- Embroidery Needle
- General Sewing Supplies
- 40x35cm 14 count Ecru Aida
- Lap Frame (optional)
- DMC Stranded Cotton:
922 Light Orange 1 Skein
Mid Orange 1 Skein
Dark Orange 1 Skein
Light Green 1 Skein
Dark Green 1 Skein
Dark Purple 1 Skein
Light Purple 1 Skein
Cream 1 Skein 169 Grey 1 Skein
Dark Grey 1 Skein 310 Black 1 Skein
E940 Glow in the Dark 1 Skein
1. Prepare your threads by cutting these into 50cm pieces, so it’s easy to work with. Place these one a sorter card, making sure to white the colours next to each thread for reference.
NOTE: Your DMC Stranded Cotton has 6 strands; use 2 strands for Cross Stitch and 1 strand for Backstitch
2. Start by finding the centre of the rectangle. You can fold it into quarters to make a crease - this will show you the middle. You can also stitch a rough dotted line where the center markings are if you need a more definite line, just remove this once your done stitching the design.
3. Begin stitching from the center of your design, thread the required colour onto the needle and bring the needle from the back of the work through to the front.
4. Draw the yarn through leaving a 3cm tail at the back. Hold this tail, so your first few stitches are worked over it. This will secure your thread evenly.
NOTE: Never tie a knot in your thread.
5. Start with diagonal stitches from bottom left to top right (/////), work the line in that thread colour. Then working back over those stitches from bottom right to top left (\\\\\), cross over back to where you started. You should now have your line of crosses (XXXXX).
NOTE: When stitching, make sure you don’t pull the thread too tight as this can make the work uneven.
6. Follow the chart and key, finishing each colour before you go onto the next, complete Cross Stitch before all other stitches.
NOTE: Once all the stitches are done, you can add additional
stitches in using the Glow in the Dark thread for extra detail.
7. To end off your thread, take your needle through to the back of your work and run it under a few stitches then trim cleanly.
8. Once you have completed all the stitching, if your work is wrinkled, iron it flat with an iron on warm using a cloth to protect your stitching.
9. If you would like to frame your work, choose a similar sized frame, or have it professionally framed with your local framing company.
Copyright J. Leutenegger Pty. Ltd. 2014 For personal use only. Pattern not for resale. Items made using this pattern must not be resold. PG 2 / 6
Copyright J. Leutenegger Pty. Ltd. 2014 For personal use only. Pattern not for resale. Items made using this pattern must not be resold. PG 3 / 6 HALLOWEEN ICONS 28 x 22cm DMC STRANDED COTTON DMC 922 DMC 3835 DMC 920 DMC 169 DMC 500 DMC 310 DMC 720 DMC 3866 DMC 505 DMC 535 DMC 154 DMC E940 Pumpkin Frog’s Eyes, Cauldron Bubbles Happy Halloween, Spiderweb, RIP, Potion StandsPotion Bottle Bubbles Bat’s Body - Bat’s Eyes Frog’s Tongue HALLOWEEN CHART - TOP LEFT HALLOWEEN KEY - French Knots indicated in BLUE text - Backstitch indicated in RED text CENTER MARKINGS v
Copyright J. Leutenegger Pty. Ltd. 2014 For personal use only. Pattern not for resale. Items made using this pattern must not be resold. PG 4 / 6 HALLOWEEN ICONS 28 x 22cm DMC STRANDED COTTON HALLOWEEN CHART - TOP RIGHTv CENTER MARKINGS DMC 922 DMC 3835 DMC 920 DMC 169 DMC 500 DMC 310 DMC 720 DMC 3866 DMC 505 DMC 535 DMC 154 DMC E940 Pumpkin Frog’s Eyes, Cauldron Bubbles Happy Halloween, Spiderweb, RIP, Potion StandsPotion Bottle Bubbles Bat’s Body - Bat’s Eyes Frog’s Tongue HALLOWEEN KEY - French Knots indicated in BLUE text - Backstitch indicated in RED text
Copyright J. Leutenegger Pty. Ltd. 2014 For personal use only. Pattern not for resale. Items made using this pattern must not be resold. PG 5 / 6 HALLOWEEN ICONS 28 x 22cm DMC STRANDED COTTON HALLOWEEN CHART - BOTTOM LEFT CENTER MARKINGS v DMC 922 DMC 3835 DMC 920 DMC 169 DMC 500 DMC 310 DMC 720 DMC 3866 DMC 505 DMC 535 DMC 154 DMC E940 Pumpkin Frog’s Eyes, Cauldron Bubbles Happy Halloween, Spiderweb, RIP, Potion StandsPotion Bottle Bubbles Bat’s Body - Bat’s Eyes Frog’s Tongue HALLOWEEN KEY - French Knots indicated in BLUE text - Backstitch indicated in RED text
Copyright J. Leutenegger Pty. Ltd. 2014 For personal use only. Pattern not for resale. Items made using this pattern must not be resold. PG 6 / 6 HALLOWEEN ICONS 28 x 22cm DMC STRANDED COTTON HALLOWEEN CHART - BOTTOM RIGHTv CENTER MARKINGS DMC 922 DMC 3835 DMC 920 DMC 169 DMC 500 DMC 310 DMC 720 DMC 3866 DMC 505 DMC 535 DMC 154 DMC E940 Pumpkin Frog’s Eyes, Cauldron Bubbles Happy Halloween, Spiderweb, RIP, Potion StandsPotion Bottle Bubbles Bat’s Body - Bat’s Eyes Frog’s Tongue HALLOWEEN KEY - French Knots indicated in BLUE text - Backstitch indicated in RED text