8 minute read
Members’ Accomplishments
2021 - Commissioner – The worldwide Anglican Communion Science Commission 2021 - Faculty – Center for Global Bioethics, St. George’s University, Grenada, West Indies 2021 - Member – The IBC Bureau of UNESCO
2020 – 2021: Co-Coordinator and Co-Editor – UNESCO International Bioethics Committee (IBC) Project on “The Principle of Protecting Future Generations” – Paris, France 2020 – Tutor – Masters in Bioethics, St. George’s University, Grenada, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico, and Clarkson University,USA –Caribbean Research Ethics Education Initiative
2020 – Chief Executive Officer – the Health Professions Authority, Turks & Caicos Islands
Aarons Derrick. Covid-19 vaccines and Caribbean countries. The International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO (IBC) Newsletter, July 2021; Vol.2; 41-44. Aarons DE. The disability-rights perspective within the bioethics agenda. Nursing Ethics Journal. Mar.’2020 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0969733020906599 Member – Editorial Board – Developing World Bioethics Journal. Manuscripts reviewed 2020.
Member – Scientific Board – Revista RedBioetica/UNESCO Journal. Manuscripts reviewed 2020.
International Reviewer – Journal Nursing Ethics. Manuscripts reviewed – 2020; 2021.
Aarons Derrick E. Vital Communications in Medicine. Published by Litho Press, Jamaica, and Amazon –2021.
Author – Sections on ‘Clinical Ethics’ and ‘Research Ethics’ – in the Report of the International Bioethics Committee (IBC) of UNESCO on “The Ethics of Neuro-Technology” – Apr’2021
1. External Examiner – PhD Thesis, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa – 2021.
2. Supervised students doing their Masters in Bioethics – Clarkson University, USA: 2020 – 2021.
Members Accomplishments cont’d
Sept ’21: “Report on the Principle of Protecting Future Generations” – 12th Session of the
Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee (IGBC) of UNESCO April ’21: “Ethical principles in research with human participants: An Overview” - Virtual Ethics Symposium, InterHealth Canada, TCI Oct. 2020: “Where are the Caribbean Islands in terms of public health, ethics, and Covid-19?” – UNESCO – Haifa Mexico International Bioethics Conference – Queretero, Mexico Jan. 2020: “Ethical Issues in Infectious Diseases” – Infectious Diseases Symposium, Antigua, West Indies
Sept.’21: Will there be an improvement of ecosystems in the world post-pandemic? – 8th International Congres of RedBioetica UNESCO, Colombia
May ’21: “Patient Confidentiality: Data Protection in today’s world” – Surgery Grand Rounds, Dept. of Surgery, Spanish Town Hospital, Jamaica May ’21: “Ethics in Coaching and Team Management” – Technical & Coaches Commission, Jamaica July ’20: “Covid-19 Pandemic in Jamaica: Social and bioethical aspects” – Meeting of the Central America and Caribbean Chapter of RedBioetica UNESCO, virtually.
- Annual Bioethics Forum on the Bioethics Society of the English-speaking Caribbean (BSEC) –
Moderator of “Covid-19 Bioethical Perspectives” – virtual Forum via Zoom, Oct’2020
- Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting on The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence – Sub-regional consultation on the draft recommendations for UNESCO – via Zoom, Aug’20
- Infectious Diseases: What’s New and Emerging! – Antigua and Barbuda Medical Council Symposium, Jan’20
“Vital Communications in Medicine” is now available on Amazon for ordering either as E-Book (US$9.99) or as paperback (US$19.99). Authored by Dr. Derrick Aarons MD, PhD, a family physician from Jamaica who specialized in Bioethics and Experimental Medicine, the book captures decades of literary scholarship involving medical anthropology, the social sciences, the life sciences, medicine, nursing, and health care settings. It includes empiric research done within hospitals, as well as recent developments in e-health, telemedicine, and a Covid-19 epidemic that entrenched the world. This book is written for all health care providers, students, as well as patients and persons who may become patients in the future! All readers will go away not only much more informed, but also better equipped as health care providers, as patients, and as potential patients to communicate adequately and more effectively, resulting in better patient satisfaction as well as in improved health outcomes for all patients, much to the relief of their concerned relatives and friends!
