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Design Dream

About me


Chiang, Pei-Chia

About my attitude

Country Taiwan (R.O.C) Phone +886921536317 Email

I make dream in design. I fulfill myself in my dream, in the design world. As a student of Design Department, I gradually understand that to be a designer, I must have a different vision and a wide spectrum of life experiences. Therefore, I am always looking for new challenges, trying to have different experience, and making a lot of friends from different countries and in different fields. Being enthusiastic and diligent designers, I express my passion in design to illustrate human’s touched spirit and transform aesthetic into functional concept. I use my own way to requite this mother land where nourishes me with its culture and life style. I will always keep my faith with my original intention. Facing design, I will act like kids with curious thinking. Finally, I believe my designing life will be the most beautiful rainbow in my life journey.



Always keep innocent, curious, and faith”

Objective To get more understanding of my own culture, I want to look around this world. To fulfill my dream, I want to keep learning and exploring around this world. To be a great designer, I want to make myself involved in a very innovative environment. I believe if I have the opportunity to study in College for Creative Studies, I will not let myself down. In other words, I am confident that I will achieve further professional development with my great passion.


Education / Degree National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Master Degree in Industry & Service Innovation, Institute of Creative Industries Design Bachelor Degree in Industrial Design Department Intern experience Jul.-Aug. 2010 Carton King Creative Park, Taichung Jul.-Aug. 2011 NDD Design Consultancy, Tainan Professional Abilities 2D: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign 3D: Solidworks, 3D MAX Media: Sony vegas Other: Sketch, Model, Market research, Fine art Language Skill English (TOEFL iBT score 85 , Oct. 2012) The General English Proficiency Test (GEPT)- High Intermediate Franch (2 years learning) Relevant Experience

2012 Oct. 2012 to present ICID, NCKU visual designer & assistant of International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries Dec.18 – Dec.19 2012 Participate in “99 Cent Design Challenge” Workshop July. – Oct. 2012 ICID, NCKU visual Designer of the 3rd International Service Innovation Design Conference


Jul. 2012 MOE Scholarship Program Workshop for Overseas Study in Arts and Design May. 2012 YODEX- Young Designers’ Exhibition, Taiwan

2011 2011 cadre members of Industrial Design Department, NCKU, Taiwan 2011 Participate in Southeast Asia Design Workshop 2010 Jul. 2010 NCKU, ID Graphic designer of 2010 The 9th International Design Workshop Jul. – Aug. 2010 2010 Japan Design Workshop (with Chiba University, Japan) Awards 2011 Blood Glucose Meter Design Competition / BRONZE AWARD 2012 Young Designers’ Exhibition / Most Creative Talent Award of Tainan Hobbies Music, Art, Photography, Travel, Movie, Language Chinese history, Chinese Art, World history Tennis, Swimming


Contents 01



Living Green




Thoracoscopy Medical Aids


One Touch




Trash Can Design |


Spoon Lamp


Other Works

Spray, R can, Dropping


G ard e n i n g

D e s i g n

Living Green The Graduate Project in 2012 Co- designers: I-An Lai, Peter Wang Main Duty: ideation, sketches, rendering, manufacturing process 2012 National Young Designers' Exhibition / Tainan Creative Talent Award /


L i v i n g G r e e n product design for the elders

“Seniors also deserve green and healthy lifestyle� Background Recently, society is getting busier; people tend to have great pressure in their life. Therefore, people like to go out getting closer to the nature. According to the theory of horticultural therapy, it is good to stay around nature and green which can release pressure on people and even cure people from illness. Thus, I hope through the new way of gardening helps retired people to have better life. The design is based on the theory of horticultural therapy, thus I will explain the horticultural therapy and turn the idea into industrial product design which can let people living in the city have more opportunities to grow plants.

Research background Horticultural therapy Horticultural therapy is one of alternative medicines, healing people by plants and gardening (Kuo, Yu-Jen,2002). Objective With new design system, it meets the need of the elder’s life in both mental and physical way. The elder may have more interactions with people because of this new design system.


Pysical model showing the arrangement of the gardening class .

Observation Kaoshiung village:elders taking gardening courses Location: Shou-Ai village in Kaohsiung Observation date: 2011/11/11 pm 07:00 participants: 10~15 females aged 50~65


Observation process

-Use the projector and slides

-Introduce the species of the plants

-Introduce how to take good care of plants.

-The elder rush to choose their own materials.

Distribute the materials

Explain and demonstrate

Observation process

-The assistants prepared the plants.

-Therapist explained and demonstrated how to make a combination of plants


-The elders can make a an arrangement as they like, and then pour the soil in.


-To ask them what’s the name of the plants.

