5 Ingredients for Hair Growth Most People Don’t Know About
If you notice that the rate at which your hair is growing has slowed, or that the condition of your hair is not as good as it once was, or it is falling out faster than normal, you should consider taking action to prevent further deterioration of your hair. Eating healthy foods is always a great way to go, however, you may still need to take vitamins and other essential ingredients to help keep your hair healthy. Other contributing factors like stress at work or home as well as certain illnesses can make it hard for your body to get enough vitamins and minerals from your diet alone. When your body runs low on certain vitamins and ingredients it will tend to use what vitamins are present in your body for other functions. Hair growth is not high on your body’s list of priorities, so when you are short of essential vitamins your hair will deteriorate.
Via: http://www.essentialvitaminsforhairgrowth.com/vitamin-helps-hair-growth/