2021.03.21 - The Word of God on the First Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy

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The Word of God1 on the First Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy I am here above and I am with the heavenly suites, with the saints and angels in groups, and this is how God is coming down with His work on earth. It is a day of Sunday, it is a feast of faith and of the ancestors of the holy faith, it is the feast of My church, which has filled My heaven of saints by the work and power of faith that raises the people to meet the kingdom of God, which I brought on earth among people once with My coming from the Father two thousand years ago, when I was born a child through the body of a virgin to grow and to be on earth the Son of Man, to perfect among people My work of the Son of God, the Father, the Lord Sabaoth, to sit again on the right side of My Father after My crucifixion and resurrection through the cross and to put to sacred work on earth the mystery and the work of faith that raises saints from among people, as these saints proved and prove God, confessing the One Who made the heaven the earth and man, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God within Trinity working among men through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, with Whom the Father was pleased on earth, for the Father sent Me, and I obeyed, in submission and I came, and then it was to strengthen among the people the mystery of the right faith, the truth that I, Jesus Christ, after the name the Father had given to Me to have on earth, I am the One sent by the Father to man, after he had lost the garden of the paradise because of his disobedience to God, because of insubordination, through the voice foreign to the Lord’s voice, Who was speaking in heaven with the man built by God and placed in heaven, after the Lord had made the heaven, the earth and the man, the visible and invisible things of God’s creation, the greatness, incomprehensible by man, of God’s kingdom over the heaven and earth. And peace to you as well, people of My word, that feeds you from heaven, as a sign of your faith in God, as a son of His kingdom among people, and you are the son of God for your faith in Him, for your obedience to Him, for how could you be God’s son if you did not listen to Him, if you disobeyed Him, if you worked disobedience as Adam did in paradise and, therefore, he lost God and his parental home, the garden of paradise, in which I, the Lord, was speaking with man and exhorting him in order to protect him from pains, temptations, from his estrangement of God; and because he had listened to a foreign spirit, oh, he lost the kingdom, the house and his rest in paradise and fell on earth, and since then man has always suffered on earth, oh, and then seven thousand years have passed and the Father sent Me again, as He sent Me two thousand years ago after man, for man lost God’s kingdom and the mystery of God’s son, and I came to give him what he had lost in the beginning, and behold, I want to strengthen the work and the mystery of faith upon man, for this means his obedience to God, to the commandments of the eternal life and to their work, the mystery that turns the man back to God, and God’s sons are those who listen to Him on earth and do His will as in heaven, as those in heaven as well, who came from earth into heaven by their love and obedience to God, by their work with which they professed among people faith and the true God of the man who wants to be God’s with his life on earth. Oh, what do God’s sons on earth? They glorify and confess God and obey Him and His will as those in heaven. They ask in prayer from their Father what they have for their life on earth. They pray for forgiveness when go wrong against the Father as men, and they forgive one another when they go wrong, and ask from the Father’s protection against the tempter, who made man fall from heaven and from his obedience from the Father. Oh, those who do not do this, whose are they? Those who do not love or honor the Father in obedience, oh, to whom do they belong? This is a question for faith and for its confession!



God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, translated by I.A., redactor


