The Word of God about baptism

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«There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you also were called to one hope when you were called; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in us all.» (Ephesians: 4/4 6)


«John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. All the country of Judea and all those from Jerusalem went out to him. They were baptized by John in the Jordan river, confessing their sins». (Mark: 1/ 4,5)


«He brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household

… Late as it was, the jailer washed their wounds and was immediately baptized, he and his entire household». (Acts: 16/30,31,33)

About baptism

Text selection from the Word of God1 on this topic

… Woe to the infant who is baptized with fiddlers with revelry and dances! Woe to the dead that is buried with fiddlers! Woe to the dead that is buried and it was given drinking at its burial!

… Do not play a match! Do not act on the stage! This is not allowed as I have said. Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15 07 1977 ***

My dear, the people who are not baptized are not Christians, sons, but I could not be with this word by now. And how comes something like this in this time upon the church? Behold, theLordhad usedto letthewords uponyou, whichHehadalways comebackto heaven with, as it desolation had been upon the church, and this time of desolation had been long after the priests and bishops made an agreement with antichrist (With the „Security” of the communist dictatorship, r.n.); and they let themselves to be devoid of the Holy Spirit, and those that came after them, who put the agreement into action, had never seen the empty work and the naked body of the church. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast2”, r.n.) And if the binding with God and with the ancestral law was broken, whose brokenness and interruption was not seen, this broken binding had no longer had a forwarding work, so that the Lord might have a church with priests clothed with the Holy Spirit, to leave followers clothed with the Holy Spirit. If the Christ’s priesthood was from one to another, that is from one anointed to another, and if the anointed of a time sold this garment to antichrist, and if antichrist wiped out his anointment by ruse, then the work to keep the binding of the chain from one

1 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni Romania, Translated by I.A., redactor note.

2 You can also see on: lord jesus the word of god about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast/

About baptism 1

anointed to another had no longer existed, and this way the anointment for the priesthood was onlyanordermadebythepeople,anorderdevoidofthegiftoftheanointmentinthepriesthood. But this damage and this desolation were not only these, as after that a work of extermination arose, of those who did not listen to reject the ancestral laws, that is to listen to the faith denial, that is to sell their baptism by the agreement made with antichrist, who managed to displace God’s law from its place. (See the selection topic: „The change of feasts the denial (apostasy) of faith3”, r.n.) And persecution was inflicted upon those that did not forsake the anointment of the Holy Spirit, and they were locked up and killed by the power of the darkness, and few of them had the Lord in the recesses of their hearts, that served and could leave the anointment from one anointed to another anointed. And that is why I say that there cannot be a priest if you are not baptized and not christened, for the priests who were then established by those whogave the ancestral law from them; they had no longer the work of the Holy Spirit upon them, and the priest’s anointment was no longer put through the Lord, and that is why the baptism after the order of tradition was neither established as a baptism any longer, and behold that the priests that were established after that interruption, had no longer the anointment, and the baptism had no longer power, as the priesthood of those without the anointment from one anointed to another, and the power of the baptism died away time after time, because very few had part of anointed priests by the Holy Spirit anymore.

Iwanted to strive and break this fog and to help Myself with the people fed on My word. I waited to find a place to be able to speak to this people, to be able to entrust to it the mystery about the immorality in the church, but it did not listen to Me in the work of the holy laws, let alone it listened so that I might correct with it the immorality that spoiled the church! Oh, there is a scroll in heaven, which is written on the earth by a heavenly commandment. And what is this scroll about? It is written a binding against those that broke the true anointment of the priesthood, for if those that wrote the agreement with Antichrist to change the Lord’s laws, and if they changed them, I gave a commandment to be made out that written scroll to bind from work those that changed the work left by My followers, anointed up to them. And it is written: «What is bound on earth is bound in heaven as well», and this binding was done on earth by the heavenly commandment, sons. And if this is hard to believe, look at the front of the church and tell God what is left of it and what is behind this appearance. And behold a world that is not baptized and not christened by anyone for such a long time. And if you are not christened, how comes to be a priest according to Jesus Christ’s law?

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother, from 04-12-1992 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

You see Israel, why I have reminded you My work of that time? For you to see that then it was also the same. Many came to listen to My word, but it was hard for many, hard to fulfill if they cared about their flesh, and behold, the flesh is useless. Now is the same with My work oftheword.Therehavecomemanyabodiestohear,andcomingtheydidnotcome,andhearing they did not hear and did not fulfill the words of life. And here is what I say to you today Israel: if you come and do not believe, you should no longer come; do no longer come this way. If you come and do not want to fulfill My word, you should no longer come. Why do you believe that

3 You can also see on: L31d6cGt8H0QSo3bpFaYYg

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I was hardly speaking two thousand years ago? I did so, to sort out the wheat from the chaff. I did so, so that those who did not believe may leave; those that were a body without faith, that is without spirit. I do likewise today, and I will bring the words of mystery even harder to believe for those who did not want to leave their bodies. This is what I will do, so that I may remain with My threshing floor and with My wheat, to be able to work, as we can no longer work as by now. If you come and do not believe, do no longer come, and I will fulfill this word of Mine. He, who believes, fulfills My word without any other kind of speech. He, who believes, understands. He, who does not believe, does not understand My words. Jerusalem, do you not see, son, that these words are Mine? I tell you as I said two thousand years ago; and this is what I told those of then: «If you do not believe in Me, believe in these words of God». And I tell you today: if you do not believe that I am the One, Who speaks upon you, at least believe these godly words, as they are from God and not from man. The human words are nothing else then these, Israel. Oh, in vain I speak to you in many ways, as you will not be able to defend yourself before Me. If you come and do not believe, you should no longer come, and if you come you should also believe; you should come and be obedient to My order, and you should not come otherwise and stay otherwise; you should no longer come otherwise. Mind that you do no longer come and scream at Me. It is enough, Christian! I close the door for those who scream at Me and walk at My order to judge from the earth.

Jerusalem, look at the order that My work had into the world two thousand years ago. When it was to proclaim the man’s salvation by My crucifixion and My resurrection, I worked first to proclaim the news of repentance, and he, who would come to repentance and in faith and holiness, was baptized with water and then with the Holy Spirit. He, who chooses to work repentance receives after that the baptism with water and after that the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Israel, you came to Me at this time. You heard that I came and speak on the earth, and you came to hear Me, and I taught you to repent of all your wicked deeds, and you did not do so. Those of the time of John, who came at the baptism of repentance, were asking John: «What shall we do?» The multitudes came to him and he answered them: «You offspring of vipers; who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore, bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, and do not think to yourselves: ‘We have Abraham for our father’, for I tell you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones». The customs officers and the soldiers were come and asking him: «What shall we do?», and John was telling everyone to do justice, not to oppress anyone, to be contended with what they had, and if they had taken more, to give also to the poor, who walks into God’s way in his poverty. And you came and asked Me what to do, but you did not ask about repentance, and you were asking what to do with your fleshly and earthly business, and then you said that you listened to God of what He told you. And no way, as when you told Me, I said „Yes” to you. If you had come to ask Meaboutthebaptismofrepentance,youwouldhavebeensealednowbythewordoffulfillment and by the Holy Spirit, and you would have been the one to share the Holy Spirit. You see, Israel, first is the baptism of repentance and you did not do so. Oh, the mystery of repentance goes before the holiness and faith, and then before the Holy Spirit. Now the church does not workthis way, forifsomeonecomes with ababyto be baptized intoMy nameand to entrust it to Me, that one lies when he comes, as he is not repented and sanctified and faithful; and he also does not urge the baby come to Me and follow Me, as Cornelius did with his entire house when he was baptized by the hand of My apostle. Oh, there is no longer faith into the world, but it is neither with you Israel; it is not, for repentance works out holiness and attracts the Holy Spirit from the One, Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. Tell My people, if the baptism from God is known upon the people. It is not known, son. Oh, and what will answer those that baptize into My name the people that are not like God; those that do not remain with God after

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their baptism? Oh, you should believe what I tell you, as everything remained only a habit and that is all. But you, My people, you should understand son, My way, and how you should walk on it, and where you have to start from. This is how you should have started; with repentance.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany, from 19 01 1995 (06 01 1995 Old style / after the Julian calendar4) (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Israel, Israel, what I have seen on the earth! The man is being baptized into the name of Jesus Christ, he is getting married into the name of Jesus Christ, and goes from now and then to church into the name of Jesus Christ, and he does so in vain if he does not share of Jesus’ Body and Blood; it is in vain sons. What I have seen on the earth is a great mourning. No one knows what a church mean. A church means to be the sons who share of Jesus’ Body and Blood. They who do not share go in vain. Oh, how should they commune if they are not ready for the Lord’s receiving, for the Lord’s coming, if they are not ready in the Lord’s waiting? They commune once in a while after the custom of the people, but they are never ready, since they remain into their sins. Who should teach the people? Who, sons, who, for there is none? There is none to do the work of forgiveness of the people’s sins, the work of man’s reconciliation to God. There is no one, sons; there is no one, for the today’s shepherd is something else; he is not a shepherd. No one goes on the way that has a living life, and that is why I raised you, My people, and I have been speaking to you again and again from heaven, and you has believed in the One Who has been speaking to you and woke up for travelling, and behold, I make out of you a man’s road towards God, to a living church, Israel. That is why I have fulfilled this rock on earth, to speak from its top and to show the man the way. The man has to believe in God, to love Him and to follow Him repenting of all those that are perishing and dying, being healed of death, sons.

Excerpt from the Word of God at four years since the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12 12 1995 ***

Man, come back home! Come back to the house of your soul; come back to Me, as I breathed spirit of My Spirit, when I created the man in the beginning, and I made him after My likeness and into My image, as everything that the Father created, He created through Me. He created the man through Me, and it was through Me that He gave him birth, as I was born of the Father through the Virgin and I became Man on the earth, a Man from heaven among the

4 Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)

The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, ( which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions” «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

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people, and I told the people: «He, who is not born of the heaven, cannot inherit the everlasting life of God». And how can a man be born of the heaven, Jerusalem of My word from heaven? How can someone be born of the heaven? Oh, when I created the man into My image, I breathed over him My Spirit of life and I gave him the soul as a gift, to be a living creature, and then the created man fell by disobedience; he fell down by haughtiness, but I, like a Creator, left his soul as a gift, so that this gift may go to the end of the time through the man, and in the end to call the man into account for My gift left into the man born of the man; to call him into account for his soul. And after five thousand years since the creation of the man, I came down from the Father, and during the sixth thousand years I was born a Man from heaven, a Man from the Father, through the Virgin, to repair the mystery of the birth which I would have liked to put it from the beginning over the man created by Me and to whom I told after I crated him: «Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth». (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and of the woman5”, r.n.) I came down from the Father two thousand years ago and I declared upon the people: «He, who is not born of above, of the heaven, cannot inherit the everlasting life».

How can a man be born of above, of the heaven? Oh, My people, what a pain on Me, as the man on the earth said that he fulfills this Scripture. I said: «He, who is not born of water and of Spirit, cannot inherit the kingdom of heavens». Oh, what authority this true Scripture had in My beginning of two thousand years, and what little truth it has today for those who say that they fulfill it! My people, My Christian people, he, who is born of water and Spirit, is alive and makes the deeds of the eternal life, and it is known that he is born of heaven, from above. What is the birth from water and Spirit? Who can be born of water and Spirit? Behold, I speak to you, Jerusalem of My word, so that the man may hear what I speak on the earth, as you are the one who makes Me come down from the Father to be among the people, faithful son. Who canbebornofwaterandSpirit?Whatcomesbeforethisbirth?Mypreaching,thepreaching about Me, the crucified One and the One raised for the salvation of the man, and then the faith and the deeds of the faith; these come first, and then the water of baptism comes after them over the faithful man, the baptism into My name, and then the Holy Spirit, Who seals My work in the man who is born from above. He, who is born of water and Spirit, that one has My work in him, and he is My disciple, and he has the work of a disciple, who gives birth to disciples out of Me to the faith of those who come near to believe and to fulfill the life of the faith in the man, who is deified among the people. Who can be born of water and Spirit? The one who seeks God with a holy faith, with a holy hope and with a holy love; that one is the one, who receives the birth from above, of water and Spirit, through My disciples, in whom I am to the end of the age as I said.

Oh, what a pain on Me, for the man on the earth, who sits over the people into My name, says that he fulfills this Scripture and that he gives the man a heavenly birth, a birth from above, from water and Spirit. When I look at the world, baptized by the man into My name with water and Holy Spirit, when I see it, the creeps on the cross and the mourning seize Me; the creeps of My crucifixionseizeMe. Andas thosewhocalledthemselves brothers,cast Meawayandkilled

5 You can also see on: lord jesus the word of god about the mystery of the man and the woman!AN8ggIiZ!AAss33OU6Izfhc_7GKmET4Hy4dpIxHPV8mS7DicAhzs

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Mefrom amongthepeopletofulfill,theyweresaying,God’slaw,thesamewayandafterwards, those who say that they are God’s servants upon the people, do not put Me into the people, for it is a great wonder before Me to see the man that is born from above, from water and Spirit.

I look upon the people to see those that are born of the water and Spirit at the word proclaimed by the priests from the world. Oh, the church from the world does not resemble the church of Jesus Christ. My church is something else than what the man of this age understands. You are My church, My Christian people, you are, son, you are. You live as a Christian; you fulfill those that I commanded upon the church. You are a faithful child, My people, and you bowed down to My announcement worked by the word coming from above on the clouds, and you were baptized by the baptismal of the faith and you were full of the Holy Spirit, Whom I have always been sending you, making Him coming down upon you. You take after Me, Jerusalem, for I have raised you up and made after My own image and likeness, so that I may have relatives on the earth and to have where to go when I come to the people to call them out; to have a house of guests, for I come as a guest from heaven on earth, to bring resurrection through the word upon the people, and to give birth to people from above.

I come to you, My people of sons; My people of disciples. I come to you to kiss your sons. My mouth kisses your heart and forehead, son, Jerusalem. My word is My mouth, for I am alive; I am body and soul, and I am alive in My coming to you, for I am the God of the living ones; I am the God of those that belong to the living One forevermore.

Man, I am the One Who I am, and I am alive. I was crucified by God’s servants and I rose from crucifixion and I am alive. And if I am alive, My Father gave Me all the power in heaven and on earth, and I can give you birth from above, from heaven, you man without the life from above. I come towards you and tell you to be born again from above, man.

Oh, servant people, who set yourselves into My name over the people! Where are those that you baptized into My name with water and sealed with the seal of the Holy Spirit? I come and I call you into account for your fruit. Where are your disciples? Can you give them to Me as I give My work to the Father? Behold, I come and I call you into account for the people’s souls, and each shepherd of souls will be called into account before Me.

Oh, who shall I help Myself with in My work for the salvation of the fallen man? I come to shepherd My flock; I come to shepherd the people, for the people’s shepherds do not take after Me. The one who shepherds the flock has to be alive and awake over the flock. The one who shepherds My sheep has to be born from above and to know his birth from above. The one who does not believe in Me and in My word, which comes with the clouds, that one is not a shepherd, even if he sits on the seat of a shepherd, having the staff of a shepherd into his hand.

Oh, My pain for the man is too big, but to whom shall I tell it?

Oh, people, you should not ask yourselves why I have always cried to your shepherds. I cry because of My mercy on you. I cry because My Father sent Me to call out the people to rise and to tell the Father: The man has been risen, Father!, and Father to tell Me: It is true, Son, that the man has been risen! Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 27 04 1997. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)

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Amen, amen, I say to you, those faithful and saints of My new people: the time comes, but it has already come, for the heaven to celebrate with the people on the earth, the heaven together with the earth. Amen.

But who is My new people? Only he who is new can be people of the Lord, for it is written: «Those that are old will pass away with a great noise». Blessed are those who hear My word and get up to become sons in My people, in My new people, for only that one is My people. He who is not born again is a man among men; he is not a son among the sons of God. But the man of the world church, will say that he who is baptized in Christ, that one is a new man and a son among the sons of God. Oh, it is not so, you intelligent man that have knowledge of the things from above, it is not so. The new man is the one who is clean and born of heaven, from above, and the sons of the heaven are clean. What man that is baptized in Christ through water, spirit and blood, who among all that are baptized into My name, follow Me, like the apostles, the saints, the martyrs and all the clean sons who followed Me among the sons of the people? Who of those that are indifferent to the baptism and to the church and holiness in body and spirit, who of those are new people and a new nation? Oh, the one who is not born again, and born to remain afterwards, that one remains a man among men, and not a son among the sons of God. The sons of God are otherwise; they are those that even cannot die, for they are the sons of life, (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation the mystery of incorruptibility6”, r.n.) as it is written about in the Scriptures. Soon, soon,everymanwho is indifferenttothe eternal life will seethepeopleoftheeternal life, for I will stay into its midst and I will make it shine with a great brightness and I will work according to its deed, and I will not work otherwise. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Lord’s Mother, from 08 01 1998. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

The man on the earth does not want to have wisdom to understand what it means the birth ofthemanwhowants to seeGod’s kingdom.Theman’sbirth from aboveis theholiness in man. If the sanctified man does not sanctify himself within his mind, his heart and body, then he does not have any birth in him. Men baptize men into My name in vain: in vain, if the baptized man does not serve Me after that. Behold, man does not want the birth from above.

I have come with a new word upon the earth to make sons for Me, sons born by the word to the obedience of faith. The men who have become teachers upon people for God, they hide the lamp under a bushel, for the light is holiness, which shines in man, because the holy man is My house, but the great who have set themselves over My house, blow into the light of My house, they blow against My saints, who are My church on the earth. (See the selection topic: „The true church7”, r.n.) The wise man does not want to have holy wisdom, for the wise

6 You can also see on:!0A0GSDzR!qN_vKoA04DHblZgXAwefFR7 hklTIY08nNTPFK6Vtgs

7 You can also see on: lord jesus the word of god about the true church/

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man loves sin, he wallows in it and gets dirty in it, like the child who relieves himself and then his mother washes him; his mother washes him of his dirt. The same is with man who gets dirty in sins and then he comes back to Me to wash away his dirt and to keep on cleaning him. Oh, the earth has been filled with the dirt of man’s sins, and it has to be burned with fire; it has to be, to make it clean and to make it new as a newborn baby. And I am going to work by word and fire, as I have come to cast fire on the earth. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire8” , r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the forty martyrs from Sebaste, from 22 03 1999 ***

I am the One Who has been working over the earth from Creation to this day, and I will work further to accomplish all that was written about Me in the law of Moses, in the prophets and in Psalms. Amen. It is written into the Scriptures about the new birth of the world, about the making of the new man, after My image and likeness, and I fulfill and will fulfill it. Amen. The image of the new man is the revelation of the Holy Spirit put in the man by Me, shining from the man over every creature. And there will be one Lord, one faith and one baptism over every creature, for My word will go and baptize everywhere, as the waters of Jordan became holy by My baptism from John, and they made holy the nature of the waters from the waters in waters, from margins to margins, from heaven to earth, from above the heaven and down beneath the earth, for I was the One waited by every creature, and I fulfilled the prophecy which says: «The Lord will shake once again, not only the earth but also the heaven». Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19 01 2000 (06 01 2000 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

I am the One Who told those that follow Me into the world: «Get out of the world and do not touch what is unclean, so that I may receive you and take from you and we may be Father and sons». And I also told them: «Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel of My coming and baptize those that get out of the world, so that they may believe in Me». And I also said: «You are not from the world, and that is why the world hates you». The apostle Paul was walking the same way as I did, and he was always taking care so that no one should go astray because of him, a time when he became like all, to draw some of them to Me and to My Father, and the one, who was baptized at that time, was seen that he was baptized, as the baptism was proved out that it really was by the work of the Holy Spirit, which became a river into the mouth of the baptized one to the work of the building of My living church. If the baptism does not find its fruits in the man, then the man is something else; he is not a Christian; he is not christened and does not have the sign of the baptism upon him, and the sign of obedience, which points to the one that is baptized. The man is still haughty and says that he has Me and that I love him, and he does not even have the sign of the submission upon him. Every man walks with his head uncovered, being sinful and without a master, and the women, to My mocking, stand against Me by haughtiness, walking uncovered before the people and!hVtgjLJR!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A

8 You can also see on: lord jesus the second coming of jesus christ the apocalyptic fire/

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before the angels and before the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and putting away from around them the angels and the saints and the forefathers, and the man is haughty and says that he has Me and that I love him as he is, and the man wakes up and says: „How comes that God speaks so much?” And I speak much and answer the man by a long talk, for the man has departed much from those that I asked him to do, and to be a church for Me. And behold, the man walks to seek the church, and it is nowhere. He walks to seek for My kingdom, the kingdom of peace, and it is nowhere; it is found neither in schools, nor on long travelled roads, nor over the oceans, nor in the air; it is seen nowhere, and those that have it, do no longer walk, do no longer seek, as it is in their inside, and they do no longer travel a long way for it, as the wise men do, who always learn but have no penny.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the St. Anthony the Great, from 30 01 2000 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

I am Who I am. The Father Sabaoth glorifies in Me because I am His beloved Son. The Holy Spirit, the Counselor, glorifies Me in the word over the earth and He celebrates Me, for it is a feast of Epiphany. Amen, amen, amen.

