ny a p Co m o r y ct D i re
Spot on Biotechnology Business 2015/2016
From Mind to Market: Biotechnology Company Directory 2015/2016 North Rhine-Westphalia
Editorial Dear Reader, Is biotechnological research and development of today still an important driver for the development of our global societies? Is biotech able to hold up to the expectations that were set during the past decades? Are we still getting answers to our major challenges like climate change, ageing populations or dwindling resources through innovative technologies and products? Or has biotech been outpaced by other technologies or disciplines? When BIO.NRW Cluster Biotechnology hosted “German Biotech Days” – the country’s largest event of the industry – in April 2015 in Cologne, about 900 participants from academia, industry and politics together generated an impressive list of answers to these questions. The clear picture of a highly dynamic, innovative and potent business with all its various areas became obvious during the contributions of the 150 speakers and in numerous intense discussions: making use of the latest information technologies, individualized treatments with refined diagnostics are becoming a reality; primary products like ethanol, polymers or rubber are obtained from renewable sources; a wide range of customized enzymes is filling up the toolbox of a growing bioeconomy; young companies from all across the country that develop innovative medical therapies or platform technologies are gaining more international attention. Definitely – biotechnology delivers answers to the grand challenges and needs of our time and today it delivers more solutions than ever before. Unfortunately, that’s not the whole story: for over a decade, the bottleneck of (start-up) biotech business development has been the lack of available risk
capital in Germany, combined with a rather unfavorable and internationally barely competitive tax law situation. Thus, sources of private equity, venture capital, foundations and public funding that are still within reach for a biotech company are becoming more selective. At the same time, alliances with global companies of the pharmaceutical or chemical industry are becoming more important. One of Europe’s biggest crossindustry consortium that has successfully started operation is the EIT Health with an overall budget of up to EUR 2 bn. and with over 140 partner organizations from 16 European countries (www.eithealth. eu). BIO.NRW signed as founding associate member to EIT Health. A vast amout of direct answers to the questions raised at the beginning are worked out by the 105 biotech companies from North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) presented in this 2015/2016 edition of “Spot on Biotech Business” - the 7th annual compendium of NRW’s biotech business
landscape. To provide a similar overview of the academic side of biotechnology in NRW, BIO.NRW published the companion brochure “Spot on Biotechnology Science” of which the second edition is scheduled for release in early 2016. Over the past year, BIO.NRW has strengthened collaborations within the cluster and internationally via our established series of events that will continue in 2016 (for details please visit www.bio.nrw.de). For example, BIO.NRW will support BIO-Europe 2016 - Europe’s biggest partnering event in life sciences – taking place in Cologne in November. I invite everyone to take advantage of our offerings and to engage with our state’s extensive and excellent biotech community, which is one of the leading biotech hotspots in Europe.
Dr. Bernward Garthoff Cluster BIO.NRW
Representative for Biotechnology of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia
© 2015/16, BIO.NRW “Spot on Biotechnology Business” www.bio.nrw.de Print: Druck & Verlagshaus Mainz GmbH, Aachen Design and Layout: it’s FR!TZ Picture Source: p. 4 © Martina Berg – Fotolia.com p. 8 © bogdanhoda – istockphoto.com p. 10 © Wavebreakmedia – istockphoto.com p. 12 © Jaroslav74 – istockphoto.com p. 14 © anyaivanova – istockphoto.com p. 16 © luchschen – istockphoto.com p. 18 © Wavebreakmedia – istockphoto.com p. 24 © Danil Chepko – istockphoto.com p. 34 © vadimguzhva – istockphoto.com p. 50 © Marcin Robert Balcerzak – istockphoto.com p. 58 © vlad teodor photography – istockphoto.com p. 62 © sofiaworld – istockphoto.com p. 68 © it’s FR!TZ (Heiko Fritz)
Spot on Biotechnology Business… ………………………………… 9 Biotech Landscape……………………………………………………………… 9 Stimuli for Start-Up‘s…
Academic Biotech Research … ………………………………………… 11 Biotech Business… …………………………………………………………… 13 Competence Clusters… …………………………………………………… 17 Industrial Biotechnology – CLIB2021 ……………………………… 17 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology – BIO.NRW.red … …… 19 From Mind to Market …
Biotechnology Map of North Rhine-Westphalia Life Science Technology Parks and Incubators �� 20 Biotechnology Map of North Rhine-Westphalia Dedicated and other biotechnologically active companies ��������������������������� 22
Company Directory 2015/2016 NRW Non-specific Services… …………………………………………………… 24 Health and Medicine (including Animal Health)… …… 34 Industrial Biotechnology… ……………………………………………… 50 Agrobiotechnology… ………………………………………………………… 58 Bioinformatics… ………………………………………………………………… 62 BIO.NRW Cluster Biotechnology North Rhine-Westphalia… ……………………………………………… 64 Glossary ����������������������������� 66 OECD Definition… ……………………………………………………………… 66 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)… …………………………………………………… 66 Biotechnology company…
Dedicated biotechnology companies … ……………………… 66 Other biotechnologically active companies… …………… 66 Business Areas of Activity… …………………………………………… 66 Contact BIO.NRW……………………………………………………………… 66 Sources, Literature, Links…
Spot on Biotechnology Business
Biotech Landscape North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is at the heart of Europe. 150 million people – a third of the population of the European Union – live within a day’s drive of Düsseldorf, the state capital. 30 percent (i.e. EUR 196.6 billion in 2013) of the direct foreign investment that flows into Germany ends up in North Rhine-Westphalia, where some 18.000 international companies control their German and European operations from. The state also is the number one exporter among Germany’s 16 federal states. With around EUR 625 billion, NRW generates 21.5 % of the German GDP, putting it clearly at the top of all German federal states. If NRW was classified as an independent exporting nation in its own right, it would rank 19th in the world in terms of size – just ahead of Turkey, Saudi-Arabia and Switzerland.1 With 17.6 million inhabitants of which 9 million live in the Rhine-Ruhr area, that lists among the top 30 metropolitan areas in the world – NRW is by far the most populous German state. Consequently, the state boasts the highest level of infrastructure within Germany including the country’s densest railway network and seven international airports. Handling more than 123 million tons of goods per year, Duisburg is the world’s largest inland port. Traditionally, North Rhine-Westphalia has been Germany’s most important location for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. For the latter sector, about 32 percent of the country’s sales are generated in NRW (ranking 5th in the EU and 13th worldwide).2 Today the state has also developed into a life sciences hotspot: A good reason for many toplevel biotechnology companies and research institutes to have their headquarters here.
Numerous successful start-up and spin-off companies are flourishing in NRW alongside a strong chemical and pharmaceutical industry that includes many well-known household names like Bayer HealthCare, Bayer CropScience, Evonik, Henkel, Grünenthal, Johnson & Johnson or UCB. This business excellence is endorsed by a dense network of outstanding academic institutions, which focus on biotechnology within a broad life sciences landscape. In addition, there is an equally rich and robust funding environment to support and promote the industry, including venture capital providers and business development organizations. Biotechnology in NRW represents an active, multi-centric network, which is setting the pace for the powerful pulse of the state’s life science business. Meanwhile biotechnology is a maturing industry that expands rapidly. Its innovative technologies are applied to major industry branches serving health/medicine,
89 dedicated biotechnology companies
16 other biotechnologically active companies
~330 other life science related companies
Fig. 1: Life Science Company Landscape in North Rhine-Westphalia
chemistry, food and environment. North Rhine-Westphalia has been developing its biotechnology hotspot since 1995. 20 years into the program, over 400 life science related companies are located here – among them 105 biotechnology enterprises including several global players (Figure 1). Major business areas covered are industrial, nano- and pharmaceutical biotechnology, and there is a focus on enabling technologies and supporting services as well. Combining the strong technical expertise evolving from these areas has been the key driver for NRW as the state is pioneering the field of bioeconomy in Germany.
Stimuli for Start-Up‘s Many of today’s successful young biotech companies started as university spin-offs. They took advantage of life science incubators and technology centers, whose existence can be pivotal for a start-up company. As catalysts for regional infrastructure and economic development, there are approximately 60 such centers and incubators in the immediate vicinity of universities and basic research institutions in NRW. They support technology transfer all the way from mind to market. At the time of the editorial deadline of this brochure, a total of 149 biotech and life science related companies were incubated by 25 of these technology centers.3 You will find the respective locations of the centers and the number of biotech companies each of them hosts on the map on page 20. The services these start-up centers provide include renting affordable laboratory and office space, mediating business contacts, consulting on funding opportunities, and advising on either founding or relocating a firm. Business-plan competi9
Fig. 2: Top Regions in Biotechnology Patent Applications (Number of PCT Patents) 1. San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland 2. Boston-Worcester-Manchester 3. New York-Newark-Bridgeport 4. Washington-Baltimore-N.Virginia 5. Tokyo 6. San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos 7. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside 8. Philadelphia-Camden-Vineland 9. North Rhine-Westphalia 13. Bavaria 18. Baden-Württemberg 29. Berlin
Academic Biotech Research North Rhine-Westphalia is offering Germany’s most comprehensive network of academic institutions consisting of internationally renowned Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences (72; 28 with life science activity), Max Planck Institutes (13; 8 with life science activity), Fraunhofer Institutes (14; 4 with life science activity), Helmholtz Institutes (3; 3 with life science activity) and Leibniz Institutes (11; 7 with life science activity). One quarter of all German students are taking advantage of this excellent environment for science and education and are pursuing their studies in NRW. University centers can be found in Aachen, Bonn, Köln, Düsseldorf, Münster, Bochum, Essen, Dortmund, Bielefeld, and other cities in the state. In the area
1600 1400
1000 4
6 7
9 13
400 200
of biotechnology, specializations in cell biology, (bio-) medicine, biochemistry, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, molecular biology, systems and synthetic biology, analytics/ microsystems, bioinformatics and process engineering are all on offer. For over a decade, NRW has been the leading German region in stem cell research and development with Münster, Bonn and Köln as hotspots. In the field of plant genetics, the Max-Planck-Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Köln deserves to be called the “cradle of plant biotechnology” in Germany as the first plant transformation technologies were developed here. Two recent examples from Cologne emphasize the very
dynamic development of NRW as a research location: in May 2013 the all new research facilities of CECAD (Cluster of Excellence - Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases) have been opened – an investment of EUR 85 million. In October 2013 the MaxPlanck Society opened the new facility of the Max-Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in immediate vicinity to the new CECAD building on the university campus. Both research centers were designed in superior yet distinctive architecture and are equipped with cutting edge infrastructure and technology. They offer laboratory and office space for together more than 700 international scientists, staff and
Fig. 3: Biotechnology Patent Development in NRW
tions are offered as an additional chance for support. One technology park that deserves to find special mention here is BioCampus Cologne, one of the largest of its type in Germany. It houses more than 23,000 square meters of laboratory and office space, and industrial production facilities on a site totaling more than 25 hectares. Company founders, young entrepreneurs and scientists all profit from NRW’s highly-networked biotechnology scene.
1510 1422 1090 811 792 782 613 587 506 375 294 198
4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
patents pendig
patents published 11
Table 1: Key Figures for the Biotechnology Industry of North Rhine-Westphalia 89 dedicated biotechnology companies in 2014 (87 in 2013, 84 in 2012 ) 2012
Number of employees*
3,758 (n=67)
3,680 (n=67)
3,758 (n=68 )
EUR 1.34 bn (n=32)
EUR 1.27 bn (n=29)
EUR 1.32 bn (n=25)
EUR 1.7 bn
EUR 1.7 bn
EUR 1.75 bn
R&D expenditure*
EUR 190 m (n=30)
EUR 214 m (n=29)
EUR 241 m (n=22)
EUR 220 m
EUR 230 m
EUR 250 m
based on survey biotechnologie.de
based on survey & own estimates
* based on the 04/2015 company survey and additional data ; n means number of companies giving indications
students. Along with the respective institutes of the University of Cologne and the University Hospital as well as the DZNE (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) in Bonn, Cologne has been developed into a worldwide unique competence center for ageing research. About one hour east of Cologne, Europe’s most innovative technology campus is currently taking shape: covering 800.000 square meters, “Campus Melaten” of the RWTH Aachen University will house up to 11 technology clusters, among them the “cluster biomedical technology” and take up investments of EUR 1 billion. BIO.NRW offers detailed
Table 2: Number of dedicated biotech companies
Fig. 4: Size of Dedicated Biotechnology Companies (Number of Employees)
* % of Germany total
2.2% 5.6% 3.4%
40.4% 48.3%
Business Year
NRW / %*
53 / 10,7
61 / 12,2
68 / 12,8
71 / 13,2
77 / 14
84 / 14,9
87 / 15,3
89 / 15,4
information about the academic life science landscape in NRW in its compendium “Spot on Biotechnology Science. This brochure is composed in a similar manner like „Spot on Biotechnology Business“ and presents a total of 184 profiles of research institutes, centers and facilities in NRW. Its second issue will be released in early 2016.
