Prophecies about New Jerusalem - Prophecies about the spiritual mission of Romania

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PROPHECIES about the SPIRITUAL MISSION of ROMANIA In the 7th of January 1992, the priest Joan Alexander (orthodox) was abducted in spirit by Holy Mary, while he was praying in the house of some believers from Brasov. Here is the message that our Holy Father revealed to him: My Only Son, Jesus Christ, HAS COME AGAIN ON EARTH, IN ROMANIA. Also the saints Elijah, Enoch, and the apostle John the Evanghelist are embodied in the same country, which has an exquisite spiritual mission. Elijah and Enoch will live in body for only 33 years and 6 months - until the end of the actual world - as long as Jesus Christ lived on Earth; they will be martyrized in Romania, in front of the New Jerusalem‟s cathedral, built on the place where the Tree of Life and Knowledge used to be.1 Saint John will remain on Earth to preach about the true faith: The Christophile Creed, the Heavenly Living Fire Gospel. THE THREE SAINTS TOGETHER WITH JESUS, THE PRINCE TO THE END OF TIME, WILL PREACH to the entire planet THE HOLY TRUTH, so as the world to know thus that everything is changing on the face of Earth. This thing will take place in the testimony of all the apostles who will be formed in 3 days and 3 nights. All the nations will know the truth and many will christianize themselves through The Christophile Creed. You will see a film on the Romania‟s sky, broadcast by God, in which the Genesis will be briefly shown, then all the biblical events, accompanied by an accurate explanation, to eliminate in this way all the errors (of the sects) made until now. PEOPLE WILL KNOW THE GENUINE TRUTH DIRECTLY FROM THE DIVINE SOURCE. This film, broadcast on the canopy of heaven above the New Earthly Jerusalem, will be rendered to all countries. Two million of Romanians will be made apostles by receiving The Holy Grace from the 7 patriarchs, through the 7 Sacraments. MANY CHANGES WILL BE MADE THROUGH THE CENSORSHIP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, Who is a real person. 1

This statement can also be found in another prophecy which will be translated soon: „And when the dry land, came out from the water, the first dry land was the Romanian land, the first one come out from the water, and from there You took dust when You made the man. And You planted for the man a garden in Eden, toward the east, and You settled him in it, and You called that garden happiness, the happiness of man You called it, the garden of happiness, as the man has a house and a garden. When Noah let the dove go to bring the sign of reconciliation, an olive leaf, it was the same. This Land was the first dry land which came out of the water after the deluge ended, the first green oasis it was, and from it the dove took the green leaf and flew with it to Noah . ....Oh, God, when this land received on it the the nation who is still today on it, Father has blessed this nation and stated that His son, Your son, the son of Your word to be with this nation at the beginning and at the end of Your work. Father sent Melchisedech and blessed him into You, God, Son of Father. Father blessed this land, after the law of Melchisedech He blessed it, and then I came as a messenger of Father, confessor of Yours, and I gave You to the Romanian people and I made it Your people through bread and wine, through Your Body and Blood that You left at Your People, and the people left from Israel became related to the Romanian people and we all are the same people. People who believe in You, man made at the end, because You are the beginning and the end.” (Extract from The Word of God at the Saint apostle Andrew’ celebration, from 13-12-1996 )


There will be no more political parties. After the end of the census a new government will come in charge. A small group of skilled and benevolent people will be elected to rule the country. All the Romanians will be transformed through Grace and plenty and they will be brought to know a new form of Divine living. THERE WILL BE A SELECTION BETWEEN ALTRUISTIC PEOPLE AND SELFISH ONES. A DIVINE FLUID WILL COVER THE EARTH. Romania will change into a beautiful garden, and the nature will be auspicious. There are no beads asked, nor blind faith, but SINCERITY and HUMANITY (GOODWILL). It is not asked from you to live in sanctity – religious fanatism – in desert or in woods. THE HOLY SPIRIT COMES TO CENSOR THE LIFE OF THE PEOPLE FROM ROMANIA. All the evildoers will be thundered, struck. All the churches and religious places will be censored and the inappropriate ones will be demolished, with all due respect. Beautiful churches will be built, with the most extraordinary materials in the universe. Before the Judgement Day, there will be an exhibition of holy places built for God, all over the world. There will be almost more holy churches than houses for living, because all the saints from Heaven have asked on their bended knees from Jesus to give soul and generosity to the people who are rich and have possibilities, to donate to the Romanians all the necessary for building churches close to the residence of Divinity – the cathedral of the New Earthly Jerusalem, which will be dignified and wonderful. THE SINFUL EARTHLY LIFE WILL BE OVER AND THE HOLY, DIVINE AND ETERNAL ONE WILL BEGIN. ALL THE NATIONS ARE ABOUT TO SEE AN EXEMPLARY LIFE IN ROMANIA, COUNTRY WHICH WILL BE RULED BY THE SAINTS ARRIVED FROM HEAVEN INTO COMMON BODIES: ELIJAH, ENOCH, AND JOHN THE EVANGHELIST. THEY WILL MAKE ALL THE NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS without despotism, but WITHOUT MERCY, because there are now “people“ who own positions through which they stop the proper working of the country. Until the mercy of the people come, the Angels will gather materials from the universe - unknown noble metals - to build the New Earthly Jerusalem. SHORTLY, ROMANIA WILL BE THE WEALTHIEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, hundreds and thousands of carloads with noble metals being brought here. Thus, the International Bank of Earth will be established in Romania and from there the currency will be issued in the future. The International Currency will be imposed to everyone and it will have 100 grams in gold; it will be called “The Caesar“; each national currency will weigh 10 grams in gold and it will be valid worldwide. All the people will work for pleasure and will earn in accordance with their merits; they will have a life blessed by our Good God. 2

