«Behold, I have told you this in advance.
If therefore people tell you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it!
For as the lightning flashes from the east and is seen even to the west, this is how the coming of the Son of Man will be». (Matt: 24/25 27.)
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
Text selection from the Word of God1 on this topic
Ilikened My kingdom to natural parables, but natural parables arenot eternal, sons; they are only an image of those that are eternal. You saw what the prince of the world did, that he pasted the man to his visible things, of the prince of the world, children. And now, at his end, the prince of the world made a machinery and opened a window to those that are seen, and seduced with it thewhole creature, (The television and the internet, r.n.);andthemanis looking into this window and forgets about the heaven; and the man is looking at the confusion of the languages on earth, which are seen by this window. But I will fool him and I will turn this weapon against him, as I will make use of his weapon and his window and get in it the work of the Holy Spirit and the view of the heavenly life that I work and make out upon you, Israel, My people of today. Behold, I came to show you through this window, (The screen, the monitor, r.n.), the testimony of your celebration with Me at the feast of the Ascension, at Verginica’s feast and of Verginica’s village. (Verginica the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet; see selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) I have to turn everything back to those that will never be destroyed, but stay into at the school of the Holy Spirit, My people, and learn well, to take the little crown, the gift and the prize of salvation, Israel.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Pentecost, from 19 06 1994. (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
Oh, My people, My people, you do not know My struggle, you do not know My fight for you so that I may prepare you to be like Me and for Me to gather Myself with you and to gather you with Me, for like loves like. The world says that I will no longer come, but you, Israel, should watch like the wise virgins and not listen to the world, for the world does not know what the fulfillment of the Scriptures means. The words of the world are not fulfilled, but the Scripture is being fulfilled. Oh, sons, I have always told you: get out of the world! Why did I say to you this? The one who is in the world hears from the world and is no longer careful to hear from God. The one who is in the world believes what he hears and what he sees. Blessed are you, Jerusalem that have listened to Me to get out of the world and to stay with Me and with My whisper over you, for behold, the whisper has become a word spoken on the roofs, as the Holy Spirit writes in the Scriptures. I could not keep My mystery and the people of My mystery hidden, with which I have come down on earth to prepare My second coming. My second coming will make every man believe; the one who has sought to believe and say that there is no God, and every Jew who has followed the lie paid with much money to be spread all
1 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni Romania, translated by I.A., redactor note.
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
over the people who crucified Me, for the rulers of the Jewish people crucified Me. Why did they crucify Me? They crucified Me because they were great and that they might reign over the little ones and suck from the wool of the sheep and the blood of their lambs. They crucified Me to cover their own trespasses and so that there might be no one to heal the wounds of their iniquities.
Oh, My second coming will be the greatest day of all the Lord’s days, for then there will be nothing but the overcoming Lord, and all who have not believed will remain overcome and will believe in God, Who is coming, Who has a deathless body and Who overcame death with the life of His godhead. My second coming will work like the lightning, crossing the sky from one end to the other. My coming will be with all the heavenly brightness discovered in the light of the lightning, sons, for the cover will be put aside and the man will fall off his legs, as it happened with the watchmen who were put at the grave of My resurrection. Israel, Israel, I said that he who does not believe will not come to see, as the watchmen from the grave of My resurrection saw nothing of the Lord’s Day, for the day of the Lord makes the man fall off his legs. Israel, you should be the Lord’s son, the son of faith, to be kept for light, for the sons of the light, the sons of the Lord’s Day will stay in the light and will receive it and they will no longer melt away from the brightness of the Lord’s light.
My coming from the end of the ages of man rings at the doors. It rings and man does not hear, but you are My witness who will testify for Me that I have rung at all the doors, at all the gates, both in the hills and in the mountains, both in the sun and in the moon and at all the spirits on this earth which are not used to the voice of the Maker. However, you, My people, call out for the Lord to come. Call out, son, so that I may come to answer to your calling and to come; to come and to find you with Me and with those on My right side. I dwell with the spirit of My peace in your spirit, people of the Lord. I work hard to protect you but help Me to protect you.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s resurrection, from 14 04 1996. ***
Oh, Israel, you are happy, faithful servant, you who stand watching before your Lord! Watch, Israel son, and stay like that for My coming, for I come. Be always careful, for there have always risen false and deceitful prophets and they will make great signs and they will perform great miracles for the deceiving of those who are deceived and for the testing of your faith, My people, but you should not come out, you should not believe anyone but only in Me Who come as the lighting that goes from east to west. However, you shall run when you hear about signs and miracles, for it is written in the Scriptures that they will be for the deceiving ofmany.However,youhave to be humble and low,son, becausethe falsepeople will come and will be praised by the people and many will follow them, but you should not seek after the glory from men, as I said: «The one who seeks after his own glory, that one speaks from himself and not from God, and he who seeks after God’s glory, that one is from God». Those who love glory are false prophets, for they do not know My humility and My work. Oh, Israel, I do not seek after My glory but after the glory of the One Who has sent Me, and this is how you are to work as well and keep away from the people of the empty glory, who have nothing from Me. You shall watch and watch again before Me, preaching Me to the people, for I am your glory, Israel. Amen.
It is celebration in heaven; it is a celebration of a new age, of new heaven and new earth and new man, born of the word from above. It is a celebration with the Romanians, the country
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
of My returning to the people and of which I took out a people to have it cleaned and placed before the voice of My word, which comes with the clouds. I am coming to you, little Israel, taken out of the Romanians to be My people. I come and become news over the earth, and I become news and story with you, My people. I become a new message and I have the saints and glory of the angels with Me, and My mysteries are great, and My word crosses the air like the lightning, which comes out in the east and goes down into the west. Peace to you, My people, for you have My word and you know My voice. Peace to you, and stay with Me watching, for many will come and they will come into My name and deceive many, and many will stumble and sell each other because the iniquity is great and because of this, God’s light is being put out, but those who are patient will overcome, for the Gospel of My new word and the message of My kingdom will be spread out and told all over the world as a testimony, and then I will come visibly and everything will be brought to an end, and then I will be, (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way2”, r.n.) and many will flee to the mountains, for it is written: «My angels will gather those who are elected from one margin of the sky to another, in a sound of a trumpet, at the voice of My word», and there will be as in the time of Noah, for no one will know of that day. And it will be as then, for thepeople were eating and drinking and going to weddings and they had not known anything until the day of destruction.
… It is a celebration of saints in Israel on the earth. No one on the earth knows any longer to make a feast for the saints. The people speak about the days of the saints and they worship the idols on the days of the saints. (See the selection topic: „The change of feasts the denial (apostasy) of faith3”, r.n.) The people celebrate each other on the days of the saints, and they eat and drink and go to weddings as in the time of Noah, but My word comes over the earth and becomes message and it comes. As the lighting comes out in the east and goes to the west, the same way the Word of God announces itself.
And you, sons of My word, you should always be blessed by Me to be able to stand before Me and to take and give My word to the people for the resurrection of the faithful on the earth. My word is coming to produce faith on the earth and to find it at My coming, as I have found it in you, Israel, My faithful people, for it is written: «My Father loves the one who believes in Me and We will come to him and make a house with him and have supper with him and We will appear to him», for the Father is in Me and in My coming, and we will make the kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, a blessed kingdom from age to age.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of the saint martyr, Varvara, (Barbara), from 17 12 1996 ***
2 You can also see on: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsRlc1ZzdxRjVNSmc https://mega.nz/#!IINnwQaa!vwmhpxLtU XyDsihEu12o1MBgrhWf_POOIYYDuFu3kc http://www.mediafire.com/view/64jxm0it2i1r3a4/The_Word_of_God_about_the_coming_in_a_visible_way.pdf
3 You can also see on: https://jumpshare.com/v/ffwEqRWqZ4GpFkbYrGEp
https://archive.org/details/TheWordOfGodAboutTheChangeOfFeastsTheDenialOfFaith https://www.scribd.com/document/395539068 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uDWpABlyN L31d6cGt8H0QSo3bpFaYYg
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
The saints find comfort in you, Israel, for they miss them, dear son. The saints come withMetoyou.Becarefultowhat Isay,forItellyouthosethatareprophesiedintheScriptures. I come with My saints to you. Your Lord comes with thousands of saints to you, and all this glory will soon be seen. His glory will be seen soon, soon, as the lightning which rises from the east and shines up to the sunset; soon, soon it will show, it will show soon, soon. Amen.
Thekingdom ofheaven is likeyou,dear Israel, faithfulservant, fortheMasterwill come and find you watching and will tell you: «Come into the joy of your Lord!». Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint Hierarch Nicholas, from 19 12 1996 (06 12 1996 Old style / after the Julian calendar4) (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
I am with the day of birth; I come with the feast of birth into your book, Verginica, virgin daughter, in which My word was born in the end time of My mystery among the people. I was born in the flesh of My mother Virgin, and as word of you, and I remained as work in the midst ofyourpeoplewhichyougavebirthof My wordin you; forif Iwas bornas word,behold, the One, Who is being born, is, and the One Who gives birth is being born; He is being born and gives birth; He is being born, so that He Word may give birth to sons, and My tribe will be like the stars forever, Verginica, daughter who gives birth to sons.