Oh, how beautiful, how beautiful is the man who believes and works in submission God’s will on earth! Oh, how beautifully confesses God such a son, faithful to his Lord! Is there still on earth the faith and the work of the son of the kingdom of the heavens as God requires of the man who believes that God is? On this Sunday, the first of the Lent, the holy fathers of Christ’s church ordained to be confessed in the churches those who are or were, and those who are not or were not God’s sons and the sons of the church by their work on earth, by their faith or unfaith in the Son of God and in their obedience to Him. My church has two thousand years of holy mystery, (See the selection topic: „The true church2”, r.n.) of the confession of faith, of the birth of sons through the faith from one to another, of the sacrifice on the altar of the sons of faith, who have laid down their lives for their lack of separation of Christ, of the One Who has left over the church His promise of eternal life of those who love steadfastly to the end the way of the kingdom of heavens, standing by faith against the unfaithful and arrogant adversaries for unbelief, and behold, My church has got armies of confessors in heaven and they support from heaven the struggle of the Christians and the confession of Christ among men on earth, and the Lord is victorious by those who are faithful to Him, through the sons of God, who have the heaven on earth as their homeland and He overcomes with them, with those who are and keep themselves among people as God’s sons, oh, and how beautiful, how beautiful is on earth the man who does God’s will in the midst of the multitude of the people who choose not to listen to God and to His will upon them! Oh, people of My word, I feed you with the voice of My mouth, as I fed Adam in paradise, and you are to listen and do My will, not your will, not the voice of the foreign voice, lest it may happen to you what it happened to the man in paradise because of his disobedience to God. Oh, it is so sweet for God the man who does the Lord’s will on earth! Woe to satan’s sweetness, who takes delight with his will in the man who listens to the voice foreign to God, and who sneaks stealthily to entice the man to his disobedience for God’s will upon him! Oh, it is very sweet on earth the man who rejoices the Lord, becoming God’s will among men and confessing My face, My love in man, the man’s faith in God on earth. Oh, My people, people did not understand My coming on earth two thousand years ago; few of them understood, very few at all. Oh, even today only a few people understand My work with you, My coming to you as word on earth to feed the earth with the word of My mouth during this time, when the time has come to come closer visibly, to come visibly as I said two thousand years ago that I would come to give a holy and sweet reward to those who loved and love My on earth. Oh, My people, do you see son, do you see why you are so sweet to Me? Oh, son, you should seek more and more sweetly to be for Me, to be like God, so that the son of men may see Me in you, all those who do not choose to do on earth the work of God’s sons, the love of God, My dear people. Oh, you are very little, because you are small in number, but I, the Lord, make you great and give you much strength by your obedience to God, and you only have to take care to remain My son and to be faithful, oh, for a day is coming that will show you to all the people on earth with My time with you, with your walking with Me, with My work, which becomes word into your midst so that My word may be shared all over the earth (Apoc:


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14/6)3 and that I may do My duty and announce all everywhere that I am with you, working and confessing, and that you are My people, My son, faithful to My coming from the Father again after man, oh, and how happy could be the man who takes Me from you as word so that he may do My will, like you, among people, and that he may depart from the spirit foreign to God, which draws the man to satan’s side, that of the man’s disobedience to God, for behold, the flesh overcomes, it overcomes the man, it is stronger than man, it is stronger than God in man, when the Lord would be to overcome through man and not lose the man in His struggle against the man’s flesh, and behold, the man is weak for God and is strong for the opposition against God, and he eats, drinks and fornicates; he swears and smokes, as the devil teaches him to do; he boasts and speaks lies; he kills and steals; he hates the peace that comes from above, that from God; he loves sin in every way possible, and the cup of lawlessness overflows as it has been filled more and more, more and more, and behold, the flesh is the tool which overcomes and draws man to satan’s taste and the Lord loses his struggle against satan in man, when He would be to help man to get rid of his most fierce enemy, the flesh, and here are those who have overcome in their flesh and left the Lord and their walking with Him in the body of a people cared for and led by God and by the mystery of His glory, Who becomes word on earth! I am looking with pain, I am looking at what it is on earth and at what the antichrist man does through his habits, with which he can do through those who do not love the Lord with their lives and are overcome by satan’s spirit, God’s enemy in man. It’s Sunday. On Sundays one goes to church, not to the fair, not to walking, not to bed, not to earthly affairs, not to plowing, not to parties, but he rather goes to church, to prayer, for the repentance of his sins. Oh, but now where are you going any longer, you those who know yourselves as Christians through Jesus Christ’s church? Behold, the ministers of the church have forgotten the work, the power of faith and My word, which told the Christians that even if they drink poisonous drinks, they will not be harmed, for they have the faith, the cross, the baptism and the life of the Christian pleased to Me, and all these are God’s seal on those who are Mine among people, but the antichrist man does not like this, for he has prepared his seal, (Apoc: 13/16)4 which he likes, and even those who are with God on earth want it, but I am telling him this: “Put it on those who are yours, for if you do not listen to God you will lose yours too, those who do not know how great God’s power is!” The Christians are coming to ask what to do and how to keep away from those brought by the time, (From the corona virus pandemic, r.n.), and I, the Lord, am telling them what is written in the Scriptures to do now so that they may remain Mine, protected from those who walk on the way to steal from Me those who strive for the life under the cross, under the seal of the man’s salvation. Oh, one goes to church on Sundays, but behold, the places of prayer and brotherly assemblies have locks on them, and the priests listen to the spirit of disorder, for they are afraid of people and let themselves bought without any price, and they forget, poor of them, that the Lord’s people was protected in Egypt when the angel of death was walking only at those who were God and of His people’s adversaries, and the Lord’s people was under the seal of the lamb’s blood, put on the doorposts and on the lintel, and the evil angel did not come closer to this protecting sign. And behold, the priests of the church are not on God’s side and have their churches empty, for this is what satan likes, who wants to weaken My flock, the Orthodox flock, which he is very much against because it is Mine, it is My invincible way, the way of the cross, and the cross is the sign, under which the sons of God take refuge, for this sign has great power when the Christian places it beautifully 3 «Then I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven [Or “midair”], having an eternal Good News to proclaim to the inhabitants of the earth, and to every nation, tribe, language, and people». (Apoc: 14/6) 4 «He causes all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given marks on their right hands or on their foreheads». (Apoc: 13/16)


