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Welcome To The Collaborative Age!
Collaboration is not just the next innovation in
business; it’s the transformation of business and society. Collaboration is not the next evolution in how we work; it’s a revolution in the way
everyone—individuals and organizations—
works together to create value and deliver it
to customers, citizens, and other 21st Century
— John W. DeWitt, CEO, Collaborative Age Forum and Exposition
n Co-Create Value with Customers, Employees,
n Innovate amidst Disruption—instead of
Partners, Vendors? Fearing Change?
n Collaborate with Anyone, Anytime,
Then you cannot afford to miss
COLLABORATIVE AGE FORUM AND EXPO Our extraordinary “Executive Boot Camp for Business Collaboration”
n Roll up your sleeves with the world’s
n Learn how the culture, process, technologies,
leading experts on business collaboration
and workplaces of business collaboration can help you navigate change and thrive in the new economy
n Prepare to reach your company’s
highest goals!
COLLABORATIV forum&exposition AGE
Succeed in the New Millennium: Collaboration Works—If You Know How to Manage It What the Internet has done to brick-and-mortar business over the past two decades is nothing compared to the incessant technology-driven change and innovation of business today—impacting every industry, every size of business, as well as the public and nonprofit sectors. Whatever your business or role, you know that 20th Century management thinking and technologies don’t work so well 15 years into the new millennium. What does work is collaboration—but very few business executives have learned how to connect the dots in the big picture of collaboration: how to manage collaborative culture, process, workplace, and technology across their business, industry, and ecosystem. To grow, adapt, and innovate, your company must harness the power of business collaboration—the essential management discipline and enabling technologies of business in the 21st Century. COLLABORATIVE AGE Forum and Exposition will show you how.
Prepare to Think and Work Hard: This Is No Ordinary Executive Learning Experience When you join us for COLLABORATIVE AGE Forum and Exposition, April 4-5, 2016 at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta, you’ll know immediately that our “Executive Boot Camp for Business Collaboration” is not your ordinary conference. COLLABORATIVE AGE is an intensive, immersive two-day executive training that will demand your full attention, your probing real-world questions, and your hands-on engagement. Our conference program features the world’s leading experts and practitioners in collaborative business. Plus, you’ll find a wealth of opportunities to network with peers who are grappling with leadership and management challenges similar to your own. Our world-class roster of speakers, executive panels, break-out sessions, and workshops will address comprehensively the “how to” of successful collaboration: how to lead, manage, and empower people and organizations to succeed in an era of relentless disruption, challenge, and transformation.
Take Home a Strategic Roadmap: Build Collaboration Capability Enterprise-wide Collaboration crosses all functions of the enterprise, so COLLABORATIVE AGE provides a comprehensive, enterprise-wide framework for managing and accelerating business collaboration—as well as specific “deep-dive” workshops that address the how-to of strategic partnering, value-creating sales and customer experience, real-time communications and other collaboration technologies, and building collaborative organizational culture. Our core program, augmented by your choice of focused workshops, provides a foundational understanding of collaboration management and tools relevant to business leaders in the C-suite and many executive roles, including:
Strategy, Business Development, Marketing, and Sales Customer Contact, Service, and Experience Information Technology and Enterprise Communications Research and Development, Manufacturing, and Distribution Human Resources, Training, and Development Workplace/Facility Design and Management Supply Chain and Procurement Alliance and Channel/Distribution Partner Management
RON RICCI Vice President of Customer Experience Services, Cisco Co-Author, The Collaboration Imperative: Executive Strategies for Unlocking Your Organization’s True Potential, and author of Momentum: How Companies Become Unstoppable Market Forces (Harvard Business School Press, 2002) Ron Ricci presents the “Customer Collaboration” keynote address and co-facilitates the Collaboration Strategy breakout session at COLLABORATIVE AGE. As Cisco’s VP of Customer Experience Services, Ricci and his team are responsible for helping Cisco to use communications to shape the vision, strategy, culture, and process priorities of the company. Ron leads a number of key Cisco events, including the Strategic Leadership Offsite for Cisco’s top 2,500 managers. He regularly moderates panel and executive discussions at Cisco events and has interviewed Jack Welch, Richard Branson, Robert Redford, and John Chambers at the company’s annual Partner Summit.