− Oh, You Who were born of the Virgin in a body of a child and of me, spirit of word, You are the seed, Lord, You are the seed of the body and of Your word, for You have sown Yourself, so that You may be born in the flesh and so that You may be born as word, and so that You may be the Son of Man, flesh and word, the Son of the Father and of the mother Virgin and mine, Oh, my Lord, Who was born word of me; You Who sown Yourself in my bosom as spirit and word, Son of man! Oh, who among the people would have been able to humble as You did? Oh, You humbled so much, that You came from heaven and entered my bosom and my mouth was giving birth to You as word, as You were the One Who was being born, the One Who was becoming word before Your people, oh, mysterious God, mysterious Shepherd! The days of Your birth are with You as word into the midst of Israel of today, born of You, mysterious Shepherd. Oh, who else can take the life of this little child, Who is being born as word into His manger, into the people born of His word in me? Oh, how mysterious You are, Who are always being born! Your mystery is mysterious, Lord Word. Like the lightning, which comes from the East and appears in the west, is Your mystery, and no one can crush it, as this is Your coming, and who can prevail against Your coming, Lord Word, Who comes like the lightning? The lightning appears and hides, and its rumble comes after it and it is heard, but the lightning,
4 Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Style_and_New_Style_dates) are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan of that time, Miron Cristea, introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions” «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
which gives birth to its rumble, is not seen anymore; it hides and its voice remains and is heard. The lightning and its voice. The Lord and His word. The light and its whisper and then its voice, as the Lord is the light which appears for a little while and His voice is being born of it, its voice, for the Lord is the light which is seen and which is not seen.
… I, the One born of the Virgin two thousand years ago among the people, am being born today in the manger of My word into your midst, country Romania. I am being born as word, as a mysterious Shepherd,Who shepherdsthenations of theearth with an iron staff, with a mysterious word, which is not seen, but its voice is heard, as the lightning is heard after its light.
Oh, how mysterious is the mystery of My word, which today is being born in you, Romania country! Like the lighting, which comes from the East and appears in the West, (Published also on the Internet, r.n.) is My mystery, and no one can crush it, as this is My coming, and who can prevail against My coming? I am being born and come like the lightning.Thelightningappears and hides, and itsrumblecomes after it and then itsvoice is heard, but the lightning, which gives birth to its rumble, is no longer seen; it hides and it remains its voice which is heard; the lightning and its voice; the Lord and His word; and then the light and its voice. Amen.
I am the Light of the world, Which appeared two thousand years ago, and its word is being born out of its voice. I am the light before the light; I am the light from the time of the light and I am the light after the light. I am the mystery of the Father on the earth with the people, as when the fullness of time came, My Father sent Me as Light into the world, born of the Virgin to redeem the people from under the law and so that the people may receive the adoption, and to those who become sons, the Father sends them the Spirit of His Son, Who cries: «Father!». The Son of the Father cries to the Father from the sons. The Spirit of the Son of God cries from the sons: «Father!». The Spirit intercedes for the sons with groanings, which cannot be uttered.
Oh, it is a heavenly celebration of the new birth! The little angels of the heaven sing glory to the One born two thousand years ago among the people, and they sing a new carol of new age, of new birth, for they see that the days of the new birth of the world have come; a birth of the Word, the Child born two thousand years ago among the people. The One Who appeared as light two thousand years ago is being born today as word, the voice of the light which appeared then, like the lightning which appears and hides and its voice, which is heard, remains; mysterious Shepherd, mysterious word, which is not seen but its voice is heard, as the voice of the lightning is heard after the lightning is heard.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Nativity (the Lord’s Birth), from 07 01 1997 (25.12.1996 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
Oh, people of the church, you, who do not believe or pretend that you do not believe that I am this word; you do not believe that I am not ready to come. You do not believe because you do not like to fulfill My word which says: «Watch!». You do not prepare for My coming, and that is why it is better for you to say that you do not believe that I come as a word on earth, as the lightning which travels from east to west, (Published on the internet like lightning, and can be seen from east to west, r.n.) not as the false prophets say: „Behold, He is in the
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
wilderness; behold, He is into the rooms!” Not this way, but rather I cross the air like the lightning and proclaim the eternal Gospel to all the creature as it is written and cry: «Fear God and worship the One Who made the heaven and the earth!», for I come soon. (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism5”, r.n.)
You, people of the church, who read the books of the holy fathers, look into them and seethat theywrotewhat is todayin yourchurches, andtheyalso wroteabout theonewhostands for Me. The fathers wrote about the dark angels who pretend to be the angels of light. And who are these dark angels? They are those who live in debaucheries and iniquities, hidden under the adornment of the holiness, (Under the garment of a priest or of a shepherd, r.n.), standing against the truth, which is clean and which shows up the hidden iniquity. But My word came to judge those made in the darkness, and the angels of the light are those, who do My will among the people, and with whom I go from place to place to wake up and to harvest those that are Mine, and whose names are written from the foundation of the world into the Book of Life. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The true church6”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic, from 18 05 1997 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
Oh, My disciples, rejoice in the word with those of this time! Be My witnesses from heaven on the earth, as you are My witnesses. Amen.
− Lord, bless the entrance of Your saints. Bless us to come in. Amen, amen, amen.
− Amen, I say to you: always and now and forever and from everlasting to everlasting, My loved disciples. Amen.
− Oh, Lord, man of desires, Son of Your Father and ours, the Lord of our desires, we have sown much confession on the earth for You. But today You have testified Yourself even more wonderfully, even more fully, even more perfectly, as that what we, Your disciples, could not do and speak, You do, the One Who can and do everything, as this is what You said: «those who believe in Me will do greater things than these». This is what You, Lord Word, said then. We come with You, as disciples and Teacher; we come to those who prepare Your and our way, the way of Your saints and angels, as the time has come to fulfill everything, Lord, for we have always asked you: «Until when, Lord?»
5 You can also see on: https://jumpshare.com/v/7ok62WqkEVGSlr03tVLt http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook lord jesus the second coming of jesus christ the false prophet and the ecumenism/ https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsU0pHQ1FyQk1MMG8
6 You can also see on: https://app.box.com/s/3095ejhegchplidfae4y
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsUUNaeHVjdkE4SVE/view?usp=sharing http://www.bookrix.com/ebook lord jesus the word of god about the true church/ https://mega.nz/#!hVtgjLJR!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A https://docs.zoho.com/file/otj66e1273141698b4b688b1111d7b424e2c5
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
Oh, holy people on the earth, we are the disciples of Christ, our Lord and yours. We are the twelve apostles, and we become one single word upon you, people of the desires of those from heaven, people of God’s promises, made to His saints.
Open the gates for the King of glory to enter into them accompanied by His saints, by His holy disciples! Open to the glory of the Lord, as you are the tabernacle of the Lord, Who dwells among the people, and the people do not know to understand what the Lord made out of you, the last sons, the fruit of the Lord’s preaching and of ours. The time has come to abolish those that are in part before those that are made perfect, which came and come to us and to you, as the saints wait and have always waited asking: «Until when, Lord?» Oh, you who are loved in Christ, the man of all desires! Oh, little children and made holy by thousands of times by the word, which becomes flesh, and by the flesh, which becomes word! Oh, loved and little ones, you should be like the little children, and to be a kingdom of heavens on the earth, so that the heaven may have a kingdom in you, for you and for us, as we and you wait according to the promises, for a new heaven and a new earth of the righteousness, that is the kingdom of heavens, last sons. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God7”, r.n.)
We left you the books of our apostleship, but be holy and do not look in them for anything else than the kingdom of heavens, as we have spoken much with our bodies, and the bodies lusted too much against the spirit, and there was a great mixture and a great force was over the church of Christ and we could not separate those that were good from the evil ones, since the knowledge was so little then, and the people were greater in their flesh and in the lusts of the flesh. But now, the Lord increased the knowledge and gave it to you, as He, Himself, came as a Shepherd as He promised, that He went to the Father and came as word in the end, and His Holy Spirit becomes word; He becomes Comforter, after the prophesy of the most loved of the twelve disciples, John, the Lord’s loved one and ours. There were many things to be given then, but they could not be carried along, as no one could eat solid food, but only milk. And behold, the Word, the Comforter, came; He came before His whole glory; He came to prepare His glory and to prepare you, holy people, so that there might be someone to meet the new heaven and the new earth, the Lord, word and body, spirit and body. Our preaching was hardly worked out, but today Christ is being proclaimed like the lightning, which comes from east and goes west, as this is written about the coming of the Lord, as word and body, spirit and body, and we will also receive the reward of joy that we have been asking for such a long time: «Until when, Lord?». We are forever with you and with all who receive from the mountain of teaching, and we ask for the help of heaven for the Lord’s mysteries and for their being. Cry to us to help you, as your crying clothes us with victory for you, and the Lord makes us rich to come to you with the richness of the Holy Spirit and of the works of the Holy Spirit. Be as we were who left all our things and took those of the Lord to carry them, to work as His messengers, as the apostles of the Holy Spirit, Who led us through the world of the people. Be healthy; be holy with your mind, with your heart, with your deed and with your life and this is how you are to come, as the church hardly becomes church. It is a great and holy thing for the man to be a dwelling for Christ, as those holy are the dwelling of the Lord and of His guests.
