Representation II
seek LIGHT Light study Math Lawns
a1678737 Bingai Chen
Place Plan & Elevations Aerial & Ground views Shadows Movement & Activities Photographic study Luminosity
4 6 8 10 11 12
Idea Idea 1
Precedent study & Spatial diagrams Drawings 3D views
Idea 2
Precedent study & Spatial diagrams Drawings
14 15 17
18 18 19
3D views
Plan, Elevations & Sections Aerial & Ground views Movement Internal views Opacity
To-scale model Floor plans Design process Exploded composititon Construction detailing Internal views Filtration
24 26 28 30 32
34 35 36 37 38 40 42
Scale 1:1000
Eng. &Math Sciences & Ingkami Wardli
Scale 1:1000
The Braggs & Molecular Life Science Scale 1:1000
Barr Smith Library
Scale 1:500
Aerial views 6
Ground views 7
Shade & shadow
9am in summer
12pm in summer
3pm in summer
9am in winter
12pm in winter
3pm in winter 9
Movement & Activities
Activities Uni open day Orientation Picnic Concerts & performances
Entry/ Exit Pedestrain route
Photography of ambient light Day Sufficient and warm sunlight is in math lawns, making people feel comfortable and relaxed. Some Glass windows in builidngs are able to reflects sunlight.
Night lights in the street and inside buildings will turn on. Some interior space can be seen through glass windows. The surroundings is quiet at night.
Light Study 1
Luminosity Luminosity refers to the brightness of the astronomical object. It is the amount of energy emitted by the astronomical object such as a star or sun. Luminosity is related to optics, the brightness provides a certain wavelength as it appears to the eye, measured as the ratio of luminous flux to radiant flux at that wavelength. Luminosity also means something being luminous, brilliant and enlightened.
Luminosity and illumination in philosophical meanings
can be the process of the inspiration of minds and ideas. The language of inspiration is based on the entry of illumination on the entry of light into the mind. As Plato and other thinkers said that the sudden flash of un-derstanding or insight in the mind is as a flood of light. Plato described the process of un-derstanding and knowledge through the analogy of light. The knowledge and the ideas in minds occur as the awareness of material objects accessible to the eye's vision when illu-minated by the light of the sun. An intellectual light is emanated from the supreme form. Understandings is based on the intellectual illumination of the mind and its objects, as vi-sion relies on a physical illumination of the eye and objects.
Zaha Hadid take an essential role in luminous design in architecture, she provided a vari-ous of remarkable architecture lighting projects. She collects an abundance of daylight, which it shows the remarkable development of luminous legacy. Light became an essential element in revealing and interpreting her architecture. Light makes a connection between architecture and our perception. We sense forms and materials with our eyes not directly but through the reflected light. Luminosity in architecture can be another way for express-ing an architect’s design thoughts.
Fluid Luminosity: The Architectural Lighting of Zaha Hadid The use of luminous lines was in Hadid’s early work such as Vitra Fire Station. Luminous lines is either luminaires or windows. luminous lines is inserted in the ceiling, the gap between wall, ground and the roof. It can reinforce and highlight the linear pattern with sharp edges and building structures. In the interior, lumi-naires echo the lines and diffuse inside and outside illumination to counteract the energy of the building's forms. In other projects, Zaha Hadid transforms urban lines into luminous strips. Some other design patterns also were converted and integrated into luminous strips. Luminous strips express and interweaves the surrounding landscape and Zaha’s design.
The transition to fluid design is the turning point in Zaha Hadid’s light design. Unlike the previous design of line and share edges, Zaha Hadid’s design form changed to curved shapes and transit to fluid designs. It made coherent forms flow from windows to ceiling in the project, The Phaeno Science Centre. Luminaries and rhombus-shaped windows was provided in the building’s facade, it generates a holistic formal approach for visi-tors compassing both daylight and artificial lighting. A new stage for the design of light and fluidity is The Nordpark Railway Station. Light is reflected by glass rather than be absorbed by concrete. The reflectance of the surfaces was increased for stunning mirror images.
Complex mirror images stimulate the viewer's perception, while moving around the station. The station radiates an energetic glow as the illumination at night. After that, Hadid enhanced fluidity with daylight and lighting. Luminous design provided a visual effect for people, people’s feelings will be influenced through the lighting in the building. For in-stance, the light patterns in Guangzhou Opera House generates a warm and glossy at-mosphere and express a starry sky and the reflections in waterfalls. Luminosity is regarded as an important dimension of architecture.
Design idea 1
Spatial Diagram
Precedent Lab
Underground Forest in Onepark Gubei / Wutopia
The project aims to provide reading and community space for residents. An unque design is that the stair is placed between two bookcases. The sunlight can shine inside through the the curvature wood roof. The lighting design is gradient design, it is to make residents feel relaxed in this soft environment.
Scale 1:100
Plan 1:200
Elevation 1:100
Aerial & Ground views 16
Internal views 17
Design idea 2 Spatial Diagram
Gammel Hellerup Gymnasium / BIG
The brilliant design in this project is the soft vaulted roof. It is the roof of underground gymnasium, also it provides seating area for people in the exterior skin. LED light in the roof will light up the exterior skin and underground gymnasium at night time. This design concept is as a guide for idea 2.
