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Activation energy, of enzymes 37 Active site, of enzymes 36 Active transport 25-30 Adenine 145 Aerobic respiration 46-47 Albinism 171 Alcoholic fermentation 49 Alleles 83 - codominance of 102-103 - incomplete dominance of 105 - lethal 106 Alpha helix 161-162 Amino acid table 154 Amino acid, structure of 160 Amyloplast 3-4 Anabolic reaction 35, 38 Anaerobic metabolism 49-50 Animal cell 6-8 Anticodon 147, 158 Asexual reproduction 85 ATP 42-45 - role in active transport 30 ATP synthase 27 Autolysis 11


Base pairing rule 68, 148 Beneficial mutation 88 Beta pleated sheet 161-162 Biological catalyst 36 Black robin, genetic bottleneck 134 Blood groups, inheritance 103-104


Calvin cycle 54, 56 Cancer 73, 179 Catabolic reaction 35, 38 Catalase activity 41 Catalyst, enzyme 36-41 Cell cycle, checkpoints 70 Cell cycle, stages of 69 Cell cytoskeleton 3 Cell division 11, 69-74, 91 Cell processes 11-12 Cell size, and diffusion 22 Cell specialisation 7, 9-10 Cell wall 3 Cell, animal 6-8 Cell, plant 3-5 Cellular energy, overview 43 Cellular organelles 3-4, 13-15 Cellular respiration 35, 43, 48, 60-61 Cellulose cell wall 3-4 Centrioles 6, 73 Channel protein 162 Chargaff's rules 148 Checkpoints, cell cycle 70 Chloroplast 3-4, 11, 53 Chromatid 144 Chromatin 144 Chromosome 144 Chromosome, homologous 83 Coding strand, of DNA 153 Codominance, of alleles 102-103 Codons 89, 154, 157 Cofactor, enzyme 39 Concentration gradient 18 Condensation reaction 147 Continuous variation 86 Cotransport 27 Crossing over 91-92 Cystic fibrosis mutation 178 Cytokinesis 69, 73-74 Cytoplasm 3, 6 Cytosine 145 Cytosis 11, 28-29


Degeneracy, of genetic code 155 Deletion mutation 174-175 Denaturation 161-162 - of enzymes 36 Deoxyribonucleic acid 143-144, 146 Deoxyribose sugar 145 Diffusion 18, 22 Dihybrid cross 108-109, 114 Diploid 91 Directional selection 125, 129-130 Discontinuous variation 87 Disruptive selection 125 DNA 143-144, 146 DNA model, exercise 148-151 DNA, changes 88 DNA, replication of 67-68 Dominant allele 97


Electron transport chain 44-46 Endergonic reaction 35 Endocytosis 29 Endoplasmic reticulum 3, 6 Energy, in cells 43 Environment - and phenotype 172, 181-182, 184 - and variation 84 Enzyme 162 Enzyme cofactor 39 Enzyme denaturation 36 Enzyme inhibitor 39 Enzyme reaction rate 40 Enzyme, catalase 41 Enzyme, role in metabolism 168 Enzymes 36-41 Epigenetics 172, 184 Essential amino acid 160 Eukaryotic cell 3, 6 Evolution, defined 123 Exergonic reaction 35 Exocytosis 28 Exon 144, 153 Extracellular enzyme 36


Facilitated diffusion 18 Factors affecting gene pools 121 Factors affecting photosynthesis 57-58 Fermentation pathways 49-50 Fibrous protein 163 Fluid mosaic model 16 Founder effect 131-132


Gametic mutation 90 Gap phase 69 Gas exchange, in photosynthesis 51 Gene 144 Gene expression 152-153, 157-158 Gene flow 121 Gene mutation 177-178 Gene pool model 127-128 Gene pools, changes in 121 Gene pools, role in evolution 121 Genetic bottleneck 133-134 Genetic code 154, 156 Genetic crosses 97-114 Genetic drift 121,135 Genetic variation, sources of 84-85 Genotype 84 - effect of mutation on 174 Geographical barrier, effect 121 Germline mutation 90 Globular protein 163 Glycolysis 44-46 Golgi apparatus 3, 6, 12 Grana 53 Guanine 145


Haploid 91 Harmful mutation 88 Heterozygous 83 Homologous chromosome 83, 91 Homozygous 83 Hydrophilic, defined 16 Hydrophobic, defined 16 Hypertonic vs hypotonic 20-21


Incomplete dominance, of alleles 105 Independent assortment 93 Independent assortment, law of 96 Induced fit model, enzyme activity 38 Inheritance, laws of 96 Inhibitor, enzyme 39 Insertion mutation 174-175 Interphase 69, 73 Intracellular enzyme 36 Intron 144 Ion pumps 26 Isotonic 20-21