7 You can also see on: https://app.box.com/s/elqgjjdp9027ndk3vcoi
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
Excerpt from the Word of God at the council of the twelve holy apostles, from 13 07 1997 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive)
Let the countless nations come and be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and theHolySpiritandinthenameofthiswork fromheaven,awordwhichcomesasthelightning from heaven, and crosses it from one side to the other. Let every man wake up: Romanian, Jew, Hellene, barbarian, Scythian or slave, and let them come to an everlasting life. My word is eternal life. I am the eternal life, and come with it after this word; I come and give it to the faithful of My word, which raises the man from death to life.
Come you too, Jewish people, for I came two thousand years ago and crucified Myself for your redemption from under the sin, and behold, I died for the nations of the earth, not for you. This is what you wanted with Me and with you, but I have not taken back the promises made for you. Come and become one with Me, for behold, I came and come a second time, and I will show you the wounds of the nails, which let the seal on My body come down from God and by the Virgin; a Man among men. You sold My dead for money and since then you have stayed crushed under the damnation of the money that you loved more than the One Who loved you and was God for you. I was and am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, the Son, crucified and resurrected by crucifixion, and the truth of My resurrection remains even now sold by you for the money. But the nations of the earth saw what did with God and believed in Me, not in you. Here, I come as I promised when I left to stand back to the right of My and your Father, Israel of the flesh. Come too at the feast of My word and take with you from My table and come for faith and call yourself My son by faith in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, by water, by spirit and by blood. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at six years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12 12 1997 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
The false prophet, who rises from everywhere and announces peace between Me and the man who has always sinned, this false prophet is the reward for the man’s works who has departed from God, because it is written: «For when they announce peace, then My wrath will suddenly come and will catch them all under it». (See also 1 Thess. 5:3) The false prophet has arisen and set himself as peacemaker between God and the man who has always sinned serving the idols of this age, which are: eating and drinking, marriage and giving in marriage, and all that come out of these as the fruit of the tree of death. The false prophet pretends to be God’s friend before the people, but I expose him and tell him that he is not My friend, but he is My enemy instead, like the first man, who overthrew My chair from him so that he may stay and eat of the forbidden tree, the tree of death, which killed the man.
I will get up and deliver the word of My truth against the lying man who pretended to be My friend serving the idols of the age, wishing, he says, to shake up even those who serve Me with their lives. I will take then My word and I will sent it to all the margins and to all the rulers of the people’s souls and bodies on earth, to let them know about the work of the false prophet, the one with a Christian mantle, and I will utter the truth about his work with a hidden face, the work of the antichrist, the one who is coming ahead of Me, and who is a thief and a sheep robber, and whose voice is not like My voice and whose life is not like My life. I will deliver My word over all the earth for those who are clean who are waiting for My coming
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
watching and I will tell them: «Let us stand well, let us stand with fear and take heed!», as My the deliverance is with those who are afraid of God. Amen, amen, amen. Once again it will be heard this angelic word: «Let us stand well and in fear and be attentive to the Lord’s voice, at the Lord’s coming!» I will come like the lighting which is seen from east to west. I will come when no one expects Me to come. I will not come when the man wants Me to come; rather I will come as it is written about My coming, when no one expects Me to come, and I will give each one according to his own deeds, and it will not be otherwise. Then the false prophet will tear his lying garment for shame, as he stole the shape of My garment and hid under it, under a lying garment, as this is not his garment. His garment is a garment of many colors and it is perfumed so that it may not smell from underneath it, and it is not My anointing upon his garment, for My too sweet smelling myrrh is for the saints, not for the sinful ones who hide their sins in order to seal the hearts of the people and to lead them astray from the way of the truth which is coming near on earth at the same time with the coming of My word with the saints and angels and with days of holy feasting on earth. Which is this feasting? It is My word and it is called a holy feasting on earth. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21 11 1998 ***
It is a celebration day in heaven. It is a celebration on earth too for those that are My church on earth. Amen. I come down from heaven to the earth in the garden of My word and I come with a feast of a bishop. The prayers of the saints are like sweet smelling incense for heaven. Hierarch Nicholas is praying for My church on the earth to strengthen it with power so that it may overcome for the saints.
Oh, My church on the earth is very small, as its way is narrow and it leads to life, and few are those that walk on it. Oh, the way from heaven to the earth is long for the unfaithful man, for the one who thinks and lives earthly on the earth. But here is how easily I come! I come as the lightning; when I come, I come suddenly as it is possible with God and it is possiblewith thosethatarefaithful,with thosethat arefamiliarwith My heavenly mysteries among them, because this is what I said: «I am with those that are Mine until the end of ages». Amen.
… Oh, the way from heaven to the earth is long for the unfaithful man, who thinks and lives earthly on the earth. But here is how easily I come! I come like the lightning; I come at once, when I start to come, to be always with those that are Mine until the end of the human time. Let the man search out My words and understand My coming and My dwelling among the people in the church of My saints. There, where I cannot live with the people, there My church is missing and there is not. But there, where I am through the church, I am also through My prophets, those that are in the body of the church together with the apostles and with all the members, which compose the body of the church, and which are made up and become a whole through Me, the One that I am the head of the church. Amen. The head of the church is the priest. He cuts and he hangs even God, by Whose name the church bears its own name. The head of the church from the world is the lying man, the man who serves to himself and not to God and His flock; the man who leads the man to death, not to resurrection.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint Hierarch Nicholas, from 19 12 1998. (On Calameo; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
I am the One who is, and I made the heaven and the earth. The Word of God is My name, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and I made everything by word. Amen.
Icomeas wordovertheearth.Oh,thewayfrom heavento earthis long fortheunfaithful man, who thinks and lives earthily on the earth. But here is how easily I come! I come like the lightning, and I come only when I want to come, to be always with those of Mine to the end of the time. I come to those who are used to My heavenly mysteries among them. I come from heaven on the earth as word.
Excerpt from the Word of God for the art exhibition „Azimile“ (Unleavened bread), from 22 12 1998.
Themandoes not haveanymind,sincehecannot perceiveMy mysteries and theirwork. The man has no faith, since he tempts and searches out My mysteries. There are only human things on earth, only human ways, and the way to My mysteries is covered up by the man, for he has no mind and cannot perceive My mysteries and their work. The man cannot do anything, anything, for the emptiness that the man can do, is nothing; it is only wind, which blows and passes away. Who is the one that can trace the wind? Behold, the man cannot do anything. I say these things to make the man believe in Me, to believe that I can do everything. I have a Father in the heavenly things and I can do anything with Him, all I want through the Father. I have disciples on earth, sons born of heaven, sons of the holy faith, and I can do everything through them, all that I want to do through them, and they can do everything through Me. Imade them flames of fire on the earth, and Iburn with it all the man’s emptiness. I go and come back with them everywhere and from everywhere, for My word, which crosses like lightning from margins to margins, is with them, and through them I send it over the earth. I make the man see that it is true My word, with which I come over My garden from them. I make man believe the same way I did with Thomas, to believe that I truly rose to life.
Man, look into My word, which reveals those that are and those that are to come over the earth. Look and see how My word is being fulfilled. Day by day I will confront you more and more with the truth of My word, which flows from Me over the garden of My manger, and from it on to the earth. Those from the garden are destitute of those on the earth, but I am the power from heaven and from earth, and I give them help to be able to take My word from margins to margins, for it is written about My coming: «He comes forth as lightning from the east and is seen to the west». Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of saint apostle Thomas, from 18 04 1999 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
Oh, the way from heaven to earth is long for the unfaithful man, but here is how easily Icome! I come at once when I start to come. I come as lightning, for thisis written to come. When I made the light, the heaven and the earth, I made them all at once, and I created them all by the word, and they are, for they listened and they were made. When I created the man, it seemed to Me the longest day of My work, for I created him by the word and by My hand. The longest day of love, and after this day I became tired and I rested from tiredness, as I worked out the word, which I declared to come into fulfillment, by My hand. Oh, My waiting for the man has been long, for the man died afterwards, because of his haughtiness. In the day when the man became haughty, he died, and I have been waiting for the day of man’s resurrection, and the man did not come to live but has rather gone on dying and dying. I have tried to
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
bring the man to live with a price of blood, but he did not come to life. Then I said: «Behold, I come to do Your will, Father; for it is written in the scroll of the book about Me that I come to bring the man to life with the price of My blood». Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the second day, from 29 05 1999. (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
I am being born a word at the manger of My word in Romania, the country of My coming with thesaints, thecountryofMy returning aftertwothousandyears. Its nameis thecountry of the brightness, a name proclaimed by the prophets, and this prophecy is true, for I shine from its sky over the earth from margins to margins. It is My morning. Early in the morning My word runs to it for it is written into the Scriptures: «I am the shining morning star», and I come to it to become the good news in it, and its spirit and bride from it say: „Come!”. Amen, amen, amen.
