Extract from IDEX-catalog - Column Hardware

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BIOTECH is a Premium Distributor for IDEX Health & Science

Laser Products

+1 760 438 2131

Column Hardware Optical Filters

Shutter Products


+1 585 244 7220

For For your your information, information, our our U.S. U.S. Federal Federal Taxpayer Taxpayer Identification Identification number number is is 01-0736657; 01-0736657; European European Taxpayer Taxpayer Identification Identification number number is is DE DE 146581180. 146581180.

ORDER PROCESSING/ SHIPPING Orders Orders placed placed on on our our website website process process and and ship ship as as specified specified during during the the checkout checkout process. process. Orders Orders that that are are placed placed via via fax/email fax/email will will be be subject subject to to aa $100 $100 minimum minimum order order quantity quantity and and typically typically process process within within one one business business day day and and ship ship within within two two business business days. days. Customers Customers who who have have established established contract contract pricing pricing terms terms must must place place catalog catalog orders orders directly directly with with their their Customer Customer Service Service representative. representative. All All shipments shipments are are FCA FCA unless unless otherwise otherwise noted. noted. For For orders orders not not placed placed via via our our website, website, shipping shipping charges charges will will be be prepaid prepaid and and added added to to the the invoice. invoice. Or, Or, ifif requested, requested, we we will will charge charge your your carrier carrier account account number. number.

TERMS Credit Credit cards cards are are accepted accepted for for orders orders placed placed within within the the United United States. States. Purchase Purchase orders orders may may also also be be used used by by qualified qualified customers. customers. No No international international credit credit card card payment payment is is possible. possible. No No international international shipments shipments are are possible. possible. For For terms terms and and conditions conditions of of sale sale please please visit visit www.idex-hs.com/ www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. legal-notices. Terms Terms and and prices prices are are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice.


IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 22

RETURN OF MATERIALS Returns Returns must must be be authorized authorized in in advance. advance. Please Please contact contact us us within within 30 30 days days of of purchase purchase for for your your Returns Returns Material Material Authorization Authorization (RMA) (RMA) Number. Number. A A restocking restocking fee fee may may apply. apply. To To request request aa Return Return Materials Materials Authorization Authorization for for IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science products products visit visit www.idex-hs.com/return. www.idex-hs.com/return. Product Product purchased purchased through through aa Distributor Distributor must must be be returned returned directly directly to to that that Distributor. Distributor. Please Please contact contact them them for for Return Return Material Material Authorization Authorization procedures. procedures.

DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science has has established established relationships relationships with with aa global global network network of of Distributors Distributors that that offer offer outstanding outstanding product product support support and and assistance. assistance. In In order order to to meet meet our our customer’s customer’s needs, needs, and and the the demands demands of of being being aa global global supplier, supplier, we we have have come come to to rely rely on on our our authorized authorized Distributors Distributors to to provide provide value-added value-added service service and and support support of of our our products. products. While While we we are are happy happy to to take take your your order order directly, directly, we we encourage encourage you you to to contact contact your your local local IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science Distributor. Distributor.

HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR FLUIDICS PRODUCTS For For aa complete complete distributor distributor listing listing please please visit visit www.idex-hs.com/ www.idex-hs.com/ distributors distributors or or email: email: US: US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Europe: Europe: CustomerService.hsEurope@ CustomerService.hsEurope@ idexcorp.com idexcorp.com Asia: Asia: CustomerService.hsAsia@ CustomerService.hsAsia@ idexcorp.com idexcorp.com Our Our customer customer service service team team will will help help you you contact contact aa distributor distributor in in your your area. area.

HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR SEMROCK PRODUCTS For For aa complete complete distributor distributor listing listing please please visit visit www.semrock.com/ www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx international-distributors.aspx