I asked you to come to the spring and you have come. I told those who asked for Me to come to give them from Me. I am full of word and I give Myself. May the meeting of the spring of the little people be blessed! May its growth, obedience, love, work and My peace with it be blessed as well! I want to build it as a new age in the way of My coming. I want the little one who listens only to Me to make him the comfort of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

I asked you to come to the spring and you have come. Blessed is the one who knows to come, as is great the mystery of the man built in Me to be. Oh, if man knew what the mystery of the baptism is, it would be a great miracle, but man does not know how big this mystery is, and that is why he does not remain in it. When I came out of the water of Jordan, of the water of baptism, I brought on the earth the power of this mystery, the life of the new man, the man with the spirit of life giving, the man deified by baptism.

Be careful with My word, which springs from Me, little people, for you have come that I may teach you and for to know. The power of the Christian mysteries has gone out from the men’s practice; however, people play at God’s mysteries and they do not have life by themselves in them and man does not have any power by baptism. I came as Man on the earth, but after I got out of the water of baptism, I was confessed by the Father and by the Holy Spirit and then I worked all the mysteries of the heaven upon man, so that man may take and know after that and to have life from heaven on earth. The life in heaven is for man to love God with his soul, with his body and with his spirit all the time, as I worked before the Father. I came from the Father for man, and I came to give him birth and to baptize him, to grow him and to glorify him and then to have him forever, for the man coming out from man cannot be if he is not born from Me for his life.

I would cry out like a wounded lion to break the man’s heart and to wake him up to hear from Me and to receive the wisdom of the mysteries of life upon him, to know that he who is baptized, that one is born from God and he has to be if he gets baptized.

Oh, I am seized with endless pain, as man does not have his own beginning; man does not have fear of God to stand up for his beginning to become a new man. He who does not

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believe in the life to be, that one violates the commandments of this life, and he who believes works this life for himself. He who is baptized, he who is born by baptism, has to become a baby; he needs to become a child after that, for this is the mystery of the baptism: that is, man to be a child who does no longer pass away and who inherits those coming from heaven in him, not those onthe earth, but only the things that belong to the life thatis to come. Ibecame so little under the hand of My baptizer, who did not dare touch Me, for I was God of God, but I humbled Myself to exalt man to life, to the place that he has lost by his self aggrandizement.

I want that man no longer die and I want to teach him what life is. I want man to take his garment from heaven, his house from heaven and to be My dwelling place, and I to appear with him in heaven and on earth. This is what I want. And you should also want this, little people who have come to grow. But, how comes this: how comes to come to grow? You stay to grow only if you become a child, only if you stay like a child. Those who do not stay like a child get lost in themselves and do no longer receive growth and come out of the kingdom of the heavens; they come out of their house and lose their salvation and those who do not longer stay as children do not want it anymore. I have come from heaven on earth to make the man a child, a child loving of comfort, loving of teaching and of its work, as this means comfort.

Oh, man can hardly understand the mysteries of life! I have gathered you at the spring of the mysteries of life. Iasked you to come to the spring, and you have come. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life9”, r.n.) Moreover, I say this: blessed is the one who knows to come when I call him, for great is the mystery of the new man, built in Me to be. I want to build you as a new age in the way of My coming before all the human kind, a building as in heaven not as on earth. The life of the age to come is in heaven and no one can take it from the earth. Baptism is from heaven, faith is from heaven, and these cannot be received from the earth. Andhewhocanreceivethese becomes achild andhas got in him thefaceofthekingdom of heavens, the man’s spirit with a life giving spirit, for where there is no death, there it is the place of the kingdom of the heavens. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God10”, r.n.)

My teaching is a spirit of comfort, but who is not a child does not need any comfort and he wears away his life in pleasures that bring along their bitterness. I want to draw the man to the spirit of comfort, to the spirit of My teaching. Behold, I become word over the earth to give Myself to man with the spirit of My comfort and the man to learn from Me and to come to comfort. Let man step aside from him and make room for Me in him, so that he may be after that. Amen.

The water of Jordan spoke with its Maker; it stood on both sides of My body when I bowed under the hand of My confessor, John the Baptist. Everything I have made knows

9 You can also see on:!gA1jiZYA!XzORNxDAx 6_CaMb6RC2E2UaKzUXa0DziTI7Jked1pU

10 You can also see on:!gdERDQqY!YOEHQwNmcLAE5GEZYH2AKsnOkq2BZI39f6RnRTRcN5s

About baptism 10

Me as their Master, but man does not want it. He who has wanted to be great does not want it Hewho is great does not want too,but the mystery ofthebaptism exhorts the manto understand from Me the life and the face of the one baptized.

Oh, man, come to repentance, come to baptism! Come to take from Me this teaching, for no one teaches you on earth the power of this mystery, the mystery of the man’s birth from Me by way of baptism. Come, and get used to coming, for many want to come but they do not know to come. I want to give you this knowledge. Many want to be baptized but they do not know what this mystery carries in it. It makes the man’s body, spirit and soul younger. It gives birth to man for heaven, not for earth.

I want to teach you, I want to get you used to talking with Me, man coming from man. At My baptism, the water of Jordan and the Father from heaven talked with Me, and I want you to know what baptism and what your birth from above mean so that you may be after that, as behold, you are not, and you always die and you are not, for you love death and not life. Oh, I came from the Father for you and I became a Man, and I thoroughly passed through the human things to crush them in My body and for you to hear how many things I have done for you. Come to hear My teaching from the end of the time, (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) for I want to work again for your life, man. I am coming again from the Father and with the Father to give you My hand andyou to learn to come to life, for I have given My life to you and I always give it you to take from it and to be. Sink within My word of the new creation and baptize in it, man, for I am speaking to you this word of new birth, because I do not want your death, but rather I want you to come back and to be alive. Amen, amen, amen.

I have asked them to come and to give from Me to those who ask for Me. You should also come, little and tiny people, and take Me from the spring and get used to staying a child so that I may give you comfort. When you come to the spring you come to comfort, and I comfort you with the word, but be careful that two thousand years ago I became a Man, and I also need comfort, and I come to the spring to drink and to comfort each other. Great and sweet is the mystery of comfort and I want so much to see you working with it, little people from My coming! When I became a perfect Man near the Father two thousand years ago, I sent you the Spirit of comfort on earth, for He is only for those who follow Me on their way to the Father. But the fullness of the Comforter is now and it is with you, for I become a river of comforting word for those who are born of Me. Whoever is born of Me, before he passes through the bath of repentance, which brings the forgiveness of sins, cannot be born for life. My Comfort is the spirit of knowledge of the heavenly things by the spirit of the man’s humility. I comfort the one who humbles before Me, I give him clean wisdom, and I give you a humble and gentle spirit so that he may be like Me and to have him as comfort from the earth. I am getting ready to come down on earth and I do not have any spirit of comfort from below to come gently and to come with love, for man does no longer waits for Me and does not stay into My way with longing. I wait for longing on the earth. I wait for preparation on the earth. I wait for man to come to meet Me and he does not want. Man has grown cold for Me and he does no longer want it.

John, My baptizer, came into My way and prepared it and he became My way to people and called them to the kingdom of the heavens. Moreover, I have also made you, little and tiny people, My way over the earth, that I may come and fulfill the Scriptures of My coming. Oh, I could hardly get through with the word of My coming, for man is seized with his

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ownthings. However, IfulfilledMy word spoken ahead oftime and I came out overthecountry of My coming and I have been calling out on it, and I have been calling out from it so that My coming may be heard, which is descending speaking from above the earth and renewing the man’s spirit. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany) from 19 01 2001 ***

Oh,themystery of comfortis with the man who putsMy word upon him,thegreatest comfort. And now, in the last days, I have brought the comfort on the earth, I have brought the mystery of the heaven, My word with man, that I Myself may comfort the man and to give him power to come back within the mystery of comfort, for the heaven is the comfort itself, the mystery of the comfort of the garden of life and the life from the garden, the eternal life upon man, and I am bringing it now on the earth to man. Amen.

John comforted Me on the day of My baptism. John spoke with Me and I got comforted, for the word is comfort. We spoke with each other and the spirit of comfort was between us on the day of Epiphany. The word sanctifies everything. The water washes and comforts the word, as baptism is a sweet mystery and full of comfort. Baptism is fire and water, both of them cleanse the man, and both testify. What makes the man come to baptism? The word. It is like a fire, which cleanses the evil in man, and man is renewed by the word that cleanses. And the water is the comfort of the word, the sign of washing, the sign that testifies the mystery of the baptism, the life from above upon man.

Oh, comforted children! John, My baptizer, comforted Me. We both spoke at the Jordan and We comforted each other. This comfort has become the fruit of the man’s faith who knew that I was God and that I left the baptism for man through John. Without baptism man is not born. Without baptism man has no beginning. And he who has a beginning through baptism, that one remains with this beginning and does no longer get lost in it and does no longer grow worse but becomes My comfort instead, and he takes Me and gives Me further from him to those who are thirsty for truth. Amen.

I am with you again, as in the day past. I am with you by the word. You are with Me by the word. We comfort each other by the word, for it is the comfort and the mystery of life, the mystery that comforts and which is taken from the eternal life.

… I have brought to you the clarification of the mystery of comfort. The mystery of the paradise is the word, that is, the comfort that comes from the word. The word is the love from paradise, between Me and man, and without word there is no love. Amen. Love is only from the word, and the work of love is the comfort itself, the word, which has in it the mystery of the comfort between Me and man, between man and Me, and between man and man. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint John, the Baptism, from 20 01 2001.


My word on the earth is a feast of Epiphany. Let every man who comes to repentance be baptize in it, to be baptized with Holy Spirit and to become one blood with Me, for I want to make the heaven and the earth as in the end, and to make the new man and to reign with him

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on the earth, with him and with the whole heaven forever, for the ages came back to their place, and I with the Father, with the angels and people to spend the ages, a feast from everlasting to everlasting, for the Lord’s feasts are a great joy, My people. Oh, I speak to you and I tell you that you are My people. If I did not speak this way, no one would be able to understand that I am your God, and you, My people; true God and a true people. But I have no one to speak to and I can neither do, because creation is made by the word. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), 19 01 2002. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

John, My godfather, is full of word, as I come with the saints, and I speak with you and with them upon you, as you also do when I speak with you in the midst of Jerusalem, as with you the heaven joined the earth within great work, and this is how the kingdom of the heavens is made, children sons. Amen, amen, amen.

You, Lord, spoke to those who believed in You: «Without Me you can do nothing». I am Your baptizer and without You I could not do this unless You told me what to do. When I wanted to confess Your greatness saying at Jordan that it was You that had to baptize me and not I to baptize You, when You found me baptizing the people with the baptism of repentance and with the water of the Jordan, You stayed humbly under my hand, as One Who came to repent and then to be baptized, and then to learn to be a kingdom of the heavens. I submitted to Your word and I baptized You with water at Your word and then the Holy Spirit became a dove and sat upon You and spoke on behalf of the Father saying: «He is My beloved Son with Whom I am well pleased». (Matt: 3/17) Then You fulfilled before those who were gathered there for repentance and for baptism at the Jordan, and You fulfilled before the Father the commandment that comprises within it all the others and which says this: «You shall love your Lord God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might, and your neighbor as yourself». Amen. (See Deut: 6/5; Matt: 22/37 39) About this work I want to speak now before You and before Your Jerusalem of today and before the nations of the world, Lord, Lamb of the Father. Not even repentance is greater than this work, for if it is in man, man does no longer go wrong, and his neighbor will do likewise. Amen.

He who loves You, Lord, that one listens to You, as I listened to You at Jordan and waited for You to appear, and then to listen to You. The love of God is even obedience to God, for he who loves does this for the sake of the one loved, and this is love. The love of God is love. I speak about this great mystery and it is so great that man may be able to see that he does not love his neighbor. I also could not love those who repented for the forgiveness of their sins and to the baptism with water at Jordan; I could not do this until I first listened to You and to the Father, Who was leading me on that day, as I was born for that: I was born to obey God and to work according to His will. Amen. Man does not know my mysterious work more that the Scriptures show it about me, but my birth prophesied by the prophets, my life before Jordan, and then that to its fulfillment when through a woman, Herod beheaded me lest he might repent and turn back to You to receive him, Lord, to forgive him and have him as Yours; man does not know my mysterious life, Lord of those who listen to You working mysteriously the work of obedience, as I accomplished, so that I could love my neighbor as myself, to help him love You as I had loved You. No one can love his neighbor but only the one who loves God listening to Him, and behold, on earth there is no love in man for his neighbor. When I loved the people, I loved them as I loved God and myself. I loved them willing to give them to Him as I gave myself.

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I was calling out to them in all the power of my spirit, soul and body, clean from those that came from people and that were from the earth. I was calling them out for heaven and then I showed them the Son of the Father Sabaoth, after I had told them that after me, after my baptism with water, in which I was laying them, there would come the One Who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and with fire, and in Whose hand was the shovel by which He cleansed His threshing floor before Him to go and to gather the wheat in the barn, and to throw the chaff into unquenchable fire.

Oh, Lord, every many that is chaff and not wheat, everything that does not love You, that one is an unquenchable fire, for he who does not love God, that one heaps sins upon sins, and the man who does not love God burns within the fire of the unquenchable sins, and in the same way he loves his neighbor. There is no man on earth who knows what the love for his neighbor is, and I come with You, Lord, on the earth as word, I come by the thread of Your descent and I come in through the gates into Your book and I write myself in it near You and near Your people. You have asked the sons in the gates to tell to Your entire people that each one of them should take care of his name written into the Book of Life, into this book, so that the evil spirit may not wipe out from this book the one who does not watch over Your joy for the one written into Your book, Lord. Every child written into this book has to be Your joy, and those in the gates work this: Your will, Your joy from the sons written into this book. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb The Book of Life11”, r.n.)

Oh, children sons, the Lord Jesus Christ has you in this way, those who belong to Him and to His saints as gates of entrance into the Lord’s Jerusalem, from you on the earth. The Lord wants that all from Jerusalem may be children sons, and what beautiful is the child son, as the Lord was in the hand of the Father, an obedient child to His Father! The Son is not like the child son. The son can arise against his father when he grows up, but a child son remains a child; he stays sweetly and remains beautifully like the child who shares around the sweetness of his father for him. When the son grows up he works alone, he feels great, and then it is revealed his work that saddens the love, the love of the father for his son. Blessed is the father who has children, and this can be seen from those that are visible; and the father who has this kind of sons is said, and again, this can be seen from those that are visible.

Oh, children sons, how beautiful this word is: children sons! Let all those who are the new people may bear it with complete joy, the people of the Lord’s coming. Amen.

Oh, sons of men, I am calling out through the book of the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13) I am calling out to you: repent! You need love of God and faith in Him, faith with faithfulness and not just any kind of faith, and you need prayer full of goodness, which does not ask anything for you, but for the Lord in you. He who asks from the Lord for himself, that one cannot do God’s will because the Lord cannot work in man, both man’s will and God’s will. I wait with the Lord within the gates crushed by the Lord’s sufferance in His sons who are bearers of God for those on the earth, and I come as word into the book of the Word of God to call out to you

11 You can also see on:!0NtDxC7I!0BHJWTnRYHXLU2vw4kAZVlFUK3SbB2vQkvJNQh1gW 0

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again, after two thousand years: repent, repent, repent! I have reminded you of the commandment given by God for the man to fulfill. I am calling you near the water of life, near the word of life and I am telling you: repent! And again, I am telling you to love God with all His being in you, and love your neighbor as yourselves after You will have loved God loving yourselves like that; like that and not without the love of God in you.

The wisdom of the word of the Lord mouth is a great river of life on the earth during these days when He has come back to the people to draw all to the Father. Come near, listen and fulfill in you the love of God. May all my feasts on earth among you be the feast of the Epiphany! May they be feasts of repentance, from margins to margins! This is what I, John, the baptizer of the Son of God, am asking you.

Oh, do not baptize into the water only your children and that is all. First, baptize yourselves in the baptism of repentance, and after that baptize your sons like that. Do not play hide and seek with God, for what the Christianity of today has taken to do, that so called “Christianity,” has not taken from me but it has taken from itself. I have set the man to repent and then to be baptized with water to the forgiveness of the sins, then to learn from the Holy Spirit, and then to baptize his children taking care to give them to the Lord and not to the world. Woe to you if you still believe that you can deceive God by baptizing your children with the priests who heap up sins upon sins, and after that they become baptizers of infants without first being baptizers for those who are born babies bringing to them to baptize them. The baptism was not performed like that in my time, in the time of the disciple and apostles of the Lord, but all the house was baptized, from father to child, with the baptism of repentance by preaching, and from it, by faith, and then by the love of God and the love of one’s neighbor, until the feast of the Epiphany was crowned with the descending of the tongues of the Holy Spirit over those baptized and cleansed from sin by the repentance from their evil works.

Oh, until when, sons of men? Oh, who bewitched you to submit to people and not to God? Therefore bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, as here it is how the Son of God makes sons from those who are despised because of the haughtiness in the man who calls himself baptizer over the sons of men. I baptize you with the baptism of repentance, but near me is now He Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Amen, amen, amen.

And now, Lord, I want to take the little ones, Your people, and I want to speak with it in a special way, as You did when You spoke: with the Pharisees You spoke in one way, and with Your disciple You spoke in another special way. To those who asked me: «What then must we do?», I was answering them to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, and those who were my disciples I always taught them in a special way, as You worked, and I worked like You, to be in Your image and after Your likeness on the earth. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, how shall I not rejoice over your joy, My baptizer! We have the path under our feet and We walk on it and embrace in a special way within the mystery of the word those who are My disciples on earth. You were a great mystery among people, as I spoke about you to those who were tempting Me by their mind and mouth, concerning you and Me. Let Us close thedoorafterUsand let Usrejoicewith the disciplesthataresealed forthedeep mysteries of My coming to man after two thousand years.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 25 01 2003

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The sign of the faith is the speaking in the Holy Spirit. The man cannot be called a faithful man, a man with faith in Me, if after that he has no speaking of the Holy Spirit, the sign of the receiving of the faith and then of the baptism with faith, for the man has got used in vain to be baptized in water if he has not learned the spirit of repentance for the forgiveness of the sins, the spirit which is followed by the speaking in the Holy Spirit as a sign of the man’s holiness.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, on the second day. The feast of the birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21 09 2003 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Oh, those who get baptized like people, do not know what baptism is, and those who are baptized like Me know to remain in Me and be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, but how shall every man understand the love between Me and man, My word, loved and fulfilled by man. Soon, soon, I come down on earth with My great and bright day, and I said that the spirit of repentance and the spirit of prophecy have to go before it upon thepeople, for this is what baptism and aman baptized with the HolySpirit mean, Who comes back from the man to Me, comforting Me and prophesying that the kingdom of the heavens has come near, as John also used to comfort Me and preached My kingdom and its coming on earth with the man. Oh, I have not come to take back the kingdom from the man, but I have come to give Mine to him, the richest one, the one which will not be taken from him, and I give it to him as a gift, only for the man to want to give himself to it and to know it within Me, for I have not come into the world to take back the kingdom from the man, but rather I have come in order to come and then to go to prepare a sweet place for the man, and then to come back again and to bring it down on earth for all those who bear fruit within Me, and thus having been pruned and taken care of by Me to be able to bear more fruit. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany) 19 01 2004 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Oh, people of My word, I have always been telling you this so that the human kind may know that I am word over the man on earth, that I have not changed, that I am Who I am and I reign forever by justice. Amen.

Two thousand years ago, I came down on earth and became the Son of Man, and I went to John, who was sharing the baptism of repentance at Jordan, the baptism with water to the forgiveness of the sins, and to the fruit worthy of repentance. I stood in line together with those who feared God, and again, with those who were fleeing from the wrath that was to come over the sinful ones.