Behold, I come and I am in My coming upon it, and I put My judgment seat in it, My word which announces Me, coming for the living and for the dead, as My kingdom will be without an end, and I come to prepare it. But I am into My coming and I come, coming, for who can stop the lightning so that it may be seen when it crosses the sky, and it comes and it is seen crossing the darkness with is brightness of fire, seven times brighter than the light of the day, as it is written into the Scriptures? Behold the country of My coming! It shines on the earth seven times brighter than the day, for I, the Lord, am its light; I and My word. It is the womb in which I seed My word, to arise from it with My coming. It is the new birth of the world, and I say from it to the peoples: come at the manger of My word in Romania and take from it the new birth, the birth from above, for My word says this: «He who is not born of the heaven, from above, will not be with My kingdom». Behold the new law. It is My coming with the saints and for the saints. The holiness from the man will come to welcome Me and will open to Me, and the man will see Me, for it is written into the Scriptures: «No one shall see the Lord without holiness». Amen. (See the selection topic: „Romania The New Jerusalem The New Canaan8”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Nativity, from 07 01 2000 (25.12.1999 Oldstyle/aftertheJuliancalendar)(OnCalameo; onarchive.org;onfiles.fm;onGoogleDrive) ***
Oh, hospitable little children, who welcome Me with My word to you! The entire time has elapsed and I have to come perfectly, to make all My coming for which I have been working for seven thousand years. I could hardly walk on My way from heaven to earth and then after man. I could not speak over the whole earth all the time, as people did not have and do not have ears, and men do not give themselves to Me. I was speaking with those who had ears, and then I was sending them with the messages from Me. Oh, I could hardly go with the
8 You can also see on: https://jumpshare.com/v/W4IlKcFYrQMYkzZwE9bN
https://archive.org/details/the word of god about romania the new jerusalem the new canaan https://app.box.com/s/dh220ol8y5b8y8i9qsu0fe3cqj5dv7cx
https://mega.nz/#!8AcnVSYA!FanFO3k1dUA8k24WYeK0n x_ruiUTroTGOA6I8cRqLQ
http://www.mediafire.com/view/ea7ve523mo1didb/The_Word_of_God_about_Romania_ _The_New_Jerusalem_ _The_New_Canaan.pdf
http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook lord jesus the second coming of jesus christ romania the new jerusalem the new canaan/
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
news from heaven from place to place, both near and far, and the walking of My apostles was with the step, it was like the step. However, today, I have to go as fast as lightning because the devil also goes fast, and I go after him and I walk in his way and within his chariots, to be on the way and in his way, to do My work against him and to pull the man out of his dominion. I go as fast as lightening, from west to east and from east to west, and I reach in a moment with the word of My coming, as I make use of the way of man (Including the internet, r.n.) to scatter it from behind with My things, with the things from heaven, and which are for man to hear.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint hierarch Spyridon, from 25 12 2000.
Behold the country of brightness, which Daniel, the prophet, saw it from far away, the land from the beginning, the Romanian land, of which I took the clay into My hand and I made the man. Here is My new country, My new field in which I have sown the seed of the new age, a heavenly age on the earth, the New Jerusalem. This is how the new age is called: New Jerusalem. Amen, amen, amen.
Open the Scriptures, you sons of the people, and you will find in it My coming with the newage, comingdownfrom heaven. And hereis Mycoming, forIam speaking from themidst of the Romanian land over the earth, and My word crosses like lightning from east to west, for this is how My coming is, like lighting, as it is written into the Scriptures.
Let the thirsty come and drink of My water and to be alive afterwards, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life9”, r.n.) and let him no more go thirsty, for behold, the man is always thirsty. He drinks and goes thirsty again, for I have the water, not him. Let the man come to Me and drink. And if he does not want to come, let him not come, for it is written: «Let him who is holy be holy still, and let him who is filthy be filthy still», for My coming is like a thief and the one, who has not come to it, does no longer have time to come.
Oh, sons of the people, redeem the time for the days are hard. This is how the Scripture teaches you. Open the Scriptures, you, sons of the people, and you will find in them that I come and you will understand why I come. I come for it is written in them that I come after those two thousand years from My ascension to My Father. I ascended to My Father so that I could come again to prepare the place of My coming from near My Father. And I have come and prepared it for Me and Istill prepare it and glorify it, so that all the kings may see the land of the dwelling of My coming: the Romanian land. This land soon, soon, will be entirely Mine, and those, who will be on it, will become My saints, a holy and royal nation and a people after My image and into My likeness, for this how it is in the house of My Father. Amen.
Oh, children from the manger, I have given you grace and comfort and to those, who have come together to the spring, to drink and to grow. I have also given to the sons of the people to drink, only if they want to drink. Oh, if the Scriptures of the coming of the Son of Man are false, then He will not come. But if they are true, the Son of Man will come, and «every
9 You can also see on: https://app.box.com/s/nxho8n0zr0q0tvulp6ajrscvzv9ys596
https://mega.nz/#!gA1jiZYA!XzORNxDAx 6_CaMb6RC2E2UaKzUXa0DziTI7Jked1pU
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
nations of the earth will lament seeing Him with power and much glory», as it is written into the Scriptures. Amen.
I have called every man to come towards My coming. I have been calling him for two thousand years. I have been calling the man for seven thousand years. However, I have never called him as I have called him today. I have been calling the one who does not want to come. I have been calling the one who does not hear the whisper of My coming. And when I come, I will no longer call him, and I will tell him to go away instead, as it is written into the Scriptures.
Oh, children of My coming, My coming is coming. Build yourselves in the mystery of the new age and be builders and tell everybody who live on the earth that My coming is approaching. One hour and I come and the new age, which is coming with Me, is called the New Jerusalem. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way10”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God upon the synod from the manger of the word, from 01 01 2001. (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
The work on the earth of My word calls the man to those that will be on the earth soon, soon. I command the earth to be clean. Amen. Let it be adorned within a spirit of feast for My coming. Let the earth be clean and holy, for the glory of My coming is coming on it soon, soon. Itiscomingwitheternity,whichhasbeen waitingforseventhousandyears forthenewheaven and the new earth and upon the righteous who will adorn the age that is to be and the life in it. Amen. My word is a new creation. My word does not pass as the man’s words do. My word is fulfillment for it carries in it its fulfillment. Amen. Let the earth be clean for the fulfillment on it of My word of new heaven and new earth. Amen. May the earth be a house for God, so that the heaven may come and dwell visibly on it, in the visible glory, in the glory of the age that is to be. Amen.
My coming is descending with the word, which penetrates like the lightning from the east and to the west to show the man the voice of My word. There comes first the lightning in the sky and then its voice. There comes first the Word on the earth and then Its body, and then My body, that which was resurrected two thousand years ago. My resurrected body prepares its coming from heaven on earth in a visibly way. The invisible heaven, which is preventing Me now so that man may not see Me, the heaven is My throne, and soon, soon it will show its glory, for this word is written to be fulfilled. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The heaven the throne, the earth the footstool: the man deified11”, r.n.)
10 You can also see on: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsRlc1ZzdxRjVNSmc https://mega.nz/#!IINnwQaa!vwmhpxLtU XyDsihEu12o1MBgrhWf_POOIYYDuFu3kc http://www.mediafire.com/view/64jxm0it2i1r3a4/The_Word_of_God_about_the_coming_in_a_visible_way.pdf
11 You can also see on: https://jumpshare.com/v/qOCbrfPbfoNPwkwZQkD7
http://online.pubhtml5.com/zhop/hatu/ https://joom.ag/R9qa
https://archive.org/details/TheWordOfGodAboutTheHeaven TheThroneTheEarth TheFootstoolTheManDeified
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
Oh, it is good that I, the Lord, have something to travel on the earth with to do My work. By My word I have always wanted to gather the man under My garment and to protect him. I worked My word through the prophets. And after that I, Myself, came down for man. Then I went to the Father again for man and I have come back again, and I, Myself, have been calling out to man by the word, not by the prophets. I call the man under My tent, and he hears but does not come. Man does not come to life, and I have to clean the earth from the wilderness on it to open the man’s eyes and to clear his ears, for soon, soon, the angels will dance and will sing with the saints of My coming and they will say: «Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord!» (Matt: 23/39) Amen. Then the man will no longer have his will to be able to come to Me then. Then only My will be in heaven and on earth.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint hierarch Basil the Great, from 14 01 2001 ***
I, the Father, want to speak for one moment near You and near Your saints, who speak today to Your people from Your coming, Son, Who come coming.
