What you should know about Partitions •
What a partition, you ask? It's really just a fancy word for a section on a hard disk. It keeps things divided from other portions of the hard drive.
Having multiple partitions is useful when you want to have multiple operating systems.
Usually, hard drives with one partition is labeled the "C" drive and a two-partition is labeled the "C" and "D" drives
With older file allocation tables, creating multiple, small partitions helps the hard drive run more efficiently and saves disk space.
So, how do I get Partitions my Hard Drive? Oftentimes, you'll get a partition on your hard drive when you first buy your PC. There are a few ways you can create additional partitions on Windows. One possibility is to use Disk Management, which is installed within Windows 8. You could also use a lot of different software that will do the same thing as Window's disk management. For our purposes, it's just easier and makes more sense to use Disk Management. Step 1: To find disk management, go to the start menu and write: “diskmgmt.msc “.
Select "OK" and the following window will show up.
As you can see above, there are two partitions labeled “C" and "D". The overall space on this hard disk drive is used. To create a new partition, we first have to resize one of the partitions. On this particular hard drive, partition "C" contains Windows 7. Partition "D" is solely being used to save data. On this hard drive we can use some of the space in partition "D" to create a new partition.
Decide which partition on your hard drive has enough space that it can be shrinked. Click on it with the right mouse button, and select “Shrink�. The following window will show up:
As you can see in the picture, the computer will calculate the available megabytes (MB) that you can shrink. Enter the amount of MB you would like shrink, then press "shrink".
Now, wait for your computer to shrink the partition. After the shrink is done, you will have free space.
Part 2 To create a new partition from the free space, click with your right mouse button and select “New simple partition� and the following window will show up.
After you press “Next”, the following window will show up. In this window you have to specify the size of the partition.
After that you will have to assign a letter for you partition. Then, press “Next”.
Now, another window will show up. You can give a name for your new partition or you can leave it with the default name. After that, you are done creating a new partition it will then be available to use.
Overview: •
Partitions are sections on your hard disk, often used to have multiple operating systems on the same PC.
Creating new partitions can be done by using disk management.
Shrinking an existing partition gives free space to create a new partition.
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