JEFF LOWE Vice President of Enterprise Sales and Marketing, SMART Technologies A passionate champion of business collaboration as a strategic management discipline, Jeff Lowe leads SMART’s global marketing strategies and oversees all marketing functions, including strategy, market operations, social media initiatives, and marketing communications. Lowe’s keynote, “Collaborative Enterprise and Ecosystem: An Integrated View,” connects the dots between collaborative culture, technology, workplace, and process. Prior to joining SMART, Mr. Lowe was vice president of marketing and business solutions at TELUS, a leading Canadian national telecommunications company. A frequent speaker and executive panelist at events around the world, Lowe serves on the Collaborative Age Advisory Board, is a member of the board for the Canadian Marketing Association, and holds an honors degree in marketing.
FEATUREDspeakers&panelists Join some of the world’s leading thinkers, doers, and gurus in the collaboration diciplines for two days of ideas and inspiration. Our world-class roster of speakers, executive panels, break-out sessions, and workshops will address comprehensively the “how to” of successful collaboration: how to lead, manage, and empower people and organizations to succeed in an era of relentless disruption, challenge, and transformation.
DEB BARNARD President, Alliancesphere
SCOTT BROWN President, SMART Technologies
LORIN COLES JOHN DEWITT RAY GRAINGER CEO, CEO, CEO, Allianccesphere Collaborative Age Mavenlink
JAN TWOMBLY NORMA BRAD BUSH President, WATENPAUGH Chief Operating The Rhythm of Founding Principal, Officer, Business Phoenix Consulting Dialexa Group
MIKE LEONETTI CEO, Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals
JAMES MILLAR President, Skybridge Associates
RUSS ZILLES CANDIDO LAVON KOERNER Vice President ARRECHE Chief Revenue Test Solutions, Global Director, Officer, IR Partner and Portfolio Revenue Storm Management, Xerox
JEFF SHUMAN Principal, The Rhythm of Business
DAVID S. BRYCE THOMPSON JOHANNES Chief Alliance Director of Customer Officer, Engagement, Alliance Axero Management, Eli Lilly & Company
COLLABORATIVE AGE FORUM AND EXPO Monday, April 4, 2016 8 AM—Noon 7 AM—7 PM 8:30 AM—Noon
Exhibitor set up Attendee registration Morning Deep-Dive Workshops
n SMART Partnering: Find the Gold amidst the Complexity
APRIL 04.2016
of Your Ecosystem
(presented by Jan Twombly, President, The Rhythm of Business, and Lorin Coles, CEO, Alliancesphere; principals, SMART Partnering Alliance) Like a bulldozer moving through your backyard garden, cross-industry partnering and connected ecosystems are smashing traditional industry barriers and carving out complex new competitive landscapes. Companies that partner effectively can adapt and innovate much more quickly and decisively. In this intensive 3.5 hour workshop, two pioneers of business collaboration share their methods that help some of the world’s largest and most innovative companies “bake partnering into their corporate DNA”—and send you home with fresh ideas and breakthrough rethinking of how to integrate partnering into every aspect of your business. SMART Partnering provides leaders and senior executives a SMART (strategic, measurable, agile, resourced, total) framework to partner confidently with anyone—and uncover golden opportunity amidst the gray complexity in the ecosystem era.
n The Real Deal about Real Time Communications:
An RTC Workshop for Technology and Communications Executives Learn how to cut through the RTC hype. Create a sensible deployment roadmap for your organization to harness WebRTC, Skype for Business, and other technologies providing unified voice, video, and collaborative applications. Enable collaboration at scale, not just across your organization, but with any external partner or customer.
12 Noon—1 PM Noon—7 PM 1 PM—4:30 PM
Boxed lunch for Workshop Attendees Exhibit Area Open Afternoon Deep-Dive Workshops
n Inspired Collaboration Workshop
(presented by SMART Technologies)
Every day your workforce becomes more geographically, generationally, and contractually diverse. How can your culture and infrastructure facilitate faster information sharing, more-informed decision-making, and greater accountability? Join our global collaboration experts in the areas of strategy, facilities, and information technology, as they help you increase productivity and accelerate innovation. Create a custom scorecard for your collaborative capabilities, and overcome roadblocks that hinder collaboration and productivity. Integrate your facilities, information technology, and human resource strategies into an aligned collaboration strategy for your business.