I bowed in submission to the Father and submitted to John asking him to baptize Me, so that the Father, because of My humility in the midst of those who saw Me at Jordan, may be able to confess Me as His beloved Son, with Whom He was well pleased, and the people to see the kingdom of the heavens in Me, and the Father proclaiming Me over My head, and the Holy Spirit baptizing Me, for the sealing of the baptism with water, which John was giving to those who feared God and the wrath for their sins, and from which many of them were fleeing. Oh, one is not supposed to flee from sin when My wrath for sin comes, but one should flee from it by not committing sin, for otherwise it is hard for the man who does not repent, who

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does not stop from the fruit of his death, who does not flee from the face of his sins lest he may taste them.

Behold a holy feast of word, a feast of Epiphany on earth! Let the people be baptized into this river that flows out of My mouth, and let them come to repentance and to the forgiveness of their sins before the payment for their sins comes. Amen.

Oh, My people, grow in your fear of God and take My image in your image and take in you and in your nature the obedience to the Father and the submission under His almighty hand, and do not rely on Me as the people do, those who say that I am good for their desires, and who always remain in debt to God. Rely on your fear of God, which becomes in you a beautiful image, a praised image in its face and conduct in your body that you have given to Me by your obedience and submission. Show yourself obedient as I showed Myself at Jordan so that the Father and all His army may confess you from heaven as His son among the sons of men on earth, as He also confessed Me, when John, washing Me in the water of Jordan, heard, together with those who were gathered to be baptized, the Father, Who said to Me: «You are My beloved Son with Whom I am well pleased». (See Matthew: 3/17) Amen.

Peace to you, for I want you to be faithful so that I may be able to tell you: peace to you, Romanian people, people chosen from among the nations to My glory from My coming, and for your glory! However, you should humble yourself in order to see Me, for I have My kingdom in your midst, and I want to grow you through it and to praise you among the nations. And the nations will come to you and will be baptized in your faith and they will sing to you and say: «Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to walk in God’s paths and lights and to rejoice over Him under the glory of His people newly chosen for His glory!” (See Micah: 4/2)

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany), from 19 01 2005.


While I was walking with My disciples, I was always speaking with them about the Father’s promise, about the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and when the time came near for Me to ascend to the Father, I told them: «You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth». (Acts: 1/8) When I told them that they would confess Me to the uttermost parts of the earth, I told them about the Holy Spirit through Whom they confessed Me after they had received Him, after I had gone to the Father. The power of the Holy Spirit works wherever He wants and as much as He wants after He has confessed on earth to God through the man who has His power over him, the power of the Holy Spirit.

Oh, My people, I am coming down to you with the power of the Holy Spirit, for My word is this power, and youneedto havemorethananyonewhois empoweredbyGodthrough the times with this power that means the baptism with the Holy Spirit, the power that makes the man to be God’s confessor, and the confession is very quick for it goes from man to man to all the margins as much as the Holy Spirits wants to work by His swift going.

Oh, how much I long to speak with the man on earth! No matter how much I would speak, My longing is without death, without end, My people. This longing is word, for the word is the measure of the longing, and I am without end and I am the Word, My people, and I long

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to speak and Ilong to confess it. When Iwas with the disciples in the world, I could not appease all My longing, for I was in the flesh and I wanted to testify about Myself, because this is how it is on earth when you are. But now, My longing flows like a river from heaven, for this time, which has been waited for ages, has come. I Myself become power of Holy Spirit from the Father and I testify about Myself on earth, and I am in the Father and fulfill that Scripture by which I said that I would go to the Father in order to come back again. Oh, it is not otherwise that Scripture, which speaks about the Holy Spirit, the messenger over the man, and it is not as the priests of the church speak, as though they would speak from the Holy Spirit, for there is not in the Holy Spirit what they say that the Holy Spirit works in churches. And I tell you this: this word is the Holy Spirit, promised by the Father that He would come on earth, and from Whom I gave power to My disciples two thousand years ago and they confessed Me to the creatures by all that I had worked into their midst, as long as I lived on earth within all My mystery among people. When I ascended into heaven, I reminded them of the Father’s promise when I was telling them: «I go so that I may be able to come again. I go and I will send you the Comforter, Who will take and will tell to you from what is Mine». (See John: 16/13, 15) Now I Myself from heaven, from the midst of My disciples, I Myself confess on earth, for the angels of My ascension told those who were looking at Me: «As you saw Him going into the sky will come back in the same way». (Acts: 1/11) And speaking over them I ascended into the sky, and a cloud came and covered Me, and I, am speaking now from the sky, for I come with the clouds as I ascended, as the angels of My ascension said that I would come.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension. The feast of the birth of the holy Virginia, from 09 06 2005. ***

The Holy Spirit sighs in heaven and on earth. He is the tear of the Father and of the Son, God’s tear, which becomes word, tear that comforts even if there is no comfort for it but only pain, for the tear is born from pain.

I am the Father Sabaoth, and My Son stands on My right side, the Savior of the man humble in his spirit, and who is full of My sighing, and this sighing is called the Holy Spirit. The entire heaven of saints and angels is near Us, and the heaven is celebrating within a great mystery the holy feast for the little garden of the word, and the Father, the Son and the whole heaven of saints and angels has been looking at it, for it is its feast today, of the three feasts established over it at its sealing with the Holy Spirit, with God’s sign.

Oh, dear Son, this day has been waited by those who are faithful to gather them in it in the garden of the meeting, but at the work of the book We have those who make Us room on earth with the people at the feasts of the heaven. Oh, painful Son, the feasts of the heaven are not on earth as in heaven, even if You taught Your disciples to do God’s will on earth as in heaven in all the times, for the man has to do Our will, and without man this is not possible on earth. The Holy Spirit in Us becomes word, and the word is Our tear before the man, tearful Son, because all My word, which flows thorough You, is tear, aggrieved Son, and such feasts are among those in heaven, and these are not something else.

You told Your disciples that if You came to Me they would not remain orphans, that You would send them the Holy Spirit, the Comforter for the disciples on earth. But which is the comfort for heaven on the earth? Which really, Son Who, like Father, have been sighing for seven thousands years? If We cry, then is it good for the man to be otherwise? Is it good for the

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man to be without the Holy Spirit, Who cries within God? Here it is what the man has done! He has wanted to be happier than God and he has fled from this sufferance; he has fled from the Holy Spirit, Who has been crying behind him without comforting. The Holy Spirit cries and by His sufferance He comforts, and there is no man to know His mysterious face, His limitless sighing, because the man flees from sufferance and he does not let himself be a dwelling place for the rest of the Holy Spirit, Who is without a dwelling and without fruit in man.

The Holy Spirit cries above the little garden of the word, which calls the man to life from heaven, to feasts on earth as in heaven. The Christians wait for the feasts of the new people, but if they are not as in heaven when they come together, the Holy Spirit cries and His tear becomes word and no one wipes it out from among those who come together in the days of feasts prepared with labor in heaven and on earth for the comfort of the man who seeks after God.

Oh, My Son, I have come with a word of sighing into him so that We and the entire heaven may be within a mysterious feast of Holy Spirit. I have set those in the gates once with My entrance and I let My being in Your being, and We come in through the gates. Amen.

Oh, Father, the pain of the Holy Spirit’s tear, We have nowhere to rest on it but only within the gates, and it is mysterious and it cannot be seen and known by man in such a way that he may also suffer from the sufferance of the Holy Spirit. Two thousand years ago, when I sent Your promise over My disciples from the world, the power of the Holy Spirit rested on many, and then the apostles baptized those who were added to the sight of the signs of those who followed. And Peter answered those who asked the apostles about what they were supposed to do: «Repent, and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit». (Acts: 4/38)

Oh, My Father, where on earth is still there the baptism with the Holy Spirit? Oh, how much I suffer because of Our missing from man, Father! The lack of the Holy Spirit in man has punished Us with sufferance without comfort, Father. The man cannot get away from the flesh and the lack of longing after God made the man into dust, and it filled him with the worries of life, and We find the man only in this way, day and night, Father. We have limitless pains. We look with sorrow at the man to see him if he gets up for the Holy Spirit, and We are aggrieved because of Our absence from man, and We are aggrieved without comfort in heaven and on earth. Our sigh is Our entire feast and of Our Holy Spirit, Who becomes word, and the word calls for the tear of the Holy Spirit, My tear and Yours in My being, because I am Your word, and I become tear and it is word, Father.

Oh, My people, I would pick up your tears to bring them to the Father, but the tear is born of pain. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, but His tear does not find any comfort at all. The pain gets no comfort, My people. It is lived and it is a bedding of the Holy Spirit in the man who suffers like God and not like the man. The endless life is expensive, and I want with longing to make the man wise, so that he may long for the dough of God’s being, the Holy Spirit, full of sighing, the One without rest, seeking to make a people for Himself to have the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon Him, the mystery of the new man, born of heaven, of God.

Oh, My people, you should always look at you, if you have the Holy Spirit. Take the book and read it to see what the Holy Spirit does in man and you should always look at yourself and to take after the one baptized with the Holy Spirit and not after the haughty man, in which

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there is no place for this being of God. It was mysterious the feast of the Holy Spirit’s Descending upon the disciples two thousand years ago and then upon those gathered at Jerusalem from all the nations of the earth. You should be filled with the Holy Spirit, My people, for the man to receive spirit from God’s Spirit, and you should not be the guide of those who want to catch My being upon you and to spoil it for their empty glory on earth. If Judas wanted to be great on earth, he became the guide of those who sought to give Me over to death, and I allowed it to happen in order that I may fulfill the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead and to become the man’s guide to an endless life on earth as in heaven, and to baptize the man with theHolySpirit, and that this sign maybe shownin him.Theonewho wants to have control over his body and his flesh, let him come and be baptized in My name with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and this is how the Christians should come together at My feasts with you, and they should not come together otherwise, because Ihave lived among people as word for such a long time, and the man remained only man and he has not given himself over to God, when I opened to him to understand and then to become new. Behold, the man cannot, because the spirit lusts against the flesh, and there are only bodies of people on earth, bodies that eat bodies and which cry against God.

… Oh, My people, may the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, be My sign upon you, to release My tear from man. You should be a great sign among the sons of the people who do not love God with their living, with their holy sacrifice, for the holy life is greater than any sacrifice, and there is no sacrifice which may be compared with My holy life in man, the life which loves God, loving from man.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 19 06 2005 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

I sit at a heavenly table again with you, My people. It is a feast of Pentecost, and we have to work out a feast, to work out Holy Spirit.

May the peace of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, the peace of the Lord your God be at His table with you, at your table with Him! If you give the Lord a little chair and a dish at your table, then give Him what He eats, so that He may be comforted with you so that He may also do, for I am a weak and poor God from every man on earth, because the man does not make Me room in his life and he does not make Me room at his table, at his counsel, at his joys and pains, and I stand weak near man, and I am not given any consideration by man. However, the Lord does not need to have such a life into your midst. With you I need to be alive by all your things, those that the Lord is able to put on His bleeding wounds, on His unhealed wounds, on His heart full of unquenched longing after the man, after His rest in man, My people.

It is a feast of Holy Spirit, but the world does not know what the Holy Spirit means in order to give Him the proper power of this feast set by the Father and Son on earth on the people of God. The people of God are not from the world, as the Lord is not from this world too. Those whom I took out of the world to be with the Lord, they were walking with Me and they were not walking with the world. And after I went to be with the Father, after My ascension into the sky, My disciples walked with the Holy Spirit on earth, and through Him they worked out great signs, great miracles, great works, for this is what the Holy Spirit does, Who has been fulfilling the Holy Trinity within His work of seven thousand years on earth.

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The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, are one, and God does not work without counseling. When We built the man, We sat in counsel. When We destroyed the man, We also sat in counsel, and then We sent the Flood on the earth so that We were able to take it from the beginning again by the work of the godhead, for the man walked in his ways on earth and not according to God’s will. Oh, how comes that those, that did not receive My coming on earth two thousand years ago, did not understand this? How could they not receive when they were reading in the Scriptures that We, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, had a council when We built the man? The work without council is a work without an angel, My people, and the people had worked without angels and became totally corrupted, and God said: «My Spirit will not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually». (Gen: 6/3,5)

Oh, My people, the work of the Father and of the Son is the HolySpirit, Who has always been within the prophets in such a way that the man could see God on earth in His work upon man, for the work without any council is a work without an angel; it is a human work, a work that does not lead the man to God. Two thousand years ago, when I and with the Father sent the Holy Spirit into the world to testify about the Father and about the Son, and for the people to come together at a godly work, and to get out of the world those who receive the sign of the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon them, and then to stay within a godly work on the earth. The spirit of man is holy only then when the Holy Spirit works upon man, and otherwise the man has only his own spirit, his own mind and his own work. For seven thousand ages God has been reducing the years of man’s life, for the Spirit of God could not remain forever in man, and it grieved the Lord in His heart and He was sorry that He created the man.

… My people,let yourdeedalways, always meantheFather,theSonandtheHolySpirit so that the entire nations of the earth may see God with you within His coming. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Spirit’s Descending the third day, from 21 06 2005 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Oh, wake up, you people who call yourselves God’s church! Wake up, for it is hard on the earth, and I do not have among you a man pleased to Me to rely on him, for You preach about yourselves and not about Me, and you walk in the way of those who crucified Me, those who had this power on the earth. Be frightened at My voice that is upon you! I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth. I am the one about Whom you say to the people that you serve Him. Even if you share your guilt among you, saying to one another that I am not the One Who speaks from this manger of word, I am this word. You would be happy that I may not be, but I am the Word Who speaks with you. I come with the thousands of saints and I am called the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/1312 ) and I speak upon the earth in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, baptizing into My word those who believe and becoming My dwelling place of resurrection in them. However, you are fearful and hide yourselves because you are guilty and you hide God too. I have sent to you the book of My word of today, (See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) The Word of God13, r.n.) and then I have written

12 «His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written [TR/CT omits “names written”} and a Name written which no one knows but Himself. He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”» (Apoc: 19/12,13.)

13 You can also see on:!lV8TlCSB

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you in heaven, each one of you, that I have given My book, My word of fifty years on the Romanian land,theword ofMy second comingfrom nearthe Fatherto the man.Oh,youcannot hide. And you should know that I will stay face to face with you before thousands and millions of angels as it is written, and it will be for you to answer Me: what have you done with God, Who have knocked at the doors of your hearts? Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Saint Apostle Andrew, from 13 12 2006 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

With a sweet feast of Epiphany I come into your midst, Romanian Jerusalem, people with a new name. (See the selection topic: „Romania The New Jerusalem The New Canaan14”, r.n.) I have given you a new name, My people and I have always baptized you with the Holy Spirit, and I have marked you as Mine, for the heaven is open above you, and God’s angels are ascending and descending on Me, and they ascend and descend again when I speak My word into your midst, and I want you to stay with no deceit before Me and to believe, My people, as two thousand years ago, My disciples believed in My word that was upon them having no deceit, those whom I taught how to believe after I had seen their hearts and the levity in it, by which they received Me, loved Me and believed in Me, My people, and I had always, always been baptizing them with the Holy Spirit, the same as I have worked with you today to keep you always, always in the bath of the birth from above, for I am the One Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit, My people.

Oh, I chose My disciples with great care and I taught them with great power, and they were not deceptive and believed in Me, understood Me and followed Me, My people. When theyfoundfrom eachotherabout Me, they wereasking themselvesand rejoicing, andthey were confessing Me without deceit, without doubt, in My coming then from the Father on the earth, and they were calling Me Teacher, and I was also confessing and telling them: «Come, and you will see where My dwelling place is». And I was also telling to one them: «You are Simon and you will be called Cephas». Yet, to another one I was telling: «Come after Me!», and to the one who came to Me I said: «Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!». And then he confessed Me saying: «Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel, the son of Joseph from Nazareth». And Isealedhim and Itoldhim: «Most assuredly, I tell you, hereafter you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man». (See John: 1/42, 47, 49, 51) Amen.

Oh, I was teaching My disciples with such great love, the love without hypocrisy and with steadfast faith, and I was walking after them to choose them, and the angels were serving

14 You can also see on:!8AcnVSYA!FanFO3k1dUA8k24WYeK0n x_ruiUTroTGOA6I8cRqLQ _The_New_Jerusalem_ _The_New_Canaan.pdf lord jesus the second coming of jesus christ romania the new jerusalem the new canaan/

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Me, as I told them, and then I turned the water into wine, to choose disciples and I chose them performing miracles before them, and when the one with no deceit came by night to confess his steadfast faith that I came from God as a Teacher on the earth, and that the miracles that I was doing were confessing Me as the Son of the Father, then I, the Lord, told him: «Most assuredly I tell you, unless one is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God». (John: 1/5), and I explained to him the mystery of the birth from above, for he had no deceit, although he was a teacher in Israel and he was a ruler among them, and then I told him again: «He who believes in Me is not judged, and he who does not believe has already been judged, for the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were evil and they did not want them to be exposed», (See also John: 3/18 20) and this is how I was able to tell him about My power from the Father over those that believe in Me without deceit, and then again, about My pain from the man, after the man, knowing Me and loving his own self more, then he denies Me.

Oh, My people, the mystery of the baptism is the mystery of the birth from above, and this is how I was teaching those without deceit to be My disciples and to believe working the heavenly mysteries on the earth, as I have also worked in the time of My coming of now, My people, but, as at that time, very few have wanted to remain totally Mine, and without deceit to have given Me My time with them and to have them as fruit before the Father and that they may not be judged by not loving the light but the darkness and their works instead, being kept in the darkness.

Oh, I could not make the Israel of that time understand from Me that I am not two Gods; I could not and only a small remnant of it wanted then to be with My grace, and the other one wanted to be under the darkness instead, boasting about the law, which protected the sin and which could not save the man from destruction, and, behold, this is what has happened to us today too, oh, My people, but I am also speaking for today and say: I am not two Gods but I am Only One God and I have come down from heaven to make the man holy and to save him in this way. Amen.

Oh, My people, oh, My people! I have always, always baptized you with the Holy Spirit and I teach you the birth and the growth, and after that I teach you what it means to become a child, the life without sin, son, because it hurts Me and it hurts Me bitterly when I hear on the earth the man that says that God does not ask from the sinners what He asks from the saints for their salvation. However now, I wipe out the tears from My face and I cry again on it, and I wipe it out again and say: he who sins having a law, as he says, that one is separated from Me, for I am the One without sin and I am the God of those who stay under My protecting angel, waiting after those who commit sin to leave off their sin and to become holy for their salvation, for I am One God. Amen.

With a sweet feast of Epiphany I am standing today into your mist, My people of today, and I have set you to lay the table from the earth and I am to put on it food from heaven and to invite My people of yesterday, My people of old, that I may come and dine with it in a feast of baptism, for it fell from grace after it had known Me that I had come from God to counsel it and then to give it life from above and to have it as Mine, but it wanted Me to be its God the way it was, and not as I can have the man so that he may be Mine.

Oh, people of old, not so, it is not as you are staying now, far from the works of your faith in Me; it is not in this way that you can call Me your God. I am the God of those who

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leave sin to come to Me and to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon them so that they may remain saints after that and not sinners and servants of the flesh again. I embrace you with the word, people of old. I am sitting at the table with you and crying and I want to remind you of My miracle, of My voice which was speaking to you and teaching you to be, and that you may no longer let yourself die, but rather to be alive, and to be the saint of God, for there is no sweeter life for man than the holy life in him, with which he comforts Me, becoming My rest, for I have lost the rest after the man died in his sin, My people of old. Oh, I have waited for you again, and I have poured power over you to be able to become Mine and to be the day of My coming and that you may no longer be the darkness of the ruler of this age, but of the sons of the darkness, who because of their wicked works do not love the light, and they do not want the darkness to expose their works, My people of old. Oh, as two thousand years ago, very few in you wanted to remain My people completely and with no deceit in order to give Me My time with them, and not to give it to them. Oh, you have remained with the law which protects the sin, people of old, and I have remained with a sigh after you, for I have wanted you to be holy for Me, but you have not wanted and the sin has seemed sweet to you when you wanted to choose My way or your way for you, and then you have left Me crying, waiting and being ashamed before the ruler of the darkness of this age, which weakens you so that you may not bring your works into the light and rather to keep your fleshly sins into the darkness and give Me from you, for I have come as light into the world, so that anyone who believes in Me may not perish but have eternal life, My people of old, and not to have life only for a little while, and then death and sin to come; oh, not in this way, people of old, not in this way, not so. I have taught you otherwise and I have given you the book of My coming with you to remind you of My miracle into your midst and that you may not stay far from Me, but to wake up instead, My people of old, and to make Me glad with your repentance and humility, and to confess Me as true God and as your God, as My disciples, chosen by My grace two thousand years ago, confessed Me without deceit; moreover, I was also confessing them, speaking with them and I was revealing them the mysteries of their lives, and then I was loving those without any deceit in them and I was getting comfort from them.