Krebs cycle 44-46


Lactic acid fermentation 50 Leaf structure, role in photosynthesis 51-52 Lethal alleles 106 Light dependent phase 54 Light independent phase 54 Link reaction 44, 46 Linkage 110-111 Linked gene, inheritance of 110-111 Liver cell 6 Lock and key model, enzymes 38 Lysosome 6


Mate selection 121 Meiosis 91-93 Meiosis, and variation 92-93 Meiosis, exercise 94-95 Melanin 171 Membrane permeability, factors affecting 24 Membrane proteins 16 Membrane transport 17 Membranes, roles in cells 12 Mendel, laws of inheritance 96 Mendel, pea plant experiments 97-98 Metabolic disorder 170-171 Metabolic pathway 168-171 Metabolic reaction 35, 38 Metabolism, defined 11 Metabolism, overview 76-77 Microvilli 6 Migration 121 Mitochondrion 3, 6, 12, 44-46 Mitosis 69-75 Mitosis, model of 75 Model, DNA 148-151 Model, gene pool 127-128 Model, meiosis 94-95 Model, mitosis 75 Model, natural selection 126 Monohybrid cross 99-107 mRNA 147 mRNA-amino acid table 154 Multiple alleles 103-104 Mutagen 88, 173, 180 Mutation 88-90 - and variation 84 - cystic fibrosis 178 - effect on genotype 174 - effect on phenotype 174 - in gene pools 121 - sickle cell disease 176 - types 174-176


Natural selection 121, 123-130 - model 126 - rock pocket mice 129-130 Nuclear pore 6 Nucleic acids 146-147 Nucleolus 3 Nucleosome 144 Nucleotide, base pairing rule 68, 148 Nucleotides 145 Nucleus 3, 6, 12


Organelles, cellular 3-4, 6, 13-15 Osmosis 20-21 Osmotic potential 20 Oxidative phosphorylation 46


Particulate inheritance 96 Passive transport 18-22, 30 Pea plant experiments 97-98 Peptide bond 160 Phagocytosis 29 Phenotype 84, 172, 174, 181-182 - role of metabolism 170-172 Phenylalanine metabolism 170-171 Phenylketonuria 171 Phospholipid structure 16 Photosynthesis 11, 35, 43, 51, 54-61 Photosynthetic rate, measuring 59 Photosystem 56 Pinocytosis 29 PKU 171 Plant cell 3-5 Plasma membrane 3, 6, 16-17 Plasmolysis, in plant cells 21 Plastid 4 Polypeptide chain 160 Population bottlenecks 133-134 Primary structure, of proteins 161 Primary transcript 152 Processes, cellular 11-12 Protein denaturation 161-162 Protein synthesis 11, 158-159 Protein, structure of 161 Protein, types 162-163 Proteins, enzymes 36 Proteins, membrane 16 Proton pumps 27 Purine 145 Pyrimidines 145


Qualitative trait 87 Quantitative trait 86 Quaternary structure, of proteins 161


Reaction rates, of enzymes 40 Recessive allele 89, 97 Recombination 92, 112-113 Redundancy, of genetic code 155 Replication, of DNA 67-68 Respirometer 48 Respiration, measuring 48 Ribonucleic acid (RNA) 146-147 Ribose sugar 145 Ribosomes 3, 6, 157 RNA 146-147 RNA polymerase 153 rRNA 147


S phase 69 Secondary structure, of proteins 161 Secretion, in cell 11 Segregation, law of 96 Selection 124, 129-130 Semi-conservative DNA replication 67 Sexual reproduction, variation 84-85 Shade plant 52 Sickle cell mutation 88, 176 Silent mutation 88, 175 Skin cancer mutation 180 Sodium-potassium pump 26 Somatic mutation 90, 180 Specialisation, in cells 7, 9-10 Stabilising selection 125 Stomata 51 Stroma lamellae 53 Sub-unit protein 162 Substitution mutation 174, 176 Substrate level phosphorylation 46 Sun plant 52 Surface area: volume ratio 22


Tasmanian devil, bottleneck 134 Temperature, and membrane permeability 24 Template strand, of DNA 153 Tertiary structure, of proteins 161 Test cross 100 Thylakoid 53 Thymine 145 Tonicity 20-21 Tonoplast 3, 24 Trait 86, 97 Transcription 152-153 Translation 152, 157-158 Transport, cellular 11, 17-22, 25-30 tRNA 147, 157-158 Turgor pressure 21


Uracil 145 Vacuole 3 Variation, genetic 84-85

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