THE ROMANIAN PEOPLE WILL BE REEDUCATED AND THE RESIDENCE OF DIVINITY WILL BE IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS WONDERFUL PEOPLE. HEAVEN ON EARTH WILL BE IN ROMANIA. And, again, on the ROMANIAN LAND OF ADAM AND EVE‟S HEAVEN, on the site where the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil used to be, a tree will be planted, a tree which will grow 1000 times faster than ordinary trees, a tree which will be like the one from the Beginning. THE GREATEST WONDERS WILL BE DONE HERE AND ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE BAPTIZED INTO LIGHT. THE THREE SAINTS FROM HEAVEN HAVE COME TOGETHER WITH THE PRIEST TO THE END OF TIME MELCHISEDECH, WHO IS GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, Whom you have not known so far, but Who it is written in The Holy Scripture about (see, as an example, John, chapter 14, the Promise of The Holy Spirit). HE IS WITHOUT A FATHER, WITHOUT A MOTHER , WITHOUT KIN OF HUMAN NATURE, WITH AN IDENTICAL BODY TO JESUS CHRIST. So, GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE PRIEST TO THE END OF TIME, to Whom I, The Heavenly Father, conceived a body of Divine Living Fire, through Word; He is The One Who, at His Coming of Age (30 years old ), walking in the city of Salem, was proclaimed by the people Patriarch and Emperor; He is The One Who stayed a while on Earth and then He ascended to Heavens. GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ONE AND THE SAME WITH GOD JESUS CHRIST THE SON AND NOW HE HAS COME AGAIN ON EARTH, to help at the restoration of the holy creed reestablished by Me, God the Father, creed called Cristophile, which will consist in the two creeds that are closer to the Truth: The orthodox and the catholic ones. EVERYONE WILL KNOW THE TRUTH SEEING THE FILM (AKASHIC) ABOVE ROMANIA, WHICH WILL LAST 3 YEARS AND 6 MONTHS, BROADCAST FROM 3 TO 7 IN THE EVENING DAILY. People from all over the world will come to Romania to see the wonders on the sky. THE JUDGEMENT DAY WILL BE HELD ABOVE ROMANIA, TOO. There will be a working site: EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE RADICALLY IN ROMANIA INTO AN IDEAL AND PARADISIACAL FORM. THERE WILL BE QUICK CHANGES, both at the national and international level. THE HOLY SPIRIT - as a physical being – and the three saints will perform the 7 sacraments without any mistake in 7 years, as they will get from Me, their Father, the gift of infallibility, in order to serve without sin and error. They will receive this great gift and they will pass it to 7 big and important people, who will have the permission from Me to forgive all the sins, so that NO MAN IN THE WORLD (who did not accept the sign of the beast and who would sincerely want Redemption) WILL REMAIN UNSAVED, UNFORGIVEN, UNSANCTIFIED AND UNBLESSED! Here, what a great mercy comes through these People called with a Divine mission! 3

