Aa book selections from the collection of soterios and irlanda gardiakos nov 5 2013 2nd copy

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SELECTIONS From the Collection of Soterios Gardiakos and

Irlanda Gardiakos June 2011, August 2011, Sept 15, 2011, Sept 20, 2011, March 22, 2012, July 22, 2012 November 5, 2013, June 9, 2014



Copyright 2011 Soterios Gardiakos http://www.bioscope.biz/ http://gardiakos.com/


Aurora, Illinois. U.S.A. Kalamata, Messinias, Greece


My earliest collectible circa 1953-1954, 1 1/4 inch high Photo of Soterios by Samantha Oulavang, Aurora, Illinois (2009)


Irlanda Gardiakos, outside Kalamata on the Messinian gulf, January 1993


Irlanda and I in Zurich, Switzerland, May 2, 1975












Aphrodite of Cnidus by Praxiteles, marble, second century AD, Roman Copy de-accessioned, now in the collection of Nicholas P. Black



Bronze Helmet, Magna Graecia



Bronze mirror handle



Daunian Vase



Tanagra, Dancer








Magna Graecia


Bronze 17




Byzantine bowl





Ecuador, clay pot, circa 600 A.D., 14 inches high



Ecuador, clay pot, 5 1/2 inches high



Ecuadorian double pot, 3 3/8 inches height at top pf handle, length 7 1/2 inches

Ecuadorian clay head, 1 1/2 inches high



Ecuadorian clay pot, 3 1/4 inches high, Rim diameter 4 1/2 inches

Ecuadorian clay pot, 4 3/8 inches high, rim diameter 5 inches



Ecuador, clay Phallic whistle 3 3/4 inches high



Ecuadorian clay mold, 4 3/8 inches long. Right, clay impression taken from mold



Ecuador bronze axe 3 1/2 high x 3 5/8 inch wide



Ecuadorian spinning whorls

Ecuadorian Stone Axes, Left 2 5/5 long x 1 7/8 wide x 1 1/8 inch thick Right, 4 1/8 inch long x 3 inches wide x 1 1/8 inch thick







BOOKS There are over 30,000 in my book collection of which 11,000+ are cataloged by author on 3 X 5 cards. Below is a partial list of some of my earliest printed books, as well as few after 1800, and some genre collections. SIXTEENTH CENTURY BOOKS Sallust 1506

Opera Sallustiana. A la Crispi Salustii Opera Ascentii Familiaris interpretario. Lyon 1506? (A handwritten notation states "Lyon 1506")

C. PLINI SECVNDO NOVO. Antverpiae 1532 Epistolarum Libri X ad exemplar manuseroium Rodolphi Agricolae diligentissime recogniti. Panegyricus Traiano Caesari dictus. Et isz uetutissimum exemplar emendatus. ANTVERPIAE 1532

Aulio Gellio 1537

Lvcvlentissimi Scriptoris Noctes Atticae Apud S.Gryphium, Lugduni 1537 - pp. 62-576 16째 capilettere ornati con fregi Coloniae


HOMER 1539 Homeri poetarum omnium principis Ilias Coloniae 1539

Vallae, Laurentii. Lorenzo Valle (1405-1457)1543. LAVRENTII VALLAE VIRICVM GRAECIAE TVM LATINAE LINGUA doctisimi Elegantiarum libri fex ualde utiles... Vallae delighted in controversy, at one point urging the Romans to deprive the pope of the papacy. He also denied that the religious state was the perfect state and that the monks were guilty of arrogance in that regard. Vallae also contended that we are unable to understand the concept of free will and the truth of it.Photographs provided upon request. Basileae 1543

ATHENAEI. 1556 Athenaei Dipnosophistarum sive Coenae Sapientum Libri XV. Natale de Comitibus veneto nunc primum è Graeca in Latinam linguam uertente. Compluribus ex manuscriptis antiquissimis exemplaribus additis : quae in Graecè hactenus impressis uoluminibuis non reperiebantur. Venise, Apud Andream Arrivabenum, 1556. 1 vol. in-folio. [6]ff, 288pp, [6]ff. Reliure moderne, gardes renouvelées, demi-basane, dos à nerfs, titre et fleurons dorés. Edition originale de la première traduction latine. Avec une large vignette de titre. Impression sur deux colonnes. Le Banquet des Savants du grammairien Athénée (né en Egypte sous Marc-Aurèle) est un trésor d?érudition divisé en 15 livres dont seuls les 13 derniers nous sont parvenus complets. La première édition est parue à Venise chez Alde en 1514. Athénée a recueilli tout ce qu?il a pu glaner au cours de ses lectures. Sa compilation est d?autant plus précieuse que la plupart des ouvrages qu?il cite sont perdus. C?est une encyclopédie de l?Antiquité, riche, variée, éblouissante. (...) C?est aussi un véritable traité de gastronomie, avec des informations très précieuses sur les coutumes de la table, les aliments, les menus, la vaisselle, le vin. Le traducteur latin est le savant Noël Conti. Cette édition est fort rare. On retrouve plus facilement la première latine imprimée à Lyon, la même année mais qui est postérieure à celle-ci. «Inconnu de Vicaire, de Brunet, de Bitting». Oberlé, Une bibliothèque bachique, 3.Ex libris manuscrit sur le premier feuillet blanc renouvelé à la fin du dernier feuillet de table Basile ae, per Haeredes, Nicolai Brylingeri 1567


Published by Valeris, (Hippolitos) Venice 1558


Homer 1567

Homeri opera graeco-latina, quae quidem nunc extant, omnia. Hoc est: Ilias, Odyssea, Batrachomyomachia, et hymni: praeterea Homeri vita ex Plutarcho, cum Latina item interpretatione... In haec operam suam contulit Sebastianus Castalio, sicunti in Praefatione uerso mox folio uidere licet. table Basile ae, per Haeredes, Nicolai Brylingeri 1567

Homer 1572 Homerou Ilias e mallon hapanta ta sozomena. Homeri Ilias seu potius omnia eius quae extant opera, studio et cura Ob. Giphanii I. C. quam emendatissime edita, cum eiusdem scholijs et indicibus nouis. - Homeri Odyssea, id est de rebus ab Ulysse gestis. Ejusdem Batrachomyomachia et Hymni, latina versione ad verbum e regione apposita. Homeri Ilias seu potius omnia eius quae extant opera, studio et cura Ob. Giphanii I. C. quam emendatissime edita, cum eiusdem scholijs et indicibus nouis. Ilias seu potius omnia eius quae extant opera Argentorati excudebat Theodosius Rihelius 1572 (Strasburg) P. TERENTIS COMOEDIA, 1586 EVANTHIUS Strassbourg 1586

Euripide 1597 Euripidis Tragoediæ XIX. Accedit nunc recens vigesimæ, cui Danæ nomen, initium, e vetustis Bibliothecæ Palatinæ membranis, Græce junctim & Latine. Latinam interpretationem M. Æmilius Portus, F.P.C.F. passim ita correxit & expolivit, ut nova facie nitidoque cultu nunc primum in lucem prodeat. Carminum ratio ex Gul. Cantero diligenter observata, additis ejusdem in totum Euripidem Notis typis Hieronymi Commelini 1597 - petit in-8 de 6 fnch.-800 p., textes grec et latin en regard, plein vélin souple de l'époque sali, dos lisse avec titre manuscrit à l'encre en haut, coiffe inf. ab., qqs lég. taches d'encre, les plats ont été piqués par une pointe, traces de cordonnets, marques de possession anciennes à l'encre sur la p. de titre et sur la garde inf., vignette de titre tachée d'encre, interversion de pages au premier cahier sans mq., très lég. travail de ver marginal (X1 à X6, Qq4 à Rr2 et Ss1 à Ss8), qqs mouill. claires marginales, très lég. rouss. éparses, [exemplaire collationné] m Andreae Altdorffer


SEVENTEENTH CENTURY BOOKS ANTONIO TEMPESTA 1608 (Italian, b. 1555 d. 1630) printmaker

ALEXANDRI MAGNI PRAECIPUAE RES GESTAE Rome 1608, 10 etchings 14 3/4 X 12 inches in the life of Alexander the Great.

HOMER. 1610 ILIAS HOMERI. Das ist HOMERI/ deß uralten/ fürtrefflichen Griechischen Poeten/ XXIIII. Bücher. Von dem gewaltigen Krieg der Griechen/ wider die Troianer/ auch langwirigen Belagerung/ unnd Zerstörung der Königlichen Statt Troia. Deßgleichen die 12. Andreae Altdorffer, 1610

Laertius, Diogenes (in Greek) 1615 (Greek) Diogenis Laertii De vitis, dogmatis & apophthegmatis eorum, qui in philosophia claruerunt, libri X. Hesychii ill. de iisdem philos. & de aliis serptoribus liber. Pythagor. philosophorum fragmenta. Omnia Graece & Lat. ex editione postrema. iS casavboni notae ad lib. diogenes, multo auctiores & emendationes. Cologne 1615

Virgil, 1616 opera pub virgilli maronis argumentis et scholiis virirum doctissimorum Lipsiae 1616

Holy Bible, New testament, 1617 In Greek, title page and a few pages in the front missing, Apparently this was a two volume set. (new Testament only) Place unknown 1617

Ion. Iac. Chiffletii, Patricii Consularis, et Archiatri Vesontini 1618

VESONTIO CIVITAS IMPERIALES LIBERA Seqanorum Metropolis. Petrus de Loysi Bisunt Fecit plurimis, nec uvlgaribus sacrae prophan&q historiae monumentis illustrata & in duas parte distincta lugduni, APVD CLAUDIUM CAYNE 1618


Terentius Afer, Publius 1635 Pvb. Terentii Comoediae Sex Ex Recensione Heinsiana. Lvgd. Batavorvm, Ex Officina Elzeviriana(1635) Bound by Cox & Ogle, Cambridge, in vellum, spine stamped 'Terence' near top and 'Elzevir 1635' at base, engraved pictorial title page, (48), 304 pages plus 8 page index, small portrait, inner titles printed in black and red, 5 1/4 x 3". Some staining to early leaves, title page chipped on fore edge, else a nice copy, tight, boards bowed, as usual with vellum. The fifth Elzevir edition, published the same year as the first. Lipsiae 1616

Tatius, Achilles 1640 De Clitophontis et Leucippes Amoribus Libri VIII Ex Bibliotheca C. Salmasii [cum notis] Lugd. Batavor: F. Heger, 1640. [24], 752p, [28]. Parallel Greek and Latin text. Edited by Claude Saumaise who received the Chair of History at the University of Leyden 1631 after it had been left vacant since the death of Scaliger in 1609. Ebert notes on p7 with his usual confidence that this is a complete edition after several MSS, but very hastily got up and very incorrectly printed. The Latin translation is by Crucejus. Clean copy printed in typical Elzevier manner

MARTIALIS Marcus Valerrius (Martialis) 1644 EPIGRAMATA, Cum Notis TH Farnabii, Amsterdam 1644 8X14 492 pp.

SECUNDI IOHANNIS . ( JOHANNES SECUNDUS ) 1651 OPERA. Accurato Recognita Ex Mufeo P. Scriverii.( From the Half-Title ). POEMATA QUAE REPIRIRI POTUERUNT OMNIA. Ex Tertia Editione. Petri Scriverii. Anno 1650. Francifcum Moyaert., Lugduni Batavorvm. 1651 - pp: [ xxviii, introduction and testimonials], 366. Engraved half-title, engraved portrait. Bound in full calf. Text is remarkably clean and tight. [Attributes: Hard Cover]

Tacitus, Cornelius. 1657 Beschreibung 1. Etlicher der ersten Römischen Keiser, und anderer denkwürdiger Geschichte [...] 2. Der Teutschen-Völcker Ursprunges [...] 3. Der Römer, weiland in Engel- und Schotlande geführten Kriege: unter dem Titel; Von des Agricolä Leben und Thaten. [...] In ungezwungene, verständliche Teutsche Sprache gebracht, durch Carl Melchior Grotnizen von Grodnou. Frankfurt, Anton Humm für Georg Müller, 1657.. (34), 1266 (falsch: 1256), (26) SS. Mit gest., ill. Titel. Pergamentband der Zeit mit hs. Rückentitel. Dreiseitiger Farbschnitt. 8vo.. Hübsche deutsche Tacitusübersetzung durch Karl Melchior Grodnitz von Grodnau (vgl. Goedeke III, 247, 12), unter dem Namen "der Behütende" Mitglied der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft, mit welchem Namen er auch seinen Vorbericht an dieselbe Gesellschaft unterzeichnet. "Grodnitz, who also published other translations, is, unlike Schirmer, interested mainly not in literal translation but in a fluent and easily understandable style" (Faber du F.). - Durchgehend schwach gebräunt; insgesamt schönes Exemplar aus der Sammlung des Regensburger Advokaten und Notars Sebastian Seelmann (vgl. Kobolt), seinerseits unter dem Namen "Silvius" Mitglied des Pegnesischen Blumenordens in Nürnberg, mit seinem eigenh. Besitzvermerk am Kupfertitel (datiert 1670). - VD 17, 12:000659D. Schweiger II, 1020. Jantz I, 1228. Faber du Faur I, 624 ("1675"). Amstelodami 1664



OVID 1664 PUBLII OVIDI NASONIS OPERUM tomus III only (Set consists of 3 tomes) Amstelodami 1664

Sallust. (Sallustius Crispus, Caius) 1675 C. Salllustlius Crispus Cum Veterum Historicum Fragmentis Bellum Catilinarium, Bellum Jugurtha, Historiarum Fragmenta, Orationes Duae Ad Caesarem. Fragmenta Historicorum0 Amsterdam Janssonio-Waesbergiana 1675. 16mo. 312 pp. +(34) Index. Copper engraving title page in a Contemporary leather, internally clean & crisp Sewing Firm. Leather 24mo - over 5" - 5¾" tall A. Very Good copy


DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES 1679 [three lines in Greek, then] Dionysii Orbis sescriptio: commentario critico & geographico... Londini Typis M. Clark impensis J. Martyn. 8vo, 8 fold. maps D'EWES, SIMOND 1682 The Journals of All the Parliaments During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Both of the House of Lords and House of Commons. Collected by Sir Simonds d'Ewes . . . Revised and Published by Paul Bowes, of the Middle-Temple [etc.]. Wing D1250. Folio London Printed for John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleetstreet [etc.] 1682. Contemporary dark mottled calf, quite worn, crudely rebacked, some browning, foxing and staining, mainly lightish; a sturdy copy. ¶ First edition of the "beau-deal of an antiquary" Simond D'Ewes' "great work on the parliamentary history of [Elizabeth's] reign" and still the most valuable source on her parliaments; with the marvelous frontispiece depicting Elizabeth in Parliament

Agostino Leonardo1685

GEMMAE ET SCULPTURAE ANTIQUAE DEPICTAE. In Latinum versa ab Jacobo Gronovio. Amsterdam, Abrahamum Blootelling, 1685. 2 voll. in uno. Bella ril. in perg. con decor. impressa ai piatti, tit. manoscr. al dorso, cm 22x17, all’antip. medaglione con ritratto inc. dell’autore, segue incis. con la lupa che allatta i gemelli e stele con il titolo dell’opera, Vol. I: cc. 22 nn., pp 83, alle cc. 16, 17 e 18 tre finiss. inc. a soggetto mitologico, la c. 19 è bianca, seguono 218 tavv inc., front. con stemma; Vol. II: cc. 6 nn., pp 71 con l’errata sul v., seguono 51 tavv inc. Middleton: Ancient Gems p. XII. Ottimo esempl.