Scale 1:200
Section 1:100
Elevation 1 1:100
Elevation 2 1:100
Aerial & Ground views 20
Internal views 21
Light Study 2
Reflection Reflection
is the process that light and heat are
returned from a surface without absorbing it. A beam of light or heat reflected from a surface makes with a line vertical to another surface. Reflection is also the image that can be seen in a mirror or any reflective surface. Reflection is the result of something, it also can means the attitude and opinion about something or someone.
Reflection theory is the idea of people knowledge
reflecting the real world. One of reflection theory is about observation, our ideas are generated through our consciousness and sensation from outside world. Our knowledge is based on the ideas of the reflection of objects that give rise to them. Therefore, the connection between objective world and subjective idea is contingent. Another reflection theory explained that there is no dualist distinction of subjective and objective.The material world is known by consciousness, as consciousness reflects material reality that it was tested and practiced.
Veiled in Brilliance
As the transparency of glass architecture was supported and promoted in modernism, numerous uniform glazing skyscrapers was built because of the consciousness of the monotony of large glass facades. Due to this situation, more and more architects abandon ed the monotonous glass facade and created innovative design for glass architecture, which it renewed the condition of glass architecture. Glass and metal were designed as crystalline and reflective images through the belief of light and brilliance. Light and brilliance can promote iconic architecture. More and more architectures were transformed the internal space-form to external surface. Some design thoughts such as coloured glass and shimmer skin of architecture occurred.
How Reflective Facades Have Changed Modern Architecture The Elbphilharmonie was designed by Herzog & de Meuron in Hamburg, it creates curved glass elements and distorts the perception of the city, water and sky. The glass facade create a shimmer skin and reflect the city, water and sky. Unlike the design of monotonous glass facade, unique curved glass facade not only reinforces the shiny reflections of the sky, but also it makes a closed link with water and surroundings in city. The curves of the balconies reflects the light as bright lines. Some dot points and screens in curved facade expresses a liquid image and make a connection with water. As the abstract and complex glass facade provided mirror effect and reflected the vivid view of city, the Elbphilharmonie is as a magic eyecather.
This reflective facade refers to the colour and the brightness of the sky. Also, it eliminates the mirror effect, other buildings are not reflected in the facade.
Titanium sheets are good at reflecting sunbeam and clouds, providing a shining and sparkling reflection in city. Titanium sheets in the Walt Disney Concert Hall was created in different positions and directions, which its forms became dynamic and interesting. Frank Gehry’s design achieve a new development in the brilliance of architecture and influences in other architectural projects.
Not only glass can express the brilliance of architecture, but also mental is good for the aesthetic of brilliance. The design of building is considered as a sparkling jewels in city. Walt Disney Concert Hall was designed by Frank Gehry, the use of reflective facade is titanium sheets.
For expressing the brilliance in architecture, the facade of Selfridges Birmingham store was created with a dense mesh of aluminium discs. Those aluminium discs attract people’s views and promote their sensation and haptic feeling.
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute in Adelaide is also used with aluminium facade. In order to preventing the harsh sunlight, Woods Bagot enveloped the entire building by aluminum sunshades. The materials and patterns of reflective forms can be determined by different factors such as surrounding environment, political issues and the meaning of building. To gain more attractions and build a spectacleoriented city, veils currently focus on abstract and complex form to improve the brilliance, material is also considered while designing the form.
Scale 1:200
Elevations 1:200
Sections 1:200
Aerial views 26
Ground views 27
Movement on the ground
staircase/elevator Pedestrain route
Underground movement
1st floor underground
2nd floor underground staircase/elevator pedestrian route
Internal views 30
Light journey 31
Light Study 3
Opacity Opacity
is the quality of lacking transparency or
translucence. It is the measure of impenetrability to visible light. Light is not absorbed, reflected and scattered when striking an interface between two substances. Opacity also describes something opaque, all light or some light cannot pass through the object.
While light encounters an object, light will interact with the object through the combination of absorption, transmission and reflection. Those Interactions rely on the wavelength of the light and the property of the material. Some materials are transparent, reflecting little and transmitting much of light. On the contrary, opaque materials do not transmit light and lacks of transparency. Opaque objects absorb certain portions of the visible spectrum while reflecting others. Other spectrum which are not absorbed will be reflected or transmitted for our physical observation. Due to the combined mechanisms of absorption and scattering, the frequencies and wavelength of light will be attenuated.
Whiteness is an essential aspect of designing buildings in Nordic countries, it responses the local environment and creates the beauty of snowcovered view. White surfaces also are able to maximize brightness in the interior space, as light is scarce in winter periods in Nordic countries. Professor Henry Plummer who has very carefully studied the various daylight phenomena in the Nordic countries points out that reflective white space is benefit to facilitate bright room. In order to balance the brightness of buildings, Nordic architects consider how the light comes into white spaces especially in long and dark winter.