OECD), North Rhine-Westphalia is Europe’s most innovative biotechnology region: It generates more biotech PCT patent applications than any other European region (Figure 2).4 The development of biotech innovations from NRW has been constantly increasing: 4,121 biotech patents have been filed in total between 1996 and 2010 by NRW biotech companies and research facilities of which 4,118 have been published (Figure 3).5 Based on the OECD definition (see page 66), 89 dedicated biotech companies were operating in NRW
Fig. 5: Areas of activity 4 / 4.5% 2 / 2.2%
15 / 16.9% 40 / 44.9% 28 / 31.5%
Biotech Business
below 10 100-249
10-49 50-99 more than 250
According to the “OECD Biotechnological Statistics 2009” report (which – except for limited “indicator” updates - still is the latest published detailed study in the field by the
Health / Medicine Non-specific services Industrial biotechnology Agrobiotechnology Bioinformatics 13
in 2014. Their activities were complemented by 16 other companies with a biotechnological commitment, mostly global player in the field of pharmaceuticals, chemicals or seed production. Since these companies are active in many diverse areas, their biotech related business figures cannot be calculated exactly and are not included in the following statistics. The real economic impact of biotechnology in NRW is therefore higher than these statistics reveal. The following analysis is performed in cooperation with “biotechnologie.de” (using data from their annual company survey)6 and focuses on dedicated biotechnology companies exclusively. These companies are at the innovative core of biotechnological research and development. The business figures of the 89 NRW dedicated biotech companies are set into comparison with the 579 German dedicated companies and the 490 German companies without the NRW contribution, respectively. In NRW about 3,900 people (of about 19,000 nationwide) – more than in any other German federal state – were employed by dedicated biotech companies in 2014 and generated a turnover of approximately EUR 1.32 billion (Table 1). According to the national company survey by “biotechnologie.de” the NRW dedicated biotechnology companies generated about 44% of the German annual turnover (EUR 3.03 billion) in this sector which is at the same level as in 2013. Thus, the biotech industry in NRW is - to a large extend - responsible for the economic impact of the German biotech business as a whole. EUR 241 million – a significant annual increase by 12.6% compared to 2013 and 25.2% compared to 2012 (EUR 214 and EUR 190 million) – was reinvested into R&D projects. In the same time, R&D reinvestments in Germany increased by only 2.1% which is solely resulting from the increase in NRW. The development of this key business figure underlines that the investments by the dedicated biotech companies in NRW are persistent and will advance the future market position of NRW biotech. Together, NRW biotech firms
Fig. 6: Drug Development Pipeline by Indication Indication
Number of Products
Infectious and parasitic diseases
Neoplasms / cancer / oncology
Diseases of the nervous system Skin and subcutaneous tissue
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs; immune disorders
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
Mental and behavioural disorders
Symptoms, signs abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified
Digestive system
are placing the highest investments for R&D of innovative products – nationwide. Overall, the proportional expenditure for R&D of 18.3% of the annual turnover is more than 5 times higher than the mean of all other businesses in Germany.7 The figures reflect that biotechnology as a business sector is in the process of maturation: after several years with an unchanged age structure the average biotech company in NRW has been in operation for 11.2 years (10.4 in 2013). However, important factors that reduce the average company age in the industry are new foundations and acquisitions of successful ventures by global players. The employee structure remains almost unchanged: about 89 percent of the
biotechnology companies in NRW employ fewer than 50 people and 94 percent of the companies have less than 100 employees, respectively (Figure 4). After venture capital (VC) investments of EUR 9.7 million in 2012 and 14.1 million in 2013, VC for NRW biotech companies doubled in 2014 to EUR 28.5 million. With two new dedicated and one new other biotech-active companies in NRW in 2014 the state’s biotech scene continues to be the fasted growing one in Germany counting 12 new companies within the past three years (Table 2). In almost all other regions in Germany except for Baden-Württemberg but including Bavaria the number of dedicated biotech companies is almost stagnant. Con15
sequently, after the Bavarian clusters (104 + 17) and close to Baden-Württemberg (92 + 16), the highest density of companies in Germany is located in NRW (89 + 16). In 2014 31.5 percent (33.3 in 2013) of the biotech companies in North Rhine-Westphalia were active in multiple branches (Figure 5). These biotechnology companies with “nonspecific business activities” include service providers and suppliers for the industry. Germany’s two largest biotech companies, QIAGEN GmbH and Miltenyi Biotec GmbH used to be listed here. As QIAGEN has developed into the field of medical applications, meanwhile the company is accounted as a dedicated biotech company in the „healthmedicine“ sector in this survey. QIAGEN began as a spin-off from the University of Düsseldorf in 1984. Today, the company employs more than 4,400 experts at 30 sites worldwide, and has become the leading provider of sample technology and a top player in molecular diagnostics. Through a number of strategic moves QIAGEN today is one of the leading companies in biomarker discovery and development (i.e. companion diagnostics), which is the basis for the company’s redirection to the health business. Based on the invention of a magnetic cell separation technology, Miltenyi Biotec was founded 1989 in Bergisch Gladbach near Cologne. Since then, the company has expanded to 1,400 employees worldwide who produce and market over 1,400 products for the global biomedical research community. It is remarkable that this success has been solely achieved by generic growth. The majority of dedicated NRW biotech companies (44.9%; 42.5% in 2013) are active in the field of health and medicine developing new drugs or diagnostics within the pharmaceutical sector. At the time of the editorial deadline of this brochure the dedicated biotech companies in the field of health and medicine had developed a drug pipeline of in total 78 products and product candidates, increasing the 2015 pipeline by 5 % compared to 2014 and 20% compared to 2013. The detailed distribution by indication lists
“infectious and parasitic diseases” (18) and “neoplasms/cancer/oncology” (16) as top categories (Figure 6). Therapeutics for “diseases of the nervous system” dropped from 15 in 2014 to 9, followed by 7 products for “skin and subcutaneous tissues”. The pipeline includes 17 therapeutics (21.8%) in the clinical phases I to III (14 in 2014, Figure 7).8 6 products are on the market and 31 preclinical drug candidates are in development contributing to the growth of the drug development pipeline compared to 2014 (24). With 16.9 percent (17.2% in 2013) – compared to 9.8 percent of companies in this sector across Germany – industrial biotechnology remains a characteristic strength of NRW. The underlying classification refers to companies that develop enzymes, biomaterials or bioprocesses, which can be applied to facilitate or enable large-scale production in the chemical industry. The NRW-based companies Henkel and Evonik have been pioneering industrial biotechnology worldwide and are still its pacesetters.
Competence Clusters Besides the large number of biotech companies, which have specialized in enabling technologies, two main fields of activity
characterize the biotechnology landscape in North Rhine-Westphalia: Industrial Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.
Industrial Biotechnology – CLIB2021 CLIB2021 (Cluster Industrial Biotechnoloy 2021) is an international open innovation cluster of large companies, SMEs, academic institutes and universities as well as other stakeholders active in biotechnology and bioeconomy as a whole. The cluster comprises a share of about 30% international members. The overall goal of CLIB2021 is to network stakeholders along and across value chains and to identify new opportunities. The cluster mainly focuses on industrial biotechnology to provide solutions for the chemical industry: raw materials, biocatalysts, processes, products and technologies that result in monomers, fine chemicals or in their functionalization. Pertinent project areas are identified by the CLIB2021 team in conjunction with members in an iterative process. CLIB2021 is a non-profit association, with its members shaping the cluster’s interests and activities. The cluster coordinates several associated programs which cover different aspects of bioeconomy and invites members to become involved, bring in their own ideas and to generate a real benefit for their companies or institu-
Fig. 7: Drug Development Pipeline by Phase Discovery 7
n/a 16 On the Market 6
Lead optimization 1
Preclinical 31
Phase III 5 Phase II 5
Phase I 7 17
tion. To this end, CLIB2021 organizes a number of events throughout the year: the annual CIC (CLIB international conference), forum events, topic-specific workshops, dedicated small partnering meetings and visits to partners, sites or meetings in Germany and abroad. The CLIB-Graduate Cluster (CLIB-GC) was established in 2009 by the universities of Bielefeld, Dortmund, Düsseldorf together with the Jülich Research Center and addresses key areas in biotechnological research ranging from genome and metabolome analysis, protein expression and biocatalysis to product purification. Furthermore, CLIB-GC brings together different academic groups and thus provides a critical mass to develop new biotechnological processes and products. Consequently, CLIB2021 also seeks to provide competence in intellectual property (IP) and legal issues, techno-economic evaluation, market access as well as to provide ways for SMEs to access industrial sites in its network. In NRW, CLIB2021 is coordinating the regional innovation network (RIN) “Stoffströme”, which seeks to improve exploitation of biomass, wastes and side streams in the region. This action is funded by NRWs Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research (MIWF). Together with partners in Germany, Flanders and the Netherlands, CLIB2021 is currently building the BioInnovation Growth mega-Cluster (BIG-C). The establishment of BIG-C is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) through a 5-year, 4 million Euro project, starting in 2016.
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology – BIO.NRW.red In the last decades, major milestones in medicine and healthcare have been achieved through pharmaceutical (“red”) biotechnology, namely in the development of drugs, vaccines and diagnostics. In 2014, 287 of all 579 dedicated German biotech companies (49.6%) were active in the field of red biotech-
nology. 51 of the individual firms that develop therapeutics, 3 in addition to 2013, have one or more products in the clinical pipeline (phase I-III). Compared to 2013 the number of drug candidates in clinical development rose by six, up to a total of 97. Five preclinical projects took the step towards clinical research and 9 active substances were recorded in phase III.6 More than two-third of the German biotech industry turnover (EUR 2.08 billion) was generated by the dedicated biotechnology companies active in the field of health and medicine in 2014.6 From the biopharmaceutical point of view 2014 was another strong year. 14 out of 47 newly approved drugs (30%) were biopharmaceuticals. Their sales in Germany increased by 7% in real terms and reached a volume of about EUR 7.5 billion, which corresponds to 22.0% of the total pharmaceutical market in 2014. Indications with a high medical need are still Immunology and Oncology and the increase in the biopharmaceutical turnover was most significant in these areas (Immunology increased by 24% and Oncology increased by 19%).9 For more than a century, NRW has been the heartland of Germany’s pharmaceutical industry and has an exceptional standard in biotechnological and medical education. This advantage, combined with the enormous market potential of biopharmaceuticals, gave reason for BIO.NRW’s strategic initiative in the field of red biotechnology called BIO. NRW.red. Its starting point was the competition “Bio.NRW” 2009, a call for projects announced by NRW’s Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research (MIWF) to support the formation of consortia between academia and biotech companies. The focal areas of the successful projects were: development of drugs (biologicals and small molecules), generation of new methods in diagnostics, establishment of biomarkers and introduction of new biopharmaceutical processes – mainly based on cell cultures technology.
Since 2009 additional Calls for public funding in the field of red biotechnology were announced by the MIWF. “PerMed.NRW” (by the end of 2010), focused on personalised medicine and “Translational Stem Cell Research” (finished in June 2014) continue to effectively boost the BIO.NRW.red initiative. By the end of 2014 a new series of competitions were published by NRW’s state government, adopting a “two-rounds funding model”. Focussing on translational research in eight so-called “main markets” (NRW Leitmarkt-Wettbewerbe), the call for projects in Life Sciences (first round ended in August 2015) includes topics like diagnostics, drug development, and prevention. Members of the new successful consortia will expand the sustainable BIO.NRW.red network that connects major contributors to medicine, healthcare, the pharmaceutical industry and red biotechnology in the state.
From Mind to Market This chapter provides an overview of 89 of the dedicated and 16 of the other biotechnological-active companies from North RhineWestphalia as classified following the OECD guidelines (page 66). For convenience, the companies are grouped in five areas according to their main business: Non-specific Services Health and Medicine (including Animal Health) Industrial Biotechnology Agri/Agrobiotechnology Bioinformatics For a more comprehensive directory that includes all life science and life science related companies in NRW, please visit our company database at www.bio.nrw.de/en/ company_database. BIO.NRW invites you to discover North Rhine- Westphalia‘s biotechnology community! 19
Biotechnology Map of North Rhine-Westphalia Life Science Technology Parks and Incubators
The Netherlands Q
4 12 3
Rh Lippe
QQ Nettetal Kempen
Q Bönen Marl Q 1 Dortmund 9 Essen 7 3 Q Q Q 1 Q Bochum 18 Essen 5 4 Q Ruhr Witten Q Witten 1 Q Wuppertal
15 11 8
Troisdorf e
4 14 Q Köln 3
in Rh
BaesweilerQ 3 Jülich Herzogenrath 6 Q Q Q
Q Hilden QQ Monheim Langenfeld
Bonn Rheinbach Q 3
3 Em
Zentrum für Bio-Medizintechnik (ZBMT)
INCA Technologiezentrum GmbH
its-Internationales Technologie- und Service-Center Baesweiler
Technologiepark Bergisch-Gladbach
Technologiezentrum Bielefeld
BMZ - BioMedizinZentrum Bochum
TZR - Technologiezentrum Ruhr
BMZ - BioMedizinZentrum Dortmund
LSC - Life Science Center Düsseldorf
Essener Technologie- und Entwicklungs-Centrum ETEC GmbH
TPH Technologie Park Herzogenrath
Technologiezentrum Jülich
Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Niederrhein GmbH
BioCampus Cologne Grundbesitz GmbH & Co. KG
RTZ - Rechtsrheinisches Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Köln
TechnologiePark Köln
Technologie- und Chemiezentrum Marl GmbH
Creative Campus Monheim
20 Technologieförderung Münster GmbH
22 Gründer- und Technologiezentrum Rheinbach
23 Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-Zentrum Witten GmbH
ZBZ - Zahnmedizinisch Biowissenschaftliches Forschungs- und 24 Entwicklungszentrum Witten GmbH
25 Technologiezentrum Wuppertal W-tec GmbH
CeNTech - Center for Nanotechnology
Total: 25
* Life Science Companies
Biotechnology Map of North Rhine-Westphalia Dedicated and other biotechnologically active companies
The Netherlands Q
Münster Q
Q ine
Nettetal Düsseldorf Q Neuss Q Mönchengladbach Q Monheim
Bielefeld Q Leopoldshöhe
Q Lippe
Gelsenkirchen Moers Q
Bad Salzuflen
Q Hilden Q Langenfeld Q Leverkusen Q Bergisch Gladbach
Baesweiler Q Köln Q Q Jülich Herzogenrath Niederkassel Q Q
Belgium 22
Troisdorf St. Augustin
ine Rh
Dedicated companies1, 3 A2M Pharma GmbH Monheim Affectis Pharmaceuticals AG Dortmund AgroProtect GmbH Aachen AiCuris GmbH & Co. KG Wuppertal Algiax Pharmaceuticals GmbH Erkrath arrows biomedical Deutschland GmbH Münster ARTES Biotechnology GmbH Langenfeld Autodisplay Biotech GmbH Düsseldorf AVENTRA GmbH Osnabrück Axiogenesis AG Köln AYOXXA Biosystems GmbH Köln Baliopharm GmbH Jülich BBT Biotech GmbH Baesweiler BIBITEC Gesellschaft für Prozessentwicklung mbH Bielefeld BioCheck GmbH Münster Biofrontera AG Leverkusen Bio-Mar Düsseldorf BioSolveIT GmbH Sankt Augustin bitop AG Witten BSV Bioscience GmbH Baesweiler CAP-CMV GmbH Köin Carpegen GmbH Münster CellAct Pharma GmbH Dortmund CellSystems Biotechnologie Vertrieb GmbH Troisdorf Cevec Pharmaceuticals GmbH Köln Charles River Biopharmaceutical Services GmbH Erkrath ChemBiotech Münster Chimera Biotec GmbH Dortmund CIBUS Biotech GmbH Rheda-Wiedenbrück Cilian AG Münster CIRES cell & immune research services Dortmund Colbourne Pharmaceuticals GmbH Niederkassel Cube Biotech GmbH Monheim Cysal GmbH Münster DIREVO Industrial Biotechnology GmbH Köln Epivios GmbH Düsseldorf evocatal GmbH Monheim GEN-IAL GmbH Troisdorf IIT an der Universität Bielefeld GmbH Bielefeld IMAX Discovery GmbH Dortmund IMD Natural Solutions GmbH Dortmund InfanDx AG Köln Lead Discovery Center GmbH Dortmund Life & Brain GmbH Bonn Lonza Cologne GmbH Köln m2p-labs GmbH Baesweiler/Aachen Matricel GmbH Herzogenrath MBBL Dr. Bartling GmbH Bielefeld Medical Adhesive Revolution GmbH Aachen MetaVi Labs GmbH Witten miacom diagnostics GmbH Düsseldorf MILTENYI BIOTEC GmbH Bergisch Gladbach MLM Medical Labs GmbH Mönchengladbach Morphoplant GmbH Bochum multiBIND biotec GmbH Köln
p. 35 p. 35 p. 57 p. 35 p. 36 p. 36 p. 25 p. 51 p. 25 p. 36 p. 25 p. 37 p. 26 p. 26 p. 37 p. 38 p. 51 p. 51 p. 38 p. 38 p. 39 p. 26 p. 39 p. 27 p. 27 p. 27 p. 28 p. 39 p. 40 p. 40 p. 28 p. 52 p. 52 p. 52 p. 28 p. 29 p. 53 p. 54 p. 41 p. 41 p. 42 p. 29 p. 54 p. 42 p. 42 p. 43 p. 43 p. 29 p. 43 p. 44 p. 54
1 List of dedicated biotechnology companies in the fiscal year 2014
MykoMax GmbH Wuppertal NEO New Oncology AG Köln NEUWAY Pharma GmbH Bonn Nexigen GmbH Köln PAIA Biotech GmbH Köln PAION AG Aachen Pharmedartis GmbH Aachen Phytowelt GreenTechnologies GmbH Nettetal PlasmidFactory GmbH & Co. KG Bielefeld Protagen AG Dortmund Protagen Protein Services Dortmund Protectimmun GmbH Gelsenkirchen PS Biotech GmbH Aachen QIAGEN GmbH Hilden Rhein Biotech GmbH (Dynavax Europe) Düsseldorf Ridom GmbH Münster Rigontec GmbH Bonn Saaten-Union BIOTEC GmbH Leopoldshöhe SanguiBioTech GmbH Witten SAW Instruments GmbH Bonn Senzyme GmbH Troisdorf SeSaM-Biotech GmbH Aachen Sibion Biosciences GmbH Bonn SIT Soft Intelligent Therapeutics GmbH & Co KG Dortmund Sividon Diagnostics GmbH Köln Soluventis GmbH Bochum Squarix GmbH Marl Syntab Therapeutics GmbH Aachen Sysmex Partec GmbH Münster TaconicBiosciences GmbH Köln Transimmune AG Düsseldorf vivo Science GmbH Gronau W42 Industrial Biotechnology GmbH Marl WeissBioTech GmbH Ascheberg XanTec bioanalytics GmbH Düsseldorf Xell AG Bielefeld
p. 60 p. 44 p. 44 p. 45 p. 30 p. 45 p. 46 p. 60 p. 30 p. 46 p. 30 p. 46 p. 31 p. 47 p. 47 p. 63 p. 47 p. 61 p. 48 p. 55 p. 55 p. 48 p. 48 p. 31 p. 31 p. 49 p. 32 p. 32 p. 49 p. 32 p. 56 p. 33 p. 33
Other biotechnologically active companies2, 3 BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH Bayer CropScience AG Bayer HealthCare/ Bayer Pharma AG Bayer Technology Services GmbH Evonik Industries AG German Seed Alliance GmbH Grünenthal GmbH Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Janssen-Cilag GmbH MEDIWISS Analytik GmbH Monsanto Agrar Deutschland GmbH Octapharma GmbH Pharma Waldhof GmbH Syngenta Seeds GmbH Taros Chemicals GmbH & Co. KG UCB GmbH W. von Borries-Eckendorf GmbH & Co. KG
Monheim Monheim Bergkamen Leverkusen Essen Köln Aachen Düsseldorf Neuss Moers Düsseldorf Langenfeld Düsseldorf Bad Salzuflen Dortmund Monheim Leopoldshöhe
p. 59 p. 37 p. 53 p. 59 p. 40 p. 53 p. 41 p. 60 p. 45 p. 61 p. 55 p. 49 p. 61
1 2 OECD Definition page 66 3 including company sites in NRW that are not headquarters and are therefore not accounted as NRW-based companies in the annual study by “biotechnologie.de”
Non-specific Services 24
ARTES Biotechnology is an independent technology provider for the pharmaceutical industry. Our business focus is on: • vaccine development (VLP technology) • process development of biopharmaceuticals • transfer of biosimilar processes Our technologies have resulted in innovative products marketed worldwide. WHO recom-
AVENTRA GmbH is an independent company focussed on the development and application of innovative diagnostic services. The main focus points are related to food safety, medical applications and expertise in quality management (QM) systems. We offer QM solutions specifically tailored for the needs of our customers including probe collection, diagnostic test programs,
AYOXXA Biosystems GmbH, an international biotech company based in Cologne (Germany), Boston (USA) and Singapore, has developed LUNARIS™ the proprietary technology platform for multiplex protein analysis. LUNARIS™ BioChips enable researchers to perform simultaneous detection of multiple biomarkers in very small sample volume.
