Proteomic and Genomic Sample Preparation and Enrichment

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Proteomic and Genomic Sample Preparation and Enrichment

Proteomics Sample Preparation, Biomarker Discovery & Protein Products Enrichment Reagents and Kits



Albumin depletion from serum or Lplasma. B U MIsI N EPLETION economical new surface technology, not EMOGLOBIN based on affinity chromatography.





Lipid adsorption and clarification reagent. Selectively removes lipids, cell debris, Elipoproteins, P L E T I Oand N mucinous impurities from biological samples.

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LOW ABUNDANCE ENRICHMENT info | buy HemogloBind™ Hemoglobin capture reagent. Is a polyelectrolytes are polymers with repeating units of stationary charges.

info | buy

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ProCipitate™ the Product F U N C T I>>OHow N A LdoPI find ROT EO M I C SName or Number?


Superior Substitute to phenol/Chloroform for DNA & RNA • isolation. Is a unique protein • extraction reagent • based upon • patented • elastomeric polyelectrolytes. •

• •

info | buy SeraFILE™ SeraFILE™ is a sorting, or subfractionation methodology designed for comparative proteome analysis.

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• • • •


BSG Partner- Profact Proteomics, Launches New 12-31-2007

G E N OSupport M I C SGroup S A MLaunches P L E PProteomics REP Biotech Po 10-12-2007

A New Functional Proteomic Profiling Method 10-11-2007

SeraFILE™-Derived Proteomic Profiles: Implica Clinical Proteomics and Biomarker Discovery 09-29-2007

Biotech Support Group Launches new website! 09-1-2007

New Albumin Depletion Strategies For Proteom view all

Biotech Support Group LLC

1 Deer Park Drive, Suite M Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 800-935-0628 North America Biotech Support Group is a New Jersey based company which produces licensed and proprietary products for genomics and proteomics732-274-2866 Worldwide research. home | products | catalog | services | corporate | career | order | contact | sitemap Copyright © 2007 Biotech Support Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Albumin Depletion Enrichment of Low Abundance Serum/Plasma Proteins All of our proteomics


products have these common features and

Selectively Voids Albumin

collective advantages:

Albumin voids in flowthrough, >95%

Enriched proteins are intact,

<30 minute protocol

with their native structure

Low abundance enrichment equivalent or better than hexapeptides or antibodies

On-bead digestion protocols, efficient LC-MS workflows

Disposable, costeffective, no column regeneration or cross-contamination

Mild elution maintains native structure with retained enzymatic and functional activities

Species agnostic

uncompromised, and can be employed for interrogations of structure (activityprobes), and functional properties •

Consumable, one-time use with no potential for crosscontamination or reduced performance upon regeneration

Adaptable to high-

Typical Performance* Serum Sample Volume

200 µl

Albumin Removal


LC-MS unique peptides Total Low Abundance Protein Recovery


Protocol Time

30 min.


2DE analysis of AlbuVoid™ treated sheep serum. Samples were reduced, alkylated and total protein normalized. The circled regions indicate the albumin zone. Gel 1: Sheep serum sample. Gel2: AlbuVoid™ Eluate. Gel 3: Same as 2 AlbuVoid™ Eluate but restained with SilverQuest (Invitrogen) silver stain. The differences between the gels illustrate the efficiency of albumin removal, with no intrinsic pI or MW bias.

throughput protocols, no specialized instruments or HPLC •

Product AlbuVoid™ AlbuVoid™ AlbuVoid™

Size 5 Preps 10 Preps 50 Preps

Item No. AVK-05 AVK-10 AVK-50

* Estimates based on SDS-PAGE visualization combined with Total Protein Assay.