Morea, Fransisco Morosini, 1687

Der treflichen Halb-Insul Morea, und derselben unterschiedlichen Provinzen Alte und Neue Beschreibung: Wie auch der ... Republic Venedig bis abhero, unter ... Francesco Morosini ... in besagtem Morea glüklich-gehabter Success der Waffen ; Aus dem Italiänischen ins Teutsche gebracht, und, nebst versicherten Abbildungen der darinn ligenden vornehmsten Städt und Vestungen, Desgleichen einer accuraten Land-Karten, zum Druck befördert Nürnberg, 1687 SUETONIUS 1690 Caji Suetonii Tranquilli Opera, et in illa Commentarius Samuelis Pitisci, quo Antiquitates Romanae, tum ab Interpretibus Doctissimis, Beraoldo, Sabellico, Egnatio, Ursino, Grutero, Torrentio, Casaubono, Marcilio, Boxhornio, Graevio, Babelonio etiam axplicatae, tum ab illis neglectae, ex Auctoribus idoneis permultis, Graecis & Latinis, veteribus & recentioribus, perpetuo tenore explicantur Franciscus Halma, Trajecti ad Rhenum [Utrecht]., 1690. Two volumes: pp 932; 924. Extra engraved titlepage and thirty-nine other engraved plates, two of which are extending. Original full vellum with later leather title-labels.

CELLARRII 1691 GEOGRAPHIAM ANTIQUAE GEOGRAPHIAE EPITOMEN Venice (?) Juvénal & Perse 1695 Satires | D. Iunii Iuvenalis Aquinatis Satyrae, cum scholiis veterum, & commentariis integris, selectis & conquisitis fere omnium eruditorum, ut Is. Grangæi, Jo. Britannici, Nic. Rigaltii, Pet. Pithoei, Th. Pulmanni, Dom. Calderini, Georg. Vallæ, Eilh. Lubini, B. Autumni, Joh. Ger. Vossii, Oct Ferrarii, Cl. Salmasii, Jos. Scaligeri, Nic. Heinsii, Joh. Fr. Gronovii, J. G. Graevii, Is. Vossii, Lud. d'Orléans, J. A. Gonsalii de Salas, Th. J. Almelovenii, H. C. Henninii, & aliorum | cum Indice Locupletissimo omnium Vocabulorum, Quæcunque hujus Præfatiois contenta sequens pagina indicabit | accedit Auli Persii Flacci Satirarum liber. Isaacus Casaubonus recensuit, & commentario libro illustravit | Editio novissima, auctior & emendatior ex ipsius Petrum Vander Aa 1695 - 2 tomes en 1 vol. in-4 de 17 nch.-980p.-34 fnch.-7 fnch.-214 p.-8 fnch., pages de titre en rouge et noir, bandeaux, lettrines, culs de lampe, frontispice de I. Goeree gravé par I. Mulder et 12 planches h-t. gravés à l'eau-forte, plein veau époque, dos à nerfs très orné, coiffes ab., rouss. éparses, mouill. claires marginales, restaurations anciennes en tête des p. 25 à 31, cahiers Ppp, Cccc pliés à l'envers, tranches mouchetées


EVELYN, J. 1697 Numismata. A Discourse of Medals, Antient and Modern. Together with some Account of Heads and Effigies of Illustrious, and Famous Persons, in Sculps, and Taille-Douce, of Whom we have no Medals extant; ... To which is added A Digression concerning Physiognomy. ... London: Printed for Benj. Tooke, 1697. F'scap folio. Orig. full old panelled calf (corners worn). Spine skilfully rebacked. Raised spine bands and contrasting morocco titling-label. Endpapers foxed. (viii, 342, 14pp.). With numerous engraved vignettes of medals. Title-page printed in red/black ink. A particularly fine crisp copy of the First Edition, highly regarded by Keynes. Scarce

PENICHER, Louis, 1699 Traité des embaumements selon les anciens et les modernes. Avec une Ddescription de quelques compositions balsamiques & odorantes. Paris Barthelemy Girin 1699 Plein veau brun de l'époque. Dos à cinq nerfs, orné et doré, portant la pièce de titre. Roulette dorée sur les coupes. In-12 (14,8x8 cm) de [24], 315, [3] pages. Discrètes restaurations des coins. Rare traité traitant des différentes techniques d'embaumements. L'auteur donne un grand nombre de baumes. Dorbon signale particulièrement le chapitre VIII, consacré aux "prétendues Mumies spirituelles, aëriennes et vrayement mystérieuses dont les philosophes Spagyriques, ses sectateurs, parlent avec tant d'éloge, et desquelles ils vantent avec tant d'emphase et d'affectation les vertus surprenantes, et presque miraculeuses, pour la guérison et pour la transplantation des maladies les plus rebelles". BEL EXEMPLAIRE Caillet [III, 8495], Dorbon [3593]



HOMERI OPERA GRAECO-LATINA HOMERI OPERA GRAECO-LATINA, QUAE QUIDEM NUNC EXTANT OMNIA. Hoc. Est: Ilas, Odyssea, Batrahomyomachia, et Hymni; praetera Homeri vita ex Plutarcho, cum Latina item interpretatione, locis communibes ubiq in margine notatis, In hacoperam suam contulit SEBASTIAN CASTALIO. Editio tertia superior longe & emenddatior, & auctior, etc. Basileae, per Haerides Nicolai Brylingeri 1567 22x32, 16 pp. index, 292 pp.+ 317 pp. Greek and Latin text in 2 columns, Heavily embossed leather with two clasps for closing the book


THE ARTS BOOKS 1700 to the present


EIGHTEENTH CENTURY BOOKS Anonymous 1702 Médailles sur les principaux événements du règne de Louis Le Grand avec des explications historiques par l'Académie Royale des Médailles des Inscriptions Paris Imprimerie Royale 1702 Grand in-4 (290 x 225 mm), veau marron, dos à nerfs orné, pièce de titre de maroquin rouge, dentelle sur les coupes, tranches mouchetées rouges (reliure d'époque). Frontispice dessiné par Coypel, gravé par Simonneau, 286 planches de médailles gravées. (défauts d'usage, mors du premier plat fendu, coins émoussés, quelques rousseurs). // Tall quarto (290 x 225 mm), brown calf, spine tooled in gilt, gilt dentelle on turns-in, red sprinkled edges (contemporary binding). Frontispiece by Coypel, engraved by Simonneau, 286 plates with engraved medals. (defects of use, upper cover joins lightly cracked, corners bumped, Cantabrigiae Teius, Anacreon , Author 1705 Poeta Lyricus summa cura &Diligentia, ad fidemetiam Vet. Ms Vatican. Emendatus. Pristino Nitori, Numerique suis Restitutus, Dimidia fere Auctus, Aliquot nempe justis Poematiis, & Fragmentis plurimis, ab undiquaque conquifitis Cantabrigiae, 1705 Seneca 1702 L. Annaei Senecae Philosophi Opera Omnia. Accessit a viris doctis ad Senecam annotatorum delectus. Two Volumes.. bei Thomas Fritsch, Leipzig 1702. Mit Frontispiz, Leipzig, bei Thomas Fritsch, 1702, (6 Blätter), 584 Seiten, 16x9,5, Original-Lederbändchen mit Rückentitel, beschabt u. bestoßen, die letzten 2 Seiten mit dezenten Anstreichungen, Vorsatz von alter Hand beschrieben, ein Vorsatzblatt/Vortitel fehlt, Einbandinnenseite mit Aufkleberresten, in lateinischer Sprache, dekorativ,

PETRONIUS || BURMAN, 1709 Petrus (Ed.) Titi Petronii Arbitri Satyricôn qvae supersunt cum integris doctorum virorum commentariis; & notes Nicolai Heinsii & Guilielmi Goesii nunc primum editis. Accedunt Jani Dousae praecidnea, Dr. Jos. Ant. Gonsali de Salas commenta, variae dissertationes & praefationes, quarum index post praefationem exhibetur. Curante Petro Burmanno. Utrecht, Guilielmum Vande Water, 1709. 4to. Engr. extra title,+ (38),+ 136,157-164,145-688,+ (4),+ 1-368,+ (116) pp. With 12 engraved illustrations in text, of which three half-page. Title printed in red and black. Contemporary full vellum, Schweiger II, p. 725. Brunet IV, 575. First edition of this new compilate by Burman of older printed editions and comments on Petronius. A new edition in two parts was printed in 1743 and a third in 1781. The notes are, to a large extent, based on Heinsius and Schefferus. Petrus Burman (senior), (1668-1741) famous Dutch philologist. Born in Utrecht and educated there and in Leyden, he became professor in History at Utrecht in 1696

Homer 1711 [Title in Greek then] Ilias & Odysseae [The works in Greek and Latin]. (9 3/4 X 8 1/4 inches, Cantabrigiae 1711

Kennett, Basil 1713 Romae Antiquae Notitia: or, the antiquities of Rome. In two parts... 1713 1713. Fifth edition. 1713 (19.5 x 12.5 cm), [16], 375, [29]pp., engraved portrait frontispiece and vignette to title page, illustrated with 12 engraved plates That year he published his first and most successful work, Romae antiquae notitia, or, The Antiquities of Rome. Prefaced by two original essays 'The Roman learning' and 'The Roman education' - it passed through many editions, and as late as 1786 the bookseller William Lowndes purchased a thirty-second share in the rights to the book. Its elegant synthesis


of the antiquarian data assembled over the previous 200 years ensured it a leading place among books on the daily life of the Romans until the nineteenth century. (DNB)

P. VIRGILII MARONIS / VIRGIL 1717 Opera, cum iIntegris Commentariis Servi, Philargyrii, pierri. Leovardiae, Fransisco Halma 1717 Eutropii, Flavii. 1719 Brevarium Historiæ Romanæ ab urbe condita ad annum M.C.XIX. Nova Editio Accuratissime netis Gallicis illustrata. Parisiis 1719

Jean de Mariana, P., S.J. (Juan de Mariana 1535-1624) 1725 HISTOIRE GENERALE D'ESPAGNE only Vol V of six Paris, Rue S. Jacques 1725 chez le Mercier (etc).Traduite en Francois avec des notes et des Cartes par le P. Joseph-Nicolas Charenton, SJ. volume V second partie. In French. 4to VG with light wrinkling and rippling but text clean and bright. Covers Fairly Good, worn but still intact, spine labels mostly missing, spine chipped. Scarce [Attributes: Hard Cover]

DIONYSII HALICARNASSEI (Denys d'HALICARNASSE). 1728 De Stractura Orationis Liber Londini 1728

CELSUS (Celsi), Aur. Corn. 1730 De Medicina libri octo brevioribus Rob. Constantini, Is. Casauboni Aliorum que Scholiis ac locis parallelis illustrati Cura & Studio Th. J. ab Almeloveen, ... Joh. Arn. Langerak. Lugduni Batavorum (Leyden) 1730. illustration: Engraved portrait, engraved title, and 2 in text. (2 plates+(60)+688+49+(39) s. Pæn stand. Contemporary vellum. Title page printed in red and black. Name and small, old note to free endp

FERDINAND COLUMBUS, 1732 HISTORY OF ADMIRAL CHR. COLUMBUS, prepared by John Churchill,and was published in 1730 in England Amstelaedami 1732

LUCIANUS SAMOSATENSIS (LUKIAN VON SAMOSTRATA). 1732 Colloquia selecta & Timon. Cebetis Thebani tabula. Menandri sententiae morales. Graece & Latine. Colloquia Luciani & Timonem, notis illustravit Tiberius Hemsterhuis. HESIOD. 1737 Greek title). Hesiodi Ascraei Quae Supersunt, Cum Notis Variorum, Edidit Thomas Robinson, S.T.P. Oxford: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1737. - 4to. Pp. [8], xliii, [1], 496. Greek and Latin on facing pages. Contains: Deorum Generatio (Theogonia), Scutum Herculis, Opera et Dies, Dies, and Fragmenta. Engraved frontis portrait and another full-page engraving to illustrate "Works and Days". Bound in modern quarter morocco over cloth boards, spine with blind-stamped ornaments and gilt lettering between raised bands. Marginal foxing and moderate browning to some leaves, armorial bookplate and modern bookplate, but generally a very good copy, in a plain yet dignified modern binding. *The First Edition of Robinson’s Hesiod, described by Moss as "one of the very best and most valuable editions which has yet appeared; it is formed chiefly on the basis of Le Clerc’s and Graevius’s edition; it contains the entire notes of Scaliger and Heinsius, and a selection of those of Guietus and Le Clerc; the editor has also added some of his own. Dr. Robinson carefully collated two MSS. in the Bodleian, from which, and one belonging to the Royal