non-specific services
mendation, international registration, EMA resp. FDA approval and GRAS certification are achieved in international collaborations. Expression platforms include high yield yeasts and E. coli system for efficient protein production. Our unique chimeric virus like particle (VLP) platform METAVAX® is best suited for the development of highly immunogenic vaccines in human and animal health. Our proprietary technologies ensure freedom-to-operate and reliable, competitive production of innovative targets marketed worldwide.
consulting and training of customer staff. To achieve this, our team displays a wide range of expertise in microbiological, biochemical and medical diagnostics. Our laboratories with the safety level L3** are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, which guarantees a safe, rapid and efficient performance of diagnostic services. Of course, we hold all the necessary qualifications and certificates (DakkS certificate D-PL-14537-01-00).
Founded in 2010, AYOXXA is a biotech spinoff company of the National University of Singapore (NUS). In September 2015, AYOXXA introduced LUNARIS™ 6-Plex Cytokine Kits to analyze prominent biomarkers that are important in inflammation and in immune regulation in human and mouse. Together with a sample volume down to 3 µL, an increased assay robustness, and using fluorescence readout, AYOXXA will innovate biomedical research, pharmacological screening and preclinical diagnostics development.
Name ARTES Biotechnology GmbH Address Elisabeth-Selbert-Str. 9 Postal Code/City 40764 Langenfeld Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2173 27587-0 +49 2173 27587-77 info@artes-biotechnology.com www.artesbiotechnology.com Employees 22 Founded (year) 2002
Name AVENTRA GmbH Address Siemensstraße 42 BiosecurityKompetenzzentrum für biologische Sicherheit Postal Code/City 59199 Bönen Fon +49 5405 505-900 Fax +49 5405 505-910 E-Mail info@aventra.org Internet www.aventra.org Employees 24 Founded (year) 2001
Name AYOXXA Biosystems GmbH Address Nattermannallee 1 Postal Code/City 50829 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 222529-0 +49 221 222529-11 info@ayoxxa.com www.ayoxxa.com
Employees 33 Founded (year) 2010
non-specific services
Name BBT Biotech GmbH Address Arnold-Sommerfeld-Ring 28 Postal Code/City 52499 Baesweiler Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2401 93310-0 +49 2401 93310-90 office@bbt-biotech.de www.bbt-biotech.de
Employees 30 Founded (year) 1999
BBT Biotech GmbH produces freeze-dried viable bacteria (probiotics like lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, yeasts) and metabolites not only in bulk but also in finished dosage forms to the pharmaceutical and healthfood industriy. The fermenter capacity is up to 18.000 l. The downstream process is based on sepa-
Address Universitätsstr. 25 Postal Code/City 33615 Bielefeld Fon +49 521 106-6326 Fax +49 521 106-156233 Internet www.bibitec.de Employees 10 Founded (year) 2001
BIBITEC Gesellschaft für Prozessentwicklung mbH is specialized in the production and purification of proteins (e.g. hormones, mAbs) derived from mammalian cell cultures. One major achievement was an erythropoietin (EPO) project that involved the process development and the GMPcompliant production of an EPO biosimilar for use in phase III clinical trials.
Name CellSystems Biotechnologie Vertrieb GmbH Address Langeler Ring 5 Postal Code/City 53842 Troisdorf Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2241 25515-0 +49 2241 25515-30 info@cellsystems.de www.cellsystems.de
Founded (year) 1992
Since its formation CellSystems ® has been a reliable partner for the life science community. CellSystems offers highly sophisticated research products, including EU validated 3D in vitro skin models for research and toxicology assays that were developed and are produced at our onsite laboratories. Additionally, CellSystems offers a wide range of contract services.
rators, filtration systems, chromatography and freeze dryers. On the basis of individual needs BBT Biotech GmbH also offers active pharmaceutical ingredients like thrombolytics (streptokinase, urokinase), fertility hormones (HCG, HMG, FSH), inhibitors (Aprotinin, UTI) and others (Hyaluronidase, Corticotrophin).
The entire production and purification process was successfully transferred for large-scale production leading to one of the first successful approvals of a biosimilar in Europe. In 2012 BIBITEC became part of Nordmark Arzneimit tel GmbH & Co. KG , Uetersen. In cooperation with Nordmark and other validated partners BIBITEC provides all activities from “gene to product” including cell line and process development, GMP production, fill-and-finish and analytics.
In 2010, we opened our new clean room laboratories to meet the growing demands for various 3D tissue models and services. Today, our portfolio comprises a wide range of products for cell biology research and in vitro toxicology studies. CellSystems is certified ISO 9001:2008.
Charles River Biopharmaceutical Services GmbH is a leading contract service organization providing innovative and tailormade solutions for the quality control of biopharmaceuticals. We operate in full compliance with the GMP/GLP standards. Our testing facilities in Erkrath and KĂśln, Germany are part of a
ChemBiotech owns outstanding competence in the syntheses, modification and characterization of a diversity of nucleosides, nucleotides and DNA building blocks (phosphoramidites). ChemBiotech was founded in 1999 and is endemic in the research and development of nucleic acid chemistry. The highly trained staff
non-specific services
global scientific network offering services that span the entire drug development process. This allows us to provide our clients with more flexibility, experience and expertise to maximize resources and optimize results based on their specific program needs. Our services include: cell bank testing; analysis and clearance validation of contaminants and impurities (residual DNA, host cell proteins and endotoxins); safety studies for viruses and prions; characterization of the final product, lot release testing; bioassays and stability studies.
of ChemBiotech with a broad experience in nucleoside chemistry guarantees for high quality products, delivery in time and personalized R&D services. We cooperate with industrial and scientific institutions and perform contract synthesis. ChemBiotech uses its strong competence for own R&D projects and to the benefit of our customers. Our synthetic expertise provides solutions for your chemical and biological demands in nucleic acid, carbohydrate, and heterocyclic chemistry.
ics, immunogenicity assessment, stability testing and biomaker quantification.
Name Charles River Biopharmaceutical Services GmbH Address Max-Planck-Str. 15a Postal Code/City 40699 Erkrath Fon Fax E-Mail Internet Employees Founded (year)
+49 211 9255-300 +49 211 9255-333 newlabinfo@crl.com www.criver.com 150 1993
Name ChemBiotech Address Center for Nanotechnology Heisenbergstr. 11 Postal Code/City 48149 MĂźnster Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 251 53406-505 +49 251 53406-857 dna@chembiotech.de www.chembiotech.de
Employees 9 Founded (year) 1999
Name Chimera Biotec GmbH Address Emil-Figge-Str. 76a Postal Code/City 44227 Dortmund
Chimera Biotec is the leading provider of ultra sensitive immunoassay development and bioanalytical sample testing. Chimera provides customized services as well as target quantification based on in house assays. Chimera Biotec manufactures and markets ultra sensitive Immuno-assays for pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynam-
Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 231 9742-840 +49 231 9742-844 info@chimera-biotec.com www.chimera-biotec.com
Employees 20 Founded (year) 2000
non-specific services
industry. Fokus is analysis and product development to identify e.g. animal species, species of plants, GVO, allergens.
Name CIBUS Biotech GmbH Address Amselweg 1 Postal Code/City 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbr端ck Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 5242 40556-0 +49 5242 40556-270 info@cibus-biotech.de www.cibus-biotech.de
Employees 7 Founded (year) 2001
Main activities of the CIBUS Biotech GmbH are the development and application of molecular analyses for the examination of processed food, feed, or their single components as well as other products from pharmacological, cosmetic, paint or paper
are manufactured in-house and sold to scientific labs.
Name Cube Biotech GmbH Address Alfred-Nobel-Str. 10 Postal Code/City 40789 Monheim Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2173 99373-0 +49 2173 99373-99 contact@cube-biotech.com www.cube-biotech.com
Employees 10 Founded (year) 2012
Cube Biotech is a provider for protein expression, purification, and crystallization services with a focus on the pharmaceutically relevant class of membrane proteins. Our services are complemented by affinity tag-based and protein-specific chromatography matrices to offer a unique solution. Dedicated products for protein purification and membrane protein crystallization
Name GEN-IAL GmbH Address Heuserweg 13-15 Postal Code/City 53842 Troisdorf Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2241 252-2980 +49 2241 252-2989 info@gen-ial.de www.gen-ial.de
Employees 10 Founded (year) 1998
GEN-IAL GmbH is a specialist laboratory for DNA based food and feed analyses. GEN-IAL offers services and kits for GMO-, allergene- and animal identity analyses as well as bacteria- and yeast detection and differentiation. We offer training in PCR, contract research, several kits for DNAextraction, PCR-kits for beer/wine spoilage bacteria and yeast, pathogenes (Salmo-
nella, Listeria, Campylobacter, Legionella), genetically modified organism (GMO), allergenes, plant and animal-identity. The laboratory is accredited (DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025) and official cross checking laboratory. We are member in the German official working group for method development for GMO detection and quantification. We are listed laboratory for the American NONGMO- Project. New: Capturing of microorganism by polymer technology
The Institut für Innovationstransfer GB Biotech (IIT Biotech) offers integrated genomic services. Since some years the main provided service is the ’next generation sequencing’.
Lonza Cologne offers products for various everyday uses, such as disinfectants and detergents in hospitals or pool and spa areas, in pesticides against snails (metaldehyde), in sports and energy drinks (vitamin B3, L-Carnitine) or in body lotions as emulsifying agents. At the BioCampus Cologne, Lonza’s Bioscience Solutions staff develops and commercializes non-viral gene transfer
Miltenyi Biotec, is a diversified biotechnology group of companies with a business focus on cellular technologies. M.B. produces and markets state-of-the-art products and technologies for cell separation, cell biology, related molecular biology applications. M.B. focuses on stem cell isolation, immune therapies, tissue replacement, with devices and biological
non-specific services
The high-throughput techniques performed by Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq or by IonTorrent PGM can be offered combined with a powerful lab & bioinformatic pipeline providing full service tasks like genomic assembly, gap closure and annotation. Furthermore we offer individual solutions for the bioinformatic evaluation of project data. This includes construction of draftgenomics, storage/care of genome projects, analysis in resequencing and metagenomics and development/customization of analysissoftware.
products for primary cells and hard-totransfect cell lines. With Lonza’s Nucleofector™ Technology, the functionality of different genes can be analyzed in biologically relevant cell types. These results help identify possible new pharmaceuticals and therapies, for example to fight cancer or cardiovascular diseases. One of the latest additions to Lonza’s portfolio is the CytoSMART™ System, which enables researchers to monitor their cell culture remotely at any time.
reagent kits for clinical and research use. Miltenyi Biotec also offers in cooperation with nanoPet pharma preclinical imaging agents – the Viscover™ Imaging portfolio. Another asset recently included into the program is lentiviral technology for cell and gene therapy applications. The CliniMACS® Technology allows clinicians to separate specific cell types to cure particular diseases. Acquiring OWL biomedical, Inc., Miltenyi Biotec has completed its portfolio by microchip-based cell sorting systems using fully-closed cartridges in an easy-to-use-format, applicable to the research and clinical cell therapy markets.