Oh, My country, be baptized in My word, for you are the country with My glory in it. My word, which speaks in you and with you, this means My glory in you, oh, My country with a treasure in it (See the selection topic: „The glory of God15”, r.n.) Oh, I, the Lord, comfort you with My whisper in you and I teach you the birth from above, and I tell you as I said two thousand years ago: «That what is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Don’t marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’ I have not come into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Me. Whoever believes in Me is not judged, and the one who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in Me, for I have come into the world as Light and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil. However, he who works truth comes to the light, that his works may be revealed, that they have been done in God». (See John: 3/6, 7, 17, 18, 21) Amen. This is how I was teaching My disciples two thousand years ago, oh, My country, and I have taught you today too, and I want that those without deceit to

15 You can also see on: Word of God about the glory of the God

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be seen in you, for it is so easy for them to believe in My word, that they themselves may testify by their work about My image in them, about their birth from God with the baptism from above over their being, oh, country with My treasure in you, but you should come to revival, to know and to see the One Who knocks that He may confess Himself from your midst as your God, and you, His, oh My country, with My treasure in it. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism, from 19 01 2007 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

On a day of the feast of My Ascension to the Father, I am lowering My word on earth, for it is the time of My coming again from the Father to man, and behold, I am finding only disbelief, only carelessness of God with man, and the man is no longer true; however, My coming is true just as I am, and I have power to speak over the earth and then to fulfill. Amen.

Stand always watch before Me, you, those in the gates, for I walk through the gates when I come, (Gates those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) but this great mystery is little understood, appreciated and perceived, for man is careless of God and exalts himself; on the other hand, I humble Myself with great patience and I speak My word for those who believe like Me, and not like man, in the mystery of My coming from the Father to man. Stand watch, sons. I have been bringing down in you the word of the Holy Spirit, for I have made you into My gates, and you should work as disciples, and you are My comfort, children sons, and happy are those who receive you as you receive Me to the life of many, giving them a spirit of life giving, as I have set you to work, and behold, I am telling you, you and My people of old, that I want to call it and to gather it near the spring on the day of the celebration of the descending of the Holy Spirit over the disciples of two thousand years ago, and then from them, shared to the multitudes gathered in Jerusalem on that day, and I want now to do likewise, I want to give the gift of the Holy Spirit to My people, to teach it its way with Me and My way with it and to comfort it with My advice, with My great exhortation, by its great power over My people. If I am the Teacher of My people, then My people is the one that has to obey and to do like Me by My teaching upon it, but it needs great care and love for My teaching, for without this love it cannot do like Me, it cannot believe as one has to believe, it cannot understand what it has to be understood and how it has to be the one who stays underMy rain ofword,which becomes thebaptism withtheHolySpirituponman.Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 17 05 2007. ***

I come down from heaven on earth as word and I come down crying and strengthening the way for My coming down. Amen.

I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth. If this word were from the evil spirit, then world upon world would have come around it and it would have done it’s will as it is on earth, but My word is a consuming fire and the man from everywhere does not come close to it, for the man keeps to his will itself and he makes it greater than he is and the man flees from God’s will on the earth. My word is a consuming fire, and only the one who brings himself to God stays around it, as a sacrifice of righteous love, without any blemish, holy love like Mine, love from My love in man, and happy is the man meant by God to be taken by My will on the earth, as My apostles were, whom I called at their right time on the earth to be Mine and then to be in My image and after My likeness before Me, by a sacrificing love for many of

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those who, waiting for Me to come, love the eternal things in them and who do not pass away, just as I, the Lord, do not pass away, for I am Who I am. Amen.

Oh, My disciples, I have chosen you from the people two thousand years ago and I have made you the messengers of the kingdom of the heavens, and very few people understood this royal life on the earth! The man does not give up his life, but, on the contrary, he struggles for it, but in the Scriptures it is written My word, which says: «He, who gains his life, will lose it». (Luke: 9/24) Oh, dear disciples, I have showed you My divinity, by which I was working power and signs upon people, to be able to choose you as sons of steadfast faith, sons of miracles. Then you have received spirit of My Spirit, for I had breathed Holy Spirit with My mouth and I said to you: «Receive Holy Spirit and go in all the world and show the kingdom of the heavens in you by the signs and miracles of your faith, and baptize the nations in the word of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and whoever’s sins you forgive, they are forgiven them, and whoever’s sins you retain, they have been retained». (See also John: 20/22,23) Behold, I speak now a great mystery: the Holy Spirit appears over the man to whom his sins are forgiven, and in this way it known the one who is forgiven, and he who does not receive in him the sign of the Holy Spirit, that one remains in his sins, in his blood, far away from the life of the kingdom of the heavens in man. Amen.

Oh, dear disciples, open your little mouths for My glory in you and give voice of teaching over the earth, for I have chosen you and I have sent you saying to you: «Therefore go in the whole world and baptize the nations of the earth in the name and the word of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, preaching from margins to margins the kingdom of the heavens that has come on the earth with Me, the Son of God, Savior Who has come from the Father then and now for everyone who believes this miracle: My coming». Amen, amen, amen.

Two thousand years ago, after I let Myself be put on the cross by man and after I was resurrected, I revealed completely the truth of My divinity, My being of the Son of the Father Sabaoth, born of Him before all eternity, and then born on earth from man, the Son of Man, I said to My disciples this: «All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Receive Holy Spirit, and therefore go, preaching over the nations the kingdom of the heaven that has come to them, for all those who will believe and will be baptized in the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit» (See also Matt: 28/18,19) Oh, but how shall I tell My disciples now to work upon people? The people say that they are baptized, that they are faithful, that they have got God as their Father and the Son as their Savior and that they are good as they are.

Oh, how shall I tell you to work upon the people in this time, beloved disciples? I am coming with you from those in heaven and we are, among those from heaven, a table of disciples with a Teacher, as I was on earth with you too. How shall we work upon the people on the earth? My fifty year old word, this word which springs from God’s throne and the Lamb’s, as I, the Lord, showed to My disciple John, that he could see the time of nowadays and to announce it to be, the man does not wash in this river of word; the man does not look to see his face and to thirst and then to look for My spring. I spoke through the Scriptures: «He who is thirsty, I will freely give him of the spring of the water of life, and then the one who will overcome will be heir».

Oh, beloved disciples, I come with you from the bosoms of the heaven to work on earth and the man to hear now the course of the spring of the living water and to thirst after it. I in you and you in Me, this is how you have to work. May your work and word from heaven on

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earth be blessed, for the earth is Our footstool for work, as the heaven is Our throne of council. God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; you should work in these names and you should speak from the table of the holy council the word of the renewal of the world, for it is written about you My word that was written then, that «at the new birth of the world, you will also sit on twelve thrones, judging over the earth». (See also Matt: 19/28) Amen, amen, amen.

Now, My disciples on heaven, works through the gates. I in them and they in Me, so that the world may believe that I have sent them. Amen, amen, amen.

We are set for the proclaiming of the kingdom of the heavens on the earth, disciples coming from heaven, coming on the earth with their Teacher, Christ. Amen.

Oh, people from the earth, God sits in the midst of gods and has council for the salvation of the nations of the earth. We speak over all the creatures by our sending. He, who believes and is baptized in this word, will be saved, and he who will not believe, will be condemned, as the Lord spoke through the Scriptures. The angels of the great council are with us, and we are His disciples. As the Father had sent Him, in the same way He had sent us as well. Amen.

Oh, behold, man, how much I am aggrieved because of your departure from God. I want to knead your faith and feeling after God again, and I want to live in you in My image and after My likeness, full of the pain from man and from the longing after the man. I want you to suffer too from My pain after you, and I want you to carry Me too, man. I am full of mercy after you. I want you to be likewise after Me, too, that we may take after each other, man. The man built by My hand did not want to be like Me, and he gave Me the pain and he chose the joy of his life and he took his place away from Me. And since then, I have wandered away after the man, and I have gone after him in tears. I have cried through the prophets and I have gone after the man with the voice of My word spoken through the prophets, but the man has been stiff necked. Now I have become a river of affectionate word, sweet word to the man, and I would have not worked that way if it had not been written in the Scriptures to become over the earth, the river and the water of life, as clear as crystal, and which springs from the throne of God and of the Lamb, for two thousand years ago I said: «Until heaven and earth pass away, one jot of My word shall in no way pass away from the law, until all things will be accomplished, as it was spoken». (See Matt: 5/18) Behold, My word has become a river over the earth, and I have given it to the people, as I have always given it. Take and drink from it, man, and seek it with thirst, for it seeks after you, walking from margins to margins, and it has called you to thirst after it. It is God, the Word, and it springs from My mouth, and I am the dwelling of the Father, God’s throne, I am God’s Lamb. Amen.

And now, oh, My country of coming down on the earth now, in the end of the time, if I, God the word, overflow on your hearth with the river and water of life, as it is written in the Scriptures, then you are preached over the nations that you are My wedding country, that you are the hearth in which, I, the Lord, the Father’s Lamb, set within a table of the supper of My word, and in this word I want to baptize all the nations of the earth, and behold, this is what I have been doing, and I work as in the time of Noah, bringing on the earth the river and the water of life and catching under it the nations, to come and to drink and to thirst then after the life of My word that is on it, but behold, everywhere I find parties, and I find eating and drinking on earth, and I find marring and giving in marriage on earth, and the

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man does not hear the noise of My coming, for I come smoothly, and I speak sweetly in the word. (See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah16”, r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the saint apostles, Peter and Paul, from 13 07 2007 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

In the spirit of the feast of Epiphany, I, the Lord, meet My people again, for My feasts and the feasts of My saints became and become paths of My Spirit’s coming down, the One Who is a Teacher over the sons, and behold, John, My godfather of baptism, waits at the border between day and night to receive Me and My people in heaven and on earth, up and down, as the whole heaven waits for the saints. Amen.

Lift up, you gates, so that I may come again into the book with a feast of Epiphany for I want to be baptized in My word, all those who believe in My coming of nowadays, for he who is baptized is the faithful one of My being of true God from true God, and is faithful to the work of My word, by which I came and come down on earth, and then to tell the one who hears Me through the gates, to tell him to be baptized in My word, in My Spirit, as John, My Baptizer, spoke at Jordan to those who came to him, and he told them this: «Repent!» Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, Lamb God, I entered at once into Your book with Your people, for I have been waiting for this as one full of longing and confessing spirit, for there is no sweeter happiness in heaven for Your saints like that for them to be able to confess You from heaven on earth by Your coming of now with Your saints. And I, like You, speak to Your people likewise and to every man who takes us from the wedding table of Your word, and I tell to all those who hear from heaven the voice of God’s Son, the trumpet for resurrection, I tell them to be baptized in God’s word, because I told those who came to me to the water of Jordan for baptism, I told them: «Repent! I indeed baptize you with water for repentance and for the forgiveness of the sins by your repentance, but He Who comes after me is mightier than I am, and He is the great One, and This will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with fire».

Oh, how shall we do, Lord baptizer, how shall we do, Lord, to bring the man to repentance, and then to the baptism in the Holy Spirit? When I was preaching the kingdom of God in the wilderness of Judea, which was coming closer to the Jews to comprise them in it, I was calling to repentance those who were hearing me and Jerusalem and Judea, and all the surroundings of Jordan were coming, and I was baptizing with water those who were confessing their sins with repentance, but I also saw the Pharisees and the Sadducees that they were coming to baptism, and I, seeing that they were cunning, I stopped them and I told them to bring forth fruits worthy of repentance if they did not know to repent for the baptism with water and because they relied on Abraham in a hypocrite way, then I stood against them and told them

16 You can also see on: word of god about now as in the days of noah Word of God about now as in the days of Noah g2OPGfiq

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that God was able to raise up children to Abraham even from the stones, and I called them offspring of vipers, and I rightly called them like that, those who believed that would get away anyhow from the wrath that was to come upon those who worked it out and not their salvation, and then they went to their own business not giving up their sin in them, the sin of their haughtiness and of not loving of God, the sin from ancestors and by which the Jewish people were sending the righteous ones to death in order for them to make room with their kingdom under the name of Abraham’s sons, but they were offspring of vipers, Lord, for when You came down on earth, they followed You up to kill You even from the time of your infancy, Lord, and they did this after they found You out from me that You came out and appeared and then You confessed for their salvation too, and they gave You to death afterwards by the sin of blasphemy and treason, Lord.

Oh, I speak to Your people of today a word of love for You, my and its Teacher, and You bless now my word!

Amen, amen, I say to You, My Baptizer, I am the One Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire, and you should speak about this mystery and power of this baptism, and should preach it to My people of today. Amen.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the One Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Come closer to my testimony, people born of the word of God, for the baptism with the Holy Spirit worked with power, and He worked visibly after the Lord went to be with the Father and He ordained His disciples to establish the Lord’s church on earth, and the Holy Spirit was perfecting Himself in those who came to repentance and then to the water of baptism to the forgiveness of their sins, and those who were baptized in the name of Christ were seized by the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, how did that come about? Oh, blessed is, and blessed is again the one who comes to know how to come to God, for that one is the one who repents confessing all their sins, all the death in him, washing away from it by repentance and by the water that testifies from the earth, and then that one joins in with the work of the Holy Spirit, becoming a new vessel, a new man, and the Spirit testifies then from heaven and He glorifies Himself with His sign in the one baptized with the Holy Spirit, and behold, the Lord ascended to be with the Father so that He might sent the Holy Spirit to come down into those who clean themselves of their own self and in such a way that the Holy Spirit might be able to come in them, God’s kingdom with all its glory, with the Holy Spirit in them, the spirit of the saints of the kingdom of the heavens on earth, and I speak again: Blessed are those who know how to come to God, for they will become the sons of the Holy Spirit and they will be called so after that. Amen.

Oh, people of the slaughtered Lamb! His blood washes away from his sin the one who knows what the birth from heaven means, the birth from repentance and from the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Oh, look well into your midst and see! The sings of the Holy Spirit speak in those who have wanted to be vessels bearing of God. If you have sinned against this work of the Lord’s coming in order that through it He may make sons of His kingdom on earth among people, sons exhorted and grown within the Holy Spirit, get up and become a son of God, for the Pharisees and the Sadducees were offspring of vipers when they went to be baptized with water at Jordan without them having washed their hidden sins in water and by confession with repentance, and by which they were biting by stealth, but the spirit of prophecy proved them out as they were and wrote them down into the book of the time. Oh, get wisdom from this parable and learn the power and the mystery of the baptism with the Holy Spirit, Who brings the evil from man into view to cleanse a threshing floor in man for Him, if the man knows to

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understand how he can choose God working in him, working with the Holy Spirit in the one who discharges his load in order to take that of the Lord’s and then to carry it.

Oh, son of this word, oh, son of God, if you have sinned against the Holy Spirit, the One Who works into your midst for you, and you do not know that you have got this sin, then I tell you that you have it. Therefore, get up and cleanse yourself by your repentance worked in humility, for the Lord is waiting for you to be a bearer of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit Who testifies from heaven in those who are baptized in Him. Get up in order to be baptized with this baptism, for this baptism has become a big river over to you so that all those who reach this river may be baptized, and you have this river. Many in you, faithful people of this word of the Lord’s coming, many in you do not know the power and the mystery of the baptism with the Holy Spirit, Who works then from man, sealing the one who he is baptized. Oh, you need power of repentance, son, and for this miracle you need a miracle mind, miracle love, miracle for the fear of God, and you need miracle faith, faith like that of Abraham, who believed steadfastly that the Lord came to him at his table and in his life. Oh, if you do not see God’s work into your midst well, then you still have sin against the Holy Spirit. If you do not know how recognize yourself in this sin, then you can understand alone. Does the river of the Holy Spirit flow from you between brother and brother and then over to the sides, over those who are away from God’s life? Do you understand God’s will upon you on earth as in heaven? Has the Lord fruit of the Holy Spirit in you? Do you have the Lord’s fruit in you and around you? Are you gentle and humble in your heart like your Lord? Oh, I teach you wisdom and I teach you repentance. Seek to see that you may not struck in the Lord’s way to you, if you were not hidden then with this blows, and when the Lord told you that you did not want to cleanse yourself to be clean and then to be faithful to His establishment by which He stays before you. The Lord has exhorted you to come to Him with your brother, whom you knocked down from the work of the clean heart between brother and brother, between God and Christian, for behold, the Lord has been mourning even to this day over the people of old, that of the time of the Verginica’s body, (Verginica the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet see selection topic: „The apocalyptictrumpets17”,r.n.) a people that has not come to repentance when it has gone wrong towards the Lord’s work between brother and brother, concerning his faith and steadfastness and concerning his brother’s faith and steadfastness.

The Lord is coming to you greatly and urges you to get baptized with the Holy Spirit, Who makes the man new, more than the water that testifies on the earth. Oh, get washed in this vessel, old people of this word, and you, the Lord’s people of this day, and you too should hear what I speak to you. You have to be beautiful people through the work of the Holy Spirit Who dwells in those who are clean from themselves and from the sin against their brothers. Oh, come to the beauty of the Holy Spirit’s face, for the Holy Spirit overflows itself when it is, and this is the sign of those who are clean for the Holy Spirit, Who is confirmed by their fruit brought to God, fruit of disciples for the Holy Spirit on earth. Amen.

17 You can also see on: lord jesus the second coming of jesus christ the apocalyptic trumpets/!wJkWDKaB!WDh3HPbi0TbWQBaudyme40T23PLy4yxzjIETNAynUG8 _The_Apocalyptic_Trumpets.pdf

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Oh, Lord, let Your old people of this word cleanse itself and also let Your people of today from everywhere cleanse itself from what makes You suffer and let it learn the work of the same spirit in them, the work of the Holy Spirit, Who binds the church in one spirit, the Spirit of Christ. Amen.

Oh, I would speak much more, Lord; oh, I would exhort more Your people to the baptism that comes from You! From everywhere, where You have faithful sons of Your coming of nowadays, I would like the people to come together in a union of Holy Spirit, and let it know in this way its work or its lack of work, the cleanness or the lack of cleanness of its heart, and let it be baptized in this way in the power of the Holy Spirit, diligent worker, Lord, by the spirit of church over those who are born of Him as God’s sons, the sons of the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit, Which gives birth to God’s church. Amen, amen, amen.

I, the Lord, see your affliction, My Baptizer, for We are the sons of grief, and that is why We are. Let Us sit down at the feast of today, and then We will speak more passionately with My people of today. Amen.

My people, go now into the house of My trumpet with praying and with praise for the day of the synod of John, My baptizer. Go, son, and then settle there a day of praise, a day of spirit over that settlement sanctified by My word now, a newborn hearth, with work of new Jerusalem established on it. Amen. We will come then back to the mound and we will build upon you the work of the Holy Spirit, and then we will write the entire book of the day, for it is the work over the entire work of My people from everywhere. Oh, there is much work to do, much, very much for the face and for the whole life of My people from everywhere.

You, children from the gates, are in difficult hardships, for the people does not know to do its cleaning well. Those who know to stay well near you, those are the most grown ones and the most useful to Me and to you under My burden of today with you. Behold, I tell My people from everywhere a great mystery: The One who does not know or cannot work at My kingdom, which is built and which has built now on earth, at least let that one not crush the work of those who work at it over the man. This is what we are going to clarify today by the teaching of the feast of today, working this in a spirit of Epiphany. Amen.

I leave peace and spirit of Epiphany over the head and over the heart of My people, and I will teach My people again, for I am the Lord, the Teacher. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John the Baptizer, from 20 01 2008 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in this name the entire Christian people on earth believe and is baptized. Amen.

I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, in this name became and become word now, in the end of the time, (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) for Father has sent Me to work in this way, but for the one who has not understood My cross then and now, his faith is useless, his baptism is useless, if he does not come after Me with his life as the saints followed Me as long as they lived on earth, after their love become love of God in them, love and holiness in their spirit, soul and body.

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Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross ascension, from 27 09 2008 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

The voice of the Lord is that which speaks and becomes a river of word over the earth. The river of life is called My word, which has been flowing from My mouth during these days, and he who drinks of if never thirsts after anything but only after God. Amen.

I come down on earth with a feast of Epiphany. I come into the book as word, and through it I sit on the throne and reign, for the throne which I sit on as king with a kingdom that does not fall is the heart of the faithful man, who fulfills the commandment of God’s love. This is how I was King, and this is how I am King today, for My kingdom with man is not as on earth, and it is on earth as in heaven. Amen.