with his right hand on his body, declaring God’s name and then the Amen: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and then Amen, the Father on the forehead, the Son on the chest, and the Holy Spirit on the shoulders, on the left and on the right, and then again Amen to this seal, and behold the protection, the protective seal against satan, who walks with his seal on the way! (See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross5”, r.n.) But now go away, satan, do not come closer to those who know your dirty trick! Go, for if you do not listen, you will face the power of the holy cross and you will go spinning around, willing or not, and this is going to be seen on earth, soon, soon, to the punishment of those who have followed you passionately against God’s will, Who has told the man: “Man, love God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your virtue,” and this is what man has to work on earth, not satan’s will, oh, for I want to overcome satan, I want to turn the man back to his home, for man is My creature, the work of My hands over whom I breathed then and gave him spirit of life, and I wanted him to be My rest, My day of rest and My love in him, and this is what I want the man to be, and he will be, for satan will no longer be, and there will be God and man and the Lord’s will with the man. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) Oh, it’s Sunday, and the Christian man does not go to church. I am looking with grief over this creature of sad story, which prevents man from confessing God and the right faith, which satan opposes very much. You, priests at the altars, the Lord calls on you again and again! Oh, what are you doing before this time full of lie? Do you really let yourselves be defeated? Oh, get up and stand against satan’s work? Call out to Me to do miracles for you and for the faith! I come, but call on Me to come and work! You too should come to the faith, working of miracles, and which confesses by the power of its work, oh, sons! And as for you, those who have acceded at the divan of the country, take great care of the country, for there is great danger for you if you do not love your country and people, in whose name you stand up there! Oh, gather together in one though and save the country from the bondage of the foreigners. Your ancestors are waiting for you to stand watch for the country. They were fighting to the last man, for the ancestral land, and behold, you sell it piece by piece to the foreigners, and the country has been filled by those who take little by little of its body as in the time of the war of oppression of the borders and ancestral hearth. Behold a word from heaven: All gather together in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and enforce protective laws for the land of the country and for the protection of the people enslaved by the foreigners, for behold, the church perishes from its foundation, and woe to the people that does not have My church strong in its land, on its hearth!


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Oh, let the people go to the church! Do not let go of satan’s lie that hates Christ’s church and wants it to be lost, thrown down to the ground, and behold, satan and all his servants that do his will rejoice! Stand up for the country! Pray to God for victory! Do not be afraid of people! Stand steadfastly for the people, not against the people! Love your country and people! Protect this holy land for the Romanian country has the Lord’s voice above it and it also has great destiny from God during these days, as it is an Orthodox country as no one else, it is My country! I love it, I wait for it to be beautiful, to be sought for My glory in it and upon it for God’s will upon it. Holy Word has been flowing from My mouth on the hearth of the Romanian people for almost seventy years. Come, Romanian sons, come to give power to the Lord’s glory with this country with a holy name, the country of brightness, (Dan: 11/41)6 the country of the Lord, Jesus Christ, the country of God’s word, Who feeds nations, languages and peoples, as it is written. (Apoc: 14/6) On a day of Sunday, the Spirit of the Lord is descending above the Romanian land and is freshly blessing the land and the people. The Lord is weeping for the mercy of the people that cannot walk to church (Because of the restrictions imposed by the government at the indications of the “specialists,” r.n.), as this holy custom has been left by the ancestors. Oh, peace to you, My country! I am comforting you with the word, I am strengthening you with the cross and I am blessing you with the Father! Peace to you! Oh, call out to Me with tears, call Me to come! I want to hear your voice. Oh, call Me! I am coming soon, soon, but you keep on calling Me! Oh, call Me to come! Amen, amen, amen. 21-03-2021. Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: https://archive.org/details/@billy_dean


«… and they shall enter into the land: He shall break in pieces and pass on: He shall enter into the land of beauty and many shall fail: …» (Dan: 11/40,41)


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