The The products products in in this this catalog catalog are are intended intended for for use use with with analytical, analytical, biotechnology biotechnology and and diagnostic diagnostic equipment equipment and and accessories. accessories. THE THE MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS OF OF THE THE PRODUCTS PRODUCTS IN IN THIS THIS CATALOG CATALOG SHALL SHALL HAVE HAVE NO NO LIABILITY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER WHATSOEVER DUE DUE TO TO ANY ANY MISUSE MISUSE OF OF THEIR THEIR PRODUCTS. PRODUCTS. Of Of course, course, the the safe safe use use of of our our products products depends depends on on our our customers, customers, since since itit isis you you who who select select and and control control the the protective protective gear gear and and safety safety procedures procedures used, used, as as well well as as the the pressures, pressures, temperatures, temperatures, solvents, solvents, samples, samples, ventilation, ventilation, and and other other variables. variables. Product Product and and material material performance performance ratings ratings are are provided provided as as guides guides only. only. Individual Individual field field tests tests should should be be performed performed by by customers customers to to determine determine safe safe operating operating parameters parameters given given your your particular particular procedures procedures and and use. use. IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science facilities facilities are are certified certified ISO ISO 9001. 9001.

www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com

12/14/2016 12/2/2016 12/2/2016 2:03:53 3:49:52 3:49:52 PM PM


Fluidics Products idex-hs.com

Laser Products +1 760 438 2131

Optical Filters

Shutter Products


+1 585 244 7220

For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.

ORDER PROCESSING/ SHIPPING Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative.

RETURN OF MATERIALS Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within 30 days of purchase for your Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products visit www.idex-hs.com/return. Product purchased through a Distributor must be returned directly to that Distributor. Please contact them for Return Material Authorization procedures.


GLOBAL PREMIUM DISTRIBUTOR IDEX Health & Science has established All shipments are FCA unless relationships with a global network Biotech AB in Sweden/Europe (Headquarter), otherwise noted. For orders not of Distributors that offer outstanding placed via our website, shipping Biotech USA LLC and Bionik Inc support Japanand are Global product assistance. charges will be prepaid and added to In order to meet our customer’s Premium Distributors of IDEX Health & Science. the invoice. Or, if requested, we will needs, and the demands of being charge your carrier account number. a global supplier, we have come to rely on our authorized Distributors to provide value-added service and support of our products. While we are Credit cardsDELIVERY are accepted for orders FAST happy to take your order directly, we placed within the United States. Withorders several weekly from manuencourage you IDEX to contact your local Purchase may also be usedshipments by IDEX Health & Science Distributor. qualified customers. No international facturing sites in US, together with our extensive credit card payment is possible. we support the European & NoSwedish international warehouse, shipments are possible. For terms and conditions Global market with short delivery times as well as of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ fast answers on technical questions and a high level legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.


of flexibility.


IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 2

HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR FLUIDICS PRODUCTS For a complete distributor listing please visit www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email: US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Europe: CustomerService.hsEurope@ idexcorp.com Asia: CustomerService.hsAsia@ idexcorp.com Our customer service team will help you contact a distributor in your area.

LOCAL HOW TODISTRIBUTORS FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR In almost every European country we work in close SEMROCK PRODUCTS For a complete distributor co-operation with listing local distributors that supports please visit www.semrock.com/ you with excellent daily service, long experience and international-distributors.aspx highest level of technical assistance. The products in this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of our products depends on our customers, since it is you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.

FULL IDEX ASSORTMENT With the full IDEX assortment of components for fluidic systems along with our long experience and know-how in the field we can assure you to always do our very best in supplying you with excellent solutions and products. Customized OEM solutions, especially in the field of degassing, is something we offer to instrument manufacturers globally. www.idex-hs.com

12/2/2016 3:49:52 PM


Fluidics Products idex-hs.com

Laser Products


+1 760 438 2131


Optical Filters

Shutter Products


+1 585 244 7220 As Global Premium Distributor for IDEX we have special know-how about their assortment and can provide you with the right mix of products for a successful lab. We have cutting edge knowledge to tailor the

For For your your information, information, our our U.S. U.S. Federal Federal Taxpayer Taxpayer Identification Identification number number is is 01-0736657; 01-0736657; European European Taxpayer Taxpayer Identification Identification number number is is DE DE 146581180. 146581180.



may may apply. apply. To To request request aa Return Return US: US: In this field, we offer of well-known Materials Materials Authorization Authorization for for IDEX IDEX a number IHSOrders@idexcorp.com IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Health Health & & Science Science products products visit visit Europe: Europe: brands, such as Systec, Upchurch, Rheodyne www.idex-hs.com/return. www.idex-hs.com/return. CustomerService.hsEurope@ CustomerService.hsEurope@ Product Product purchased through through aa andpurchased Isolation Technologies - all to give you the idexcorp.com idexcorp.com Distributor Distributor must must be be returned returned Asia: Asia: best solutions. directly directly to to that that Distributor. Distributor. Please Please CustomerService.hsAsia@ CustomerService.hsAsia@ contact contact them them for for Return Return Material Material idexcorp.com idexcorp.com Authorization Authorization procedures. procedures. Our Our customer customer service service team team will will help help you you contact contact aa distributor distributor in in your your area. area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL

Orders Orders placed placed on on our our website website process process and and ship ship as as specified specified during during the the checkout checkout process. process. Orders Orders that that are are placed placed via via fax/email fax/email will will be be subject subject to to aa $100 $100 minimum minimum order order quantity quantity and and typically typically process process within within one one business business day day and and ship ship within within two two business business days. days. Customers Customers who who have have established established contract contract pricing pricing terms terms must must place place catalog catalog orders orders directly directly with with their their Customer Customer Service Service representative. representative. All All shipments shipments are are FCA FCA unless unless otherwise otherwise noted. noted. For For orders orders not not placed placed via via our our website, website, shipping shipping charges charges will will be be prepaid prepaid and and added added to to the the invoice. invoice. Or, Or, ifif requested, requested, we we will will charge charge your your carrier carrier account account number. number.


DISTRIBUTOR Returns Returns must must be be authorized authorized in in system for laboratories’ specific needsFOR for fluidic FLUIDICS PRODUCTS advance. advance. Please Please contact contact us us within within For For aa complete complete distributor listing listing handling. You will find a wide range ofdistributor products 30 30 days days of of purchase purchase for for your your please please visit visit www.idex-hs.com/ www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Returns Material Material Authorization Authorization distributors distributors ortype email: email: of fluid. to Number. suit every possible flow rate andor (RMA) (RMA) Number. A A restocking restocking fee fee


IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science has has established established relationships relationships with with aa global global network network of of Distributors Distributors that that offer offer outstanding outstanding product product support support and and assistance. assistance. In In order order to to meet meet our our customer’s customer’s needs, needs, and and the the demands demands of of being being aa global global supplier, supplier, we we have have come come to to rely rely on on our our authorized authorized Distributors Distributors to to provide provide value-added value-added service service and and support support of of our our products. products. While While we we are are happy happy to to take take your your order order directly, directly, we we encourage encourage you you to to contact contact your your local local IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science Distributor. Distributor.


For For aa complete complete distributor distributor listing listingSYSTEMS INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS FOR FLUIDIC

TERMS Credit Credit cards cards are are accepted accepted for for orders orders placed placed within within the the United United States. States. Purchase Purchase orders orders may may also also be be used used by by qualified qualified customers. customers. No No international international credit credit card card payment payment is is possible. possible. No No international international shipments shipments are are possible. possible. For For terms terms and and conditions conditions of of sale sale please please visit visit www.idex-hs.com/ www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. legal-notices. Terms Terms and and prices prices are are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice.


IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 22

please please visit visit www.semrock.com/ www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx international-distributors.aspx

The The products products in in this this catalog catalog are are intended intended for for use use with with analytical, analytical, biotechnology biotechnology and and diagnostic diagnostic equipment equipment and and accessories. accessories. THE THE MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS OF OF THE THE PRODUCTS PRODUCTS IN IN THIS THIS CATALOG CATALOG SHALL SHALL HAVE HAVE NO NO LIABILITY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER WHATSOEVER DUE DUE TO TO ANY ANY MISUSE MISUSE OF OF THEIR THEIR PRODUCTS. PRODUCTS. Of Of course, course, the the safe safe use use of of our our products products depends depends on on our our customers, customers, since since itit isis you you who who select select and and control control the the protective protective gear gear and and safety safety procedures procedures used, used, as as well well as as the the pressures, pressures, temperatures, temperatures, solvents, solvents, samples, samples, ventilation, ventilation, and and other other variables. variables. Product Product and and material material performance performance ratings ratings are are provided provided as as guides guides only. only. Individual Individual field field tests tests should should be be performed performed by by customers customers to to determine determine safe safe operating operating parameters parameters given given your your particular particular procedures procedures and and use. use. IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science facilities facilities are are certified certified ISO ISO 9001. 9001.


www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com

12/2/2016 12/2/2016 3:49:52 3:49:52 PM PM


Column Hardware We offer an extensive line of HPLC and UHPLC Column Hardware that has been optimized to enable selectivity, efficiency, and high-quality separation performance in your flow paths. To browse the full line of our column hardware portfolio please visit: www.idex-hs.com/column-hardware.html Biocompatible materials for LC and UHPLC columns Accessories for column protection and packing


Our line of column hardware includes protective accessories and connection products that enhance column functionality. Our columns come in a variety of sizes and materials to meet your system requirement.


IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb 156








10/28/16 1:34 PM





Guard Hardware

Fluidics Products

Laser Products +1 760 438 2131

Prep Scale Guard Holders 21.2 mm and 30 mm ID column protection

Optical Filters

Improves plate count and symmetry

New anti-rotation feature aids guard holder assembly

Iso-Prep™ Guard is a guard cartridge system designed to protect valuable prep columns. It offers superior column protection for adsorptive samples and a proven sample distribution mechanism via a precision machined holder. Iso-Prep Guard is ideal for protecting prep columns with no degradation of peak shape or plate count.

Shutter Products


+1The585 244 7220 guard protects columns in two ways. First, it acts as a filter, trapping high-performance


For a complete distributor listing 30 days of purchase for your please visit www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Material Authorization distributors or email: (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return US: 60:40 for Acetonitrile:Water Kromasil 10 µm C18 Materials Authorization IDEX IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Health & Science50 products visit mL/min Backpressure: 100 psi (7 bar) Europe: www.idex-hs.com/return. CustomerService.hsEurope@ Product purchased a idexcorp.com 10 μthrough C18 100 x 21.2 mm, 60:40 Acetonitrile:Water, 20 mL/min Distributor must be returned Asia: directly to that Distributor. Please CustomerService.hsAsia@ contact them for Return Material idexcorp.com Authorization procedures. Our customer service team will help you contact a distributor in your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL



9197-S 9196-S

Iso-Prep Guard Finishing Tool Iso-Prep Guard Finishing Tool, 30 mm


IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 157 2


procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.

ea. ea.



HOW TO FIND A LOCAL IDEX Health & Science has established DISTRIBUTOR FOR relationships with a global network SEMROCK PRODUCTS of Distributors that offer outstanding For a complete distributor listing product support and assistance. With Iso-Prep Guard — 41,920 Plates/M 1.20 As pleasePlates/M visit www.semrock.com/ Without Iso-Prep Guard — 38,150 1.24 As In order to meet our customer’s international-distributors.aspx needs, and the demands of being a global supplier, we have come to rely on our authorized Distributors The products in this catalog are intended for use with TERMS to provide value-added service and analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment Part No. Qty. support of our products. While we are Credit cards are accepted Description for orders and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PREP SCALE GUARD HOLDERS PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO happy to take your order directly, we placed within the United States. ea. Iso-Prep 9197-P orders may also be LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE encourage you to contact your local Purchase usedGuard by Holder OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of ea. Iso-Prep Guard Holder, 21.2mm, RotationDistributor. 9197-P-AR IDEX HealthAnti & Science qualified customers. No international our products depends on our customers, since it is ea. Iso-Prep Guard Cartridge, 21.2 mm x 1 cm, 1 Frit 9197-20 credit card payment is possible. you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, ea. 9196-P No international shipmentsIso-Prep are Guard Holder, 30 mm temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and ea. Iso-Prep Guard Holder, 30 mm, Anti Rotation 9196-P-AR possible. For terms and conditions other variables. Product and material performance ea. Iso-Prep Guard Cartridge, 30 mm x 1 cm, 2 µm Frit 9196-20 of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field ea. Iso-Prep 8083-MOD Terms and prices tests should be performed by customers to determine legal-notices. areGuard, 30 mm Frit, 2 µm safe operating parameters given your particular TOOLSto change without notice. subject All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.


Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative.

tools includes the Iso-Prep that is specifically designed as a tool used RETURN OFOur MATERIALS HOW TOGuard FIND Scraper A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR to set the frit at the correct depth. toauthorized dress a cartridge upon packing in order Returns must be in FLUIDICS PRODUCTS advance. Please contact us within




particles in the frits. Second, when the guard cartridge is packed with the same material as the prep column, it removes compounds that irreversibly adsorb to the packing material.

For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.


