Program. 9th BioEconomic® Conference - Tarragona Smart City

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4th BioEconomic® Conference Cycle 2017 - 2018 “Smart City Tarragona 2018”

9th BioEconomic® Conference - TSMC “Urban, Sustainable and Accessible Mobility Solutions“ TSMC Tarragona Smart Mediterranean City, URV Universitat Rovira I Virgili, CEDAT Centro de Estudios de Derecho Ambiental de Tarragona, the Townhall of Tarragona and BioEconomic® Are glad to invite you to the 9th BioEconomic® Conference - TSMC “Urban, Sustainable and Accessible Mobility Solutions“

Image: German Partnership for Sustainable Mobility Solutions

A careful planning g process is necessary; it has to take into account all the variables that affect in any way the territorial ambit mobility. Said planning must go through a diagnosis of the mobility that considers characteristics such as, demographics, socio economic and environmental characteristics within the scope of study, analysis of the current mobility and, demographic and activity previsions. All this will assert the lack of a mobility plan from the point of view, amongst others, of the low offer and low participation of public transportation and the adequacy of each means of transport to the demand intervals that make it socially and economically profitable. In short, with this diagnosis should foresee the modifications necessary to the current mobility plan to evolve towards a model that minimizes social and environmental costs while maximizing global benefits for society. LLEI 9/2003, de 13 de juny, de la mobilitat.

Date: September 14th, 2018 Schedule: 9:15h to 14:45h Location: Sala de Graus de la URV, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Campus Catalunya, Av. Catalunya, 35 - 43002 Tarragona Location map: URV Campus Catalunya

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Join the official hashtag of the 4th BioEconomic® Smart City Tarragona 2017-2018 Conference Cycle #TarragonaBioSmart Aimed to: Public Institutions, Engineers, Architects, Technicians, Builder, Promoters, SMEs, Installers, Consulters and Owners, Purchasing Advisors

4th BioEconomic® Conference Cycle 2017 - 2018 “Smart City Tarragona 2018”

Programme 9:00h - Reception and accreditation • Coordinated by Eugenia Claverol, Environmental Technician 9:15h - Opening and Welcome • Begoña Floria, Deputy Mayor of Tarragona City Council and Director Tarragona Smart Mediterranean City Foundation • Santiago Castellà, Director of the Cathedra TSMC - Tarragona Smart Mediterranean City at the URV • Sebastià Parera Fuster, Manager of BioEconomic 9:30-9:45h Infrastructure plan for eVehicle Recharging in Catalunya (PIRVEC). Presented by Miquel Àngel Escobar Mariné, Transport and Energy at l’ICAEN (Catalan Institute of Energy) 1st Session - Sustainable Mobility Solutions and Logistics 9:45h - 11:15h Moderated by Ramon Llopart Ricart, Vice-President d’ASESGA, communication Parking and Mobility & ARQUITECTES DE L'EIXAMPLE, Editor magazine APARCAR Last Mile in Smart Cities Confirmation pending Mobility management in the work place, case of the Deputation of Barcelona By Manel Ferri Tomàs, Mobility Technician of the Deputation of Barcelona Project Smart VAO: Experiences and results of sustainable mobility in the academic environment By Dr. Josep Maria Gastó i Heras, Manager CRISTECH - Tech Transfer Unit -TECNIO Center - Universitat Rovira I Virgili Mobility solutions with gas Confirmation pending 11:15h to 11:45h Café - Networking 2nd Session - Sustainability and Accessibility in Urban Mobility 11:45h - 13:00h Moderated by Examples of Installation, Management and accessibility of the recharging points Confirmation pending SOREA: Sustainable Mobility in a Company By Daniel Vela De Albert, Area Manager Catalunya Baleares, Fleet Responsible at SOREA The autonomous vehicle, road map, legal and technological topics By José Manuel Barrios, Innovation Responsible at Applus + IDIADA Sustainable and Accessible Urban Mobility Plan for Tarragona Confirmation pending 13:00h - 13:30h Remote Digital Connectivity with the eVehicle Charging Infrastructure, diagnosis and management of ABB. By Álvaro Vázquez Suárez, Responsible of the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure of ABB

4th BioEconomic® Conference Cycle 2017 - 2018 “Smart City Tarragona 2018”

13:30h to 14:15h Participatory Debate about the scenarios and future strategies for Urban Environments Sustainable Mobility programmes, with speeches of 5 minutes. Moderated by Antoni de la Torre, Environmental Management Unit at the URV, Universitat Rovira I Virgili The paper of the Territorial Authority of Mobility (ATM) of the Camp de Tarragona in the promotion of safe and Sustainable Mobility. Daniel Miravet, Responsible for the Mobility Area of the ATM - Camp de Tarragona Opportunities and innovative projects in the field of mobility and transportation: the example of Reus Smart City Leo Blazquez, CIO of Reus Mobility and Services, City hall of Reus The distribution of water as a driver of sustainable mobility José Molina Onate, Head of Engineering Division, Projects, Innovation, Unit of Water and Sewage Plans of Company displacement as a tool for the territorial mobility structuring Jordi Escolà, Manager CUÏC 14:15h - 14:30h Closing Sr. Josep Acero, Regulator of occupation of the public domain, mobility and accessibility of Tarragona City Council 14:30h - 15:00h Cava cup - Networking 13:45h CopaVEHiA de cava – Networking 10h to- 14:30h 15:00h Expo Zone - Exposition and test drive, open access in the Campus Catalunya, URV #ExpoVEHiA

Safe driving courses for Learning and Experienced drivers with Electric Scooters NIU on the Campus

Safe Driving Circuit

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Contact: BioEconomic® Plaza de la Estación, 2 -08886- Castelldefels (Barcelona) Spain Telf. +34 931939314 Móvil. +34 609416985

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