Where Does Las Vegas Get Its Water?
Living in Las Vegas as a plumber for almost 30 years, I know a little bit about water. Sources like the Las Vegas Sun are saying our main water source (I won’t spoil it, see the infographic below!) could run dry by 2021. For years locals have been asking me, “where do we get our water supply?” Even if you’re not local to Las Vegas, and are curious how a city in the middle of the desert gets water, our infographic could shed some light on the subject. As a plumber, I’d just like to throw in my two cents from my profession… always find and fix leaks! It’s such a waste of water, and if you’re paying for it, a waste of money. You could attempt to do it yourself, but of course I would recommend seeking the advice of a licensed professional plumber.
Via: http://plumbtechlv.com