Our Guard Hardware portfolio offers a variety of guard cartridges and holders to meet your system requirements. These include guards, guard holders, analytical cartridges, and tools designed to protect your system’s valuable columns and help ensure high performance and excellent retention time.

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2 158


Guard Columns

Fluidics Products idex-hs.com

We offer wide selection of pre-packed, cartridge style guard columns in addition to pack-it-yourself hardware. There are options for micro flow applications as well as analytical-scale applications. These guard columns can be immediately implemented into a system for your convenience.

Laser Products

Guard Column Kits

+1 760 438 2131

100% biocompatible flow path Pressure rated to 4,000 psi (276 bar) Wetted materials are Titanium and PEEK

Optical Filters

Shutter Products

Reusable holder complete with fingertight fittings


Convenient, prepacked PEEK polymer cartridges complete the system and are available in a variety of bonded phases to match your column chemistry held in place by Titanium frits.


Insert one of our analytical guard columns between the injection valve and column of

+1your 585 244 7220 HPLC system to extend the life of your column and help ensure reproducible results. The C-270 Stainless Steel Guard Column Holder is engineered for high-pressure applications to 4,000 psi (276 bar). Each of these holders is surface treated to prevent galling*, a potential problem with threaded metal parts.

For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.


HOW TO FIND A LOCAL The flow path of the C-270 Guard Column Holder is biocompatible. Each comes


may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products visit www.idex-hs.com/return.

DISTRIBUTOR FOR Returns must be authorized in complete with fittings for 1/16” OD tubing, and can be used with any of the C-28X or FLUIDICS PRODUCTS advance. Please contact us within C-7XX column cartridges listed on thelisting following pages. For a complete distributor 30 days of purchase for guard your please visit www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Material Authorization * Galling is a form of “cold welding.” When two fittings manufactured from the same metal are wrench-tightened too tightly, they can “weld” distributors (RMA) Number. together, A restocking makingfee it virtually impossible to separateor theemail: two components.

Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative.

Europe: Microbore Guard Columns CustomerService.hsEurope@

Product purchased through a idexcorp.com Ideal for Microbore HPLC Distributor must be returned Asia: directly to that Distributor. Please CustomerService.hsAsia@ Easily dry packed (or slurry packed with adapter) contact them for Return Material idexcorp.com Authorization procedures. Made of PEEK polymerOur andcustomer stainless steelteam will help service you contact a distributor in your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL

ThisNETWORK ultralow volume guard column (1.0 mm ID x 2 cm length) is ideal for narrow-bore DISTRIBUTION HOW TO guard FIND Acolumn LOCALallows you to exactly match the chemistry chromatography. IDEX Health & Science has establishedThe unpacked DISTRIBUTOR FOR protection. The total packing volume of relationships with globalcolumn, network resulting ofayour in optimum column SEMROCK PRODUCTS of Distributors that offer outstanding

All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.

16.2 µL ensures maximum column efficiency and analytical column protection.



Credit cards are accepted for orders placed within the United States. Purchase may also be used by Packingorders Material Specifications: qualified customers. No international The cartridges on this page are credit card payment is possible. packed with 5 µm or 10 No international shipments areµm basepossible. For terms and conditionssilica. deactivated 80 Å spherical of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.

For a complete distributor listing product support and assistance. please before visit www.semrock.com/ In order to meet our customer’s Frits often become plugged a guard column is contaminated. The two 0.5 µm international-distributors.aspx needs, and the frits demands of being included with this guard column can be changed in minutes. Optional 2 µm frits may a global supplier, we have come to be purchased separately (C-408). rely on our authorized Distributors The products in this catalog are intended for use with to provide value-added service and analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment support of our products. While we are and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE 0.48” PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO happy to take your (1.22order cm) directly, we LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE encourage you to contact your local OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of 1.73” IDEX Health & Science Distributor. our products depends on our customers, since it is (4.39 cm)



IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb 158 2 IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb

US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com


you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.



12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:34 PMPM




Fluidics Products idex-hs.com

Analytical Guard Columns Easy to pack

The C-130B is our most popular guard column. HPLC users find this column easy to pack and extremely economical. This narrow-bore short column (2.0 mm ID x 2 cm length) creates only a slight pressure increase with virtually no detectable theoretical plate loss when used with a 3 mm ID or larger column. The 2 µm frits are easy to change, prolonging the life of the guard column. With only 62 µL packing volume per guard column, a 3 g bottle of packing material will pack about 30 guard columns.