Name IIT BioTech - Institut für Innovationstransfer an der Universität Bielefeld GmbH Address Universitätsstr. 25 University of Bielefeld Postal Code/City 33615 Bielefeld Fon +49 521 100-775 Fax +49 521 102-313 E-Mail service@iit-biotech.de Internet www.iit-biotech.de Employees 9 Founded (year) 1995
Name Lonza Cologne GmbH Address Nattermannallee 1 Postal Code/City 50829 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 99199-464 +49 221 99199-498 info.cologne@lonza.com www.lonza.com/research
Employees 104 Founded (year) 1998
Name Miltenyi Biotec GmbH Address Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 68 Postal Code/City 51429 Bergisch Gladbach Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2204 83066-540 +49 2204 8519-7 macs@miltenyibiotec.de www.miltenyibiotec.com www.miltenyi.tv Employees 1,400 Founded (year) 1989
non-specific services
Name PAIA Biotech GmbH Address Gottfried Hagen Str. 60-62 Postal Code/City 51105 Köln Fon +49 221 16862380 E-Mail info@paiabio.com Internet www.paiabio.com Employees 4 Founded (year) 2014
PAIA Biotech GmbH offers assays for the rapid quantification of antibodies and proteins based on its proprietary assay technology. It features bead-based immunoassays with fluorescence detection in specially designed 384-well microplates which drastically simplify the workflow. The
Name PlasmidFactory GmbH & Co. KG Address Meisenstr. 96 Postal Code/City 33607 Bielefeld Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 521 2997-350 +49 521 2997-355 www.plasmidfactory.com info@plasmidfactory.com
Employees 16 Founded (year) 2000
PlasmidFactory is the leading contract manufacturer for plasmid and minicircle DNA. The so-called ‘In Stock products’ are complementing the product portfolio: these plasmids are always in stock and are usually shipped within 48 hours of order.
Name Protagen Protein Services GmbH Address Postal Code/City Fon Fax E-Mail
Otto-Hahn-Straße 15 44227 Dortmund +49 231 9742-6100 +49 231 9742-6149 contact@ProtagenProtein Services.com Internet www.ProtagenProtein Services.com Employees 52 Founded (year) 1997
Protagen Protein Services (PPS) is a leading contract research organization with an large international customer base in the field of Protein Analytics of biotherapeutics. With more than 17 years of experience in business, PPS is able to offer a comprehensive, GMP compliant spectrum of state of the art analytical methods, ensure the highest quality for the identification and structural
assays are amenable to automation and run on standard plate readers or fluorescence microscopes. PAIA Biotech focuses on products for screening applications with limited sample volume and high throughput requirements, e.g. in early cell line development. In addition to off-the-shelf products for IgG and IgG fragments PAIA Biotech GmbH also offers custom assay development. PAIA Biotech GmbH was founded in 2014 and is based at the RTZ in Cologne.
Presently the following In Stock products are available: various reporter-gene plasmids and minicircles, pDG plasmids for the AAV virus production and pEPI /pEpito plasmids with S/MAR elements. PlasmidFactory’s research and development as well as its complete service branches are based in Germany. With various research projects and co-operations, PlasmidFactory is the driving force in the development of gene vectors.
characterization incl. modification of new biological entities as well as biosimilar products. Comprehensive proteome studies and differential protein display techniques are offered in addition for example to support up and downstream process optimization of biotherapeutic production. PPS combines unique expertise in e.g. bioinformatics for protein mass spectrometry with a long track record in protein chemistry and protein analytics. PPS provides you with the full range of services, from drug discovery and development to release testing and regulatory compliance under ICH Q6B.
PS Biotech is German innovative developer and producer of polymer-releases systems for biotechnological application. Based in Aachen, founded in May 2013, the company is best-known for their proprietary Feed Plate ® high throughput screening technology enabling fast individualized optimization and scale-up of industrial bio production processes. In Feed Plate® nutrients are released from a special polymer
The Soluventis-platform is based on the most powerful drug delivery system, an entirely new type of Nanocarrier characterized by incomparable high efficacy and a very good safety profile. The Soluventis Nanocarrier shields the transported siRNA, microRNA or peptides from blood and im-
Squarix GmbH is a privately-held primary manufacturer of high purity Discovery Chemicals and Immunoreagents. Since 1992, Squarix produces a broad product line of compounds that include innovative building blocks, reactive intermediates, natural products and derivatives, screening
non-specific services
matrix, immobilized at the bottom of a microplate. Feed Plate® enables the generation of precise, process near conclusions during high throughput screening, resulting in an optimized scale-up procedure. Synchronization of physiological conditions in screening and production leads to reliable results in unknown quality and thus immensely increases the efficiency within the scope of screening and application in production..
Name PS Biotech GmbH
Address Kackertstraße 4 Postal Code/City 52072 Aachen Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 241 8946441-0 +49 241 8946441-99 info@psbiotech.com www.psbiotech.com
Founded (year) 2013
mune system contact, and reaches reliable target organs including poorly vascularized tumor tissue. The targeting of metastases is excellent. The frozen Nanocarrier has a long shelf life in ampoules whereas in the organism it is completely eliminated within two days. Soluventis has a portfolio of oncologic siRNAs which significantly improve tumor reduction and elimination of metastases in xenograft models. In combination with the novel drug delivery system we offer a faster and more effective development of clinical candidates for pharmaceutical companies.
compounds for drug discovery industry and reagents for life science applications comprising antibodies, metabolic intermediates, fluorescent dyes & probes and different affinity matrices for proteins and cells. Moreover, Squarix is a custom producer of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies for biomedical research and offers all type of immunoanalytical services in the field of antibody technology.
Name Soluventis GmbH Address Im Lottental 36 Postal Code/City 44801 Bochum Fon +49 234 32-29125 Fax +49 234 32-14191 E-Mail soeren.schreiber@ soluventis.de Internet www.soluventis.de Founded (year) 2009
Name Squarix GmbH biotechnology Address Elbestr. 10 Postal Code/City 45768 Marl Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2365 915-278 +49 2365 915-254 info@squarix.de www.squarix.de
Employees 8 Founded (year) 1992
non-specific services
Name Sysmex Partec GmbH – Branch Office Münster (Headquarter: Am Flugplatz 13, 02828 Görlitz) Address Otto-Hahn-Str. 32 Postal Code/City 48161 Münster Fon +49 3581 8746-0 Fax +49 3581 8746-70 E-Mail info@sysmex-partec.com Internet www.sysmex-partec.com Employees 195 worldwide Founded (year) 1967
Sysmex Partec is the newly formed collaboration between Partec, a worldwide leading pioneer, developer and manufacturer of flow cytometry systems and Sysmex Corporation, a leading international supplier of in vitro diagnostic products. Sysmex Partec products are used in a wide range of applications in healthcare,
ries and six breeding facilities in the U.S. and Europe and maintains distributor relationships in Asia.
Name Taconic Biosciences GmbH Address Neurather Ring 1 Postal Code/City 51063 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 96453-0 +49 221 96453-21 service@taconic.com www.taconic.com
Employees 80 Founded (year) 1952
Taconic Biosciences is a global provider of genetically engineered rodent models and services. Founded in 1952, Taconic helps the biotechnology and pharmaceutical communities acquire, custom generate, breed, precondition, test, and distribute highly relevant research models worldwide. Specialists in Precision Research Models and GEMS Design & Management, Taconic operates three service laborato-
nology. In addition, vivo Science can also include immunological tests into standard toxicity studies for a medicinal product. vivo Science will provide GLP and GMP compliant, validated study protocols and will assist you in setting up a customized test program for your special requirements.
Name vivo Science GmbH Address Fabrikstr. 3 Postal Code/City 48599 Gronau Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2562 8170-0 +49 2562 8170-19 info@vivoscience.de www.vivoscience.de
Employees 20 Founded (year) 2001
immunology, cell biology, microbiology, biotechnology, agrosciences, plant breeding, aquaculture and in pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries. The company is recognised as one of, if not the foremost global force in essential healthcare by widely providing robust and affordable hi-tech diagnostic solutions to resource poor markets. With its new partnership, Sysmex Partec is now available in more than 150 countries worldwide.
vivo Science is a privately held CRO for preclinical studies focussing on the immune system. For years now, all regulatory agencies such as FDA or EMA very much enforce the testing of immunotoxicity (ICH-S8) and immunogenicity (ICH-S6) of new drug candidates, especially if derived from biotech-
non-specific services
Name XanTec bioanalytics GmbH Address Merowingerplatz 1a Postal Code/City 40225 Düsseldorf XanTec bioanalytics specializes in biosensors and bio-nanocoatings. The company’s core competence are bioinert and bioactive nanocoatings for biomedical and bioanalytical applications. Products are SPR biosensor systems, SPR or other biosensor chips and coated slides for protein and DNA microarrays.
Xell is an experienced partner for companies in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry providing them with highly-efficient solutions in cell culture technology. With years of industry experience, we bring our extensive expertise in high performance media and feed development, and apply our powerful
Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 211 9936-4744 +49 211 9936-4746 info@xantec.com www.xantec.com
Employees 10 Founded (year) 1997
analytical tools for in-depth characterization of biological systems and pharmaceutical proteins, guaranteeing optimal solutions for our customers’ bioprocesses. Based on our proprietary technology, Xell has developed a wide range of customized as well as commercial high-performance culture media, supplements and feeds for specialized production cell lines including CHO, hybridoma and HEK. Chemically defined and free of animal components, our products meet or exceed all necessary quality standards required for GMP manufacturing processes.
Name Xell AG Address Postal Code/City Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
Alte Verler Str. 1 33689 Bielefeld +49 521 96989-200 +49 521 96989-201 info@xell.ag www.xell.ag
Employees 21 Founded (year) 2009 as TeutoCell AG, renamed in 2014
Health and Medicine (including Animal Health) 34
A2M Pharma is a spin-off from Schwarz Pharma with the aim of developing the most promising projects of Schwarz Pharma’s former R&D pipeline that was abandoned for strategic reasons following its merger with UCB. This portfolio includes projects in neurology and pain. A2M Pharma develops these projects until clinical proof of con-
health and medicine
cept which will then be out-licensed or partnered. The current lead projects focus on the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and are supported by the Michael J Fox Foundation. A small molecular modulator of lipid rafts is in preclinical development as an α-synuclein aggregation inhibitor for disease modifying treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and potential for other protein aggregation disorders. The second lead project focusses on the treatment of dyskinesias and involves a NCE for transdermal delivery.
its programs at late discovery/early development stage. The company is located in Dortmund, Germany, and is looking for academic and industrial collaborations for testing its frontrunner compound.
Address Alfred-Nobel-Str.10 Postal Code/City 40789 Monheim Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
Name Affectis Pharmaceuticals AG
Address Otto-Hahn-Str. 15 Postal Code/City 44227 Dortmund
Founded (year)
Furthermore, the portfolio comprises two immune modulators, one for auto-immune diseases, the other for hepatitis B/C and fibrosis. For its innovative portfolio of HCMV drugs AiCuris entered into a worldwide license agreement with Merck (known as MSD outside the US) in October 2012.
+49 2173 16505-78 +49 2173 16505-81 info@a2m-pharma.com www.a2m-pharma.com
Employees 3 Founded (year) 2009
Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
Affectis is a pharmaceutical company developing novel proprietary drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases based on pioneering findings in the field of P2X7 receptors. Affectis will partner or license
AiCuris GmbH & Co KG, is a privately held company located in Wuppertal, Germany. AiCuris is devoted to research and clinical development of novel, resistancebreaking drugs for the treatment of HCMV, Herpes, Hepatitis B and HIV as well as resistant Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial infections in hospitals.
Name A2M Pharma GmbH
+49 231 97427000 +49 231 97427039 info@affectis.de www.affectis.com 2004
Name AiCuris GmbH & Co. KG Address Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 475 Postal Code/City 42117 Wuppertal Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 202 31763-0 +49 202 31763-1177 info@aicuris.com www.aicuris.com
Employees 60 Founded (year) 2006
health and medicine
Algiax Pharmaceuticals GmbH is an biotechnology company that was established in April 2011. It is dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative products in the field of nervous system disease with a strong focus on neuropathic pain. The company’s lead compound AP-325 is currently in clinical development. The comprehensive Phase I program is ongoing (>100 male and female
subjects exposed to AP-325) and shows a good safety and tolerability profile in healthy volunteers after single and multiple dosing. The human PK profile of AP-325 is compatible with once-a-day administration and fast onset of action. A broad patent portfolio covering major commercial markets is solely owned by Algiax. The primary indication is neuropathic pain, the secondary indication is spinal cord injury for which Algiax has an orphan drug designation. Altogether, Algiax is well positioned to take advantage of the market opportunity not only in the field of neuropathic pain but also in other unmet nervous system disorders.
arrows biomedical Deutschland carries out contract research and clinical routine analyses, and also pursues its own R&D projects. The firm’s areas of focus are primarily in the fields of molecular oncology and neurodegenerative disease. Its portfolio of molecular analytics includes RNA/DNA. services like RNA/DNA isolation,
microarrays(GenExpression, Array-CGH, ChIP on chip, DNA-Methylation-Microarrays), PCR (RT-qPCR) and bioinformatics. In the area of medical diagnostics, the portfolio includes routine analysis (testing for all clinical relevant biomarkers and the complete range of blood analysis), flow cytometry (NAVIOS), HPLC analysis, diagnostic microarrays, detection of freely circulating tumor cells, and chemosensitive analysis. Furthermore, FISH analysis, general microscopy with the Zeiss axio imager M 2 in combination with the MetaSystemsSoftware and Pyro- and Sanger sequencing.
Name Algiax Pharmaceuticals GmbH Address Max-Planck-Str. 15a Postal Code/City 40699 Erkrath Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 211 617851-0 +49 211 617851-50 info@algiax.com www.algiax.com
Employees 6 Founded (year) 2011
Name arrows biomedical Deutschland GmbH im CeNTech der WWU Münster Address Postal Code/City Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
Heisenbergstraße 11 48149 Münster +49 251 534064-00 +49 251 534064-01 raem@arrows-biomedical.com www.arrows-biomedical.com
Employees 10 Founded (year) 2005
Name Axiogenesis AG Address Nattermannallee 1 Gebäude S20 Postal Code/City 50829 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 998818-0 +49 221 998818-10 info@axiogenesis.com www.axiogenesis.com
Employees 23 Founded (year) 2001
Use our discoveries to advance yours
Axiogenesis focuses on pharmaceutical biotechnology, specifically in the reasarch, production and sale of human iPS derived cells and assays. Beginning with mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC)-derived cardiomyocytes in 2001, the company expanded its product range to human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes and neuronal cells.
Axiogenesis has 13 years of experience in assay development, either in-house or in cooperation with platform providers, including assays for cardiac drug development and addressing cardiotoxicity. Axiogenesis’ assays are based on pure, in vitro differentiated, stem cell derived cell types. Axiogenesis’ CRO services include cardiac toxicity, embryo-toxicity and human cardiac electrophysiology (MEA). These innovative and proprietary assays accelerate and improve drug candidate selection, lower costs and thus increase overall drug development efficiency.