Based on 200 µl serum preps

Economical surface chemistries, not derived from biological sources

AlbuSorb™ Selectively Binds Albumin •

Removes 30 mg albumin/ml, >90%

Economical small ligand-type surface architecture, affinity-type selectivity

On-Bead Digestion Protocols

Disposable, cost-effective, no column regeneration or cross-contamination

Much Simpler Workflows

Mild elution maintains native structure with retained enzymatic and functional activities

No Precipitations

Species agnostic

Compatible with o LC-MS o Chemical o Functional proteomics

And for LC-MS applications:

Shorter Preparation Time

Less Potential for keratin



AlbuSorb™ 6 gm AlbuSorb™ 18 gm Based on 25 µl serum preps

Albumin Zone

# of preps 170 510





AlbuVoid™ FT Item CNo. C: Control Serum FT: Flow Through A185-6 EL: Eluate A185-18


AlbuTrial™ Kit For more information about onbead digestion, visit m/news/new-bead-digestion-lcms-applications-proteomicstudies

Don’t know which one to try? Try both. AlbuTrial™ kit is a combination of AlbuSorb™ and AlbuVoid™ with respective buffers. Product


Item No.

AlbuTrial™ Kit

1 gram AlbuSorb™ 5 Preps AlbuVoid™



Hemoglobin Depletion and/or Enrichment



Hemoglobin Depletion For Erythrocyte Proteomics

Removes Hemoglobin Interference •

Hemoglobin voids in flow-through >98%

Has a high degree of specificity for hemoglobin binding up to 10 mg/ml

depletion from hemolyzed serum and whole blood

<30 minute bind/wash/elute protocol

applicable to hemoglobin variant analysis

ideal for erythrocyte proteomics

depletion from heavily hemolyzed serum, blood and dried blood spot/blood card

Native structure uncompromised with simple transfer to post-treatment interrogations

Species and tissue agnostic

Compatible with LC-MS, activity-probe profiling and proteomic analyses

applicable to hemoglobin variant analysis

Low abundance protein and enzyme enrichment

Disposable, cost-effective

Native structure uncompromised with simple transfer to post-treatment interrogations

Species and tissue agnostic

Compatible with LC-MS, activity-probe profiling and virtually all proteomic analyses

On-bead digestion protocols

2DE Comparison. Red circles indicate the Hemoglobin subunits region. The HemoVoid™ eluate (bottom) has been severely depleted of Hemoglobin. The remainder of the red cell proteins are substantially enriched (visualized) and are better resolved in the HemoVoid™ eluate. Many more proteins are detectable after HemoVoid™ treatment with extensive protein coverage across both dimensions.

Product Size HemoVoid™ 10 Preps HemoVoid™ 50 Preps HemoVoid™ 100 Preps Based on 300 µl preps

Item No. HVK-10 HVK-50 HVK-100



Item No.


15 ml

H0145 -15


50 ml

H0145 -50

1:1 v:v ratio processes up to 10 mg/ml hemolyzed serum

HemoTrial™ Kit Don’t know which one to try? Try both. HemoTrial™ kit is a combination of HemogloBind™ and HemoVoid™ with respective buffers. Product


Item No.

HemoTrial™ Kit

5 ml HemogloBind™ + 5 Preps HemoVoid™


HemoVoid™ Blood Card Kit The HemoVoid™ Blood Card kit was designed to substantially reduce hemoglobin interference from dried blood card protein analytes. Product


Item No. HemoVoid™ 10 HVBCBlood Card Preps 10 HemoVoid™ 50 HVBCBlood Card Preps 50 Based on 0.5” dried blood spot, ~ 15 µl whole blood


Class Specific Enrichment KinaSorb™


Kinase (& ATP binding proteins) enrichment reagent

Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase Enrichment Reagent

Non-covalent immobilization of phosphate group with optimal nucleotide orientation & specificity

Enrichment 3-5X, binding protein recoverable, ~200 µg

Enrichment 4-10X, PDE protein recoverable, ~70 µg

60 minute, scaleable protocol compatible with functional assays, electrophoresis and LC-MS

Up to 50X concentration of PDE volume

45 minute, scaleable protocol

Phosphatase activity & cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity not detectable

Improves protein normalization when comparing heterogeneous tissues

Improves protein normalization when comparing heterogeneous tissues

On-bead digestion protocols

On-bead digestion protocols

Top – Rat Brain Homogenate. Bottom – after KinaSorb™, ATP binding proteins, and presumably some small carryover proteins are visualized. Methods to monitor drug response are provided in the example on right.

Clarified rat brain homogenate was enriched with KinaSorb™ and then processed through several multi-dimensional separations surfaces (PROspector™). The bars reflect kinetic activity in the various sub-proteome fractions as a percentage of activity in the load applied to the surfaces. The numbers designate the different surface architectures. FT: Flow through, E: elution, L: low Imatinib inhibitor concentration, H: high Imatinib inhibitor concentration.