The leadership will change. The sick ones will cure. The Akashic laboratory will be settled in Romania; the world will see wonderful things on your sky. The satanists and the sectants will be mutilated, and their leaders will be sent in the eternal hell. THE SATANISTS WILL BE TAKEN INTO THE AIR AND BURNT ABOVE THE NEW JERUSALEM IN EVERYONE‟S SIGHT. Great plenty will be in Romania; this country belongs only to God. Do not other nations ever strive for the Romanian land! AMERICA WILL BE DESTROYED. England is doing spiritism with the demons… The Russians will pass through great hardships, but they will outrun them and they will become Christians. The Chinese people will take over and work the land of Siberia. There will be no captive nations any more. THE MANKIND WILL CORRECT HERSELF, IF NOT WILLINGLY, AT LEAST UNDER STRESS OF CIRCUMSTANCES. The Christophile creed will be presented for 6 months to the knowledge of the Romanians. The other nations will take to study The Fire Gospel for 3 years. The Fire Gospel will be known by the entire world, in two editions (one for the initiated ones, and one for the simple people) and by the whole universe (other civilisations) after the Judgement Day. As soon as possible, the ideal form of living will come back on Earth. The perversities and the fornication will be abolished. Every human body is a temple of God. Every priest who serves sincerely The Holy Mass and The Sacraments is a divine shrine. The living on the face of Earth will last again 30 years (until 2022). Until then ALL THE INJUSTICE WILL BE CEASED. For 3 years and 6 months – as long as the film above The New Jerusalem from Romania will last - there will be perturbations and undesirable hardships on the face of Earth, but afterwards the peace will come. JESUS CHRIST, ELIJAH, ENOCH AND THE APOSTLE JOHN THE EVANGHELIST, THROUGH THE FLAMES OF FIRE FROM THE NEW JERUSALEM, WILL SPEAK FOR 3 DAYS AND 3 NIGHTS, IN THE TESTIMONY OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WILL BE BROUGHT BY AIR BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, TO HEAR AND TO BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT IS ABOUT TO BE ACCOMPLISHED AS QUICK AS LIGHTNING ON THE FACE OF EARTH. After these 3 days and 3 nights, the three saints will perform a threefold mass. The child Jesus and the little girl Mary will come to that improvised shrine at New Jerusalem, from the divine glory, and they will remain in the middle of the human people to help 4

everyone to learn the divine mercy, to heal themselves, to correct and to perfect all the things which must enter into the eternity. So, WHAT COULD NOT BE DONE WITH ALL THE HUMAN MEANS, WILL BE DONE WITH THE DIVINE HELP. For the success of this transformation – from a helpless form of the Earth‟s face to an ideal form - I am offering you 3 holy trophies: AARON‟S ROD, EZEKIEL‟S CROSS AND THE GOLDEN HORN OF SAMUEL, WITH WHICH THE GREATEST WONDERS WILL BE DONE and through which the human kind will receive all the holy and divine help needed. Not only the people, but the Whole nature – together with the birds and the animals – will transform after the necessities of MAN: the climate will be temperate; where the living conditions are harsh, a blessing will be given with Aaron„s rod in to get the weather warmer or colder, as needed. The ice caps from the poles will melt because of the volcanoes, so that people will be able to live both at the North and at the South Pole. The water will increase in volume; some areas will be covered by water for ever. The crust of the Earth must set correctly so as to enter into the eternity without the perturbations from nowadays. That is why many earthquakes will come and the volcanoes will greatly change the appearance of the world. Because the bewildered world cannot believe that THE HEAVEN ON EARTH WILL COME, as a demonstration, FIRSTLY ROMANIA, WHERE JESUS CHRIST AND THE SAINTS FROM HEAVEN CAME BACK, WILL BE TRANSFORMED FROM THE POOR FORM IN WHICH IT IS TODAY INTO AN IDEAL FORM. Everything that lacks Romania will be brought from the universe by The Holy Angels together with the 3 saints and other 100 billions of Holy Angels from the tenth heavenly group, who know all the necessary concerns in the world in order to transform each corner on the Earth. The most wonderful plants, animals and cultures will be brought on Earth from the universe. The crop will be wealthy. Works for the Holy creed and also for earthly usage will be built, from the raw materials brought, in such a beautiful form that they will remain in the eternity‟s museum. FROM THE MOMENT THAT THE THREE HOLY TROPHIES ARE GIVEN IN ROMANIA, THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL BEGIN TO CENSOR THE LIFE ON EARTH, and all the ambition and the negative facts will be corrected without the people‟s will. A great deal of the people who do not harmonize with My Divine Law and live a degraded life from all the points of view, through the temptation of sins, are scheduled to leave the life in body and to pass into the eternal grief (hell). There will remain only the people who have a dignified and humanitarian conduct, whoa have fondness towards My Divine Law. Those who remain after the SORTING that will be done, those will be the people who will work at the EARTHLY HEAVEN together with The Holy Angels, and The Entire face of the Earth will change. See also: The prophecies of Sundar Singh about The New Jerusalem


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