Spring 2016
PREVI EW Spring 2016
Š Symbiontec
SPECIAL Special: Bioprocessing Get on Board! › Publication date: 10 March, 2016 Hot topics in up- and downstream processing of biopharmaceutics, single use vs stainless steel equipment, plant construction, QbD & analytics and fill & finish Pharma companies increasingly rely on the know-how of contract organisations across the entire bioprocessing value chain: from DoE, QbD over process development to customized up- & downstream processing, polishing and filling the vials. What’s the most appropriate technology to efficiently produce complex novel formats such as ADCs, recombinant proteins, antibody conjugates, cancer immune or gene therapies or even biosimilars? Find the answer to what is the most economic cell line, equipment, engineering company, medium, as well as up- and downstream process in this EUROBIOTECH special report.
Present your expertise CMOs, plant constructors, equipment specialists as well as QbD experts will have the opportunity to present their latest products, processes, and equipment in this special. EUROPEAN BIOTECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE goes out to decision makers throughout the entire European Life Sciences sector. Take advantage of the journal’s highly relevant readership of pharma and biotech professionals and grab this opportunity to target your audience!
Topics to be covered Single use equipment, Media/cell line development, Glycooptimisation, Bispecific antibodies, CAR-Ts, Biopharma packaging, Fill & finish, QbD, Process development automation, DoE, GMP for cell/gene therapy
Editorial Deadline 19-02-2016 Marketing Contact: Oliver Schnell Tel: +49-30-264921-45 Fax: +49-30-264921-11 o.schnell@biocom.de
Booking Deadline 19-02-2016 Editorial Contact: Thomas Gabrielczyk Tel: +49-30-264921-50 Fax: +49-30-264921-11 t.gabrielczyk@biocom.de
BIOCOM AG | Luetzowstr. 33-36 | D-10785 Berlin | www.biocom.de
Publication Date 10-03-2016 Marketing Contact: Christian Böhm Tel: +49-30-264921-49 Fax: +49-30-264921-11 c.boehm@biocom.de
Special: Bioprocessing Special Edition: Meet your audience!
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