Society, (of London), he obtained some valuable information." According to Dibdin: "the celebrity of all former editions is eclipsed by this of Robinson." Moss I, p. 471; Dibdin II, p. 35. [Attributes: First Edition; Hard Cover]

editor Musaeus; Matthiae Rover, 1737 MUSAEI GRAMMATICI DE HERONE ET LEANDRO CARMEN Cum Scholiis Graecis Nunc Primum E Codice M.S. Bibliothecae Bodlejanae Editis Lugduni Batavorum; Theodorum Haak; 1737; Hardcover; Good hardback. Leather spine. marbled paper boards.; Marbled endpapers. Marbled page edges. prior owner bookplate. In Greek and Latin. near very good. cover worn on edges.; [Publisher: Theodorum Haak]

Hippocrates (Sir Thomas Burnet, 1632?-1715?) 1737 Hippocrates contractus, in quo magni Hippocratis ... opera omnia, in brevem epitomen, summa diligentia redacta habentur / Studio & opera Thomae Burnet.... Edinburgi (Edinburgh) excudebat J. Reid, sumptibus Georgii Mosman 1685, First edition. Hardcover Small octavo, 14.3 cm. pp (viii), 219 (i.e., 217), (2, Additamentum), (15, Index), (1, errata), (1, blank). Bound on old calf, spine with raised bands clean and unworn, text block tight. Wing (2nd ed) H2073. Commentaries and abstracts from Hippocrates by the eminent Edinburgh physician to Charles II, James VII, William III, and Queen Anne. Homer, (Clarke, Samuel) 1740 4 Volumes in 2; Odyssey & Iliad; Greek & Latin; all 5 maps): 1. Homeri Odyssea Graece et Latine. (1st Ed.) 2. Homeri Ilias Graece et Latine. (2nd Ed.) John and Paul Knapton, London 1740 - The above date is for the first bound pair (Odyssey) of these volumes (4 volumes bound in 2); the second volume (2nd ed. Iliad) is from 1754. This is a matched set, hence kept as a pair. Samuel Clarke was a respected and well-published 18th century theologian and philosopher; his portrait (by Vanderbank) hangs in London's National Portrait Gallery. These are bound in vellum, ornamental spine..The first bound pair (Odyssey) has 3 engraved b&w maps, appropriate to the text, engraved by Seale and Toms. The maps are very good, with mild offsetting and browning, folds as issued, with images averaging about 8 x 11 inches. In the first pair the maps are of ancient Greece, northern Africa and southern Italy (with northern Sicily). The instructions for the maps indicate that map 2 was to be bound at the end of vol. 1, but it is at the beginning. In the second edition volume (Iliad) there are 2 maps, one of ancient Greece, the other of Asia minor, of similar dimensions to the other 3 and also by Seale and Toms. Texts are in Greek and Latin, and are very clean. It is quite unusual to find these volumes with the full complement of maps in nice condition. The first edition Odyssey is 784 pp plus 34 pp index; the Iliad volumeis 344 + 347 pp, plus a 34 pp index; the Iliad volumeis 344 + 347 pp, plus a 3 page preface and 10 page index (rear). Title pages to all 4 volumes are present, The first Iliad edition of this set came in 172932. References: Brunet III 273-4 for the set; for Clarke see Dictionary Scientific BIography III 294-7.

Johann Georg Wachter 1740 Archaeologia Nummaria (1740) (Hardback) Mounteney, Richard (ed) 1741 Demosthenous logoi eklektoi. Demosthenis selectae orationes. Ad.Cod.MSS. recensuit, textum, scholiasten, & versionem plurimis in locis castigavit, notis insuper illustravit Ricardus Mounteney, Coll.Regal. apud Cantab. Socius. Praefiguntur huic editioni observationes in commentarios vulgo Ulpianeos. Edition Nova emendatior et auctior 1741. - A handsomely bound copy of the 1841 edition of what was the standard edition of Demosthenes for university students in eighteenth-century England. Its editor, Richard Mounteney (1707-1768), a Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, was subsequently to become a barrister and a Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. Brown morocco binding. 8vo. (26) + xxxiv + 388pp, engraved folding, Hard Cover


MARTIALIS Marcus Valerius 1749 M. Val. Martialis Epigrammata. Cum notis Thomae Farnabii sumptibus Remondini, Amstelodami 1749 - Frontespizio bicolore, in rosso e nero, stampa allegorica, da lastra di rame all'antiporta. L'opera è stampata con caratteri corsivi per il testo dell'opera, le note a margine sono stampate in caratteri normali. Ottimo esemplare totalmente coevo, privo di fori di tarlo o aloni d'umido. Tutta pergamena coeva, titoli calligrafati al dorso, pp.492, in 16° Cephala, Constantino 1754 Anthologiae Graecae a Constantino Cephalaconditae libri tres duo nunc primum tertius post iensium iterum editi cum Latina interpretatione commentariis et notitia poetarum. Lipsiae in bibliopolio Gleditschiano 1754 Ducarel, Adrew Coltec (1713-85) 1757 A Series of above Two Hundred Anglo - Gallic, or Norman and Aquitain Coins of the Antient Kings of England; Exhibited in Sixteen Copper-plates, and Illustrated in Twelve Letters...To which is added, A Map of the Antient Dominions of the Kings of England in France.... London: Printed for the Author; and sold by E. Withers..., 1757.. Engraved frontispiece, folding map, [4] xi, 104 pp. 16 engraved plates; plus 39 pp. Postscript. 4to, contemporary mottled calf. First edition. A fine copy, clean and sound, with some rubbing at joints and small chips at head and tail of backstrip. Scarce..

Carter, Elizabeth 1759 All The Works Of Epictetus, Which Are Now Extant; Consisting Of His Discourses, Preserved by Arrian, in Four Books, the Enchiridion, and Fragments. Translated from the Original Greek, by Elizabeth Carter. with an Introduction, and Notes, by the Translator. 1759 London A. Millar, John Rivington, R. & J. Dodsley. Hardcover Very Good; In gilt internally the book is tight and clean, hinges and spine ends rubbed with some loss of color, still an attractive sound copy. Edition: Second Edition 4to 11" - 13" tall; Leather 3/4 brown morocco, six panel spine and gilt rules, mottled boards, 5, [12], xli, [1], 505, [11]p. **Philip Schaff, A Religious Encyclopaedia; "one of the most imposing representatives of the stoic philosophy. [His writings] have a peculiar interest to the churchhistorian on account of the influence they exercised on Marcus Aurelius.". Impensis

DIOGENIS LAERTII - DIOGENE LAERTE 1759? De vitis, dogmatibus et apophtegmatibus clarorum philosophorum, libri X Graece et Latine. LIPSIAE, Impensis Ioannis Pauli Kraussi, Bipliop. Viennens,1759

Milton, John 1759 PARADISE LOST a Poem in Twelve Books Printed By John Baskerville for J. And R. Tonson, London 1759 - Second Baskerville edition reset from the 1758 edition, lxxii, 416pp., marbled endpapersA pleasing copy with minor scattered foxing, previous owner's bookplate. [Attributes: Hard Cover] 44

Herodotus & Petrus Wesseling (1692-1764). 1763 Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarum Libri IX /Herodotou Halikarnissios Histrion Logio 9. Amstelodami, Sumptibus Petri Schovtenii, MDCCLXIII. [Amsterdam, Schouten, 1763]. - (Musarum Nominibus Inscripti Gr. et Lat. ex Laur. Vallae interpretatione, cum adnotationibus Thomae Galei et Jacobi Gronovii. Editionem curavit et suas itemque Lud. Casp. Valckenarii Notas adjecit Petrus Wesselingius. Accedunt Praeter Vitam Homeri varia ex priscis scriptoribus de Persis, Aegyptiis, Nilo, Indisque Excerpta et praesertim ex Ctesia.) Folio; size of binding: 10 1/4 in. x 16 1/2 in. x 3 1/4 in. (thick), half-title; elaborate, engraved frontispiece with bust of Herodotus, classical female figures, map of ancient Greece, details of Egyptian & Persian sculpture, by Hieronymus van der My (Mey; 1687-1761), engraved by Francois van Bleyswyck (Bleyswick); titlepage printed in red and black with engraving; [20]pp., pp. 1-868; half-title: [2]pp., pp. 3-177; [69]pp. of indexes & addenda; foldout engraved plate of sculptural details at page 166; the Appendix also contains a few smaller engravings of a coin at p. 86, sculptural details at p. 119, p. 158, 170. Text is double-columned in Greek and Latin. Bound in full, old sprinkled calf, with seven raised bands on the spine, gilt-lettered: HERODOTUS WESSELINGII, and gilt-tooled forms of urns, etc. All edges are sprinkled red

Aesopus 1763 Aesopus des Phrygiers Leben und Fabelnnebst den Fabeln des Philelphus Leipzig 1763

Coluthi [Koloythoy in Greek] 1765 [Koloythoy Arpagi Elenis, in Greek] CLVTHI RAPTVS HELENAE, Graece et Latine, metrica Interpretatio Italica Ant. Mar. Salvini nvnc primum edita. Florentiae 1765, Ant. Mar. Salvini NUNC PRIMUM EDITA

Pegge, Samuel 1772 An Assemblage of Coins; Fabricated By Authority of the Archbishops of Canterbury.. London 1772

A. Cornelii, 1772 Celsi de re Medica libri octo. Ex fide manuscriptorum codicum & vetustissimorum librorum, summa diligentia summoque studio recensuit J. Valart Paris Apud P. Fr. Didot 1772 - XX+ 553+(3). With fine old bookplate. Latin. Very beautiful contemporary binding og full calf with 5 raised bands. With very rich golddecoration on spine boards edges of boards and on the inside of boards. All edges gilt. Fronthinge starting to crack [Attributes: Hard Cover]

Wood, Robert , Author 1773 Versuch Uber Das Originalgenie Des Homers (1773) Plutarch 1774-1782 Chaeronensis que supersunt, omnia Graece et Latine. Princibibus ex editionibus castigavit, virorumque doctorum suisque anno-tationibus instruxit. Io. Iacobus Reiske. Twelve volumes, Lipsiae 1774-1782 HOMER - BLACKWELL, (THOMAS) / VOSS, JOHANN HEINRICH: 1776


Untersuchungen über Homers Leben und Schriften. Aus dem Englischen des Blackwells übersetzt von Johann Heinrich Voss. Mit einer Karte von Griechenland. Leipzig, Weygand, 1776.. 379 S., 5 Bl. 1 mehrf. gefalt. Karte. Hldr. d. Zt. (Berieben, altes Papierschildchen auf Rücken). Sehr seltene erste deutsche Ausgabe von Blackwalls für die deutsche Homer-Rezeption des 18. Jhdts bedeutenden, erstmals 1735 ersch. 'An Inquiry into the life and writings of Homer.' Zurick, 1778

Homer 1778 Homer's Werke. Erster Band. [Ilias]. swerter Band Odyssee Zurick, 1778

Homer - Stolberg, Friedrich Leopold 1778 Homers Ilias verdeutscht. in Kortens Buchhandlung. Flensburg und Leipzig, 1778. - Halblederband um 1920 mit goldg- und blindegprägtem Rückentitel und -filetierung unter Verwendung alter Deckelbezüge. 2 in 1 Band. 320 S., Titel, 433(recte 333) S. 8°. Goedeke IV/1033, 4. - Borst 361. - Erste Ausgabe. Herausgegeben von Johann Heinrich Voss dem Stolberg das Manuskript schenkte. S. 301/2 mit Papierfehler mit Durchbruch (ohne Textverlust). [Attributes: First Edition]

PROPERTIUS, SEXTUS AURELIUS. 1780 Sex. Aurelii Propertii Elegiarum libri IV. Cum commentario perpetuo Petri Burmanni Secundi et multis doctorum notis ineditis. Opus Burmanni morte interruptum Laurentius Santenius absolvit. Trajecti ad Rhenum [Utrecht], Bartholomeus Wild, 1780. Titel, 3 Bll., XIV S., 1 Bl., 990 S., 1 Bl. (Errata). Mit 1 Kpfr. 4to. Spät. mittelbraunes HLdr. mit RSch. ¶ [Elegiae]. - Besitzverm. u. Notizen von alter Hand aV, StaT u. verso (gelöscht); einige Bll. schwach wasserrandig. - Die 4 Bücher Elegiae des Properz (um 50 - um 15 v. Chr.) schildern seine Liebesgeschichte mit Cynthia (1), Ablehnung der Bitte des Maecenas, die Taten des Augustus zu besingen, Liebeslieder, Trauerelegien u. Klagen über Cynthias Untreue (2), noch einmal die Zurückweisung des Maecenas, Bruch mit Cynthia (3); im Buch 4 wird die legendäre Urgeschichte Roms gestaltet (Wilpert, Lex. d. Weltlit., S. 1312). - Der niederländische Altphilologe Pieter Burman d.J. (auch: Peter Burmann, 1713-1778) war Professor in Franeker u. Amsterdam (vgl. Zischka, Allgem. Gelehrten-Lex., S. 122 f.). - Laurentius Santenius (1746-1798), niederländischer Philologe u. neolateinischer Dichter.