-They will get a reward if they have the correct answer.


“Get a sense of accomplishment and slow the aging effect� Design concept

The living space in the city is small, and the new indoor gardening equipment facilitate the growing plants for the elder and provide a leisure activity. The design help users to get a sense of accomplishment through gardening activities and slow the aging effect.


Main structure Gardening and exercising at the same time “Green Curtain� is a gardening device that users can do the gardening and exercise at the same time. By pressing the edge of the plants container user can adjest the hieght of the "Green Curtain" to suit different hieght of users.

Pressing it to adjust the height.


Prototype Use oil clay and PU to make those prototypes, and try to test them by inviting seniors.

Sketching Use fast sketching to produce many different forms of watering can in the same functions.

Design Limitation



Prototype of gardening scissors Useing oil clay and ABS board to examine the size of garden scissors and stimulate the scenario of pruning plants.


Testing Prototype Using prototypes condusts experiments and testing. We have to see if all the design were fit to ergonomics.


Details and features of the watering can 1 Fixed amount of water. 2 In the top of the watering can, there is a steal ball inside to prevent water comeing out. 3 The shape of the watering can is designed according to the human hands, which can be hold easily by users. 4 Users can observe whether the water comes out. Seeing the aur bubbles means that the water is filling in the pot; on the other hand, seeings no air bubble means that there is no water filling in the pot, so users can water the next pots.


raising point

Plants can absorb water from the bottom of the container.

Scenario of watering 1 Filling water from the top cover of the watering can. 2 Users water plants from the hole at the edge of the pots, which can remain the indoor space clean.


"Fixed amount of water. Don't worry about watering too much" 18

Details of garden shear 1 Trough observation, indoor gardening for shovel, we found that the function of moving earth occur more often than shoveling, so we design a shovel combined with splediding and shoveling. 2 The shape of the shovel can avoid soil splashing out. 3 The handle with 90 degree angle helps users hold the shovel easily and safely. 4 The shovel is made of plastic, which is lighter the elders. Therefore they can use it for long time uncomfortably.


Scenario of planting The process of transplanting your plants. 1 Now when you take a new plant home from the flower shop, take a good look at the tag that was on the plant. 2 Fill plant pots or containers with mix soil. 4 Place a pottery shard over the drainage hole of a clean container. Fill the container up to within 1 inch of fresh soil. 5 Place the plant and its container on its side. Support the plant in one hand and the container in the other. Gently tap on the side of the container to loosen the root ball.

"Soil is never sprayed out again!"


Concept of gardening scissors 1 Combined with a magnifying glass on the cover assist the elders when they cut the plants. 2 Through cutting plants, users can exercise the palm muscle by pressing the gardening shear. 3 There are skidproof vein on the garden shear and the handle is made of rubber which prevent the danger of slipping when people use it.

"Ergonomic design, less effort, safer and clearer" 21

Details of gardening scissors 1 Using magnifying glass to assist the seniors prunning plants. 2 Shape of the garden shear fit in with people's palm. 3 There is a cover design to protect the users from hurt by the blade of the garden shear. 4 Material of the garden shear is made of rubber which can enhance the friction between users and garden shear and avoid users from dropping it to hurt themselves.


Product design X life material design


Ta b l e w a r e

D e s i g n

Gouter Product Design Course NCKU ID Design Exhibition

"Enjoy the meals and feel elegant tableware"


concept “Gouter” in Franch means “tasting”. Gouter not only represents tasting cuisine but enjoying every moments belonging to ourselves. Nowadays, people living in the fast pace era, we need remain some time only for ourselves to think about something and try to seize the busy and calm equilibrium point.

user study The target users of Gouter are modern women. Modern women’s working ability is getting better and better and then with independence women start to pursue their own self-worth. They know that they should love themselves no matter face what kind of situations even under a lot of pressure.

Work* business woman / housework / take care baby Enjoyment* amusement / healthy diets / yoga / optimistic atitude







Mood Board


product feature The arched design is avoiding the tableware directly contacted to table. In addition, users can easily take the tableware from the arched area. Teflon black texture, giving elegant and noble feeling to users. At first glance of Gouter, users may have a very neat feeling, but Gouter is comfortable to be hold because of the lower part of the R-angle that gives the thoughtful feeling to usres.

懸空能使刀叉匙面不觸碰到桌面而產生影子互相對話的美感。 彎曲處能使使用者易拿取,且有平衡的意義。


"Keep table and tableware clean"





heating ABS boards and bend it

adjust the curvature


Gouter senario




Me d i cal

A i d s

D e s i g n

Thoracoscopy Medical Aids Product design medical aids design

University-Industry Cooperation in 2011 Feb.-Jun. Co- designers: I-An Lai, Lin-Chung Kuo, Andy Tsai Main Duty: ideation, sketches, rendering, manufacturing process


time line

Motivation Patient and patient's family are looking forward to rehabilitation.System of rehabilitation medical aids can improve the efficiency of the rehabilitation of patients. Also with this design we consider it will increase the utilization of hospital beds.