Baliopharm is a pharmaceutical company firstly offering services for the preclinical and clinical development of biopharmaceutical compounds and secondly dedicated to the development of new innovative biopharmaceutical compounds for the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Morbus Crohn and multiple sclerosis. Our lead product
The Bayer Group is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, agriculture and high-tech materials. Bayer HealthCare, a subgroup of Bayer AG with annual sales of around EUR 20.0 billion (2014), is one of the world’s leading, innovative companies in the healthcare and medical products industry and is based in Leverkusen, Germany. The company combines the global activities of the
Biocheck introduced Polycheck® Platform Technology as a tool for medical differential diagnosis. The multiparameter test device enables a serological quantitative allergy screening on the basis of solid phase Immuno-Assay-Technology using monoclonal antibody detection; colorcoded devices are presenting different allergen panels. For autoimmune diagnosis a quantitative screening for disease pat-
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ATROSAB, a humanized anti-TNF-receptor antibody, currently in phase I clinical studies, has been proven in head to head comparative, preclinical studies to be more safe and more efficacious as state of the art marketed products. In addition, Baliopharm´s service arm is GLP/GMP certified for analytics needed in preclinical and clinical studies We perform all kind of serum analytics needed for the development of biopharmaceutical compounds. We also offer a wide set of cell based potency assays for new biological as well as for biosimilar products.
Animal Health, Consumer Care, Medical Care and Pharmaceuticals divisions. Bayer HealthCare’s aim is to discover, develop, manufacture and market products that will improve human and animal health worldwide. Bayer HealthCare has a global workforce of 60,700 employees (Dec 31, 2014) and is represented in more than 100 countries. More information is available at www.healthcare.bayer.com.
Name Baliopharm GmbH Address Karl-Heinz-Beckurts-Str. 13 Postal Code/City 52428 Jülich Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2461 6210-855 +49 2461 6216-687 pharma@baliopharm.de www.baliopharm.com
Employees 20 Founded (year) 2011
Name Bayer HealthCare AG
Address Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee Postal Code/City 51368 Leverkusen Fon +49 214-30-1 Internet www.healthcare.bayer.com Employees 60,700
terns is new family member of Polycheck®. Quantitative evaluation is performed by picture scanning and calculation by Biocheck Imaging Software. The assay prodedure can be worked out manually or fully automated including matching with central Laboratory Information Systems (LIS).
Name BioCheck GmbH Address Vorbergweg 41 Postal Code/City 48159 Münster Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 251 2150-868 +49 251 2150-870 office@polycheck.de www.biocheck.de
Employees 14 Founded (year) 1999
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Name Biofrontera AG Address Hemmelrather Weg 201 Postal Code/City 51377 Leverkusen Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 214 87632-22 +49 214 87632-90 press@biofrontera.com www.biofrontera.com
Employees 46 Founded (year) 1997
Biofrontera AG is a biopharmaceutical company specializing on the development of drugs and medicinal cosmetics for the treatment of skin diseases and the regenerative care of damaged skin. Headquartered in Leverkusen, Germany, Biofrontera is a publicly listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Prime Standard) and London Stock Exchange (AIM) – B8F / ISIN: DE
Name CAP-CMV Address Gottfried-Hagen-Str. 62 Postal Code/City 51105 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 9957 2601 +49 221 4602 0801 info@cap-cmv.de www.cap-cmv.de
Employees < 10 Founded (year) 2013
CAP-CMV GmbH is a venture capital backed vaccine development company founded in 2013 and based in Cologne. CAP-CMV develops the most promising vaccine to prevent human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection and related diseases. HCMV infection is the leading cause for mental retardation in newborns and causes serious clinical manifestations in solid
Name Carpegen GmbH Address Mendelstr. 11 Postal Code/City 48149 Münster Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 251 980-2320 +49 251 980-2321 info@carpegen.de www.carpegen.de
Employees 10 Founded (year) 2001
Carpegen is a provider of high quality molecular diagnostics. The company focuses on developing real-time PCR assays and point-of-care diagnostic (POC) systems for the diagnosis of specific infections and the detection of genetic biomarkers. Carpegen has developed Carpegen® Perio Diagnostics, a powerful real-time PCR
0006046113. In February 2012 Biofrontera launched its prescription drug Ameluz® for the treatment of actinic keratosis on the German market. In other European countries Ameluz® is marketed through local partners. Ameluz® is applied in Photodynamic Therapy requiring a powerful source of red light. For this purpose Biofrontera has developed the BF-RhodoLED® lamp, which was CE marked in November 2012. As cosmeceutical products Biofrontera markets Belixos® crème and the Belixos product family for the regenerative care of reddened, inflamed und sun-damaged skin.
organ and bone marrow transplantations. There is no vaccine to date, medical need is high and market expectations are in the blockbuster range. CAP-CMV uses non-infectious HCMV dense bodies (DB) as immunogen, shown to create long lasting humoral and cellular immune responses in animals. DB carry the most complete set of antigens to generate efficient immune responses but no capsid and DNA. DB can be produced in human CAP cells at industrial scale.
based system that sets new standards in microbiological periodontal diagnostics. This widely recognized test is extensively used by European dentists to optimize the treatment of periodontal diseases. A main objective of Carpegen’s research program is to develop and out-license POC systems for diverse applications in medical and non-medical markets. A project related to the development of food POC analytics is currently being pursued with financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
CellAct Pharma GmbH is a venture backed biotech company focused on the development of innovative therapeutics for the treatment of cancers with high unmet need. CellAct’s drug candidates target and modulate human molecules which have specific functions in tumor growth.
CEVEC is a global solution provider for the production of biopharmaceuticals using a unique human cell expression system. CEVEC’s CAP-Go expression platform comprises a portfolio of glyco-optimised human suspension cell lines for tailor-made glycosylation of recombinant proteins. The cells are highly efficient for the production of a broad range of difficult to express gly-
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The small molecule compound, CAP7.1 which targets Topoisomerase, is currently in clinical Phase II study for the treatment of therapy refractory cancers of the biliary tract as well as small-cell and non-small celllung cancers. Orphan Medicinal Products of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recently granted orphan drug designation to CAP7.1, for the treatment of biliary tract cancers which is given to products for the treatment of rare diseases that are life-threatening or very serious.
coproteins and provide authentic human post-translational modifications. CAP-Go has proven to enhance the activity, stability and serum half-life of several candidate proteins. To address the current need for a fully scalable production system for gene therapy vectors, CEVEC provides the CAP-GT expression platform. CAP-GT cells grow to high cell densities, show a broad viral propagation spectrum including LV, AAV, AV and allow for easier scale-up and reduced production costs when compared to adherent cell culture systems.
Name CellAct Pharma GmbH Address Otto-Hahn-Str. 15 Postal Code/City 44227 Dortmund Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 231 9742-6350 +49 231 9742-6355 info@cellact.eu www.cellact.eu
Employees 4 Founded (year) 2007
Name CEVEC Pharmaceuticals GmbH Address Gottfried-Hagen-Str. 62 Postal Code/City 51105 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 46020-800 +49 221 46020-801 info@cevec.com www.cevec.com
Employees 20 Founded (year) 2003
Name Cilian AG Address Johann-Krane-Weg 42 Postal Code/City 48149 Münster
Cilian AG is a biotechnology company developing and marketing a novel expression system. The company uses a species of Ciliates, a eukaryotic single-cell organism, for the production of vaccines, monoclonal antibodys and therapeutic enzymes.
Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 251 6203-114 +49 251 6203-116 info@cilian.de www.cilian.de
Employees 14 Founded (year) 2001
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Name CIRES Cell & Immune Research Services Address Emil-Figge-Str. 76a Postal Code/City 44227 Dortmund Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 231 974-2880 +49 231 974-2881 info@cires.de www.cires.de
CIRES is experienced in all kinds of cell culture techniques, ranging from generation of hybridomas, culture of mammalian cells in general and the culture of lines of transgenic cells.
Employees 3 Founded (year) 2001
Name Colbourne Pharmaceuticals GmbH Address Viktoriaweg 7 Postal Code/City 53859 Niederkassel Fon +49 2208 770505 Fax +49 221 470-5092 E-Mail gschwarz@colbournepharma.com Employees 6 Founded (year) 2008
Colbourne Pharmaceuticals develops and produces drugs for the treatment of inborn errors in metabolism and offers diagnostic services for molybdenum cofactor deficiency and sulphite oxidase deficiency. Colbourne Pharmaceuticals provides services to Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. in the development of cPMP for the treatment of molybdenum cofactor type A deficiency.
Name Grünenthal GmbH
Address Zieglerstr. 6 Postal Code/City 52099 Aachen Fon +49 241 569-0 E-Mail info@grunenthal.com Internet www.grunenthal.com Employees 5,200 Founded (year) 1946
The Grünenthal Group is an independent, family-owned, international research-based pharmaceutical company headquartered in Aachen, Germany. We are an entrepreneurial specialist delivering true benefits to patients. By sustainably investing in research and development above the industrial average, we are committing to innovation in order to
treat unmet medical needs and bring valueadding products to markets. Grünenthal is a fully integrated research & development company with a long track record of bringing innovative pain treatments and state-of-theart technologies to patients. Altogether, the Grünenthal Group is present in 32 countries with affiliates in Europe, Australia, Latin America and the US. Grünenthal products are sold in more than 155 countries and approx. 5,200 employees are working for the Grünenthal Group worldwide. In 2014, Grünenthal achieved revenues of € 1.154 bn.
First diagnostic test to detect perinatal asphyxia (PA, oxygen deficit during birth) and related braindamage. PA is very prevalent in childbirth worldwide with 0.5-4% of births affected. Typical outcome brain damage results in e.g. cerebral palsy/spasticism, blindness etc. Therapy is available and reimbursed since 2010, but needs to be started within 6 h
Janssen-Cilag is a research-based pharmaceutical company that develops and markets pharmaceutical products and services. The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson with worldwide 40,000 employees develop innovative medicines for the treatment of severe chronic conditions and evaluates programmes that improve
Bridging the gap between academic discoveries and pharmaceutical development. Active in the field of pharmaceutical research, LDC transforms promising earlystage projects into marketable assets providing industry with high-quality leads with proof-of-concept in animals. LDC conducts small molecule drug discovery
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after delivery. No suitable diagnostic exists today. Thus, ca. half of cases are not treated. Still, up to 15 unnecessary treatments are applied to cure one patient. InfanDx develops the first test to be applied immediately after birth. The immunology like format uses a small blood sample only. Technology origin is metabolomics research. InfanDx seeks partnerships as. – pharma-partnering, („companion diag nostic“, therapy monitoring) – manufacturer of point-of-care device – marketing co-operations
therapies beyond the mere administration of drugs. Janssen is dedicated to addressing and solving the most important unmet medical needs of our time, including oncology, immunology, neuroscience and infectious diseases. Driven by our commitment to patients, we develop sustainable, integrated healthcare solutions by working side-by-side with healthcare stakeholders, based on partnerships of trust and transparency. More information can be found at www.janssen-emea.com and www.janssendeutschland.de
projects in close collaboration with academic researchers from its broad network including top institutes from the Max Planck Society, Helmholtz Association and numerous universities. The LDC team consists of experts with solid industry experience in project management as well as Automation & Screening, Cellular Biology, Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry. LDC has formed alliances with AstraZeneca, Bayer, Merck Serono, Daiichi Sankyo, Qurient, Johnson & Johnson as well as leading academic drug discovery centers around the globe.
Name InfanDx AG Address Balthasarstr. 18 Postal Code/City 50670 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 30089783 +49 221 2851975 info@infandx.de www.infandx.com
Employees <10 Founded (year) 2010
Name Janssen-Cilag GmbH Address Johnson & Johnson Platz 1 Postal Code/City 41470 Neuss Fon +49 2137 9550 Fax +49 2137 955599 Internet www.janssen-deutschland.de Employees 800 (Germany), 40,000 (worldwide) Founded (year) 1959
Name Lead Discovery Center GmbH Address Otto-Hahn-Str. 15 Postal Code/City 44227 Dortmund Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 231 9742-7000 +49 231 9742-7039 info@lead-discovery.de www.lead-discovery.de
Employees 60 Founded (year) 2008
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Name Life & Brain GmbH Address Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25 Postal Code/City 53127 Bonn Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 228 6885-100 +49 228 6885-101 info@lifeandbrain.com www.lifeandbrain.de
Employees 40 Founded (year) 2002
LIFE&BRAIN is a development-stage biomedical enterprise serving as commercial hub of the University of Bonn Medical Center. As a centre of innovation, LIFE&BRAIN features a unique structure in Germany’s translational research landscape. Spread across four R&D platforms LIFE&BRAIN employees and academic staff of the University of Bonn work to-
Name Matricel GmbH
Address Kaiserstr. 100 Postal Code/City 52134 Herzogenrath Fon +49 2407 5644-0 E-Mail info@matricel.com Internet www.matricel.com Employees 28 Founded (year) 2001
Matricel GmbH develops and produces innovative medical class III collagen implants and biomatrices for applications in medicine and biotechnology. Matricel proprietary technologies are the key to successfully produce biocompatible and biodegradable matrices in a wide range of modifications suitable for the cultivation with human cells in tissue engineering and
Name Medical Adhesive Revolution GmbH Address Pauwelsstraße 17 Postal Code/City 52074 Aachen Fon +49 241 41250320 E-Mail info@medical-adhesive.de Internet www.medical-adhesive.de Employees 7 Founded (year) 2013
Based in Germany and the USA, Medical Adhesive Revolution develops one-ofits-kind polyurethane-based glues. The company was founded in 2013 in Aachen, Germany and is based on a technology which has been developed since 2007. The technology is unique, as it combines ease of use, strength, flexibility and biodegradability. Two products are currently under de-
gether under one roof to develop novel strategies for the diagnosis and therapy of nervous system disorders. LIFE&BRAIN’s R&D platforms combine expertise in stem cell technology, genetics, transgenics and neurocognition. Products and services include genome and gene expression analysis, human stem cell-based models of neurological disease and their use in compound development as well as brain imaging-based applications in neuroeconomics.
regenerative medicine. The products serve different medical fields like ACI-Maix and Cartimaix for tissue engineering of articular cartilage and other orthopedic applications and Remaix as a dental membrane for guided bone regeneration. Matricel´s product Optimaix is dedicated for research in 3D cell culture. Matricel has a promising product pipeline in further medical fields like dermal and nerve regeneration with customized scaffolds.
velopment: The first is intended for dermal use, to close topical wounds faster, more accurately and with fewer complications. The second is designed for use inside the body: either as an adhesive, to seal areas of leakage or re-attach tissue, or as a hemostat, to stop even arterial bleeding. Unlike other technologies, the product can be used instantaneously and stops bleeding within seconds. This enables it to save lives in emergency situations and significantly reduce hospitals costs.