I, the Father Sabaoth, the Almighty, the Creator of the heaven and the earth and of the things that are seen and of those that are not seen, confessed My Son at Jordan, and then I gave Him to the people, and He was the kingdom of the heavens, for all and everything live in Him. Amen.
I,theFatherSabaoth,speakforamomentandtelleveryonewhocoverwiththeScripture of My Son, who says through it that no one knows the day of the coming of My Son, neither the angels from heaven nor the Son, but only the Father. I, the Father, speak and tell them this way: if no one knows, neither the angels nor the Son of the Father, where do you know from not to wait for the coming of My Son and not to hear that He comes? Did He say to you that He is not coming? Did He say to you? No, He did not tell you this. He told you to watch for His coming instead. And now I ask you: if you speak out this Scripture that even the Son does not know when He comes, have you listened to Him if He told you to watch for His coming? Answer Me! However you will answer when you do not expect of this, as it is written about those who do not watch for the coming of My Son, Who, here it is how He is coming for those who watch for the coming of the Bridegroom! There He is! This is He, and He is called the Word of God, as it is written in the book of the beloved John about the name of My Son in the end of the time, and to Whom those who receive Him as word upon them say: “Bless is the One Who comes in the name of the Lord.” Amen.
I, the Father Sabaoth, speak after two thousand years from My confession for My Son at Jordan, I speak from the midst of My people of today, of Romanians, and I say: this is the coming of the Son of Man, the coming of the Bridegroom to His bride and as the lightning, which crosses with its light the sky from east to west in a twinkle of an eye, here is His coming with power and much glory becoming a river of word over the earth, the word of the eternal life, the river of life of which drink those that are thirsty after Him. This is the coming of My Son, the Son of the Man, the Word of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Who puts the kingdom of Israel back into its place, the kingdom of God, the new man, the new heaven and the new earth, the new creation, the new birth of the world, which were made by the word in the beginning as in the end. Amen.
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
I, the Father Sabaoth, have spoken and testified for those who want to hear and to know from the Father, for My Son is in Me and I in Him when I speak and when He speaks from Me. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12 02 2003. (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
Let My gates be opened on earth for Me to enter as word in My book of these times! (Gates those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) I am The One who I am. Amen, amen, amen.
Write on the earth, sons who are gates for Me, write on the earth, and My angels will write in heaven the day of the celebration of My prophet Elijah, the day when I, The Lord, The Son of Father Sabaoth, I drummed from margins to margins My advent, the advent of The Son Of Man, because, such as the lightning comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset, thus will be the advent of The Son Of Man.
The word of My advent flows from My mouth in the middle of the Romanian people, and soon, soon I shall write on earth and in heaven the wake of the fiftieth of My word which comes with the clouds over the Romanian land beginning with the year 1955. My word which flows from My mouth in these last days is My advent, the advent of The Son Of Man on the clouds of the sky with power and much glory and the power and the glory is My word, and with the blow of its mouth on the earth I have prepared a bride nation from the Romanian nation, the land of the second advent of the Son Of Man. Amen.
Write in My book with you, children born from the word of My second advent next to Father, word on the earth, write on the earth the wake of the great prophet Elijah, when I, God, through My work with you and through the work I have given you for the announcement of My advent, I bless from near Father and from next to you your emergence with Me above all the earth and the preaching of Gospel of My advent which announces itself through the power of My word from it, and the prophet Elijah is the angel who announces, as The Scripture says: «I, Lord, send you Elijah the prophet before My great and fearsome advent. He will turn back the heart of the parents towards their sons, and the heart of the sons towards their parents, for Me not to come and strike the country with curse».
Such as the lightning comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset, thus is My advent to you today, (It is published on the internet too, r.n.) My word which has flown from My mouth for almost fifty years, and with which I have prepared Myself a nation, and My advent to them, and the place of My advent and his glory, because the place of My word’s manger and all his surroundings which are and which will be and which crown the manger of My word all around, this place is the mysterious mountain of God, towards many, many hearts will turn from now on, and many, many looks and many, many people will look and take the laws of holiness, because it is written in the prophets for this time: «And in the last days the mountain of the temple of God will be risen above the mountains’ peaks and above the hills and the nations will head to it and they will say: ”Come to climb the mountain of God and God will teach us His ways and He will let us walk on His paths, for it is from Sion where the law will come, and The word of God from Jerusalem”». Amen.
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
Blessed be this day and its work, for today I unfold the heavens to let the judgment throne be seen, (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment12”, r.n.) My word that gather all the nations of the earth in front of Me, to show them My work, My second advent, My mysterious kingdom above My disciples in the middle of the Romanian people, because the Romanian land has been chosen from the beginning to fulfill on it the mystery of The New Jerusalem, the mystery kept into Father for the new creation of the world, for the fulfilling of the Scriptures of a new heaven and a new earth, the mystery of the advent of The Son Of Man after seven centuries from the first creation of the world. Amen. Behold, I come and I write on earth and heaven, a new earth and a new heaven, on the Romanian land, for I have said through prophets: «Once more I will shake the earth, once more I will chose Jerusalem». Amen. Jerusalem is My place of rest. Jerusalem is the mystery of My advent. This means Jerusalem, like this mystery meant two thousand years ago.
I speak word above the Israel with body, for the sons of Jacob, after their tribes, for the time of the bounty has come for them, too. I remind them My word through the prophets which says: «Who will be able to endure the day of His advent? Who will be able to hold on when He shows Himself? For He is like the fire of the smelter and like the bleach of the bleacher and He will sit to enlighten and to clean Jacob’s sons, and He will enlighten them like the gold and the silver, for them to bring sacrifices to God into justice». I remind them and tell them: «I am The Lord and I have not changed, and you have not ceased to be Jacob’s sons. Since the days of your parents you have departed from My commands and you have not obeyed them. Turn back, turn back to Me, and I will turn back to you. Turn back and you will see that at your wish I will open the dams of heavens and I will give you a lot of blessing for your own good, and I will have mercy for you like a man has mercy for his sons who serve him, and then you will see the difference between the right one and the sinner, between the one who serves God and the one who does not, for behold, the burning like furnace day is coming and the ones who make crimes will be like straws, and for the ones who fear My name (Jesus Christ, r.n.) the sun of justice will rise, and they will step over the evil ones the day I will make judgment. Remember the law of Moses, My servant, to whom I gave commands and laws for you in the Sinai mountain. And behold, I send you Elijah the prophet», as it is written in the Scriptures. Amen, amen.
And you, Romanian Jerusalem, bless the Gospel of My advent on the earth, because the ones who announce well will have reward at the prophets. Walk, Jerusalem, and your walking, which well-announces My second advent and My kingdom with you, let your walking go like the lightning that comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset, as it is written about the advent of The Son Of Man with power and much glory, with his word above you, Romanian Jerusalem, new Jerusalem, nation of sons faithful to the scriptures of My advent. The prophet Elijah is with your spirit Romanian Israel, child of the vow made by Me over Abraham. May your spirit be in his spirit, as his spirit is My Spirit, to announce the advent of The Son Of Man, My advent and My meal with you on earth, and we will celebrate the wake of the fiftieth descent of My word, the wake of My glory and of the Holy Spirit, which is in Father and in Me and in you, new Jerusalem.
12 You can also see on: https://app.box.com/s/hj1mrtqgsg8ac0vbfz2o
http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook lord jesus the second coming of jesus christ the judgment/ http://www.mediafire.com/download/eishkm0qer6fzy9/The_Word_of_God_about_the_fearful_judgment.pdf
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
Twelve years have passed since I, The Lord, and with you and My bishop chosen by the world church (Pop Irineu Bistriţeanul, r.n.) drove the stake of My kingdom, the seen one, on earth, and we settled the shrine of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, My judging throne, in the middle of the Romanian land, the white stone on which I have written: The Word Of God, (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.), stone that was neglected by the builders, but for you it has great value, as you were faithful. And if twelve years passed, I rise Myself and call at this mountain the twelve tribes of Jacob and I give them this omen and I announce them My glory and My hand will show itself to My servants and the wrath to My enemies. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man13”, r.n.)