Peace to you, those who set for Me the word spoken by My mouth! When My mouth speaks, your ears open and this is how I come into the book, and like a good Shepherd I pasture the nations with this rod, and I touch with it the waters in a day of Epiphany and I putinthemtheHolySpirittothecleansingofthefaithfulman,forMywordistheshepherding iron, and I clean with it the man’s heart and I give Myself to him and sit on the throne and reign, and this is how I have a kingdom on earth, and I am the King of those who love Me and give themselves to Me as My kingdom, and I am the Shepherd King.

Peace to you, children from the gates! Set Me into the book to shepherd those who come to the water of Epiphany, to shepherd those that do not come and those who will be hearing My word of Shepherd, through which I baptize the man’s heart with the baptism of the Holy Spirit to give birth to the man, for the man is born from below. And now, behold, I am shepherding. Amen.

Oh, take heed, take heed, you those who understand through My gift upon man, and you, those who donot understand God’s dwelling with man, My kingdom with those who know God! Take heed and cry out to God to open up your ears and then your mind to understand God on earth as in heaven with His kingdom and then with His will, for two thousand years ago, I taught My disciples to ask from God that My kingdom and My will to be done on earth as in heaven.

… I am the One, who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire the earth and the nations on it, and I have spoken in a day of Epiphany to the people gathered at the spring, and I have spoken to the nations. Blessed are those who have ears to hear and blessed are those who fulfill My word in time of darkness, in time of unbelief!

I am Who I am! I am with the believers, and I am their King, and they are My kingdom, and with it and with them, I will have victory far and wide, as it is written that I have to come, and I will come to be victorious. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism, from 19 01 2009 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

My voice becomes word and feast of Epiphany and I come into My book with My people of today, a book that bears testimony that I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, put the word in this time

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between Me and man, the voice which is heard from heaven and to the graves, (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice18”, r.n.) as it is written in the Scriptures, and the angels of My coming serve Me and become a bridge between heaven and earth, from top to bottom in the sky, and clouds of angels are carrying Me above My people when I am speaking to it My word of today. Amen. (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds19”, r.n.)

It is a day of Epiphany feast and I am announcing Myself as the baptizer over the waters and over those who love My coming of today, coming together near My spring of word at the feast. I, the Lord, am declaring blessing over this heavenly table of today, and over the waters from the wells of the Lord’s courts, to overflow from waters to waters by the power of the word and by the spirit of renewal of the world from place to place, because I have here My dear treasure from the fallow land of the Romanian people and I keep it for Me as a testimony; I value it with My protection and I glorify Myself in it over the earth and with the glory of My word, for the time has come. Amen.

The waters from the wells of My courts with My people from the midst of the Romanian people are blessed and newly sanctified by the power, by the work and by the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Those who come and those who do not come to the water of these springs take of them either willing or not, for the angels of the Epiphany carry the waters here from waters to waters, and I put the people of My word to sprinkle where it passes with this water, which chases away the demons and all the evil spirits, which shake and shudder everywhere drops fall from this water, the water of the springs of My courts of today.

Take and pour out into My wells with you water touched by the Holy Spirit, by the angels of the waters and by our little hands sanctifying by the word spoken over the waters, you, ministers of My mysteries for those who are faithful, for the waters from here are taken by the angels and poured out into the big waters, to the testimony of My works with you for the cleansing and sanctifying of the earth for all My mysteries working on the earth, as the earth is My kingdom, a footstool of My feet, a great mystery, which the man keeps on forgetting about, but I do not forget and neither do My angels or My saints, the armies with which I move from place to place between heaven and earth as the King of everything that is. Amen.

… In a day of holy feast I am teaching you, those gathered near Me at the table of word, I am teaching you, sons, the power of baptism, the gift of the faith by which I want you to be

18 You can also see on: lord jesus the second coming of jesus christ the dead hear my voice/ _The_dead_hear_My_voice.pdf

19 You can also see on: _5f5E0ZvxNq!5N8FVJ5Z!JJIiD5ui_quEJbwUD3 r504YDafNB4lks1n2ay3GJsw

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baptized. Thebaptism infaithis great, sons, andwoeto theonewholosesitorsells thisgarment of baptism! Look at David, who by faith saw from far away, he foresaw the time and he foresaw Me a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek, through whom the Father worked, and David said: «The Lord said to My Lord: You are the priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek!» Oh, and My people of today was foreseen in time by the prophets, but the prophecy is only for those who are faithful, and only through them God can fulfill on the earth with His kingdom among people, working it and its mysteries in them, which have been fulfilled, just as those mysteriously prophesied by the Father through the prophets were fulfilled with Me. This is how I have made My work of today and its people and I have witnesses in heaven from among it, and I also have on earth, and I have because I am a Teacher with great power of word and I elect those who are faithful to the end, which will also be through them, and I cannot do anything with those who are not faithful, for they backslide in the time of trial to their shame.

I give you, speaking the holy mysteries in a spirit of Epiphany with you, I give you power to believe in them like Abraham, Moses and David, and I teach you how to have faith and how to keep it then as a dear treasure and not to be looted by the enemies who start with your very family. You will know your enemies after their unbelief, for those who believe arethosewhoareblessed,arethosewhoarebaptizedinthebaptismofthefaith,theman’s birth from above. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19 01 2010 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)


With longing I become word between heaven and earth, for My word has kept silent for a while and the sky has been crying after My voice, and the whole making has got used to eat of My word of these days, and all have Me as their master and serve Me faithfully, but more than all these it would be for man to have Me as his Master. However, he has not got used yet to having God as his master and that is why he does not receive Him and does not wait by those God has sent after him.

I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Word of the Father Sabaoth, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and My Spirit, and in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I baptize in My word the heaven and the earth and the whole creation and I speak with man, for man has not got used yet to having God as his master on earth, because he wants to be a master, and he has got used to God serving him instead of man serving God. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the birth of the saint John, the Baptizer, from 07 07 2010. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

My book of today is being made on earth by My word of these days, and progressively My word is coming into it and fulfilling it as long as it is to be fulfilled by My word, which has been gathered in it, for it is written that the heaven will become scroll and the earth and everything on it will be cleansed by fire, but My word will remain and it will make the new heaven and the new earth, as it is the prophecy for this making in My book before My incarnation and then in My book after My incarnation, and again, in the book of My disciples, of My messengers after Me over the nations with the news that the kingdom of the heavens had come on earth and this was what they were preaching two thousand years ago.

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Oh, the stubborn man commits great sin, the man with a short mind with respect to what he tries to say when he says that the Scripture on earth, the book which is called Scripture, that only it has the task to measure God’s entire speaking. However, if I am becoming now a book on earth and if I am putting My word of this time in it, as it is written into the Scriptures that I would come and become again word and book for the judgment of the men’s works, and then to give through it to each one according to his works, then is God no longer allowed to do this fulfillment? Oh, how long the angels, all the holy armies and the dead have been waiting for Me with the voice of My word of today, about which is written that the heaven, the earth and the dead in the tombs will hear it, and I am saying this to remind those who close Me into the pages of the Scriptures that I, the Lord, am speaking today on earth because it is written into the Scriptures to fulfill in this way, that the time of the judgmenthas come to judge theliving and thedead and I am doing this byMy word of today, (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment20”, r.n.) and I am telling the man with a short mind, who says that he has got much knowledge, I am telling him that My work is the word, and the work ofMy word is from everlasting to everlasting. Iam speaking once again to the man who beats his chest with the Scripture in his hand that if in the book of John’s Apocalypse is written that the one, who makes bold to take something out of it or to add something to those written in it, will receive the curses written in that book, then I, the Lord, I am speaking one more time to the stubborn man in this way that it is about the book of Apocalypse, about John’s Apocalypse, and no one is allowed to add to it or take something out of it, for My disciple knew that the man would make bold and My disciple bound him under this word, the disciple to whom I showed the time of the judgment and the whole map of the judgment of the man’s works, which were, are and will be on earth to the last day, until the victory of the Lamb of God, as it is written.

… Oh, on this day of feast I, the Lord, announce Myself into the midst of the people of the word of My coming of this time, accompanied by those in heaven, by My disciples of two thousand years ago, with whom I walked on earth from the day of My baptism and until the moment of My ascension again near the Father, after I had completed the whole visible work for which I came on earth to do and then to leave it strengthened in the disciples for those who, from generation to generation, would believe and be baptized in My name, the corner Stone, Jesus Christ, the Rock on Which God founded His church and its servants for the faithful people on earth.

Oh, beloved disciples, after My ascension near the Father, you have been clothed with power and with the wisdom of the preaching from the Holy Spirit, Whom I had promised to you and then I gave Him to you, and in Him you had taught the people the faith in Jesus Christ, the Rock of the church, and you had no longer built on another foundation the nations on the earth, because I had sent you to all the margins of the earth with the Gospel of the kingdom of God and I told you: «He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who disbelieves will be condemned». (Mark: 16/16) I have brought you together and told you: «You will be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth». (Acts: 1/8) In addition, «Whatever things you will bind on earth will be bound in

20 You can also see on: lord jesus the second coming of jesus christ the judgment/!NUlVDCjL!cdtoDY1DoBSHO6ZRdl4u6ssvvxUq03rw26GLS3SD9e8

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heaven, and whatever things you will release on earth will be released in heaven. Again, assuredly I tell you, that if two or three of you will agree on earth concerning anything that they will ask, it will be done for them by My Father Who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of them». (See Matt: 18/18 20)

Oh, let us mourn both in heaven and on earth, disciples remembered today with a day of feast for you in a spirit of church, and We will love this day, a day of the unsealed truth from the Scriptures, but sealed under a key by the apostles of lie. Behold a confessing day, with written witnesses from heaven and earth, in My book of today, My tearful speaking in heaven and on earth, like that of yours, oh, My disciples, to whom I have given you power to release everything that is to be released on earth and to open everything that is locked by man on earth, and also to lock everything that has come unlocked from man against God. I give you, those among the saints, My disciples of two thousand years ago, I give you to clarify the meanings, which have been confused by those who have not loved to be disciples, but whom have rather loved to be great and to have a crown and sit on silk thrones in My name over crowds, as you and I did not live on the earth, but rather I lay on the cross and with a cross among people. Oh, where are those who are supposed to be Our followers like Us? Oh, where?

Oh, there are no longer anywhere, Lord, such teachers and disciples. All have become boyars, as You have been crying in Your book of today.

We was Your church on earth, after You went to be with the Father again, and You called us disciples and You called us messenger apostles as well, and we were serving only Your word, sharing it as a whole and not truncated word over those who believed and were baptized and sealed then by the sign of the Holy Spirit, the Confirmer of those who were true and faithful Christians, and no one was able to deceive God, for the word of the Holy Spirit was revealing those who were deceiving, those who were greedy, those who wanted to receive gifts from us on money to have them as we had, but today the apostles are built only on money, and the world is locked outside so that it may not know those worked within the locked doors and against the man’s soul, and that the man may be used only to praise the one set to be great over him and to serve him obediently, at least if they were on Your side. The good saints, the fathers and the forefathers tremble when they see what it is under the name of the church on earth. While we, Your disciples, were going and raising to You from place to place faithful sons to Your coming, Your church on earth and with Your work through it and not of the man’s, we were raising and anointing with the oil of holiness and through the laying of our hands the priests and deacons over those who were faithful, and through the servants, those, who had become Your sons on earth, to have Your body and blood as their food on the table, and we were asking all the believers whether they knew that the one who had to be ordained to prepare God’s food on the table for the Christians, whether he was worthy or not worthy for priesthood, and the Christians were telling us according to the truth if he was worthy for priesthood or not, the one who was to become a faithful servant of Your church. Oh, for a long, long time, it has not been worked as we did for the way of the anointing of the servants, and behold, it happens otherwise, for they “cut and hang,” as the wise saying goes, only those who sit highly over the crows, and they have the full power, and they say otherwise and do no longer say as we said, asking those that were in Your church whether the one who was to be a servant was worthy or not. Now they say, they alone over the head of the one they choose and announce worthy, and they say to everyone: “He is worthy!” And all start singing likewise: “He is worthy!” And this is how they answer, but they do not answer to the question, but only to the decision they had

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taken by them, and this is how they use the keys, to close and to open with them and they say that You have given them the key to work with them like that. Nevertheless, does Your Scripture really have to be understood, that You spoke to us then? If you are the door, as this is what You said that You were and that it was through You that one is able to come in, then are You no longer the key to the door and is not the Christ the Rock of the church? Oh, behold how those, who have filled the earth with their glory by which they sit under Your name on earth, close and open the door and its key.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saints apostle Peter and Paul, from 12 07 2010 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

I am writing Myself into My book of today of the memorial of My victory, when I, the Lord, had power to lay down, with witnesses in heaven and on earth, the stone of foundation of the renewal of those what have been spoiled by the people for almost two thousand years, the laying on its stone of My first church, as it was founded by Me through My apostles and then, through them time after time, until the man from the outside has interfered and shaken My foundation, and he has done it as he wanted and not after God’s will, and for such a long time, I have been suffering until now when I have laid on earth what it was written to be, before the man of lawlessness to wipe out completely My traces from among people, My face, through the church according to My will before Me.

I am writing Myself into the book with the day of the new beginning, on which I have got now the work of My word and My new people that listens to My advice, for to those who have to be Mine and with Me, I said: «Come out of the world, My people, that you may have no participation in her wine, and that you don’t receive of her plagues». (See Apoc: 18/4) And then I have said again in the time of My word of today that My people in the end will be separated and distinguished from the whole world on earth and they will stay with Me and will serve Me, and I will take care of them and through them I will preach My Gospel by the river of My word over the earth and I will go with it, running, and I will feed from place to place those that will believe and be baptized in this river, to their adoption by God, to be God’s sons into the midst of a deceptive people, which does not want to know from Me how one lives with the Lord on earth, for those who learn the Lord from the people, behold their face, which does not take after Me on earth, after the church which I established two thousand years ago through My disciples, and which only within a great mystery has been able to live with My face among people!

Oh, many tried and still try to come together around My miracles, that even their heart beats for one moment or two or three, but there is another miracle, for Ihave counted the people that I remain with, not those who seek after My miracles. This is how I worked two thousand years ago too, when thousands were following Me, but by every attempt I had made to draw them to the Father, I only remained with two or three of them. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the laying of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22 07 2010. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Oh, let no one marvel at the opposition, at the carelessness of those who hear and say that they do not hear, of those who know that I have to come and do not receive Me when I come, by those to whom I speak and do not do as I tell them. This is how I was received two

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thousand years ago, after I proved so much power among the people on earth in word and deed, and those who wanted to be great among people, kept on minding their own business and put Me away from over them when the Father had sent Me to shepherd them to eternal life, and there was no place on earth where I went and where I spoke, that My steps could not be seen over those who did not receive Me when I entered at them, and so it will be today as well and this is how I will prove Myself as true God by My coming through My word of today, as it is written for Me to come and speak, and the dead to hear Me and to come to life if they want, if they have power to believe and to listen to My will upon them.

Oh,all thetimes haveelapsed and therehas comethetimefor Me toapproach with the last days and I want to gather a people and to protect it from the time of judgment, because the judgment blows powerfully everywhere, and the Lord has the shovel in His hand and He cleanses His threshing floor and gathers the wheat in the barn, the chaff He throws into the fire, for this is written about the time of judgment and baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire over the people, and the man does not know the sweet taste and full of eternal life of the Holy Spirit, Who cleanses the man from sin and Who makes him an angel, if man can humble himself and believe, for only the one who humbles himself has a way to the light before him, and the one who cannot humble himself receives the baptism with fire, which is bitter for man.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19 08 2010. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Let My word be on earth and let it come down into its book with a feast of Epiphany, for the heavenly army is coming at My spring of word on earth to be refreshed from My longing after man, which I share with My saints, and I have among them John, the Baptist, on My right side, glorified on this day among those in heaven, for his hand and speech were sweet on the day of Epiphany when the Holy Spirit, in the image of a dove, descended from the Father at Jordan and spoke above Me the word of My Father: «This is My beloved Son». Amen.

The crowd, gathered at the spring now, started even at dawn to take of the water of Epiphany, and I, the Lord, am welcoming and telling them in a sweet baptizing voice: “Peace to you!” I am telling them this together with My baptizer, whom the angelic angel, invisible now, is embracing within him so that he may also give the word of Holy Spirit to the people that have gathered.

Peace to you, oh peace to you, people gathered at the spring! I am releasing My voice and speaking the Holy Spirit, the Comforter and I am putting Him over the waters and say: the water of Epiphany is being blessed with the power and the work of the Holy Spirit and it is sanctified with this power of word. Amen. Your faith and your love are blessed, people coming at the spring, and they are sanctified with this power of word, with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, sons! Oh, baptize your faith and love into the river of My word, so that they may catch life in your being! Oh, come to be renewed by baptism, for the faith and its works always have to be! Your power is faith, and it is My power in you then, for behold, by faith we have to ordain and work the new birth of the world, well son. He who does not have faith in himself for Me, one like that is not, and it is only the one who by faith is. I am giving voice over you and I am asking you to make your faith grow within you, son, and it will grow your love and the works of these, the works of faith and love, so that the fruit of your love may shine

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before you and before Me and teach from it those who look at you, for you have to share the heaven on the earth upon you and upon people, My people.

I am with a feast of Epiphany into your midst, people with longing in your bosom for you coming at My spring of word, a spring of Epiphany, son. I am giving you the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. Grace is great work and you have to learn from a teacher to have it and to work it, making your faith and its fruit grow by it, just as John, the Baptizer, did, in whom My grace worked. It is a time of grace, and the heaven is waiting to see the grace working on earth and giving birth to sons for heaven, with My kingdom shining in them so that it may take the face of the people in such a way that they may see and baptize their face and life in the water of My river of word after that, which gives new birth to the man, bringing birth from above for man.

May My grace make you in this day, My people, to live the thrill of the day of My Epiphany in Jordan, when John touched My head and spoke My baptism, which came upon Me after that in the image of the dove, because it was through the baptism with water that the baptism with the Holy Spirit came as well over all those who were baptized into My name by My disciples and then the heaven came down within them on earth and the number of My disciple increased, for this is what the grace of the Holy Spirit does by those who are bearers of God on earth.

Oh, repent too, sons all over the earth, for the Lord has got the work of His word over the earth and He calls you to repentance, for the Lord is coming, oh, sons of the earth! Let the Lord not find you naked when He comes, oh, let Him not find you like that, as after Him it follows the punishment of the evil works done by the people! Seek to be found dressed up and not naked, for behold, you need garment taken out of the water and woven with the Holy Spirit. The grace of the Holy Spirit has to be seen over the one baptized with water, and this grace and its testifying speaking are not seen in those who are baptized. I give you news: repent from your works against you and from those against God, for the time of questioning is coming! You still can do it; you still have a little time.

Come back, you those fallen from faith, and the Lord will heal you; as He rebukes for correction and not for punishment! The day of the Lord is coming! The Lord is coming. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) The One baptized by my hand into the water of Jordan is coming again, and you need repentance. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His love and the Love of the Father be with you and may it open your eyes for you to see the light and to walk in it. Amen.

Oh, your confession on My day of Epiphany was great at the river Jordan two thousand years ago, My baptizer! May it also be great, your grace coming down over the earth for the awakening to repentance of the sons of the earth, addicted to those on earth, with which they have got used to living as they like it! Moreover, your today’s testimony is also great, for you are My witness and call out, as I do, to the man to come out into the light and see! Amen.

And now, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, baptized in Jordan by John, two thousand years ago, in the water and in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, am speaking out again in a day of Epiphany, word upon waters and I am saying:

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It is blessed and sanctified this water and then the waters on the earth with it, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and then let it sanctify all your things and you as well, for the holy life sanctifies the earth, well sons! Be holy power by your life so that there may be sanctified from your life all and everything around you and everywhere you may go in My name on the earth!

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Epiphany, from 19 01 2011 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Oh, what a great mystery the birth from above is! I was with the disciples in Judea and I was working with them upon many and I was teaching them to work and baptize, and I was working the Holy Spirit upon those who were baptized with water by My disciples as John baptized, and when I ascended to the Father after I was resurrected, I told them: «As the Father has sent Me, even so I send you». And then I breathed on them, and said to them: «Receive the Holy Spirit! Whoever’s sins you forgive, they are forgiven them. Whoever’s sins you retain, they have been retained». (John: 20/21 23) God breathed upon them and they received the Holy Spirit, for He Who comes from heaven is above all things, and he who is from the earth is earthly and speaks as on earth, as John confessed before those who did not understand the mystery of cleansing and Me, the Lamb of God, the only One born of the Father.