+1 760 438 2131

Optical Filters

Shutter Products

0.48” (1.22 cm)


1.80” (4.57 cm)

+1 585 244 7220



Guard Column, 2 mm ID x 2 cm

For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.

All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.



IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 159 2

Guard Column Holders

DISTRIBUTION NETWORK * Galling is a form of “cold welding.” When two fittings manufactured from the same metal are wrench-tightened too tightly, they can “weld” together,has making it virtually impossible to separate two components. HOW TO the FIND A LOCAL IDEX Health & Science established DISTRIBUTOR FOR relationships with a global network SEMROCK PRODUCTS of Distributors that offer outstanding product support and assistance. In order to meet our customer’s needs, and the demands of being a global supplier, we have come to rely on our authorized Distributors to provide value-added service and support of our products. While we are happy to take your order directly, we encourage you to contact your local IDEX Health & Science Distributor. C-1000

Semi-Prep Cartridge Guard Column Holder


For a complete distributor listing please visit www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx 1.44” (3.66 cm)

The products in this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of our products depends on our customers, since it is you who select and control the protective gear and C-1000 Semi-Prep Guard Column safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, Fittings, tubing, and column shown are not included. temperatures, solvents, 1.00” samples, ventilation, and (2.54 cm) other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.



Credit cards are accepted for orders placed within the United States. Purchase orders may also be used by qualified customers. No international credit card payment is possible. No international shipments are possible. For terms and conditions of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.


DISTRIBUTOR FOR Returns must be authorized in FLUIDICS PRODUCTS advance. Please contact us within For a complete distributor listing 30 days of purchase for your please visit www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Material Authorization mm ID column protection distributors or email: (RMA) Number. A10 restocking fee may apply. To request a Return US: Convenient Materials Authorization for IDEXcartridge system IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Health & Science products visit Europe: Easy to pack www.idex-hs.com/return. CustomerService.hsEurope@ Product purchased through a idexcorp.com The internal volume of our semi-prep guard column is just 780 µL, which only requires Distributor must be returned Asia: directly to that approximately Distributor. Please 1.50 g of packing material — ideally the same material used in your CustomerService.hsAsia@ contact them for Return Material semi-prep column. The C-1000 Holder will hold to high pressures, and is specially idexcorp.com Authorization procedures. treated to prevent galling*. Use standard 10-32 coned fittings (not included) to connect Our customer service team will help your 1/16” OD tubing. you contact a distributor in your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL


Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative.





Laser Products

www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com

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2 160

Guard Columns (Cont.) Accessories


Fluidics Products

Our accessories include packing adapters and seal, packing funnels, and other useful products to work with your column systems.



Guard Column Cartridges Our biocompatible Guard Column Cartridges are conveniently prepackaged and are offered in multiple packs. We offer these cartridges in a variety of bonded phases to match your column chemistry. These cartridges are reusable and economical.

Laser Products +1 760 438 2131

APPLICATION NOTE Why Use A Guard Column?

Optical Filters

Shutter Products

semrock.com VALVES

A guard column can increase the life of your analytical column significantly. Use a guard column with the same packing as your column — it will act as a chemical filter, removing strongly retained materials in your sample that might otherwise contaminate your analytical column. And, it is more economical to replace a guard column cartridge than buy a 244 new analytical +1to 585 7220 column.



Signs Indicating the Guard Column Needs to be Changed

All Guard Columns featured on this page include 10-32 Coned threads. System pressure build-up ForUse yourany information, our U.S. of the 10-32 coned fittings RETURN OF MATERIALS HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR Federal Taxpayer Identification starting on page 32 to connect Returns must be authorized in usual retention Faster than times PRODUCTS FLUIDICS number is 01-0736657; European tubing to these guard columns. advance. Please contact us within




Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.


Guard Columns Orders placed on our website process Part No. and ship as specified during GUARD COLUMN KITS the checkout process. Orders that are C-281 placed via fax/email will be subject to MICROBORE GUARD COLUMNS a1.0 $100 minimum quantity and mm ID x 2 cmorder Unpacked typically C-128 process within one business day and ship within two business days. C-128-31 Customers who have established C-408 contract pricing terms must place ANALYTICAL GUARD COLUMNS catalog with their 2.0 mmorders ID x 2 directly cm Unpacked Customer C-130B Service representative.