M ind


7 days

Observation - Thoracoscopic feature - Case Study - Survey - Survey of existing products

2 Case St u d y

Design process

14 days

- The purpose - Expected benefits - The user analysis - Scenario Analysis


wound sizes Cut off the chest and back muscles Surgery and anesthesia time Postoperative recovery Days of hospitalization medical fees



thoracotomy 25-30 cm need

surgery 1-2 cm no need



slow, more pain

fast, less pain

about 7-14 days

about 2-5days




Recover from the second day of surgery

Physiological Level

Thoracoscopy postoperative rehabilitation


Psychological Level

no objective standard

Homemade rehabilitation aids

a a|Image-based assisted thoracoscopic surgery

Bother family


Laziness No challenge



b | Surgical procedure

c | Surgical wound

Conclusion By observation, we found that the actual recovery situation is not as good as expected and the reason is that the rehabilitation do not go far enough. Thoracoscopy surgery Thoracoscopy surgery (expected ) Traditional surger y

Hospitalized Day

Main reason for the low efficiency of recovery Rehabilitation for patients is very important after thoracoscopy, however, patients do the rehabilitation unpractical because of severe pain of cut.


time line


21~27 days

- Foot ring - Ontology - Auxiliary handle


14~21 days

-CNC foot ring - Auxiliary handle - Gradient test



Expected benefits This rehabilitation equipment helps patients do the rehabilitation efficiently. Moreover patient can do the rehabilitation independently. The process of rehabilitation is very easy. Rehabilitation aids can be disassembled easily at any time and it can be easily hung at the edge of the bed. This rehabilitation equipment provides the best aids for patients, their family and hospitals.


Details 1

Handle Considering the patient just had surgery, we design a grip. Because the patients is not fully recovered. The wounded hand need to rely on the grip. In addition, also considering the patient's comfort, so put a latex pad no the handle.

silica gel latex

angle of the handle help user can grip it comfortablly


Color plan By using gradient colors, users can easily know the extent of their progress. In addition, this design also allows caregivers to easily do a record, and can control the status of the recovery. The design also provide the physician to determine whether the patient can discharge from hospital.


Storage There is a link in the center body between two wingd, so this rehabilitation aids can be easily stored.


Ring for foot Feet pull the part of the ring, using the simple agency of the pulley, so that patients can by using a healthy foot to help the hand need rehabilitation to achieve the effect of exercise. In addition, the muscles of the feet and hips will some exercise.



Me d i cal

O n e

A i d s

D e s i g n

T o u c h

Blood Glucose Meter for kids

Co- designers: Ming-Chiou Wu Main Duty: ideation, sketches, rendering 2011Blood Glucose Meter Design Competition / BRONZE AWARD / NCKU ID Design Exhibition


Mind map many complicated equipments feel strange kids hide in the bathroom to use

blood glucose meters too much useing steps

color cold





troublesome Psychological Level


Concept We design ONE TOUCH for children. Recently, the number of children get diabetes is increasing. How to let children do their blood test by themselves and without the help of their parents becomes an important issue and this is the motivation of our design.

Simple operation Different from the traditional use of blood glucose complex process, using the design of internal organs, so that the use of ONE TOUCH becomes very simple. About Blood: The users simply press the center of the circle of ONE TOUCH, which will show the effect of blood collection. About Strips: The test strip will automatically pop up. Users can measure their blood glucose levels in the five seconds .

1 take out alcohol prep pad

2 clean the finger by useing alcohol pads

3 put the finger on the position

4 test paper pop up automaticaly

5 use different colors to shoe the user's status


On recovery Needles, test strips after use will automatically fall into the waste collection box 1 Needles: Users rotate 180 degrees the center dial, the used needles that will fall into the bottom of the collection box. 2 Strip: In the end of blood glucose testing, users simply press down gently strip, strip that will fall into the collection box. After the needles used in the collection box will be focused on, you can take it directly to the recovery of the entire box, avoiding the risk of needle stick injuries to be abandoned. The original box which should be discarded, turn into a box to collect discarded needles. Making twice uses is good for our environment.

no normal

near not normal


Presentation of blood glucose Measured blood glucose values, blood glucose positive central region to do the color change in the light of blood glucose levels, children can realize directly from the color of the case (for example, green is normal, red is not normal), but the actual figure will be recorded in the back of the screen , So that parents and physicians can know the condition of children.