MetaV ì Labs provides drug discovery services for cell migration inhibitors to biotech and pharmaceutical companies and research labs worldwide. MetaVì Labs’ process is based on a 3-D collagen matrix system that recapitulates the tumor environment to measure live tumor cell migration. This is the only cell
miacom was founded with the vision to excel in the speed of identification and characterization of microorganisms. Since it’s founding the company has completed the development of a novel platform technology for routine molecular testing based on enhanced “beacon-based fluorescence in-situ hybridization (bbFISH). miacom’s tests allow the simultaneous identification of up to 14 pathogens on a single
MLM Medical Labs is a CAP- and DIN EN ISO 15189-accredited, GLP-certified and CLIAregistered central and specialty lab dedicated exclusively to clinical trials phase I to IV. MLM offers the entire portfolio of service elements to support clinical trials: – Development and validation of special analytical methods – Global supply of study-specific sampling kits – World-wide sample logistics
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migration method that has been clinically validated for in vitro screening of drugs for antimetastatic effects. The company’s patent pending microscopy system automatically tracks thousands of cells as individuals as they migrate freely in 3-D collagen.
Name MetaVì Labs GmbH
Address Alfred-Herrhausen-Str. 45 Postal Code/City 58455 Witten Fon +49 171 8624163 E-Mail fentschladen@metavilabs.com Internet www.metavilabs.com Founded (year) 2012
microscope slide in 30min. Hands-on time of 10min and the accuracy of a molecular diagnostic method enable STAT as well as routine applications. Tests for bacteremia and pneumonia are commercially available – additional tests will be launched in the future. In addition, miacom offers 15min screening tests for Staph. aureus versus coagulase negative Staphylococci.
– Clinical chemistry, hematology, serology and urinalysis – Biomarker assays including multiplex panels – Long term cryo-storage of samples – Web Access - mlm online® MLM’s clients are CROs, biotech and global pharmaceutical companies based in Europe, Asia and USA. MLM’s services are offered 365 days a year. We create a reliable partnership with our clients and our core values are: – Scientific Excellence – Customized Solutions – Personal Accountability
Name miacom diagnostics GmbH Address Merowingerplatz 1a Postal Code/City 40225 Düsseldorf Fon +49 211 3015-5795 Fax +49 211 2989-143 E-Mail info@miacomdiagnostics.com Internet www.miacomdiagnostics.com Employees 6 Founded (year) 2006
Name MLM Medical Labs GmbH Address Dohrweg 63 Postal Code/City 41066 Mönchengladbach Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2161 4642102 +49 2161 4642190 kneuer@mlm-labs.com www.mlm-labs.com
Employees 34 Founded (year) 1993
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Name Morphoplant GmbH Address Universitätsstr. 136 Postal Code/City 44799 Bochum Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 234 7772870 +49 234 7772870-20 info@morphoplant.de www.morphoplant.de
Employees 14 Founded (year) 2002
Morphoplant GmbH is a bio-/ medtec company headquartered at the BioMedizinZentrum in Bochum and focused on the integration of biotech functionalities into medical devices. Laboratories equipped with state-ofthe-art technology for recombinant protein
Name NEO New Oncology AG Address Gottfried-Hagen-Str. 20 Postal Code/City 51105 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 888 238-0 +49 221 888 238-22 info@newoncology.de www.newoncology.de
Employees 20 Founded (year) 2012
NEO New Oncology AG is a molecular diagnostics company dedicated to the fast, reliable identification and interpretation of all therapy-relevant genomic changes in cancer patient samples. The proprietary technology platform “NEO” delivers clinically meaningful results from just one small sample, either a tissue paraffin block or blood. Based on advanced
Name NEUWAY Pharma GmbH Address Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2 Postal Code/City 53175 Bonn Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 228 522798-0 +49 228 522798-99 info@neuway.de www.neuway-pharma.com
Employees 10 Founded (year) 2014
NEUWAY Pharma GmbH is focused on the development of a delivery system for CNS drugs. This system is based on a protein that naturally forms capsules. These capsules may be used as a platform to transport molecules - ranging from small chemicals
production, protein chemistry, molecular and cell biology, isotope protein labeling/ monitoring and optical biosensor technology are available to our experienced and multidisciplinary R&D team. Morphoplant’s proprietary technologies provide our customers with ultrahydrophilic and osteophilic long-term storable metal implant surfaces and solutions for biocoating of a variety of implant materials with recombinant growth factors (bone/ vascular). Our outstanding expertise in surface functionalization, protein adsorption, kinetics monitoring and animal testing is also available for contract research.
diagnostics combined with oncological expertise, “NEO” identifies all available treatment options ranging from standard therapies to clinical studies, enabling clinicians to fully understand individual cancer profiles and to make informed treatment decisions. NEO New Oncology AG is privately funded and maintains partnerships with clinics as well as major pharmaceutical companies.
to large nucleic acid strands – across the blood-brain barrier. NEUWAY plans to partner its technology with drug developers when large indications, like Alzheimer’s disease, are addressed. However, for the treatment of rare diseases, own clinical development programs may be performed. The company is backed with venture capital from renowned investors and a strong board.
Nexigen GmbH leverages its extensive R&D experience in peptide therapeutics for the efficient discovery and rational development of peptide medicines (“NexiTides”) with qualified cellular mechanisms of action. Nexigen’s technologies give access to high value drug targets which pose signifi-
PAION AG is a publicly-listed Specialty Pharma Company headquartered in Aachen, Germany, with further sites in Cambridge, UK, and New Jersey, U.S. PAION has a track record of developing hospital-based treatments for which there is substantial unmet medical need.
Since over 60 years, Pharma Waldhof GmbH, located in Düsseldorf/Germany, is active in the unique world of Nucleic Acid Biochemistry. The last milestones in our long company history were in 2014 the award of the label “Innovative through Research” by the “Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft” and in 2015 the acknowledgement by the “Deutscher Bil-
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cant challenges to conventional discovery approaches. Targets include aberrantly activated intracellular disease pathways in so-called cancer stem cells, for which currently no treatment alternatives exist, but which are main drivers of tumor recurrence and spread. Nexigen was founded in 2007 and is headquartered at the BioCampus Cologne, Germany.
Name Nexigen GmbH Address Nattermannallee 1 Postal Code/City 50829 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 337772-00 +49 221 337772-29 bdcontact@nexigen.de www.nexigen.de
Employees 23 Founded (year) 2007
PAION is committed to delivering medical innovations in procedural sedation, anesthesia and intensive care for patients and physicians; building its business around its lead compound Remimazolam and extending its business with a focus on anesthesia and critical care products. PAION is listed at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Prime Standard Regulated Market, Stock Symbol PA8, ISIN DE000A0B65S3).
Name Paion AG Address Martinstr. 10-12 Postal Code/City 52062 Aachen Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 241 4453-152 +49 241 4453-523 info@paion.com www.paion.com
Employees 27 Founded (year) 2000
dungspreis” as an “Excellence company for Training and Talent Management”. Development of new products using cutting-edge technology enables us to apply our high standards and quality values into innovative, powerful and well-accepted products designed for existing and new markets. Our success is based on our highly skilled people and pursuit for delivering quality value added products serving the worldwide market in various segments like Pharma APIs and Intermediates; Cosmetics; Nutrition and Diagnostics. Pharma Waldhof belongs to the multi-national Aceto Group/USA.
Name Pharma Waldhof GmbH Address Hansaallee 159 Postal Code/City 40549 Düsseldorf Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 211 52602-0 +49 211 52602-60 info@pharmawaldhof.de www.pharmawaldhof.de
Employees 13 Founded (year) 1974
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Name Pharmedartis GmbH Address Forckenbeckstr. 6 Postal Code/City 52074 Aachen Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 241 6085132-60 +49 241 6085132-66 mail@pharmedartis.de www.pharmedartis.de
Employees 5 Founded (year) 2007
Pharmedartis (PMA) develops next generation targeted therapies. This platform technology of Human Cytolytic Fusion Proteins (HCFP) has several advantages over wellreceived ADCs. A binder is recombinantly fused to a payload. This can be proteases,
RA, SLE, SSc and others. This is evidenced by our broad development portfolio of novel Dx, the first of which was launched as a research test in 2014.
Name Protagen AG Address Otto-Hahn-Str. 15 Postal Code/City 44227 Dortmund Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 231 9742-6300 +49 231 9742-6301 bd@protagen.com www.protagen.com
Employees 37 Founded (year) 1997
Diagnostics Differentiated - Protagen AG improves Personalized Patient Care At Protagen, we are dedicated to the development of novel diagnostic tests (Dx & CDx) for autoimmune diseases. Utilizing a personalized medicine approach, our multi-marker assay technology SeroTagÂŽ enables differential diagnosis, patient stratification and response prediction for
Name Protectimmun GmbH
Address Ă&#x153;ckendorfer Str. 237e Postal Code/City 45886 Gelsenkirchen Fon +49 209 389 665 56 E-Mail info@protectimmun.de Internet www.protectimmun.de Employees < 10 Founded (year) 2007
RNases or kinases. Since the binder can be almost anything making it truly scalable. Human payloads should have much less side-effects. We look for partner interested in out-licensing opportunities for these first-in-class products. We develop CFPs to treat cancer, inflammation, auto-immune and skin diseases. 6 products are in preclinical testing. CFPs for clinical testing can be produced in Aachen in proprietary system at a state-of-the-art GMP facility of Fraunhofer Society, of which PMA is a spin-off. As a onestop-shop we provide full service from gene to biopharmaceutical product.
Protectimmun GmbH is a biopharmaceutical R&D company focussed on new approaches in the prevention and therapy of allergic and chronic inflammatory diseases. Our innovative concept for product development is based on the identifica-
The identification of patient subgroups has become essential for developing novel medicines. Protagen is adressing this problem with NavigAID SLE to define homogeneous patient subgroups in SLE, enabling successful drug development. Protagen Diagnostics: Selecting the right drug for the right patient!
tion of natural substances and bacteria with immunomodulatory properties from particular farm environments which are selectively transferred into pharmaceutical applications. Promising candidates which were successfully tested in proofof-concept animal models of asthma are currently in mid- to late-stage preclinical development.
QIAGEN is the leading global provider of Sample to Insight solutions to transform biological materials into valuable molecular insights. QIAGEN sample technologies isolate and process DNA, RNA and proteins from blood, tissue and other materials. Assay technologies make these biomolecules
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visible and ready for analysis. Bioinformatics software and knowledge bases interpret data to report relevant, actionable insights. Automation solutions tie these together in seamless and cost-effective molecular testing workflows. QIAGEN provides these workflows to more than 500,000 customers around the world in Molecular Diagnostics (human healthcare), Applied Testing (forensics, veterinary testing and food safety), Pharma (pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies) and Academia (life sciences research). Further information can be found at http://www.qiagen.com
binant Hepatitis B vaccine which is part of national and supranational vaccination programs worldwide. Our technology for Hepatitis B production is also the basis for the investigational adult Hepatitis B vaccine, HEPLISAV™, a lead product candidate of Dynavax Technologies Corporation. Rhein Biotech GmbH, the European subsidiary of Dynavax Technologies, USA, has over 25 years of experience in biotechnology and is dedicated to the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals. We have successfully developed production technologies for a wide span of products, including a recom-
Rigontec GmbH is a privately held biopharmaceutical company developing RNA-based immunotherapeutics for the treatment of cancer and viral diseases. Rigontec was launched in January 2014 as a spin out of the Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology at the University Hospital of the University of Bonn, Germany.
Name QIAGEN GmbH Address Qiagen Str. 1 Postal Code/City 40724 Hilden Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2103 29-0 +49 2103 29-22000 pr@qiagen.com www.qiagen.com
Employees >4,300 worldwide Founded (year) 1984
Name Rhein Biotech GmbH (Dynavax Europe) Address Eichsfelder Str. 11 Postal Code/City 40595 Düsseldorf Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 211 75845-0 +49 211 75845-130 info@rheinbiotech.de www.dynavax.com
Employees 70 Founded (year) 1985
The company has raised €14.25 million in its recent Series A financing round and is operating at two locations in Bonn and in Munich, both in Germany. Rigontec is supported by a consortium of experienced Life Science investors including Wellington Partners, Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund, NRW.BANK, High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), Forbion Capital Partners, Sunstone Capital and MP Healthcare Venture Management. Rigontec considers itself as a leading company in the field of RIG-I technology.
Name Rigontec GmbH Address Sigmund-Freud-Straße 25 Postal Code/City 53127 Bonn Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 228 763701-10 +49 228 763701-12 schetter@rigontec.com www.rigontec.com
Employees 8 Founded (year) 2014
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Name SanguiBioTech GmbH Address Alfred-Herrhausen-Str. 44 Postal Code/City 58455 Witten Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2302 915200 +49 2302 915191 info@sangui.de www.sangui.de
SanguiBioTech GmbH engages research and development of pharmaceutical, medical and cosmetic products. Many of their technologies are patented and unique.
Employees 6 Founded (year) 1995
binding sites two inactive compounds to cancer cells, where they combine to an active product initiating apoptotic processes. In parallel SIT develops novel intelligent and highly specific liposomal payloads on DNA basis for different diseases such e. g. Hepatitis B.
Name SIT - Soft Intelligent Therapeutics Biotech GmbH Address Otto-Hahn-Str. 15 Postal Code/City 44227 Dortmund Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 231 97427252 +49 231 97427251 info@sit-biotech.com www.sit-biotech.com
Employees 6 Founded (year) 2010
Soft Intelligent Therapeutics (SIT) is a biotech company focused on personalized cancer treatments combining maximum efficacy with minimum side effectsThe first product candidate of its targeted gene delivery platform is designed to separately and selectively deliver via two different
Name Sividon Diagnostics GmbH Address Nattermannallee 1 Postal Code/City 50829 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 669561-00 +49 221 669561-99 info@sividon.com www.sividon.com
Employees 20 Founded (year) 2010
Sividon Diagnostics is a spin-off from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics´ former research group in Köln. Its management team represents decades of professional experience in molecular diagnostics. Sividon develops and markets innovative products to improve the individualized selection of therapies in oncology. The company currently focusses on breast
cancer, the first product being EndoPredict ®, a breast cancer test identifying those patients who can be cured with an antihormonal treatment and therefore be spared an aggressive chemotherapy. It is worldwide the first RNA-based diagnostic test for breast cancer that can be carried out in any well-equipped molecular pathology laboratory. Also, Sividon is a member of the European study group “RESPONSIFY – Genomebased biomarkers leading to validated molecular diagnostic tests for response prediction in breast cancer”.