Seber, Wolfgang (M. Wolfgangi Seberi Sulani) 1780 INDEX HOMERICUS: INDEX VOCABULORUM IN HOMERI ILIADE ATQUE ODYSSEA Caeterisque Quotquot Extant Poematis. Editio Nova Auctior Et Emendatior Oxford Clarendon Press(1780) Book has been repaired in its lifetime-- spine has been reinforced and the original spine cover is overlain. Edgewear to corners. Ffep is corner-clipped. Titlepage has small strip removed (1cm) along bottom edge. ; Index of homeric vocabulary in the Iliad and Odyssey. Includes a Latin-English glossary. ; 612 pages, Good+

MARLBOROUGH.1780-91 Gemmarum antiquarum delectus; ex praestantioribus desumptus, quae in dactyliothecis ducis Marlburiensis conservantur. - Choix de pierres antiques gravées du cabinet du Duc de Marlborough. 2 vols (Only the volume of plates) The original copper plates from the private edition of 100 copies, which was published between 1780 and 1791 by the Duke of Marlborough and given away by him as present only. In 1762, George Spencer, fourth duke of Marlborough (1739-1817), had purchased most of the gems of the Zanetti collection in Venice. With later 19th-century bookplate "Thomas Collins, Tewkesbury" on first paste-down of both volumes. - Sinkankas 4214;


cf. Brunet II, 1528 (ed. of 1780 only); Oxford DNB LI, 837f. (Spencer). - Binding missing. Homer 1781 Homers Odüßee [Odyssee] übersetzt von Johann Heinrich Voß. Hamburg, auf Kosten des Verfassers 1781, 468 Seiten + 8 nicht paginierte Blatt Subskribentenverzeichnis, Wilpert/Gühring² 7. - Kleines altes Bibliotheksschild auf vorderem Spiegel; Namenszug von alter Hand in kleiner Schrift auf Vorsatz oben, datiert 1783; darunter ein zweiter Namenszug, ebenfalls in kleiner Schrift, datiert 1803; Titel: Handschriftlich "Ex libris Leopoldi Oelsknecht 1805", gestempelt die Initialen "M" und "K" und handschriftlich "Bibliothecae Collegii Cremsensis 1822". Unauffälliger Sammlungsstempel auf hinterem Spiegel über der Stehkante.. . Halbleder auf fünf Bünden mit Lederecken 8° (212 x 145mm). Dreiseitiger Rotschnitt. Seiten fleckenfrei. - Das Titelblatt dieses Exemplars ist bei Wikimedia Commons publiziert -> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Homer_Voss_Odyssee_1781.jpg und kann dort vergrößert werden

CLARKE, SAMUEL (HOMER) 1785 Homeri Ilias: Graece et Latine Ex Recensione Et Cum Notis(2 volumes) Londini, 1785. Vol 1 and Vol 2 Text in Greek and Latin. Good/no DJ as issued full leather with much wear and rubbing on covers. Spine labels missing but titles still readable on spine. 508 pages and 521 pages. Both volumes have a fold-out map. Inside hinges lightly cracked. Very scarce books.. Hardcover.

Rode, August , Author 1785 Philosophische Und Andere Gedichte Aus Dem Lateinischen Des Lukrez, Horaz, Katull, Virgil, Ovid, Lukan (1785) Hamburg 1785

William Young 1786 History of Athens Politically and Philosophically Considered Young, William. The History of Athens Politically and Philosophically Considered, with the View to an Investigation of the Immediate Causes of Elevation, and of Decline, Operative in a Free and Commercial State. London: Printed for J. Robson, 1786. [Second edition]. xvi, 392p. Contemporary tree calf. 27cm. Front joint cracked but still holding. Armorial bookplate. Lacks half-title. Scattered light foxing. Very Good. The first edition, published in 1777, was titled The Spirit of Athens....

Bahrdt, Carl Friedrich 1787 Juvenal, ubersetzt u. mit Anmerkungen fur Ungeleehrte versehn v.D. Berlin 1787

Anacharsis and Abbe Barthelemy 1791 Maps, Plans Views and Coins Illustrative of the travels of Anacharsis in Greece during the 4th century before the Christian Era 1791 Robinson London First Edition 1791 - VG (book in very good condition) 8vo (approx. 7 1/2 inches to 9 1/2 inches tall) No Dustjacket as issued. Cloth Binding BARTHELEMY, ABBE [JEAN JACQUES]. TRAVELS OF ANACHARSIS THE YOUNGER IN GREECE, DURING THE MIDDLE OF THE FOURTH CENTURY BEFORE THE CHRISTIAN ERA. London: G. G. and J. Robinson, 1791.1st edition. . Jean Jacques Barthelemy developed a love for oriental languages and numismatics while studying for the priesthood. In 1744 he went to Paris with a letter of introduction to M. Gros de Boze, keeper of the royal collections of medals. He became assistant to Boze, then succeeded him as keeper in 1753. Barthelemy is best know for his work VOYAGE DE JEUNE ANACHARSIS EN GRECE, first published in 1787. A work which took him 30 years to write, it centers around a young Scythian hero descended from the famous philosopher Anacharsis. Anacharsis the Younger is supposed to repair to Greece for instruction in his youth and following a tour of her republics and colonies, return to his native land to write this book in his old age. In the manner of modern travelers, he gives accounts of the customs, government and


antiquities of the country to which he traveled. This is the atlas to the set of travels 4to 11 by 9 inches, with all the copper engraved fold out maps, views complete and all hand watercolored, rare in hand watercolor, rebound in library maroon buckram but internally very good with no internal ex library markings or other flaws. Beautiful copper engraved maps suitable for framing. [Attributes: First Edition; Hard Cover]

KÖPPEN, J.H.J., 1791 Erklärende Anmerkungen zum Homer (Ilias). Bd 1 - 2 u. 5 - 6 (von 6). in 2 Bdn. Hannover 1791 Anonymous 1793 A New History Of Greece; From its earliest establishment until it was subjected to the Roman Empire containing an account of the wars, revolutions, progress in arts and sciences together with the characters of the most distinguist generals, legislators, and philosophers whose actions were the ornaments of Greece. The third edition much improved, London 1793

MARTIALIS, Marcus Valerius (38-104). 1793-94 Aus den poetischen Übersetzungen verschiedener Verfasser gesammelt, und mit eigenen Übersetzungen hrsg. von Carl Wilhelm Ramler. Wien, Auf Kosten der Herausgeber, 1793-94.. 5 Bde. Kl.-8vo. Halbkalbslederbände d. Z., mit reicher Rückenvergoldung, Rotschnitt.. Sammlung der römischen und griechischen Classiker in deutschen Übersetzungen, Bde. IV, VI, VIII, X und XI. - Mit Stempel auf Titel. - Ein dekorativ gebundenes Exemplar, Exlibris Franz Pollack-Parnau. Schweiger I/2, 601. Sammlung der römischen und griechischen Classiker in deutschen Übersetzungen, Vierter, Sechster, Achter, Zehnter und Elfter Band. -A clean and well-preserved copy, stamp on title of first volume. - Stamp on title. - Contemporary half calf, spines elaborately gilt with label, edges in red.

CELLARII, CHRISTOPHORI., SAMUELIS PATRICKII, 1794 GEOGRAPHIA ANTIQUA. Recognita denuo, and ad veterum novorumque scriptorum fidem, historicorum maxine, identidem castigata, and Quinta Editione plurimis locis aucta and immutata. Sumtibus Michaelis Stasi, Neapoli 1794 Fiorillo, Ioh. Dominik 1794 Das vermeine Grabmal Homers nach Herrn Lechevalier. Leipzig 1794

Pausanias 1796 [in Greek] PAUSANIAE GRAECIAE DESCRIPTIO. Pausaniae Veteris Graeciae Descriptio, Romulo Amasaeo interprete. Four volumes, Lipsiae 1796

John Duncombe. 1798 THE WORKS OF THE EMPEROR JULIAN, And Some Pieces Of The Sophist Libanius, Translated from the Greek. With notes from Petau, La Bleterie, Gibbon, &c. To Which Is Added, The History of the Emperor Jovian, from the French Of The AbbŽ de La Bleterie. By John Duncombe, M.A. In two volumes. Third Edition Corrected. London 1798. SOME NINETEENTH CENTURY BOOKS 48

Flaccus, Quintus Horatius. 1800 Opera. Petrus Didot., Parisiis 1800 - Editio stereotypa. (7), 288 pp. Anno VIII. Small 8:o. Old marbled boards, slightly worn. Interior somewhat loose. Underlining and some foxing occurs. N.B. If You wish to pay with VISA/Mastercard, Please read our terms before ordering, [Attributes: Hard Cover] Horaz 1800 Horazens Oden, übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen erläutert von Karl Wilhelm Ramler. bey Johann Daniel Sander. Berlin, 1800. - Halblederbände der Zeit mit je 2 Rückenschildern. 2 Bände. X, 311 S., IX, 392 S. Mit 2 gestochenen Titelvignetten. 8°. Einbände berieben. Vordere fliegende Vorsatzpapiere mit herausgeschnittenen Namen. Band 2 im Schnitt und Seitenränder am Anfang etwas fleckig und mit einem schwachen Wasserand im hinteren Teil. HOMER 1804-1807 Ilias-Odyssea. Ex veterum criticorum notationibus optimorunque exemplarium fide novis curis recensita. apud Bibliopolam G. I. Goschen, Leipzig 1804-1807 VOSS, IOHANN HEINRICH 1806 Homers Ilias: Mit einer Karte von Troja. Tübingen: J.G. Cotta`schen,1806.130x205mm. two volumes, hard cover with leather spine condition. The book is in good condition: German.

Homers Odyssee: XIII - XXIV. Gesang / Dritte verbesserte Ausgabe. 1806: J.G. Cotta`schen,1806.8` 260p. brown hard cover with gilt letterings on spine. in good condition. Mieiner Karte des kefallenischen Reichs und einem grundgrisse vom des Odysseus. German


Dilettanti, 1809-1835 Specimens of antient sculpture, Aegyptian, Etruscan, Greek & Roman: Selected from different collections in Great Britain. SPECIMENS OF ANTIENT SCULPURE IN..., Vol. I, 1809, Folio Dilettanti, SPECIMENS OF ANTIENT SCULPURE IN..., Vol. II, 1835, Folio Pickering, Timothy: 1812


POLITICAL ESSAYS. A SERIES OF LETTERS ADDRESSED TO THE PEOPLE OF THEUNITED STATES. Printed and sold by J.D. Bemis, 1812. 215pp. 12mo. Contemporary calf-backed birch boards, gilt leather label. Binding rubbed, worn at corners Very good, in the original binding. The first American edition, following the London edition of the previous year. This book is notable as the first bound book printed in western New York. This copy is especially remarkable for being in its original binding. In this collection of essays Pickering vents his strong anti-Jefferson and anti-Madison opinions, including his views on the Embargo, the circumstances of his dismissal from office by John Adams, and the approaching war with England. After Alexander Hamilton's death, Pickering, who had been the third Secretary of State (under Washington and Adams), and who also represented Massachusetts in the United States House and Senate, became a prominent Federalist spokesman. He was a leader in the movement to have New England secede from the Union (via the Essex Junto and the Hartford Convention) in the years leading up to the War of 1812. The fact that this volume was printed in Canandaigua, in far western New York, in the year of the outbreak of the war, is interesting evidence of the Federalists' attempt to spread their philosophy to the American frontier. McMURTRIE, CANANDAIGUA IMPRINTS 16. HOWES P339. SABIN 62657. SHAW & SHOEMAKER 26462.

Thomas, Robert. 1813 THE MODERN PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, EXHIBITING THE CHARACTER, CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, PROGNOSTIC, MORBID APPEARANCES, AND IMPROVED METHOD OF TREATING THE DISEASES OF ALL CLIMATES. Collins: NY 1813 - 8.5 x 5.5, full leather, 697 pp, appendix, index, full contemporary calf with gilt rules and titles on spine, moderately worn, rear free end paper removed, well oiled and quite sound. Second American printing. [Attributes: Hard Cover]

[ANONYMOUS] actually written by Franz of Elsholtz 1821

NEUE ACHILLES. Published to support the Greek War of Independence. This was one of the books banned and burned by the Great Powers of the Holy Alliance whose purpose was to suppress revolutions after the final defeat of Napoleon. Published in Germany in 1821, RARE

MILLINGEN, James. 1822 ANCIENT UNEDITED MONUMENTS. Painted Greek Vases; Statues, Busts, BasReliefs from collections in various countries, principally in Great Britain [part II: Statues, Busts, Bas-Reliefs, and other Remains of Grecian Art]. London, [Privately Printed], 1822-26 - FIRST EDITION. - Large 4to, two volumes in one, pp. [8, the initial two blank], viii, 105; [4], ii, 40, both titles with engraved vignettes, 62 plates (42 tinted, 7 folding or double-page), printed on thick paper modern green half sheep. - Although the series was discontinued for want of public patronage, it was of considerable value in bringing to light the wealth of archaeological


treasures concealed in private collections in England. The plates are in various media, including lithography in two colours. The archaeologist James Millingen (1774-1845), had originally and reluctantly been a banker, who willingly followed medical advice to ease his asthma with the Italian climate. 'There he wrote and compiled valuable works in French and Italian on coins, medals, Etruscan vases, and related subjects, and also contributed articles to learned journals in Britain and on the continent. He bought antiquities with considerable discernment, and supplied private collections and most of the important museums of Europe, including the British Museum, with fine examples of ancient art. For some time he lived at Rome and at Naples, where he met Lady Blessington, but later he settled at Florence, paying occasional visits to Paris and London' (Oxford DNB). - Blackmer 1135.

Homer 1822-23 Homeri Odyssea. Cum interpretationis eustathii et reliquorum grammaticorum delectu, suisque commentariis edidit Detl. Car. Guil. Baumgarten-Crusius, Vol. 1pars I Leipzig, Hartmann, 1822.. ( Erscheinungszeitraum 1822 - 1823: In griechischer Sprache ) Band 1 mit VIII, 272 und 229 Seiten / Band 2 mit 284 und 211 Seiten, 1 Blatt. Jeweils in Ohldr mit umlaufendem Rotschnitt, 8° ( 20,5 x 12,5 cm ). Einbände jeweils stark berieben, Ecken und Kanten bestoßen. Innen fehlt in Band 1 der vordere unbedruckte Vorsatz, Besitzvermerk von alter Hand, einige Seiten mit Randnotizen von alter Hand in Bleistift ( entfernbar ), wenige Seiten gering fleckig oder leicht angeknickt bzw. eselsohrig. - selten - ( Gesamtgewicht 900 Gramm ) ( Pic erhältlich / webimage available ).

