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Math Lawn

a1678737 Bingai Chen

Content •Drawings •Light Study 1

2-10 11-12

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Engineering Building Scale: 1:500


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3 pm

12 noon


Winter, June 22

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Light Study

Definition Luminosity refers to the brightness of the astronomical object. It is the amount of energy emitted by the astronomical object such as a star or sun. Luminosity is related to optics, the brightness provides a certain wavelength as it appears to the eye, measured as the ratio of luminous flux to radiant flux at that wavelength. Luminosity also means something being luminous, brilliant and enlightened.

Philosophical meanings -Luminosity & Illumination Luminosity and illumination in philosophical meanings can be the process of the inspiration of minds and ideas. The language of inspiration is based on the entry of illumination on the entry of light into the mind. As Plato and other thinkers said that the sudden flash of un-derstanding or insight in the mind is as a flood of light. Plato described the process of un-derstanding and knowledge through the analogy of light. The knowledge and the ideas in minds occur as the awareness of material objects accessible to the eye's vision when illu-minated by the light of the sun. An intellectual light is emanated from the supreme form. Understandings is based on the intellectual illumination of the mind and its objects, as vi-sion relies on a physical illumination of the eye and objects. 11

Meaning in architecture- Fluid Luminosity: The Architectural Lighting of Zaha Hadid Zaha Hadid take an essential role in luminous design in architecture, she provided a vari-ous of remarkable architecture lighting projects. She collects an abundance of daylight, which it shows the remarkable development of luminous legacy. Light became an essential element in revealing and interpreting her architecture. Light makes a connection between architecture and our perception. We sense forms and materials with our eyes not directly but through the reflected light. Luminosity in architecture can be another way for express-ing an architect’s design thoughts. The use of luminous lines was in Hadid’s early work such as Vitra Fire Station. Luminous lines is either luminaires or windows. luminous lines is inserted in the ceiling, the gap between wall, ground and the roof. It can reinforce and highlight the linear pattern with sharp edges and building structures. In the interior, lumi-naires echo the lines and diffuse inside and outside illumination to counteract the energy of the building's forms. In other projects, Zaha Hadid transforms urban lines into luminous strips. Some other design patterns also were converted and integrated into luminous strips. Luminous strips express and interweaves the surrounding landscape and Zaha’s design. The transition to fluid design is the turning point in Zaha Hadid’s light design. Un-like the previous design of line and share edges, Zaha Hadid’s design form changed to curved shapes and transit to fluid designs. It made coherent forms flow from windows to ceiling in the project, The Phaeno Science Centre. Luminaries and rhombus-shaped win-dows was provided in the building’s facade, it generates a holistic formal approach for visi-tors compassing both daylight and artificial lighting. A new stage for the design of light and fluidity is The Nordpark Railway Station. Light is reflected by glass rather than be ab-sorbed by concrete. The reflectance of the surfaces was increased for stunning mirror im-ages. Complex mirror images stimulate the viewer's perception, while moving around the station. The station radiates an energetic glow as the illumination at night. After that, Hadid enhanced fluidity with daylight and lighting. Luminous design provided a visual effect for people, people’s feelings will be influenced through the lighting in the building. For in-stance, the light patterns in Guangzhou Opera House generates a warm and glossy at-mosphere and express a starry sky and the reflections in waterfalls. Luminosity is regard-ed as an important dimension of architecture. http://www.archdaily.com/868157/fluid-luminosity-the-architectural-lighting-of-zaha-hadid


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