Light Matters: Whiteness in Nordic Countries Denmark´s medieval churches is one of white architecture example at early time, it still influences current modern white architecture such as the Dybkær Church by Regnbuen Arkitekter. The design of the Dybkær Church refers to sophisticated daylight concept, designing the position of religious elements such crucifix and alta from three directions. Moreover, the interesting design is the nave walls which are animated by an irregular texture of white brickwork. White walls deal with the low sunlight position in Nordic countries, allowing sunlight come into the building from the side.
Another excellent white architecture is Bagsværd Church designed by Jørn Utzon. Architects Jørn Utzon said that light is the most important feature of the church. The white walls and ceilings in his design maximize the use of daylight and promoted the intensity of light in the interior space, even the light is always greater than outside. In 1930s, Alvar Aalto put forward the concept of white diffusion with the use of white plaster, white-enamelled steel and white linoleum. The White shades cover the floors, walls, ceilings and expressive daylight scoop. Not only pure white volume is the characteristics of Nordic light design approach, the pulse of nature with vibrating patterns of light or dramatic light and shadow transiency also are included in unique Nordic light design.
For instance, some churches may focus on the light pattern during the morning liturgy. A brilliant example of a dramatic light and shadow sequence occurs at the Pirkkala Church by Käpy and Simo Paavilainen. The glass acts like mirrors and achieves the rich sunlight entering the room. Additionally, sunlight and shadows are changing to different shape at different time period.
Religious buildings reflect the variety of time concept particularly. These time concepts range from material texture to the specific feature of glass as well as the change of the image from volume at different times during a day and a season.
To-scale model Steel column
Steel frame
2nd floor
1st floor
Floor plans 1:200
Design process
Design idea 1 Design idea 2
Final design idea
Composition of pavilion
Pavilion Onground transparent triangle, elevator, staircase
1st floor underground Tutorial room, computer room, library
2nd floor underground Project room, courtyard, toilets
Construction Detailing ceiling space steel beam
internal wall
Fabric Linen
Internal views
open area
computer room
Light Study 4
Filtration Filtration
is the act of separating solids from liquids or
gases through a medium which only the fluid can pass. Oversize solids and other substances will be removed. Filtration occurs in various aspects such as engineered system, biological form and physical form.
Light filtration is the transmission of wavelength and absorption and reflection of unwanted wavelengths when most of light sources emit a board range of wavelengths that cover the entire visible light spectrum. The wavelength spectrum can be restricted through the use of specialized filters that remove or enhance certain ranges of wavelengths (colours) of light. Colour filters usually are transparent pieces such as dyed glass and plastic, these have been treated to selectively transmit the desired wavelengths while restricting others. Other two most common types of filters are absorption filters and Interference filters. Absorption filters is to absorb unwanted wavelengths. Interference filters is to remove selected wavelengths through reflection and internal destructive interference, which the filter occurs one colour with reflected light and another one under illumination with transmitted light.
Le Corbusier is professional at designing orientation, openings and textures with daylight for kinetic architecture. His outstanding work is three sacred buildings, which are Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut, Monastery of Sainte Marie de La Tourette and the parish church of Saint-Pierre. Le Corbusier expressed an exceptional and new design language for the interaction of colours and light in his sacred buildings. According to Le Corbusier’s scared buildings, light as a tool of religious persuasion has eliminated, light has its own powers to attract people noticing the sky Light and reflects the natural universe.
Light Matters: Le Corbusier and the Trinity of Light The light design of the Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut in France is based on the continuous circle of solar events. For instance, Henry Plummer thought that the dawning sun is an analogy of human birth, as red-painted void become redder while the dawning sun illuminating the alcove of the side chapel. The ray of sunlight passed through between the east and south walls. The small crack raises the roof from the wall and creates a harsh contrast to the southeast corner. The Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut shows the cycle culminates finally in a warm glow from an opening in another side chapel at sunset.
The dramatic atmosphere increases until the golden light hits the roof plane This effect will change due to the different seasons.
The light orchestration of the Monastery of Sainte Marie de la Tourette provides diverse light experiences for the believers, as all corridors have an open side facing one of the four main directions. The irregular rhythm of light and shadow is created rather than the repetitive rhythms in traditional churches. It looks like a musical composition, promoting people further into a contemplative state. The highlight of the light choreography in the Monastery of Sainte Marie de la Tourette begins with the sunset. Two golden lines connected with the north wall will raise slowly d when the sun is falling.
Saint-Pierre is located in Firminy, its remarkable scenography is arranged in three acts. Dots of light is generated and transferred to light waves on the east faรงade window. These waves will rise and fall according to the course of the sun. The light waves disappear around the noon, sunlight from the roof will shine into the dark interior space and walls. A golden light strike into the church and hits the altar wall while the sunset is approaching. Hence, the cosmic scenes of day and night appear mysteriously together. Light design approaches created by Le Corbusier reflects a multifaceted language to contribute to his sacred buildings. The light patterns and layers are dynamic in the static building volumes, which they are changing with the course of the day, year and the condition of the sky. His outstanding light patterns reflects cosmic power.