IntroductIon IntroductIonto toBSc BScBIonESt BIonEStBIo-IncuBator BIo-IncuBator Aesthetically located in NCR Biotech Science Cluster(BSC), Faridabad Largest Bio-Incubator in NCR region Fastest Growing centre for Bio-Incubation
EVENT VIDEO BY- BBB NCR Biotech Science Cluster
BSc BScBIonESt BIonEStBIo-IncuBator(BBB) BIo-IncuBator(BBB) Established to foster innovation, research and entrepreneurial activities in biotechnology related areas. Operational since Nov. 2018 Largest Bio-Incubator in Delhi-NCR Aesthetically located in Pollution free zone (NCR) Welcome to BBB
rEgIonal rEgIonalcEntrE cEntrEfor forBIotEchnology BIotEchnology ď ą Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB) is an academic institution established by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India with regional and global partnerships synergizing with the programmes of UNESCO as a Category II Centre. ď ą In 2016, RCB was recognised as an Institution of National Importance by the Parliament of India.
Events & Outreach activities FY (2018-19)
IDEA IDEAtalk-Manav talk-ManavRachna RachnaUniversity University
IDEA IDEAtalk talk&&Facility Facilityvisitvisit-APJ APJSatya SatyaUniversity University
Faculty Facultytalk talk––IIT IITDelhi Delhi
IDEA IDEAtalk talk&&Faculty FacultyDevelopment DevelopmentProgram– Program–DU DU
IDEA IDEAtalk talk&&Facility Facilityvisit visit–Savitribai –SavitribaiPhule PhuleUniversity University
IDEA IDEAtalk– talk–Deen DeenDyal DyalUpadhyaya Upadhyayacollege college
Facility FacilityVisit Visit––Dr. Dr.Renu RenuSwarup Swarup(Secretary-DBT) (Secretary-DBT)
Events & Outreach activities FY (2019-20)
Invited InvitedIDEA IDEAtalk–APJ talk–APJSatya SatyaUniversity University
IDEA IDEAtalk– talk–Jamia JamiaHamdard HamdardUniversity University
IDEA IDEAtalk talk&&Marketing MarketingModel-AIIMS Model-AIIMS
EMPOWER EMPOWER–Workshop –Workshopwith withBIO-RAD BIO-RAD
City CityCamp Campin inCollaboration Collaborationwith withVenture Venturecentre, centre,Pune Pune
Facility Facilityvisit visit––Bill Billand andMelinda MelindaGates GatesFoundation Foundation
IDEA IDEAtalk– talk–NIPGR NIPGRat atRegional RegionalYoung YoungInvestigators InvestigatorsMeet Meet
Talk Talkon onIntellectual IntellectualProperty– Property–Manav ManavRachna RachnaUniversity University
IDEA IDEAtalk talk(Faculty (FacultyDevelopment DevelopmentProgram) Program)- -JNU JNU
IDEA IDEAtalk talk&&Booth BoothExhibiition-IISc Exhibiition-IIScBangalore Bangalore
IDEA IDEAtalk talk- -Noida NoidaInternational InternationalUniversity University
IDEATHON IDEATHONCompetition Competition(MindSpar (MindSpar2.0) 2.0)
Participation Participation&&Booth BoothExhibiition Exhibiition- -IISF IISFKolkata Kolkata
Participation Participation&&Booth BoothExhibiition Exhibiition- -Global GlobalBio-India Bio-India(GBI) (GBI)
Mentoring MentoringSession Session(Mentor (MentorMixer MixerProgram) Program)
Networking NetworkingSession Session(With (WithInvest InvestIndia) India)
IDEA IDEAtalk talk&&Faculty FacultyDevelopment DevelopmentProgram Program(NIFTEM) (NIFTEM)
Participation Participationin in‘Thrive ‘ThriveHaryana’ Haryana’
Bio-Safety Bio-SafetyTraining Training
Participation Participationin inUN UNTechnology TechnologyInnovation InnovationLab LabProgram Program
IDEA IDEAtalk talk- -Gautam GautamBuddha BuddhaUniversity University
EMPOWER EMPOWER(Workshop (Workshopon onFunding Fundingand andGeM GeMwith withIIT IITDelhi Delhi
IDEA IDEAtalk talk––G.D G.DGoenka GoenkaUniversity University
IDEA IDEAtalk talk&&Facility Facilityvisit visit- -Galgotias GalgotiasUniversity University
IDEA IDEA&&Marketing Marketingmodel modeltalk talk- -SRM SRMUniversity University
Participation Participation&&Booth BoothExhibition Exhibition- -BIO BIOASIA ASIA2020 2020
Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs- With reputed organisations)
MoU MoUWith WithPadUp PadUpVenture Venture
MoU MoUWith WithDITECH DITECHHaryana Haryana
MoU MoUWith WithMedanta Medanta––The TheMedicity Medicity
SphErE SphErEof ofactIvIty actIvItyat atBBB BBB
Bio-Pharmaceuticals Medical Device & Diagnostics Life Science IT based Bio-Service
Vibrant startupecosystem at BBB
If you havE any dISruptIvE InnovatIvE IdEa, plEaSE fEEl frEE to rEach to uS
Contact Us: BSC BioNEST Bio-Incubator (BBB) Regional Centre for Biotechnology NCR Biotech Science Cluster, Faridabad Contact-0129-2848-625/629 Email Website-