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Syntab Therapeutics is committed to the exploration and development of innovative drugs against severe diseases such as cancer. Syntab’s synthetic antibodies exhibit all desirable properties of conventional antibodies while, at the same time, being significantly smaller chemically accessible molecules. The company strives for the
TRANSIM MUNE Transimmune AG is pioneering the research and development of extracorporeal immunotherapies for the treatment of human diseases. Transimmunization is the scientifically driven descendent of extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP), a highly
With a unique combination of expertise in biology and chemistry, UCB is a global biopharma company focusing on severe diseases in two therapeutic areas – CNS and Immunology. UCB also has a selective presence in primary care. UCB is connecting science in new ways, notably chemistry and biology, so that they can leverage the potential of these
early out-licensing of product candidates after completion of the preclinical development. Syntab’s platform technology enables the chemical synthesis of highly effective drugs against severe diseases such as cancer. The flexibility of the technology is based on the application of diverse highly specific binders against specific cell surface proteins. Furthermore, the technology has the potential to vary the number and specific properties of binders and effectors that activate the immune system for each drug molecule.
successful immunological treatment used for many years, mainly in cutaneous T cell lymphoma and organ transplant. Transimmune AG has built on principles learned from in-depth consideration of ECP’s introductory lessons and believes Transimmunization will significantly enhance current ECP as well as drive its application heavily into many new indications.
Name Syntab Therapeutics GmbH Address St.-Jobser-Straße 56 Postal Code/City 52146 Würselen Fon +49 171 6558374 E-Mail info@syntab-therapeutics. com Internet www.syntab-therapeutics. com Employees <10 Founded (year) 2010
Name Transimmune AG
Address Königsallee 90 Postal Code/City 40212 Düsseldorf Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 211 1684 9338 +49 211 8693 1614 info@transimmune.de www.transimmune.com
Founded (year) 2012
two disciplines, as well as illuminate the biological pathways involved in severe diseases. The complexities of severe diseases are beyond the expertise and resources of a single organisation. That is why we have teamed up with partners – we play to our strengths and tap into the organisations with greater or complementary strengths. Many companies claim to be patient driven, but for UCB it is a living reality. We do not think of people with severe diseases as “patients” but as individuals with lives beyond their disease.
Name UCB GmbH
Address Alfred-Nobel-Str. 10 Postal Code/City 40789 Monheim Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2173 4848-48 +49 2173 4848-41 customerservice@ucb.com www.ucb.de
Founded (year) 1928 (Belgium)
Industrial Biotechnology 50
industrial biotechnology
numerous benefits to biocatalysis, the functionalisation of solid surfaces and screening applications. With its custom-tailored products and services, Autodisplay Biotech is an ideal partner for leading companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Autodisplay Biotech GmbH is a biotechnology company commercializing its proprietary expression platform for the display of heterologous proteins or peptides on the surface of gram negative bacteria. This cell surface display technology provides
Name Autodisplay Biotech GmbH Address Merowinger Platz 1a Postal Code/City 40225 Düsseldorf Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 211 20951378 +49 211 99459636 info@autodisplay-biotech.com www.autodisplay-biotech.com
Employees 10 Founded (year) 2008
bitop AG focuses on the development, manufacture and marketing of medical devices and high quality active ingredients for cosmetics. The technological base of bitop AG’s business are substances from the class of extremolytes, in particular the compound Ectoin®. Extremolytes are natural protective
molecules that are formed by microorganisms and plants. bitop AG produces such extremolytes in an industrial scale in its own facility in Witten according to its proprietary biotechnological production processes. bitop AG has developed Ectoin®-containing medical devices for the symptomatic treatment of cough and cold, allergies, dry mucosa, inflammatory skin diseases and airway diseases. The marketing and sale of these medical devices is performed by licensees from the pharmaceutical industry. Currently, bitop’s medical devices are available in more than 40 countries worldwide.
BSV BioScience GmbH was founded in Oct. 2007 in Baesweiler, near the historical city of Aachen. Since June 2010, the company manufactures and markets biological pharmaceutical active ingredients for different therapeutic areas. One of our key strengths is based on the production of fertility hormones, being
supplied either as API or finished injectables, in co-operation with an also GMP approved German license manufacturer. Our main products are: – Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG), – Human Menopausal Gonadotrophin (HMG), – Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), – Urokinase (UK), Streptokinase and Ulinastatin (UTI). BSV BioScience GmbH is focused on different R&D activities, continuously pursuing improvements in the field of API´s and finished dosage forms.
Name bitop AG
Address Stockumer Str. 28 Postal Code/City 58453 Witten Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2302 914-400 +49 2302 914-4010 behne@bitop.de www.bitop.de
Founded (year) 1993
Name BSV Bioscience GmbH Address Max-Planck-Strasse 12 Postal Code/City 52499 Baesweiler Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2401 8047-10 +49 2401 8047-198 office@bsvbio.de www.bsvbio.de
Employees 18 Founded (year) 2007
industrial biotechnology
Name Cysal GmbH Address Mendelstraße 11 Postal Code/City 48149 Münster Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 251 980-2490 +49 251 980-2499 info@cysal.de www.cysal.de
Employees 5 Founded (year) 2012
The innovative biotechnology company Cysal GmbH was founded as a spin-out of the University of Münster, Germany. Cysal focuses on the production of novel biomaterials in the area of biopolymers, peptides, amino acids, and dipeptides on an industrial scale at unprecedented lowcost, and also develops application fields
technologies supporting the needs of our customers and partners for sustainable and profitable processes which are urgently required by the developing BioEconomy.
Name Direvo Industrial Biotechnology GmbH Address Nattermannallee 1 Postal Code/City 50829 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 47448-0 +49 221 47448-111 info@direvo.com www.direvo.com
Employees 30 Founded (year) 2008
At Direvo, we focus on the emerging biomass conversion industry. We are developing and marketing biology-based products and processes utilizing safe and sustainable resources for a world still dominated by fossil raw materials. Our powerful scientific tools unleash the full value of biomass in current and novel industrial processes. Direvo is committed to deliver the best
Name evocatal GmbH Address Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 Postal Code/City 40789 Monheim am Rhein Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2173 40994-0 +49 2173 40994-40 info@evocatal.de www.evocatal.com
Employees 35 Founded (year) 2006
for these biomaterials to serve humans and animals. Cysal’s business strategy aims at out-licensing its technology platform to interested companies and/or offering its raw materials for incorporation into consumer products for various markets. The main target markets are those for energy food additives and sport nutrition, cosmetics and skin care, dental hygiene, clinical nutrition, immunomodulation, impotence and infertility, as well as in the area of animal feed production, especially for aquaculture.
evocatal GmbH is a biotechnology company specialized in the development and production of tailor-made biocatalysts and fine chemicals for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Its services include contract research and providing customers with evocatal´s unique biocatalysts to achieve more efficient and sustainable production processes. The broad base of
customers range from pharmaceutical companies, adhesive specialists, flavor, fragrance and cosmetic manufacturers to companies in the textile and building materials industries. evocatal GmbH’s laboratories and technical center are based in Monheim am Rhein, which is located at the heart of the chemical triangle between the Ruhr area, Düsseldorf and Cologne.
Evonik, the creative industrial group from Germany, is one of the world leaders in specialty chemicals. Profitable growth and a sustained increase in the value of the company form the heart of Evonik’s corporate strategy. Its activities focus on the key megatrends health, nutrition, resource efficiency and globalization. Evonik benefits specifically from its inno-
Henkel operates worldwide with leading brands and technologies in three business areas: Laundry & Home Care, Beauty Care and Adhesive Technologies. Founded in 1876, Henkel holds globally leading market positions both in the consumer and industrial businesses with wellknown brands such as Persil, Schwarzkopf and Loctite.
industrial biotechnology
vative prowess and integrated technology platforms. Evonik is active in over 100 countries around the world. In fiscal 2013 more than 33,000 employees generated sales of around €12.9 billion and an operating profit (adjusted EBITDA) of about €2.0 billion. Evonik innovates and serves the bioeconomy markets. Products are i. a. Biolys®, DYNACOLL ® Terra, DYNAPOL ® Terra, RESOMER®, ThreAMINO ®, TrypAMINO ®, and VESTAMID ® Terra.
Henkel employs about 47,000 people and reported sales of 16,428 million euros and adjusted operating profit of 2,588 million euros in fiscal 2014. Henkel’s preferred shares are listed in the German stock index DAX.
Address Rellinghauser Str. 1-11 Postal Code/City 45128 Essen Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 201 177 01 +49 201 177 3475 bioeconomy@evonik.com www.evonik.com
Employees 33,000 Founded (year) 2007
Name Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Address Henkelstr. 67 Postal Code/City 40191 Düsseldorf Fon +49 211 7979630 Fax +49 211 7982245 Internet www.henkel.com Employees 47,000 Founded (year) 1876
etary product pipelines of natural product based novel taste modulators. IMAX discovery is a 50:50 joint venture company between Axxam SpA in Milano, Italy, and IMD Natural Solutions GmbH in Dortmund, Germany. IMAX Discovery is a research driven company, creating new product innovation through the generation and development of novel and natural flavour compounds for the food and beverage industry. Using our strong technology platforms and expertise around taste receptors and natural products IMAX Discovery generates propri-
Name Evonik Industries AG
Name IMAX Discovery GmbH
Address Otto-Hahn-Str. 15 Postal Code/City 44227 Dortmund Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 231 9742-6440 +49 231 9742-7401 info@imax-discovery.com www.imax-discovery.com
Founded (year) 2010
industrial biotechnology
Name IMD Natural Solutions GmbH Otto-Hahn-Str. 15 44227 Dortmund +49 231 9742-7400 +49 231 9742-7401 info@imd-naturalsolutions.com Internet www.imd-naturalsolutions.com Employees 10 Founded (year) 2012
Address Postal Code/City Fon Fax E-Mail
IMD Natural Solutions (“INS”) aims to develop and commercialize groundbreaking ingredients - with a special focus on preserving and anti-microbial agents - derived from “all” natural sources. The main target markets are in the Food & Beverage as well as the Personal Care industries. Two product candidates are in advanced
Name m2p-labs GmbH Address Postal Code/City Arnold-Sommerfeld-Ring 2 52499 Baesweiler Fon Fax +49 2401 805330 E-Mail +49 2401 805333 Internet info@m2p-labs.com www.m2p-labs.com Employees Founded (year) 21 2005
m2p-labs is a worldwide leading supplier of microbioreactors for the Life-Science industry. The company’s product portfolio comprises the BioLector ®, the RoboLector ® (automation) and the disposable FlowerPlate® (MTP) which provide an in-
Name multiBIND biotec GmbH Address Gottfried-Hagen-Str. 60-62 Postal Code/City 51105 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 221 2780-211 +49 221 2780-213 info@multibind.de www.multibind.de
Employees 3 Founded (year) 2005
multiBIND develops innovative decontamination, disinfection and hygiene solutions for e.g. molecular biology researchers and the healthcare industry. Core technology is a solution system to generate new disinfectants and decontamination agents for hospitals,
development: AM-1 represents a new (patent pending) all natural antimicrobial preserving agent well suited to support product specifications for food, beverage and personal care applications. AX-1 is targeting oil preservation via its strong antioxidant profile. INS follows a dual business model; besides the development of preserving agents INS provides Natural Product Service as one-stop service partner for all needs associated with Natural Product research, development, production or supply.
telligent micro fermentation platform for screening and bioprocess development. This technology enables customers to increase their number and information of microbial experiments (aerobic, microaerophilic and strict anaerobic) and to conduct experiments with greater efficiency, better quality and lower cost than in any other cultivation platform. m2p-labs | The Microbioreactor Company
laboratories and other industries. Currently bioDECONT® and bioCLEAN are the only agents that in addition to the effective killing of microorganisms also accomplishes safe and complete degradation of their genetic material (DNA/RNA). Besides its highly efficient antimicrobial action and decontamination properties, it is nontoxic for humans, non-corrosive and free of organic solvents or other hazardous chemicals. multiBIND pursues a partnering strategy by developing new applications together with partners from suitable industry sectors. We are open for licensees in several applications.
industrial biotechnology
is on the development of intelligent mixtures of hydrolases, to be used in a most efficient degradation of plant material, e.g. in the course of methane production from biomass.
Name Senzyme GmbH Address Gierlichsstr. 6 Postal Code/City 53840 Troisdorf Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
Senzyme GmbH develops and produces technical enzymes and other microbiological products, all of which is well grounded in the company’s substantial experience in solid-state fermentation using filamentous fungi. Currently, the focus
+49 2241 9715-2000 +49 2241 9715-2499 info@senzyme.de www.senzyme.de
Employees 20 Founded (year) 2000
SeSaM-Biotech provides companies and institutes with novel enzymes for research or application in industrial or medical processes. Our platform technology Sequence Saturation Mutagenesis (SeSaM) is an innovative and patented random mutagenesis
method for generating unbiased diversity of proteins to discover new enzyme functionalities or improve given enzyme properties. Our protein engineering services comprise of mutant gene library generation and enzyme evolution projects including high throughput screening for improved properties and subsequent characterization of enzyme kinetics to provide our customers with the most promising evolved enzyme variants tailored to their needs. To ensure top level research, we strongly cooperate with the Institute of Biotechnology of excellent RWTH Aachen University, held by Prof. Dr. Schwaneberg.
Taros has been serving the needs of pharmaceutical, chemical, agrochemical and biotech companies since 1999. We delivered more than 10.000 customer projects and combine more than 140 years industrial organic chemistry experience and over 60 years of active drug discovery experience with expertise across a broad range of
therapeutic areas (oncology, respiratory, CNS, cardiovascular, inflammation, pain, metabolism and infectious) and in all small molecule target classes. Taros operates state-of-the art lab facilities and employs a team of scientists, 65% of whom hold postgraduate degrees in Chemistry. We thought and developed TarosGate®, a unique software suite putting cost, time and chemistry information at a Project Leader’s finger tips - 24h/7 from anywhere in the world. TarosGate® is a major cornerstone of the 200 Mio. Euro European Lead Factory drug discovery platform.
