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Promoting cross sectoral collaboration
Promoting cross-sectoral collaboration
Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) is a cross-cutting issue that requires engagement of stakeholders from a variety of sectors. BirdLife Partners can play a role in bringing these stakeholders together. For example, ABN negotiated with the Burundi government to establish a multi-stakeholder working group on EbA. This group comprised 20 individuals including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Focal Point, CBD Focal Point, Adviser on Environment to the President, indigenous peoples groups’ representatives, Adaptation Focal Point, REDD+ Focal Point, Head of Sanitation Department from Ministry of Public Health, representative from Ministry of Trade, Industries and Tourism, and NGOs. The group has been endorsed by the Cabinet; and the UNFCCC focal point has used this forum to communicate national positions prior to UNFCCC meetings.
Local communities should be empowered to sustainably manage their natural resources as key stakeholders. (PHOTO: ©BirdLife International)