On the left is a comparison of enriched Bovine Brain Homogenate (BBH) and Rat Brain Homogenate (RBH) before and after treatment with PDEnRich™. A substantial amount of cAMP hydrolysis activity* is recovered in both cases with a severe reduction in total protein content.

Product # of preps Item No. PDEnRich™ 10 PD545-10 PDEnRich™ 50 PD545-50 Based on 100 µl tissue homogenate

NuGel™ PBA Kit Glycoprotein Enrichment Using Phenyl Boronic Acid

Product # of preps KinaSorb™ 10 10 KinaSorb™ 50 50 Based on 100 µl tissue homogenate preps

Item No. KE785-10 KE785-50

• Sorbitol elution; compatible with functional assays, electrophoresis and LC-MS

Virus Enrichment & Purification •

Purifies whole infectious non-enveloped virus, isolates antigenic virions

Enriches for viral proteins and nucleic acids

No ultracentrifugation

Used for monitoring vaccine immune response Size 15 ml reagent only 50 ml reagent only For 40 ml cell culture For 400 ml cell culture

• Disposable, no column regeneration • Species and tissue agnostic

Viraffinity™ / ViraPrep™

Product Viraffinity™ Viraffinity™ ViraPrep™ Mammal ViraPrep™ Mammal

• Enriches heterogeneous sets of glycoprotein’s, N-linked & O-linked

Item No. V1062-15 V1062-50 VPM-40 VPM-400

ViraPrep™ Lambda processes Lambda DNA. See Price List for order information.

Sample Type Mouse Plasma Rat Serum Sheep Serum Bovine Serum Bovine Brain Homogenate

%Glycoprotein relative to starting sample (Sorbitol Elution) 33 44 18 40 9

Product # of preps NuGel™ PBA Kit 10 NuGel™ PBA Kit 50 Based on 50 µl serum preps

Item No. NGPBA-10 NGPBA-50

Sample Preparation Cleanascite™


Lipid Adsorption & Clarification

Urine Protein Enrichment & Concentration

Effectively replaces chlorinated/fluorinated hydrocarbons (eg. freon)

Helps purify antibodies, proteins, nucleic acids, proteoglycans, and assorted serum components

Ideal for clarifying ascites, serum, cell & tissue culture, bile and organ homogenates

Clarifies saliva and feces

Cited in over 35 bioseparation articles

Extends the life of membrane and chromatographic apparatus

Ideal for bioprocessing of recombinant proteins, monoclonol antibodies

Egg Yolk Clarification

Linearly scaleable, unlike ultrafiltration

Alternative to solvent/alcohol precipitation

On-bead digestion protocols

<60 min. bind, wash and elute protocol

Applicable to >1 & 2 DE > LC-MS >microarrays

The eluted fractions retain their enzymatic and biological activity

Product UPCK™ Kit UPCK™ Kit


# of Preps 10 25

Item No. UPCK-10 UPCK-25

Based on 10 ml urine samples

BindPro™ Metabolomics Product Cleanascite™ Cleanascite™

Quantity (ml) 100 1000

Process Volume (ml)* 400 4000

Item No. X2555-100 X2555-1000

*Based on typical volume ratios, can be adjusted to lipid load

Cleanascite™ PRO

Lipid Adsorption for Proteomics

Protein Removal & Enrichment of Metabolites/Analytes •

Serum and plasma protein removal, >95%

Linearly scaleable, unlike chemical precipitation or membrane filtration.

< 30 minute protocol

Applicable for drug binding/screening and metabolomics

Tissue, species agnostic


2 generation product based on highly cited lipid removal platform; < non-specific binding

Removes phospholipid matrix interference

Enrich lipid associated proteins

On-bead digestion protocols

Compatible with N-Octyl Glucoside and other membrane protein detergents

Simple and fast Product

Cleanascite™ PRO Cleanascite™ PRO

Quantity (ml) 15 100

# of preps* 75 500

Item No. XPRO5-15 XPRO5-100

*Based on 100 µl tissue homogenate and typical volume ratios, can be adjusted to lipid load

Product BindPRO™ BindPRO™

# of Preps 15 50

Based on 25-30 µl serum

Item No. BPM55-15 BPM55-50

Functional & Chemical Proteomics Functional Proteomics

NuGel™ PROspector™

Building sequence/structure/function relationships

Functional proteomics and enrichment kit

Functional proteomics relies in part, on the functional or structural features of intact, non-denatured proteins. While the terminology can often overlap, chemical and affinity-based proteomic profiles can be considered a subset of functional proteomics.

