.com/s/hj1mrtqgsg8ac0vbfz2o https://www.edocr.com/v/w2onrvrz/billydean-en/the-word-of-god-about-the-fearful-judgment https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsMF9hM1dRdmptTHc http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-the-fearful-judgment http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-the-judgment/ http://www.mediafire.com/download/eishkm0qer6fzy9/The_Word_of_God_about_the_fearful_judgment.pdf https://mega.nz/#!NUlVDCjL!cdtoDY1DoBSHO6ZRdl4u6ssvvxUq03rw26GLS3SD9e8 5 «God also said, 'Look, to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of the earth, and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this will be your food. » (Gen. 1/29.)



have ordained now to meet Me as word, for I am coming to it on earth as word during these days. (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice6”, r.n.) Oh, I have taken of your little hand and mouth of My servant the remembrance for the calling to life of those asleep until this time, oh, people working for Me and fulfilling My Gospel of nowadays in the end of the time! I have called them at your table with Me for them, at My table with you, son, and we have been giving them more and more relief to their resurrection by those that I, the Lord, have taken from your midst, which are worked for them, as you have been appointed before Me to work for the resurrection of the dead and to stay working and no longer live in the world without fruit for Me, as all those who still believe in Me stay and do not know how to build a Christian life in them. Oh, who is to tell them so that they may know how their life should be, that they may have a Christian life as they like to have this name? (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead7”, r.n.) Many look into My word with you, even of those who have stayed with you for years and have loved God just as you have loved Him. Even some of these say that I have not put a new word into the book and that nothing is new in it, and they do no longer look into My word or give year to it, as I am sending now the voice of My word over the earth to be heard. However, I am telling those who judge in their heart and mind, I am telling them that God is the Same always today, always now, always yesterday and tomorrow, and He is as food on the table of those who are nourished from God, for the bread is always bread with the same taste, and man takes it and eats it every day lest he may die because of the lack of bread; and the same is with water. I have this to tell those who have been careless of My coming within this word. Oh, how much haughtiness throws these down in them, and they receive it in them, but the food of My always fresh word they do no longer take as their power from Me, for this food is more than the air for those who live by it before Me, and those who love God are those who listen to God and live in Him, as it is written. Oh, it is not the same with the spirit of those asleep in their body who wait, as the merciless rich man waited for Lazarus to bow from Abraham’s bosom and dip the tip of his finger and cool his lips against the flame he was suffering from in the bad place which he had earned on earth, as I had revealed this to him two thousand years ago by the voice of My Gospel of that time, and behold, now all those who are asleep and remembered here, receive much coolness from My present spring, near the spring to which they are coming after they have been called, for are called here all those who were born by this time on earth and passed away with their body, some to eternal life and some to sufferance. Oh, refresh yourselves now with My spring of word, near which you are being called now so that you may answer! All those, who have passed to Me through a holy life, rejoice and 6

You can also see on: https://app.box.com/s/9v2v9x59lek7yzflhdi9 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsLVVBNmxyMGFKSU0/edit http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-the-dead-hear-my-voice/ http://www.mediafire.com/view/bfrkde9nkj1ffvr/The_second_coming_of_Jesus_Christ__The_dead_hear_My_voice.pdf 7 You can also see on: https://app.box.com/s/twymh2aaiku7cb96z0pd http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-resurrection-of-the-dead/ https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsLUZvRHdudndfTEk/edit http://www.mediafire.com/view/ltg7lr3u562y2g1/The_second_coming_of_Jesus_Christ_-_Resurrection_of_the_dead.pdf



pray to the Father with Me and with My today’s people, working with us for those who have been suffering after their passing away! And as for you, those who suffer, be refreshed and receive My glory with those who work for you on My behalf, as your relief from heaven and earth, for I, the Lord, do not want the sinner’s death, but I want salvation instead, for I am the One full of mercy. I have a people with self-denial with respect to its every day food and I have asked him to fast for you and for Me, Who have been working during these days for the salvation of many, and with it I have been fulfilling the last Scriptures; also, with it I have been working My coming of word on earth now to establish the seat of My glory for the day when I will stand with all the holy angels to give to each one according to his deed, and it will be great the joy of those who have visited Me, who have had mercy on Me and comforted Me then when they have given to the least of Mine into My name! Oh, how well it would be with the man to stop for a moment before the Scriptures, which prophesied by My mouth, two thousand years ago, about My coming now, and behold how it is being fulfilled now! This day it has been read My word spoken two thousand years ago, but who is to animate the people to be careful at the day of My coming when I will separate the sheep from the goats? Oh, who can rest in peace at the thought that he might take after the sheep from the parable and stay carelessly for My day of glory then? Oh, open your heart and not your mind, you, those who have heard in churches the Gospel of the memorial of My coming with the fearful judgment upon all the nations, which will be gathered on that day before My throne! You, all those who are healthy or not healthy, visited or not visited; all those who are big or small on earth, lords or servants, open your heart and ear to hear and then the word to come to into your heart! Watch for that day! Wash and refresh yourselves for it and wait in this way for its coming, for it surely comes and it always comes to its preparation! Put away the sin from you and take on the little shirt that I like, that I may be able to place you at My table, clothed and not naked, lest you may be taken from the table and given to those who search for the wedding garment of those who are invited, chosen and faithful. Oh, come to your senses for My day of glory! Do not give ear to those who teach you that God is not and that He is not coming! They want to be gods and that is why they teach you to believe so and to say so. Take after My word, for God is coming to you on His way and He wakes you up to meet Him; however, you should not say that I have hindered you from your business or that I am slow in My coming to you, but you should rather believe that I am merciful and that I wait for your preparation and for your little garment, as My table of wedding requires of your life and its little garment. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb8”, r.n.) I am concluding My word now on this day and I am sealing it with My name: the Lord, Jesus Christ. If the one who sees this name sealed by My name ignores it as though it has nothing new in it, then such a man is against Me and he is against himself either. However, I am sealing My word for those who are faithful and for those who are not faithful, for those who love it and eat it, and also for those who look over it to have their thought concerning the voice of My 8

You can also see on: https://my.edocr.com/v/5oypvq7j/the-word-of-god-about-the-wedding-of-the-lamb https://app.box.com/s/2x0niuixe4waui8tajpqafm4hpstwi9i http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-the-wedding-of-the-lamb https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsMmxJVFl5Um1SUUE http://www.mediafire.com/view/fuj2wfrbr75mwey/The_Word_of_God_about_the_wedding_of_the_Lamb.pdf



word, which is always in the present, always today. I am this word, I, the Lord Jesus Christ, within My coming with all the holy angels, and I am staying on the throne of My glory before all the nations to separate one from the other as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and I will put the sheep on My right and the goats on My left and I will give each one according to his works, and the sheep will go to the kingdom prepared for them by My Father from the foundation of the world, and the goats will go to their condemnation which they will have worked for them. Amen. Oh, peace to you, My people that help Me to come with My glory and to stay with it before all the nations! I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, am sealing with My name My word and My book in which I am writing Myself down as testimony, for My testimony is the spirit of prophecy, the spirit with which I am staying into your midst and giving Myself to you to your life and to the life of many who will believe and wash their little shirt in this river of word, a river with much water, which brings Me to you as it has brought Me on the sea to those tossed by the storm to bring them My salvation in its midst, for I am the Savior, I am Who am, and I am He Who comes with glory, and My glory is with you, oh, My today’s people. Amen, amen, amen. 19-02-2012 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: https://jumpshare.com/b/dfnMGSxF0LN5V8T0zBmv


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