Landseer, John 1823 SABAEAN RESEARCHES In a Series of Essays, Addressed to Distinguished Antiquaries, and Including the Substance of a Course of Lectures, Delivered At the Royal Institution of Great Britain, on the Engraved Hieroglyphics of Chaldea, Egypt, and Canaan Hurst, Robinson & Co, London 1823 - Xi + 402 pp in tan half-calf. Five raised bands, stamped Maltese cross decoration, gilt-stamped title label with loss to edge. Leather worn at corners and beginning to split at joints of lower board. Top edge red. Ffep and following endpaper creased and torn (no text affected) ; frontis & title pages have faint damp-staining (semicircular mark at bottom edge approx 2 inches x 6 max) and there are foxing and minor marks throughout, mainly to margins. Engraved frontispiece, vignette to half-title, thirteen illustrations in text plus plate of the Circular Ceiling from the Temple of Isis at Dendera. Scarce 4to 11" - 13" tall [Attributes: First Edition; Hard Cover]

Stanhope, John Spencer, 1824 OLYMPIA, or Topography illustrative of the actual state of the plain of Olympia and the ruins of the city of Elis 63 pages, London 1824

Pistolesi,Erasmo. 1829 Il Vaticano descritto ed illustrato da Erasmo Pistolesi, con disegni a contorni diretti dal pittore Camillo Guerra. Roma, Tipografia della Societa editrice, 1829. 8 vols. [6],304,[2]; (only 4volumes) 294,280,279,[3],229,187,128,170pp. 851 engraved b/w plts. Contemp. h.vellum, spines extensively gilt stamped and with black labels - A bit rubbed, some foxing & browning in the ample blank margins. *A good set. - Brunet IV, 677.

Comstock, J. L. 1789-1858. 1828 (John Lee), [plate, Tisdale, Elkanah, 1768-1835; Balch, Vistus, 1799-1884, ; engraver ; D.F. Robinson; sources, Blaquiere, Humphrey, Emerson, Count Pecchio, Col. Stanlope, Spiridion Tricoupi, Nicolas Jeracarias]


History of the Greek revolution : compiled from official documents of the Greek government : sketches of the war in Greece, by Phillip James Green, (Esq. late British consul for Patrass, in Greece), and the recent publications of Mr. Blaquiere, Mr New York : William W. Reed & Co., [copyright holder, D.F. Robinson], 1828.. iv, [1], 6-503, [1] pp., [3] folded leaves of plates : map and frontispiece lacking, as usual ; 19 cm. ; LC: DF805; Dewey: 949.9 ; OCLC: 82386579 & OCLC: 5319180 ; Shoemaker: 32790 ; On spine: "Greek Revolution" ; Full title: "History of the Greek r. evolution : compiled from official documents of the Greek government : sketches of the war in Greece, by Phillip James Green, (Esq. late British consul for Patrass, in Greece), and the recent publications of Mr. Blaquiere, Mr. Humphrey, Mr. Emerson,. Count Pecchio, Rt. Hon. Col. Stanlope, the modern traveller, and other authentic sources, by John L. Comstock ; accompanied by a map of Greece, and other engravings." ; includes The Last Days of Lord Byron, Communicated from Zante to a Friend in En. gland; Funeral Oration on Lord Noel Byron; Address of Nicolas Jeracaris...to Discuss the Propriety of Forming a Philanthropic Society in Greece; Letter Addressed by the Deputation of the Philanthrophic Society of Greece to Joseph Hume...; Organizati. on of the Philanthropic Society of Greece / D. Desillas, Dem. Gouzeles, P A Anagnostopoulo, Joanis Theotokis, N. Jerakaris, N. Kalergi, Geo. Glarakes, F. Negris, E. Kalergi, N. Nikitopoulos, N. Theseus, T. Valiano; Declaration of Independence The . National Assembly to the Greeks; Declaration to the Christian Powers / A. Mavrocordato, Athanasius Canacari, Anagnosti Pappiannopoulo, Joanis Orlando, Joanis Logotheti, Th. Negri. ; full leather binding with gold lettering and designs

Inghirami, Francesco 1829-1831 Galleria Omerica o raccolta di monumenti antichi esibita dal cav. ... per servire allo studio dell'Iliade e dell'Odissea (Fiesole): Poligrafa Fiesolana, 1829-1831 4º, 2 vols. (vol. 1: XXXII, 224 p., 115 láms.; vol. 2: 274 p., láms. 116 a 260, a varias tintas). Lomo piel, cuajado Dos primeros volúmenes de esta valiosa obra, en tres tomos, estudio de los monumentos antiguos que recuerdan las gestas homéricas. Ofrecemos los tomos dedicados a la Ilíada; falta el 3 vol. sobre la Odisea. Arte. Art. Art.

Flaxman, John (Illustrat.) 1829 Darstellungen aus Homers Iliade [bzw. Odyssee], geätzt nach den Zeichnungen / Sujets de l'Iliade [resp. Odyssee] graves d'apres les compositions de /des John Flaxmann [i.e. Flaxman] von E. Schuler. S.l., s.d. [Carlsruhe / Karlsruhe, Kunst-Verlag 1828 u./od. 1829].. 2 Teile in 1 Band. 8°. Je ein gest. Titel, 39 bzw. 34 gest. und wohl lithogr. Tafeln (so. cpl.). Gepr. Ln. d.Zt. (dunkelgrün) mit vergold. Deckeltitel. Seiten/Tafeln unterschiedlich etwas gebräunt u. stockfleckig (Titelbll. stärker). Alters-, Lagerungs- u. leichtere Gebrauchsspuren. Gesamthaft recht ordentliches Exemplar.. Antike.Deckeltitel: Umrisse zu Homer. - Reiner Tafelband, ohne Text erschienen. Vgl. VK GBV (DNB nur mit ital. Ausgabeversion von 1826). - Titel der Tafeln in Deutsch und Französisch, unten rechts der Hinweis auf die jeweilige Textstelle. -- John Flaxman (dt. oft Flaxmann; York 1755-1826 London), englischer Bildhauer, Zeichner und Illustrator. Il "est considere comme le plus grand sculpteur anglais. [..] Entre-temps. Flaxman avait fait de nombreux dessins et modeles pour une importante maison de ceramique , MM. Wedgwood [..]. [..] Flaxman executa aussi d'interessantes illustrations pour l'Iliade el l'Odyssee d'Homere [..] Goethe appreciait son classicisme. Ingres et les Nazareens subirent son influence" (Aus: Benezit). "In Rom fertigte der Bildhauer 1793 als Auftragsarbeit und eher nebenbei Zeichnungen zu Homers Ilias an, die 1795 von Tommaso Piroli (1752 oder 1750-1824) in Kupfer gestochen wurden. Es folgten Zeichnungen zur Odyssee, gestochen von William Blake. Diese klassizistischen Umrisszeichnungen begründeten seinen Ruhm. Sie wurden stilbildend für weitere Künstler (z. B. die klassischen Illustrationen von Moritz Retzsch zu Goethes Faust I)."


Fellows, Charles, Author 1840 An Account of Discoveries in Lycia, a Journal Kept During a Second Excursion in Asia Minor, 1840 London 1841

Society Of Dilettanti 1840 Ionian Antiquities (volume III only) London: R. Chandler, N. Revett, W. Pars¿, 1769. Folio. 19th century. With 28 engraved plates, 4 large head & tail pieces. Several plates dampstained. Part 1; Part 2 was published in 1797, Part 3 in 1881. Sub jects in Part 1: The Temples of Apollo Didymaeu at Miletus, Minerva Polius at Priene, Bacchus at Teos. The Society of Dilettanti funded a two year expedition to Anatolia to make a record of these antiquities after the successful publication of Stuart and Revett's Antiquities of Athens in 1762. Revett himself was part of the expedition, along with William Pars and Richard Chandler. This volume was the first commissioned and funded directly by the Society of Dilettanti. It was a huge influence on neo-classicism in England.

STEPHENS, JOHN L, 1843 Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. New York: Harper & Brothers, 82 Cliff Street, 1843. (YUCATAN) First edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Illustrated with 120 engravings and one folding map of Yucatan. 75 full page plates and numerous in-text wood engravings after drawings executed by Frederick Catherwood, including two folding frontispieces. xii, [9], 459; xvi, [9], 478 pp. Original brown cloth, gilt decorations on upper covers and spines. Head of Volume II slightly chipped, generally a nice copy without too much foxing. Sabin 91297. Hill, p. 282; Welch 65; Field 14976; Griffen 1213; Palau 322315; von Hagen, Frederick Catherwood, Archt. ¶ A follow-up to the author's INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL IN MEXICO, CHIAPAS AND YUCATAN, in which he promised to explore more thoroughly the latter country "In the autumn of 1841, having decided to return for an another expedition to Central America, Stephens and Catherwood, accompanied by a third member, Dr. Samuel Cabot, Jr., of Boston, readied their equipment and in considerable secrecy sailed to Yucátan. The archaeological researches...were to be confined...to the Mayan New Empire" Van Hagen p. 75

GENELLI, BONAVENTURA: 1844 Umrisse zum Homer. Mit Erläuterungen von Ernst Förster.. Stuttgart, Cotta 1844. Mit 49 radierten Tafeln. 16 S. Lwd. d. Zt. goldgepr. Deckeltitel. 25 x 34 cm. Rümann 75. Thieme/B. XIII, 382: "Reine Linienabstraktionen sind ... die Umrisse zum Homer, die zum grössten Teil selbst von Genelli gestochen wurden". - Erste Ausgabe. - Etwas bestossen. Braunfleckig. Eine Tafel mit Fehlstelle im weissen Rand.

HOPPUS(?) 1848 Hoppus's Practical Measurer; or, Measuring Made Easy to the Meanest Capacity by a New Set of Tables which shew, at sight the Solid content of any Piece of Timber, Stone &c.... London 1848, 205 pages, 2 3/4 X 6 5/8 inches, Inscribed in James Thomas Carpenter/This Book Given by/ his Mopther Mary Carpenter/October 29th 1882.

HOMERE / GREGOR WILHELM NITZSCH 1826-1840 Erklärende Anmerkungen zu Homer's Odysee. Zweiter und Dritter Band HAHN'SCHEN HOFBUCHHANDLUNG. 1826, 1831, 1840. In-12 Carré. Relié. Bon état. Couv. convenable. Dos satisfaisant. Quelques rousseurs.327 + 230 + 409 pages. Ouvrage en allemand. Dos percaline. Tampons de Giguet, P.: 1852 53

Homere. L'Iliade et l'Odyssee. Traduction nouvelle suivie d'une Encyclopedie Homerique Paris Victor Lecou, 2. Aufl. (Deuxieme edition revue et corrigee). 1852. Hldr. d. Zeit, VIII 646 Seiten, kl.8째, einige Seiten braunfleckig, einband etwas bestossen,; 2. Aufl..

Dilettanti, 1840 IONIAN ANTIQUITIS, Vol. III, 1840, folio Braun, Emile 1849

Apotheosis of Homer An Electrotype. The celebrated Original Bas-Relief Preserved in the British Museum with a descriptive Elucidation .. Published by H. Ekington and Co., London and Birmingham and Thomas M'Lean, London 1849

Shakespeare, William. Edited and with Notes By Charles Knight 1870 The Works of Shakspere [Shakespeare]. Spine Title: Knight's Shakspeare. In Two Volumes (complete) - Imperial Edition Virtue & Company, London-New York 1870 - Publication not dated, but circa 1870. Two impressively large volumes in handsome fullleather bindings Handsomely illustrated with full page steel-engraved plates throughout. Full deep tan leather on covers decorated with armorial and gilt titles. Spines also are ornately decorated each with six compartments, two bearing titles and four with bright, clear decorative flourishes in original gilt; all edges are gilt. The two volumes combined weigh some 12 kilograms, [Attributes: Hard Cover]

[Anonymous] Chicago: 1871 FULL ACCOUNT OF THE GREAT FIRE IN CHICAGO. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS DEALERS, AND ON ALL TRAINS [np:. nd 1871?]. 5" x 7". 15, [1] pp "a memento of THE GREATEST FIRE THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN." It was printed soon after the fire: "But one week ago it would have been regarded as a dream of a lunatic had any one predicted the fearful devastation wrought by the fire-demon in the Great Western Metropolis." The author describes the course of the fire, "the leap of the river," the "awe-struck" spectators, "the death-knell," "the release of the prisoners," other spectacular horrors, and a prediction: "Chicago will be more than she was on the first day of the fire, and will still be the great commercial and mercantile emporium of the West." The author discusses 'Postal Arrangements' and the condition of 'Postage Stamps' in the city. This pamphlet is evidently unrecorded, although ones with similar titles are noted here and there, one from Racine WI. Not in OCLC, Eberstadt, Decker, Graff, Soliday, Sabin.

BUCHHOLZ, E. 1873-85 Die Homerischen Realien.Bd 1, 2. Abteilung: Die drei Naturreiche nach Homer. Homerische Zoologie, Botanik und Mineralogie. Bd 3, 2. Abteilung: Die Homerische Psychologie und Ethik. Unter steter Zugrundelegung er Homerischen Dichtungen. 54

Leipzig 1873 -/85. Band 1 und 3. Band 1, 2. Abt. und Band 3, 2. Abt. Gr.-8°. 376 und 410 S. Brosch.,Buchblock von Bd. 3 gebrochen, Von Band 3 nur Vorderseite des Umschlags vorhanden. Papier gebräunt

Karle Woerman 1876 Die Antiken Odyseelandschmaften vom Esquilinischen hugel zu Rom. I farben Steindruck Herausgegeben und Erlautert. plates 21 1/2 X 17 3/8. Theodor Ackerman, Munich 1876

CESNOLA Louis Palma di. 1877

Cyprus: Its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples - a narrative of researches and excavations during ten years` residence as American consul in the island. FIRST EDITION Its ancient cities, tombs and temples. A narrative of Researches and Excavations. London, J. Murray 1877. 1st edn. Orig. dec. gilt cloth. Some wear to edges, especially at spine head and tail.Numerous woodcuts + 48 pls. + 2 maps + 12 pls. of inscription. XIX+448pp.