12 differentiated subproteomes with uncompromised functional and structural attributes

Generate characteristic molecular profiles for comparison and discovery

Enrich functional biomarkers for sequence and structural annotation

Kit includes 6 surface chemistries per prep

Thus, functional proteomic annotation complements conventional sequence annotation while supporting the study of mechanism of action and drug promiscuity. Furthermore, the subtleties of protein attributes, when the same or similar underlying sequence can have multiple conformations and functions, and when different sequences sometime perform the same or similar functions, are now open to investigation. A new functional proteomics enrichment toolset based on the NuGel™ platform, can now sift through these biological complexities. Both PROspector™ and PROfessor™ support functional and chemical proteomics and can: •

Optimize drug compounds

Survey drug-interaction promiscuity

Elucidate mechanism of action

Identify phenotypic biomarkers

Molecular profiles differ under a compound challenge.

small competitive small c

Plotted are the relative changes in cAMP hydrolysis activity of each subproteome in the presence of competitive substrate cGMP.


Encircled are the enriched functional specific responses that distinguish the two samples; RBH (rat brain) & BBH (bovine brain).


Product # of preps* Item No. NuGel™ PROspector™ 5 SR610-5 NuGel™ PROspector™ 25 SR610-25 *Based on processing 0.5-1.0 mg total protein

NuGel™ PROfessor™ Protein Compression & Chemical Proteomics • Can compress protein concentrations*, enrich low abundance proteins • Enablement for compound-centric displacement proteomics (CCDP)*

Protein Compression The low abundance bands are enriched relative to their high abundance bands, visually estimated to be 5 – 10X for most bands. The protein compression is both tissue and species agnostic. IgG (non-reduced), being heterogeneous, is observed as one band.

• Composite of the PROspector™ surfaces • Deconstruction can optimize biomarker enrichment • Tissue and species agnostic

*patent pending

Protein Description Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase Malate dehydrogenase transketolase Cytochrome c, somatic Succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid coenzyme A transferase Transgelin Annexin A2 fumarate hydratase annexin A3 glutathione reductase

Product NuGel™ PROfessor™ NuGel™ PROfessor™

# of preps* 10 50

Item No. SRPRO-10 SRPRO-50

*Based on processing ~1.0 mg total protein. Protein compression may require higher loads.

Caffeine 87 192 117 72 47

Imatinib 550 459 356 160 123

Neg.Cont. 53 76 35 24 3

69 0 26 17 5 9

122 84 66 42 36 36

19 0 0 2 0 0

A partial list of LC-MS/MS identification and spectral counts demonstrate Imatinib interaction (displaced) proteins from a common tissue homogenate, using CCDP. Caffeine was employed as a non-specific control compound, negative control was the final wash buffer.

NuGel™ Polymer Coated Silica Affinity Matrices for Ligand Immobilization Product Name NuGELTM PolyEpoxy NuGELTM PolyAmine NuGELTM PolyAldehyde NuGELTM PolyHydroxy NuGELTM PolyCarboxy NuGELTM PolyNHS

Matrix Reactive Group

Ligand Reactive Group

Immobilization Conditions

Quantity (Grams)

Item No.


NPEY -25

Terminal Epoxy


Direct Coupling

Terminal Amine

Carboxylic Acid, Carbohydrate

Carbodiiamide reaction, or NaIO4 derived Aldehyde


NPAM -25

Terminal Aldehyde


Direct Coupling


NPAY -25

Terminal Glycol


Carbodiimidazole mediated reaction


NPHX -25


Carbodiiamide mediated reaction


NPCY -25


Direct Coupling


NPHS -25

Terminal Carboxylic Acid Terminal N-Hydroxy Succinimide

NuGel™ Trial Kit Don’t know which one to try? Try all 6. Pick the chemistries and quantities of your choice. Choose 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or all 6 in any combination of 1 gram increments. Product


Item No.