"Check blood glucose by colors" 45

Storage box Have incorporated the function of alcohol cotton pad, so users do not worry about forgetting to bring the plight of cotton sheet.

alcohol prep pad

Chip test stripspad

To avoid the perticuliar looks Different from the general appearance of traditional medical supplies . Color planning of blood glucose meter makes it more lively and lovely. There is no more feelings of using medical products, instead, children know that when they use ONE TOUCH,what they do is something special and the way for protecting themselves.



Pro d u ct

D e s i g n

I n e r t i a Co- designers: Ming-Chiou Wu Main Duty: ideation, sketches, rendering NCKU ID Design Exhibition 2011 Collected by National Cheng Kung University


Ceiling fan design

Design goal Different from the common design of ceiling fan. The new innovative ceiling fan is designed according to the following principle, "Originality","Green"and "easy to install".



Mood Board warm quiet meditation nature clean


Design concept The fan is made of Taiwanese bamboo manufacturing, which greatly reducing the weight of the fan causes lower energy consumption to save energy. The ring structure of the fan is not only beautiful, but also quiet by applying the principle of the track effect. The fan coordinates with the wind flow with the arc of rotation to lower the temperature.


Ceiling fans internal axis is not perpendicular; the angle with the inertia effect can make the fan keep operating to save a part of energy.


The bottom part of the fan is spherical; the position of the motor is at the center of the fan, so when the blade rotates it would not rub the shell so the fan stays quiet when it operates.

Stucture Analysis The ceiling fan operating clockwise in summer with adjustable speed makes gentle breeze. The ceiling fans can also coordinate with air-conditioning, and enhance indoor cold convection efficiency, which saves 35-40% energy. The ceiling fan operating counterclockwise in winter, people feel no wind, but it can enhance the indoor heating natural convection efficiency and save energy to improve indoor living environment. Assembly of simple and intuitive concept, users can install the ceiling fan on their own, without the help of decoration workers.

up cover of ceiling fan motor driven turntable fan


" Inertia saves electricity and cools you down"




Pro d u ct

D e s i g n product design

Trash Can*3 Product Design Course NCKU ID Design Exhibition

"No more dirty Only Interesting "


R CAN Taiwan

Concept This design concept of “curve trash can” is to provide its users a convenient way to use “vest” plastic bags as garbage bags to protect our environment. And, also with its flat shape users can clean the trash can with no effort. Users can easily bring it where they want. There is a category of plastic bags which are often used in a great quantity in Taiwan; we can see it in the traditional market very often.In a consequent I use the pattern of the traditional plastic bags as the pattern of this “hook trash can”.

"Portable Flat trash can Fit any size of plastic bags." 57


prototype testing the materials and the shape of combination

scenario 1 use latches to make it stereoscopic 2 hang on the plastic bags 3 hooks on the edge solve the problem of different sizes plastic bags and also allow plastic bags to be hanged on the trash can


2 3



Concept "Dropping" trash can's curves on the edge make most plastic bags we had fit the trash can. The shape of the trash can is from the image of oil paints bucket.

"Turn the paint into trash can." 59


Motivation Due to the awareness of environmental protection, nowadays, people will use plastic grocery bags as garbage bags. However, there are many differing sizes of plastic grocery bags which cannot always fit the trash cans.

" Let's make some splash!" Concept In order to make most plastic bags fit the trash can we had, I propose the idea. The shape of “Spray” provides users a function of hanging plastic bags. ” Spray trash can” also encourages people to save our environment by making reuse of plastic bags.



L i g ht

D e s i g n

H y d r a n g e a Product Design Course NCKU ID Design Exhibition 2011 Collected by National Cheng Kung University

"Recycling spoon brings warmth to you "


H ydrangea

table lamp

Design Concept I want to use recycle material to design product. I decided to use portable plastic spoon, which is very common in Taiwan. However, I wanted my design can bring out the opposite feeling of portable spoons. Therefore, I designed two lamps.

Production process




1 prepare enough plastic spoon 2 try to match with light 3 try different ways of stacking 4 dicide the samllest unit 5 combine the units





"Recycling spoon brings warmth to you "

Recycling | Simple | Beauty Hydrangea brings hope and warmth for you acompanynig with you in dark.




Other Works & Hobby Sketches Workshop Art works





Other works Chair design

Kansei design for bike


$ 99 cent Design Challenge Workshop/ 2012 Octo.

"With LIVE FREE rain coats, kids wish rainny days!" 72

2012 Young Designers' Exhibition















"FACING CLIFFS, I FIY Always keep innocent, curious, and faith."

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