2016.04 APRIL
Monday, April 4, 2016
n The Decline of Sales and the Rise of Value Co-Creation
(ASAP Strategic Partnering Workshop presented by LaVon Koerner, Chief Revenue Officer, RevenueStorm, and Norma Watenpaugh, Founder and Principal, Phoenix Consulting Group; Q&A moderated by Michael Leonetti, President and CEO, Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals) In the industrial era, successful companies solved defined problems and thereby satisfied customer demand. In the collaborative era, customers solve known problems and satisfy routine needs with increasing automation and efficiency—and with less human interaction. So why do customers need to engage and interact with you now? So you can help find and solve their unknown challenges—and co-create new value with them. Understand the rapidly changing marketing and sales landscape as most customer interactions are automated—and there are not enough customers to be found. Two internationally recognized marketing, sales, and partnering experts provide you with the proven practices, models, assessments, processes, and templates for thriving in the collaborative age. Koerner, a leader in sales and marketing transformation, conducts the first of two 90-minute sessions, followed by partnering and sales channel expert Watenpaugh, recognized in 2015 as one of Silicon Valley’s Women of Influence. The program, concluding with a no-holds-barred Q&A, shows you how to share risk, co-create value with partners and customers, and systematically deliver and measure innovation.
n Unified Communications, Security, and Privacy Workshop As collaboration of all types becomes mission critical—and technology gives this collaboration scale and efficiency— our businesses must deal with ever-growing risks involving system reliability, cybersecurity, and access to personally identifiable information. Learn how to safeguard your customers, partners, and other crucial stakeholders as you explore and harness the latest capabilities made possible by unified communications and collaboration technologies.
4:45 PM—5:30 PM Welcome Session: “Take the Collaboration Challenge!” 5:30 PM—6 PM Welcome Remarks and Special Presentation Hosted by John W. DeWitt, CEO and Editor in Chief, Collaborative Age 6 PM—7 PM Welcome Reception 7:30 PM—9:30 PM Collaborative Leaders Dinner (Invitation only)
COLLABORATIVE AGE FORUM AND EXPO Tuesday, April 5, 2016 7 AM—5 PM 7 AM—8:30 AM 7:30 AM—7:30 PM
8:45 AM—10 AM
APRIL 05.2016
Attendee Registration / Support Services Breakfast Buffet Exhibit Area Open
Welcoming Remarks and Introduction by John W. DeWitt
Vision 2025: Collaborative Leader’s Executive Roundtable Facilitated by James Millar, President, SkyBridge Associates
Both collaboration within and partnering among organizations are expanding rapidly. Leadership matters more than ever as traditional management evolves into more distributed and collaborative decision-making. What is the strategic conversation that leadership teams must have today to prepare for the next decade of mindboggling change? We assemble an extraordinary executive panel of collaborative leaders—and model for you onstage the type of game-changing discussion you must be prepared to lead in your organization.
10 AM—10:30 AM
Keynote #1: Organizational Collaboration Learn how to build and lead a culture of collaboration across your workforce—and design your workplace and infrastructure to accelerate the innovation, creativity, and customer centricity of your organization.
10:30 AM—10:50 AM Exhibit Area Break 10:50 AM—11:20 AM Keynote #2: Customer Collaboration
Presented by Ron Ricci, Vice President, Customer Experience Services, Cisco, and co-author, The Collaboration Imperative: Executive Strategies for Unlocking Your Organization’s True Potential If your company has ever exclaimed “Our Customer Is King,” you’d better really mean it today. The customer (whether B2B buyer, end user, consumer, patient, citizen) now rules— and gains power each year, thanks to the rapid evolution of society, science, and of course technology, ranging from wearable devices to the global Internet of Things. Ron Ricci will show you how to harness your full collaborative potential—so can you maximize value and responsiveness with and for your customers.
11:20 AM—11:50 AM Executive Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A 11:50 AM—1:15 PM Networking Lunch with Function and Industry Roundtables
2016.05 APRIL 1:15 PM—1:45 PM
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Keynote #3: Partnering and Ecosystem Collaboration External partnering in all its various forms—strategic alliances, supply chain and distribution partnering, collaborative innovation, public-private and non-profit partnerships, R&D consortia, and more—enables companies of all sizes to more quickly and cost-effectively innovate, reduce risk, and deliver complete solutions to customers. Many of today’s most successful companies tightly focus on their core capabilities—and partner for everything else. Learn what it takes to orchestrate partnering in your ecosystem—and capitalize on this capability to compete and thrive amidst continuous disruption.