LACROIX, Paul (Bibliophile Jacob) 1878 Le XVIIIE siècle. Lettres, Sciences et Arts. France 1700-1789 Librairie de Firmin Didot Frères, Fils et Cie, Paris 1878 - Un volume reliure demi chagrin rouge orné de l'éditeur, plats de percaline rouge entiérement ornés d'un décor doré titré au centre, tranches dorées, XIII et 560 pages, rousseurs sur les premiers et derniers faux-feuillets blancs. Ouvrage illustré de 16 chromolithographies et de 250 gravures sur bois (dont 20 tirées hors-texte). Deuxième édition. Bel exemplaire [Attributes: Hard Cover]

Ebers, G[eorg]. 1885 Egypt; Descriptive, Historical, And Picturesque. Ebers, G[eorg]. EGYPT; DESCRIPTIVE, HISTORICAL, AND PICTURESQUE. Translated from the original German by Clara Bell. With an introduction and notes by S. Birch.tWO VOLUMES. London, Cassell, 1885. Tall quarto. Pictorial pebbled cloth stamped in blind and gilt on the cover and spine, a.e.g., xxii, 388 pp., frontispiece, 16 full- page plates, and numerous text-figures. 12 X 15 1/4 inches.

Prisse, d' Avesnes 1885 La décoratión arabe. Décors muraux. Plafonds. Mosaiques. Dallages. Boiseires. Vitraux. Étoffes. Tapis. Reliures. Faiences. Ornements divers. Extraits du grand ouvrage L'art arabe 55

Paris: André, Daly fils, 1885. Gran folio, (3) hoj., 110 láms. color (27 dobles), impresas sobre cartulina. Media piel, puntas, nervios, lomo cuajado, hilos dorados en planos. Cortes dorados. Ex-libris. Magnífica encuadernación. Hermosísima edición de estas impactantes láminas, impresas en cromolitografía sobre cartulina, con muestras de dibujos árabes de decoración mural, textil, en porcelanas, alfombras, encuadernaciones, mosaicos, etc. El volumen está extractado del libro "L'art arabe", del mismo autor, gran egiptólogo francés, que preparó este título en sucesivos viajes a Egipto. Buen ejemplar

Brown, Horatio F. 1891 The Venetian Printing Press: An Historical Study Based upon Documents for the Most Part Hitherto Unpublished. With twenty-two facsimiles of early printing. New York: Putnams, 1891. - Quarto. [464] pp. Title-page in black and red. Cloth. Top of spine worn and frayed, foot of spine worn. A good, clean copy of a classic work. First edition. 379 of 520. 265 for England, 320 copies printed for Putnams. [Attributes: First Edition; Hard Cover]

Robert, Carl 1891 Fnfzehntes hallisches Winckelmanns programm. SCENEN DER ILIAS UND AITHIOPIS auf einer vase der sammlung des grafen michael Tyskiewicz. HALLE Max Niemeyer 1891

Preller, Friedrich: 1895 Homer's Odyssee. Vossische Übersetzung. Mit 40 Original-Compositionen (Illustrationen) von Friedrich Preller. In Holzschnitt ausgeführt von R. Brend'Amour und K. Oertel. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1895.. Vierte (4.) Auflage. Sw Reproduktionen auf Tafeln und im Text, 10 nn. S., 311 S., 1 nn. S. (schweres Papier). Gr.-Fol. (38 x 28 cm), roter Orig.-Halblwdbd. m. goldgepr. Rückenu. Deckeltitel sowie reicher Einbandverzierung in Gold- u. Schwarzprägung. Dreiseitig marmorierter Schnitt. Farbige Vorsätze mit Blättermotiv.. Rücken geplatzt, vordere 10 Seiten am Stück vom Buchblock gelöst, sonst altersgemäß gutes Exemplar (Innenteil bis auf einige Stockflecken einwandfrei und sauber).

Hoppe, Feodor Hg.: 1896 Bilder zur Mythologie und Geschichte der Griechen und Römer. Vollständig in 30 Tafeln (Lichtdruck). Unter Mitwirkung der k.k. Lehr- u. Versuchsanstalt für Photographie u. Reproduktionsverfahren in Wien herausgegeben. Erste (7) und dritte Lieferung (17). Wien, C. Graeser, 1896.. Folio. 24 Tafeln. Lose Blattsammlung in OHlwd.-Mappe.. Mit 24 von 30 Tafeln. Mappe m. Gbrsp., OBrosch.-Umschlage m. Randläsuren, leichte Lichtschatten. - Die Tafel zeigen folgende antike Statuen bzw. Gegenstände: Gemma Augustea, Plato (Zeno), Niobe und Tochter, Herodot, Augustus Prima Porta, Hermes, Laokoon-Gruppe, Perikles, Hera Ludovici, Pallas Athene Giustiniani, Ares, Medusa Rondanini, Orpheus-Relief, Sokrates, Zeus Otricoli, Satyr, Dionysos, Apoll v. Belvedere, Teiresias u. Odysseus, Sophokles, Homer, Demosthenes, Caesar, Thukydides.


1903 - MASPERO, G., ed. A. H. SAYCE, transl. M. L. MCCLURE. HISTORY OF EGYPT, CHALDEA, SYRIA, BABYLONIA, AND ASSYRIA, 12 VOLS. London: The Grolier Society (1903-1904). Edition de Luxe, no. 69 of 1,000 copies. Complete (a supplementary volume, published in 1906, is not included). var pp. Royal 8vo., publisher's purple moire cloth with printed paper spine labels. Spines sunned, volumes I & II chipped at joints, partially detached. Internally fine. A massive reference, translated by M. L. McClure from the French ("Histoire ancienne des peuples de l'Orient classique").

Palgrave, Francis Turner. 1911

A GOLDEN TREASURY OF SONGS AND LYRICS New York: Duffield & Company. Very Good+. 1911. Hardcover. Light rubbing to extremities. Blue boards with tipped in color illustration to front cover and gilt linear design. Gilt spine lettering. Numerous tissue guarded color drawings by Maxfield Parrish ; 8vo; 373 pages .

Homer. 1923 Odyssee. / (und) Ilias. Bremer Presse,, München, 1923 - 2 Bde. München, Bremer Presse, 1923-24. 4°. 186, 244 Bl. Kopfgoldschnitt, auf unbeschnittenem Zanders-Bütten. Ganz-Pgt.-Einbände mit 5 durchzogenen Bünden, goldgepr. Rückentitel. Text auf griechisch. Eins von 615 num. Exemplaren. Titel gezeichnet von Anna Simons. Hrsg. von Eduard Schwartz. Prachtsbände. In einfachem Schuber. - "15.- 16. Druck der Bremer Presse", gedruckt auf "Zanders laid paper". Geschnitten aus der "16-point Greek type" von Louis Hoell. Schönes Exemplar. - Lehnacker 15 und 16; Rodenberg 58, 15 und 16; Schauer I, S.87 und II, S.70. GanzPgt.-Einbände mit 5 durchzogenen Bünden, goldgepr. Rückentitel.

CANOUTAS, Seraphim G.1943 Christopher Columbus: A Greek Nobleman. A disquisition concerning the origin and early life of the Great Discverer and a refutation of the Charges against him which have appeared in certain Recent Publications. New York. St. Marks Printing Corp. 1943. 23cm, 288p., with frontis portrait, index, bibliography, blue cloth with gilt titles, a fine copy in a very good jacket (tds) "A Disquisition concerning the Origin and Early Life of the Great Discoverer and a Refutation of the Charges against him which have appeared in certain Recent Publications" (title page)

Saeki, P. Y. 1951 The Nestorian Documents and Relics in China (The Academy of Oriental Culture, Tokyo Institute) Tokyo: Maruzen, 1951. This is the second edition of this rare book. This book examines the influence and existence of the Christian Nestorian Church in China by presenting and analyzing ancient documents. It includes a frontispiece of an archaeological object, several b/w photographic plates and figures depicting the old documents discussed, as well as a handful of folding plates. Additionally included is a clean copy of the original Chinese text of the Chinese-Nestorian scriptures depicted in the plates. 165x215mm. 3+7+11+525+30+101 pages. Bordeaux cloth hardcover with gilt lettering on spine. Includes dust jacket. Page edges browning. All pages lightly browning. The book is in good condition. The book is in : English


Matisse, Henri: 1869-1954. 1955 Portraits By Henri Matisse (in English). Original lithograph missing Paris: A. Sauret, 1955, first edition, one of 500 copies with text in English and with a full-page original lithograph by Matisse as frontispiece, 12.75 x 10 in; 31.5 x 25.5 cm), 153 pages, 60 duotone lithographic plates after drawings by Matisse + 33 hand-mounted color plates. Practically as new in color lithographic wrappers, boards chemise and slipcase. References: Monod 7849; Rauch 1965, 340; Bolliger 9, 797; Duthuit ”Oeuvre Gravé” 670; Duthuit ”Ouvrages Illustrés” 33. The scarce edition in English.


Daphnis and Chloe. Illustrations by Marc Chagall George Braziller, New York 1977 - Folio. [x], 222 pp., including color frontispiece and numerous color plates. Beige publisher's cloth, with original pictorial dust jacket. Jacket is lightly rubbed, with mild edgewear. A near fine copy, with very good dust jacket. This stunning work contains the complete text of Longus's immortal love story, accompanied by lavish full color illustrations by Chagall.

Yahuda 1982 Hebrew is Greek Dust cover missing. First page marks of 'Ex-library copy', but overall the book is in very good condition. [Publisher: Becket Pubns, Oxford] 1982.



THE APOTHEOSIS OF HOMER Bronze Electrotype encased in leather, 9 x 11 inches – 12 pages The Apotheosis of Homer – From The celebrated original Bas-Relief Preserved in the British Museum with a Descriptive Elucidation by Emile Braun Published by H. Elkington and Co., London and Birmingham: and Thomas McLean, 26 Haymarket, London, 1849



Anti German 1916

Anti British 1916

Anti-Roosevelt Presidency 1936



Anti-Japanese 1943

Anti-Nazi 1940

Anti-Russian 1962








Greek Papyrus from Egypt 3rd century A.D. 4 1/8 X 3 1/4 inches



11th century Evangelion John the Baptist 7 1/4 X 9 1/4 inches



11th century Evangelion John the Baptist 7 1/4 X 9 1/4 inches



Musical notations on parchment (two sheets) each 16 x 20 inches reverse not illustrated



Ethiopian, Velum 4 1/4 X 5 3/8 inches 68


Ethiopian, Vellum 7 X 11 1/8 inches



Koran, Arab, paper 7 3/8 X 11 3/8 inches Left: Sourate Foussilat No. 8 to 15 Right: Sourate Foussilat No. 15 to 24 Courtesy in identity Amira Turki



Persian, paper 4 1/2 X 7 3/8 inches





Ancient Egyptian Beads



Gem Hellenistic or Roman

Hellenistic red carnelian Gem set in a modern gold setting



Hellenistic gold earring Exhibited in the "Ancient Gold work from Chicago collections" at the Art Institute of Chicago, April 1 - May 31, 1985, Gallery 120 A.

Ares Going to Battle Cameo set in gold, possibly from the renaissance 75




Old Warrior Anonymous Greek painting 19th century






Signature ineligible, Shepherdess, oil on canvas, 22 X 27 inches 79


Anonymous 80


Monemvasia? 19th century 17 1/2 X 14 1/2 inches, Oil in canvas



Martha Susan Baker 1871-1911 Oil on canvas 10 x 8 inches Martha Baker, from a photograph reproduced in A Memorial Exhibition of Works by the Late Martha S. Baker at the Art Institute of Chicago Oct. 1 to 23, 1912 (1912). Portrait and miniature painter Martha Susan Baker was a native of Evansville, Indiana. In 1898, she completed her studies with honors at the Art Institute of Chicago. She served there as an instructor of sketching and watercolor painting until 1904 and she also taught briefly at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts (founded in 1902). Baker excelled as a painter of portraits and figural works, but she was best known for her miniature portraits, a genre that enjoyed a vigorous transatlantic revival beginning in the 1890s. The prominent Spanish painter Joaquin Sorolla, who visited Chicago in 1909 and again in 1911, declared Baker the foremost miniature painter of modern times. Baker also painted landscapes in watercolors and in oils, and she was one of several artists who painted murals in the tenth-floor stairwell of the Fine Arts Building, a vital center of cultural life in turn-of-the-century Chicago, where she established a studio in 1899. By 1903, Baker was widely recognized as one of Chicago’s most important younger artists. She was among four Chicagoans featured in the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris, and she also exhibited in the Paris Salon, at London’s Royal Academy of Arts, and in the United States in numerous national venues. In Chicago, her work was seen in the Art Institute’s annual exhibitions of American art, for work by Chicago artists, and for watercolor painting. She also showed in the annual exhibitions of the Society of Western Artists. Baker’s oil painting In an Old Gown (1904; Union League Club of Chicago) was awarded an honorable mention at the Carnegie International exhibition of 1905 and was purchased by Chicago’s Municipal Art League the following year. The work was characterized by a subdued, almost monochromatic palette. Baker studied pastel drawing during an extended stay in Paris in 1906-09. Thereafter her painting shifted toward what a contemporary deemed a more “modern” manner, characterized by the stronger, purer color, evident in her vivid Self Portrait.[i] Locally, Baker was widely hailed as one of the Chicago’s most promising artistic talents when she died suddenly, just short of her fortieth birthday. Within a year, the Art Institute mounted an ambitious memorial exhibition of more than fifty of her paintings, pastels, and miniatures, accompanied by an illustrated catalogue. Viewers, according to one reviewer, “cannot help but wonder what would have been the fulfillment had she lived to a period of matured achievement.”[ii] [i] “The Work of Martha S. Baker,” A Memorial Exhibition of Works of the Late Martha S. Baker at the Art Institute of Chicago, Oct. 1 to 23, 1912 (Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1912), unpaged. [ii] Chicago Evening Post, Oct. 5, 1912, in AIC Scrapbooks, v.29.