Name SeSaM-Biotech GmbH
Address Forckenbeckstraße 50 Postal Code/City 52074 Aachen Fon +49 241 93856979 E-Mail info@sesam-biotech.com Internet www.sesam-biotech.com Founded (year) 2008
Name Taros Chemicals GmbH & Co. KG Address Emil-Figge-Str. 76 A Postal Code/City 44227 Dortmund Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 231 9742-7211 +49 231 9742-7219 info@taros.de www.tarosdiscovery.com
Employees 50 Founded (year) 1999
industrial biotechnology
Name W42 Industrial Biotechnology GmbH Address Otto-Hahn-Straße 15 Postal Code/City 44227 Dortmund Fon +49 231 9742 6385 E-Mail info1@w42biotechnology.de Internet www.w42biotechnology.de Employees 3 Founded (year) 2005
W42 GmbH is your partner for enzyme production and process development. We offer: High performance heterologous protein production in Pichia sp. Wide range of different strains and promoters – best choice for your project. Methanol dependent and Methanol independent high yield protein production. Complete processes are offered including: strain
development – fermentation – DSP – enzyme immobilisation. Since 2005 W42 GmbH has carried out many successful projects for industrial partners in Europe and P.R. China. Several improved strains are running on industrial scale for production of technical enzymes. Furthermore W42 is working on rational strain improvement of microorganisms for the optimisation of industrial production of natural compunds (e.g. antibiotics).
bio.nrw.de company database
Innovative biotech companies in North Rhine-Westphalia. BIO.NRW offers free of charge a well-organized and comprehensive database of life science and biotech companies resident in North RhineWestphalia. The database currently includes 400 company profiles, contact details and a summary of products, services and technologies and is updated frequently several times per year. phone: +49 211 38 54 69-9200 â&#x20AC;˘ E-Mail: bio.nrw@bio.nrw.de
Agrobiotechnology 58
It is estimated that plant pathogens are responsible of world-wide losses in the range of billions of Euros per year. Therefore, there is a strong need to provide effective, broad range and environmentally friendly approaches to ensure protection of plants
Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, agriculture and high-tech materials. Bayer CropScience, the subgroup of Bayer AG responsible for the agricultural business, has annual sales of EUR 9,494 million (2014) and is one of the world’s leading innovative crop science companies in the areas of seeds, crop protection and nonagricultural pest control. The company
German Seed Alliance GmbH is an alliance of four leading German plant breeding companies in international agriculture: Deutsche Saatveredelung, Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht, Nordsaat Saatzucht and SaKa. The company and its shareholders are internationally experienced enterprises in the field of plant research and development, breeding, seed production and distribution.
from pathogens. We developed a patented platform based on antibody fusions which ensures plant protection from fungal and bacterial infections. This alternative approach for controlling plant pathogens and parasites aims at minimising the costs for cultivation of crops thereby reducing the toxic effects of pesticides and toxins for human beings. AgroProtect GmbH licences its proprietary technology and offers the generation of pathogen resistant plants as well as access to novel resistant cultivars of several crops.
offers an outstanding range of products including high value seeds, innovative crop protection solutions based on chemical and biological modes of action as well as an extensive service backup for modern, sustainable agriculture. In the area of non-agricultural applications, Bayer CropScience has a broad portfolio of products and services to control pests from home and garden to forestr y applications. The company has a global workforce of 23,100 and is represented in more than 120 countries.
The main focus is on oilseed rape, potatoes, corn, sunflower, grasses, peas and cereals (especially wheat, barley, rye, oat and triticale). German Seed Alliance coordinates all research programs of the group and is partner of the national and international scientific community in plant research and biotechnology. New varieties are developed and high quality seeds are produced for different climate regions. In sales the first focus is on Russian Federation, with innovative solutions and wide range of seed products combined with professional service and individual consultancy.
Name AgroProtect GmbH
Address Forckenbeckstraße 6 Postal Code/City 52074 Aachen Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 241 6085 12010 +49 241 6085 10000 info@agroprotect.de www.agroprotect.de
Founded (year) 2010
Name Bayer CropScience AG Address Alfred-Nobel-Str. 50 Postal Code/City 40789 Monheim Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 21 73 383270 +49 21 73 383352 info@bayercropscience.com www.bayercropscience.com
Employees 23,100 Founded (year) 1863
Name German Seed Alliance GmbH Address Erdmund-Rumpler-Straße 6 Postal Code/City 51149 Köln Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2203 9888-20 +49 2203 9888-229 info@german-seed-alliance.de www.german-seed-alliance.de
Employees 45 Founded (year) 2008
Name Monsanto Agrar Deutschland GmbH
conserving more of our world’s natural resources such as water and energy.
Address Vogelsanger Weg 91 Postal Code/City 40470 Düsseldorf Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 211 3675-0 +49 211 3675-362 mon@monsanto.de www.monsanto.de
Founded (year) 2000
Monsanto Company is a leading global provider of technology-based solutions and agricultural products that improve farm productivity and food quality. Monsanto remains focused on enabling both small-holder and large-scale farmers to produce more from their land while
Name MykoMax GmbH Address Flieth 39 Postal Code/City 42327 Wuppertal Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 202 3171-320 +49 202 3171-3210 info@mykomax.de www.mykomax.de
Employees 3 Founded (year) 1999
The company MykoMax was created in October 1999 in the legal form of a limited company (GmbH). The enterprise article of the society is the study, development and production of biotechnology products on the basis of fungi. The company offers al-
Name Phytowelt GreenTechnologies GmbH Address Kölsumer Weg 33 Postal Code/City 41334 Nettetal Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 2162 77859 +49 2162 89215 contact@phytowelt.com www.phytowelt.com
Employees 30 Founded (year) 1998
Phytowelt is operating in the field of industrial plant biotechnology. It is a leading provider for the identification and expression of genes encoding plant enzymes with new activities for industrial fermentation processes with a main activity on fatty acids, terpenoids and plant P450 enzymes. Additionally Phytowelt offers solutions in plant
ready within the mycological product range several self-developed mycorrhiza-inoculi. On short and medium-term the company MykoMax GmbH would development new drugs from medicinal effective mushrooms for the pharmaceutical use. Thereby the company uses a self-developed method for the extraction of the active ingredients in the mushrooms.
breeding to improve plants by protoplast fusion. Phytowelt’s improvement of biomass production by this accelerated breeding process is the basis for the biorefinery concept to be realized in Nettetal in the coming years. The USP of a poplar breeding collection combined with the unique fermentation process for terpenes in E.coli, especially carotinoids like astaxanthin and beta-carotene is one of the success factors for Phytowelt. Alpha-Ionone will be one of the first products fermentatively produced.
of new varieties of cereals, rapeseed and other crops is strongly build upon innovation. Application of tissue culture technologies (doubled haploids, embryo rescue) and molecular marker applications are routinely used in a wide range of crops and for a significant number of breeding traits.
Saaten-Union Biotec offers services and contract research in the field of plant breeding (wheat, rapeseed, barley, triticale, oat, hybrid rye, durum wheat, fodder and amenity grasses). The development
Syngenta is one of the world’s leading companies in agribusiness with more than 26,000 employees in over 90 countries. We are dedicated to our purpose: Bringing plant potential to life. Through world-class science, global reach and commitment to our customers we help to increase crop productivity, protect the environment and improve health and
W. von Borries-Eckendorf is a mediumsized family-owned company, founded in 1849 by Wilhelm von Borries (1805-1890), a prominent farmer and talented plant breeder. Starting with the “Eckendorfer”
quality of life. At the core of our business is innovation, particularly in research and development, combining chemical and biological expertise. We harness our knowledge of agriculture and our understanding of growers to develop integrated offers which will drive land productivity in a sustainable way.
Name Saaten-Union Biotec GmbH Address Hovedisser Str. 92 Postal Code/City 33818 Leopoldshöhe Fon +49 5208 9597-10 Fax +49 5208 9597-195 E-Mail info@saaten-unionbiotec.com Internet www.saaten-unionbiotec.de Employees 70 Founded (year) 1984
Name Syngenta Seeds GmbH Address Zum Knipkenbach 20 Postal Code/City 32107 Bad Salzuflen Fon +49-5222 5308-0 E-Mail internet.marketing@ syngenta.com Internet www.syngenta.de Employees 150 Founded (year) 2000
fodder beet, WvB is nowadays well known for strong breeding programs in oilseed rape, barley and high yielding wheat varieties. The company based in Lippe is founding member of the Rapool Ring GmbH and the Saaten-Union Biotec GmbH. Along with other breeding companies, Eckendorf is significantly involved in one of the largest distributors in the German sector of seed. The Saaten-Union GmbH.
Name W. von Borries-Eckendorf GmbH & Co. KG Pflanzenzuchtbetrieb Address Postal Code/City Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
Hovedisser Str. 92 33818 Leopoldshöhe +49 5208 9125-30 +49 5208 9125-49 info@wvb-eckendorf.de www.wvb-eckendorf.de
Employees 40 Founded (year) 1849
Bioinformatics 62
The Ridom GmbH (M端nster, Germany) was founded January 2003. The company develops software for DNA re-sequencing analysis for physicians and epidemiologists on routine basis. The company has in the meantime by its software products a well-recognized name in the field of sequence based microbial typing; e.g., every European National Health
System Authority (e.g., RKI, RIVM, HPA, Serum Statens) has bought in the last 10 years and is using since then at least one software product from Ridom. Ridom has pioneered typing efforts with a software tool for Staphylococcus aureus. The company has developed and maintains the worldwide largest sequence-based microbial typing database (Ridom SpaServer). The SPA typing software Ridom StaphType is currently used by approximately 400 users in 36 different countries worldwide. The new Ridom SeqSphere+ software provides a bacterial typing solution for any bacteria, any study type, any lab.
Name Ridom GmbH
Address Mendelstr. 11 Postal Code/City 48149 M端nster Fon Fax E-Mail Internet
+49 251 490931-50 +49 251 490931-51 info@ridom.de www.ridom.de
Employees 4 Founded (year) 2003
BIO.NRW Cluster Biotechnology North Rhine-Westphalia North Rhine-Westphalia is situated at Europe’s geographic and economic center. It is the largest of Germany’s 16 federal states, and the number one exporter. If classified as an independent exporting nation, NRW would rank 19th in the world, on a par with the Netherlands. North Rhine-Westphalia’s state government has established a number of technolog y clusters to systematically improve NRW’s strengths and talents in established industries and up-and-coming fields like biotechnology. North Rhine-Westphalia’s biotechnology cluster BIO.NRW is a central catalyst for the sustainable development of the state’s biotech sector. It activates cooperation between business, research, investors and policy-makers. The cluster also promotes the strengths and achievements of biotechnology in the state.
dialogue between all stakeholders in the field of biotechnology and to encourage cooperation.
To support young as well as already established biotech companies, BIO.NRW offers the following core competencies: – Individual matchmaking for collaborations and partners – Overview on all up-to-date R&D activities in industry and academia – Profound knowledge on financing possibilities – International promotion and marketing for NRW as biotech location – Direct contacts to decision makers
Support of Young Professionals
Biotech Business & Sciences BIO.NRW compiles comprehensive and current online databases of the academic institutions and companies active in the life sciences in NRW. Free to access and easyto-use, these resources are valuable tools for identifying prospective business partners. More information on www.bio.nrw.de
Fairs, Exhibitions and Conferences Companies and academic institutions can generate awareness of their activities locally, nationally and internationally by being a part of the BIO.NRW common stands on fairs, exhibitions and conferences. BIO. NRW also organizes a series of workshops and symposia, called BIO.NRW.academy.
Technology Transfer
BIO.NRW takes a special interest in supporting young professionals in biotechnology. For example, we organize conventions where graduates meet representatives from industry and academic science. The ‘Business Angel Network – BIO.NRW’ helps financing and funding biotech start-ups. In addition, a forum that brings together investment institutions, private investors and business angels and developers provides information about the current NRW biotech scene. These meetings are a valuable opportunity for start-up companies to receive coaching and financing.
Tech transfer support is a key contribution from BIO.NRW. We organize events, working platforms and meetings to promote the
To learn more about the Cluster BIO.NRW and to stay informed about the latest
Our services include
biotech developments in NRW please visit www.bio.nrw.de. Further drivers in the field are dynamic local biotechnology initiatives and networks: Bioanalytik-Münster www.bioanalytik-muenster.de BioCologne www.biocologne.de bio.dortmund www.wirtschaftsfoerderung-dortmund.de BioIndustry www.bioindustry.de BioRiver www.bioriver.de Bio-Tech-Region OWL www.bio-owl.de LifeScienceNet Düsseldorf www.lifescience-dus.de MedLife (Aachen) www.medlife-ev.de Cluster Industrial Biotechnology www.CLIB2021.com
Kiel Hamburg
Berlin Magdeburg Hannover
Czech Republic
Stuttgart M端nchen
Austria Switzerland
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) The OECD is a unique forum where the governments of 30 democracies work together to address the economic, social and environmental challenges of globalisation. The OECD Biotechnology Statistics, which brings together the latest available economic and activity data on biotechnology and innovation, is collected by OECD member and non-member countries. The report builds on the extensive work of the OECD and national experts to improve the comparability of biotechnology statistics. www.oecd.org
OECD Definitions
Other biotechnologically active companies … firms that apply biotechnology techniques for the purpose of implementing new or significantly improved products or processes. This definition excludes end users that innovate simply by using biotechnology products as intermediate inputs (for instance, detergent manufacturers that change a formulation to include enzymes produced by other firms via biotechnology techniques).
Business Areas of Activity – Health/Medicine (including animal health) Development of therapeutics and/or diagnostics for the field of human medicine, drug delivery, human tissue replacement.
– Agri/Agrobiotechnology Biotechnology company … is defined as a application of science and technology to living organisms, as well as parts, products and models thereof, to alter living or non-living materials for the production of knowledge, goods and services.
Dedicated biotechnology companies … are defined as biotechnology active firms whose predominant activities involve the application of biotechnology techniques to produce goods or services and/or the performance of biotechnology R&D. 66
Biotech focussed on genetically modified plants, animals or microorganisms, as well as non-genetically modified plants grown using biotechnological procedures for use in agriculture or forestry.
– Industrial biotechnology Biotechnological products and processes for the handling of waste or sewage, for chemical synthesis, for the extraction of raw materials and energy, etc.
– Non-specific application Equipment or reagents based on biotechnological principles for research or provision of services in this field (“ancillary industry”). Source: biotechnologie.de
Contact BIO.NRW Dr. Christoph Block Head of office BIO.NRW Merowingerplatz 1 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany Fon +49 211 385469-9202 Fax +49 211 385469-9220 ch.block@bio.nrw.de www.bio.nrw.de
Sources, Literature, Links [1] www.nrwinvest.com/en/nrw-at-a-glance/ nrw-economic-comparison [2] www.nrwinvest.com/en/industries-nrw/ chemical-industry [3] Analysis by BIO.NRW [4] OECD Biotechnology Statistics 2009, B. van Beuzekom and A. Arundel [5] NRW PCT Biotech Patent Analysis by BIO.NRW [6] The German Biotechnology Sector 2015; www.biotechnologie.de [7] DIW Wochenbericht 32, 2011: Forschen deutsche Großunternehmen zu wenig? [8] www.biotechgate.com; Venture Valuation, Zurich, CH [9] 10. BCG Biotech-Report “Medizinische Biotechnologie in Deutschland 2005 – 2015 - 2025”; www.vfa-bio.de
BIO-Europe 2016 November 7th-9th, Cologne
pany m o C base a t a D de nrw. . o i b . www
BIO.NRW Merowingerplatz Merowingerplatz 11 40225 40225 Duesseldorf Düsseldorf, Germany Germany Fon +49 211 385469-9200 Fon + 49 (0) 2 11 385 469 - 9200 Fax +49 211 385469-9220 Fax + 49 (0) 2 11 385 469 - 9220 bio.nrw@bio.nrw.de bio.nrw@bio.nrw.de www.bio.nrw.de www.bio.nrw.de Ministry of Innovation, Innovation, Science Science, Research and Technology of the and Research of the German State State of North Rhine-Westphalia of North Rhine-Westphalia 40221 40221 Duesseldorf Düsseldorf www.innovation.nrw.de www.innovation.nrw.de www.exzellenz.nrw.de ‘Excellence NRW’ stands for the cluster strategy in North Rhine-Westphalia, an innovative location for business. The state government there wants to improve on its strengths, and systematically strive for excellence in NRW. The goal of the cluster policy is to create an environment that is friendly to innovation, strengthens the competitive edge of the businesses there, and stimulates growth and employment. To find out more about NRW’s cluster strategy and the 16 clusters in the state, just visit: www.exzellenz.nrw.de