How Personalised Nutrition May Significantly Improve BMI

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Human bodies are simultaneously similar and unique. While we may be born with the same limbsandorgans,everyoneisdifferentfromeach other in how our bodies process individual responses, such as emotions, thoughts, and even bodily functions like digestion This was further proved by a recent study that researched the effectsofpersonalisednutritiononaperson’sBMI orBodyMassIndex

Before we delve into the finer details of this study, here’s what BMI is and why is it important for our readers who may not be completely familiar with thesubject


Asmentionedearlier,BMIstandsforBodyMass Index Simplyput,thisisawaytomeasurethe ratioofyourheightandweightandisaneasily calculatable indicator of whether your weight isinproportiontoyourheight

BMI is calculated by dividing your weight (measured in kilograms) by your height (measured in metres squared). Here’s a quick calculator from The Heart Foundation to help youcheckyourBMI.

FindingoutwhereyoulieontheBMIscalecan helpprovideestimatesastowhetheryoumay be at risk for heart disease or other medical conditions that may be a result of being overweightorunderweight

If you are interested in starting a wellness journey that will help you attain your full potential, visit us at BIOV8 to review our tailored medical weight-loss peptides, including Semaglutide a deeply trusted and researched GLP-1 agonist that has been approved by the TGA and has been generatingexcellentweight-lossresults

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