Idrummed from margins to margins My advent, the advent of The Son Of Man, because two thousand years ago I said: «Like the lightning that comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset, thus the advent of The Son Of Man will be», and today this Scripture has fulfilled, as the news about the kingdom of heaven travels as fast as the lightning and this news calls all the people under its vine and fig tree, because two thousand years ago I said: «The Son of Man will come with power and much glory on the clouds of the sky and He will send His angels with a great trumpet sound and they will gather the chosen ones for Him from the four winds, from the margins of the sky to the other margins, and then from two men working the land, one will be taken and the other one will be left, and from two women grinding at the mill, one will be taken and the other one will be left, and at the time they will not think about, The Son of Man will come», and The Lord will fulfill His word above the Earth. Amen.
It was written about this day in heaven and earth, the day of the celebration of the great prophet Elijah, whom I took in heavens with chariot and horses of fire to keep him for the day of My advent which is like lightning. (See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah14”, r.n.) I made him the angel of the lightning of My advent, the forerunner of the glory of My word, which comes with the clouds and it is like thunder, which lightens first, from the sunrise to sunset, and then His voice is heard. I go with him from the margins of the sky to the other margins and I announce Myself in this day above all the Earth. Amen. Let the nations hear and see and let them rejoice and believe in My advent, rejoicing about it, and let them drink from the river of life, which is a gift for the one who is thirsty for My advent, for My word that flows from the New Jerusalem. Amen. The New Jerusalem is the mystery of My advent. This means the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is God and His sons, the chosen ones from the
13You can also see on: https://jumpshare.com/v/C7afnRfdqKX3rjnXLihP https://archive.org/details/TheWordOfGodAboutTheSignOfTheSonOfMan https://joom.ag/3YEY
https://www.scribd.com/document/382959809/The Word of God about the sign of the Son of Man https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Sl4AvyTrYX9Eo_fP5uL0jjYVNNqbjDIJ
https://mega.nz/#!VBUWkY6T!SB_9hmPR6r Qz2JsvupK1FCoNDwFo1_oHJWxbn ObeI https://www.4shared.com/office/yMXeBuI8ee/The_Word_of_God_about_the_sign.html
14 You can also see on: http://en.calameo.com/books/00107546849d5975506b7 https://app.box.com/s/e907tvu3ntvd0uq2idf2
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
Romanian people in order to make from them a bride nation, and God will make a wedding hall with a wedding table from the Romanian land. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb15”, r.n.)
Take Holy Spirit, you, the nations of the Earth! Behold My word above the Earth, the blow of My mouth, with which I will kill the lawless one with the brightness of My word advent above the Earth. Take Holy Spirit! Drink from the river of life and heal yourselves, you, the nations of the earth, as I came and I come with the clouds to take to Father all the ones who will believe and will baptize in the name of The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit, for repentance, and the forgiveness of the sins. Amen.
The angels of My advent, accompanied by the archangel Michael and the great prophet Elijah, write in heaven and earth the second day of August, the year twelve since the beginning of the kingdom of heaven on earth, (The end of the world, in fact the end of the kingdom of man over man and the beginning of the Kingdom of God in the heart of man, r.n.) on the Romanian land, the country of The New Jerusalem. This is the day that God made to rejoice in it with His beloved ones on earth. Amen.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, The First and The Last, the beginning and the end, the star which shines in the morning, and the one who hears let him say “Come!“ and let the thirsty one come and let the one who wants to accept as a gift the water of life come. Amen.
Blessed be you, children of My word, who have opened the gates of heaven for the nations of the earth to see My Kingdom over you and with you. Blessed be the belief of the ones who will accept like you the kingdom of heaven in them, because great and wonderful is the mystery of the New Jerusalem, on earth. And I have come and I am coming, and My reward is with Me, to give everyone after his deed and his belief in My advent. Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God for Romania at the celebration of Saint Prophet Elijah, from 02 08 2003 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
I cover you within the cloud of My glory and I stay invisibly with you among the people, for the man cannot see My glory with you, because I am a consuming fire in the eyes of those who see My glory, the cloud of My glory, which was seen by the sons of Israel like a consuming fire in the time of My dwelling with Moses on the mount covered by the cloud of My glory. I give you comfort in pains of spirit and truth and carry these into My name and with My burden in them, for I am the One Who comforts you in your pains. Strengthen one another by the power of My Spirit in you to go on well with the work of the preaching that I have spread through you from one margin of the heavens to another, as it is written by My coming like the lightning, which comes forth from the east and is seen even to the west, sons who testify.
Peace to you! Strengthen into your midst the power of My body and word and always be awake within My coming, and soon, soon, I will gather again in the garden of the meeting those who will come to eat and to drink from Me, of Me, the fruit tree and the river of life, and
15 You can also see on: https://app.box.com/s/2x0niuixe4waui8tajpqafm4hpstwi9i https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsMmxJVFl5Um1SUUE http://www.mediafire.com/view/fuj2wfrbr75mwey/The_Word_of_God_about_the_wedding_of_the_Lamb.pdf
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
I will comfort those who follow Me now, because I am He Who is and He Who comes and the Father is in Me when I come. Amen.
Sons, sons, ask from Me with prayer everything that I have to give you, and I will give to you. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19 08 2003 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
… Oh, sons of God Word, be confessors, as from you very much is required, according to what it was given to you. Come under the mystery of blessing for that is which gives you power and not you. He who believes in God’s word, that one is under blessing, and he who does not stay under blessing, that one is not a confessor. Look among yourselves to those who have come out of blessing, as they have no longer confessed before men their faith in this word, but rather they have kept silent and been ashamed of God, Who shepherds with an iron rod over the nations of the earth, as it is written, rebuking gently, as His word is going now over the earth as fast as lightning (See the selection topic: „As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord16”, r.n.) and it searches with its torch everything man has done in secret from God and it brings into the light the man’s work because man is a liar. Oh, love the Lord as He teaches you to love, for the love of God does not walk at random, if man has it, but it stays under blessing instead, if it is in man. Be for God, and be against His enemies and against the enemies of your souls and be strong too in the spirit of your faith and confession, for only those who believe are those who confess. Be awake completely, as those in the graves will stand up and will confess this coming of the Lord to you as the word of resurrection of the dead and the living. Be angels of the spirit of confession on earth, for the hosts of the fire of God’s angels will confess the Lord’s whole work with you, all the care that you have received from the good Shepherd over your souls. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint and martyr Demetrius, the Myrrh bearer, from 08 11 2008 ***
My teaching upon you goes like lightning everywhere and it brings forth much fruit in those who want their salvation, and you should help Me to come and to put the instruction of the eternal life upon you always so that the God Word may be here, Who is to teach the man the way, the truth and the life with Me, sons. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the tax collector and the Pharisee, from 24 02 2013 ***
Oh, how much joy you should have in your soul, Romanian people, when you hear of My mouth your destiny, your election from the beginning! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and I am working as in the beginning, for I am the first and the last One and I am the Lord, your God, as you are the first, oh, My country from the beginning and from the end. I started with you and I have to work with you in the end too, and let all the people
16 You can also see on: https://jumpshare.com/v/cliUgH74HG70SCNNYwig
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
understand why you are Mine, why I call you My country, My country of wedding. Oh, how shall I call you otherwise, when I have in you My wedding table, the glory of My word, which calls the man to My table, at My table with the saints? (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb17”, r.n.) Oh, how beautiful you are within those from heaven, within your invisible things put upon you at the creation of the world! Two thousand years ago, the Father gave you to Me for the end of the time, after the people of Israel denied Me and took Me out of its midst. You are the land of the promise for the end of the time, and behold, you are, and I have into your midst the feast of the kingdom of the heavens, the news which goes like lightning everywhere, for the human kind sleeps in pleasures as before the flood when Noah was calling out to the people to come to the Lord so that they might not perish in their trespasses. Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the prudes, from 19 05 2013 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; under this name it comes on the Romanian land this word, which comes with the clouds; the Word of God comes down from heaven, it sets on earth and shepherds those who come to be shepherded, all those who long after God in this time.
I am bowing down and kissing the Romanian land, the place where I am setting down My word, the citadel which I have brought into view and which I have a shelter now, in the end of the time, and behold, as I ascended to the Father two thousand years ago, after I had finished the work for which I came as a Man born on earth, oh, in the same way I am descending, according to the word prophesied by those in heaven, on My day of ascension to the Father.
I come in the clouds of the heaven, not in the clouds of the earth. I come in the clouds of light. Either if it is daytime or darkness on earth, I, the Lord, am shrouded by the light and I penetrate with it as the lightning goes in the sky among the foggy clouds set between heaven and earth, which suddenly give light into the darkness of the day or night, for this is how it is written for Me to come, and the miracle of My coming as word on earth comes perfectly according to the book, the word by which Iprepare My shelter of the day of My glory, the Lord’s glory, (See the selection topic: „The glory of God18”, r.n.) and when I give each one according to his works, for this is how it is written for Me to fulfill.
