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With a little help

With a little help

Produced by BirdLife Malta and presented by Communication Manager Nathaniel Attard, NATURAlment will be a weekly programme aired on NET TV to celebrate BirdLife Malta’s 60th anniversary year.

This exciting project aims to raise awareness on the beauty of nature and the importance of protecting and caring for our biodiversity. Topics of the TV series are varied and will include guests in studio together with informative features which will be aired in between discussions. Other environmental NGOs and activists will also be invited. The first programme will air on Thursday 29th September 2022 as NET Television’s autumn schedule kicks off!


Every Thursday at 21:35 on NET TV

TO LOVE NATURE’S FLORA & FAUNA IS TO PROTECT IT! Which is why BirdLife Malta is offering 12 lucky children (girls & boys aged 9 to 12) the golden opportunity to DISCOVER, LEARN & have lots of FUN in this 12-session nature programme where they will visit all the nature reserves as Nature Guardians/Wardens for a Day.

Register your interest in enrolling your child for the winter season, by sending an email to mark.gauci@birdlifemalta.org

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