Format Numbers
Formating numbers in Excel is used to make data easier to read.Moreover it helps you implement the formating statndards according to your company or your country. Microsofor Excel offeres different ways of formating numbers like General Number,Accounting Numbers and other types.
The general number is the number that applies when you first type a number in a cell unless you format the cell before you insert the number. General numbers are displayed the way you type them.Moreover if the numer is longer than the width of the cell, the general format rounds the numbers with decimals. How do i format General Numbers ? 1. Type numbers and select the cell you want to format. 2. Click the home tab, then Click the Comma Style button in the Number group.
ACCOUNTING NUMBER FORMAT It’s used for monetary values like the currency format.
How do i format Currency Format ? 1. Go to home tab and find the Number Group. 2. After that select the Accounting form the drop down list box.
3. Chose the number of decimal place you want to have .
CURRENCY FORMAT The Currency format is used for general monetary values and displays the default currency symbol with
numbers. Using the Currency Format you can select the type of currencly you want to use ,also you can specify the number of decimal places that you want to use.Moreover you can choose if you want to use a thousands separator, and how you want to display negative numbers. How do i format Currency Format ?
1. Go to home tab and find the Number Group. 2. Select the
currency type you want like in the picture below.
3. After
you select the Accounting Number Format then a drop down list box will show up, select the currency type you want. After that your selected field will look like in the picture below.
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