I am full of mourning from heaven and down to earth because of the pride of the church servants, because they do not know what the work of the Holy Spirit is, under whose name they say that they work. I breathed upon My disciples then and I told them: «Receive the Holy Spirit!» And this was how they received the Holy Spirit and this was how they worked with Him over many who were baptized for the receiving of the Holy Spirit, but as far as the servants of the churches are concerned, those who buy this service, then who breathes upon them to receive the Holy Spirit so that they may be able to work with Him over many, and then the work of the Holy Spirit to be known as giving light and working over those who come to it? I am seized with the sigh from those who use My name and do not have fruit like Mine and like the fruit of My disciples; and they do not have disciples for heaven either; they do not have any, but they rather have disciples only for themselves.

Oh, the mystery of the birth from above is big, and two thousand years ago, I said: «Unless one is born of water and spirit, he can’t enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit». (See John: 3/5 6) When I was to come from above, from the Father, and when I was to be born from above on the earth, the Lord’s angels came and spoke to the Virgin who gave Me birth: «The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore also the holy One Who is born from you will be called the Son of God». (Luke: 1/35) Oh, I was born from above on the earth, and the man should be born likewise, and if someone is not born of water and Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God and neither can It enter him.

Oh, My people, My word cries between heaven and earth and man hears its voice and still, man is not born from above. Oh, My people, I breathe with the breath of the Holy Spirit upon people and people do not receive! I have you as My church on earth now and many cometobebornfrom abovetobeMineasyouare,butwhereyoucannot walkwithMycreation, which I have taught you to work over man, there My church and its members is not beautiful. Man does not know to come into the light. He who comes after Me needs to learn the mystery of the cross and its work, just as I, the Lord, showed and walked, being God, humbled and

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despised, not being comforted by anyone but My Father and My mother Virgin, for on the earth each one seeks only after his own things, after the rest of his soul and he seeks it at any price, even at the price of God.

Oh, working sons on My behalf over those who want to come to their making, oh, sons, there where you cannot walk for the making of the man, My church is not beautiful. Let us make the teaching for the birth from above of the sons of the church, for it is written: «For everyone who does evil hates the light, and doesn’t come to the light, let his works would be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his works may be revealed, that they have been done in God». (John: 2/20 21)

Oh, My people from the spring, I want all those that take Me from My table with you, I want them to fulfill My word too, as My word and My breath is great over those who want to be born from above, for I am from above and I come from above for the new birth of the man who seeks with light upon him and who stays in the light.

I have come down on the earth so that the man may become divine. Let this be known by all who want to be with Me on the way of My word of today, on the way of My today’s coming on earth as word, and he who wants to be with Me has to become godly by his self-denial and then by his becoming godly, for this is what I have to work upon man.

Oh, man does not know what cross is, what glory it is, what way to the resurrection it is, and that is why he has always complained, and that is why man makes man weak by his complaining always, as though this has been his work. Everything that comes upon man, he should receive as from God’s hands and he should not slap God’s hand, for God knows what man needs, as He sees what is needed for the man’s always new creature, as it was by sufferance that I came on earth, and I lived in sufferance, and in the same way I went back to be with the Father, for this is the crown of those who love God, just as joy and pleasure are the way of the pagans, not the way of the Christians, for the Christians have the cross and their Lord as joy, the Lord of the cross, the Shepherd with the cross, Who leads the sheep to give them His pasture and to give them the carrying of the cross, the glory of those who love God in His image and after His likeness, for by the cross I revealed My glory and by it I have loved every man to redeem the man and to give him to the Father, there, where he will meet his rest, which he lost by his departure from God, the duty which has to be given to God by each man in order that he may receive his lost adoption. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross Ascension, from 27 09 2011 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Oh, it is a day of holy feast to My memorial. Eight days after My birth I was submitted to the law of physical circumcision so that it may remain over time that God became Man and appeared to the people full of grace and truth. The spirit of prophecy told about Me then that I would be to the falling and to the raising of many in Israel and that I would be as a sign of denial, as it was so, and it is so today. The people, who have set themselves as servants upon people in My name, do not know what God means, as the old Simeon knew from the Holy Spirit when he saw Me a Child, received Me, and spoke his prophecy for Me. Many of the church servants hear, they hear the roaring of this river of word and they do not know what it means, and they say that they are watchers, that they are smart and that they know to give Me out from them, as though My voice of today by this word is not the Holy Spirit. However, this

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word is the Spirit of Truth and no one knows Me. I know all those who deny Me and this word is like a sign of denial, which is born of God and of which the whole breath has to be born again, all the creation again, and I will put the man aside and I will fulfill in this way, and many will believe and will be baptized in this word in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; and still, many will find their salvation, as I said two thousand years ago that I would work. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s bodily circumcision and the feast of the Saint hierarch Basil the Great, from 14 01 2012.


Oh, the Lord is finding faith on earth for His coming as word of Holy Spirit now, in the end of the time.

«When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?», (Luke: 18/8) this is what I, the Lord, asked Myself two thousand years ago, and I keep on giving an answer to Myself. I am answering to Myself now, when I am coming, after this time has passed between My coming of that time and that from now.

Oh, peace to you, faithful sons of My coming of nowadays! I have put faith in you for the coming of the Son of Man and I am coming on its way, as the Lord used to come to Abraham, through whom He started His blessing upon him and then upon those that have been faithful like him, for the Lord’s work is blessing.

Oh, peace to you, weary sons for the feast of My coming on earth as word! I am bowing and comforting your little hearts and your weary little bodies, sons. I am coming down into the book before the dawn of the day of Epiphany and we are preparing the meeting of the people faithful to the word of My coming now to you so that you may also give it further to those who believe like you. I am finding you watching, sons; each one where you work hard in the middle of the night. The gates for My entrance are open, they are watching and My work with you is beautiful, and those in heaven are looking at you in astonishment.

Peace to you, peace to those who have come! My Spirit is embracing you within the word. Be faithful like Abraham, to whom I came into his way by My servants, and He knew Me and spoke with God, and God spoke His word with him. This work of word is the tree of life, the tree of the heaven, full of fruit good to eat, for I said that the faithful man should not eat only bread, but especially he should have his food from heaven, because when My disciples asked Me to remain at the supper while I was walking with them from place to place for the proclamation of My Gospel two thousand years ago, I told them that I have to eat some other food, and that I had to put on the table the work of the Father, the food of the Father, Who had sent Me, the word of the Father as the food of many through Me, the One sent by Him.

Peace to you, to those who are coming! Those in heaven and those on earth, who are Mine, are working for Me and for you a feast of Epiphany. I am baptizing you in My word full of the Holy Spirit. I am enwrapping you within the spirit of the teaching from above; I am rejoicing you by speaking to you and I am looking at you with the whole heaven inside and outside of you. The heaven is measuring your being and its sight, I am clothing you within the power from above to be able to do My will, for this is the joy which you can give to Me fully, that I may be able to present it before the Father as having it from you, and this is how I give you power to become God’s sons, the sons of My Father. If you want and if you love Me fully

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with your spirit and with the deed of your life, then walk in the steps of My disciples of today with whom I, the Lord, am meeting you at the spring. Be imitators of them, as they also are of Me! I would like to make, from place to place, oases of the love of God and of fulfillment like here, so that the land may be blessed from place to place by My full work in those who are faithful of My coming now. With the world I speak otherwise, as it grievously crucifies Me on the cross so that I may not give it any help from heaven, and so that I may not stay into its way, and My place to be only on the cross; on the contrary, with those who are faithful I speak sweetly, I make them sweet and I am getting comforted from them in My cross of today, in the heavy burden of the lawlessness of the world, because the world stays in lawlessness on earth, and the earth is My creation. The fear of God is coming on earth as it came in the time of Abraham over the king of Gerara, to whom God spoke that he would die because he took Abraham’s woman from him, and the Lord told him to go to Abraham and ask him to pray for him, for he was a prophet and the Lord’s punishment would depart from him for what he did against Abraham. The fear of God is coming on earth for all those who go wrong against My works with those who are faithful to Me in this time, and soon it will be fulfilled the Scripture which speaks about the angel flying in mid heaven having an eternal Gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation, tribe, language and people, saying with a loud voice: «Fear the Lord, and give Him glory, for the hour of His judgment has come. Babylon the great has fallen, which has made all the nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her sexual immorality! … Come out of her, My people, that you have no participation in her sins, and that you don’t receive of her plagues,…, therefore in one day her plagues will come:…, for the Lord who has judged her is strong!», (See Apoc: 14/6, 7; 18/4, 8), as it is written! However, over My faithful ones resurrection will come, and I will take them out of the darkness on earth as I took Lazarus out from the grave for the sake of Mary’s faith, his sister full of love for Me and full of faith in Me by her love. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead21”, r.n.)

You, those who are dear for your faith full of love and longing for My coming as word over the earth now, oh, be baptized within this word! May you have a day of Epiphany over you whenever you wash your life and face in this river of word! It is a great heavenly beauty here now. The angel of the waters have suites of angels as his companions and they are singing a song of Epiphany in the air from here, and the whisper of the air of angels is filling all the heavens. The Jordan of God’s word is this river of word. Let them all be baptized in it, those who can believe that I am coming now on earth to baptize many in it and they to be alive after that, for I went from Galilee to the Jordan to John, who was preaching about Me that I came with My kingdom over the faithful ones and I was baptized by John, and he said to Me: «I need to be baptized by You, and You come to me?» (Matt: 3/14). John baptized Me and when I came out of the water the heavens were opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon Me as a dove, and the voice of the Father said: «This is My beloved Son, with Whom I am well pleased!» (Matt: 3/17)

At Jordan I showed the man the example of My submission and I taught him that way the whole work that he was to bring into My name before Me. Only those who do God’s will know the whole word that comes out of God, and they know it to the end, not only for a

21 You can also see on: lord jesus the second coming of jesus christ resurrection of the dead/ _Resurrection_of_the_dead.pdf

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while. There are many who burn for a little while and then their love fades away, for those who are not to the end with Me, they have poor love and are without strength in them for it, as they have their hearts inclined to their own things and they grow less in their love and then they do not remain Mine as I have remained with those who are Mine to the end, as I promised them.

I am embracing you within word and this is how I present you before the Father, for the angels fill the air with singing for My glory that is here. Amen.

Oh, My Father, glorify Your Son, Father! Amen.

This is what I, the Father, do, oh, My beloved Son. Over Your entire feast of today, I am staying with the heaven open for the coming in and out of the saints and of the angels of the glory of Your day of Epiphany, and I am speaking over those who have come together and over those who will confess this word. You are My beloved Son, the only One born of Me before eternity and You are Light of Light and true God of true God, and You are of the same Being with Me, My dear Son, and I, the Father, am well pleased with You, and this is My confession about You, Who are, Who were and Who come, as it is written, and in You all those that are written come to be fulfilled, and I, the Father, am comforting You, and I am comforting Your joy among Your faithful ones, for they are those who comfort Us on earth, oh, dear Son, My beloved Son, Emmanuel, baptized on earth by John in the river of Jordan two thousand years ago, oh, My beloved Son. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Epiphany, from 19 01 2012. (N.S. / 06 01 2012 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

This table of word is the table of wedding of Jesus Christ. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb22”, r.n.) My coming of today is so, and only the one who puts away from him the Scriptures of that time, only that one cannot perceive this fulfillment. My name is the Word of God now. Who understands this fulfillment? Only the one who reads to understand the fulfillment of this Scriptures, only that one perceives My coming on earth underMy namefromthe endofthe time: TheWord ofGod. (Apoc: 19/13). Icome with armies from heaven when I come, and this heavenly sight becomes word for man to be able to bear My glory near him, for the glory of My coming is the word, as it was in the beginning when everything was made by the word.

I have been preparing a new heaven and a new earth and I have done this by the spoken word, and then I bring it into sight. There is nowhere on earth a place for school, where man can go to become wise for the Scriptures set on the earth from the HolySpirit. The teacher who gives knowledge to man for him to know is My word, this word and its book of today, the book that clarifies the Scriptures in all their depth. You shall have great decency in you when you come face to face with the book of My word of today, oh, sons of this word, and you too, people who look into it to see what is written in it or what has been written for reading! The heaven is coming down and is wrapped in the mystery of the word, which is becoming

22 You can also see on:

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a scroll of book on earth, as it is written23 . Who perceived the mystery of My baptism two thousand years ago? Everything was wrapped in mystery and in the faith of My forerunner angel at Jordan, John, the Baptizer. When the people, who put the Lord aside so that they may be big when they rise to rule, they clean their way from those who are the Lord’s mysterious ones from among them, and for this evil work they are urged by their own sins, which stick to them, for they cannot do otherwise. When sin becomes a deceiving life in man, man cannot live without sinning. Oh, and there is only sin on earth, as it was in the time before the Flood when God and Noah were calling to the people to give up sinning so that the flood might not come upon them as a result of their sins, for this is what the sin, made by man, brings about on earth.

The messenger angel at the Jordan, John the Baptizer, was foretold through the Scriptures to comebeforeMeonthewayofMy appearance; this is My discipleandheis great among those in heaven. I am setting him into My book within a feast of Epiphany to confess, for I have a book, I have a house on earth, in which I come with the saints. Amen.

«Behold, the Lord is coming with ten thousand of His holy ones!» (Jude: 1/14). This is the Scripture that, I, Your Baptizer preach at the Jordan, little Lamb of the Father, Who lift up on Your shoulders the sins of the world; You raised then the cross and carried it, and that took You to Golgotha, having the burden of all the sins of the human kind, oh, Lord. When You come into Your book as word with the feast of a saint, then heavenly hosts come with You and with him, for this is how You travel and celebrate. On the feast of Your Baptism I am here with You and with crowds of angels and saints, confessing and baptizing many on earth as long as they have stayed. I confess that I with my own hand I baptized You in the water of Jordan two thousand years ago when I said, seeing You coming: «Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!» (John: 1/29). And then I prophesied Your ascension on the cross, Lord, that You were to die for the world, as for this the Father had sent You at that time on earth. God, the God of mercy, had to die for the world bathing in sin, as it did not want and it does not want to die for Him as the saints have done for His name.

Few know that We had worked together, Lord, into the wilderness until Your appearance and mine at the Jordan. You were so humble in word and appearance before me! I had to ask the Father, Who had sent me to baptize with water, and the Father said: «On Whomever you will see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, the same is He Who baptizes in the Holy Spirit». (John: 1/33). And the Father was in You, Lord, and then I saw and confessed that You were the Son of God, so that my disciples may hear and to follow Him, that is to follow You, Lord.

Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, is He Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit, and that is why the Father had sent the Holy Spirit in the image of the dove above His head on the day of the Lord’s Epiphany in the Jordan two thousand years ago. I baptized with water and He baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire. His word over those who do not receive the word in the name of the Holy Spirit of the truth is fire. The Holy Spirit is for those who are faithful, and the fire is for those who are not faithful, who eternally make God angry by their unbelief, leading the people astray, as in the time of king Herod, as in the time of the archbishop Caiaphas, who 23 «All the powers of the heavens shall melt and the sky shall be rolled up like a scroll of book: …» (Is: 34/4)

«The sky has tightened like a leather book that you make a scroll. …» (Apoc: 6/14)

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were slow in believing that the Lord had come and appeared on earth, for these were wallowing in sin, and the Lord is without sin, and in the same way He cleanses those who are His people to be His after that, without sin; however, for this, faith and repentance is needed, and this is what I called out to the Jews: «Repent, for the Kingdom of the heavens is at hand». (Matt: 4/17)

Oh, and I am calling out likewise, little Lamb, Lord. We are with a feast of Epiphany among those who are Your little ones in the end of the time, and out of the midst of Your glory I am calling out for a spirit of repentance over those who live in sin, for the unbelief comes from sin, and it is the garment which covers the sin so that the sinners may not be afraid of their sin atonement, of the baptism with fire upon them

… I, the Lord Jesus Christ, am blessing the entrance and the exit of My saints and thoseofMy angels. I, the Lord,God’s Lamb, am blessingtheentrance andtheexit ofthepeople gathered at the spring, having been met and nourished with the feast of Epiphany, and My angels will accompany it on its way back. I am blessing with the Holy Spirit; with His teaching I am blessing, for this how John confessed the baptism from Me together with his baptism with water. When the three angels of the godly Trinity have come to Abraham under the oak tree, they baptized thefaithful ones with theHoly Spirit,and thesinful ones, theybaptized with fire, and Abraham had a tiny people, and with it the Lord prevailed against Abraham’s enemies and against all their kings, as My blessing upon them was great! My Father’s lordship is His entire creation, the heaven and the earth; it does not belong to man, and man has to obey as the kings of Abraham’s enemies submitted to him. The visible and the invisible things are God’s glory and they come to the confession of their Creator, and it will not be otherwise. Amen.

Peace to you, Romanian Israel, Abraham’s son, the father of those who are faithful! My promise upon him is great, and I have in heaven multitudes of peoples, multitudes of saints from all tribe, language, nation and people on the earth, a great multitude of holy people, as many as the stars of the heaven, and this people is the people of My promise made to the faithful Abraham, God’s man on earth at that time, that is Abraham. This people from heaven is your protector, the small one of the promise made to Abraham then, but I want you to read well and to understand like God, oh, My people, the people of the wisdom from above on earth, for I dwell into your midst with the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, and the Baptizer of the faithful ones; I have always stayed with you, oh, little son, oh little people, with whom the Lord is well pleased now on earth. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saint John the Baptizer, from 20 01 2012. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Behold, receive the Holy Spirit! Be baptized with His baptism as many times He speaks to you. Donot let yourselves be put off with fine words as though you have received Him when the priest have baptized you and that you have Him and you do no longer need Him. Oh, not in this way; rather humble yourselves always for the great teaching of the Holy Spirit upon you, for I come down from heaven and teach you the receiving of the Holy Spirit. As many times as He comes, receive Him and be baptized within Him, and wash your mistakes in His cleansing and baptizing word, and then give to each other holy advice for the cleansing of your wrong doings, for if man says that he is baptized and sealed with the Holy

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Spirit, but he still keeps on going wrong, behold, always cleansing is needed, always resurrection, always baptism with the Holy Spirit. And those who hear and do not fulfill God’s word, the voice of the Holy Spirit, then these are written with disobedience and are written alone with those who are rebellious, with those who are disobedient. Amen.

I am asking you in a godly way: do not sin against the Holy Spirit. You need great care for this obedience. One can go wrong by the word. Those who speak much and many things that are not from the Holy Spirit, then let them take and keep pebble in their mouth to remember not to sin by speaking in vain, the speaking by which man takes God in vain. The sin against the Holy Spirit starts with the speaking in vain of the man who does not want to live in the Spirit. From the beginning of the sin of this kind man comes to take the Lord in vain, and then the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit works much and penetrates deeply into the way of the man by His mysterious works, and if man has the habit of taking God and His holy name in vain, oh, he is not far from casting out the Holy Spirit when He comes to give man a chance to his salvation.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of Pentecost, of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 23 06 2013 ***

Oh, sons, behold Who I am! I am with the people who teach those who are simple. I am with them to give them the whole power to work and to baptize with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, all the nations, and to teach them to observe all the things that I commanded them to keep, too.

Oh, sons, behold, with whom My voice and the word of My mouth are! I am with those who teach you, and I give the whole power to work and to baptize you in My word and theirs in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, always, always, sons, and you have to observe everything that My teaching brings to you, and to give it to the nations of the earth after that, for it teaches the man and it calls him on My way. However, more than any anything, you have to do My work, My word, and you need to help each other for My way, asking as disciples, sons,fortheyprayandsay: «Give us today our daily bread, Father». (Matt: 6/11) And Father gives them His Son, Who becomes food of word, the word coming out of My mouth as their food. As a mother who chews the food in her mouth and then she gives it to her baby, this is how I, the Lord, feed you, sons, and you should only ask for it; you should ask just as a baby cries for his food. Oh, then take care to grow each other with My food so that you may not die one from the other when you do not do this, for if someone dies because of some other brothers, then they are separated from one another. Oh, do not forget that you can prove the love of God by your love of the brothers.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, from 12 07 2013 ***

On a day of the feast of Epiphany the news is coming from heaven on earth and the Lord is becoming word and river by His word. I, Myself, I, the Lord, am He Who speaks about Me through My coming, and I am coming in a cloud, as I ascended to the Father after I fulfilled the entire word for which He had send Me to accomplish on the earth.

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I become word of baptism, I become a Baptizer and I baptize those who hear Me coming; I baptize them in My word after two thousand years from My first coming in the flesh and as word among the people on earth.