NuGel™ Trial Kit

6 grams


NuGel™’s unique surface passivation can be applied to any porous silica, particle size or quantity for custom manufacture of ion-exchange, hydrophobic interaction, affinity chromatography or HPLC. Please inquire.

Genomics / DNA Isolation Genomic Sample Preparation Products Especially Suitable for BACs and Multiplex SNPs

ProCipitate™ & ProPrep™ Kits Superior Substitute to Phenol/Chloroform for DNA Isolation • • • •

Used throughout the Human Genome Sequencing Project* Removes protein contaminants & leaves DNA unbound Improves yield of DNA over alternative bind and elute systems ProCipitate™ supports the ProPrep™ line of application specific kits Sample Size 10 ml Yeast Culture Genomic DNA Mouse Tail Genomic DNA 4 mm Plant Leaf 1.5 ml culture BAC Preps 250 µl culture Plasmid Preps 200 ml Large Scale BAC Preps Dried Blood Card (or ~ 15 µl Whole Blood) Product ProCipitate™ ProCipitate™ ProCipitate™ ProPrep™ BAC Mini ProPrep™ BAC Mini ProPrep™ BAC Mini ProPrep™ Genomic 96/100 ProPrep™ Genomic 960/1000

ProCipitate Typical Usage 1-2 ml 250-500 µl 100-200 µl 80 µl 20 µl 5 ml 250 µl

Size 30 ml 100 ml 500 ml 96-100 preps Up to 500 preps Up to 1000 preps 96-100 preps Up to 1000 preps

Item No. P0050-30 P0050-100 P0050-500 PMK-100 PMK-500 PMK-1000 PPG-100 PPG-1000

*References J M Kelley; C E Field; M B Craven; D Bocskai; U J Kim; S D Rounsley; M D Adams. High Throughput Direct End Sequencing of BAC Clones. Nucleic Acids Research.1999.15;27(6):1539-1546

Lane 1: 100-1000 base pair Ladder

PCR from whole blood using ProPrep™ Genomic kit

Lane 2: Negative Control Lanes 3-10: PCR amplicons from 1 ng template DNA purified from whole blood, randomly selected from 96 wells. Amplicons are 280 base pairs from Human HLA-DR-Beta primers at 32 cycles.

D C Bruce; M O Mundt; K K McMurry; L J Meincke; D L Robinson; N A Doggett; L L Deaven. BAC Library End Sequencing in Support of Whole Genome Assemblies DOE Joint Genome Institute and Center for Human Genome Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Research Abstracts from the DOE Genome Contractor-Grantee Workshop IX (2002)

Distributors for Asia Pacific Japan


Funakoshi China

Blossom Biotech China

Beijing Shengkeboyuan Bio-tech Co.,LTD India

Company Information Established in 1995, Biotech Support Group is a New Jersey based company which produces licensed and proprietary consumable products for proteomics and genomics research.

Its products are trusted brands with 125+ references, having been supported in peer reviewed journals, patents, and technical posters

It is a leader in research consumables and products for hemoglobin, albumin, lipid, glycoprotein, viral genomics and proteomics sample preparation and enrichment.

Its products are for research use only.

BIOPCR Singapore

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Distributors for Europe

Our technical support team is available by telephone 9:00 AM – 6:00 AM US Eastern Standard Time. North America: 1-800-935-0628 Worldwide: 732-274-2866 Email:

Continental Sweden, Norway, Finland Europe and Denmark

How to Order:



by E-mail: by Fax: 732-274-2899 Labinova


by Mail: 1 Deer Park Drive, Suite M, Monmouth Jct., NJ 08852, USA by Phone:

Distributors for North America Mexico


North Amerca: 1-800-935-0628 or worldwide: 732-274-2866, Office hours: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (US EST) weekdays.

Productos Y Equipos Biotechnolgicos


We accept AmEx, MC, Visa or online

Distributors for South America Brazil

Biotech Support Group LLC Life Sciences-Ltda

1 Deer Park Drive, Suite M Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 800-935-0628 North America 732-274-2866 Worldwide

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