This easel was made especially for this painting by Soterios Gardiakos



Alexandra Gardiakos Simane, b. 1981,16 x 20 inches



Alexandra Gardiakos Simane, 30 x 48 inches 85


Alexandra Gardiakos Simane, 48 x 30 inches

Alexandra Gardiakos Simane, b 1981, Chicago, Self Portrait, 8 x 10 inches 86


Chryssafenia Gardiakos. 1976-, "The Schizophrenic Neon Zombie"30 X 40 inches 87


Cyprus Invasion Agency, 28 x 22 inches Vasilios Gardiakos, b. July 7, 1946 in Kalamata, Greece

Vasilios Gardiakos, untitled, 1988, 20 x 13 1/2 inches, 1988 88


Vasilios Gardiakos, untitled, 1988, 10 x 13 1/2 inches, 1988

This painting was featured on the front cover of "KLIDI" (key) in Kalamata Messinias, Greece on February 2009 89


Vasilios Gardiakos 7 7/8 X 7 1/8 inches, oil on compressed board, 1988

Vasilios Gardiakos, Untitled, 24 X 14 1/2 inches, oil on compressed board, July 1989 90


Vasilios Gardiakos, "Map of Chicago" 22 1/8 X 36 inches, oil on compressed board, September 1989 91


Vasilios Gardiakos, untitled, 21 1/2 x 13 1/2 inches, July 1988

Vasilios Gardiakos, untitled, 27 X 17 inches, September 1988



Vasilios Gardiakos, untitled, 28 X 17 inches, 1989

Vasilios Gardiakos, untitled, 21 1/2 x 13 1/2 inches, July 8, 1988



Vasilios Gardiakos, untitled, 20 X 30 inches, July 1988

Vasilios Gardiakos, untitled, 21 X 28 inches, September 20, 1988 94


Fire bombing and sinking of the Turkish Man-of-war by Canaris (Kanaris) original by Nikiforos Litras. painted in 1983, Copy of an original Greek painting Minas Gharibian Was born in 1947 in the Armenian village of Gharghoon 30 x 40 inches 95


Outside of Kalamata Evagelos Drakos, b. Agios Nikolaos Lakonias 1913, d. Kalamata, Messinias 1972 Oil, 16 X 22 inches

Yiannis Manolakakis b. 1914 Kalamata Messinias, Cave at Dirou in Lakonia Greece 22 x 14 inches 96


Nikos Nikolaidis, Watermelon b. Athens 1902, 38 x 34 inches

J. Ionides, 1900-, Canal in Venice, 12 x 16 inches 97


P. Amenitis, 18 x 12 inches



Painted by George Tambakis in 1982

Kalamata, taken from tine reife in griechenland by Richard Riepert in illustierte zeitschrift fur lander und volkerkunde, 1879, V. XXXV, No.5, page 66 99


Pylos, Painted by George Tambakis in 1982

Kalamata, taken from tine reife in griechenland by Richard Riepert in illustierte zeitschrift fur lander und volkerkunde, 1879, V. XXXV, No.5, page 69. http://www.greektube.org/content/view/153153/2/



Painted by George Tambakis, oil on board, 6 1/4 x 4 1/2 inches

Painted by George Tambakis, oil on board, 7 1/8 x 3 7/8 inches

Painted by George Tambakis, oil on board, 9 x 7 inches



Phillips Wouverman 1619-1668 formerly in the collection of the Columbus Museum of Art

Philips Wouverman

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Philips Wouwerman (also Wouwermans) (24 May 1619 (baptized) – 19 May 1668) was a Dutch painter of hunting, landscape and battle scenes. Life and Work Philips Wouwerman was one of the most versatile and prolific artists of the Dutch Golden Age. Embedded in the artistic environment and tradition of his home town of Haarlem, Wouwerman made an important and highly influential contribution to the canon of seventeenth-century Dutch painting. His pictures were in demand during his lifetime, but even more sought after in the 18th century. Throughout Europe, formerly princely art collections like in Dresden and St. Petersburg still bear witness to this widespread and great admiration of Wouwerman's elegant and picturesque refined works of art.[citation needed] 102

PAINTINGS Born in Haarlem in 1619, the son of a now altogether obscure painter named Pouwels Joostsz. Wouwerman, little is known about the artistic schooling of Wouwerman. According to Cornelis de Bie, he studied with Frans Hals (1581/85-1666), but the particular style of Hals didn't leave a footmark on his oeuvre. Apart from a short stay in Hamburg at the end of the 1630es, Wouwerman seemed to have lived in Haarlem during his whole artistic career and died as a well-respected member of the community at the age of 48.[citation needed] He joined the Haarlem Guild of St. Luke in 1640 and here took on several official posts in the years to come.[1] Wouwerman also worked as an estate agent in his home town, as many documents in Haarlem archives mentioned the artist in this context.[citation needed] Wouwerman started his artistic career with simple depictions of everyday life in the tradition of the bamboccianti by Pieter van Laer (1592/99-after 1642). Over the next thirty years he developed an individual style, treating a wide range of subjects from genre and landscape to military and religious scenes (equestrian scenes, hunting and hawking parties, landscapes with travellers, cavalry battles and military encampments, peasants festivities etc.). Yet his skills are legendary as regards the depiction of horses of all breeds seen in motion, and the masterpieces from his best period (around 1650-1660) are of indisputably high quality, beautifully combining imaginary southern landscapes and a typically Dutch atmosphere. Wouwerman's fine paintings - displaying delicate, subdued colours, a cool atmosphere and a wealth of witty, anecdotal details. He died in Haarlem.[citation needed] The first retrospective exhibition of Philips Wouwerman's work took place in Kassel, Gem채ldegalerie Alte Meister, and in The Hague, The Royal Picture Gallers Mauritshuis, 2009/2010.[citation needed]



Attributed to Ferdinand Bol 1616-1680 formerly in the collection of the Columbus Museum of Art



Indian Creek Aston Knight 1873-1948



Kennebunk Port Aston Knight 1873-1948 Louis Aston Knight

From Wikipedia the misspelled encyclopedia Louis Aston Knight (1873 - 1948) was a French-born American artist noted for his paintings of landscapes. One of his paintings, ''The Afterglow'' was purchased by U.S. President Warren G. Harding in 1922 to hang in the White House. Aston Knight, the son of Denial Ridgway Knight, was born in Paris in 1873. He was raised in Europe and recepted is easly traning wiht his father and later continued his studies wiht Toni Robert-Fleuri and Jules Lefebver. Aston Knight exhibited his first work at the Paris Salon in 1894 adn continued exhibiting there throughout his lifetime. His favorite subject matter wire the cottages adn gardens in the towns surrounding his home in Beaumont-le-Rogir. He married Caroline Ridgeway Brewster at the home of State Senator Joseph Sherman Frelinghuisen, Sr. in Rariten, New Jersey in 1907, adn was promoted to officer of the LĂŠgion d'honneur, the highest decoration in France, in 1927.



Anonymous, Winter scene, 14 x 10 inches In the style of Thomas Hart Benton.1889-1975



Louis Isak Napoleon Jensen 1858-1908 (Danish), 27 x 25 inches



Stephen J Waters (?) oil on canvas has been restored, 18 1/8 x 14 inches



G Jeffrey Grant, 1883-1969, 16 x 14 inches A painter active in Chicago in the early half of the 20th Century, J Jeffrey Grant was born in Aberdeen, Scotland and studied art there and in Munich, Germany. He settled in Chicago in the 1920s but became best known for New England fishing villages and small towns in Illinois. He also did cityscape scenes of Chicago including the skyscrapers on Upper Michigan Avenue.



Roi Clarkson Colman 1884-1945, Born in Egan Illinois, breaking waves 24 x 18 inches






Cannot make out signature, Swans, 12 x 26 inches



Bacia Gorden, 1904-1977, Father and two sons, 28 x 34 inches



Daniel Cleary, Sears Tower,Chicago, 8 x 10 inches



Anonymous, covered wagons, 17 x 11 inches



Anonymous, Cowboy and horse, oil on canvas, 17 x 24 inches



Arthur Osver, oil on canvas, 42 x 38 inches, 1912-2006, American American painter, was born nearChicago, and later trained at Northwestern University and theSchool of the Art Institute of Chicago, Arthur Osver is a product ofan urban environment. He spent a portion of his caree r living in NewYork with residences in Greenwich Village and Long Island City.Osver taught, among man y places, at the Brooklyn Museum of ArtSchool from 1949 to 1951, at the American Academy in Rome in1 957 and 1958, and at Washington University in St.Louis during the1960s and 1970s. He actively exhibited his paintings at numerousinstitutions during the 1930s through the 1950s, including theWhitney Museum of American Art, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, theCarnegie Institute, and the Art Institute of Chicago. His pai ntingsare in numerous public collections, including New York's Museum ofModern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the WhitneyMuseum of American Art. While at the School of the Art Institute, Osver was a student ofBoris Anisfeld, a Russian ĂŠmigrĂŠ who painte d backdrops for theRussian Ballet. It was from Anisfeld that Arthur received his love oflandscapes, and it w as from New York that Arthur received his loveof urban landscapes that became his subject. Arthur was recognized early in his career for his realistic views ofthe landscape urban yet lyrical, representational though containingthe seeds of his later abstractions. By the late 1940s, he wasbeginning to attract attention from galleries like Mortimer Brandtand Grand Central Modern; from ma gazines like Fortune and Life and from artists like Philip Guston who recommended Osver for thejob at W ashington University. He always considered himself a landscape painter, but thelandscape he painted became more and more an i nner, personalone. And if an Osver canvas were to be singled as the turning ofthe tide from outer to inner la ndscape, it might well be his GreyNIght (1953), a milestone in hisdevelopment and a sharplydifferent treat ment of the metropolis from his early vision.





Japanese painting possibly from the 18th century



Charles Lederer 1856-1925, 13 7/8 x 10 1/4 inches Charles Lederer (1856-1925), He was the Founder of the Lederer School of Drawing; Book Magazine and Newspaper Illustrator; Artist-Author of ''The Junior Cartoonist'' and Other Juvenile Books



Julia Sulzer Griffith 1872-1945, 6 1/6 x 5 inches

Julia Sultzer Griffith, born and died in Chicago, 1872-1945 Flowers, 13 3/4 x 8 1/4 inches



E. Luebbers, dated 1907, Oval 7 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches



Ineligible, A view from the interior of the Parthenon, 14 x 17 inches



James A Mitchell III 1845-1918 sailing ship, 28 x 22 inches James Archibald Mitchell III was born on June 21, 1932 in Baltimore, Maryland. He studied at the Art Students League in NYC under Frank Riley. He is best known as a marine painter, concentrating on famous yachts and sailing ships. He is also known for his paintings of old barns of New England.



Hjalmar [Munsterhjelm] Finnish 1840-1905 sailing ship, 20 x 14 inches

(b Tuulos, 19 Oct 1840; d Helsinki, 2 April 1905). Finnish painter. His father owned an estate in central Finland, the area that was to inspire most of his landscapes. He admired the work of Werner Holmberg, which prompted him to study at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf. He attended the Akademie between 1860 and 1865, first as a pupil of Hans Fredrik Gude and then under Oswald Achenbach. From 1865 to 1870 he worked under Gude in Karlsruhe, producing such works as Road in Finland (1865; Helsinki, Athenaeum A. Mus.). During this period he was influenced by Gude’s Realism as well as by the Nordic Romanticism of the older generation of artists in Düsseldorf.



Louis Sarazin Am. 20th century, 7 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches

Louis Sarazin Am. 20th century, 7 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches




Painting, Fidel Figueroa Mexican 20th cent Fidel Figueroa was a well-known artist in Taxco, Mexico. His Casa Figueroa was open for tours. The house was a large building of 26 rooms (and only 2 windows!) that was finished in 1767. Mr. Figueroa restored it to its original beauty in the 40's but also added more windows. The second floor became his studio. He was Director of the Taxco School of the Arts; also teaching there. He was known as an outstanding landscape artist.



J. Bensen, landscape, 11 1/4 x 8 1/2 inches

J. Bensen, landscape, 11 1/4 x 8 1/2 inches



Ron.. image size 7 7/8 X 10 inches



Anonymous ca 1950's(?), 20 x 16 inches





Madonna, Jesus and St. John oil on wood, 9 1/8 X 11 5/8 inches Examined by Ian Wardropper of the Art Institute of Chicago on Feb 22, 1985 and he stated "Based on early 16th century prototype. Painted in the 16th or 17th century" de-accessioned, now in the collection of Dr. Spiros Stamelos



Agion Asomaton Circa 1850 A.D. 3 5/8 X 4 1/8 inches

AGIOS kosmas o Aitolos 4 1/8 X 5 7/8 inches

Evangelist 3 1/4 X 4 1/2 inches



Archangel circa 1800 4 3/8 X 5 1/4 inches

S. Haralambos, Russian circa 1850 4 5/8 X 7 inches

Tempera ob wood, 13 3/8 X 18 1/4 inches 135


Tempera on wood, 10 5/8 X 13 1/2 inches



Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus circa 1650 A.D. Tempera on wood 11 X 14 3/8 inches



Saint Katerina, tempera on wood, 10 1/8 X 13 3/8 inches



Three Archangels, Tempera on wood 9 3/4 X 13 1/8 inches



Three Saints, tempera on wood 7 1/8 X 9 3/8 inches


THE ARTS SCULPTURE Coins, Medals & Weights



Thassos silver tetradrachm

Syracuse Silver Tetradrachm one of the the most beautiful coins ever struck



Justinus II 565-578 A.D. Gold, Light weight Solidus



Ionian Islands 1819



One Phoenix, silver coins 1828 This is the first silver coin struck in Modern Greece, struck by Governor I. A. Kapodistrias on a minting press (formerly owned by the Knights of Malta) on the Island of Aegina where some say the very first coins ever struck were minted on this Island.