Oh, how shall Inot come on earth as word? How shall Inot come to teach man and draw him to the apostolic love between Me and him? Who taught John, the Baptizer, and from where did he take the Lord inside of him? Oh, who brought him to Jordan to baptize the Son of God with water and called Him Lamb?

Oh, receive Lord, receive my confession on the feast day of Epiphany. «Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!» (John: 1/29) This is how I called You at Jordan when I saw You with the Holy Spirit resting above You so that I might confess You to those who had gathered in crowds to receive the baptism with water from me, for then I was proclaiming everywhere the great news and I was preaching high and low saying: «Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!» (Matt: 3/2) And I was teaching everything that had to be done for the Kingdom of the Heaven and how to believe this news, and when You came to Jordan, I showed You to the crowds and I confessed to them and I told them to follow You, for my work had come to an end, and the Lord, the One I confessed, had to grow.

Oh, how rich I was with You, Lord and little Lamb! I had nothing but You, the earth and the heaven as my way to You. Who on earth would be satisfied to have as much as I had on the way to the home from above? Oh, how could not You have come on earth now to teach the man and to show him the way as I showed it to them at Jordan? I showed You to them, as Your disciples of today, to whom You come, give You to those who gather at the baptism in Your river of word, oh, Lord.

Oh, Lord, may Your will be done on earth as in heaven. I am confessing You on this day with Your feast of Epiphany and I let it be known that in heaven is celebrated this feast, and not as the Romanian people does on earth. Oh, how could it be possible to have powers upon satan, oh Romanian people, if you do not listen to the fathers and to the Lord?

I am Who I am, My Baptizer at Jordan, two thousand years ago. I am the One Who speaks to them like no other nation under heaven, but what shall I do with those who disobey? I call them out to them to hear Me. However, they have their idolatrous parties, for they serve to their pleasures. It is a day of Epiphany and I open up their hearing to take Me and to drink in the word of life and to be alive, and I wait for them at the spring and I wait for them and I keep waiting for them. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism, from 19 01 2014. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

It is a day of Epiphany and this day is connected to the spirit of repentance, and on the day two thousand years ago it was fulfilled great heavenly work, then when the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit proved Themselves out so clearly and so much, and again, when the river of Jordan also witnessed and confessed the Lord in its river, on which a sign was given and which has remained to this very day on the day of Epiphany over the river Jordan. (See the miracle of the return of the Jordan on the Epiphany day, r.n.)

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Oh, I did not exalt Myself with My glory in high places or adorned with all things, but I humbled Myself instead, and I loved humility and I also loved those who were humble; however, you, ministers of altars, you do not want to be like Me and you do not want to work like Me. You keep on building churches, and behold, you are after money everywhere, money again and again, only money and that is all, and behold, on the hearth of the Romanian peoplethecathedraloftheRomanianpeopleisreadyto appear,astherulersofthechurch want to call it. However, how am I supposed to feel well there, how shall I come after you there? Oh, and if I came and appeared as I am with respect to you and to your glory, you would throw stones at Me, because you would be ashamed of My humility, which will judge you severely because of your expensive and shining clothes, and some of you would fall down because of shame and fear if it were for Me to come and to reveal Myself. Oh, what would you do then? Your whole glory would melt away then and everything that you have would keep silent before My glory, for I have such a great glory that man cannot look at Me if I showed My glory. Oh, you forget about My great and fearful glory and you try to make a sight of yourselves in everything in order to pose as gods, and in such a way that the world may follow you in My name. Oh, and how much pain you inflict on Me because you pretend to be gods overthecrowdswithout anywisdom,and behold, I am comingfrom heavenon earth as word to teach man the wisdom from God, and you want to scare him off so that he may not come closer to Me to hear Me and to receive, as did the people two thousand years ago, who followed Me wherever they heard Me speaking, comforting and having mercy on those who suffered. Oh, you like to be kings and lords and you like to rule, to reign and to have a great name, and, on the contrary, I like humility as this is He Who is the Lord. Oh, how shall I be in your churches, howshall I, theLord,be,ifyou are the lords? Oh,howcould Ibewith My poverty near your great and visible glory? I am the One Who hides My glory under the grace of those who are poor and humble in heart, whom you set at naught, and behold how much I suffer from your glory and from your cathedrals, because I am and I remain the One full of humility, and I am and I remain the Lord of those who take after Me in their body and spirit, the Lord of those who are humble.

I am coming back here with My voice for the glory of the feast of Epiphany and I am staying with you, with those who have come to the spring. The river of My word is flowing upon you and baptizing you with the Holy Spirit, and the land is baptized in the river of My word and the waters on the earth and under the earth are also being baptized, as it is written: «The Lord has hardened and set the earth on the waters and rivers», and man has to speak and understand with fear the Lord’s creation, the heaven and the earth, and in no way is he supposed to think with his mind and spread to the sides his haughty mind with which he wants to tempt the Maker and His mysteries.

Excerpt from the Word at the feast of Epiphany, from 19 01 2015. (N.S. 06 01 2015 Oldstyle/aftertheJuliancalendar)(OnCalameo;;;onGoogleDrive) ***

Oh,whata greatwonderwould risefrom theearth toheaven ifthewholeChristian people, all the baptized people, wanted not to violate but observe he fasting days with holiness, everything that I, the Lord, have set for the people on earth by the saints! Oh, the people’s disobedience presses hard on Me, but I call them and remind them of My holy law for the Christians and I tell them that there are four fasting periods in one year, and they have to be observed and fulfilled with fear and awe, for otherwise it is not well on earth. There has been no nation on earth to go well with it when it has not kept into account the ordinations coming down from heaven for the Christian people in order to be kept so that I, the Lord,

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may dwell with them and help them because of their obedience. Any trouble, any threatening, any kind of things or devilish invasion go to the winds if their fasting and praying added to it are brought before the Lord according to their ordination, for I spoke to everyone: «Pray incessantly!»

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday of the Lent, of the Holy Cross, from 15 03 2015 ***

Oh, sons of men, and you, those who call yourselves God’s sons because you are baptized in the church in the name of the Lord, oh, here it is what I am telling you now: be ashamed to sin. Make a cross, mark your body with the sign of the holy cross and put away your lust for sin, (See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross24”, r.n.) the desire which get you sweetened with the poisonous sin. Put away the lust for sin, the lust for drinking and eating in a sinful way, the lust for smoking and immorality in your own body and the lust for any other sins that come from the devil’s advice, who gives you to get you sweetened with the things he is pleased to see in man in order to pull the man away from God. You will need God’s help, protection and salvation from Him for you. The soldier of old, before whom the temptation in the image of a woman, lustful for the sin committed in the body between her and him, was helped by spirit of the fear of God, and with this power he rejected the sinful moment, fleeing from temptation, and the next day heremained aliveamong many deadpeoplein thebattle who fought against the enemy of his people, and then the Lord showed him how he was to die from the bullets if he were not able to overcome the sin which came into his way, and how that place remained a green patch wherehewas whenthe bullets flewall overon the battlefield,but hewas saved bythecleanness of his body, which protected him.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Ascension of the Holy Cross, from 27 09 2015 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Oh, in five days the Jordan is going to come back, as a heavenly sign for the feast of Epiphany, and people do not stop to understand and to be afraid for their wandering without God and without shepherds upon them on earth.

Oh, hear, you unfaithful peoples! Hear God’s sign and correct your faith, you those who try to change those that were once set and which speak and confess the time of the holy feasts, for behold, the Jordan is going to come back to show that it is the feast of Epiphany. Amen, amen, I am saying to you: turn back to your fathers; turn back to the faith, to the faith from the fathers, because the unfaithful crowds have been preparing to deceive you and to steal from your bosom the faith and the steadfastness for the faith. (Reference to the desire of the rulers of more Christian cults to establish a certain date, accepted by all, for the feasts of the

24 You can also see on: word of god about the graven image icon and the sign of the cross

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Holy Passover, which is clearly in disagreement with the tradition and the teaching of the holy fathers and of the Lord, r.n.)

And you, My people of today, stand for Me, son. As little as you are and as much as you are, stand for God, because My day of victory will be beautiful and it will carry into it those who will turn back to God from the idols and the Lord’s victory will remain on earth; My victory with you and for all those on earth, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s circumcision in the body and the feast of the saint hierarch Basil the Great, from 14 01 2016 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Oh, the word has to be spoken over the evil things on earth so that these may cease. Those who are good and faithful have to work with fast, prayer and petition from God for this fulfillment, and also they do not have to be content only because they are good and faithful taking care of their faith, because the great torment of the unbelief is upon men on earth and the struggle against God as well, even if men do not know what they do. It is written for all people who are baptized with the baptism of the right faith, it is written a time of fast for seven weeks, and God has not absolved something else to be eaten during this time but only those that are allowed in the time of the fast.

Oh, men’s sons, how shall I call you God’s sons even if you are baptized in My name, when you do not fulfill the required things from heaven for the Christians, and with this lack of fulfillments you alone get out from the family of God’s sons? Oh, your life wastes away in your wills and God’s will calls out after you as after the wandering sons.

All people are sick because of the food used and eaten against the obedience to God for food. If the laws on earth set upon people punish by their power those who trespass them, oh, how is it possible not to incur punishment over those who violate God’s laws, ordained for men to keep so that it may be well for them and not bad? Behold, why there are so many sick people on earth!

Oh, sons of My word, keep Me near you, well sons. I breathe upon you to be able to do My will. Speak the word over the evil things on earth so that they may stop their work. Make holy requests in the time of fasting and prayer, sons, and come with them before Me. On earth there is much trouble over man, because of the lack of obedience to God in people, and especially of those who are baptized in the name of God. Sufferance comes because of disobedience, and people do not bear it with patience and faith. Ask for faith from the Lord and love in the hearts of men on earth, and especially in those who are baptized, for they do not have any counselor either. Let people find Me speaking the word for them and let them put Me to their hearts and believe in Me. This is what I want you to help Me, you those who share Me on earth.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith, from 20 03 2016. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

I have prepared a warm place for you, a sweet place of stopping, warm food and warm word of meeting and staying with you at the holy table, oh, sons who have come to the Lord’s table. Oh, learn from Me, learn to be My sons, as long as I, the Lord, call you sons. It is written

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that all the Lord’s faithful ones will receive power to become God’s sons by grace, and behold a spring of grace here, in My gardens, blessed into the mist of the Romanian people, from where I speak to all those on earth, after their nation and language, and I also speak for them peace from the Lord of the heaven and the earth, and I speak what it has to be, and here it is what I am saying now:

Peace to you, nations, languages and tribes on the face of the earth! Either you are on the side of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit or not, either you love the holy commandments upon you here and then forever or not, either you are on the side of the wisdom of life and its living and establishing or not, as each man has made its course on earth, oh, either you pay attention to God’s word or not, the word that flows from His throne on the hearth of the Romanian people and then is shared to the margins to water the land with life, still, I, God, the Word, am telling you this: I am telling you peace on a day of the feast of Epiphany! And behold, look at the sign of the returning of the water of Jordan on this holy day, which confesses the Lord, Jesus Christ, the One baptized in Jordan two thousand years ago by the hand of John, the Baptizer, the greatest prophet in that confessing time by all the signs and works that God has left on earth.

I am sending on earth on this holy day, I am sending the spirit of My peace, and where He does not find a place to lay down, then let My peace come back to Me, as it is written.

And now, We, those who have come down from heaven, and those who are the Lord’s servants here, are declaring together the word of Epiphany over the waters: It is being blessed and sanctified this water with the grace of the Most Holy Spirit and with His power, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Oh, heavenly Father, My Father, hallowed be Your name and Your kingdom here, Father, and may it be here on earth as in heaven, and always, always give here great salvation, My Father. Oh, it is My day of the feast of baptism, a day, confessed and confessing in heaven and on earth, and its mystery and power has remained and it confesses its sign and place; it has beenconfessingsincethenanduptothisday,tothewonderoftheunbelieversandrestless, My Father! Oh, Ihave great mercy on the unbelievers, on those who are foreign to Us on earth, Father! Oh, how confused, how painful, how shameful they appear before Us when they leave the life on earth, Father!

I am speaking with You on this day of holy feast, My Father, when You confessed Me from heaven with the voice of My Father, when You said that I am Your beloved Son with Whom You are well pleased, and You told everyone to listen to Me, to listen to Your Son coming down on earth, Father. Oh, release Your Spirit to them and tell them now too that Ihave come from You, Father. Amen.

I am telling, My Only Son, I am telling this to Your comfort, I am telling to all the people of today from all over the earth:

Oh, hear, you those on earth! Open your ears and listen to God, the Father, on a day of the feast of the Baptism, of His Son, Jesus Christ. He is My Son from eternity, the One born of Me, the Father, before eternity, and as I am light so He is light from light and true God like the Father, of the same being with the Father, and through Whom, all, all things have been made. He is My messenger on earth, Who became flesh two thousand years ago in the womb of a

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Virgin and was born and became a Man. He is the One Who was crucified for each man and then He was resurrected for each one of His believers after that. He is the One about Whom it was written to come for the living and for the dead to give each one according to his works and that His kingdom and those who receive it will be without end. He is the One by Whom the Holy Spirit was greatly glorified in His work among the people, and finally, He is the rock of the church and her entire foundation. He is My Son, and I have sent Him again on earth now to build His kingdom and living church at sight, and then through it the life of the age that is to be, everything through the church, as it is written.

I am embracing You within the Spirit, Emmanuel Son. Oh, peace to You into the midst of those who come with faith to Your spring of word here, in Your ruling citadel on the land of the Romanian people, Our today’s country, that from the end of the time, for I have sent You here to work, the place from where We started at the beginning of the creation of the heaven and the earth and of all visible and invisible things of Our creation. We are blessing on this day the Romanian people and those who are faithful on it, dear Son! May Our progress be blessed and those who help Us to go, and those who receive Us within them with the news from above!

And now, My Son, Jesus Christ, the Word, He is the word for the feast of Epiphany, for He is My beloved Son. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany, from 19 01 2017. (N.S. 06 01 2017 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Sons, sons, those who are called Christians, do they really know which is the messenger sign, the sign, which indicates that a man is a Christian? Oh, rarer and rarer are those who understand what would indicate that they are Christians, that I can work with them in order to rely on them on earth. Those who make their steps to a Christian life have to know from the Scriptures the work of the receiving of the Holy Spirit, and which goal they are to look for.

Oh, it is easy to be written on earth that you are Christian, that you are baptized and ready to work with God and to rely on the Lord with His much work. The speaking of the Holy Spirit in the man’s mouth, this is the sign and the goal, which the man is supposed to look for a Christian name and life, and if this search is not in the Christian’s life, then he will not receive the Holy Spirit, Who proves that those who choose this are Christians.

Ihave agreat example for theunderstanding ofthe teaching of today; Ihave thehierarch Nicholas, on whom the Holy Spirit worked and confirmed him with this bearing of God gift, under which he sheltered and hid, for he humbled himself very much and in secret he gave help to the people tested by temptations and weaknesses, for the Holy Spirit is humble and He has life, work of grace and power to raise many from sin only in those who deny themselves and in those who are humble.

Oh, this is how I built My church in its beginning, and I put the Holy Spirit as sign upon it, Whom those who were baptized received in them, and who spoke then by the Holy Spirit and proved out their resurrection, God’s sons, becoming Christians with My name, and by this sign and work from above, they became the sons of the Father and My brothers.

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You, those who find the Lord by the spring of this word, you should know, sons, that your purpose has to be this: to receive the Holy Spirit and to work within Him, for the Holy Spirit in the working man puts out thelonging from those that are earthly and sees through man to those that remain, and then He works them, being separated from the spirit of the world. Excerpt from the Word of God over the nations and their leaders, at the feast of Saint Hierarch Nicholas, from 19 12 2017 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Oh, sons, I thank you because on hearing of My coming you have believed in it and come with it. I am Who I am; I am Who I am coming and I am Who am speaking to you. I have come during this time because it was written for Me to come, sons. I thank you because you have given Me the occasion to speak over the earth and to make known My speaking with which My Father has sent Me. Oh, come to sit at the table and eat, We, those coming from heaven at the feast of Epiphany here, and you, those who are My people of watch at the spring, and again, you those who have started to come to My citadel of word during the feasts, because you have believed in My coming and you have believed that the Lord is coming as it is written.

Some of Us are receiving comfort and power in a day of the feast of Epiphany, sons. We have with Us at the table John the Baptizer, My godfather, who baptized Me in the Jordan during that time and made Me known by the baptism and confessed Me to the people once with our Father in heaven, Who spoke at the water of Jordan and said from heaven: «This is My beloved Son, with Whom I am well pleased», (Matt: 3/17), and to those who have come to Jordan the Father told them about Me: «You should listen to Him!».

Oh, we are bringing this day of memorial and we are calling it the royal feast and we are celebrating for it. Behold, you are those who are celebrating at the table with the King, with the Lord, with Me, the Son of King, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, oh, sons, for I call you sons. Those who do not do God’s will want to be called sons too, but behold how much duty have then those who are born from above by My word, through which God’s Spirit breathes on earth to gather a holy army from the men’s sons in order to make God’s sons those who believe and are baptized at the hearing of the voice of Son of God, as everything is written to be fulfilled. Let the unbelievers still come and say, let them come and appear if there is something untrue in everything that I, the Lord, come and fulfill on earth according to the map, according to the written Scriptures, and which wait for their fulfillment.

Sons, sons, I am He Who always baptizes you in My word. Stay with it in your bosom. Gather it at your bosom as something you love and carry. The word of My mouth is a sea of word over the earth, and behold the place where it springs from, and you have heard, you have believed and understood, sons, and you have become My joy in this time and the heavenly armies rejoice that the Lord has found faith on earth to come, to speak, and to be heard His speaking, of which those from the tombs eat very much, as it is written, oh, and the great day is coming soon, for there will be heard far and wide their confession, My voice of today for the living and for those who sleep in their flesh in the earth, waiting for the day when they will stand up with a new body and to confess the One Who brings them to life at His word over the earth. I am with a feast of Epiphany for them on this day too, for when they are remembered by My speaking, they have already arrived there where I am with those who are My people, with My voice upon them.

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Oh, faithful people, My word upon you becomes Jordan and it becomes a bath of baptism, and you have to understand deeply inside of you that the Lord is coming on earth as word for the preparation of a holy people, so that it may help Him to come and that His word to travel on earth after that. The mystery of the baptism is a great mystery and the one, who is baptized and clothed with Christ, has to take great care of it. Oh, rejoice that you have decided for the Lord, and thank Him because He has given you faith for His coming, sons. When the devils see My fellowship with you, and yours with Me and with the saints, when they see this, they burn with terror, they gnash their teeth with great mourning and We, together with you, work for thedayofthevictoryagainst thedevil who has grown old in evil things, and for this faith and much steadfast is needed, and much, much humility, sons. You should have humility for each other and only in this way the devils will not have any room with their lurch and works, and you always have to work against the secret conspiracies of this hidden enemy.

You should drink muchfrom the waterof My teaching;you should drink sons, and let it stay in you as in holy vessels, and you will belong to the Lord, but do not forget: the saints have overcome the world and come out of it and keep coming out of it and do not remain in it, for the world is dirty, sons, and the little shirt of Christian has to be cleansed from the world and from the spirit of the world, for their work is the clean shirt, sons.

And now, let the waters be sanctified with the name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and with utterance upon them in the name of the Lord according to the custom of My church. Take health from the water of Epiphany, sons, and keep yourselves within it after that, for behold, power for the work for the Lord is needed, and it is needed always.

I am blessing the love, which has gathered you in the hall of the fellowship with the Lord here, sons. I am blessing the humility of your hearts, for it is a blessing itself for those who have it as the work of their hearts, oh, sons.

And now, peace to you! Our fellowship is always sweet. Peace to you, sons! And tomorrow, I will write Myself down into the book with the godfather of My baptism, John.

Soon, soon, we are going to have here a day of preparation and meeting here in the citadel. Here is the place of the comfort of the saints, our place of comfort and meeting with comfort. The heavenly armies, the powers from above stand watch over the citadel, and they always do this, and I, the Lord, have got always, always, My new name upon it, sons, a great name, the Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13) Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany, from 19 01 2018. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

In the days of My temptations, Ipassed through temptations as a man, and the three ones had been overcome because I answered to the temptations with God’s word and I overcame in this way.However, first, Iam going to tell you that Iwent to Jordan with thecommon people who were going to repentance and to the forgiveness of their sins and for their preparation of God’s kingdom in their hearts after that. Oh, I went in this way as a man, and I received through the baptism two angels, two spirits; one good and one evil. The good one is the good spirit, the good angel and the evil one is the evil spirit, the evil angel; therefore, each man

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who is baptized is given two spirits in this way, and then he becomes a soldier in combat on one side or the other, as he chooses.