1:45 PM—2:45 PM
Build Your Collaboration Strategy: Panel Presentation and Workshops Presenters and Breakout Session Facilitators: Jan Twombly and Jeff Shuman, The Rhythm of Business; Lorin Coles and Deb Barnard, Alliancesphere; Ron Ricci, Cisco, and Norma Watenpaugh, Phoenix Consulting
Roll up your sleeves and get to work on your collaboration game plan, with hands-on guidance from the pioneers of business collaboration. Your facilitators have spent years developing and proving their methodologies in some of the world’s largest and most successful collaborative organizations. In small working groups, they will walk you through the steps of developing your collaboration strategy—and help you seamlessly connect culture, technology, workplace, and process into game-changing capabilities for your organization.
2:45 PM—3:20 PM
Exhibit Area Networking Reception
3:25 PM—3:55 PM
Keynote #4: Collaborative Enterprise and Ecosystem: An Integrated View
Presented by Jeff Lowe, Chief Marketing Officer, SMART Technologies
Today you have the power to co-create value with customers, adapt and innovate amidst disruption, and collaborate with anyone, anytime, everywhere. But collaboration is hard. To do it well, all forms of collaboration—from teamwork and cross-company collaboration to strategic alliances and customer partnering—need to be understood and managed in a holistic, integrated approach. A leading champion of collaboration as a management discipline connects the dots and brings together the essentials of collaborative culture, technology, workplace, and process.
4:10 PM—5:30 PM
Collaboration Use Case Workshops Presenters/Facilitators include David Thompson, Chief Alliance Officer and Head of M&A Integration, Eli Lilly and Company; LaVon Koerner, Chief Revenue Officer, Revenue Storm
5:40 PM—6 PM
Closing Comments and Attendee Certificates
6 PM—8:30 PM
Exhibit Area Networking Reception and Collaboration Jam Band Party
Presented by John W. DeWitt
(Live Band Karaoke + Attendee Musicians) Open Bar + Hors d’oeuvres
7:30 PM—10:30 PM Exhibit Breakdown
MAIN CONFERENCE PROGRAM—$599 Monday afternoon, April 4, and Tuesday, April 5, 2016
DEEP-DIVE WORKSHOPS—$349 EACH Monday, April 4, 2016—half-day morning and afternoon sessions
EXHIBIT AND NETWORKING PASS—$99 Monday and Tuesday, April 4-5, 2016—no meals or conference sessions provided Begin the secure registration process at CollaborativeAgeExpo.com. Online registration services and payment processing for COLLABORATIVE AGE are provided by our strategic association partner, the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP).
Comparable executive conferences can cost thousands of dollars, but COLLABORATIVE AGE Forum and Exposition offers a world-class executive learning experience for remarkably low fees that won’t strain your conference and training budget. Attend the main conference program and exposition on Monday and Tuesday, April 4-5, 2016 for just $599* (including breakfast and lunch on Tuesday, April 5). Further enrich your collaborative business learning experience with our “Deep-Dive Workshops” Monday morning and afternoon—and pay just $349 for each half-day session, including a boxed lunch. Just want to browse the exhibits, network with the world’s leaders in business collaboration, and feed yourself? That’s just $99. *Additional savings off the already low fees for the main conference program include our Early Bird Registration discount (until December 15, 2015) and ASAP member discount.
We Thank Our Partners
In today’s digital business environment, improving collaboration is one of the most strategic ways to streamline
business processes and increase
profitability. COLLABORATIVE AGE Expo is an ideal forum for sharing insights and information.
— Raymond Grainger, CEO, Mavenlink
The Collaborative Age Exposition is the world’s first forum that focuses on the managerial science of collaboration in the private sector, the public sector, and the non-profit sector. It brings together the makers of collaborative technology and the gurus, experts, consultants, practitioners, and alliance managers that use collaboration every day.
CONNECT WITH US: Rik Rolski Director, Sales and Business Development 978.544.0260 | rrolski@jwdewitt.com
16 WEST MAIN STREET NEW SALEM, MA 01355 +1.978.544.1866