I am bowing and kissing the Romanian land in the place where I, the Lord, have a fold of word starting even from the year of 1955, since I started this glory, God’s word over the earth.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Shelter of the Lord’s Mother, from 14 10 2016.
17 You can also see on: https://app.box.com/s/2x0niuixe4waui8tajpqafm4hpstwi9i https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsMmxJVFl5Um1SUUE http://www.mediafire.com/view/fuj2wfrbr75mwey/The_Word_of_God_about_the_wedding_of_the_Lamb.pdf
18 You can also see on: https://jumpshare.com/v/U6hxX4NPO8cmgYEphWnA https://joom.ag/p74a https://www.scribd.com/document/394547073/The Word of God about the glory of the God https://archive.org/details/TheWordOfGodAboutTheGloryOfTheGod https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uHcpFjPmjMtWvzxXwBkG60Dyek6rnW8X https://app.box.com/s/njwjxq7dgznu5dp716tqsqku1j413nrg http://www.mediafire.com/file/v7v1fkf6dkz6k4d
lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
I am coming and asking you: can you give Me an account for the life and face of the Christian flock? Can you show Me your fruit and the fruit of the church, that for the heaven? Oh, no. Behold, you cannot do this, for even now, and before you have done this, some have tried to change the things established by the saints; they have tried to change them in such a waythattheymaybedistortedandthosewhodecidedordecideforChristmayfallintolaziness.
I come with the spirit of tenderness to you. I have mercy on you. Behold, you do not watch, oh, you do not watch with God, you do not take any care of the flock, and it is without any guidance and without any watching upon it, since you, those who sit on thrones, even for you do not want to watch, and behold, behold, you have been inflicting endless pains between you and Me, before Me and before My saints, who guided well My church during their time on earth and protected it from wolves and heresy, and you, you are leading it now rapidly to the stripping of her grace with every passing day.
Oh, I have sent you a book from heaven, and I have sent it to you like lightning (Published also on the Internet, r.n.) so that you may pay attention to it, and I have exhorted you not to be caught into the trap of wandering away and forgetting the fear of sin, and I also told you not to go the council in Greece, (Reference to the Pan Orthodox Synod from Crete, from June 18 26, 2016, r.n.) where it was planned and it is still being planned the destruction and the weakening of the power of the holy people, such bad work, about which it is written into the Scriptures that will appear and will be worked before the beginning of the end of all things, for the Lord’s coming after it with the victory from above. Oh, now I am still telling you and to the flock, too, and I am telling you plainly that the power of the holy people is the perseverance in which the holy fathers walked, as I did, the fasting and the praying with the fast for the destiny of the Christian flock and for its likeness to the Lord and to the saints.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith, from 05 03 2017 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
It is a day of holy memorial, and I, the Lord, am coming down into the garden as word and writing it down into My book of today, the book of My word during this time, for it is written in the Scriptures for this work of word to be fulfilled over the earth.
I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I am shrouded within the word and My word flows over the earth, because the time has come for Me to come with the saints under My new name: The word of God, as it is written, (Apoc: 19/1319), and the dead are hearing from the tombs and startling when they see that their salvation is approaching, their resurrection, and they will confess My coming as word on earth, and the living will also hear their confession and will see this Scripture fulfilled and they will mourn with floods of tears, as some who have played Satan’s will on earth, putting away God’s will for Satan’s. Oh, and how will they not cry when I come and shake off the earth so that they may hear and seek Me; however, Satan shows them everything that enchants them on earth and takes their eyes, heart and will, who always help them to do his will, since he takes everything before them to deceive all the people and to crush
19 «His eyes area flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written [TR/CT omits “names written”] and a Name written which no one knows but himself. He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”» (Apoc: 19/12,13)
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
completely their fear of God so that all may lose their mind, and My word remains as mourning between heaven and earth, and only those who sleep in the graves still startle at My voice, which goes into the air and the deep, and it goes like the lightning in the sky, and it goes, it cries, it calls out and it waits for man, and everything and all things wait after man, and I, the Lord, find that man is in sin and he is always, always with the work of the sin upon him.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 25 05 2017 ***
Oh, strengthen yourselves for Me, for My walking over the earth, sons. You are on earth thedays ofMysecond comingfrom theFatherafterman,andthedarkness on earthis scared of the day in you, of My light, which guides you and goes through you all over it penetrates, for the light penetrates and My coming to you goes like lightning, (On the Internet, r.n.) sons, as it is written. (See Luke: 17/22 24, Matt: 24/25 27,)20
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Birth, from 07 01 2019 (N.S.) (25 12 2018 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
And now, sons, we are going to set into the citadel a great feast of Epiphany, and My speaking with you is being strengthened by the Holy Spirit, Who works with the power of lightning of the heavenly light from margins to margins, (On the Internet, r.n.) and each one is and will be found within the things he has got to do.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s circumcision. The Feast of the Holy Hierarch, Basil the Great, from 14 01 2019 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
Oh, sons, I am seeking to you and after you, that I may speak My word, that I am full of word and its abundant fruit for Me is overflowing, and I am becoming a river of word and My word is running like a river, and I, the Lord, am seeking after you to write it down into the book so that it may not be lost, so that it may not flow in vain, oh, no, but in order to leave it to you to makeit flowoverthe earthto the edges, thatuntil My word is spoken tothe edges, I will not be able to show My coming, as it is written.
And now, I have come to you, sons, I am mysteriously with you and I am proclaiming My word to you, and with it I am calling out that all may hear Me on earth, all, believing or unbelieving, righteous or unrighteous, and My word goes like lightning and enters everywhere, and it works mysteriously and powerfully, only that I may be able to put it into the book and you to put it on the way then, and you to listen to Me as My disciples at that time listened to Me, those whom I told My words and asked them if they knew who I was, and because Peter confessed Me as the Christ of God, then I told him Who I was and I also told the disciples that I would be denied by the priests, by the scribes and by the elders, and that I would be killed on
20 «Jesus told the disciples, “The days will come when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. People will tell you, ‘Look, here!’ or ‘Look, there!’ Do not go away or follow [them], for as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in His day » (Luke: 17/22 24) (The Eastern Orthodox Bible E.O.B.)
«Behold, I have told you this in advance. If therefore people tell you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it! For as the lightning flashes from the east and is seen even to the west, this is how the coming of the Son of Man will be. (Matt: 24/25 27)
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
the cross and after three days I would rise again; moreover, I also told them that if anyone wanted to follow Me, then he had to deny himself, to take up his cross every day and follow Me even if he had been to lose his life for Me, for in this way he would earn it for Me after that. Oh, and then I took them with Me and went up on the mountain to pray and while I was praying to the Father with so much spirit and fire, I changed My appearance before them, and My shirt was shining while I was speaking with Moses and Elijah about My cross, about My dishonor which I had to bear in Jerusalem, oh, and they saw My glory at that time and they also saw the cloud of glory which covered us, and the Father spoke to them from the cloud: «This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him!» (Matt: 17/5) Oh, and then the wonderful moment passed and I told them to keep silent about everything that happened there, until they could tell everyone, and that moment has remained as a memorial, My sons, as well as a memorial for Me and My disciples.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, from 19 08 2019 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) ***
I am coming down on earth with the glory of word. My word is coming; it is coming with the clouds21; it is coming above the Romanian land and it is setting down into its book and it is shared from East22 to West, (With the help of the electricity of the internet, r.n.), for it is written that the Gospel of God’s Kingdom will be preached all over the world, to bear witness to all the nations over the earth, and then the human things will be over and the Lord will be King with His things; He and His servants will rule, and he who endures to the end, that one will be with the Lord and will be saved, as it is written. (See also Matt: 24/13)
Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the blind man, from 24 05 2020 (On Calameo; on archive.org; on files.fm; on Google Drive) *** …
The sequel of this document will soon be published, after the translation, r.n. Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: http://en.calameo.com/publish/books/?sbid=3788320
You can also see the following thematic selections:
Romania The New Jerusalem The New Canaan
The apocalyptic trumpets
The apocalyptic fire;
What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?;
21«…and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory». (Matt: 24/30)
«Jesus said to him, “You have said it. Nevertheless, I tell you, henceforth you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of the sky». (Matt: 26/24)
«Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, including those who pierced Him. All the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. Even so. Amen». (Apoc: 1/7)
22«For as the lightning comes forth from the east, and is seen even to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man». (Matt: 24/27)
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
Enoch and Elijah;
Resurrection of the dead;
The false prophet and the ecumenism; The dead hear My voice;
The rapture of the Church
The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast
About the kingdom of God
The true church
The great tribulation
The mystery of the man and woman
About fasting and almsgiving
About the graven image and the sign of the cross The mystery of humankind salvation the mystery of incorruptibility
The coming in a visible way
As in the days of Noah
The Wedding of the Lamb
The fearful judgment
This word is the river of life
He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds
About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life
The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) The Word of God (1955 2005)
The glory of God
The changing of the holidays renunciation of faith
The heaven the throne, the earth the footstool: the man deified
As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord
About baptism
The apocalyptic white horse
The following thematic selections from God’s Word will be published immediately after translation:
The End of the world and the Day of the Lord;
On the same theme from other sources
1. (The Lord:) "How it will go with the judgement of Jerusalem, it also will happen with a future large world judgement, when I entirely will finish off the great whore of Babel. But this will be a judgement like during the times of Noah and like during the times of Sodom and Gomorrah.