30 days of purchase for your Reduced resolution Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products visit Description www.idex-hs.com/return.

For a complete distributor listing please visit www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email: US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Includes


Europe: CustomerService.hsEurope@ 2.0 mm ID C18 Cartridges (6-pk) with (1) C-270 Assembly Product purchased through a idexcorp.com Distributor must be returned Asia: directly to that Distributor. Please CustomerService.hsAsia@(2) C-128-31 Guard Column contact them for Return Material idexcorp.com 0.5 µm Stainless Steel Replacement Frit Authorization procedures. 2 µm Stainless Steel Replacement Frit Our customer service team will help you contact a distributor in your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL


Guard Column IDEX Health & Science has established Packing Funnel with a global network relationships 2 µmofStainless Steelthat Replacement Frit Distributors offer outstanding 0.5 µm Stainless Steel and Replacement Frit product support assistance.


ea. ea. ea.


ea. ea. ea. ea.

C-130-20 All shipments are FCA unless DISTRIBUTOR FOR A-100 SEMROCK PRODUCTS otherwise noted. For orders not A-103 via our website, shipping placed For a complete distributor listing BIOCOMPATIBLE GUARD COLUMN HOLDERS charges will be prepaid and added to please visit www.semrock.com/ In order to meet our customer’s 10 mm ID xOr, 1 cm the invoice. if requested, we will international-distributors.aspx needs, and the demands of being Higha Pressure, Stainlesswe Steel, (2) F-200 C-270 your carrier account number. charge global supplier, havewith come to Fittings, Biocompatible GUARD COLUMN HOLDERS rely on our authorized Distributors 10 mm ID x 1 cm TERMS

C-1000cards are accepted for orders Credit C-1035within the United States. placed ACCESSORIES Purchase orders may also be used by C-128-40customers. No international qualified C-130-40 credit card payment is possible. C-1030 No international shipments are GUARDFor COLUMN CARTRIDGES possible. terms and conditions 2.0 mm ID x 1visit cm,www.idex-hs.com/ 10 µm Silica of sale please C-282 legal-notices. Terms and prices are 4.3 mmto IDchange x 1 cm,without 5 µm Silica subject notice. C-751 C-752


IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb 160 2 IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb


The products in this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE encourage you to contact your local OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of Slurry Packing Adapter IDEX Health & Science Distributor. our products depends on our customers, since it is Slurry Packing Adapter you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, Threaded Frit Cap with 2 µm Stainless Steel Frit temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field Reversed Phase C18 tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities 4.3 mm ID C18 Cartridges (6-pk) with (1) C-270 Assembly are certified ISO 9001.

to provide value-added service and

Semi-Prep Cartridge Guard Column support of our products. WhileHolder we are Semi-Prep happy Cartridge to take your order directly, we

ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.

10-pk ea. 10-pk

Reversed Phase C18




12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:34 PMPM




Fluidics Products idex-hs.com


Laser Products +1 760 438 2131

Optical Filters

Shutter Products


+1 585 244 7220 VALVES

For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.

All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.



IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 161 2

DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK IDEX Health & Science has established relationships with a global network of Distributors that offer outstanding product support and assistance. In order to meet our customer’s needs, and the demands of being a global supplier, we have come to rely on our authorized Distributors to provide value-added service and support of our products. While we are happy to take your order directly, we encourage you to contact your local IDEX Health & Science Distributor.


For a complete distributor listing please visit www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email: US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Europe: CustomerService.hsEurope@ idexcorp.com Asia: CustomerService.hsAsia@ idexcorp.com Our customer service team will help you contact a distributor in your area.

HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR SEMROCK PRODUCTS For a complete distributor listing please visit www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx

The products in this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of our products depends on our customers, since it is you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.


Credit cards are accepted for orders placed within the United States. Purchase orders may also be used by qualified customers. No international credit card payment is possible. No international shipments are possible. For terms and conditions of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.

Product purchased through a Distributor must be returned directly to that Distributor. Please contact them for Return Material Authorization procedures.



Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative.

Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within 30 days of purchase for your Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products visit www.idex-hs.com/return.





www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com

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