To purchase through Amazon:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DMW6PL2/ref=mp_s_a_1_3? dchild=1&keywords=dr+derrick+aarons&qid=1630259803&sr=8-3 To purchase through website: https://caribbeanbioethicist.com/
Vital communications:
“Vital Communications in Medicine is written by Dr. Derrick Aarons, a Family Practice physician who is trained in bioethics and experimental medicine. The arrangement of the book is in parts and sections beginning with concepts of communication and then goes into different areas in which a doctor interacts with patients. These doctor-patient interactions occur in either an outpatient private practice setting, public health care facilities or inside a hospital. The importance of doctors and other health care workers’ knowledge of a patient’s culture and socio-economic status in communication, is highlighted and stressed. The book was written from a trans-cultural perspective and includes perspectives of communication in health care from both the global North (industrialized, developed countries) and the global South (less industrialized, lower and middle-income countries). The book therefore can be useful as a resource for doctors and other health care workers all over the world.
“The book should be on the “required reading list” for all health care trainees especially medical students. However, practicing doctors, nurses and allied health care workers would also benefit from reading this book. Five-star rating.” - Dr. Michael Gayle, USA.
Reviews of the Book ….Cont’d
Deserving of the most prestigious book awards!
“The author, Dr. Derrick Aarons, has provided the world with a publication that is thoroughly researched, insightful, and expertly penned. Vital Communications in Medicine is an excellent read that addresses an area that not only concerns health care professionals but all persons. The presentation and layout of the book made for an easy read, and I thoroughly appreciated the summaries provided at the end of each chapter. It does not matter if you are a health care professional or a layperson, once you have read this book you will embrace effective communication as a tool to achieve the best outcomes in health. A MUST READ!” - Andre Morgan, Turks & Caicos Islands.
I have lived this book!
“This book details the importance of engaging and building relationships with doctors and other care professionals in seeking the best path in your health journey. It is an easy read, and each chapter ends with a detailed synopsis capturing the essence of the researched articles. A great book to add to your collection and share with others, especially now when poor communication, misinformation, and disinformation are causing vaccine apprehension for many.” – Carolyn, USA.
Excellent and well-researched!
“The author gives the readers a heavy dose of reality as he explores and highlights the realities of human experiences as we interact with each other. Everyone in a caregiving occupation will benefit. He documents the undesirable outcomes in health care when there is deficiency in communicative skills. I found correlations to my over four decades in the nursing profession, with multiple examples of how various categories of health care personnel could have better served the population given training in structured communication techniques. As the author opines effective communication and understanding can change the outcome for the patient. The author connects well with the reader; the content is relevant, practical and current. The author’s expository style of writing makes this book an incredible reference text on the booklist of all health care professions. Five-star rating!” ~ Lorraine (Jamaica).
The value of good communication in medicine:
“The length of the book allows for a comfortable read and I am especially impressed by the summary at the end of each chapter and the epilogue at the end, that allows the main points to be reviewed. The author should be commended for his recognition of a gap in medicine that needed to be filled and commended even more for the effective way he himself communicates the information to the readers. Well done!” Dr. Selbourne Goode, USA.
Required reading:
“This text is well written and gives credence to the subject matter. While it is about communication between medical professionals and patients, this can apply to people relating to each other in everyday life. Life is about communication and understanding the nuisances that aid and can make life easier. Brilliantly done.” – Rev. Garfield Campbell, Jamaica.
Reviews of the Book ….Cont’d
Timely and enlightening read:
“I was pleasantly surprised by the insight, advice, guidance and wealth of knowledge that was shared by Dr. Aarons with medical practitioners, lay persons and other professionals. I found the book to be insightful, transparent, analytical, educational and much more. I developed a greater understanding and appreciation for the role communication plays between doctors and patients. A must read for all, since: "Your health is your wealth." I will certainly recommend this book to my family and friends.” –Antoinette, Jamaica.
“Vital Communications in Medicine is a treasure chest of knowledge, written in a clear and detailed manner. It is evident that if these principles of effective communication are adhered to, the doctor-patient relationship will succeed in achieving the highest level of care, dignity and possibly lifesaving interventions.” - Liane Ifill, Trinidad.
Timely publication:
“Well written publication which could not have come at a more appropriate time. Highly recommended for medical students and all healthcare professionals yet simply penned the average layperson can understand and apply the tenets therein. A must read!” – Dr. Neveta, Jamaica.
The perfect read for young budding medical professionals:
“An amazing read for medical professionals and health care trainers. Perfect for physicians and nurses who work in critical care units and large hospitals. Every doctor who is serious about ensuring that the patient understands them effectively should read this book as a guide. Good concise work and an easy read.” – Dr. Patrick Lindo, Guyana.