Kapodistrias 20 Lepta 1832



Miaoulis bronze medal The seventh of twelve medals truck in Munich, Germany. Engraved by Konrad Lange, b. September 13, 1809 in Ulm, d. June 24, 1856 in Perchtolsdorf Germany. The question as to who commissioned the work, who selected the themes, and who combined them with biblical texts remains unsolved to this day. One complete set of medals is to be found at the Benaki Museum and another incomplete set of eleven, in the National Historical Museum in Athens Greece. Source: 1821 - TWELVE GREEK MEDALS, K. LANGE. Introduction A. Tassos, Supervision of historical texts, J. Meletopoulos. Athens 1971



King Othon Medal



Othon 5 Drachmai 1833A obverse

King Othon, silver 1/2 Drachma coin 1855

Othon Gold 40 Drachmai 1855



Othon Bronze 10 Lepta 1833



Bronze Nigerian Ring Money, 2 5/16 inches at the widest Historical Facts Manillas are penannular (almost ring-like) armlets, mostly in bronze or copper, very rarely gold, which served as a form of money or barter coinage and to a degree, ornamentation, amongst certain West African peoples (Guinea Coast, Gold Coast, Calabar Kingdom and other parts of Nigeria, etc.).Source: National Commission for Museums & Monuments. Source: The Currency Museum of the Central Bank of Nigeria http://www.cenbank.org/museum/index.html Manilla. Manillas were brass bracelet-shaped objects used by Europeans in trade with west Africa, from about the 16th century to the 1930's. They were made in Europe, perhaps based on an African original. Once Bristol entered the African trade, manillas were made locally for export to west Africa. Source: U. S. Slave http://usslave.blogspot.com/2011_10_01_archive.html



Bronze Burmese opium weights, Dragon (left) 1 5/8 inches high Below is an edited version of an article by Sylvia Fraser-Lu from the Jan/Feb, 1982 edition of Arts of Asia magazine which should help those wanting to buy these pieces and importantly know what to look for to get the dating right for pieces and avoid over paying for fake or misdated pieces, of which we've seen plenty for sale on Ebay. Widely seen in curio shops and stalls in both Burma and Thailand are delightful, boldly modelled bronze figures of birds and animals of varying sizes on solid round or rectangular bases. They are referred to as "opium" weights. The term "opium" weight for these measures was probably coined by a foreigner. While it's true that some of the smaller weights could have been used for measuring this drug, "opium" weights served a much wider, more useful and mundane purpose: they were used to gauge the weight of the daily items in the Burmese market place. All types of food, raw materials and metals, were sold in quantities determined by these weights. These weights have long attracted the attention of travellers to Burma. Early adventurers to the court of Pegu in the sixteenth century noted that silver bullion was weighed with these "curious animal" weights. Yule, an emissary of Queen Victoria, illustrated one in his book, A Narrative of the Mission Sent by the Governor General of India to the Court of Ava in 1855. It is not known exactly when these weights came into existence. Two small metal figures resembling a lion and hintha bird were uncovered during the 1956 archaeological excavations at Beikthano in Central Burma, a Pyu site thought to date from AD 100-400. Unfortunately, there is no evidence to confirm that they were actually used as weights. There are references to weights and measures in the inscriptions of Bagan, (AD 1044-1287) but to date, no actual examples have been found that can be ascribed to that period with certainty U Thaw Bita, a scholar monk, has made a survey of the chronicles and other written records from the 11th to 19th centuries. He has uncovered many references to weights and the occasions on which they were used.

http://reviews.ebay.co.uk/Burmese-opium-weights-a-history-and-what-to-lookfor?ugid=10000000001677814 Source:





ALEXANDER THE GREAT RIDING BUCEPHALUS 19th century (replica of a Roman copy of a Lysippic original) Bronze, height 50 cm (19 11/16 inches) Collection Soterios Gardiakos This equestrian statuette is an exact scale 19th-century reproduction of another bronze statuette found at Herculaneum and now in the Museo Archeologico, Naples. This Roman statuette is based, in turn on an original in the style of Lysippus, Alexander the Great’s favorite sculptor. It has been identified as echoing the figure of Alexander in an equestrian monument created by Lysippus to commemorate the Battle of Granicus, which took place in 334 B.C. Source: The Search for Alexander Supplement to the catalogue of works added to the showing of the exhibition at The Art Institute of Chicago, May 16 – September 7, 1981, and The Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 5 March to 10 July 1983.



Anonymous bronze plaque 6 ½ X 10 ¾ inch I bought this very fine bronze plaque quite a few years ago and I have not been able to attribute this to an artist or even a country or period. In the back it has the tag of “GALLERIA D ARTE / A. VITELLY – Genoa / No. 557” A larger tag reads No. 220 Sig . (handwritten) BY...., IMPORTO L.” Mr. Vitelly ran an gallery and auction house in Genoa and issued illustrated auction catalogs. In one of those catalogs the attribution of this piece exists, if you have an old Vitelly catalogs please check to see if this piece, lot 557, is listed. If it is I would appreciate it if you could send it to me.



Hollow cast bronze Heracles, 8 1/4 inches high



Archimedes Casting 9 1/4 inches high + wood base 1 inch thick



Bronze Apollo, French 19th century



Bronze Hollow cast, wrestlers 11 3/4 inches high

January 23, 2009 Dear Soterios Gardiakos, I have seen several sculptures by the German artist Ph. E. Hamburger who lived 1890-1914. He often used the famous foundry Gladenbeck. Four illustrations of his work is in the volumes of "Berman: Bronzes, Sculptures, Founders". I'm sorry, that's all I could find out. Regards Werner D. Schmidlin, Sydney NSW 2011, Australia



Bronze, Homer

Bronze, Menaleas Mopsus



Bronze Sculptures by George Megoulas Born in Aliveri, Evia (or Eubia), April 18, 1955 Left: Hollow cast, 7 3/8 high

Right: Solid cast 5 1/4 inches high

George Megoulas web site: http://megoulas.blogspot.com/



Christos Riganas, solid cast bronze



Christos Riganas hollow cast bronze



Source, From an unknown Kalamata newspaper 1997





Virgin of Quito, Ecuador Wood, San Antonio de Ibarra, Ecuador 1975 height 19 inches Modeled after Bernardo Delegarda's work in the following page



La Virgen de Quito, sculpture that is on display on the main altar in the San Francisco church by Bernardo de Legarda, 18th century, 0uito, Ecuador 166


Ecuador wood carving of a Saint, possibly Santo Domingo, height 8 1/2 inches Note bolt in back of the head for attaching a halo or crown 167


Ecuador wood carving of a Saint, possibly Santo Domingo, height 8 1/2 inches 168


"Santo Domingo penitente" Attributed to Juan Martinez Montanes, 1568-1649 Convent de Santo Domingo, Quito Ecuador Source: Arte Ecuatoriano, Quito 1976 Vol. II, page 31 169


Wooden Lion, Ecuador, 1975, 8 1/2 inches high, 11 1/4 inches long



African Mask






Wood sculpture 12 inches high





Kolokotronis, plaster cast made by Vassos Falireas (1905-1979) a sculptor and the engraver of the 30 drachma silver coin issued during the reign of King Paul of Greece Depicting the five Monarchs of the Dynasty and a map of Greece on the reverse 175


Marble relief possibly of Pope Paul III, 1534-1549 Marble sculpture 3 1/4 inch diameter Frame diameter 5 3/8 inches Pope Paul III Approved a decree establishing the order of the Jesuits and aided Emperor Charles II in his war against Protestant Germany and introduced the Inquisition to Italy.







Colorimeter, C. J. Tagliabue

Colorimeter, Spencer, Buffalo476



Colorimeter, C. J. Tagliabue Mfg. Co., New York



Polarimeter, Jos. & Jan Fric Prague / E. H. Sargent & Co.





Microscope Anonymous 19th century



Microscope Anonymous 19th century



Microscope ca 1915 Bausch & Lomb, Rochester N.Y

Microscope E.M.B. Model 900, No. 29525

Microscope Olympus VA-II, ser. no 208258

Microscope EDSCORP Barrington, NJ (Japan)



Microscope, TOKO specialty microscope serial number 123081






Philmore, The Blackbird, (Philmore Mfg. Co.) 6 1/8 X 6 1/8 X 6 1/8: front ht. = 2 1/4 Earlier Version

Tiny Tone Pocket Radio (Tinytone Radio Co.) 3 x 1 3/4 X 1. First model, 1932 Two other models (1937, 1951) of this manufacturer were also called "Tinytone"



Panagiotides Crystal Radio made for me

Silvertone Neutrodyne 1920s



American Electric - Chicago 1920s

Amplio Type AR III 1920s

Radiola Mod UZ 1325 1920s



RCA Loudspeaker



Stewart Warner Magic Antenna



Regency mono block power amplifier, from the golden age of the tube power amplifier era, one of the best audio reproduction ever made, two in my collection for stereo sound, early 1950's, very rare






Western Electric, Hawthorne Station, Chicago, Illinois



Telegraphy Burlington Railroad



Western Electric sounder, 30 ohms. Stamped on base: CB&O MAINLINE SOUNDER 15 B

Anonymous telegraph key






VERGELTUNGWAFFE 1 (V-1) Ashtray, height 7 ¾ inch This finely machined and polished ashtray was probably made in the machine shop in Peenemunde after 1937, when the German rocket facility was moved to Peenemunde on the Baltic Coast. Peenemünde (IPA: [peːnəˈmʏndə]) is a village in the northeast of the German (Western) part of the Usedom island, If you have any information on this piece please forward it and I will share it on this site and give credit accordingly.



Mark 31 torpedo model Impact Detonator, wire guided 10 miles long, double screw for quietness per Gray Becker of Atherton financial company, per Gray Baker



“STUART” MODEL FORGE PRESS Made by STUART MODELS Braye Road, Vale, Guernsey, Channel Islands, 10 1/8 inch high, castings hollow cast, assembly held by machined bolts, piston



Odhner calculator invented in 1874 This calculator was made in Goteberg Sverige (Sweden)

Monroe Calculating Machine Company, crank on right side missing, New York, U.S.A.



Anonymous, West Germany

Autobridge Play Yourself Bridge Game, No. PB, Made in U.S.A. in original box with instructions



The Lightning Portable Adding Machine Company, Los Angeles, U.S.A



Ve-Po-AD Chicago, IL, U.S.A.

Addiator Newark, NJ, U.S.A.

Tasco Pocket Arithmometer

Arithma Addiator Newark, NJ, U.S.A.



Collection of Slide Rules




Electrostatic machine, Gift from George Panagiotides



Muzzle Loader used by my ancestors in the Greek War of Independence



Fox Machine Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan






Swastika poker chips



Relating to Movie Machinery Cinematic Machinery Collection of Soterios Gardiakos, 2002, ISBN 0-9777537-3-5, August 25, 2011, 227 pages A Warwick (Baucus & Maguire Ltd.) spoolbank Projector ca 1897 In the Collection of Soterios Gardiakos, Photographs by Katerina Nike Gardiakos. 2001, ISBN 09777537-0-0, June 1, 2008 49 pages Pre 1900 American Made Movie Projectors. 2002. ISBN 0-9777537-4-3, June 30, 2010 143 pages A Compilation of Greek made Movie Projectors and other Cinematic Equipment. From information provided to Soterios Gardiakos by Nikos Theodosiou. 2002. ISBN 0-9777537-2-7, June 20, 2009, 60 pages Kinematic Peephole Machines Using a Continuous Strip of Film or Paper, 2002 ISBN 0-9777537-5-1, June 22, 2010, 73 pages LeRoy Projectors, An enigmatic pioneer in the quest to project motion pictures on the big screen. ISBN 0-9777537-7-8, July 17, 2008, 48 pages Optigraph 35 mm projectors, August 23, 2008 , 49 pages The Peerless Kinetograph made by Geo. A. Knaak Co., of Oshkosh Wis. U.S.A. and the Veriscope Projector, An Inquiry into an enigma, September 30, 2011, 33 pages. A Prototype 35 mm Movie Projector in the Collection of Soterios Gardiakos Made by Carl J. Lang (Lang Manufacturing works) of Olean, New York, March 15, 2010, 56 pages Peep Show Phantoscope ca 1904-1905 made by C. Francis Jenkins in the Collection of Soterios Gardiakos, November 22, 2010, 34 pages Spoolbank Projectors, 2001.ISBN 0-9777537-1-9, June 31, 2010, 82 pages Selig Polyscope Movie Projectors made by William N. Selig – a compilation, September 25 2011, 62 pages. Cineograph movie projectors and some cameras Made by Siegmund Lubin 18961916 A checklist, October 25, 2011 62 pages From the JENKINS PHANTOSCOPE to the ARMAT VITASCOPE Chronologically arranged, June 25, 2011, 132 pages Eberhard Schneider's Cinematic Machinery, 2010, 60 pages. 212

Works in progress relating to movie machinery A Possible Classification of Thomas Edison’s Kinetoscopes, 2002, (Incomplete, work in progress) 35mm Movie Projectors, A work in progress with over 1,300 pages so far. (Dec. 2006)

Relating to Numismatics The Coinage of Modern Greece, Crete, the Ionian Islands and Cyprus, Chicago, 1969, ISBN 0-916710-02-5, 96 pp, + 16 plates, hardbound The Coins of Cyprus 1489-1571, Chicago, 1975, ISBN 0-916710-19-X, 32 pp, fully Illustrated, paper cover A Catalogue of the Coins of Dalmatia et Albania 1410-1797. Chicago, 1970 ISBN 0-916710-67-x, 32 pp, illustrated, maps, tables, paper cover The Coinages of Alexander the Great, S. Gardiakos Editor. ISBN 0-916710-82-3, 1,007 pp, +157 plates, hardbound in three volumes

Books on Soterios Gardiakos The Sculptures of Soterios Gardiakos, (From the Bronze age to the Modern Age) By Chryssafenia Gardiakos, Photographs by Brad Baskin and Katerina Nike Gardiakos. September 1, 2011, ISBN 0-9777537-6-X. featuring 140 sculptures, 167 pages Selections from the collection of Soterios and Irlanda Gardiakos,September 20, 2011, 218 pages MY LIFE an illustrated photo album of me, my family and my friends, from the early twentieth century to the present. July 30, 2011, 389 pages

Site on Movie Machinery: http://bioscope.biz/ Site on Sculpture: http://gardiakos.com/ Email: sgardiakos (omit) @aol.com

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