Oh, after forty days and forty nights had passed, while I had nothing to eat, I was tempted, and the spirit whispered to Me what it had heard from the Father at My baptism and Who called Me His Son on earth, and the spirit said: «You are hungry, but if You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread». (Matt: 4/3) However, Itook theword from the book of teaching and said to it: «It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God». (Matt: 4/4) Oh, this is how I overcame the first temptation. Then the second one came and the spirit took and set Me on the pinnacle of the temple and whispered Me to throw Myself down, telling Me: «The Lord will give His angels charge concerning You, to keep You, so that You do not dash Your foot against a stone». (See Matt: 4/6) And again, the answer was according to the book of the teaching, and I said: «It is written, ‘You shall not test the Lord, your God». (Matt: 4/7) I overcame the second temptation, too, and there came the third one, for the spirit took Me on exceedingly high mountains from where I saw the world and all its glory, and the spirit said: «Behold the world, ‘I will give You all of these things, if You fall down and worship me». (Matt: 4/9) Then there came the answer of the teaching from the Lord’s book and I said: «Get behind Me, satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve». (Matt: 4/10) Oh, this is how I, the Lord, overcame, the three temptations after My baptism from Jordan, and I related all these things and all were written. Oh, and what did I do afterwards?

Oh, sons, sons, this is how you are to do as well, when you speak to yourselves. Answer with God’s word, not by yourselves, for the man’s spirit is weak, and that is why you should keep away from speaking from yourselves, because this is the work through which satan can pull you down from God’s presence.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Cross Ascension, 27 09 2018 ***

Oh, peace and rest to you in all things, sons! Now share God to those who are coming to His spring of word, for I am teaching them on a day of the feast of Epiphany and I am telling them to watch with the spiritual power and not endanger the mystery of baptism as all people do when they forget about their Christian duties after the baptism that dedicates man to the Lord. Oh, sons, those, who come home after a little child is baptized, undress the man from his baptism to his bare bones, for they worship idols, for they worship idols, drunkenness, fornication, worldly joy, to words that are not decent, oh, and what else does it remain out of the mystery of baptism, the mystery of which man does not take care, oh, sons? However, I am teaching you to watching, for the mystery of the worship in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Who has brought us before God for baptism, needs to be understood very well. And more than this, there is no one to tell the world what I am saying now so that all those who are baptized may know what their duties are in order to be God’s sons after that and not to fall.

We are now inviting the Christian guests at the table of word and we are speaking to all of them:

Peace to you, travelling sons! You have come to the spring to drink and to be. Peace to you! Here I speak with man as I spoke with Adam in Paradise, as I spoke with Moses on the holy mountain, and as I spoke with Saul of Tars on his way. Oh, but because Adam had not

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listened to God to the end, to his Maker, then I no longer spoke with him, and he remained within his own mind. However, Moses listened to Me and because he did so, I kept on speaking with him to the end of his way, and even today I am speaking with him and he is coming to help Me at My work from the Father as he did then on earth.

I promised you that I would come to tell you a great mystery, sons. It is a day of holy feast and this feast upon waters is full of mysteries between God and man. The waters work out birth, sons, and they serve the man’s making and the making of all those on which it is worked with holy water by the word. At the beginning of the creation of the heaven and earth, the Spirit of God was working as He is working today by My word and the Spirit, Who was hovering over the surface of the waters, as it is written, made word upon waters and the waters listened to Him and were divided in the waters from above and the waters from below, those on the right and those on the left, and then the dry land appeared, sons, and the first little patch of the dry land which appeared from the waters was the Romanian land, the top of the earth, the crown of the earth, the first land born of the waters, full of God’s mystery for the beginning. And because I made the man out of this clay of mystery, I called the first man built Romanian even beginning with that time, and I have kept in eternity this mystery and this great name for the end of the time, and the time has come for this country of Mine to bear its name from the beginning because the Father has given it to Me at My birth among people, so that it may know Me and to receive Me at My coming after two thousand years, and here I am in it speaking and doing the work of the Father.

I have come after man here, on the place where I built him at the beginning and I called him Romanian even from that time, oh, and this Romanian people is weak in its faith when it hears what kind of mystery God has kept for the Romanian land. Oh, that is why, sons, I have confessed by this spring of prophecy and I said that every man who wears a Christian shirt will be called Romanian. (See the selection topic: „Romania The New Jerusalem The New Canaan”, r.n.)

All the people on earth are Romanians, for all come from Adam,the first man built out of the Romanian clay. And when I came down from heaven two thousand years ago, I took the flesh of a man to redeem the man, and if all are from Adam after the flesh, then behold, I, the Son of God, the Father, am Romanian, too, for I took the flesh of a man, and all people are Romanians, even if they did not choose to belong to God and to prove to be like that, and they are not the sons of disobedience, who have separated themselves from the Lord for their pleasures and for another name on earth, for people have chosen countries and put a name on them after the country they have lived in, but after the flesh they all are Romanians, for man starts from here, even if he is not able to know and to perceive this mystery as all the nature knows God and His mystery, for Jordan knew Me and confessed Me by a sign, and the sea knew Me as well when I was walking on it as on dry land, and the sun knew Me as well, because it got dark on My mourning on the cross, and the whole earth knew Me and trembled, and its foundations shook because of My pain on Golgotha. However, man is stiff necked and does not want to bow before God, oh, and I cannot do anything with those who are stiff necked and unfaithful, who decide for themselves to be on the right and on the left, by My word spoken according to the works pleasant to God, and according to those unpleasant, and by this they decide to be on the right or on the left.

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This mystery, which I have revealed it into My today’s book, oh, this mystery is great in heaven. The Romanians are great in heaven, and all the saints of the heaven are Romanians, they belong to the heaven, of the country of the comfort from above, and those who did not love and do not love the Lord on earth, oh, then to whom do they belong and whose works do they follow being separated from God?

… Now I am speaking through you, I am speaking upon waters, and we are saying: “These waters are being blessed and sanctified with the power, with the work and with the coming of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!” Oh, is there any other place on earth to speak with man and to repeat at the same time with him prayers and requests of doing miracles and powers from Got?

Sons, sons, the greatest gift in the Christian church, Christ’s church, is the gift of prophecy. With it there start all those that come from God with men and for men. Wherever the spirit of prophecy is absent in the work of the church, there only the man is and that is all, and you know with what kind of people the Spirit of God has worked for God’s works on earth with people. Therefore, your holiness is your love of God, it is My love of you, and I am teaching you as I was teaching in the wilderness the great saint among the prophets of the heaven, and he has his memorial here with Me now, for He was the godfather at My baptism on behalf of the Father and he was the beginning of the cleaning of the man for the kingdom with which I came on earth then, and no one, almost no one of those who lived then knew the time of their visitation, as it is not today either with the men of the literature of the church, though they are without a teacher always upon them, for man always goes wrong and he always needs resurrection and encouraging, if he wants this.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany, from 19 01 2019 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

Sons, sons, he who wants to be of love, he always and always keeps seeking for the teaching of love, and he seeks with longing, as two thousand years ago, I spoke about this longing, that I came to throw fire on earth, and I wish it were already kindled! (See Luke 12/49) And behold, the heart of the one, who has My love in it, is only fire, and this fire keeps man clean; it keeps clean the man and the place in him for God and for brothers. He who does not have this fire in him and does not have unquenchable fire, oh, that one gets cold; the fire goes out, and the fire which goes out because of the lack of watch, and that one does no longer get kindled, sons, and when the winter of trials comes, oh, what is he supposed to do before it, the one who has not kept the fire burning and the warmth for God and for brothers in him?

Oh, if John the Baptizer humbled himself so much, then ask yourself Christian, how much you need to humble yourself so that you may not lose the Lord upon you as did Adam who did not humble before the wisdom of life. I came then, and I am coming now too and I am throwing fire on earth, and I keep on throwing from the fire of My Spirit to kindled many; however, the carelessness of God is too great in man, and it is also in the Christian who takes of the fire of My word, and he keeps on taking it, and the Lord stays and waits for the living fruit of the love of God in the one who has the word from above as the food of his life, and behold the lack of resemblance to the saints, who gathered wagons of wheat, in comparison with those who can hardly get a little handful of grains, sons!

About baptism 58

Oh, about the baptism of the faith and its fruit it would be much to be spoken and then to chew My teaching for the Christian. I speak and give plenty so that My fire may be in the hearts that take Me from here, and if the chewing of My word does not find its place in the work from among brothers, than this is the carelessness of soul, and My fire is not kindled in the hearts of those who hear My word.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saint John the Baptizer, from 20 01 2019 ***

Oh, peace to you, and welcome at the feast of Epiphany for all the guests! I, the Lord, am greeting you through the gates (Gates those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) and I am giving you from the spirit of comfort. Every man needs comfort, love, oh, but I am love, not man, and man needs God, and not only now, in the trouble of his life, but especially in eternity. Oh, and you must know, man, that you cannot earn your life with God in eternity, but only now, here, as long as you live on earth, because there are no alms to be able to acquire this eternal joy, because it is on merit, it is on much work, on much closeness to God here, where you are tested and measured by the angels who bring the news to God about the work for your building in the Lord’s dwelling places.

When the body returns to earth because of its sinful nature, the man’s spirit ascends above and the soul goes before God, where its origin is at its birth on earth, and then it goes at the scales of life for the place he has prepared in its life on earth, and then it waits for the Lord with the last day of His glory, when the bodies will rise at His command and come to life by the Spirit Who breathes, and then they will either go into the rest of eternal joy, or to separation from God. Oh, and behold, why you must live united on earth with God in your life, born man, who receive soul from God when you come to be born from above! Then you go again, and fall asleep and wait again, as when you waited in line to be born and to come on earth, and behold, every man needs comfort, love, and I am love, not man, and man needs God both here, on earth, and especially in eternity after that.

Oh, be baptized, sons of men, into this river of word, for the river of Epiphany flows from here on earth and upon you! Be baptized with great faith for the Lord is this word, as the Lord wants to gather you for your protection before the scales of life! Come to water, oh, come to the water of life, for you are not protected anywhere else, you, sons of men, and the spirit of the world has always drawn you to it to hang about either in little or in great emptiness so that you may lose the victory for the joy that is coming for those who walk with the Lord on the way of the temporary life of the body, which carries your soul! I am teachingyouwithlongingandIamteachingyouthefightfortheeternallife,sons.Iamteaching you the spiritual love and its holy works. Oh, open your mind and take heed so that your heart may be opened and that you may receive Me in it, for here is what I am teaching you to know, if you humble yourselves, how to hear and how to receive:

Sons, sons, in the spiritual love the bodies do not seek after each other, and if they do, then there is no longer any spiritual love, and there is something else far from God instead; it is thelust ofthe flesh, thespirit ofthe flesh, the spirit ofthe world, revealedthroughtheScriptures

About baptism 59

with its work, which is: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. (1 John 2:1625)

The water of Epiphany is being blessed and sanctified with the power, with the coming and the working of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, to the cleansing of those who clean themselves with repentance to the forgiveness of their sins, and that flower of the basil may sweeten with its fragrance the taste of water and its spirit, for this flower grew above My cross put in the ground by the people of that time, and it was a sign for the people to whom it was revealed the place where to find My cross and to lift it up as a testimony of its power, of the grace which it carried through theSonofGod,Whowas carriedonthearmsofthecrosswithHisoutstretchedarmstoembrace His crucifiers as a sign of forgiveness and eternal love, and which I want to share now far and wide and to remind man of it; to remind man of eternal love, so that he may not forget how I loved and love him, and to learn from Me what love is, not the love of himself, not the love that comes from man, for I am love, and not man! Oh, but when, man, when are you going to learn this?

I leave much power over the water of Epiphany, and all those who take of it, let them carry with them splashes of water and sprinkle the earth wherever they go, oh, because the turmoil and the rustling of the earth are alleviated whenever they touch something from place to place, and all the places, marked from here with the things of the Lord with you, receive protection, sons.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany, from 19 01 2020. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

And there were coming to Jordan all those in the land of Judea, all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all around Jerusalem, and they were confessing their sins and were baptized in the Jordan, and John said: «After me there comes He Who is more powerful than me. I baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit». (See John: 1/27)

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of Saint John the Baptist, from 20 01 2020. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

The heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. This is God’s house - the heaven and the earth, and peace to you, heaven and earth, peace to you from the One, Who made you by the word, and you are! Oh, peace to you on a day of the feast of Epiphany, as the Holy Spirit is going with the baptism of the word, with the river of word, and may all and everything be renewed by the breath of the Holy Spirit and let all things bring service and glory to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen.

Peace to you, peoples and nations from all over the earth, because God is speaking in aspiritofEpiphany,and thespiritoffaith isdescendingovertheearth so thatallpeople

25 «Do not love the world or the things that are in the world. The love of the Father is not in those who love the world; because everything that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, pride in possessions, is not from the Father but from the world.

The world is passing away with its lusts, but the one who does the will of God remains forever». (1 John: 2/15 17)

About baptism 60

may have faith, and in this way they are to meet the One Who is coming, for the Lord is coming, and all those who are pure in heart will have great joy, for they know Me and will know Me in this word, and they will know Me by the purity of their hearts, and those who are thick in their feeling will not be able to know Me, for they have nothing to know Me with, they have nothing but from the earth of the men’s sons!

Crowds were streaming to the Jordan at the baptism with water for faith, and John the Baptist, was telling them all that the One, Who was going to baptize with the Holy Spirit, was coming after him, and He would cleanse His threshing floor before Him to walk. This is what I am doing now, on a day of Epiphany, for I am shepherding with the word of the Holy Spirit and I am showing the way to repentance to every man so that man may know God in this baptizing word.

Oh, blessed are you, those who have a clean heart to step to repentance by the exhortation of the Holy Spirit, Who is baptizing the earth far and wide today! Man has many defects and he has always made mistakes on earth, and if he does not have the right correction, then he is not able to know God, he cannot do this if he remains with the sin, which takes the man’s fear of God away from him. God’s church is the house in which man is built for the kingdom of God on earth and then in heaven. (See the selection topic: „The true church26”, r.n.) Without anyone to watch over you always, or at least from time to time, then no one can belong to Christ if he does not become an obedient disciple, as I was.

Oh, how can I make you get accustomed to the holy life of the son of God? Oh, man, grow small under the hand of the smallest one, for under a stronger hand it is more natural for you to do the Christian bowing, the humility of the heart before God, before people and before all God’s creation.

… Oh, it is a day of Epiphany, man separated from Me. Come to meet Me and you will find the life, the light and the way! Do not forget that for your sin I had taken the cross of My crucifixion on My shoulders and after that I rose from the dead to give you comfort and salvation from the reward of sin. Oh, do not forget about God, man! Let Me heal your pride so that you may be able to see your Creator, the One Who loved you on the cross, man!

Now, peace to you, sons of the citadel of My word on the hearth of the Romanian people! With you I am writing on earth the word of My coming to graze with it those without a shepherd, and I have spoken on this day to those who have separated themselves from God by the spirit of the pride, and I am only pain because of My mercy for them.

Oh, sons, My word on this holy day is in a spirit of Epiphany. Now have in your speech the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and with this name speak over the waterforthesanctificationoftheholy orderforits transformation. Let there bepowerofvictory and grace upon it, and you should let its drops fall on the way so that you may be victorious, for We are putting the Holy Spirit on it, sons, the Comforter from the Father. Then share it with and over the people of My word so that the power of the holy water may be enough and

26 You can also see on: lord jesus the word of god about the true church/!hVtgjLJR!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A

About baptism 61

help them, for the heaven is working on earth more than anytime during this time of Mine with you, a heavenly time on earth, sons, oh, because I want the tower of Babel to fall down and the angels from heaven to call out and say: «It has fallen down!» (Isaiah: 21/9; Apoc: 21/8; Apoc: 18/2)27 And the nations on the earth no longer to be deceived so that I may graze them and give them the living water, then faith and forgiveness, and to put in them the love for God, for the darkness has withdrawn because I go forward and I keep on going, and those without a way will come back to God and they will see the way and say: “Let us walk on it!”

You, people of My word, give Me help to My patience and help to My victory! Call Meto work faith in theRomanian country,My countryandyours, as well! In aspiritofEpiphany, let it be spoken from your midst the blessing and the power over the water that will work holiness, cleansing and protection wherever it may be sprinkled, and let the devils complain by mourning before the power of the water that brings victory with God and with His faithful ones against satan!

I am getting ready to come down into the book with John the Baptist, and to speak in a spirit of Epiphany, to comfort and to get comforted, as well. We are up in the sky with the glory of the feast. The working angels keep on moving, for the Holy Spirit is working over the water, set before to be blessed now.

It is being blessed and sanctified this water brought before for sanctification, with the power, with the work and with the coming of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! And I am here, together with you, speaking over the water, and the heaven and the earth are embracing each other for the sanctifying work, and I am with the people of My word before the Father, working and sharing over the earth. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Baptism, from 19 01 2021. (N.S. 06 01 2021 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)


Oh, Christian son, stay on My arms of Shepherd, in My care for you and be firm in your faith and life as Christian in time of trial of your love for God, of your faith in your salvation from Me, oh, and do not be afraid of anything and of anyone but only of your separation from God during this hard time, for satan with his entire trick and with all his army are going to fall down with a great noise, and also all his deception by which he thinks that is going to overcome the church and the Christian people on earth.

And here it is My advice:

Stay in humility and in the spirit of repentance, dear Christian! Oh, be good and do no longer walk on the way with the world, as the chalice full of lawlessness is being poured out, and I do not want to find you on the way with the world, but I want you to stay on your

27 «… and, behold, he comes riding in a chariot and pair: He answered and said: Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all her images and her idols have been crushed to the ground». (Isaiah: 21/9)

«A second angel followed and said, “Babylon the great has fallen, which has made all the nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her sexual immorality.”» (Apoc: 21/8)

«He cried with a mighty voice, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, and a shelter [Or “cage”] for every unclean and detestable bird!» (Apoc: 18/2)

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grounds, in obedience to the Lord, in a holy prayer, Christian son, for here it is what I am doing: I baptize you in My word when I come and speak to you. Oh, for such a long time I have been speaking to you to know from Me how to behave during this dangerous time for the world, and even for those who are on God’s side in their heart.

Excerpt from the Wordof God at theSynodofSaint John, theBaptist, from 20 01 2021. (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive)


Oh, behold the human kind with a mask on their mouths, put by the spirit of lying with a hidden face!

Oh, you, those who are have high seats over the nations, what is this that you are doing to the people? What is it, I, the Lord God, am asking you?

Oh, you, people fed with the spirit of lying of the apocalyptic beast, (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast28”, r.n.) rise up to watch and come to prayer and call out to God to come and save you, and call out to My mother Virgin, too, that who is crying and praying for all the creature oppressed by satan’ spirit! Oh, become Christian by the power of the baptism with the Holy Spirit and be baptized within My word, for it is the water of the river of life which flows from God’s throne, as it is written29 , (Apoc: 22/1; 17) and behold, the Romanian country is the country of My coming as word over the earth, it is My Christian country with My name over it, with My seal over it, with the cross of My and its resurrection!

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the Saint Pious Mary of Egypt, from 18 04 2021 (On Calameo; on; on; on Google Drive) ***

The sequel of this document will soon be published, after the translation, r.n. Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:

You can also see the following thematic selections:

28 You can also see on: Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast

29 «The angel [Greek “he”] showed me a [TR adds “pure”] river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, …» (Apoc: 22/1) «The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let everyone who hears say, “Come!” Let everyone who is thirsty come, let anyone who wishes take the water of life freely [Or “as a gift”]» (Apoc: 22/17)

About baptism 63

Romania The New Jerusalem The New Canaan

The apocalyptic trumpets

The apocalyptic fire;

What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?; Enoch and Elijah;

Resurrection of the dead;

The false prophet and the ecumenism; The dead hear My voice; The rapture of the Church

The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast

About the kingdom of God

The true church

The great tribulation

The mystery of the man and woman

About fasting and almsgiving

About the graven image and the sign of the cross

The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility

The coming in a visible way

As in the days of Noah

The Wedding of the Lamb

The fearful judgment

This word is the river of life

He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds

About the Book of the Lamb The Book of Life

The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God (1955-2005)

The glory of God

The changing of the holidays renunciation of faith

The heaven the throne, the earth the footstool: the man deified

As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord About baptism

The apocalyptic white horse

The following thematic selections from God’s Word will be published immediately after translation:

The End of the world and the Day of the Lord;

About baptism 64

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