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Gulf to gulf: understanding sea turtles and habitat connectivity of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica


This sea turtle volunteer project will take you to the Golfo Dulce in Costa Rica, one of the world’s most beautiful and biodiverse nature hotspots in the world, and a breeding and nursing ground for whales, dolphins and turtles, as well as a host of other marine and terrestrial wildlife. Working from a locally run and beautiful research station, you will venture out into the gulf in small research vessels every day to capture, measure, weigh and tag Critically Endangered hawksbill and Endangered green turtles, before releasing them back into the water. All this to understand habitat use and migration patterns, as well as reducing major threats for one of the most understudied sea turtle populations in the world. Note that, unlike most sea turtle research programmes, which are carried out on nesting beaches, this project studies turtles in coastal waters, which means frequent and close daytime contact with the animals for genuine research purposes.

Expedition contribution Duration Time of year Meeting point €1980 8 days May/June 2023 Puerto Jiménez

More info and exact dates www.biosphere-expeditions.org/costarica

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