2. Also then big signs will take place on earth, at sea and in the sky, and I will awaken servants who will foretell the future and who will announce the coming judgement several times. But the haughtiness of man will not hear them, and even if he would listen to them, he still would not believe their words, but laugh them off as fools. But this will be a sure sign, that the great judgement with great certainty will take place, which will consume all culprits of evil.
3. Also during that time some youths will have visions and some maidens will foretell the things to come. Good for them who will thereby better themselves and truly become converted!
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
4. This, however, will be easily recognisable, like one recognizes from a figtree that spring is near, namely when the (bods) become juicy and start to break open.
5. Their will be large separate wars among the nations and one nation will attack the other; their will also be high inflation and all kinds of pestilence illnesses will arise, as it has not yet occurred among mankind. Also large earthquakes will take place in advance so that the people can admonish themselves to atonement and loving actions. Good for them who will do accordingly!
6. But many will not take any note of it and will ascribe everything to the blind forces of nature, and the foretellers will be scolded swindlers and many will be thrown into the dungeon for the sake of My name, and under great threats of punishment they will be prohibited to speak in My name and to announce the coming judgement. Who will not do the will of the great whore of Babel, will be in big trouble.
7. But all this must take place about seven hundred years before the judgement, so that in the end nobody can say, that he was not warned sufficiently. From now not fully 2000 years will pass; and this will be apparently a youngest but at the same time also last judgement on this earth.
8. Only from then on Paradise will be placed on earth and a lamb and wolf will peacefully live in one stable and will eat from one bucket.
9. However, close to the judgement the sign of the Sun of Man will be seen in the sky, which means the heaven in man will recognize Me as the only Lord of heaven and earth, and man's soul will praise Me a lot.
10. But this is still not the perfection of man. However, if I will then appear illuminated and bright before all mankind in the clouds of the skies with all heavenly powers under the sound like many war and judgement trumpets, namely the true heaven, which is in the heart of man, then the judgement of the world will be there.
11. The right person will then enter My magnificence and the culprits of evil will be consumed by the fire of My just rage and enter the kingdom of their evil works, which is preparedforallincorrigibledevils.Sincewhovoluntarilychoseshell,hethenshouldalsobecursed in it, as it is cursed in itself. Just like the good forever stays good, evil will also forever stay evil in itself and will be the everlasting foundation which forever will serve Me as a rest for My feet.
12. I Myself out of My primordial divine personality will not judge anybody, but all this will be done by My word which I have spoken to you. Since once I have ascended to My kingdom, I will never return to this earth in the flesh, but only in the spirit, in the word, and it will be as it was in the beginning where it says: In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and God was the word. But the word has taken up flesh and lived among the people. He, which means, I came to My own and Mine have not recognized Me; for the world and its flesh have made them all blind and deaf.
13. I am now with you a person in the flesh; but therefore I cannot give to you all the power of My spirit. However, if later on I will not be among you in the flesh like now, but be among you only in the spirit, then I also will be able to provide you with all strength and power of My spirit, which of course I am since eternity. In the spirit and the power I will stay with you until the end of time, for which this earth will still exist, and until it has ripened for Me the last judgedspirit.However,withthisearththecradleforthechildren ofGodwillforeverextinguish. From then on everything will be judged spiritually.
14. Ihave told and showed you several times already, how it will be onthisearth. Therefore wait with patience for the certain redemption, which will not stay away, and do not wish for a world judgement before its time! Since when it will come, it will still be too early for you and even more for those who will be judged; since in judgement love and mercy are far away,
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
and each soul will be handed over to its own help, so that she bitterly can experience, how totally useless her futile, temporal help of the world people was. and now tell Me, if you have understood everything well!"
Excerpt from „The great Gospel of John” Volume 6 Chapter 174 - Jakob Lorber
The return of the Lord
1. I said: "Your questions are not that foolish, and you have the fullest right to ask what you do not know, and I have of course the right to answer you in the manner that I consider helpful to you and to the others. But because you have already asked it now, I will also give you the answer. So listen.
2. At My second coming I will not be born somewhere as a child from a woman because this body will remain glorified in eternity just as I in Spirit and thus I do not ever need a 2nd body as you had in mind.
3. First I will come invisibly in the clouds of the Heavens, which means: first I will come close to men by truthful seers, wise men and newly awakened prophets, and in that time also woman will prophecy and young men will have clear dreams by which they will announce My coming to the people, and many will listen to it and improve their life, but the world will call them daydreamers and will not believe them, as this was also the case with the prophets.
4. So I also will awaken men from time to time to whom I will say by means of their heart to the pen, everything that now during My presence, is, happens and is being discussed. What will then be written once will in a short time of a few weeks and days be multiplied in many thousands of copies in a very artful manner which will be very well known by the people of that time, and so they can be conveyed to the people. And since the people of that time will almost generally know how to read and write, they also will be able to read and understand those new books themselves.
5. In this way, the spreading of My teaching will then again be given anew and pure from the Heavens to all men on the whole Earth, much faster and effective than now by messengers in My name from mouth to mouth.
6. Once My teaching will be brought in this manner among the people who are of good will and have a living faith, and when at least of the people will know about it, I will also personally, visibly and bodily, come to different places, to those who love Me most and have the greatest desire for My return, and who for that reason will also have full and living faith.
7. And I Myself will form congregations out of them, against which no worldly power will be able to oppose or resist, for I will be their Commander in Chief and their eternal invincible Hero, and will administer justice to all dead and blind worldly people. And in this way I will cleanse the Earth of its old filth.
8. However, during the time of those new seers and prophets there will be great misery and need among the people, as has never been before on this Earth, but for the sake of My chosen ones of that time it will only last for a short time, so that their development towards bliss will not be hindered.
9. But in this land where I am now persecuted by the Jews of the temple as a criminal from one village to the other, and which is trampled down by dark heathens, I will personally not first act, teach and comfort the weak again. But in the lands of another continent that
As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming
is now inhabited by heathens I will establish a new Kingdom, a Kingdom of peace, of unity, of love and of continuous living faith. Fear for the death of the body will no more exist among the people who walk in My light and who will always be in contact with the angels of Heaven and associate with them. Here you have now a real answer to your question."
10. The scribe said: "Thus, Asia, the old cradle of mankind and of many blessings from God, will not be fortunate anymore to see and hear You when You will return to this Earth? This is truly not a happy news for this continent."
11. I said: "The Earth belongs to Me everywhere, and I know in which place My return will be most beneficial for the whole Earth. At that time however, men will be able to contact each other from one end of the Earth to the other, and this as fast as the lightning that strikes from a cloud. And through the use of the spirits that are bound in the fire and the water they will, riding on iron roads, cover the greatest distances on Earth, faster than the heaviest storms that drive from one end of the Earth to the other. And the ships will, by means of these same powers, cross the big ocean in a much shorter time than now the Romans from Rome to Egypt. So then it will be possible to spread the message of My personal return in a very short time over the whole Earth, and thus also to Asia.
12. But thenthereis again thequestion: will theblindanddeafheathensofthis continent also believe it?
13. I think and say: this will hardly be possible before it will be purified by a great worldly judgment.
14. There is a big country, far in the west that is surrounded on all sides by the great world oceans and which is, across the sea, nowhere in connection with the old world. From that country, first the people will come to know great things, and they will also come up in the west of Europe, and from that, there will be a bright shining and a shining in return. The lights of the Heavens will meat each other, recognize and support each other.
15. Out of these lights, the sun of life will develop - thus the new, perfect Jerusalem - and in that sun I will come back to this Earth. And now we have talked enough about what will happen in the future.
16. Then even My disciples were very surprised and said among each other: "He never talked so clearly and extensively about His future return. Lucky will be the people of that time who will live there where He will return with all the fullness of His grace, but unlucky those who will not believe in Him and who will maybe just like the Pharisees now revolt against Him and want to kill Him, who resist Him and want to protect their sanctuary. For as He has shown already several times, and on the Mount of Olives by signs in the sky, He will come to meet them and relentlessly administer justice to them and give them their reward in Hell."
17. I said: "Yes, yes, with that you have spoken the truth now. And I say to you: truly, truly, this visible sky and this Earth will also perish after the right length of time, but the words that I have spoken to you will not perish."
Excerpt from „The great Gospel of John” Volume 9 Chapter 94 Jakob Lorber